the new york herald. (new york [n.y.]). 1878-02-19 [p 7]. · donnot,joacbltn pecci, anthony...

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elf and Server Pacha, the statement made somedays ago by the Dally Xeien' Adrlauoplo correspondentthat Server I'acha declared that Turkeyhad been mia'ed and encouraged to tight by promiseot English support, particularly by Lord Beaconafleldand Mr. Layard. 1

WILI. DEK1IY HEPUE9FVT nnlTAIVfThe Manchester Guardian's London correspondentsays:."Few Englishmen will care to trust the

delicate proceedings of the Congress to LordDerby's hands. It is far more probable that LordSalisbury, Secretary of State for India, or LordLyons, Ambassador at Paris, will represent England."one of Prince GortschakotTs stipulationsapparently Is, however, that the foreign Ministersshall represent the Powers. This condition theGuardian's correspondent would appear to haveoverlooked. <

CONTRADICTS LORD DERBY.A special despatch to the Times lrom Vienna confirmsthe statement of the Ayetwe liitsse, that the

principle of a European meeting has been agreedto, but mat details as to the lorm and place areunsettled. The Times' despatch says-'Frankfort-on-theMain is conspicuously mentioned, buton the whole Baden-Baden la most likely to be theplace for the meeting. Austria lays great stress onthe Congress assembling as soon as possible as thesurest means to prevent further complications.Less than a fortnight should suffice to complete thearrangements."

ItASTV CABINET MEETING.An informal Cabinet Council last night Is reported

to have discussed a Russian communication re.

spccting Galllpoli, which is said to be conciliatory.HUNGARY'S DEFIANT ATTITUDE.

A special despatch from Pestli says:."M. Tlsza,chief or the Hungarian Ministry, has conferredwith the Emperor Francis Joseph and CountAndrossy ou the Eastern question, and will Iniormthe Diet that the Hungarian government is in completeagreement with Count Andrassy; that AustroHungaryis resolved to defend her interests, firstdiplomatically at tho congress, and then, ir necessary,by force.

SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND MEN.' During Saturday and Sunday artillery was

quietly despatched to the frontier of Transylvaniaand more will follow. The Ministry of War has preparedplans by which it could mass 000,000 men onthe frontier within a fortnight."


The public meeting ol the workmen of London onthe Eastern question, at which, as belore announced,sir Wllircd I.awson und Messrs. Gladstone,John bright, Stansfeld, Mundella and other liberalmembers of Parliament are to sneak, is flxed lor(lie 21st or February at Agricultural liall, Islington.

ENGLAND'S WAK FIVER.Some officers at Aldershot have been semiofficiallynotified that the Second army corps will

be mobilized at an early date.THE GREEKS AGAIN INVADE TURRET.

'file Porte has Informed the Powers that theGreeks have again crossed the lrontier near thetown of Arta, In Albania The Porte has sent 1,000men to resist the invasion.

TIIE ltKl'OKT DENIED.A telegram rroin Athens denies the report that

the Greeks have renewed the Invasion of Turkeyby way ol Arta

RETURN OF THE RUSSIAN PRINCES.The Czarewitch and Grand Duke Vladimir have

arrived at St. Petersburg. ,




[BY CABLE TO THE HERALD.]London, Feb. 19, 1878.

The marriages of the Princess Charlotte, eldestdaughter of the Crown Prlnoe of Germany andgranddaughter ol Queen Victoria, to lioruard, theHereditary Princo ot the Duchy of Saxo-Moiutngen,and ol the Princess Elizabeth, second daughter ofPrinco Frederick Chorion, to Augustus, HereditaryPrince of the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg, were solemnisedIn Berlin last evening. The ceremony was performedat aeven o'clock, In the Chapel ol the OldPalace.

norXL GUKHTS.The King and Queou o( the Belgians, tho Prlnco or

Wales, the Dulto oi Connuugbt, the lYiooe of Orange(heir to tbo throne ol tbe Netherlands) and manyGerman royal and princely personages witnessed tbemarriages. Tbe unique ieature ot ibe festive proceedingswas tbe traditional dance by toroblight ol twelveministers of tbe Emperor's CublDOt. It bud been arrangedtbat in both casos tbe trousseaux should be entirelyol German make. Tbo city of Berlin was brilliantlyIlluminated last nlgbt,

HOW BISHARCK DANCED.A special despatch from Berlin to yesterday's

Standard In relation to tbe royal marriages, said:."Prince Bismarck will not only take part In tbe weddingfestivities but will also walk at tbe bead of tbeMinisters in tho ceromomsl dance with flambeaux.Slnco 1872 tbe Chancellor has constantly remainedaway Irom all court festivities, That bo now reappearsIs oonsldored as indicating a reconciliation betweentbe Chancellor and tbo court. Prince Bismarckseems to be In excellent health and spirits."

TilK COl'.VTY QOVRRNXBNT UOAKDS BILL.In tbo House of Commons last nlgbt tbe governmentbill establishing represontatlvo boards for tbo

government of counties passed lis second reading bya vote of 231 to 03.



DOCKS.fnv flimi frn T-T>« rv 1

Liverpool, Fob. 18, 1878.The British bark Mcdford, Captaiu Vuughun, Irooi

Wludsor, N. H., while being towed through the Baithousedock to-day, capsized end sunk.


[BY TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD.]Philadelphia, Feb. 18, 1878.

An atrocious crime Is reported, which bos thrown thelctutiy ot Lincoln station, Chester county, on tlio

Baltimore Central Kailroad, into intense excitement.About live o'clook ou Saturday afternoon Miss MsttloKoau, a young lady about nineteen years of ugo, re*

' tnllug lu the luinliy of a Mr. Smith, a milefrom Lincoln Station, lelt the vlilugo toirulk home, carrying a number of articlesarhlch she bad purchased lor the lutnlly.About an hour later she was lound lying unconsciousnour the road, horribly bruised and bleeding. Huvingbeen conveyed to her hotno sho received care.ulmedical care and altar soma time temporarilyresumed her consciousness, whou siiu relatedtbe aiory oi bur having been assaulted by a coloredmail, suspicion pointed to Benjamin Po'uaby, wiio,buuig secured ami brought to tbuyoung lady's bedside,sbo at ouco recoguizou him as tho lieod woo badcommitted tho crnoo. A hearing wua had belore'Squire Mcllenry, of Oxlord, and ho was cominiltedlor ussuuli uud rape and consigned to WestchesterJail to await trial.

TH E RETURNING BOARD CASES.New Orlsaks, La., Fob. 18, 1878.

Fi(iy*lhreo republican mombera oi the Legislaturehave signed an appeal asking executive clemency Inbehall of Thomas C. Anderson.No uocislon bos boen arrived at yot In the caso of

Audcrson's appeal lor a new trial, tho Judge not havingreceived u copy ol the evidence Iroin tho deleuco.Judge Whllaker lius decided to lake Jurisdiction in

tho ensu ol The Sluto ol I.nulslsna vs. B. H. Lanier,charged with embezzling $16,DUO while btato Tux Col*luciur lur carton i>ansu. i.nmci was urruigDOU U(lpleaded 001 guiliy.

