the opelousas patriot (opelousas, la.) 1861-08-10 [p ] · diseases, and especially for the cure of...

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„ „„j pifty Cents a Year, ill advance. If {«»Wf.îitbiutlirce months, Three Dollars and ••fiSJw. Öiügle copies, 10 cent». *IW adYKBTISINO.

• onta will lie inserted at 5 cents per line ilftt»?„a »terv oublication. A libcl'uUllBCoiint

for yearly aud standiugjdvertise-


..." A .MiLLS^Qion. . . . Louis STAUÖ. JHU J.L. Mounts.

Ii fWy; L. J. lt. HUAW. Iii* Cl! ü W. H. lUssBïT.Jr. Ml""', F. CANNON. L/ITB""'1 LEWIS ZIM. j;,13Tl[il'w " ' F.HATOORK. LUh'f*.1," Dr. JOHN C'.MIM.E. Jf««»"' H. P. VOOBUIES. HL0U': J.K. DABBV. FIFTH"" A 1)0 LP HC H OLIVIER.

A.M. I'KHRAL'I.T. hW-ltotf' j,,» Ork'"

n'hc I,aw of Newspaper.

„ ,„rh„r9 wh0 do not give express notice to are considered as wishing to continue

. ,.kU»mt.Kiu. or(jertjle discontinuance of their continue to »end

1 11 k. IS. STHA WBIUDOE & Co

may 0' fiJSSli arrearages:arc: paid. 1H», fÄdbers neglect or refuse t

>• f,,m the office to winch




and the SnhH^tft •^rPb?.iöfor-In theSr fr'end» _ The fast running and regular' »n l -S .Hey u j"st received afitf ! packet. Steamer SUA S1J1ME-. Ü.

and Medicine'uTÎ'" nUt ,°1' '-)'"K-S MB ' ?" I'uuiiillier, Master, will leave Wash-it- i.' alsu 1 ai«ts. I erlumery of ~ ' all kinds, etc.

. They are also agents for the sale of a largo onan-tity ol 1 atcnt Medicines, the most popular

A. LOUAILLIF.RA.CO.. January 7. 1800-ly. Washington, La

refuse to take their . tarn U.c > which they are di-

""Tlbe? are responsible for them until they yatlJltheir bills and ordered them discon-

rt coats have decide* that refusing to take '• .1« fmn the office, or removing and leaving

ggignedfor. is prima facie evidence of inten-

TÄitd States Courts have also repeatedly i th»t t Postmaster, who neglects to give

J*l,le 'noice, as required by the Post Office *"® ,i tf fia neglect or refusal »f a person

the ®'B«e newspapers addressed to w UjLnder» tie postmaster liable to the publisher Ae 8U>»criltion price.


Oonveit and Academy Of the luiuiucilute Conception, Opt'lousa*, dt, l " Landry, l^a.

rnnK Imtitutou, under the care of the Sisters T of Hol» Cr»s, is located in the towu of Ope-L» U in ' "I"«' beautiful and healthy situa-In-the hu'ililinw are large and commodious; the

ohr-gruuuils delijhtfiilly shaded. The ooui'so of iistruotion is most extensive err,

bracing Krencb, Euglisli, a,id all the useful and Saeutai taught iu the best Institutions flf America or Eirope.

To encourage education, the most moderate terms have hccu nloptcd


TUB undersigned from this day will sell his him N.T at his Mill on Bayou Bourbeu at the

followingreduced prices, to wits (inin and Magnolia, for cash, 1J cent a foot and

2£ cents on credit. White Oak 3 cents cash and :!( on credit. Walnut and Ash fur cash 2J cent3 a foot and 3

cents on credit. Lumber can be sawed 30 feet In length if so or-

Jiiable deduction will be made on S. V. ltlCHABD, Agent.

de red. A re;i large "ßtf/s."

June 8th, 1861 tf.

îngtoni every SUNDAY at 9 o'clock À. M., and leave NewOrleans every WEDNESDAY at 5 P. M. »w. ranaing and regular packet, Steamer AiSNA PERRET, J. A. Capps, Master, will leave Washington every TUESDAY at 1 o'clock P. M. and^ leave NewOrleans every SATURDAY at ö

The Steamer ALINE, W. C. Neal, Master, will also be iu the trade as a transient Boat, having no regular day lor leaving.

Passengers and shippers can rely on the punc­tuality ol the steamers Nina Simmes and Anna Per ret.

The rate of freight will bo the same as hereto fore, viz :

gUfar $2 00 per Hhd. Molasses 75 « bbl. Cotton 7.5 « bile. Up Freight 50 " bbl.

O. HINCKLEY & CO. November 24,18G0.

O. O. P.—ST. LANDRY LODGE NO. 25 meets at Opelousas every Saturday

evening at 5 o'clock. 0. A. Guidry, N. G; O. Poiret, V. G; J. Anselm. Se­cretary; C. N. Ealer, Treasurer.

The Order is respectfully invited to attend Opelousas, Ja uary7,1860.

DISSOLUTION. THE partnership in the practice of the law

heretofore exiting between Hon. Thomas H. Iis aud the undersigned was dissolved 0» the 23rd Murch last by the death of the former. The partnership affairs will be liqui­dated by 1 he undersigned. All persons hav­ing claims against -aid firm are requested to present them immediately for payment, and all persons indebted to I he name are requested to come forward and settle.

JAS. M. PORTER. April 20, 1861.

READ! READ!! READ!!! Cairo, Illinois, July 2(Jth, 18G0.

Messrs. Jons WILCOX & Co. : , , ' Your ' Inpectine," or "Persian Fever Charm,"

porboard aod 6ition, $100, per scholastic year ilari d„ne wonders. I was wholly des ondent and •f ten innûths» }>a;able in two equal installments, wretched when 1 applied it, and in Ave hours the »nd iu advance. . chills were removed and no fever bas endued. It is

DayaeholAr.n wil i>ay or $-10, per scholastic t the simplest cure imaginable, and a wonder of ua-jw according w he classes they will attend, also ture or art. i would not be without this' Inpec-

O. H. & E. MOUTON, Attorneys at Law.

C. H. MOUTON. ERASTE MOUTON. Olüce—Opelousas, La. OfRce—Yermiliouville, La.

Opelousas, Jany. 7,18G0.

