the parish office is closed on memorial day, monday may 31st

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St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church, Clinton Township, MI | Page

Issue Name | Date Most Holy Trinity · May 30th

8:30 am

The Parish Office is Closed on Memorial Day, Monday May 31st.

St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church, Clinton Township, MI | Page 2

I recall reading once that “God is a verb, not a noun”. At one level, that statement is too simplistic or

one-dimensional. Admittedly, defining God is no easy task. No one verb, or list of verbs, or one noun or list of nouns,

could ever begin to do God justice. God is the Supreme Deity, perfect in power, wisdom, goodness, and truth. Even

this pithy definition does not come close to scratching the surface when attempting to identify or characterize the

essence of God.

The Scriptures tells us that “God is love and whoever abides in love abides in God and God, in turn, abides in him, or

her.” Due to our tendency to romanticize the term “love” we often fail to understand the meaning of this quote from

the Bible. Love, as it pertains to God, is not the giddy feeling someone experiences of being swept off your feet

(as wonderful and holy as that love may be.) To try and restate “God is love” more accurately it would be better to

say: “God is community, family, hospitality and self-giving. Whoever abides in this type of love abides in God and God

in her, or him.” God is a trinity, a flow of relationships among persons (the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit). If this

is true, and Catholic dogma holds that it is, then the realities of our interacting with one another is a way of

encountering God. This would include encountering God among friends or family at the dinner-table, or a one-time,

or series of serious discussions among people holding different points of view; but also encountering God in the

“stuff” of church, the place where the grace of God flows through us, particularly at the moment when we approach

the table of the Lord to receive the Body of Christ.

Just to repeat, God is ineffable, beyond imagination, beyond language, even beyond the best language of theology

and church dogma. God can never be captured or encapsulated adequately in any one formula or explanation. But

God can be known and experienced in prayer, love, friendship and in a variety of other ways that cannot even begin

to be enumerated in just one bulletin article. God is Someone who flows through our veins and is embedded in our


What this means is God is known both in church and out of church. In moments when we practice hospitality, care,

and concern for those around us. If God is truly found in community, in the presence of others, as well as in personal

and private prayer, it means that God is found in both “religious” and “secular” spaces. Simply put, we cannot be

going to hell if we stick close to God, family, community, and parish.

The most damning heresy which blocks us from properly experiencing the presence of God is individualism, that is,

believing that we are self-sufficient, that we can have community, family, a relationship with God strictly on our own

private terms. The road to perdition is littered with the souls of those who have attempted to make love of God and

love of humanity totally separate and exclusive from one another.

St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church, Clinton Township, MI | Page 3

Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Memorial Day 2021 will occur on Monday, May 31.

Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, it marks the beginning of the summer season.

The Civil War, which ended in the spring of 1865, claimed more lives than any conflict in U.S. history and required the establishment of the country’s first national cemeteries.

By the late 1860s, Americans in various towns and cities had begun holding springtime tributes to these countless fallen soldiers, decorating their graves with flowers and reciting prayers.

It is unclear where exactly this tradition originated; numerous different communities may have independently initiated the memorial gatherings. And some records show that one of the earliest Memorial Day commemorations was organized by a group of formerly enslaved people in Charleston, South Carolina less than a month after the Confederacy surrendered in 1865. Nevertheless, in 1966 the federal government declared Waterloo, New York, the official birthplace of Memorial Day.

For decades, Memorial Day continued to be observed on May 30, the date General Logan had selected for the first Decoration Day. But in 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which established Memorial Day as the last Monday in May in order to create a three-day weekend for federal employees. The change went into effect in 1971. The same law also declared Memorial Day a federal holiday.

This history is taken from text on the History Channel website.

St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church, Clinton Township, MI | Page 4

Respect Life Ministry News: May is the month of Mary and it concludes with one of the most beautiful Feast days, May 31 — The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to her cousin St. Elizabeth.

The Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary commemorates the Blessed Mother’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth and the encounter of Jesus and St. John the Baptist, still tiny babies in the wombs of their mothers. St. John the Baptist is so excited to be in the presence of God, he’s jumping up and down inside St. Elizabeth’s womb!

In the Holy Rosary, the second mystery of the Joyful Mystery is the account of these two pregnant women in St. Luke’s Gospel, The Visitation — (Lk 1:41-42):

When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!

After the Lord’s Prayer (the Our Father), these words are probably the second most memorized in the praying of the Holy Rosary, the Ave Maria “Hail Mary.”

In meditating on this mystery of the Holy Rosary, may it empower us to defend the child in the womb. There is no one more defenseless than a child in the womb. Be a voice for the voiceless in the womb. Pray for an end to abortion. Pray for the sanctity of life from conception to natural death.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you” (Jer 1:5).

