the newsletter of maple street congregational church ... 2016.pdf · the newsletter of maple street...

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in Spire The Newsletter of Maple Street Congregational Church

United Church of Christ

August/September 2016

90 Maple Street, Danvers, MA 01923 978-774-4510

receive the prize of eternal life. But, Jesus

doesn’t go there with him on that in this dia-

logue. Rather, Jesus is focused on how we treat

our neighbors.

Perhaps Jesus is so focused on this because Je-

sus knows that God doesn’t discriminate and

every neighbor we have is already beloved by

God, no matter who they are—Samaritan, Le-

vite, Black, White, Latino, foreign or domestic.

So, let me ask you, who is your neighbor? Just

the folks in Danvers? Only the folks who live

on your street? How about those Yankee fans

down the street who moved

here from Manhattan a few

years ago? How about the

Syrian refugee whose family

lost their home and their

mother and father to the

bombing? How about the

married gay couple whom

you met at the neighbor-

hood block party? How

about the elderly couple

whose husband just had by-

pass surgery? Or in this

heated election year, how about the conserva-

tive Republican or liberal Democrat?

Once you have decided who your neighbor is,

then the question is who are you (or we) (continued on next page)

Pastor Kevin’s Corner

Who is Your Neighbor and How Will You Treat Them?

But a Samaritan while traveling came near him;

and when he saw him, he was moved with pity.

He went to him and bandaged his wounds, hav-

ing poured oil and wine on them. Then he put him

on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and

took care of him. The next day he took out two

denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said,

‘Take care of him; and when I come back, I will

repay you whatever more you

spend.’ Which of these three,

do you think, was a neighbor to

the man who fell into the

hands of the robbers?” He

said, “The one who showed

him mercy.” Jesus said to him,

“Go and do likewise.” (Luke


Jesus is talking to a lawyer, of

all people. Well, actually he is

talking to a temple employee

who interprets the Jewish

law for the priests and scribes. The lawyer is

asking Jesus what must he do to inherit eter-

nal life (or get a just reward for being good).

So, that was probably the lawyer’s first mis-

take, thinking you had to earn God’s love to



All Church Women’s Group

October 19 - 7:30 PM



Author Neal Sanders

*(Francis X. Clones, S.J., Jesus calls us to be

neighbors to everyone who need us. From Harvard

Divinity School Current: America: The National

Catholic Review, July 10, 2016)

The Deacons’ Bench As we begin a new church year, one of

the many responsibilities of the Board of

Deacons is to ensure we are a welcoming

congregation and contribute to that goal

with a dedicated team of ushers and

greeters at our Sunday worship services.

Norma Gates, Deacon Emeritus, has gra-

ciously volunteered for many years to co-

ordinate this important ministry. This

year Casey Brennan and Bob Wilkinson

will assume this responsibility as Norma

has asked to step down. Thank you

Norma for your dedication and attention

to the detail of this responsibility.

Casey and Bob will soon begin to recruit

and schedule the ushers and greeters for

the coming year. Please be receptive to

their invitation to participate. It is a won-

derful opportunity to get to know better

our members and visitors and ensure

they receive a warm welcome to Maple

Street Church.

If you are interested in being included as

an usher and/or greeter for the coming

year, let Casey or Bob know in person of

your interest and any restrictions they

should be aware of. You may also contact

Casey via phone at 978-578-9464 or e-

mail or Bob by

phone at 978-774-6298.

The inSpire 2 August/September, 2016

(continued from page 1)

called by God to be to our neighbors in

this troubled time? This time of question-

able police shootings of young black men.

This time of the murder of police officers

simply because they wear the blue uni-

form. This time when people are fanning

the flames of fear about categories of peo-

ple. This time when refugees from war

and violence (like Mary, Joseph, and Jesus

were once) are seeking shelter in our

neighborhoods. Jesus is asking you, “who is

your neighbor and how will you treat

them?” This is the seminal question of our

day as it was for Jesus and that lawyer two

thousand plus years ago. It is also the

question for this church and what it

means for why we are here and what we

are called to do as the “body of Christ.”

Fr. Francis X. Clooney, of Harvard Divinity

School reminds us that “(we) too may

someday be that lost, beaten, stripped hu-

man being by the roadside, with nothing to

show for myself except that I am human;

and then I will be blessed if someone

comes along and makes herself or himself

a neighbor to me.”* We live in uncertain

times. It seems the underpinnings of our

world have come unhinged and things are

spinning out of our control.