Notice to consignees of freight.

WE the undersigned respectfully beg leave to inform our friends and the public in general

that owing to the present crisis in business affairs it has become impossible for us to make any fur­ther advances on freight and consequently we are obliged to adopt a strict cash system fur freight and storage. Therefore 110 freight will be delivered by us hereafter until all the charges are paid; and 1 orders for freight will be received unless accor pauied with the money.


Wasbingon, La. December 14th 1SG0.

in two outfit! paynnnU, and in advance. Books mid SUkmery, Music aud Drawing, for

nth M will learn tem, are charged extra. For further partiulars, apply t" fel hlLlt M AUI

OP THE 8ACUSB HKAIfC, Superior; or to l.ev. O mYdO.N'D, Betor of the Catholic Church,

L.terary Institution preparatory icliool (or Academies,


CONDITIONS : Baardiug by the yar Day Scholar! by thu ye

'.$140 00 40 00

4 00 s, pillows 1 00

by the mo uth... Bedheads, bed doth«, mattresi ..

' Wwhiug per month 1 Each boarder and et h day scholar is bound to

furnish-a cord <»!' lire wrod tor the winter, to warm liiiuxelf. and hi® light. _

There will be in the hstitution, two half yearly pu'Jk- examination '•

1'iit sch'.liwtic year is of twelve months, vaca-tio n iucli'k'd.

Areductim will be {••anted on the most equita­ble tcvnii lor tiiJiu l>y disease or other causes iiideucudeut or' the will

The costs ! »r nursinj and for the attendance 01 Doctors, will :.e s»t the ci.11-je of the parents.

Bepteuiber I j, i8G0.-4y.

§SOO Reward. RANA\VaY from tit plantation of Franyois

Hubiu, in the Parili of St. Lan­dry, on the tirnt of June 859. a negro liinn of dark complexion .named JIM BUARHO.V. lie is ô feet? inches in height, ;i;ed '20 years, weghing about 150 pounds.

Tûe above reward will be paid for the arrest of said negro l><y, so that I tan get him, or by deliveing him to me ia New Orleans, at S W; corner Gravier and Barrone Rtreets. J. M. WILSON.

June 2,1800.

" STRAY" KCJRSE. STRWKl) from Washiçton, a tine iron grey

horse, aboat 15 hand high, aud having a white spot 011 one hip, hiving also both fore feet shod; thin horse is a well pit up animal, and of fine appearance.

A fair reward will be jiid for the delivery of •aid horse to

C. C. PICKET, December 1,1860. at Washington

Inpec tine'' a single hour, liy constantly wearing it I seem to be "ague proof."

Yours Very Truly, E. ii. STOUT.

Mobile, Alabama, July IZd, 18G0. GENTLEMEN :

I have been snatched from the grave by the ap­plication of your wonderful "Inpectine," or "Per­sian Fever Charm." For several years I have suf­fered every season from fever and ague. Last Spring my life was threatened, but your remedy has destroyed the disease, aud I am rapidly gain­ing an appetite îfnd strength.

Kespectfully, Yours, D. N. BAUHON.

This truly wondeful preventive and cure for Fe­ver aud Ague and Bilious Fevers, will be sent by mail, pos'l paid, on receipt of one dollar. Also for sale at all respectable Druggists and Country stores.

Principal Depot and Manufactory. 188 Main St., Richmond. Va. Brauch Olïice, Bank of Commerce Building, Yew York. Address

JOHN WILCOX & CO. September 8,18G0.

RS. WILKIN 'S, WASHINGTON, La. • Has just received from NewYork and

New Orleans, a large aud well selected stock • ̂ of Spring aud Summer goods, such as French, English aud American Prints,

Printed French Lawns •' Muslins,

Figured Brilliants, ! Swing Musiins and Jaconets,

Book do. and Bishop Lawns, Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery etc

PLANTATION GOODS. 'Choctaw Moriner and Osnaburg stripes,

Chickesaw and Key stone Plaids, Blue Deuims,

Twilled and plain Lowell, Tpi, 4(4 and 5[4 Bro Cottons

SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware,

Crockery saddlery Cedar ware, and a thou­sand things too numerous to mention.

\11 of which will be sold at a moderate profit, payable first March, to good and punctual eus-tomers, or still less for Cash. r wlLKINg

Washington, La

Howard Association, Philadelphia.

A Benevolent Institution established by special En­dowment, for the Relief of the Sick and IJis tressed, ajjlicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs.

MEDICAL advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a

description of their condition, (age, occupation habits of life, &c.,) and in cases of extreme pover ty, Medicines furnished free of charge.

Valuable reports ou Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable.

. Address, Dit. J. SKiLLIN HOUGHTON, Acting ' Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth S.'reot, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Direc tors.

EZRA D. HK ART WELL, President, GEO. FÂIKCUILD, Secretary. July 21, löGO.—ly.

11ENRÏ L'lIOTEL, 17JNGRAVER on Marble, has just established

JJ shop at St. Martinsville, for the. construction of funeral monuments of every description, makes inscriptions on the same, and also proposes to fur nish i ron-railing for tombs.

Refer to Jonathau Harris. Opelousas, August 18, I860.—ly.


Edmond D. Estilette, fVttorney auil Counsellor at Law,

Office on Bellevue Street, Opelousas, lia. January 21,18G0.—ly.

JOIIX 13. KING, Attorney at Law, has re­moved to his uew Office, corner of Landry and

Market streets, adjoining his residence, and nearly opposite the Clerk's office. Jauy 7, 1860.

George W. Hudspeth, ATTORNEY A-T LAW.

Oiïiew th Hon- John E. King. Opelousas, March 23d, 1861.