ASSASSINATION.St. Loom, Fob. 18, 1878.

Dr. Henry C. Mois wot asaaaeluated at liia home,l Veulce, III., about one o'clock ihi| morning. He bad

ariacu to take aome medicine, wbeo be auw two nion

pooping thougb tbo window. He opened trio doorthinking tboy wuuteu hie profeealonul service*. andone of them Immodtntolv bred, shooting tbo Doctortbrougn tbebeart. Severn! men were itrruHled to-dayon suspicion, but the myatery la yet unsolved.

THE NtfVADA IIANKTIIIUNCH.Sax Fraxciico, Cnl.. Feb. 18, 1878.

Regarding a telegram trom Now York lu referent e

to tbo eaifcbllebtnoot of a Now York branch ef theNevada Bank, the statement la authorized that nonuiidiog baa been secured lor tbat purpoau, and tboawteueni la premature


THE POPE.Operations of the Conclave to

Begin To-Day.


Requiem Masses for the Soul ofthe Late Pontiff.


[by cable to the hebald. ]London, Feb 19, 18T8.

A despatch from Romo this luorolDir says that anor

a special service invoking the aid of the Holy Spiritfor llio Conclave tbe Cardinals lost night entered the

eells on tbe third story or tho Vatican. The opera*tlons of the Conclave will begin to-day.


Sixty-one cardinals entered their cells at six o'clocklast evonlng. Tbe Cardinal Palrtareh of Lisbon bad

not arrived. Tbe cardinals will meet twice dally lu

tbe Sixtine Cbapel to vote.vix, at ten in tbe morningand fonr In tbo afternoon.

tub aiiskxtkss.

A special despatoh to tbe Vail Mall Gazette, from

Roue says:."All tbe Cardinals havo arrived here

to attend tbe tbe Conclave except Cardinalsdi Traotto, Archbishop of Benevento; St.

Marc, Archbishop of Rennes, end Apuzzo,Archbishop of Capua, who are not coming,and Cardinal McCloskcy, Archbishop of Now York,who is expected. Cardinals de l'ietro, Bishop ofPorto; do Lucu, Prefect of tbe Congregatien, and Panebianco,Qruud Penitentiary, are acceptable for electionto the Italians. Cardinals Paroocbi, Archbishopol Bologna, ana Morettl, Arcbbubop of Ravenna, are

favored by tbe foreign cardinals, while CardinalsPeccl, Pontifical Camerlengo, and dl Canossa. Bishopot Verona, are supported in various quarters."

TUB CARDINALS i'KKSSNT.According to the ubovo tbe cardinals present will

Include Cardinals Louis A mat di 8. Klltppo E. Borso,Cnuiillus dl Pteiro, Cburles Succoni, Philip MaryUuldi, Louis Bilio, Predorlo John Joseph Celestino.Kubtus Mary Asquint, Francis Augustus FcrdlnundDonnot, Joacbltn Pecci, Anthony Benedict Autonuccl,Anthony Mary l'auobtanco, Autoulus de Luua, JohnBaptist Pttlu, Henry Mary Gaston de Bonuecboso,Paul Cullen, Gustavus Adolpbus de Hobenlobo,Luulen Bonspurte, Innocent Perriori. Joseph Berardl,John Ignatius Moreno, Raphael Monaco la Valletta diCliieti, Ignatluz dl Nosciniento Moraes Cardoso,Reno Francis Regnier, Klavlus Chlgt, AlexanderFruuclil, Joseph Hippolyte Guibert, Louis Oraglla dlSanto Btelano, John Bimor, Thomas MaryMartluelli, Roger Louis E. Auticl Mallei,l'etcr UranolII, Charles Louis Mortcbinl, MicofslausLodochowski, Henry Edward Manulog, VictorAuituhlus Isldoro UounatDDS. JohuStmeonl. DominicBuriolini, Bartholomew d'Avunzo, John BaptistFruuzello, F. 1*. Bornavlaos y Navsrrette, MunuulQaruiu Uil, Edward Howard, Michael Pava y Hico,Louis M. J. Cuverol, LouU dl Cauossa, Louis So roll ui,Joseph Mikalovuz, John B. Kuisebker, Lucido M.Barocchl, Prosper Caterlm, lheodoll Mertel, BumlmoConsollul, Edward Borromuo, Lorenzo Hilarlou Itandl,Barlolomeo Pacou, L'twrouce Niul, Jincas Sbsrctta,Frederic do Fulloux du Coudruy, Mine 111 and




Baltimokb, Md., Feb. 18, 1878.The Papal obsequies at the Roman Cctholtc Cathedralto-day were of a deeply improsuiro character,

and were witnessed by a congregation that occupiedevery inch ol spuoe within the cdillco. The building,both with In and without, was heavily shrouded In

black, heavy folds of crape enclrclod the columns andthe dome. The arches, archleplsoopal throne andgalleries were conooslod by the same sombre materiel.The grand and side altars were stripped bare, aod thecandelabra wcro shrouded In mourning emblems.In tbo centre aisle, lust without the chancel,a catalalquo was erected covered with a pallof black velvet, trimmed with while satin andwhlto silk fringe. Candelabra, with lighted tapers,wore placed at the head and foot and on either side ofthe bier. Tbo papal tiara restod at tbo head of thecasket, and keys and a cross made of Immortelles andtuberoses. The last words or the PopeGUARD THE CHURCH 1 LOVED SO WELLf


were inscribed on the black covoring at the loot oftbo oaialalque. Tho Archbishop aod reverend clergyeutereu the Cathedral In solemn procession, passingup tbo north aisle. The Archbishop assumed bisposition on tho archeptscopul throne, robed inlull pontifical vostinents, with mitre, and attendedby Fathers Starr and Curtis. The Pope's ablegate,Rev. Dr. Georgo Conroy, attended by Fathers Didierand McDevilt, occupied a throno on the left of thesanctuary, and neur him wus seated Right Rev.Bishop Foley, ol Chicago, attended by Fathers Corngunand McKunzle.

Tint nlllflh of llm J AllJ WA9 ChftAtAd At flillA a'mIaaV

by u delegation of tbo seminarian* Irom ML Sulplcc.A solemn requiem mass, with Gregorian inutic. wassung by tbo cribedral cborisur*. Archbishop Gibbonawas the celebrant: Fathers Starr and Curtis,deucona of honor; Very Kuv. J. P. Dubreul, Vicar Oenorul,assistant priest; Itov. A Mngnluu, S. S., duacon ;Key. A. Fontnouu, suo-deucon, and ltev. J. A. McCullou,inuster ol eeromoulea, At the beginning of tbomass, as the clergy wore moving in procession, tboFilth regiment baud, stationed In the lourtli gallery,performed Mendelssohn's graud funeral marcb, andat its conclusion, "Tbo Prayor," by fir. Yolkntan.