In this next church season, let’s explore

together who are our neighbors and what

is it we are called to do in a troubled

world for our neighbors, for each other. In

every committee meeting, in every deci-

sion we make together, when we pray, as

we teach our children, as we discern what

to do with our time and resources, let us

give thought to what it means to follow

Jesus and be neighbors. Who will we be?

How will we show our neighborliness?


The inSpire 3 August/September, 2016

From Pastor Pam

Rally Sunday is almost here! On Septem-ber 11th we will come from summer vaca-tions and summer breaks, from a summer of work and relaxation, from travel and new ex-periences. And, from our time apart we no doubt have grown and changed, shared new joys and losses and challenges. So on this Rally Sunday we will come together, new comer and old-timer, to acknowledge that, whatever has changed, we are all part of God's family. Come eager brothers and sis-ters, come as we rally together to celebrate our covenant of welcome, and call, each and all, into this beloved household of God.

Calling all grandparents and parents... Calling all families, all children... Calling all our brothers and sisters in faith; teens, youth, singles, married, gay, straight, from near from far, from NORTH, SOUTH, EAST and WEST!

All our welcome in this household of God. For many, September is a time of begin-nings. Labor Day weekend and our worship at Endicott Park mark the unofficial end of summer and the beginning of new activities in our families, schools and community. Yet in the church year, September is not a beginning but a mid-point. We are in the middle of our Season after Pentecost, a sea-son celebrating the growth of the church. The season is marked by the color green, like the green stoles Kevin and I wear for worship and the green gardens of summer even amidst the drought, symbolizing growth and new life. Growth happens in the church and in our lives as we learn and live out our faith in the world. I look forward to us sharing all our stories of summer adventures and ask, what new growth is happening in your own life, your family, and your church? Our worship

services, faith formation programs and small group gatherings begin and there is room for all ages to come and take part. Come to Rally Sunday, come into the fall sea-son ready to share again in worship and fellow-ship. Ready to begin again as a community growing in faith. This is a season of welcome, covenant and growth.

Thanks be to God! Pastor Pam

Christian Education

CE Team and Leaders ready to welcome children and youth back to MSC!

RALLY SUNDAY Maples Street Families and

Members of All Ages

On Rally Sunday, September 11th, all are invited to

a Continental Breakfast offered by the Chris-

tian Education Committee in the parish hall at 9

am. Displays and sign-up materials for our many

Faith Formation Programs and Choir Programs will

be available, so come learn about all the happenings at MSC; start dates, rehearsals, and special events.

We'll share a buffet breakfast, kids craft time and

then head to the Sanctuary at 9:50 am for an-

nouncements and worship at 10 am.

Blessing of the Back Packs

On Sunday, September 18th in morning worship

we invite kids and adults, all ages, to bring their

backpacks for a special time of blessing.

As we begin new programs, a new school year,

college, a new job or new adventure, we equip

ourselves with the tools and sup-

plies to support our work. For

many, these tools are housed

and carried in a back pack, a

satchel. In earlier days it might

have been named a book bag or

brief case, but in any case it is fitting to bless all

that helps us be our full selves in all we do and in

all our learning. Come and join in blessing all the

packs we carry!

Children and Youth

Program Dedication

Morning Worship

September 25th

During morning worship we will take time to call

forward all our lay leaders who will be walking

with our children and youth in the many programs

of the Maple Street Christian Education Program this year.

Each comes to offer their time

and energy to the faith forma-

tion of our children and youth

and in turn grow in their own

spiritual journey.

With gratitude and appreciation we celebrate

their commitment and invite all to join in this spe-

cial Sunday of blessing and commissioning.

(CE activities continued on next page)

The inSpire 4 August/September, 2016

Welcome Children and Youth

Our Faith Formation Program offers activities for

all age children and youth on Sunday mornings.

Childcare for our youngest children (infant-PreK)

is offered weekly in the Kids Corner with Miss

Jeanne beginning at 10 am.

Children and youth are invited to begin in wor-

ship with their families. Following the Time For

Children they process to the Education Wing for

Chapel Time and Classroom Activities for PreK-

1st, 2nd-4th, and 5th-7th graders along with adult

volunteer leaders and helpers.

Older youth, grades 8-12, gather in the reception

room for discussion, fellowship, and outreach/

event planning. For more information email Pas-

tor Pam, revpammsc@gmailcom or Lynne

Hathaway, Chair of the Christian Education


Important CE


Wednesday, September 7, 6-8 pm will be a

Special Leader Session for all Christian Education

Committee Members and Faith Formation Leaders of

all programs. We will gather for an important

Leader Session to review safe church policies,

Rally Day activities and the Sunday Fall Schedule.