JOHN MACDONALT), Notary Public in and for the Parish of St. Landry, oilers his services to

the public. All business entrusted to him will re­ceive the promptest attention.

Opelousas, March 16th, 186L—ly.


OFFERS his services to the Auctioneers and administrators iu this and the adjoining par­

ishes. He will be found in Grand Coteau. All orders left at the office ofE. D. Estilette Esq., in Opelousas, will bo punctually attended to. Terms

aso nable. Opelousas, February 16th, 1861.—ly.

JOSEPH A. G A UTII RE A U X, Collec­tor of accounts, etc., respectfully offers hi:

services to the public as such. Orders left at hi; »ffice, or ut A. Millspaugh's, Washington, La., will be promptly attended to. Oct: 13,1860.

Jc OS KP II A. GAUTIIRUAUX, Public Auctioneer, in and for the Parish of St. Lan

dry. Orders left at his office, or at A. Millsnauglv Washington, La., will be promptly attended to.

Jan. 7, 1860.

Chevis & Ritchie, Suryeyoi'ä and Band agents*

Washington, La., February 25, I860.—ly.

Jj. B1SAUCH AMP, Auctioneer in und • for the Parish of St. Landry , will promptly at­

tend to all business confided to hiiu. Office in OpC' lousas. Jany 7, I860.

A B A R G A I N .

FOR SALE, 4 Steam Saw Mill of twentjhorse power, situated il. oa Calcasieu River, atibout eighty mile* from its mouth, togther with a dwelling house, blacksmith sbp, etc. This mill is iu perfect condition.

The terms will be ndvantagous to the purchaser, tor further Information apply it this office.

Opeloutjas, June 0, I860.

April 16,1859.

/~1 AKTS. CANE WAGUONS, BUOGlJ'.b V^'etu.—The undersigned being the agent for the House ol' Uusly l.ittell & (Jo., manufacturers, Wheeling. Va can supply planter» with any tiling in the way oi Carls, Wagons and Buggies, ou the shortest notice and most reasonable ternis. I .auters are respectfully solicited to hand lu their orders

..u nmiini'P t.lifl articles preVlOUS to low R. S. WILKINS.

For sale. The Heaver Creek

11HE owner being desirous of taking a trip to Eu­rope, will sell these fine -'ud well iiu- ^-3

proved Springs not surpa*>ed by any in y'it the State for their minéral waters' aud oilier advantages. They are located on one of the tributaries of the Nez-Pujue l iver, at a distance of 30 miles from the t-.nvn of Opelousas.

The patent covering these springs i-; of 50-100 acres and the improvements ih'-reuu consi>tofa hotel, rooms, kitchens, bath rooms, store house, stables, yard and pastures, etc., 2*»i) pcrsnns can be well accommodated at any one time at this summer retreat. It is furnished with every thing necessary for the comfort of visitors and coi^iurive to tic in­terest of a proprietor. It enjoys the incalculable avantage of being situated within a mile and a half of a saw mill.

N. B- The surrounding country is high and un­dulating consisting of piney woods und prairies which-abound with game, such as pheasants, grouse, wood cocks, snipes, quails, partridges, etc., and to lovers of more daring sport, the woods abound in bear, dear, wild turkies, etc. The clear running creeks and brooks furnish fish of u supe­rior quality in abundance.

Any one wishing to embark in this money making business would do well to apply immediately to the undersigned.

Terms aud conditions will be reasonable and easy. J- MILSTED, Agent.

Opelousas, dec 15, I860—tf

ONISZIME A. GUIDRY, Auctioneer und Notary Public iu and for the Parish of St. L;

dry. Office at the Court-House. Opelousas, Jany 7,1860.

ALPHONSE DMBAILLOX, PubPe Auc­tioneer in and for the Parish of St. Landry.

Orders left at the office of T. S. Robin will receiv prompt attention.

Opelousas, Jany 7, I860. N. ROUKR8, Cuhector of Account

vX* etc., respectfully offers his services to th public as such. Orders left at J.,Posey's Drug Store will be promptly attended to. Jany 7 LS60.

Auctioneer for the Oliice at his store iu

Head Quarters First Brigade. 4th Division, Louisiana Militia,

Oju'loui-as, May 6th, 1601.

General Orders No. 1. 1. Having been appointed und commission­

ed by Iiis Excellency Thug. Ü. Mooro, Govern­or oi' Louisiana, Brigadier General ui Lhu 1st Brigade, 4th Division, X.. M.. assigned within the limits of tho Parishes ol'Bt. Landry, Avoy­elles, Ijvfcvetle, Vermillion aud Calcasieu, I assume ihe command thereof.

2. Tho l'ol|owing officers have been appoint­ed to the Brigade SlalT, and they will be obeyed and respected accordingly :

Erasto Mouton of Lafayette, Aid-.le Camp, with rank of Captain.

Alexander DesuessartsofCalcus-ieu, Aid de-Canip, with rank of Captain.

T. C. Anderson of 8t. Landry, Quarter Master, w Ith rank of Captain

J. Bachman Lee of St. Landry, l'ai master, with rank of Captain.

Geo. Hill, M. D. of St. Landry, r-iugeou, with rank of Captain,

Henry L. Uailuud, Brigude.Mujor and Inspector continued.

3. The Colonels of the several Regiments this Brigade ure expected, in the present crisis, to act with energy,-zeal, and promptness in promoting the organization of Volunteer Com­panies within the limits of their commands and in causing their respective Field and Com pany officers to be instructed in the duties of the soldier. They will report without delay at ilead Quarters the organization of their ltegi inents.

4. The Brigadier (jenera! would impress up I the officers and men of the Brigade the im­

portance of a thorough inilitury organization Knguged in u war of defence against a degeue rate race, drunk with power, who, in the name of Freedom, threatened to subvert Free Insti­tutions on this Continent—who, iu the name of Liberty, would give a fatal stab to Liberty we would bo recreant to the proud uame of Freemen, which we inherit from our ancestors —to the souvenirs of the past, und to our just hopes of the future, did we not pot forth our whole energies to meet and hurl buck the inso­lent invader of otr ltights, Liberties, und Inde-y pendeuce.

