the oracle netsuite field service management

Post on 09-Jan-2022






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The Oracle NetSuite Field Service ManagementSuiteApp Buyers Guide

The Oracle NetSuite Field Service ManagementSuiteApp Buyers GuideWelcome to the Field Service Management SuiteApp buyers guide for NetSuite.

If you are an existing Oracle NetSuite

customer and are evaluating

NextService as a potential SuiteApp,

there are several key factors to be

considered before deciding.

To help you assess if a native built for

NetSuite app is right for your organization,

we have put together this guide.

NextService is a Native Built for NetSuite

SuiteApp, developed by Next Technik,

and is designed to extend NetSuite so

that it meets the needs of a field service


This document will cover the areas of

SuiteApp evaluation to be considered and

understood, which will help you decide

whether NextService is the right solution

for your field service operation.

Each section includes a “Buyers Insight”

to help inform your buying decision.

1. What is a Built for NetSuite SuiteApp?

1.1. How is a SuiteApp different from a standalone application?

1.2. What are the different types of Built for NetSuite Apps?

1.3. Native vs Integrated - Why does it matter?

2. Our Products Explained

2.1. NextSchedule -

For depot services or small field service team

2.2. NextService - For field service without inventory

2.3. NextService FSM -

For field service with inventory management

2.4. Product Feature Matrix

3. SuiteApp Comparison

4. Your SuiteApp Journey

4.1. Engagement

4.2. Adoption

4.3. Optimization

5. Choosing a SuiteApp Solution

6. About Next Technik


















What is a Built for NetSuite SuiteApp?

NetSuite is a business platform built from the ground up as a genuine multi tenanted cloud enterprise resource planning solution. As a NetSuite customer you may have encountered SuiteCloud infrastructure either directly or as tool used by your service partner to enhance NetSuite.

From scripting and workflows to analytics

and web services, SuiteCloud developer

tools in the hands of qualified users

and consultants allow organization to

continually evolve NetSuite to meet their

business needs while minimizing the risk of

broken systems during upgrades.

One size does not fit all

NetSuite recognized over ten years ago

that it is complicated to be all things to

all people. By opening its customization

layer to professional development partners

customers benefit from a world class cloud

ERP solution extended by industry leading

professionals who are experts in their field.


Buyers Insights

Is the web app listed on the site?

Only NetSuite certified web apps

can be listed on the SuiteApp site.

Is the app developer a NetSuite

SDN Partner?

This ensures that the app is licenced

to use the Built for NetSuite logos

which infers certification.

This created a marketplace of apps

for customers to extend NetSuite

functionality and allow customers

to get the best of a single platform

approach combined with best-in-class

solutions. marketplace

The SuiteApp marketplace lists

products that have been certified by

NetSuite as being developed by a

Software Developer Network (SDN)

partner like Next Technik.

Has the SuiteApp received any

recent reviews?

This will indicate if the SDN partner is

actively maintaining their application,

servicing customers and is viable as

a partner.

SDN partners build SuiteApps as part

of the “Built for NetSuite” initiative.

The program provides guidelines,

design principals and best practice

technical security.

This ensures that NetSuite customers

who deploy a SuiteApp get a solution

that is aware of how NetSuite works

and is certified by NetSuite to operate

in a fashion that is consistent with

NetSuite development practices.


How is a SuiteApp different from a standalone application? Applications that are built standalone from

NetSuite are not “NetSuite Aware”.

The developers of these applications may

have very little knowledge or understanding

of how NetSuite works. There is no sharing

of resources, development environments are

completely different and maintenance and

upgrades occur independently.

SuiteApps on the other hand are built by developers

who are intimately aware of how NetSuite works,

utilize NetSuite resources to enable features, are

kept informed of NetSuite roadmap and have

access to the NetSuite development platform.

While many good standalone web applications

have an open Application Programming Interface

(API) this is only part of the solution. For a third-

party application to integrate with NetSuite via an

API you will need an integration developer that

knows both applications and can ensure that data

flows seamlessly between both platforms via their


SuiteApp developers like Next Technik have already

completed the hard work. They have built their

solution using the native NetSuite SuiteCloud

development platform and used the provided

NetSuite development components to guarantee

interoperability, performance and security.


Buyers Insights

Does the standalone app require integration with NetSuite?

If yes, either source a proven connector or get a fixed price

quote that fully specifies both end points before proceeding.

Does the standalone app API use token-based


This improves security and eliminates the need to rotate


To avoid complicated integrations and potential security

issues source a SuiteApp that is Native Built for NetSuite.


What are the different types of Built for NetSuite Apps?

NetSuite categorizes SuiteApps using Built for NetSuite

(BFN) Badge types to help SuiteApp buyers understand

the level of integration provided by the SuiteApp partner.