thk skrkox.Father Koane, of St. Patrick's Churcb, Washing*

ton, delivered a eulogy on tbo llle, character andservices of the doceasod Poutlfl. His text was "Godglorified bun In tbo sight ol ktugs and mugniUsd bunin tbo fear of bis enemies."Ho tpoko of the holy lather Qrst as a man, second as

a n-ligieuse, tblrd as a Christian ruler, and anallyas a worthy successor ol St. Peter. At lbsconclusion of the eulogy tbo seminariansand reverend clergy bearing lighted tapers stoodlacing tbo bier, while tbe Arcbbisbop, attended nyIlia deacons of nouor, occupied a seat Immediately attno bead of tbe euiataique. Tbo burial service waschanted and Ave absolutions pronouueed by Kov.Thorn us S. Lee, ltev. Dwighl K. Lyman,Ulsliop Foley, Very ltev. Father Duurent and hisUracs tbo Archbishop. Eucb passed around the biersprinkling tbo pall with holy water aud incensing ullportions ol tho culalalque. As the procession olblsbops, clergy tud somiusriaus left the cathodral theband played siorcudanle's "tlarcia Fuooore."

tiik otukr chl'koukh.At Si. Ignatius', St Vincent's and other leading

Catholic churches bore, memorial servlcos wore alsohold, all of which were very largely attondod. At M.Mary's Church, Annapolis, a very Imposing servlcowas lield. The congregation was very large, and includodamong others. Governor J. Leo Carroll and tbemembers ol bl* family.


Tbs Italian residents ol Philadelphia to-day unitedin an Imposing special funeral service inuonur v» mv """/ # v»|»v riua i.v.

The corcmonies took placo at the CatholicChurch ol Santa Maria Maddaltnc da Psrzl, where thetuemorlul sorvlces in commemoration of the late KlugViotor Einmanuol took placo recently. The church,Ineido and out, wns draped In mourning.

THK CATAPALqUS AND UKCOIIATIO.N3.At eight o'clock tho Confraternity of St. Josoph

atluchcd to the ohurch luld the olllce lor the dead,and this having been concluded, a portion of theeoclety remained In the church oa a guard o( honorto the calalult|uo, which was the aame ono usedut tho Victor Ktnmanuol obsequies, tho docoratloosbeing much more elaborate. It was surmounted bythe Caput ftjra and crozier, whtla at the northern endwus a pot trait ol the l'opo, flanked on both aides by thoPapul llag. On the choir gallery was the Papal coatol arms, with the lollowiug inacrlptlon

\ PKK LA MuKlK DK S. S. 1'IU IX. $And bonoath it tbo Italian colors draped, lu the

Hide gallanes were also the I'apul coal ol arms, withthe lollowiug inscription:.f"~~"\VK'"M 'l" KN "ZT7PALl'7>7" "f* WK MOUKN AS CAIHOLICS. *on the ouisido ol the cuurch is the following:.

J "Soieuui Knequte, A. S. S. l'lo IX., Katie;;l)agl:o in Ihitt di Plnla, XVIII. Pnbruary, iiMUCCCI.XXVIII." J

TIIS PROt'SaSIOS.At tee o'clock a procession ol me Italian Beneficial

Society and the Italian Colony, started Irom Colutu* j

dlvioo fonndorof our Cburcb, that He may soon giveus u Pope great and glorious and full of love lor Itulya* Piuc IX. Lei us pray that we may soon have onllaliau Pope! and iheu llie mouruing will cease, wewill wipe oil our tears, wo will mako a great feast.Amen.''A poem, composed Dy the Kev. A. Jcolcrl for tbe

death ot Pius IX., was distributed as a memento altertbe services.



Savansah, Ga.,Feb. 18, 1878.This morning a solemn pontifical moss of requiem

was ofTered up In the Cathedral for tbe repose ot tbeami1 nf'itin Pon.t Than ilnnnrallnni urn pa nrnlnan nnd

tlio editlco wus densely crowded. Tbe portrait of thel'opo wus draped with crupo und a gruud uutululquo,erected id iDo centre ulslo, wus covered with the Pupalcolors. l'ho services were very Imposing.


A solemn rcqul<>m mass was celebrutod at St. Mary'sCaiholic Church tnls morning for the roposo of tbesoul of tbo departed Pope. Kev. Fatbor Mcltarnoydelivered a eulogy on bis life and obaracter. Tbeuudience was large, and embraced Qovornor Carrolland o (Doers ol tbo Naval Academy. Tbe NuvalAcademy band discoursed sacred and approprlatomusic, and tbo services wcro Interesting and impressive.

A GRAND PROCESSION IN ROCHESTER.Koch us nut, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1878.

Tbero was a grand procession ol Catholic societiesin tbis city to-day In honor of tbe dead Pope. Manyflags were at half-mast, and a solemn blgli tnaBS wascelebrutod at the Caihodral. lilsbop McQuado do-livered tbo sermon.


Wasuinotox, Feb. 18, 1878.Requiem masses for tbe deceased Pontiff were eels,

braied In this city to-day at the Church of the ImmaculateConception ana at St Peter's and St. Stephen'schurches. Tbe altars and tbe Interior oi tbebuildings were heavily draped In mourning and largonumbers of peoplo wero present


St. Catiierixks, Out.. Feb. 18, 1878.Mrs. Sidney Patterson was burned to death to-day

trout the explosion of a keroaene lamp.

HEAVY RAIN IN CALIFORNIA.8a> Francisco, Feb. 17, 1878.

A very boavy storm has prevailed during tbo lasttweoly-four hours; exteodiag throughout the Slate.A despatch from Jackson, Amador county, saya:.'By a rise of the Jackson Creek half of the Chlnosoquarter has been swept away. Klght Cblnamon andtwo womon aro known to be drowned." Considerableminor destruction of property la reported front various

quarter*. The Uppor Sacramento Ulver la very highand a flood la feared.Tho Sacramento Hirer thla morning was higher

than ever beforo known. Tho American Hiveris very blsh, and the rush of walor againstthe levee oppoalte tie mouth and eurroundlDg thotown nl Washington, Is described a* terrific.Every effort ih being mado to prevent u crevasse, and,thus far, with succor*. A break has occurred in thelevco on the Yolo aide of tho river, about sixmiles below Washington, which has somewhatrelievod the preaauro on the loveos.It has been suowlng ou the mountain* undraining heavily in the valleys end on tbo foothill*,and all the stream* have rlsou rapidly. SacramentoCity ta undoubtedly secure, but considerable damagela reported throughout the valley.

DAMAUB KKPOUTKD.A woahout on tho Pluoerviile and Sacramento Hailroad,Jual ubove T'olsoiu, bas atoppod travtl. Tho

brlduo at Willow Creek, on the California and tlreuouroad, and the trestle near Wheatland havo been washedaway. Tho truck south ol Cbico la eight teut uudorwater. Jletweeu Anita and Canna the spau of a bridgelTo loot long waa carried away, and two inllea of trackare under deep water. There ure amall waahouts allalong the line. The levee la broken below WueatUnd onHear Kivor, and the traca Is carriod away lu severalplaces. No trains ran to-day between Sacrumento audVallcgo. Tno bridge bolow Danville Is thrown out ofHue and impassable Irom drift. Tbo Noribern load isbadly cot up, and travel is stopped. Tbc Centraland Western I'aciflo muiu iiuea are all rlgbt.Considerable seopugo and drainage water baacolleciedIn the lower part ol Sacramoulo City, owing to tboflood below tho city, but tho tiumpa hold it lu check.Tho Catholic churcii at Si. Helena, Napa county, wasblown down last night, and much more damage is reported.The storm has been unusually heavy, audaceras likely to be ronewod before mornlug.