Let us, then, organize—organize ! Quitting the paths of peace—beating our plow-shares into sword's—every man a soldier—the country one vast camp of armed men—rallying, as one man. around the Flug of the Confederate States of America, the last symbol of national constitutional liberty on this Continent, let us show to the world tout knowing our Bights we dare, can, aud will maintain them.

JOHN (i. PRATT, Brig. Gen. Opelousas, May 11th, 1 HCl.



For Sale,

M A N H O O I Mfsm.

now LOST, HOW RESTO.ED. Ms&JF Just Published, in a Seaid Envelope,

On the Nature Treatment ud Radical Cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Wekness, Sexual De-Mtty, Nervousness aud Invo^ntary Emissions, inducing Impotency, and Metal and Physical Debility.

BY UOB. J. CULVERW1LL, M. D. Author of the " Green look," fyc.

Th« world-renowned author, n this admirable Ucture, clearly proves from hi. own experience wit the awful consequences of fclf-abnse mav be •Bectually removed without med'ine and without wtgeroussnrgical operations,hoiries,instruments, rings or cordials, pointiug out 1 mode of eure at

certain and effectual, by wliih every sufferer, ?? matter wbat his condition my be, may cure "tniself cheaply, privately and rascally. This lec-

will prove a boon to thousand and thousands, aeot under seal to any address, pat paid, on the

receipt of two postage stamps, by fldressing ^ Dit OHAS.I.O. KLINE,

127 Bowery, New York, Post »flice box 4,586. oeptember 8, i860—ly.

A TRACT of laud of 3S2J arpents in the parish of Lafayette, situate ebout 6 miles N. N. « est

from the town of Vermillionvtlle, 44 nnles from the line ol the projeeted rail road; 2 miles South Bas from Charles Peeks, between the plantation of Madam lirenux and Vincent Bertrand, llii» • nd forms nil oblong square, one mile lon>{ and ba r a mile wi.le, and in iiuality ot soil and location I» not

Q I). ALLIS. Public O» Parish of St. Landry. VS'iu-hiugiun.

Opelousas, Jany 1860.

Public Sale. Estate of John Morrow, deceased.

Y virtu« of an order of the District Court in and for tlie Parish of t -U'ldo, i

June 8th. 1361. I. the undeingued Anctiot»-eer in and for the Parish «»f »St. Iauidry, will

iffer for sale at public auction' to the hivt und highest bidder, at the store of Morris & G»»\>er n Big Curie. Parish of St. Lundi y. on

Thursday, September 5th, 186^ the following described property belonging to the succession of John Morrow, deceased,*to wit :

A negro woman iiamiHl Bose, uged about 00 years.

Terms and Conditions :—On a credit of 12 months with 8| 100 interest per ànuiim from lay of sale. The purchaser required to (jive his note with approved personal securiiy; und a special mortgage retained to se ou re the pay­ment.

CORVDON SIMMONS, August 3d, 1861. Auctioneer.

Public Sale. BY virtue of au order of the District Court,

1 will offt-r at oublie sale, before the Court House door in Opelousas. on

Saturday, 17th of August, 18G1, the following land belonging, to the succes­sion of Amelia M. lviuif,deceased, viü :

A tract of land on the right bank of the Atchufaluya in de­scending. iu the Parish of St. Landrv, contain­ing about 180 30(100 acres, bounded above, below und in the rear by Ashcrafi, being fruc-tional N. K. j-4 nhd 15. % of fractional S. K.

of section 2-1 in Township Ii S. of Kaiigo 7 Kast.

Terms and Conditions :—A credit of twelve months, with personal security und special mortgage for 4 6 of tho price of said land, and for*the other 2 6 the têruis to he tised by fum-ily meetings previous to ihe day of sale.

C. I.- SVVAYZIC, Adinipistrattir 1 of the Kstate of Amelia M, King ' July 13th, 1861. /

Public Sale. Estate of Michel Moore, f. m. c.,

deceased. ue of an order of the 81 h Judiciul

District Court, holding sessions in and for tlis 1'urish of St. I.iiiiihy, State ot Louisi-una and bearing date lltli July 1861, will be sold by the undersigned u duly commis­sioned auctioneer, on the premises, 011

BY virtui Distrie

F O E S A L E . A tract of land situated ill this parish, in Bois

' Mallet, known asthe Charles Lneasse's tract in Township five South, two East and six houtli

Bast; all woodland contoininp

will be sold at a reasonable price aud ble conditions. ,. „

For further information apply at tins office or to the undersigned ROUOLPHE CHACHEHL,

February 23,1661—tf. Agent.

$100 REWARD.

Will tie paid to any one who will lodge in jail, or deliver to the undersigned Ins negi-

600 Arpents of Land for Sale.

ASa ar plantation adapted to sugar or cotton, containing OUI) arpents. 1BU arpents uie uu-contaiuui,

der fence. Terms easy. Apply to^

July 7. IStiO.

CHEVIS & RITCHIE, Land Agents, Washington, La.

HOUSE PAINTING. r.'XW5"J"=?rf Di-ug st,re of 1'. L. Hebrard will tejranetmll^at-

^ew Iberia Marble Works. TJLANS, Specifications aud Drawigs, submitted j- by a travelling agent at the re-ilences of any

oo may desire informations, or wis to purchase, address GASPAtt LUSSEE, ïew Iberia.

j)peiousas, April 28, 1860.

A Good opening to business People.