Buyers Insights

Does your NetSuite deployment use custom

records, fields, forms and workflows?

Complex integrations increase project risk.


Native Built for NetSuite SuiteApps are entirely on

platform and hosted in the NetSuite Customer

account. Code, data and application pages are

deployed into the NetSuite customer account with no

integration required. All components of the SuiteApp

are evaluated during the Native BFN review process as

they reside fully within NetSuite.


This is a standalone application that has data

integration with NetSuite via a custom integration

or a generic connector. NetSuite only evaluates the

components of the integration and does not examine

any of the features of the actual application for this

type of BFN badge.


This type of SuiteApp is a combination of on platform

and external components. Data, business processors

and application logic may exist external to the NetSuite

platform and will require integration into NetSuite,

similar to that required for an Integrated SuiteApp.



Native vs Integrated Why does it matter? One of the significant benefits of Cloud

Software is the emergence of open

Application Programming Interface

(API) standards. This has spawned a

massive connector marketplace for cloud

applications that need to share data.

Without getting too technical, integrations fall

into two main categories:

1. Periodic synchronization of data in batch

mode between third party systems. Typically,

this is used to keep master record data like

employee, supplier, customer and contact

records up to date between systems.

Depending on the business requirements

periodic synchronisation of data might be

enough and, in those projects, integration

risk is reasonably low.

2. Transactional integration that requires near

real time data processing due to complicated

interrelated business processors and decision

making. Use case scenarios which require

integrated transactions and accounting

significantly increase project risk.

While there are many successful integration

projects, the common feedback is that

complexity is underestimated, costs not fully

explained, and configurations that change

often involve multiple organizations to


Alternatively, Native NetSuite solutions

are built on NetSuite entirely, so entity,


transaction and record definitions do not

require synchronisation or integration.

For example, when a user enters a Timesheet

into the NextService Mobile application, a

standard NetSuite timesheet record is created

and is immediately available for processing.

Buyers Insights

Do you need a third party to

integrate apps?

Integrating via third party connector

apps means that support is provided

by three separate organizations.

Are all records stored in NetSuite?

Native means standard NetSuite

transactions and entity records are

used to store SuiteApp data.

No integration required.

What is the budget allocated

to integration?

Buying a Native SuiteApp means

that budget normally spent

on integration can be used for

improvement and optimization.


Our Products ExplainedNextService can be licenced with or without inventory management and is

ideal for organizations for more than 10

field service staff.

Alternatively, NextSchedule can be

licenced standalone for organizations that

have a small field service team or depot-

only service type requirements.


Key Features

• Work Order / Case Management

• Scheduling Teams / Crews

• Asset and Location mapping

• Service and Asset History Reports

• Third Party Billing

• Programmed Maintenance



• Service Roles, Saved Searches

and Reports

• Multi Subsidiary Support

• Single Country

Key Features

• Work Order / Case Management

• Scheduling Teams / Crews

• Asset and Location mapping

• Service and Asset History Reports

• Third Party Billing

• Programmed Maintenance



• Essentials Mobile (10 Users)

• Service Roles, Saved Searches and Reports

• Multi Subsidiary Support

• Single Country

Key Features

• Work Order / Case Management

• Scheduling Teams / Crews

• Asset and Location mapping

• Service and Asset History Reports

• Third Party Billing

• Programmed Maintenance Schedules

• Inventory items on Quotes

and Sales Orders

• Parts Warranties, Returns

and Transfer Orders

• Van location stock management

• Custom data capture forms


• Premium Mobile (10 Users)

• Service Roles, Saved Searches and Reports

• Multi Subsidiary Support

• Single Country

NextServiceFSM Edition


For depot services or a small field service teamBuilt on NetSuite CRM, NextSchedule works

seamlessly with Tasks and Case Management.

For service organizations that schedule work orders, jobs or tasks. Includes an advanced easy to use drag and drop scheduling solution with real time display, configurable filters and drilldown. Schedule board extensions allows users to filter people, work orders and manage unassigned tasks.

Use Case Service Managers and Customer Support teams that

require visual scheduling for service requests, mapping of assets and service locations. Provides users with drag and drop scheduling aided by configurable filters and views.

Ideal as an entry level solution for small field service organizations that do not track inventory, or service operations that manage depot services.

When used with Essentials Mobile, users can complete forms, tasks, record time, submit expenses and capture signatures from the field.


Available Add-Ons • Additional Country Codes for multi subsidiary

organizations operating in multiple countries.

• Custom Forms. Deploy custom data capture forms

for use in the field.

• Essentials Mobile (10 Users).



For field service without inventoryBest suited to organizations that do not track

inventory items. For field service operations that

primarily schedule visits, require proof of activity and

capture site data.