On September 11th, Fellowship Time following

worship--"A Cup of Justice" will be hosted by the

CE Committee.

The inSpire 5 August/September, 2016




At the June Meeting of the Maple Eves a lively discussion was held concerning the future of the group. Realizing that, at the present time, leadership was waning, the question was “where do we go from here?”

Many suggestions were made and our new family minister Pam Cochrane came up with the idea of “TURNING A NEW LEAF” with an “All Church Women’s Group”. Those present agreed to the idea of a fresh new beginning and a decision was made to start with three special programs held throughout the year open to all women. The first program is noted below and the other two are in the planning stage. Suggestions for future programs are wel-come.

The first program will be presented on October 19 at 7:30 PM in the Sanctuary and the speaker will be author Neal Sanders on the topic of “Strong Women.” His many books feature, and we quote, “strong, intelligent, resourceful and independent women.” Mr. Sanders states that “women characters are much more interesting and they don’t solve disputes with their fists or with guns, they USE THEIR WITS.” He notes in his biography that he is descended from a long line of strong, independent women and he speaks in his talk of how they have influenced his life. Refresh-ments will be served following the program.

We look forward to bringing women of all ages together, sharing dialogue on interesting topics and joining in fellowship.

Maple Street Church

Youth and Family

Cook Out!

September 25th, 3-5pm

Welcoming youth, grades 5th-

7th, and 8th-12th, and wel-

coming parents! Join us for an

afternoon cook out! We'll grill

and share tasty sides.

Hamburgers, hotdogs, and

beverages provided. Bring a

favorite side dish to share.

Pastor Pam and Youth Lead-

ers will share youth group ac-

tivities and projects planned

for the fall, including news of

this year’s Confirmation Pro-

gram for 9th and 10th grad-

ers. We'll share some games

and desert.

Join us in the back yard of

Maple Street Church, adjacent

to the parking lot near the

Nursery School entrance.

The inSpire 6 August/September, 2016


“FIRST SUNDAY” is a celebration of our

whole church family gathered together for

worship and communion and led by many

members of our faith community.

On the FIRST SUNDAY of each month,

members of our church family welcome us,

call us into worship, lead the invocation and

Lord's Prayer, and share the morning's

scripture. We share the joy of uplifting

music, from prelude to congregational sing-

ing to choir anthems. The morning mes-

sage is shared by members of Alleluia Morn-

ing (previously known as The New Kids on

the Rock) and the Joyful Noise Choir, using

drama, movement, and song. We celebrate

communion together, led by Pastor Kevin

and Pastor Pam. The service closes with

song and a blessing, and Ji Hye's inspired

music leads us out again into our lives, re-

freshed and renewed.

“You Are Mine,” a song by David Haas, of-

fers phrases that we are using to frame the

themes of our FIRST SUNDAYS through

this year. The Chancel Choir will sing this

lovely anthem on our first FIRST SUNDAY

on October 2, which is Worldwide Com-

munion Sunday. The theme for this service

is “I Love You and You Are Mine.” The scrip-

tures are Psalm 19:1-4a and Isaiah 11:1-9

(The Peaceable Kingdom). The morning

message highlights “our deep connection

to all creation and its Creator,” as set

forth in the children's book, What Does

the Sky Say? Please join us as we cele-

brate the whole faith community of Maple

Street Church and our wider family of

faith throughout the world.

"Once a Deacon always a Deacon!" John Soderblom presents Dot Brown with her 50+ year member name tag.

God bless you Dot!

We need your help! “Let’s Warm Their Feet”, a collection of white cotton crew socks for men and women, will continue this fall. Last year your generous dona-tions of 279 pair of socks were given to Lifebridge, a mission in Sa-lem. The following are a few facts about their mission: They serve men and women who struggle with mental illness as well as those who are disabled, veterans and victims of domestic violence. Lifebridge has 50 emergency beds and a community meals program serving 300 meals a day. A box will be on the stage from Sept. 11

th till Oct. 16

th for

your donations. --Judy Drouin

The inSpire 7 August/September, 2016

Finding Time for Soul Care

It is hard to turn on the TV or pick up a

paper, and not become weary. Finding our

way through these trying times can leave

us wondering and searching for meaning.