T GIBBS offer for sale the two sVry bouse be kitchp °W ®ccuP*es as a dwelliug ancfetore with a depot hrick houses now used k a carriage

•n6?'feetmeaSareS ab0at 100 te6t froli ou a deptb

se" tbe stoc1t °f trimitags, paints tion Saî Parfc carriage shoLiu counec hr»»!^ ^laik's, who will contiub the other

To n wo°d and Iren work. tk» f.,r.er80ni? araPle means and habis snited to a «V>JQ1ûL ty offered a good opportnity to do blast business as all the branche^are in full

On«in « JOSEPBGIBBS. uP«lou8A8, March 9th, 1861


January 12th 1S61.—ly*

A. M. Perrault, General Collecting

RÄÄÄffÄ Xli Lllizena I" 111 jiunliralions tortile the above capacity.

boy aud

as prr-

based by anv land in the neighbourhood; person wishing to purchase such a tract of land, may lu ve | ̂ j;eu lilç|lt Rrirr, aged about 20 year a bargain by applying to ,'A'riv'^rTrnOVALlI about 5 feet u inches iuhight ; Said boy wa lnusns. J°"N. MACIKJ.NA1.L1, fl.„m the Estate Ol Chevalier Daigle j His

Onfilousas. deceiuber 22(1. IsuO, I.PIOIIL'S to Gilbert David M !• aciuetaupie, — father to Dr. Knox iu Plaquemiiie, we men­

ti,m this as he is likely to be tound in the viciuit) of those places. ,

p. s._ (îeorge is a smart boy, and must be ques­tioned closely . ,rnDn

December 22d I860 tf LEN\ IS, A. ^ Day ou Bœuf.


17^ROM the Plantation of the uuderHigned in this * Parish, live months ago, two mexicau inuu«,

one black aud the other white; both of odinarv size. It is possible that they have gone to bayou liouge where they were bought.

Any one Unding said mules aud bringing them to ,«;.»« <> i-pwar/l of



A practitioner since .1(5. a graduate of the Uni versity of Va., aud of theitmv Orleans Selm

of Medicine, having located nt. Honicsville La., would respectfully offer his professional services to the people oftbat place and vicinity.

March '-;3d, 1861.—Uui.

Dr D. W. Foster. HAVING permanently located in Opelousas,

offers his services to the public in the difl'er eut departments of practice—Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics.

At present he may be found at his residence on Landry street, formerly occupied by J. H- llether-wick. dec 22d 1860.-!y.

OI 7 J. G BROOKS HAVING located at Plaqueinine Ridge, resjiect-

fully offers his professional services to the public. Residence, Plaquemiilce Hidge.

April 28, lbüü.

Dr WM A ROBERTSON HAVING permanently located in Washington,

offers his professional services to all who may honor him with their patronage.

Office on Main Street, opposite the Drug Store of Messrs. Louiallier & Bouchez. April 14, '60 4m


HAVING permanently located at the place for­merly occupied by Mr Marcus Harwell, oilers

his professional services to the citizens in his vlcin-, ty. dec 15,1860—Gin

Head Quarters, Samt Landry Hcguncnt.

Ist Buir, A DE, 4tli DIVISION, L. M. # Opelousas, April 22ud, 1S61. {

General Orders No. 2, 1. The Bnttalions and Companies of the Regi­

ment arc assigned as follows:

First Battalion. LIEUT. COL. ALLEN THOMAS, Commanding.

Company A. 1st und Sth Wards, Opelousas and Bellevue.

44 B. 2nd and 14tli Wards, Washington aud Wnxia.

C. 3rd Ward, Gros Chevreuil and Ar nuudvllle.

I). 4th and lDth Wards, Grand Coteau and Coulee Croche.

15. Uth and 18th Wards, Lower Plaque-mine, Que Tortue, Meiitow, aud Ly-

me will receive a reward of^^

January 12 1861.

Meli Clieney Springs. a to put up milE undersigned having the intent

A a Saw Mill at these Springs to^ thejmrjiosc

the™tten"ioi? ol an agent° wUl receive strict and

prompt attention. July 1«, 1*59-

EAGLE HOTEL, Fronting ihe Cnnrtableau, hetweeii the upper

aud lower steamboat Landing, Washington, I».

rpHE undersigned having (very

Xsïââ's À SrS»£T.!rK"aJa® and Mouth, at lieaNonaUe^hargtg^, proprjetu,-

D O _The location of this House is very desira-

removing baggage. Washington,La., March 3.1860.

mt Notice. J v i » h a v e j u s t o p e n e d a T r . U ° r , i

th« ttoUF Pn ^am fetl'cet, in the front Room of Haut th.°°ase.which forms a part of te Union im «f *v ^ solicit respectfully the kinl patrou-tim ? Public, satisfied that they cancive en-TH»M TU' to all those who will ^tronize

• taeir prices are verv moderate.

«, un—[tf.

ofrebuilding the place, will cause the grounds to be laid out into lots of suflicieut size to contain a dwelling house aud kitchen on each one. 1 lieft lots, he will sell at 200 each to be paid cash

« vu. Besides every purchaser will ^he'd wïth 20,000 feet ot lumber for build

for the moderate sum ol $.100 pay delivery. While those who pur

Î free access to the spring to

BLOCH, FIMBFJU* & €0. \\ holi'sul»- aud Uetttil Jienliauts


HOOTS AND SHOES, Glass Ware and Crockery. March 10,18U1—ly



All Orders executed at short notice. Terms moderate.

Opelousas, Dec., fi, I860 —ly.

Fine Watches & Jewelry, CHEAP FOIT CASH.

1HAS. N. EALKlt, Watchmaker and Jeweller,

"is now prepared to direct his attention to ail brauchts of his

he fur ing purpose:

"will hâve free access "to" the "spring to enjoy them in eve-v resnect. the nndersigned reserves to him-«lf the exclusive right to keep a hotel and ( of-fee House &c. Those purchasing will enter into •i contract, whereby tbey t>hall Iii nd themselves to build nothing but private dwelling houses to be used as such forever. ,, , ...

Those wishing to purchase would do well to ap­ply immediately in "raer to First come, lirst served.

Opelousas, Febuary W 1881— tf.

good lot. LOUIS A. PATIN.

Opel on person busine:......

He has also on hand a select stock of Watches, Jewelry and tine pocket Cutlery, all of which is offered cheap for cash.

Old Gold aud Silver bought. November 3, i860.— ly.

