the ottoman empire islamic empires post 1450. political organization osman (r. 1299-1326) - ruler in...

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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The Ottoman Empire

Islamic Empires post 1450

Political Organization

Osman (r. 1299-1326)

- Ruler in Anatolia, expanded

- On border between Christians and Muslims. Led the jihad.

Absorb not destroy

- Religious freedom

Political Organization

Mehmet II

- Consolidated Turkish states

- Conquered Constantinople in 1453

- Rebuilds and improves city

Interaction of People and Foreign Relations

Mehmet II (r. 1451-81)- Continued expansion – Greece, Anatolia

Bayezid II (1481-1512)- Contested Throne- Strengthened Navy

Selim I (r. 1512-1520)- Ruthless- Great military leader; Fought Safavids, Conquered Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and parts of N. Africa

Interaction of People and Foreign Relations

Sulieman (r. 1520 – 1566)- widest geographic extent- Hungary, Siege of Vienna

Land Dominance- infantry, cavalry, cannon

Battle for Mediterranean - Ottomans vs. Habsburgs- Pope supports Habsburgs

Interaction of People and Foreign Relations

Ottomans influence on European Politics

- Alliance with France

- Support of German Protestants

- Anything to weaken Catholics

Indian Ocean

- Fought with Spanish and Portuguese for trade dominance

- Eventually lose trade with East Asia, begins Ottoman decline

Social Structure


- Turkish noble families

- Conquered leaders

- Bureaucrats

Sultan owned land

Social Structure - Women


- The harem - “sacred place, sanctuary”

- Place where wife, children, concubines lived

- Heirs usually through concubines

- Hurrem

- Women in business

Social Structure - Slaves

Slaves from numerous conquests

- Devshirme

- Janissaries – loyal to sultan, not family affiliation. Great bureaucrats and military leaders

Intellectual and Cultural Development

Suleiman I

- Codified laws, less corruption, balanced budget, relation to Islamic law

- Fabulous lifestyle

- Istanbul – Mosques, gardens, libraries

- Roads, bridges

Rivaled the Renaissance

Intellectual and Cultural Development

Poetry – Diwan collections

Folk literature – traveling storytellers, history to the common people

Science – Astronomy, cartography,

Medicine – quarantine, vaccine, medical school

Decline of Ottoman Power

Weak Sultans

– less experience, wrong priorities

- Vizier’s really running empire

- Provincial leaders gain power

- Janissary system falls apart

– Muslims take over military and bureaucracy

Military defeats – Europe stronger, more united

Persian Theocracy

Mongol invasion

- Population loss

- Ghazan

– lowered taxes, improved bureaucracy

- Islam is state religion

- Chinese professionals

Persian Theocracy

Safavid Empire – modern Iran, Shi’ia, militant, against Mongols

Factors in Rise of Safavid Empire

1. Loyal, militant, nomadic tribesman

2.Used bureaucratic system

3. Religious unity

Persian Culture

Arts – gardens, weaving, tiles

Religion – Shi’ia, less tolerance

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