Orrtcs or tkk Chikv Siomal OrrickR,}Wasuixutos, fob 19.1 A. M. )Indication*.

For the Mldulo and Eastern Slates, rising, lollowodby (ailing baromoter, diminishing northerly winds,becoming variable, colder aud clear weather, followedby rislug temperature.For the South Atlantic Stalee, rising followed by

tailing barometer, northerly to eaatorly winda, colder,clear weullier, lollowod by rising temperature.For the (lull Stales, falling baromoter, easterly to

southerly winds, warmer, partly cloudy weather, followedin tbo Southwest by rain arose.For Tonnesroe, tno Ohio Valley and lower lake

region, lulling barometer, warmer, easterly windsand Increasing cloudiness.For tbo upper lako region, the Upper Mississippi

and Lower Missouri vahrya, falling baromstor, Increasingsoutheast winds, warmer cloudy wentaerand probtbiy rain or anow accompanying a atorm advancingeastward.Cuuiionary signals continue at Capo Ilunry, Kitty

Hawk and Cupe Hattor as, and ara ordored for Milwaukee,(fraud Havon and Luddlngloo. Cautionary011 sboro signals continue at Caps May and SandyHook.

TDK WKA I HE It YESTERDAY.Tbo following record will sbow tba chsoges In the

temporaluro lor tba past iwsuty-lour hours, In comparisonwith the corresponding ditto of last your, ustndicuiod by tho tbermomolo? at Hudnul's pliurinucy,Hkhalu Building, Not 21S Broadway, New York:.

IS 17. 1878. 187". 187S.3 A. M 21 30 3:30 1'. M.... :W 300 A. M 2* 31 II I'. II 33 Wo0 A. M 2d 32 9 1*. M- 31 21

12 11 31 28 12 1'. M 30 18Avorugo lompi-r.tiuro yesterday 2",'1Average temperature lor coiresponding date lustFear 29>.

: HERALD. TUESDAY. F1bus Hall, escorted by some of tha merobors of tboConfraternity us it guard of bonor. A tailor from Siu

gaglm,itie birtbpluco ol 1'ope I'lua, marcbed wlin tbeColour and carrltd tbo Papal Hag. Tbe procession onlb* way to tbo churcb was Joined by tbe Flglin dlMaria, dreaaed In blaok. wiib wbita veils; ibe chlldreuot tbo Holy Ouildbood Association and iliaparoobial acbool, uudvr charge ol tbe missionary sitters.Reaching tbe gate or tbe cburch tbe processionwas met by tbe pastor, Father Antonio Isolerl,accompanied by tbe altar boys, and all enteredtbo sacred editlce. Obuewald's requiem mats wassung, under tbe direction of Professor D'Auria, by alargo nod efficient choir, among tbe soloists beingbignor P. L. l.oncloul, baritone, and Mrs. CaroliuoMcCaflrey-ictiool, alto.

tuk mkmoeial sxrmox.The memorial sermon was delivered by Father

Isoleri. It was in Italian and was from tbe text."Tbeways of Zion do mourn, and the daughter ol '/.ion baslost ail her beuuty." Lamentations, xv,, 4, U.Tbo reverend Falber gave a short but eomprehcnsivslcetcb 01 ibe glorious pontificate ot Pius IX.,

and when be came to speak ol bis dealb bo said:."An illustrious tomb was not yot souled up iu the Pantheon.uud other one. by far more illustrious andsacred is opened lu tbe Vatican. The augei 01 death,Italy, is luuxo-abk'. he snatched awuy from thee tbyKing; una In lets man u month He takes awuy tbvPontiff! Ah I do not wipe away your tears; but weep,Italy, weep, weep bitterly. The t buret! has wopl overthe loin ho tby Klog;uow weep thou over tbe totnb oltbo Pontiff. Thy mourning was also mado the mourningol mo Cburch ; make tne mourning ol the Cburobtbine own. Brethren, Pulsus, It Is our sacred dutyto mouru as Catholics and Italiuue. Rut let tno uskyou one thing: bow many prodloal sous shod bittertours over the toiub of their lather and changed theirmodo ol Ilia? iiallaos, Pius IX. was ourbeloved lather; and be Is now deid. II (her* is

among you any prodigal son, oh I let hlin r'"u> "PprouchIbis cuufuique, kneel dowo, repent, shel1 oue

tear anil roturn to God and bis Church 1 In the nameol Uod, In the nune ol the Church, in the name 1,10departed 1'outlif, whoso heart lor otgbly-six yourswas only beating lor the Church and lor Italy; lul*lane, lu tbo name ol I'lus IX , late Vicar ol Christ, I10w

looking uowu upon us Irom beareu, I ask ol yob, Iconjure you uot to leavo this church without shoddlngone Uur over this tomb! Uoorn ua Cathollo*!Mourn us Itullaoa! l'lus IX. is doud ! The ways ofSion (Koine) mourn, anl from the daughter of JSioU(Italy) all hor beauty has departed! We havebecome orphans without a father. The littleones have 1 uskod for bread and tbero was none tobreak it to them. Those lips that uaod to keep tboknowledge and preach Cod's word, whloh man uoedslor the spirit more Ibun he does tbo broad materiallor the body, are lost lor ever. Thai uugclio luco,those amiable cyos, those hands so often raised in

prayer. Oh, let us weep and mourn, Pius IX. Is nomore.Hut If wc have reason to weep on this day we have

also a duty to pray. Let ua then prostrate ourselvoaand pray. (The reverend lather here knelt and continuedto address the congregation lu the mosttouching mauner. I "Let us pray ull united and lervoutly,"ho said, "that short may be the time olmourning lor the Catholic world and for ltuly, thatshort may ho the lima ol widowhood lor llio HolyChurch. Let us oruv to the merciful Lord, tho




BESIEGED BE INDIGNANT AND UNPAIDWOMEN.Half a hundred women, mod ot them young, all ofhem In a high auto of excitement, gathered ycater- 1lay morning In Ben Hitchcock', olllce. ltlsaqutot,



[BY TLLKGBAPU TO THE HERALD. 1Nlwfokt, K. L, Feb. 18, 1878.

An ofDcor from Fort Adams waited upou Colonel O.L. Shepherd, United .Slates Army, at bU residence in

Ibis city, ibis afternoon, and served an order of arrestupon blui and also a notice of a court martial, whichwould be convened lu New York city on Saturdaynext, to try bun on cerlalu charges, a copy whereofho wua informed would be lorlhcomiug In a few days.Colonel Shepherd wus waited upon tble evening lorthe purpose ol ascertaining the nature of the charges.Ho slated that the members of the brigadewhich ho commanded in tbo Army of the Cumberland,wbiio at Murlroesborough, Tenn., raised,alter tbo nattlo of Static River bad been won, tbo sumol $1,903 to bo appropriated for a monument fund,and he was appointed the depository. The fund was

raised at the suggestion of Colonel Shepherd. Fivetrustees were appointed. It was uot stipulatedhow be should invest the money, onlythat It was to draw Interest at tbo usuutrate. lie used tbo money, believing thatbe could pay It over when he wus culled upou ; but,uulortuuaiely, when a peremptory demand was inadolor it lust Novomber, ho could not ralso 'he amount, 1which, with lulercsi, was thou about $3,3000. Ho alulortnod tho committee that ho ihougot ho couldpay over the luod hy the middle ol March.

