the newly discovered findings of the me you thought you knew vl.1

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A photobook which answers 35 questions (with pictures) that people asked within 30 days


The Newly D iscovered Findings

Of The Me

You Thought You Knew Volume 1

By: Karen Shell

All content, words and images are copyright © 2011 by Karen


All rights reservedUnauthorized reproduction,

duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited without written permission

from Karen Shell.Reprints are available by contacting:

Karen ShellEmail -

Facebook –

All images photographed between October 8th and November 8th 2011.

This photobook – The Newly Discovered Findings Of the Me You thought You Knew Volume 1 - was created in 31 days starting October 8th , 2011.

The theme for this photobook came from the realization that no one ever really knows any one. Whether it is meeting someone over the internet or knowing them from the beginning of ones lifetime, there are always hidden information that may never need to be known but add a deeper sense of trust, or even to over come some curiosity.

By creating a photobook I was able to use this opportunity to practice my photography which become a wonderful hobby that helps me express myself in just another way then people already know me for.

In this book, you will find photos taken in 31 days. The photos were shot in response to 35 questions I asked my

friends and family to ask me in order for them to get to know me more. Not realizing that some of the questions would help me realize things I forgot about myself or enhance the things I did, I was glad this project stumbled into my world.

For some, this will be nothing other than something you wouldn't care for. For others, this will be a realization that no one is ever truly known and might add the possibility of asking others or yourself a few questions. For me, it is an excitement to share these photos with you, and I hope that you will enjoy them.

Technical Data: Start date: October 8th, 2011Publication Date: Camera: Nikon D5000Lens: Kit Lens Location: Whitwell, Tennessee

This photobook is dedicated to those who participated in asking the questions that made all photographs in this book possible.

To family and friends of all kinds and types -THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT IN MY LATEST FORM OF CREATIVITY!

All questions and name of the person who provided the question will be on the same page as the photo.... WARNING: all questions might be clearly understandable but all answers might just be creatively unclear.

All pictures are edited and labeled under Lilly Dean Photography in dedication to my children.

Chapter 1

The Basics

One who asks a question is a fool for five minutes;

One who does not ask a question is a fool forever.

- Chinese Proverb

How old are you? - Stephanie R.

How many Kids do you have?

– Stacy P.

What color areyour eyes?

- Johnathan

What color is your hair?- Zoe

What tattoo'sdo you have?

- Velvet

What do you look likenow?

- Carla

What kind of car do youdrive?

- Melanie

What do you like to draw the most?

- Rosemary C.

- VivianWhere do you spend most of

your time?

What do you doyou do for fun?

- Chelsea

What place makesyou happiest,

that is not your house? -Jessica P.

How do youspend (most of)your Saturday

nights?- Casey I.

Chapter 2

Fantastic Favorites

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and

adding new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us

down new paths.

- Walt Disney

What's you favoritemeal to cook?

- Ruth

What's yourfavorite thing

to eat?-Elizabeth P.

What's your favoritehobby?

- Gail P.

What's your favorite time of year?- George M.

What's yourfavorite holiday?

- Michelle M.

What's yourfavorite picture? - Geremy

What's yourfavorite type

of animal?- Aryanna

What's your favorite time

of day?

- Mitchel

What's your favorite drink?

- Andy

What's your favoritefast food restaurant?

- Thomas

What's your favorite kind of dog?

- Bonnie

What's yourfavorite color

nail polish to wear? -Amanda

What's your favorite color?

- Carollynn

What's your


- Elias

Chapter 3

Only If

The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.

- Thomas Berger

If you were arabbit, where

would you hide?

- Brandi

If you could have anysuper power,

what would it be?

- Lauren

If you could liveanywhere, where

would it be?- Michelle C.

If you needed to make a child who was ill,

laugh and forget hisdiscomfort for a

short time

by making a most hideous face, which would

you make?- Rosemary D.

Chapter 4

Intriguing Curiosity

The important thing is not to stop questioning.

Curiosity has it's own reasons for existing.

- Albert Einstein

What is the one thingyou have done but

will never do again?- Fawn

What does yourShangri-La look like?

What's the mostextravagant thing you own?

- Gill

What kind of personality do

you have?- Rafael

What is your element?- Falisha

The End

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