the practice of cost- effectiveness analysis: designing, conducting and interpreting cea under...

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The Practice of Cost-The Practice of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: Effectiveness Analysis: Designing, Conducting and Designing, Conducting and

Interpreting CEA under Non-Ideal Interpreting CEA under Non-Ideal CircumstancesCircumstances

A Presentation for the VA Health Economics Resource Center

21 April 2010

Risha Gidwani, DrPHRisha Gidwani, DrPHLead Health Economist

Abt Bio-Pharma Solutions, Inc.


Current Practice of CEACurrent Practice of CEA

Designing and Conducting Your Own CEADesigning and Conducting Your Own CEA

Interpreting a Published CEAInterpreting a Published CEA

Current Practice of CEACurrent Practice of CEA

AcademiaAcademia Reference CaseReference Case

Societal perspectiveSocietal perspective Lifetime HorizonLifetime Horizon Compare new strategy to gold standard or best alternativeCompare new strategy to gold standard or best alternative


Pharmaceutical-sponsoredPharmaceutical-sponsored International Audiences and U.S. MCOsInternational Audiences and U.S. MCOs

NICE, CADTH, PBACNICE, CADTH, PBAC Third-party payer perspectiveThird-party payer perspective Non-lifetime horizonNon-lifetime horizon Compare new strategy to placebo or to competitorCompare new strategy to placebo or to competitor

Excel-based Excel-based

Designing and Conducting a CEA

Designing and Conducting a CEADesigning and Conducting a CEA

Model structureModel structure Estimating CostsEstimating Costs Estimating ProbabilitiesEstimating Probabilities Obtaining Utility ValuesObtaining Utility Values Sensitivity AnalysesSensitivity Analyses

Model Structure

Time Horizon Lifetime Long enough to capture the majority of costs & effects

Perspective Societal Third-party payer

Markov model Use if patients transition from one health state to another Health states should be collectively exhaustive and mutually

exclusive Cycle length should be appropriate for disease in question

Markov modelsMarkov modelsFrequently used in health services or clinical decision makingFrequently used in health services or clinical decision making

BenefitBenefit: : More reflective of real life; patients do not just stay in one health stateMore reflective of real life; patients do not just stay in one health state

DrawbackDrawback: : Memory-less qualityMemory-less quality Does not incorporate the effect of duration of diseaseDoes not incorporate the effect of duration of disease

-- pprroobblleemm wwiitthh bbootthh MMaarrkkoovv pprroocceessss aanndd MMaarrkkoovv ccyyccllee mmooddeellss

- A patient who had has uncontrolled diabetes for 8 years is more likely to develop diabetic retinopathy than a patient who has had uncontrolled diabetes for 1 yearA patient who had has uncontrolled diabetes for 8 years is more likely to develop diabetic retinopathy than a patient who has had uncontrolled diabetes for 1 year- Markov model does not take this into account; would assign singular probability of diabetic retinopathy regardless of the amount of time you have spent in that stateMarkov model does not take this into account; would assign singular probability of diabetic retinopathy regardless of the amount of time you have spent in that state Can account for some of this using tunnel states and tracker variables in TreeAgeCan account for some of this using tunnel states and tracker variables in TreeAge

Inputs: Estimating Probabilities Inputs: Estimating Probabilities

One of the most difficult aspects of a CEAOne of the most difficult aspects of a CEA

Also one of the most importantAlso one of the most important

Potential Difficulties:Potential Difficulties: Extrapolating beyond time horizon of available dataExtrapolating beyond time horizon of available data Lack of head-to-head trialsLack of head-to-head trials Lack of RCT dataLack of RCT data

Extrapolating beyond the horizon of Extrapolating beyond the horizon of existing dataexisting data

A clinical trial generally does not have a long enough follow-up to A clinical trial generally does not have a long enough follow-up to directly populate a CEA directly populate a CEA

E.g., clinical trial lasts for 2 years; your CEA has a a 30-year horizonE.g., clinical trial lasts for 2 years; your CEA has a a 30-year horizon

Last Observation Carried Forward (LOCF)Last Observation Carried Forward (LOCF)Can lead to substantial inaccuraciesCan lead to substantial inaccuracies

A better approach applies a distribution to derive probability A better approach applies a distribution to derive probability inputs for Years 3-30:inputs for Years 3-30:

1. Understand how your data are distributed1. Understand how your data are distributed- Normal probability plot, Weibull probability plot, etc- Normal probability plot, Weibull probability plot, etc

2. Once you know how your data are organized, you can apply the 2. Once you know how your data are organized, you can apply the appropriate distribution to extrapolate beyond the available dataappropriate distribution to extrapolate beyond the available data

Run one analysis at the time horizon for which you have observed Run one analysis at the time horizon for which you have observed data inputs, and compare those results to the time horizon that data inputs, and compare those results to the time horizon that includes the predicted data inputs to see how results varyincludes the predicted data inputs to see how results vary

Lack of head-to-head dataLack of head-to-head data

You want to compare Drug A to Drug BYou want to compare Drug A to Drug B Evidence exists comparing Drug A to placebo Evidence exists comparing Drug A to placebo and Drug B to placeboand Drug B to placebo It is ill-advised to take Drug A data from one It is ill-advised to take Drug A data from one study and Drug B data from another study and study and Drug B data from another study and plug that directly into your modelplug that directly into your modelDoing so breaks randomization and introduces Doing so breaks randomization and introduces bias (e.g., different patient populations)bias (e.g., different patient populations)