Includes all the features from NextSchedule for work

order, job and task scheduling, plus Essentials Mobile for

job and expense tracking. Includes an advanced easy

to use drag and drop scheduling solution with real time

display, configurable filters and drilldown. Schedule board

extensions allows users to filter people, work orders and

manage unassigned tasks.

Best suited for Professional Services, Health, Consulting,

Location and Third-Party Asset based Field Service


Use Case Service Managers and Customer Support teams that

require visual scheduling for service requests, mapping of

assets and service locations. Provides users with drag and

drop scheduling aided by configurable filters and views.

Essentials Mobile enables users to complete forms, tasks,

record time, submit expenses and capture signatures from

the field.

Essentials Mobile includes:

• Service and Asset history

• Time and Expenses

• Signature Capture

Available Add-Ons

• Additional Country Codes for multi subsidiary organizations operating

in multiple countries.

• Custom Forms. Deploy custom

data capture forms for use in the




For field service with inventory managementBuilt for organizations that distribute and service

equipment, sell parts, or manage assets in the field.

Ideal for break fix and preventative maintenance


NextService FSM includes all the features from

NextService plus Premium Mobile which enables

inventory management, quotes and sales orders in the

field. Customers can also licence Essentials Mobile for

light and subcontractor users.

Best suited for Equipment Services, Wholesale

Distribution, IT Services, Manufacturing and Retail

industries with break fix and equipment and asset field

service requirements.

Use Case

Service Managers that require visual scheduling for

service requests, and mapping of assets and service

locations. Mobile users that require inventory and

transactions in the field.

Premium Mobile includes:

• Service and Asset history

• Time and Expenses

• Signature Capture

• Data Capture Forms

• Quotes, Sales Orders, Transfer

Orders and Returns

Essentials Mobile includes:

• Service and Asset history

• Time and Expenses

• Signature Capture

Available Add-Ons Additional Country Codes for multi

subsidiary organizations operating in

multiple countries.


NextServiceFSM Edition

Product Feature Matrix


Next Technik Product

Work Order / Case Management

Scheduling Teams /Crews

Asset and Location Mapping

Service and Asset History Reports

Third Party Billing

Programmed Maintenance Schedules

Inventory Items on Quotes and Sales Orders

Parts Warranties, Returns and Transfer Orders

Van Location Stock Management

Custom Data Capture Forms

Add-on Add-on

Add-on Single + Add-on

Single + Add-on

Single + Add-on

Single + Add-on

10 Licences

10 Licences


Essentials Mobile

Premium Mobile

NextSchedule NextService NextService FSM

Buyers Insights

• Select the product that best suits your

organization needs.

• If your organization manages inventory, captures

data in the field, utilises a combination of in

house and subcontractor service technicians

then NextService FSM is the best value.


SuiteApp Comparison


Following is a summary of the key factors to consider when selecting an app for your field service operation.



Integration*Schedule &

DispatchMobile Access

Proof of Service


Mobile Quote, Sales, Invoice

Mobile Inventory


ManagementProgrammed Maintenance


DSI FieldService



Service Pro

AVT Resource Management




Eureka Solutions

NextService FSM




* SuiteApp “Native integration” means that all NetSuite transaction types are supported, and that NO integration services are required.

Your SuiteApp JourneySelecting the right SuiteApp for your field service

operation will improve customer engagement, reduce

operational overheads and allow your organization to

grow confidently while maintaining service levels.

Implementing the wrong systems can lead to lost customers,

overworked service teams and low morale.

Next Technik has helped organizations select the right

field service SuiteApp for NetSuite by focusing on business

outcomes rather than project timelines. Here’s the journey

that we take our customers on when evaluating NextService

for their field service management.


2. Discovery - Main team interaction

We agree on a list of business

challenges to be addressed and

expected outcomes to be achieved

as part of adopting NextService in

your business. Understanding the

opportunities, savings and efficiency

gains of the solution helps build an

effective return on investment

business case.

3. Demonstration - Main team interaction

Product presentation focused on

highlighting how NextService delivers

potential benefits and gains for the

business agreed during the discovery

meeting. By focusing on the expected

outcomes and seeing how those

outcomes are best delivered, Next

Technik helps customers create a vision

for how the business will operate with

NextService in place.

4. Alignment - Main team interaction

Once we have confirmed the value

to your business, we conduct an

alignment meeting to ensure that key

users understand how their business

process will change when adopting

Next Service. It is our experience that

organizations that align business

practice to NextService Leading

Practices for NetSuite go live faster

with fewer complications.

5. Investment Proposal Presentation

Stakeholder meeting

By this stage we expect to fully

understand the opportunities, savings

and efficiency gains that can be

achieved by selecting NextService

as your field service solution built for

natively for NetSuite.

EngagementWe begin the journey with a Customer Engagement

journey designed to mitigate the risk of SuiteApp selection

and customer deployment. Customer engagement is a

five-step process with three main team interactions.