We may find it difficult to notice God’s

presence in our day, yet leaning into God

is where we can find a deeper peace, find-

ing that a sense of hope we long for.

Each of us has our own sacred story un-

folding, inviting our attention, seeking out

spiritual practices; to notice, reflect, dis-

cern and discover where God is present

and active in our everyday lives. These

practices can help soften the concerns in

troubling times.

Here at Maple Street Church our spiritual

practices begin with Sunday morning wor-

ship, time for gathering in our beloved

faith community, hearing God’s word, ser-

mon, music, all inviting us to draw nearer

to God.

Beyond Worship:

During office hours the chapel is open for

personal quiet time.

* There are resources in the Prayer

Room (next to the stage in the So-

cial Hall) to explore prayer prac-

tices as well as books to inspire and


* Try yoga! I lead a group called A

New Day Yoga which is offered Tues-

day and Friday mornings 9:15-11:00

in the Reception Room. It is gen-

tle, restful and meditative and ap-

propriate for all levels. This class

began as a Faith Formation pro-

gram in the spring of 2010 and it

continues to be a lovely gathering

of people from all denominations.

* Spiritual Direction: Spiritual direc-

tion is offered in individual ses-

sions, it is a time for developing

spiritual practices, facing chal-

lenges, celebrating joys and accom-

plishments, losses, disappoint-

ments, growing with God, self and

others. Becoming open to respond

to God's invitation to draw closer

in relationship. It is meant to help

a person learn how to be attentive

to God's presence in his or her

life and to make choices based on

that awareness. Where is it that

we can find God in the ordinary.

Finding time for Soul care…breathing in

the sense of peace we need so that we

can send it out to others…how is it with

your Soul?



For more information please feel free to

contact me Karen Kilty Spiritual Director

and Yoga Leader,

The inSpire 8 August/September, 2016

Welcome to the

New Choir Year!

All are invited to be a part of our choir

program. You may register on Rally Day,

September 11, for our children's, youth,

and handbell choirs - or simply come to

rehearsal and join us. Further information

appears below. If you have any questions,

please contact me at

I am always happy to hear from you and

delighted to welcome new members of all


Kathy Gross

Director of Music Ministry

Alleluia Morning (previously known as The New Kids

on the Rock)

For children in grades 2 through 5.

This group meets weekly on Wednes-

days from 4:30 to 6 p.m., beginning on

September 14.

Our rehearsal time each week includes

sharing a sandwich supper and dessert to-

gether – and every once in a while, pizza!

Alleluia Morning will continue to be a

large part of each First Sunday family

worship, offering the morning welcome,

leading our opening song, and present-

ing the morning message on the first

Sunday of each month. Our morning

messages, formed around Bible stories,

children's literature, and skits, include act-

ing, singing, reading, speaking, and move-

ment – simple costuming and props, too.

This talented group has a lot of fun to-

gether – and so much joy to share. We

would love to welcome your child to join

us! A calendar for the year will be avail-

able on Rally Day and at our first re-


Director – Kathy Gross

Assistants --

Linda Angeramo and

Mackenzie Thompson

The Joyful Noise Choir

A treble choir for young people in

grades 4 through 12. (Fourth and fifth

graders in Alleluia Morning are in-

vited to participate in both groups.)

Designed for our busy families and young

people, the Joyful Noise Choir rehearses

just once a month. We meet for re-

hearsal following worship on the

first Sunday of each month and sing

in worship at least once a month.


an extra Sun-

day rehearsal

will be sched-

uled if more

preparat ion

time is needed. This choir will also

Our prayers continue to be with the families who have suffered the recent loss of a loved one.

Blessings to Aubrey Rose Freeman, child of Shawn and Allison (Cassidy) Freeman; to Kai Lee and Chloe Lila Rocha, children of Lionel and Niki Rocha and Samuel Tho-mas Pickering, child of Jim and Nicole Pickering, all of whom were recently Bap-tized here at Maple Street Church.

The inSpire 9 August/September, 2016

be involved in presenting the morn-

ing message for one or two First Sun-

day services. Our first rehearsal will

be held on October 2; a complete cal-

endar of rehearsals and performances for

the year will be available at that time.

Director--Kathy Gross

Pianist--Ji Hye Jung

The Handbell Choir

For ringers in grade 5 though 12 and

adults of all ages.

The Handbell Choir will rehearse

and play for worship as announced.

New ringers are always welcome. No

prior experience is necessary!

Please sign up on Rally Day so that we

will have a complete and accurate list of

members and can contact you as rehears-

als and anthems for worship are scheduled.

