the perio protect program

Post on 16-Nov-2014






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A comprehensive presentation of how oral health is related to overall systemic health, The Perio Protect Program is an easy and effective way to treat and manage periodontal disease.


The Perio Protect Program

• Periodontal disease is a chronic bacterial infection of you gum tissues. It causes inflammation of the gum tissue, biofilm build up, and eventual bone loss leading to tooth loss. Scientific studies are now linking periodontal disease to other systemic diseases.

What causes periodontal disease?• Periodontal disease is caused

by bacteria that live beneath the gumline. These bacteria create a biofilm. Biofilm adheres to and grows on tooth surfaces. Periodontal disease then causes deep pocketing, which leads to tartar and calculus build-up. This causes your gum tissues inflammation and sensitivity . Over time, periodontal disease leads to bone loss, and can make teeth loose.

Oral Bacteria

How Quickly Do Bacteria Grow?

• Bacteria multiply very quickly. They begin to develop a protective shell (matrix), and in 24 hours, 1 bacteria becomes 5,000 billion-billion. (5,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000)!

• 1,000,000 – 10,000,000 bacteria fit on a pin head.

Signs of Periodontal Disease• Bad breath or bad taste

that won't go away • Red or swollen gums • Tender or bleeding gums • Painful chewing • Loose teeth • Sensitive teeth • Gums that have pulled

away from your teeth • Any change in the way

your teeth fit together when you bite

• Any change in the fit of partial dentures

How Periodontal Disease Can Affect Your Whole Body

• Periodontal disease has many systemic effects, and through research, has been linked to other diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, respiratory illnesses, and adverse effects on pregnancy.

“Oral health is body health- you can’t really separate the two.”

--Dr. Lee Shackelford D.D.S. FAGD, AGD Director

Effects on the Cardiovascular System

• When patients have periodontal disease, the CRP level in the human body goes up. A CRP level measures the amount of inflammation present in the body. When there is an active infection in the body, this is caused by the body’s secretion of oxidants. When bacteria is presented into the bloodstream, the body triggers the liver to make proteins such as CRP, which can clog arteries and clot the blood. P Gingivalis bacteria enter the bloodstream through the diseased gum tissue pockets. There have also been periodontal bacteria found in plaque deposits that narrow the heart’s arteries.

“As researchers continue to sort out the link between periodontal

disease and heart disease, my advice remains the same, do not take your gum health for granted

or you may have more to lose than just your teeth.”

--Dr. Michael McGuire D.D.S.

Effects on the Endocrine System• Diabetes is a disease of the

endocrine system. There are many similiarities of periodontal disease, and mpst importantly the effect they have on one another.

• The #1 systemic risk factor for periodontal disease is diabetes.

• Patients with diabetes have a 28.4% death rate when periodontal disease goes untreated.

• When a PT has high blood sugars, the body loses some ability to fight infection, and ward off the bacteria that cause perio disease.

Effects on Pregnancy• Periodontal disease has also been

linked to adverse effects during pregnancy. Pre term labor resulting in low birth weight babies has been linked by research to periodontal disease that is not under control. Due to a hormonal increase during pregnancy, mothers can experience an in increase in bleeding, and an environment that promotes bacterial overgrowth. The inflammatory response in the body measured by CRP level has been associated with a higher outcomes of adverse pregnancy effects.

Effects on the Respiratory System• Periodontal disease poses a

threat to your respiratory system.

• The bacteria in the biofilm that causes periodontal disease can be inhaled , causing an infection in your lungs.

• Based on study findings, the relationship between oral health and pneumonia has a direct association.

• The mouth acts as a reservoir for bacterial organisms that can travel systemically.

Effects on the Brain• According to studies, patients

who had severe periodontal disease at an early age were linked to a higher incidence of Alzehmer’s Disease.

• This supports the connection between chronic systemic inflammation and degenerative brain disorders.

• The chronic inflammation can cause tissue damage, including the brain, which can contribute to the development of brain disorders.

“Every patient is a candidate to change the

atmosphere from one that is conducive to disease to one that promotes health

and healing.”

--- Dr. Duane Keller

What We Can Do

• Effectively managing your periodontal disease can be done.

• By killing the cause of the bacteria versus only treating the effect,you will be more successful with treatment.

• When we control the environment of our mouths, we control the bacteria/biofilm.

• Many of the bacteria that live beneath the gumline, cannot exist in the presence of oxygen. These are know an anaerobic bacteria.

The Perio Protect Program

• Perio Protect is a lifetime management tool for periodontal disease. This system works by killing bacterial pathogens, promoting healing, and preventing reoccurrence. Easy to use, the Perio Protect Program is an effective treatment regimen for treating and managing your periodontal disease.

How It Works

• This system implements the use of trays made from impressions of your teeth. The impressions are taken here in our office and sent out to a lab. Once they are returned to our office, you are ready to begin wearing them. You will then place the medication the Doctor feels will work best for you inside the trays. Trays are worn for 15 minute intervals. Interval frequency is based upon your specific periodontal condition.

Perio Trays• Depending upon the type of

periodontal disease you have, as healing occurs, you may need a new set of trays. This is because as healing occurs and inflammation decreases, your gum tissue will reshape and pocketing will become smaller. We will take new impressions so the trays will contour your tissues. Some people also want duplicate trays made, so they have more than one set. Many people will keep a set at work or in their car for their convenience.

Diagnostic Testing• We will perform diagnostic

testing. This will include the following tests:

• My Perio ID-determines genetic susceptibility

• A1C/CRP- This will measure your average blood glucose level and C reactive protein level, which meausres the amount of inflammation in the body.

• BANA test- This measures the level of oral bacteria present.

What else the program consists of:

• Some patients will need a “deep cleaning” as well. This is determined at your initial visit. This is necessary when you have tartar build up beneath the gumline, and is also referred to as “root debridement therapy”.

Laser Surgery

• Sometimes with periodontal disease, an infected type of tissue forms called “granulomatus” tissue. This type of tissue may require surgical removal. This is typically done with laser surgery. Laser surgery is less invasive than traditional periodontal surgery.

Follow Up Care

• Incorporated into our program are your follow up periodontal appointments. The program includes 12 months of treatment. These visits are generally every 3-4 months, but will be specific to the necessity of your care.

Home Care

• Home care is key to maintaining periodontal health, and managing periodontal disease. Brushing, flossing, and wearing trays at recommended intervals is a key component to treatment. This in addition to regular dental hygiene appointments will sustain oral health and in turn whole health.

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