For sale. OOA ACRES of laud situated in the Parish of

St. Landry, and fronting the Atchafal ya river on the West bank, four and a half mile about Capitata Lyons', with a good dwelling hi and kitchen. Fif y acres oi this land are cleared aud one acre is fenced in for a garden.

Terms and conditions easy, apply to J. M. MILSTED.

Opelousas, decernber 15th, I860—tf

Alexander Levy. uc, I.AYLR AND BRICK MAKER . trade, having settled permanetly ui Opelousas .«„,«!,.m. to the citizens ol tin» Parish. All otters Iiis services to the citizen:

wuk intrusted to hiui will lie performed speedily and in a workmanlike manner. Terms reasonable.

Opelousas, March 30th, lotil.--Um.


C "t an! biirvevor, offers concieuciously hp v te-i a „ubiiu ni St. Landry. Al. orner. Sft !.Uhellnl-n Hotel will he promptly attended ! and C lelt III I I I I • OVPTV He will be found there every Saturday. WM«reh ^th îsiîi.—ly — :-v 4tpvt LYE OK:

DICK, the well known Ktallion ot Dr. Thompson stands now at

Mr Pierre Coim'au's HtabSes, where he-'will remain till October next. He serve American mares for the season at

d Creole mares at S10. Opeloui-as, April 13. 1B61^

* PONIFIER. for tale by /. L. HVT3RARf>.

Second Jiattalion. MAJ. LOUIS STAGU, Coinmnnding.

'oinpahy F. Util Wui d^V il le Platte und Chu, tugnior.

" O. 7th and lth Wards, Upper Pla­queinine, Point au Loupn, AluHôt, and Faquetaique.

" H. 10th find Ifith Wards, Rayon Chi cot, Pine Prairie, aud Prairie Ma-moth.

" I. 11tli and 17th Ward*, Old Oraud Prairie aud Prairie Plaisance.

44 J. 12th, 1.3th, and loth Wards, Bayou Boeuf, Mountville, AtchafaloyiC, Ba­you Rouge, and lia you Petite Prairie.

2. The Colonel Commanding lufving appointed to his Staff, Win. II. Spencer, Adjutant; lb on. C Anderson, Quartermaster; and J. Bachman Lee Paymaster; and having continued Regimental Surgeon, I)r. James Bay; these oillcera will be obeyed and respected accordingly.

By order of .JNO. <». PRATT, Colonel.

WM. II. SPKNCEH, Adj?t. April 27, 1861.

Wednesday, 14th August, 1861, the following described property belonging to the Ksiutu of Michel Monro, f. TO. c.,deceased lute of this 1'urish, to wit :


where lite deceased lust resided, oust of aud near the town of Opelousas, in the parish of St. l.ttnd, y, boiin- JKÎMM9&* ded north' by land of Mrs. l'honnis O. Audersou and by-the tiuyou Uui-pueuie, south by Iwtid of l.ustie Nczat anil west, by lund belonging to Mrs. livnriste l)e-baillon, dntiiining, as per act passed the 5th May 185(1, before the undersigned Recorder aud recorded in his oliice book I'page 1118 ic., by which Joseph M. Moore sells the s»iue to deceased, two hundred und twenty two ar pents, together with ull thi buildings und iui provcnients theron.

2 mules, 3 Creole horses, ono gun. 2 chests and carpenters tools,one lot of hogs ,Vc., &e.

'i'anns and Cnuditions CASH. AUliILK DUPBB,

July 13ih, 1881. Aucliouecr.

Sheriff's Sale. S T A T E O b ' L O U I S I A N A .

Lastie Dupre



AS the honor to inform his friends and tl public in general that be has Just returne

from the city of New York with the and most elegant stock o,f goods iu his line of business e<

INTRODUCED INTO THIS MARKET ! ! His stock of materials for Utting up gentlemen'i

ardrobes in the and most tasty maimer can not be surpassed, aud lie assure H Iiis friends and customers that he is prepared to cut and make clothing of every description iu the latent French and American sty le.

Call in and examine for yourselvea. January loth, 1801.—ly.


FOR BALE on tenus and conditions advantage ouu to purchasers.

""îrsoiw who are in want of a 4. h mor< H of land, will do well to apply immediately t«

the undersigned who has the following lot* for »«lie at prices to -nit the times.

1st. The W. J of the N. E. > of Sect. 13, T. 1, N. 0 E. on Bayou La(Joon, near Bassett's Mill.

Alst» the following .{ and i Sections où tho Bayou Crocodile in the Parish of St. Landry.

The N. W. i of Sect. J1, T. U. 2, S. K. The N. K. h of South W .{ of Sect. 31, T. 2, S. E. The X. E. X of Sect. 17, lot ,r> of Sect. 30 W. of

Bayou Crocodile T. No. 2. H. R. 2, 10. The NT. K. .| of Sect. .'U , T. 2 S. Ii. 2, E. N. It. -The above luuvl« are well timbered and in

noint of fertility will compare with the bent in the State. J. M. M1LSTK1).

Opelousas, Dec., 8, 1800.—tf.


To provide for the issue of Bondé in the namte of the Parish, to raige money to aid in the Mili­tary defences of the State and Parish, and tb create a Military

ry of the l'ârish of St. Landry, that' the fan thousand dotfars% latfelj' appropriated fof the Military defences ofWie Parish and St*U kbAll be raised and expended ai follows:

ART. 2nd. Be it further ordained. That the President of the folic« Jury and the Ctorlt thereof are authorized It» issue bonds to the a-niount of the said ten thousand, dollar*; paya­ble, one third on the 1st October 1862, one third on the 1st October 1863, and.oub third on l,t October 1864 The said bond» shall be signed by the said President and Clerk in their official capacity. Said bonds shall M made payable to bearer, and shall be divided into denominations of one hundred, fifty, ind IweilIy dollars, HS the said Clerk and Presi­dent may think proper, iu conjunction with the Military Hoard, hereinafter established.