A Ht.'PPRHKK FHOM 8IIICINKAGK OP VALORS. tU. .......... V...V...L ........ .....i - I.

of his reul esiuto there, but wan unnuccosalul, andbeforo be hud llimheu ins visit lu Now York bu hodwas taken suddenly ill and died, aud lie, too, wua sicklor *01110 liuio afterward. Ho lias repeatedly otteredhis pay account to cover Ins .ludolttedueesto the luud; hut It lias noen declined bythe trustees, who wanted a lirsl mortgage onhis property lor iho full mnouut ol the lund. Thishe could not give, as all his reul ealulo is heavilymortgaged, and ho is, In thooptuion ol bis tnost Intimatefriends, u poor man, dependent upon his payon tbe retired list lor the support ol Ins tuuilly. iliareul estate speculations huvo resulted disastrously.Three yours ago bo w as considered a rlcb man.

AN UONOKAHLK KKUOKU.liolng advanced lu years and having served in tbe

rogulur army lor nearly lorly years witb distinctionbe kceuly feels the trying position In which be isplaced; hut, with an honornble record as a graduateof West l'olut, he la couviucod that tbo Court willdeal justly by biui, und no expressed confidence intho ntllcers who lorm the Court und hud no objectionto belug tried by thorn.

TUS COURT.The Hoard, as ordered by Goneral Hancock, will

cousist ot Colonel W, F. Harry, Colonel Henry J.Huut, Colonel M. 1). L. Sluipson, l.leutenaui ColonolIt. H. Ay res, Liouieuuut Colonel K S. Otis, I.iouteuuutColouel H. M. Hluck, Lieuionaut Colonel C. UcKoovur,Lleuicuaiit Colouel J. M. Uruntiuu, Major G.A. Lie Ituissy, Major G. 1'. Andrews aud Major JohnHamilton, the latter being Judge Advocate.

OVKIt TUiKTY \ KAKS1 SKHVIUK.Colonel Shepherd was plucod on the retired list In

1870. Colonel Shopberd wua in ooininand of thetroops in Alahuma when that .state was admitted intothe Union, lu 1807, una was lu coinmaud at FortAdams for two yeuis during tho late war. He raisedtho regular brigade attached to the Army of the Cumberland,mentioned above.




[BY TELEQBAPH TO THE UK11ALD. ]Hai.timork, MtL, Feb. 18, 1878.

What promises to prove a serious scaudal was

partly developed at the moeltng of tho City Councilto-night. An ordinance providing tor corlatn changesIn tho mannor ol electing publio school commissionerswas uudcr discussion whon Professor 'l'oueyniado some startliug allogatiou. Hriefly bo lnllmatodthat tho School Hoard, as at present oonstltutod,would, wtion tbo acta of its members wero lull belorotbe public, pruiunt a shocking condition ot affairs.

l'KCTUAK blHCLOSUKKS.He declarsd tbat In ono tustaucu u bod had been

fitted up In u school bouse, lights bad boon soon thornnt night, and that in nnothor case a divorced lady hadboon appointed as toucher l>y a commissioner, audthat she was now lu a dcltcute state ot heulib. Otliorimproper intimacies wore alleged. Mr. Toney'sremarks produced a docldod sensation and ibo sessionWUS pruiruuiuu IU U VCI; uvai, ..u ...

plve nume.s or proutg, but said he was prepared tosubstantiate bis charges and could give names andparticulars to tho council In Joint couvontlon. Mr.Tovoy Is a protossor ol chemistry aud stands woll Inthis community. Somo Interesting developments arelooked lor to-morrow.




Pouunxiursin, Feb. 18, 1878.All doubts of a lull crop ol ice on tho Hudson are

to-day dlspulled, and It Is conceded that the bnrvostwill be an excellent one.' ^o bo sure, In four or (lvohouses tho lco is not Its good as It should bo,but, generally speaking, It Is ol an excollont

quality. lTp to six o'clock Saturday night over one

million tons had boon boused and one-hall a millionmore tons will llniib tho harvest. To-day a cold wave

has settled In on Hudson Klver Valley and thousandsof men and boys are at work gatborlng tho crystalcakes. They will bouso 100,00U tons every day this

wcok, and next Saturday night will flnd ovory house

full, besides 30.000 or 40,000 tons slacked. The followingam tho returns ol ico housed up to Saturdaynight:. Capacity Amount

Xam\ oj limine. Hound.Castloton.Whltbeck k Clark 12,ooo 12,000

Whltbock At Clark 23.000 12,000Vroomun At Co 6,000 4,000Comuiouwo.ilth Co.............. 6,000 6.000Knickerbocker Co . *7,000

Barren Island.E. It. Soward At Co... 46,000 46.000Coeyiiians.WuBiungioo Co 30,000 30,000Scbodack.Knickerbocker Co 06,000 06,000Now Uallimorc.Two houses 40,000 40,000Miuwesuiil.New Jorsoy Co. 22,000 20,000

"j. Clark kCo. 12,000 20.000M. Scott 12,000 12,000

Coxacklo- Hiram Van Stuenburgb... *2,000 8 oooJohn Wolte 10,000 10.ISMKnickerbocker Co 70,000 70,000

Stockport 40,000 40,000Athens.Washington Co 30,000 20,000

Knickerbocker Co (10,000 40,000Hamburgh.Knickerbocker Co 2o,000 20,000Roger's Maud.Wuslnngton Co 40,000 30,000Culsklli. Knickerbocker Co- 36,000 26,000

ICulckorbocker Co 6.000 6,000Van Sloonburgh 12,600 126,000

Opposlto tiermuutown KnickerbockerCo 26,000 12,000National 60,000 30,000New Jeraey 40,000 20,oooConsumors 80,000 30,000

Kavesport.Knickerbocker Co 20.000 10,000Cluscoc.KuicaerbockerCo 2o,oo0 16,oooTurkey Point.Kmokerbuckur Co.... 40,000 20,000

t>tarn llnitnlkt Ai I M if k f. IUtf\

Knickerbocker Co 30,000 *10.000Kiuibusli.Knickerbocker Co 60,000 :so,oooKlilnebcck.Knickerbocker Cu. 20,l»0 20,000Whiskey Point.Wa-oilngtnn Co 46.000 3O.U0O.Newark Co 2o,oOO 16,000

Kondout Croek.Knickerbocker Co.. 16,000 12,000Washington Co 16.000 12,000

Port Kweu.Washington Co.... 60,000 40,000Ksopus.Kolckorbockor Co 00,000 60,>00Stuutaburgb.Mutual Rebuilt 16,000 b,oOOKtnckurbocker Co. 2o,oOO 6,000

Pell'# Dock.Cummlngs 20,000 12.000Went Park.Mutual llenelli 60,000 20,000Clearwater's yuurry.Knickerbocker

Co 80,000 .

