the northern isles history and landforms day one: arrival...

Post on 15-Aug-2020






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The Northern Isles – History and Landforms This tailor-made programme journeys to the islands that lie to the north of Scotland. The windswept and barren Orkney and Shetland Islands preserve a distinctive culture based on the extraordinarily rich historical legacy left behind by various eras of settlement. Dream Escape provides the creativity and insider access to enable you to explore the unique landscapes of these remote outposts of the UK.

Day One: Arrival to the Orkneys Arrive today at Kirkwall Airport on your flight from the Scottish mainland where your chauffeur-guide will meet you. This afternoon explore Kirkwall, the main town in this archipelago of many islands. It boasts a sizable medieval cathedral and ruined palaces that date from the time when the islands were under Norse control. Your hotel for three nights is situated close to the town centre.

Day Two: Orcadian Prehistoric Monuments The Orkney Islands are a treasure trove of prehistoric sites, many of which are incorporated into a UNESCO World Heritage Site. See two of the best surviving sets of standing stone circles in Europe which are classified as “henges” in the same manner as Stonehenge. See how early man shaped the landscape in this remote area around these sites.

Also visit the fascinating village of Skara Brae which was preserved under sand for centuries and revealed following a severe storm. This Neolithic village on the shores of the Bay of Skaill predates the Pyramids of Giza. It provides an insight into how man first started to live in communities with separated accommodation units and domestic utensils.

Day Three: Scapa Flow and Scotch Whisky Today drive south around Scapa Flow, a hidden inlet of the sea and the area where many naval engagements took place during the world wars. A moving memorial to these conflicts can be seen in the beautifully-decorated Italian Chapel that was built by prisoners of war. Drive over causeways to the dramatic South Ronaldsay cliffs, where the Isbister Chambered Cairn - the “Tomb of the Eagles” - is one of Orkney’s top archaeological sites.

On your way back to the hotel, stop to visit the Highland Park Distillery, the most northerly producer of malt whisky in the world. Take a tour of the facility to see how peat-roasted barley and spring water combine to create some fine examples of Scotland’s best-loved export. Of course you will be able to try a few drams of the different single malts!

Day Four: A Flight to Shetland Drive to Kirkwall Airport today to take the morning flight to Shetland, the most northerly archipelago in the British Isles. Complete with natural wonders, a wonderfully diverse land and seascape, the island is a haven for marine wildlife and the most unique culture. Your chauffeur will transfer you from Sumburgh Airport through to Busta Voe, where your guesthouse for two nights is located.

En route take a trip by small boat to an offshore island where the best surviving example of an Iron Age “broch” in Scotland stands in splendid isolation. Your route also passes through Lerwick, the principal town and harbour on the islands. See artefacts from the islands’ past in the Shetland Museum; and see the Tingwall Loch where an ancient parliament used to meet.

Day Five: Eshaness and Fethaland Spend the days exploring the rugged northwest wilderness of this northerly isle. Visit Eshaness: a combination of black volcanic cliffs blasted by the full force of the North Atlantic. The spectacular cliffs you see today cut right through the flank of what was the Eshaness volcano. Take a walk along the coastline which is one of the most sculpted by the ocean waves in the British Isles.

Then drive to Fethaland, at the north tip of Shetland's Mainland. The fishing station here was at one time the busiest in Shetland, with around 60 boats operating from here. The season was short: from June until August. The workers were accommodated in lodges, which still stand. The fish were split open and dried on the pebble beach before being exported to market.

Day Six: A flight back to the mainland Your final day sees you drive back south through Lerwick. Stop to visit the prehistoric and Norse settlement of Jarlshof in the south of the isle. It is wonderful insight into the ancient way of life of the island’s inhabitants. Records show human occupation here dating back some 5000 years; and during the Viking era, it was an important centre of trade.

Later this afternoon your chauffeur will transfer you to Sumburgh Airport for your flight back to mainland Scotland. Before checking in, visit one of the largest sand tombolo beaches in Europe, and the lighthouse that is one of the iconic symbols of the Northern Isles.

End of Services

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