St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church, Clinton Township, MI | Page 5

An Act of Kindness

Our food pantry is blessed by wonderful donations and we are

always thankful. Last Sunday, an anonymous donation was left in

the Gathering Space by the pantry donation box of the church. May

the person who gifted this great donation, receive abundant

blessings in return for the special way you show God’s love!!!

Thank You!!!

Joyce, Pantry Coordinator

St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church, Clinton Township, MI | Page 6

Remember that we no longer record

Sunday Mass! BUT… you can view it

Livestreamed on our Facebook page by

clicking the link on our website’s home


The livestreams are accessible for 28


DID YOU KNOW: In the beginning God created the night and the day and within it He provided 24 hours with two great

lights to separate the night and the day. All of God’s people have 24 hours each day to accomplish their goals. That

gives each of us 8,760 hours a year to live out God’s plan. That gives everyone 2,920 hours of sleep each year if they

sleep 8 hours a day. Working 40 hours a week uses another 2,080 hours for the year. That leaves 3,760 hours for

personal time whatever that may be. Can you please spend 5,10,15,20 or 24 hours a year making a difference by

supporting the Knights of Columbus programs? That’s all it takes 24 hours or less out of 8,760 hours each year. Be

the difference. Your time is the most valuable gift you can give. Please consider joining our council today. Your

presence is needed.

Call or text (preferred) Phil Mularski at 586-876-9060 Or e-mail Phil at

We are so Blessed at St. Paul of Tarsus Food Pantry!

Our pantry has partnered with Kroger Community Rewards Program for additional support. If you have a Kroger

Plus Rewards Card, simply link your card to St. Paul of Tarsus Food Pantry, AI620. Our pantry receives cash

rewards from your total purchases on a quarterly basis. Your rewards card is accepted at any Kroger location.

If you do not have a Kroger Rewards Card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger location. If you have further questions, please contact Florence Hogan at

Are you in need of taking Protecting

God’s Children? It’s free and on-line!

Go to

Log in as a First-Time Registrant. Select “Detroit” as the

organization. Complete the registration template

Select Protecting God’s Children Online Awareness Session 3.0

To begin the module, the participant should click inside the

green circle next to the course name.

The module takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.

Something New!!! Kroger Community Rewards

St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church, Clinton Township, MI | Page 7

May 31

June 1

June 2

June 3

June 4

June 5

June 6

7:15 am Eucharistic Adoration

8:00 am Journey Men

5:30 pm Confessions

7:00 pm Mass

7:00 pm Baptism Class

*9:30 am Prayer Shawl Group

Pasta Sauce

Beef Stew

Canned Pasta



Baby Diapers Size 0-5

Baby Wipes

Thank You for treating everyone with respect and kindness!

Thank You for your continued, faithful support of our food pantry!

Go to:


Contact Guy Infante

Highlight from a recent session: Everyone

has gifts that can enhance and build up the

church – what are YOUR gifts? are YOU

using them? (Bystanding is NOT a gift!)

The Parish Office is closed

in honor of Memorial Day

Upcoming Schedule ...

Saturday Jun 5 - 8:00AM - Social Hall - TOPIC: Sunday Readings + optional Eucharistic Adoration (before session, starting at 7:15AM)

Saturday Jun 19 - 8:00AM - Social Hall - TOPIC: Sunday Readings

Saturday Jun 19 - 1:00PM - Catholic Father's Day Procession in Downtown Detroit


St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church, Clinton Township, MI | Page 8

Knights of Columbus

St. Paul of Tarsus Council 11689

41300 Romeo Plank Road

Clinton Township, MI 48038

May 11, 2021

To the parishioners of St. Paul of Tarsus:

The St Paul of Tarsus Knights of Columbus would like to thank you for your generosity over the years in supporting religious vocations. Because of your generosity we are able to support five men in the pursuit of their vocation.

The five men from Sacred Heart are:

Stephen Moening

James Musgrave

Michael Selvaraj

Andrew Smith

Ryan Walters

Over the last fourteen years, your donations have allowed us to support 104 men and 42 women. We thank you for your continued support. Please look at the bulletin board for the poster with all the seminarians at Sacred Heart Seminary You will see a star on the picture of the five seminarians supported. It is always nice to put a face with the name.

The June Vocations Collection envelope in your packet.

The St. Paul of Tarsus Knights of Columbus is again sponsoring a collection to benefit men and women who are studying to be priests and religious. The envelope will be in your June envelope packet. As you know, we have a serious shortage in vocations. Your help is very much appreciated.

Jeff Gapczynski

Vocations Director

St. Paul of Tarsus Knights of Columbus 11689

The second gathering, GROW, will NOT be held on ZOOM, May 12, 2021 at 7 pm! In order to allow more

people to become engaged the May meeting is being rescheduled for June, outdoors if possible, and

in-person! The date is Sunday June 27th at St. Thecla, 1 pm. The “Witness” Gathering will be held

here at St. Paul on Saturday July 31st, 5 pm.