ART. 3rd Be it further ordained, That Ihe said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum, which shall bo proj vided for by coupons attached to each bond, all the coupods for* iuteiest payable annually on the 1st of October. The said Coupon» «hall be attached to each bond and signed by th* raid Président and Clerk. '

ART. 4th. Be it further brdaiuri, That the said boud.i and coupons shall be immediately printed and signed uw aforesaid and placed in the possession of tho Military Board of the Parish of St. Landry herein created:

AUT. 5th. Be it further ordained, That thö following persons, to wit ! C. H. Monton, l)r. John A. Taylor, Caleb L. Sway«, Cyprietj Dupre, Acl'iHe l>»Pre< I)r- V. Boagni, oud

_Jniiic» M. Porter, sliull eonipose and fbril| "The Military Board of the Parish ol Saint Landry." The saiil Board siiall take posses­sion of tho aforesaid bonds and coupons and sell them, us occasion tuuy reqniie, to provide for tho military defences of th# Parish and State, for urininK and organizing the citizens, and for Biding when neeessary lor the equip­ment or volunteers, and for the msinteuancu of such of I lie families of volunteer», who may go into the service of the Statë or of the Coufrue-racy, is muy need assistance, and they al* au-, thorized to apply the money thus raised to tho above pul posus. They shull uot soil any byiid* below par. They shall give their oif# bond for the aforesaid coupons and bouds payable to the President and members of t|e Police Jury, to gnaruntee the Ihithftil ]>erfartï>ance of tho'duties herein' imposed on tlifm, ti' boftigiy ed in presence of the Cldi k of the Poliov' Jury und recordetf by hint amobg its proceedings. They shall aleet tlteif own officers, and keep an accurate minute of their proceedings,,and re­port at cacti regular meeting of the Police Ju­ry unless ot'tener requested. They shall receive uo cotupensiitiou for iheir service«,and the tax hereafter to be levied for the payment of the albrcsuid bonds, shall be collected by the Par­ish tax Coitecto^ without couipensation. They shull hold their appointment at tint pleasure of the Police Jury. Any resignation iu the said. Board shull bo filled by the President of tliq Police Jury. A iniijority of the Bo»™ '"i'ul! constitute a Quorum to do business, and a ma­jority of all the member» of said Board shall be necessary ti^ muke any expenditure or appro­priation of money.

ART. Gtli. Be it further ordained, That ;th« aforesaid coupons for interest shall be receiva­ble in payment of Parish taxes, commencing with the Parish taxes of 1863.

A nr. 7th. Be it further ordained, That,the said "Military Uuard" will be held to a faith­ful uduiyilstration of their trust, and to u judi­cious expenditure of the fund« placed at their disposal, in the exercise or a discretion rettrio* ted only by the previous provisions/if the wdt-

An/justln Pellain. Kdward VY. Moore,

District Court, Paribh of ftt. Landry.

No. H7G0.

vrlt of alla«tl. fa., and plun II

uancc. ,..... = . , ART. 8th. Uo it further ordaipçd» tlie

ordinance »bull tttlîé cffcct from and after it« pasHu^e.

OrUaiucd ApHI 29th, 18C1, , ELBKRt OASTT, Prtfildttit.

Jos. I). RlOU111». Olcik.

Fencing Boom.

Mn. ALFltKl) DÜCUATEAÜ hni the honor to Inform the goutlemeu of thin Pariah tb^t ho

nened a Fencing lioom „oju. ;uajn »»treat In a ronui ailjnining thé Union HotfL No palwawill be loft untried, that he may give entire aatbfftction to all who will honor him with their patronage.

0|»elouhua, March 2 Ihtll^r-tf.

NOTICE TO THE PUBLlâ muß uubUc, !• herchy lufonncJ tliat.lhd utider-A Siglind I» determined to l id lilmtelf of his large

Stock of flumftier fionds, and will sell the same at cost prion., in order tu muke room.

PeiNoiiSiWinliliiff cheap bargutiiH for rath will do well to call and see hofore punihasliig clmyhcru.

(i. lKKI.ltKI.MEIt, Washington, U. iMuy 12, 1HU0. tf

Who wants a Mechanic !!! riMIANKFUL for past favors, the undur%ned i Iuy wrvice« wil x informs bis friend.* and the public in peneml date or auurcaa that he btill continues to follow his old trade, and is prepared to do all kinds of Iîrick work from the fanciest to the plainest that may be entrusted to him. Orders addressed to me at Washington, or Atöhafaiaya Post-Oßice, will meet with prompt attention. So come one, come all, I study to pleaae.

ALEX. BAUT OX. January 1 18»il—6m.

HEADY MADE CLOTH I AG. flHK best made Gentlemen'»! clothing, of the

finest material and moat fashionable

Real Estate Agency. riMlK undesigned offers hi.* services to all perbous 1 wishing to purchase or aell ianda and negroes. He intends making a tour of mo»t of ll»e Southern State*, with a view of establishing business con­nections. Those desirous of availing themselves of

will do well to call ou me at an early my 1'ost Oflke, Wushiirgtou,

During rny absence, Pr. Jamas Itay will attend to all applications.

Applicants must give fall description of propel ty for sale or which they de»ire to purchase.

March '23d, IMil ly. JAMESC. HILL.

____ . . led in the above entitled suit by tho, District Court in and for the Pnrb.h of St- Lnndry und State aförtwaid, and to me directed, 1 will ex pose at public sale, for cash, at the Court-houao of this Parish, on SATUUDAÏ, tho 7th «lay of September, A. O. isfll, comiueiu ing at the hourof 11 A. M., audcontitiuingfroniduy to day, ifuecessa-ry, all the right., title, interest and dcniaud of Augustin Pol lain, in and to the following property seized to satisfy said writ, to wit;

l»t. One part of lot No. 7, situated in the town of Washington, iu this Parish, bounded on one nldo byttWatshmgtou street, on the other wide by Bridge street, front by Sittig stieet, aud ou the rear by part of said lot belonging toi». Ulrich, the same being lot 7 of plat of said town, with the buildings and improvement* thereon.