Now I'altx.Knickerbocker Co 80,000 .

Marlborough .Kuickorbocker Co.... 22, >00 6,000liam|itoil Point 16,000 6,000Higtilund I.ake- Knickerbocker Co.. 60,000 .

Rockland J,ike.Knickerbocker Co.. 90,000 .

The above table in n corrected one, thu >nlormatlonhaving been obtained Irotn the beat sources. The listdooH uot include 20,000 ions stacked n inllo south ofCnslloton, 1,000 housed at Casllotcn and 18,000 tonshouaed nt Cednr Hill. A large i|uantlty lias alto beenhoused at UoCKland Luke uud at I.uke Mchaugh nlVcrplsnck's Point. I'artlo* who huvo stacked icoB|>|>rehoiidlug u snort crop are feeling quite anxious asto iho Uual results of their labors.

GREENBACKERS AND WOUKINGMEN.RoclkSTkii, N. v., Veb, 18, 18*8.

A Btnto conferouco of tbo workinginen andgreenback parties to tako harmonious actionwaa held hero to-day. Kluvcn countieswere roprosentud. James Connolly, of NewYork city, acted as chairman. Mr. Connolly and J.J. Junto, of Syracuse, were elected delegates nt largoto tbo Toledo Convention Ksaolulions wore adopteddemanding the repeal of ltosumptlon act; favoringremouotixalion; opposing tbo lurtliur issueCI nonua, uiiu uuiiounui uk mo I'liiuug pariioa BH poahmmi.knelthor ability nor intuurny suiiicum toremedy ttio present evil* which they havo broughtupon the country.

l'LAINFIELD'S bAVlNUi INSTITUTION.Tbo Dime Savlnga Institution of Plainfleld, N. J.,

which BUKpomlcil Saturday ovcnlnn, baa on January1 l.iat a surplus of $0,039 til. The total arsals, Inaccordance with tho aiatomont aubmiltail nt that tlma,were $.l'ii,H96 'i'i. Tho ainonnt of liabilities wore statedan due oepoailors, $311,'417 Hi; Intcroat due tlepoaitore,8,OUT 03; total, f419,866 44. Tus cause ol thefailure was the siirinKago in tuo Talus ol rsal salateutid the steady withdrawal ol deposits. l'Us officialsaspect to pur In (all. I

>ut-ol-tbe-way sort of place at No. 10 Corllandtitrcet. But tor a flaming bit ol ptue plunk,(Itli "Httohcock" Inscribed on it to the ol characters, do ouo would ever luDcy uny ono

ocaled there. However, It was clear that Mr. Hitcb:ocktransacted a prosperous buslnoss there, lor theibelves which decorated the apartment, in lieu olinyiblng else, had lollos of dime music aorolls slowediway ou tbein, and a female clerk, gltied with muchicoroity ol speech and considerable tartness ot nmnisr,presided at the couuter una gazed with Inllnitellsgusl at tbo irruption of hulroetrlzzcd youngsomen, who, at ten o'cloek A. M., look the uparliueully storin.

They were a qnoer lot. Tbo American continentlever behold a mure thoroughly indtguaut gatheringit feminine humanity. Some crept up to the oountorrub a due bill iu thoir bauds und suspicion In theirleurto. Thu due bills were returned to them. Beulllcbcock hlinsolf was responsible lor their payment,>ud no one olse essayed that tuueuou."Mr. Hitchcock ain't In, but ho will be. " This was

he statement with which tbo dlsponscr of dime musiclogulled the gathering. Tbo congress did not believel. Some ol them stormed, some ol them boro with'brlstiuu fortitude a seven hours' sojourn near tholeuntcr. A good many of thein departed but It was

with vague throats und Imprecations that they sueiumbed.There wero fully fifty, however, who dctornlnodto beard Hitchcock, let what like betide, andheso vscouoed themselves on plnuo stools, countersin<l scroll boxes and awuitod bis coming with grimacos and tongues surcharged with wrulb.

"iis comstu .not, kiik haiu."Ho did not come, howevor. Local gossip located Ulm

it Newark, whither ho had goue to arrange lormother show, and anolhor rumor tlxed blin at thoNational Hotel bar across the way, which investigationproved ho hud scrupulously avoidod. Then tboro»us a riot. A young woman with a sealskinbut and curisllod skirts tnsdo an orulloutouching tho luuctlons of tho Woman's Protee- tItvo Union, and wont on in quest or ihut targanlzatiou's houdquuriers. ribs was soon later on tlu lUu u-itlKTlUK as shrewd us ever, out Willi a ro- cinarkublo declluailou in hor olocutiouury powors.Female patience la not very durablo, and before

long It gave way before tho proaaure ol Hitchcock's abBonce.Que shrill young woman, wbo bud been quietlyinciting iiiaurrcctiou uil through tho day, auddcnly


presented b>-rselt bofore tbe cuatodlau ol the olllceand Hubmltteu tho query II "Thie was a akin or not*'"iho presiding dignitary declined to enlighten her, andthe young woman, whose flow ol luuguuge was marvellous,at once directed her efforts to the directionof a bevy of Hitchcock-seekers who bud gaiboredabout her.

"l'bere'H no use of us waiting," fchoutod tbls doclalmor,whose special characteristic was un azure hatbaud. "Hitchcock's no good. Let ua vuniose theranch." Her suggestion wasn't accepted. She didnot aol on It herself. Tho iiutb of tbe gatheringwas placed on Hitchcock's ultimate appearance, andto it they religiously held. Fomluiuo pulience, however,would not last long, and soon u cluuior arosethai swept the olUco like a cyclone.

opk.v wan."Lotus see Hitchcock!" shrieked a virago with

muruer in tor eyes uua unulbllatlon In ber flugernulls.

' Scoop In tho pianos," suggested n young lady wttban eye tu business. "Let us clean out the place."Tbo young womuu behind the counter ussumed a

magisterial look ut this, and for tho twenty-tilth timeniauilesled ber authority."If uuy one interieros with tbe stock of this store."

she cried, "they will be held responsible fur lu" Tbelogai terrors suggested tu this al.iteineu I overcame thomembers ol the Beauty and Culture Congress, and utloaat two dozen music scrolls wore returned to theirquondam places on the shelves.Tho controller ol tho couuier was later on called on

by a reporter und questioned with regard to her luuctlons.Sbo said her uame was Mrs. Wellington, thatsbo alone conducted the cheap music business andwas responsible lor It, and that litest claims comingfrom Mr. iliiclicock were not acknowledged in theestablishment.

ml'sic If A TII CHARMS.ri.n /.Irnxliallno /. lu, .l.l.