St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church, Clinton Township, MI | Page 9

As you know we are moving into a “family of parishes” beginning July 1st. There are always changes when things get

moved around and new concepts are introduced. One of the changes affects “Christian Service.” Taking into

account Synod 16, the Unleash the Gospel initiative, and the move to family of parishes, there is a change in

mind-set. When one thinks of Christian Service one usually thinks of outreach with only a “service component.”

I like to put it this way, we “give people fish.” But Christian Service is more than just giving. There is a

“teaching/evangelizing component that needs to be there as well. In reality, it has always been there hidden

underneath “Christian Service ministry.”

Christian service is being, appropriately, renamed as “Evangelical Charity.” Evangelical Charity calls for a full

response to Catholic Social Teaching through areas incorporating prayer , human need, witnessing to the Gospel

through words and actions in areas where there is human need, both in the parish and beyond. It means working for

social justice to groups or through personal engagement, making the integral connection between works of mercy,

accompaniment, and evangelization.

Our Christian Service Commission, and Christian Service groups are already doing a good job of being evangelically

charitable. We will strive to more fully embrace the evangelical part becoming minister of evangelical charity.

We look forward to continuing to serve the St. Paul of Tarsus as well as the other members of our family of parishes

as much as possible. We look forward to working with our other family of parishes

Christian Service commissions and the good work that they do!

Deacon Marc Rybinski Coordinator of Evangelical Charity Ministry.

Christian Service S.P.O.T. Light

Ever since its formation, the St Paul of Tarsus Knights of Columbus have participated in the in the annual drive to raise funds for the mentally impaired. Commonly known as the Tootsie-Roll drive the Council strives to raise funds for this worthwhile cause.

Who are the beneficiaries of these funds? This year, the fund were distributed to the following:

NEIL REID HIGH SCHOOL— Work based transition from school to community life for the severely emotionally impaired

MACOMB COUNTY SPECIAL OLYMPICS— Olympic and athletic event costs

ARC OF MACOMB COUNTY— Educational services for those with moderate to severe cognitive impairments

CVLL CHALLENGER BASEBALL—For mentally and physically disabled youth and adults

DAKOTA HS SPECIAL ED DEPARTMENT— Creative learning and work experience program.

LUTZ SCHOOL FOR WORK EXPERIENCE— Work based transition from school to community for cognitively impaired.

The local community and the Parish were very generous and we wish to thank everyone for their help in making this Fund Drive a success this year.


Phil Kwasny Council #11689

St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church, Clinton Township, MI | Page 10

May 17th Through May23rd




I ask you to prayerfully consider making a gift this

weekend to the 2021 CSA. When you join me with

your support, you help us to fuel the mission in

each parish in our archdiocese and serve

thousands of individuals and families throughout

Southeast Michigan. Every gift makes a difference

in our mission.


St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church, Clinton Township, MI | Page 11

Tuesday June 1 7:00 pm

Curt Levillier by Family

Gail Levillier by Family

Stanley Madro by Madro Family

Wednesday June 2 8:30 am

Connie Cortez by Beyer Family

Thursday June 3 8:30 am

Edward Merlo by Chris & Godwin Sciriha

Patricia Ann Kwiatkowski by Hank Kwiatkowski

Saturday June 5 4:00 pm

Clarence & Lucile by Family

George and Betty Wolf by Family

Rita Cook by Vicky Cook

Jerry Feekin by Suzanne Feekin

Carol Podulka by Gary Podulka

Sunday June 6

7:45 am

Eleanore Fujarski by Pat Walicki

9:30 am

Grace and George Pirrami by Family

11:30 am

Cesk Ndoja by Kristina Ndoja

Mary Howard by Chris & Godwin Scirha

Robert Ranusch by Carol Ranusch

Amy Ann Polsinelli by Rossi Family

Sr. Mary Grace Briskey by Elsie Weiss & Family

George Taranek


Thomas Breen

Nora Nolette

Lino & Del DiFalco

Lucas Carlson

Donald Szlezymgier

St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church, Clinton Township, MI | Page 12

8:30 am

Contact: Monica Thimm 586-228-1210 ext. 116

Janice Krygowski

St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church, Clinton Township, MI | Page 13

St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church, Clinton Township, MI | Page 14

SCHEDULE—June 5 & 6

4:00 pm Mass 7:45 am Mass 9:30 am Mass 11:30 am Mass

Rosary @ 3:15 pm Phil Mularski Also Available Online

Welcome Host None at this time None at this time None at this time None at this time

Presider Fr. Ron

Fr. Ron Fr. Jerry Fr. Jerry

Altar Servers Volunteers Volunteers Volunteers Volunteers

Lectors Triner/Young Gonko/Krause Brody/Wisneski Wachterhauser/Lauretti

Hospitality Volunteers Volunteers Volunteers Volunteers

Sacristan Phil Mularski Diane DeLuca Wanda Maleszyk Linda Rogala

Purificator Angie Rubino


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