the openerp ecosystem business model

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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"The OpenERP Ecosystem business model"

Breaking down paradigms.

Nhomar Hernandez.CEO

Business model based on Values and Principles

We need to work with the world, not against it.
Everything is based on money.
Why not build an -ecosystem-?

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

A. Einstein

Old Model.

The Key = Money


Be the best, everything else will come along.


There are 6 Billion people around the globe.

If I have 1 idea in a million, 6k can have the same idea, Right?

Can we patent or take for ourselves Pyramids?

Why Not have a world?

Algorithm for a business Idea looks like this.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.A. Einstein

Video:Show me The Money: Tom Crouise in Jerry McGuire Look in Youtube

First Principle: Humility

We explicitly reject any suggestion that our ideas are original. We have sought to reuse the published work of other researchers wherever possible. If we have done any original work, it is by accident. We have tried, as much as possible, to take good ideas from all corners of the academic and industrial community.

Extract of the python PEP: 3146

Second Principle: Give, after ask to receive.

You need to train as a boxer.Punch as much as you can.

Punch = Knowledge

But you MUST be prepared to receive

The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.

A. Einstein

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

A. Einstein

Third principle: Respect your environment.

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.

A. Einstein

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.

A. Einstein

Don't Compete against OpenERP, S.A. Compete WITH OpenERP, S.A. against our competitors around the world.

Nhomar Hernandez, a crazy man in latam

You must improve your business and look towards the future.

Information is not knowledge.

A. Einstein

Example of the SAP cheating, and why we must work with principles.

An extract of a contract for a Colombian Goverment Institution that implement SAP.

THE DEPARTMENT agrees that all ideas, concepts, and / or all other intellectual property rights in any way connected with theskills, knowledge or processes of the SAP Services or products to which access under this Agreement, whether or not developed for THE DEPARTMENT, are solely owned by SAP. SAP will form sole and exclusive all rights, title, interest and ownership in that technology.

Public SAP Contract Cundinamarca department Colombia -.

An extract of all contracts for a Venezuelan Goverment and Private Industry that implement OpenERP with us.

THE COMPANY agrees that all ideas, concepts, and / or all other intellectual property rights in any way connected with theskills, knowledge or processes of the OpenERP Services or products to which access under this Agreement, whether or not developed for THE COMPANY, are solely owned by THE COMMUNITY. All developments will be released under AGPLv3 Licence.

We improving our Open Source Services.

The Proof.

What our customers are doing in Venezuela

Our Work

If OpenERP S.A. and _every single_ partner has success on their markets with a profitable business we will change the thinking of the Business World.

ME! ;-)

This is a marathon NOT an sprint race, we need to train long hours and all the path in the middle is important.

I hear it in some place

One who wants to harvest quickly, He must plant carrots and vegetables,

Who has the ambition to plant oaks, He must be able to say to himself:

my grandchildrens will thank me this shadow.

Leon Walras The history of economic thought


Read me in: Work:http://vauxoo.comFollow Us on Twitter:@nhomar - @vauxoo

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