gnrding Mr. Hitchcock's soivoncy alarmed bat aidnot disbaud tho Congress ol Beauty uud Culture. Tliorepresentatives ul tuut g&lboriug determined to sit itout. They waited lor the manager ot tbo show andclamored lor a mythical personage known asMr. liurkor, wboso name ^appeared ou tbo duobills,but wbose existence was uuknown to auy one.Noittior appeared however, uud to relievo tbo tediumol the occasion some odo suggested a song. "My Johanua"was attempted with disastrous » II-ct, au<J"You'll Never Miss the Water Till tbo Well ltuos Dry"fared do better, liul tbo "dwoet Hy and By" wasroudcrud by tbo out Ira gutboriug wttb suchsuccess that Mrs. Wellington tliuugbi tbopresence of tbo pollao would lis a valuableaddendum to the curowouy. Accordingly she despatchedu messenger to tbo Twcutv-sevenili precinct,and tbo congiess were chirruping, "Hold tbotort," whori a geutlomua adorned with hluu and brassuppoured ou tbo scene and discourage d vocal musiclb a way that -palpably ullcctod tbo lungsof the songstresses. A couplo ol hours passed,but still the importunate creditors otlilichoock thronged Ins olllro. lu spttoot pollco uud all, signs of dlssaltsfaclioii and murmuringspredictive ol ibsurreution bcgiu to move thegathering. A young womuii, who bad converted tbohallway into a sort of Uauving academy, suddenly appearedlu the scene uud inlorinod the congress thatthere were bricks in tbu street which might he usedto Ibo disadvantage ot Iho windows of theeitubliBhmoui. Her suggestion, however, wastabled for the time and tlio congress resolved ItscllInto a comiulttoo ol ways uud moans which agitatedlor a lew moments the capacity of the Women's ProtectiveUnion auu at last determined to give over allhostile demonstrations till Mr. Hitchcock could behoard from. I'bat wus the verdict ot Iho lotualc partof tho gathering, but the muios, who nutoborod tickettakers and ail aorta of utility people among thcin,ciumoiod lor war.One ol them was dopnted to took cut a lawyer, and

suddunly tuo congress was tnrowo into a high stateol excitement by the appearance of a gcutlciuuu withabut like u parachute und a voice like tho HtatcuIsland log-horn.

"l.udies," ibis new nrrlvsl announced, "there Is nodoubt but that you aro shumelully abused. Yourclaims domuud legal adjudication, and I shall undertaketo suitably present ibom." At this there was amurmur ol epulauso, which suddenly lost Itscll incries ol "What urn you giving usf "Who called youIn r" uud similar queries, which so discomposed Mr.Frederick swill, tho legal light of the oocaston, thathe hurriedly retired.AJ live o'clock the Congress of Beauty and Culture

wero still In session und waiting with Christian loriltudelor Mr. Hitchcock. That gentleman, howevor,lulled to appear and ul last ouo of tho police In atleudunconotilled tho gathering that u was high Utnolor them to doparLDue ol the girls stated tbat 300 young women wero

cngsgoU on tho tlrst day and alierward discharged.Eighty-five wero Intor lu employ, aud these werothe sullerors by Hitchcock's lallure to appotr.


Inspector Murray, of tbo »irat Inspection district,learned yosterdny that a man uamod Charles Crowwas dying (ruin a Iraclurod skull at CharilyHospital, which 11 was understood ho receivedduring a light on tho liowerv about a

weok ago. Ou rocolpt ol this intelligencethe Inspector duiulled Roundsmen M oak in and Cosgrovoot his command to Invosligato the matter.They wcro informed that on the ulgni of tbo iiihmat. a iroe light took placo In front of No.103 Howcry, during which two of the parliesheat Crow on tho head with a cuko ofIce and fructurod bis skull. Tho Injured man wascarried away by friends and was secretly takon toUallevue Hospital, Irom whence he was taken toCharity Hospital. From iniurinuilou recoivod theroundsmen wero confident that tho men who badcommitted the murderous assault on Crow woro Will,mtu I-!. Fleming, ot No. 3111 Cherry ati el, and James.Sullivan, ol No 00 (louvornour street. Ilioy succeededin capturing tho two men last night amilook thorn to l'olice Heauquartors, theywero locked up. Inspector Murray telegraphedto Clinrlty Hosmtnl euriy this morning to uacertulutho condition of Crow, and ho received an aoewerHint the piitiom was very low. Tbu Cnrouer will hoIhlortued ol the cuso lo-t'ay and will go to the Islandto luke the nnio-niortom imposition ol tho dylug man.


Tho rumored death l£ Kuropo of Mr. Jabob S.Rogers, head or the Rogers' Locomotive Work*, ofl'alcraon, N. J. Is not credited there. Mr. Rogers hasbeen at 1'orU lor some time, whither ho went forucedod rest and recrostlon. No inessago hue boon re.cuivcd by any inamher of tuu Rogers compaoy of anature to confirm id auy degree the report.

LAYARD IN THE COLD.Tbo I.odUod Truth tells the following story In Its

Constantinople correspondence: .urij lu.iiim urn uik» iit-'iwuou inn ituaaopmio nnu

Turoopblle Kiubaaatea, and ilia lurka, abbe regardingIboiiuolvua aa tbe victim*, iricln.o more toward tbuoix'U ubiiilly ol tbe Kuaao-Uertmtuic ledoratiou limatbo lukownrm Irlendalup of the hugllsli. wbom tbeyace, day by day, floated to windward by tbo crnliydiplomacy ot tbn "maoy-bcaded eaglca." A atory imrelated ot u parting tntarvicw between rtorvor I'ucliaund our Anibaaaador. On ibo doparturo ol tiortrcr lortbo bnadijuartcra ol the (Jrand Duko at kosnulik, Mr.l.ayard «» at the railway laminua reudy to any U >dapeoil and u few worda in private, ol advice and couiieel."Iion'i bo In a burry to cinae witn Nicbolan,"wmapered bo; "Kngiand baru t played liar laatcam yot in tbo (mine." "(live mo that iuwriting," anid Hairer,'* and tbe truln aiarta withIout me. Wa bay* bad euouab of talking, and eaougn

1>f lighting, for that matter; let roe hare tomethlngiiore tbau vague promi*ei." A dull beiilancv overtpreudtbo feature* ot the Eltchi, indicative of ludeitsloiiitiu temporizing. At lute juuciure a carnageJuaiicd up, on tenure panel! tbo 'double-headed''larkly shone. i'riuco Items «i> on the platform lai moment, untl grasping Server l>y tbe band b6 exilalmed,"Excellence, I am Juel in time to wlab yoaton ruyag'. l'ermil roe to ace you to your carriage;lot a uiomeut to lute. Gel in. Adieu!" Tben puttinglie bead iniiOe tbc window be whispered, 'Make mytdrice, make terms at any price, aud truat to roe. Goin".ibla leal to tbe guard, wbo, like all tbe railwayitllciale on line, ta Gorman, und wbo, of coune,lowed luiincdiuto obotltooce to Hli Serum- Hlghnei*Joor I.ayard wai left out lb tbe cold to walk too platortnaud draw a parallel between btroielf and Ibo[real country bo represent*.