1. Engage - Meeting with stakeholders

Next Technik will conduct a Solution Overview

session designed to inform your team of the

potential for NetSuite + NextService to meet your

business requirements. Without participating in

a solution overview session, customers tend to

focus on gaps in current systems rather than on

aligning expectations to new potentials.

AdoptionAfter successfully completing our Customer

Engagement journey we embark on Customer

Adoption to deliver on expected business outcomes.


Built on leading Agile project

practices, adoption begins with

a rapid deployment of a vanilla

ready-to-use NextService build

that organizations can adopt

with minimal tailoring out-of-


This provides significant

value as it allows operations

to immediately benefit from

Initiation Prove Confirmation Launch Optimization• User acceptance testing

• Training

• System walk through• Phase one configuration

• Data migration• System go-live• Hands on support

• Phase two configuration

• Milestone meetings

• Stakeholders• Milestones & timelines• Bundle deployment

Initiation Prove Confirmation Launch Optimization• User acceptance testing

• Training

• System walk through• Phase one configuration

• Data migration• System go-live• Hands on support

• Phase two configuration

• Milestone meetings

• Stakeholders• Milestones & timelines• Bundle deployment

Initiation Prove Confirmation Launch Optimization• User acceptance testing

• Training

• System walk through• Phase one configuration

• Data migration• System go-live• Hands on support

• Phase two configuration

• Milestone meetings

• Stakeholders• Milestones & timelines• Bundle deployment

OptimizationOptimization services are provided as part of the

Next Technik support program and enabled by your

Customer Success Manager.

Depending on the required level of engagement your

assigned Customer Success Manager will work with

your organization to incrementally optimize forms

and workflow to maximise the benefits of selecting


We have found that customers that embrace rapid

deployment and investment in continuous optimization

focused on business outcomes generate the fastest return

on investment when selecting NextService as their native

built for NetSuite field service solution.



dynamic scheduling, real time

job assignments and field

activity tracking.

Many customers chose to

defer custom forms and

workflows to the Customer

Optimize stage to enable

the organization to provide

real life user experience with


Choosing a SuiteApp Solution

Naturally, at Next Technik, we strongly believe that NextService is the best available field service solution for NetSuite, and the obvious choice for organizations wanting to maximize efficiency and return on investment.

After all, NextService is:

1. A Native Built for NetSuite SuiteApp that

does not require integration, which reduces

deployment risk and ongoing support costs.

2. Built by Next Technik, an SDN NetSuite

partner who has invested heavily in defining

NetSuite Leading Practices for Field Service


3. Adopted successfully by NetSuite customers

who Engage and then Optimize both NetSuite

and NextService to maximise return on



Book your Customer Engagement

meeting now to begin your

NextService journey with us.

(AU) 1300 60 44 22

(USA) 844 631 9110


95 Highbury Road

Burwood Victoria 3125


23-25 Muriel Ave

Rydalmere NSW 2116


400 Chisolm Place, Suite 310

Plano TX 75075


About Next Technik Vision

“Improve Customer Engagement Through Field Mobility”

Make better decisions with real time information.

Customer engagement is the key to success and essential for

every business. The process of actively building, nurturing,

and managing relationships with customers enables business

to thrive.

Great things start with fearless focus

Every project is a challenge and an opportunity to continually

grow and enhance our software. Our NetSuite developers

love bringing new ideas to life and exceeding our client’s


At Next Technik, we have chosen to focus on NetSuite, the #1

Cloud Business Management Software Platform to develop

our software. Our applications leverage the power of NetSuite

and enhance customer engagement through our field

mobility solutions.

With a clear focus comes expertise and depth of knowledge.

We are NetSuite development experts who know how to

enhance and leverage the power of the NetSuite technology

stack. We understand the core building blocks and can

develop, deploy, bundle and manage new applications

seamlessly for our clients.


Next Technik

We are a leading Oracle NetSuite SDN Partner operating

from Melbourne Australia (HQ) and Dallas USA. We have an

international customer and partner community spanning

North America, Europe and Oceania.

Next Technik are the developers of NextService, a Built

for NetSuite Native SuiteApp, which enables NetSuite for

Field Service. Specializing in Field Service Management

Scheduling and Mobile Field applications, Next Technik helps

field service, asset maintenance and facilities management

organizations maximize their investment in NetSuite.

“We improve customer engagement

through field mobility and customer focus.

Our award-winning application ‘NextService’

embodies this vision and focus.“ Annaliese Kloe CEO and Founder


Call (AU) 1300 60 44 22

(USA) 844 631 9110


95 Highbury Road

Burwood Victoria 3125


23-25 Muriel Ave

Rydalmere NSW 2116


400 Chisolm Place, Suite 310

Plano TX 75075

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