the philippine cooperative code of 2008

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    02-17-2009 Republic Act No. 9520

    Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008

    ebruar! 17" 2009

    R#P$%&'C AC( N). 9520

    AN AC( A*#N+'N, (# C))P#RA('# C)+# ) (# P'&'PP'N#/ () %# N)N A/

    (# P'&'PP'N# C))P#RA('# C)+# ) 2008

    /#C(')N 1. Article3 1" 2" 4" and 5 of Chapter ' on ,eneral Concept3 and Principle3 of

    Republic Act No. 6948" otheri3e non a3 the Cooperative Code of the Philippine3 are

    hereb! aended to read a3 follo3: #/Cc(

    CAP(#R '

    ,eneral Concept3 and Principle3

    AR(. 1. (itle. ; (hi3 Act 3hall be non a3 the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008.


    AR(. 2. +eclaration of Polic!. ; 't i3 the declared polic! of the /tate to fo3ter the creation

    and in< their product3 and 3ervice3 and acceptin< a fair

    3hare of the ri33 and benefit3 of the undertain< in accordance ith univer3all! accepted

    cooperative principle3.

    AR(. . Cooperative Principle3. ; #ver! cooperative 3hall conduct it3 affair3 in

    accordance ith ilipino culture"

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    2B +eocratic *eber Control ; Cooperative3 are deocratic oration3 that are

    controlled b! their eber3 ho activel! participate in 3ettin< their policie3 and aination b! the Authorit!.

    B 'n area3 here there are no available notarie3 public" the =ud

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    docuent dran in connection ith an! action brou

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    8B Cooperative3 en

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    /#C(')N 7. Article3 65" 66" 67" 68" 69" 70 and 71 of Chapter '' on +i33olution of

    Cooperative3 of the 3ae Code are hereb! renubered and aended to read" a3 follo3:

    CAP(#R ''

    +i33olution of Cooperative3

    AR(. 6. oluntar! +i33olution here no Creditor3 are Affected. ; 'f the di33olution of a

    cooperative doe3 not pre=udice the ri

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    AR(. 67. +i33olution b! )rder of the Authorit!. ; (he Authorit! a! 3u3pend or revoe"

    after due notice and hearin

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    1B *eber3D 3hare capital

    2B &oan3 and borroin

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    dB 'n real e3tate priaril! for the u3e of the cooperative or it3 eber3 or c#/A+

    eB 'n an! other anner authori>ed in the b!la3.

    AR(. 79. Revolvin< Capital. ; (he e

    the board of director3 to rai3e a revolvin< capital to 3tren

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    further" (hat it 3hall be a defen3e to an! action under thi3 article that the eber deandin< to

    e@aine and cop! e@cerpt3 fro the cooperative record3 ha3 iproperl! u3ed an! inforation

    3ecured throu

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    2B An aount for the education and trainin< fund" 3hall not be ore than ten per centu

    10FB of the net 3urplu3. (he b!la3 a! provide that certain fee3 or a portion thereof be

    credited to 3uch fund. (he fund 3hall provide for the trainin

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    copl! ith the provi3ion3 of the b!la3 for adi33ion to eber3hip" the aount 3o

    accuulated or credited to their account toother 3ocial and econoic benefit3 that proote the

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008



  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    financin< of the a

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    infor their eber /aahan< Na!on and */N to finall! convert or to

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    AR(. 110. Re

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    CAP(#R H

    Credit Cooperative3

    AR(. 11. Covera

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    4B Pre3cribe ratio3" ceilin

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    AR(. 124. inancial /ervice Cooperative ederation3. ; inancial 3ervice cooperative3

    a! ore the3elve3 into financial 3ervice cooperative federation3" and reed

    b! the Authorit! a3 the 3upervi3or of their eber3" and the! 3hall have the folloin< function3:


    aB +evelop 3tandard3 and provide 3ervice3 for the benefit of it3 affiliate3 and their eber3

    in accordance ith the rule3 and re

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    AR(. 126. Covera

    votin< procedure" the re?uired nuber of vote3 for reed 3hare capital" the 3ub3cribed 3hare capital of eber3" and the aount of

    paid-up 3hare capital of eber3 and the aount of paid-up 3hare capital received b! the

    trea3urer and

    fB %ond3 of accountable officer3.

    AR(. 140. Re

    electric cooperative3 that are dul! re

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    2B (he electric cooperative3 re

    electric cooperative3 re

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    aicabl! in accordance ith the conciliation or ediation echani33 ebodied in the b!la3

    of cooperative3 and in 3uch other applicable la3.

    (he conciliation and ediation coittee of the cooperative 3hall facilitate the aicable

    3ettleent of intra-cooperative di3pute3 and di3pute3 aon< eber3" officer3" director3" and

    coittee eber3. '(#cA+

    /hould 3uch conciliation or ediation proceedin

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    (he Authorit! a! otu proprio" initiate coplaint3 for violation3 of thi3 provi3ion.

    2B An! per3on ho illfull! attept3 in an! anner to evade or defeat ta@ in violation of the

    provi3ion3 of Article3 60 and 61 of thi3 Code 3hall" in addition to other penaltie3 provided b! la"

    upon conviction thereof" be puni3hed b! a fine of not le33 than (hirt! thou3and pe3o3

    P40"000.00B but not ore than )ne hundred thou3and pe3o3 P100"000.00B and 3uffer

    ipri3onent of not le33 than to 2B !ear3 but not ore than four B !ear3: Provided" (hat the

    conviction or ac?uittal obtained under thi3 article 3hall not be a bar to the filin< of a civil 3uit for

    the collection of ta@e3

    4B +irect or indirect violation or circuvention of the provi3ion3 of Article3 60 and 61 of thi3

    Code coitted b! an! public official or eplo!ee of an! bureau" office or a

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    fB ailure to copl! ith an order or ritten in3truction3 i33ued or

  • 8/12/2019 The Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008


    the date of i33ue: Provided" further" (hat all unpaid a33e33ent3 of previou3l! re

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