"o tuu Eoitor or tuk lltuaLu:.1 di aire, tbrougb tbo rood I urn of your valuable

ouruul, to direct atlenitou to tba groialy uujusluauber lb wbiob tbo lJoard of Educatlob baa actedu tbo matter ol tbo ralarlea to be paid to tba pruicUlals or oertatn primary schools for the current year.'Ue inuximum baa.a on which principal* ol primarychoola ure lo l>e paid t« llxed at 001. The couseuencooi tbo action ot the Board In thla rot peel iahut principals of primary school* having an averguattendance or over twice that Qguro will rooeivn

ilenllcully the sumo salary as principals of schyolnmviiig an uverugo uiiaudsncu of 001 pupils, Inhi* justice r I lie number ol primary schools having,u average atlcudauce of* 1,100 or 1,200 Is not moraban null a U'-son, aud consequently the amount thaivould be required lo puy to the principals ol thoseicliouls the in< xi inu in salary (or $1,700, as wus pro>osedat tho lust meeting ol ihe Hoard) would not beurge, while they uro justly entitled Ihoroto, as Itnusl be apparent to ovury ono ibal more responsiblety is required lu tho superlulenaeuce of 1,200 chiUIreu thuu where iho number Is only 001.Again, the maximum basis on which the salaries of

rice principals ol primary schools Iro to be paid ban>eeu placed at an average attendance for the year.877 of 1,000, or -100 tnore ihan the maximum basis>u winch principals ure to bo paid. 1 tie result olhis is that the principals ot those schools buvlug aniverugo or 1,200 lor too your 1877 sustain a reduction>f $200 Irom the maximum salary |$1,800), while thnico principals ol sucu schools sustain no reductionshutevur. It should bo boruo lu miad that ou tuniriuctpal devolves all lliu responsibility lor thniroper conduct ot a school, while the vico principal>eurs no respousibtluv whatever.What Justice is there in this result? Why should

ho uniunum basis on wnicli the principals aro in>e pitld be dxud ut <101, wlnlo that on which vice prlu-ilpuls aro to bo puid id placed at 1,00b? Will soot*iuo unswot'l INtfUlKUll.



[From tho Iudiunopoli* Journal, Feb. 16.]A luul affray occurred last ulgut at tbe liquor saloon

toil cigar store. No. 18a Massachusetts avouuo, kept byJeorge Koswinklu, in which a man nainod U. Uobllgnet his death, us the result ol blows struck by thoproprietor ot tbe saloon, llobtig bud been in the boas*iiuce about two o'clock in the uiicruoon, playing diceind curds with otnor man, und toward ulgbtpccaiuo drunk and quarrelsome. Some dlsput*incurred us u result of tho dico playing andLtoswinkle ordered Uohllg to leuvo tne suloou on so- |couul ot the ubuaivo luuguagu ho hud been utlog,liohllg ret used to go, uud told Koswiukla he could uolIput hiut out, upon whicu the latter went around toilio Iront ol tbe counter and struck Itohlig twice withhis uliuohod list, ono blow being lu too cuuok uud theulhor on the left louiplo. Tlio mau sank to the Hour,tud died within a low minutes, ltoswiuklo ui uncoPccauie uwurc of tlio terriole olloct ol bis violence,ind with otnors who wero in tnu suioon. endeavored torestore consciousness, uud l)r. liuiierlluld was sentfor, hut 1 Uu was uxitucl boloru lie arrived, ltoswiuklothou sent u message to police headquarters andawaited the arrival ol the ulltucrs. A crowd sooagatherod urouud tho doors of tlio saloon, wblcu ul-traded the uiluutiou of OUlcer Fiscus und Mr. binilh,ul the merchant police, who, on eutoriug tlio place,louud the dead mun lying on tho tloor uud ltuuwluklelilting close by weopiug und wriugtug tils bauds. 11aivus ut oucu tuKou to the police siutiou uud the body otUobllg removed under the direction or tho coroner toKrcgtO'S.


Congressman John T. Wuit, of Connecticut, Is atthe St. Nicholas. Dr. 11. It. l.indcrinan, Director oftho Lulled Status Mint, Is at tho Now York. ltev. Dr.J. Ireland Tuckor, of Troy, is ut tho lloU'man. Kx(ioveruoriC. C. Washburn, ol Wisconsin, sud PersonC. Cheney und Kzeklol A. Straw, ol New llumpshlro,aro at tho Filth Avenue. Naval Constructor Isulubllunscom. United Ststes Navy, Is at tbe Orund. Ml.more 1*. Boss, of Auburn, N. Y., und Ueuersl solJesK. Marvin, ol Aibuny, uro at the Windsor. Hov. Dr.Jackson, of Philadelphia, is ul the Union Squsro,Commodore KouckondorfT, United Stales Navy, andStllson Hulcluus, of St. I.ouis, uro at the Uilsey,Frauds B. Hayes ana lienjamin P. Cheney, ol Boston,und C. B. Wright, Prosldent of the Northern Puclttfltaliroad Company, aro at tho lirevoort. Henry Hod*low, of Newport, Is at tho Fvcrou. Stuarl Hobsoo itat the Sturtcvant.


The Rtonmshlp China, Tor Quecnstown and Litre*pool, ana Atneriquu lor Havre, will nail from tin* portou WeJuonduy.The mall* tor Europe will closo at tho I'dit OITlco ai

Ave, uod lor Fruuco direct at six o'clock A. M.The Nmv Yoick I1khai.i>.Edition (or Europe.will

ho rcudy at lour o'clock 10 tho morning.Single copies, iu wrapper* for milling, six coots.

NEVER DESPAIR OF RELIEF FROM COLDwhen you can got Un a's Hosier or ihikmiuu.mi ash I'iii.A..DR. T. FELIX OOURAUDU ORIENTAL

I'hkam, orMAdlCAi. Hi' u Tirn u removes pimples, Ireckiegami all skin blemishes unil gives it clear, transparent complexion.wlnlo its naturalness of operation Is such thai thouse nl' a cosmetic Is mil suspected harmless. Mine. M. 11.T. lioL'RAL'D, sale Proprietor, 4H Hotel si.. New York,A FRESH SUT'l'LY OF~M ISSllS<iU0IT 81'RINO

Watkii at CASWELL, HAZARD A CO.'S, Hiuadwey andIMlh si

EXCURSION TO* THE TROPICS..NEW YORK,llnvnna, Vera Crur »u I New Orleans steamers leaveNew York end New Orleans every three weeks, calling atthe above and other ports; excursion tickets at roducedrates. 8. ALEXANDRE A sons, SB Itruadway.

11. W. JOHNS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 8TMelilen lane, are the sole manufacturer, nl genuine AsbeetusI'alnts, lluetlug. Steam I'lpe anil Holler Coverings, Ad.HUNTING


'.'H A N N ST.

RUPTURE.-XlOllKoRT ANI> SAFETY; TRUSSESthai the wearer adjusts the pressure, anywhere Iruui loutpounds to four ounces, wlthou, removing from the bodnell slvles ol Hrnikii Tnrs«hk end Si'i-roitTkKs Call ao<examine. "Altll sTAlll.h I'KE.SSCKr." TRUSS CuMFA.NY, 7;io Kroadway.TUB HERALD OFFERTHFOK SALE

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