2nd. Another piece of ground, } of an arpent, being the north quarter ot lot No. lis bounded on the side by Sittig street, and on the other sble by Washington street; being the same purchased from J. Ohenier. »nd being bounded in th« rear by Cheuicr A Folia in. also with all the buildings una Improvements thereou.

3d. A tract or parcel ot land situated at Mount« ville in this Parish, with all the improvement* thereon erected, measuring twenty superficial ar­pents more or less, bounded North bv the Hayou Crocodile, South by Wehl» and West by land formerly belonging to the l-Istatu of George King.

Sherilf's Office, Opelousas, July 27,,lfiHl. lu V. Oil ACU1ÎHK Sheriff.

Sheriff's Sale. S T A T E O F L O U I S I A N A .

Thomas ('. Quirk, ) District Court vs. ( Paribh of St. Landry.

John Baptiste Schiuit. ) No. U'i'i'i. T)V virtue of an order ot seizure and sale iaaued 1) in tho above entitled suit, by the District Court iu aud for the Parish of St. Landry and State aforesaid, and to rue directed, I will expose at public sale, for ra*h,at the Court House ot thin Parish, ou SATUUÜAV, the 7th day of September, A. D. IfcfJl, commencing at the hour of 11 A.M. and continuing from day to d..y. if neceasarv, all tue right,title, interest and demand of the said de­fendant, John Baptiste Scbmit, in and to the following property, seized to satisfy said writ, to wit:

The undivided half of a certain square or lot of ground situated iu the town of Wellington, iu this Parish, with all the buildings and improvements thereon, consisting of the flotel commonly known as tho Washington Hotel, a Store Ac., and boundeo as follows, front by Carrierre atreet, back by Mount-ville street,on one ^ld^: by Main htreet und on the other by Washington street, being the lot marked No. 'iü on the plan of the town of Washington. La.

L. Y. Cil A OH !2ftK. Sheriff. Sheriä'a Oliice,Opelousas, July 27th, lbtil.

NEW STORE. mUK undersigned having formed a copartnership X for the puipuae of carrying on tho,Com-merclal liuatnesa under tho lirm of Nev Ik Dupre, take pleaaure In announcing to their 'j frlendu and to tlio |iubllu l_li_ geueml, that

With ono of ilium ha« juxt arrived from NewYorl a coiuulete unaortmeut of DUY tiOODH,


UltOOKRIW, iiiyuouH,


FANCY AUTICLES. In a word, all that ought to bo found In a comi-

try «tore. While detslroiix to avoid anything llkq quaekery, the iiiiilemlgned, uevertheluw, will not lienitate to Buy that they Clin sell their good« ut prieex 11« low IIH they ean tie Imd In KewOrleanii. ut retail,'probably at a lower price than tbey have been unlit here heretofore.

The underaiguog belüg fully convinced that stlio cowh aystem In tho mirent and the beHt, an well' for the buyer an for the merchant, hope thattlioKe who ar« de»lrou* to encourage them, will not makt it neceniiBt y for them to repeat over aud again, that owing to their low price», will do bualnean on tba Cnsh Hyntem oiily.

They occupy the «tore kept formerly by P. A V. iloy, on Main atreet, Ouolôuaaa.


OpeloiiBB«, March IT, 1R60—ly.

L o s t .

T A K E N U P .

AN amerlcan aorrel toule was taken up on the 10th inatujit by the uuderaigued ut the Jlell

Clieney Spring« in thlft parish. Said mu le Is about 1 or f> years old and is branded on the left shoulder about thus: H. lie does not uppear to be geutle either under the saddle or in harness.

The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay costs and take him away.

Belle Cheney Springs, June 22a, iHtfl. L. A. PATIN.


FOR SALE, ft TWO line Tim'tr IVhcrh, with Screw, perfectly. J[ new. I'1. Ice apply at this office, or to ci­

ther of the nui'efalgued. ONKZ1ME A. OUIDBY. AtftliUÏ DEJKAN.

March 30th, 1801.—tf.


offered iu this market can be had at Mr. Daniel ' lS.VJ,and payable in January Inbo.

'•ry not#: for tlf-O, drawn »vor of J. 11. Jackson, ha»

given in January,

Slieiible'« on the corner of Main aniiouth areetü. | His prices are very rcanoiiable. Ov.e!:in;, J««« ; V, 1" '- • * '•

All neraotu are heirby w.irned,a(tain»t trading 'or«»Id note. MAUTH \ A. JACKSON.

1"!.- *.4 H'f '.'»î«.'T.».

V gentleman is desirous to purchase a small farm which mi^ht contain from seventy ttve tt

a hundred eupertlc' tf which would hi be over three miles from Opelousas.

For further information apply at the Patriot's Office. _ March Pith,lGCl.—tf.

~FO USA LE, G Plantation* and negroes for sale.

2,000 acres wild land for sale. March 23d, I^Ci— tf. J Ail ER C. HILL.

P\ 'f ENT MLDICÎN».—A fresh and gone ml a^ '-«T P f rTOTAW.

To the Planters, Of Oil» and nfliolniug Parithet.

Mit. W. A. ALI.F.NDKH of tho Texas Hedge company, is uow planting hedges of the Os­

age Orange for a number ofonr planters, Thia company is well recommended here and ie undoub­tedly perfectly responsible as it has been engaged in the business ill Ala uma, Mississippi and Texas fora number of years and has given general *a s-fac ion Planters, who desire an impenetrable hedge for life, one that will not rot, be blown or wash down, *ou d do well to imploy this company as its price is but about ÎJ7 cents per panel with a perfect guarantee that the hedge is to be made per» feet before the pay is required, except a small pay­ment of 20 per cent the first two years. This com­pany's plan of mauaging a hedge is entirely differ-eut from that of any other that has beeu pursued in this part of the country.

Call ut tho Euule Hotel or address W. A. ALT.EKPR»

rwi-tu**« M .ne h "r:4 î*fl.

top related