Director – Ji Hye Jung

The Chancel Choir

For singers from grade nine through


We rehearse each Thursday evening from

7:30 to 9 p.m., starting on September 8,

and sing every Sunday for worship, arriving

at 9 a.m. for our pre-service warm-up.

We present two special music services

during the year, one during Advent and the

other during Lent, and delight in participat-

ing in the annual Choir Festival held at the

St. Joseph – St. Lazarus Parish in East Bos-

ton in January.

All are invited and welcome to join us at

any time during the year and to participate

as his or her schedule allows. No previous

experience or music reading ability is re-

quired. Just come and share the joy of

singing with us. We will help you do the


A Note from the Treasurer

As of August 17, 2016

Fiscal Year to Date Pledges:

Actual Received Budgeted

$37,330 $142,739

% of Budgeted Pledge Receipts

26.2% (should be at 29.9%)

The inSpire 10 August/September, 2016



Last year I teamed with Marge Hathaway

to start a new, fun group

for children ages 4

through grade one. It

was well received, and we

loved working with this dy-

namic group of exuberant young chil-


So - we are happy to announce that

we will offer FFFAMS – short for

Friends, Faith, & Fun At Maple

Street – again this year. This special

program will be offered on two con-

secutive Thursday afternoons each

month from 3:30 to 4:30.

At the center of each gathering will be a

Bible story, with songs, activities, and

games planned around that theme. We

will also provide time for the children to

form and enjoy friendships with each

other and – of course! – share a snack

together. In our planning we will use

some of the same

Bible stories and

some of the same

songs that are

front and center

in each First Sun-

day worship ser-

vice. We hope their recognition of these

stories and the songs they learn in

FFFAMS will build their enjoyment and

connection to worship at each First Sun-

day service.

Tentative dates for our fall sessions are

October 13 and 20, November 10 and 17,

and December 1 and 8. We are grateful to

Michaela Bartlett and Morgan Costa, who

will serve as youth assistants with FFFAMS.

All children ages 4 through grade one

are invited and welcome to be a part

of FFFAMS. (There is no fee associated

with this program; it is open to all.) If

you are interested in FFFAMS for

your child, or if you have any ques-

tions, please don't hesitate to be in

touch. There will also be a sign-up

sheet for FFFAMS on Rally Day. It

will be our joy to welcome your child into

this special group!

Kathy Gross

Beginning in September, we

will resume our Fellowship

Time after Worship in the

Social Hall where you all

are welcome to join the

Maple Street Church Family

in a “Cup of Justice”!

Our lighted steeple is an important symbol of our presence in the community. Your contributions in memory of loved ones and friends or to commemorate a special event help keep the steeple lighted. If you would like to have the steeple lighted for one or more weeks, please fill out the form below and send it with $15 per week to the church office. I would like the steeple lighted in memory of: _____________________________

I would like the steeple lighted in honor of: _______________________________

Requested date (if available) to light: ________________________________

(signed) ______________________________________ Telephone Number: ________________

The inSpire 11 August/September, 2016

Maple Street Congregational Church

United Church of Christ 90 Maple Street, Danvers, MA 01923

Rev. Kevin Smith

Senior Minister

978-774-4510, ext. 3

978-968-5020 (cell)

Rev. Pamela Cochrane

Associate Minister for Youth and

Family Ministry

978-774-4510,, ext. 4

Ms. Kathy Gross

Director of Music Ministry

978-774-4510, ext 5

Ms. Ji Hye Jung

Asst. Director of Music Ministry

978-774-4510, ext. 0

Ms. Linda Blair

Office Administrator

978-774-4510, ext 0

Mrs. Lynne Hathaway

Nursery School Director

978-774-4510, ext. 6

Our Worship Services are recorded every Sunday and aired on Danvers Comcast Channel

99 and Verizon Channel 36, Sunday 10:00 am and 7:00 pm (one week delay)

The Spire is a regular publication of Maple Street Congregational

Church, United Church of Christ, 90 Maple Street, Danvers, MA


The due date for contributions to the October/November

issue of The inSpire is September 16 at noon.

Fully composed items can be e-mailed to or delivered to the

church office. Items may be edited for length and grammar.

No matter who you are or where you are on your faith journey, you are welcome here!

No matter who you are or where you are on your faith journey, you are welcome here!

The Spire Maple Street Congregational Church

United Church of Christ

90 Maple Street

Danvers, MA 01923

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