Use a Bayesian meta-analysis approachUse a Bayesian meta-analysis approach

Bayesian meta-analysis approachBayesian meta-analysis approach

Use when you don’t have direct comparisons of Drug A Use when you don’t have direct comparisons of Drug A to Drug B, but you have an evidence network that links to Drug B, but you have an evidence network that links Drug A Drug A common comparator common comparator Drug B Drug B

Use these data and specify a regression model to then Use these data and specify a regression model to then comparecompare

Drug A to Drug BDrug A to Drug B

This method is sufficiently complex to warrant its own This method is sufficiently complex to warrant its own seminar(s)seminar(s)Needs the involvement of a Bayesian statisticianNeeds the involvement of a Bayesian statistician

Inputs: Using data from RCTs

Benefit: Randomization Accounts for observed and unobserved differences in

patients across treatment arms

Drawback: Clinical trial sample often does not reflect the patient

population Clinical trials have very strict inclusion/exclusion criteria

The clinical trial assesses drug efficacy; the CEA model is evaluating drug effectiveness

Inputs: Using data from chart review

Patients not randomized to treatment Selection bias Propensity scoring can mitigate the effect of selection bias

Propensity score: composite variable that minimizes the difference in patient characteristics across groups

Use the propensity score to match patients from each group Has its limitations:

Need large samples May still have biases – because you are only matching based on observed variablesNeed a lot of group overlap -- you don’t want to compare the worst cases from Group A to the best cases from Group B

Propensity scoring is not a substitute for randomization!

Inputs: Cost EstimatesInputs: Cost Estimates

Category Non-VA

Outpatient Medicare CPT, MEPS

Inpatient DRG, HCUP

Pharmacy Drug Red Book


- Medical Care supplement, July 2009, is an excellent source of information on costing and cost sources

Inputs: Utility ValuesInputs: Utility Values

Utility: patient preference for healthUtility: patient preference for healthDisease-specific vs. generic Disease-specific vs. generic

- Disease-specific: directly provide utility- Disease-specific: directly provide utility

- SG, TTO, VAS- SG, TTO, VAS- Generic: provides HRQoL associated with a general health - Generic: provides HRQoL associated with a general health state; you apply preference weights to derive utility state; you apply preference weights to derive utility

- EQ-5D, HUI, QWB, SF-6D- EQ-5D, HUI, QWB, SF-6D

Patient sample vs. community samplePatient sample vs. community sampleBe consistent about whatever method is used to Be consistent about whatever method is used to elicit utilities for your CEAelicit utilities for your CEA

SG: Standard Gamble; TTO: Time Trade-Off; VAS: Visual Analog Scale; HUI: Health Utilities Index; QWB: Quality of SG: Standard Gamble; TTO: Time Trade-Off; VAS: Visual Analog Scale; HUI: Health Utilities Index; QWB: Quality of Well-Being scaleWell-Being scale

CEA Results

Results come as incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) and will fall into one of four quadrants:

Quadrant I: More cost and more effective. May be cost-effective

Quadrant II: More costly and less effective. Do not adopt strategy.

Quadrant III: Less costly and less effective. May be cost-effective

Quadrant IV: Less costly and more effective. Definitely adopt strategy.

∆ Effect

∆ CostIII



Sensitivity Analyses

Sensitivity analyses: One-way Multiple-way Tornado diagrams

Overall Robustness of Model ResultsProbabilistic Sensitivity Analyses

Uncertainty about model parameters, uncertainty about probability estimates

Interpreting Published Cost-Interpreting Published Cost-Effectiveness AnalysesEffectiveness Analyses

Important Factors to Critique

Boundaries of the CEA

Extrapolation Beyond the Evidence Base

Estimation of Costs

Estimation of Utilities

Presentation of Results

Assessing whether Model Results are Robust

Boundaries of the CEA: Time Horizon

Short-term: Pros:

Smaller impact of assumptions regarding clinical estimates Memory-less capacity of Markov models not as much of a problem

Cons Results may change with a longer time horizon Example: Drug A saves more lives than Drug B, and is also less costly

Drug A is cost-saving compared to Drug B in a 2-year horizon Drug A is cost-effective compared to Drug B in a 3-year horizon

At 2 years, patients in both arms were living, and Drug A costs less, so it was cost-saving At 3 years, some patients on Drug B began to die. They now incur no treatment costs. Drug A now costs more than Drug B. However, it is still cost effective because it is saving more QALYs than Drug B

Boundaries of the CEA: Patient Characteristics

What are the characteristics of the average patient entering the model?

Do these characteristics have good face validity? How common are these characteristics in the overall

patient population? Would results be different in another population?

Boundaries of the CEA: Model Perspective

Is the perspective of the model really what the authors state it is?

E.g., a model that does not consider direct non-medical costs does not have a societal perspective

Models with a non-societal perspective Consider how results would change if direct non-

medical or indirect costs were includedE.g., Alzheimer’s disease -- excluding direct non-medical costs (caregiver E.g., Alzheimer’s disease -- excluding direct non-medical costs (caregiver costs) would underestimate costs. costs) would underestimate costs. E.g., Multiple Sclerosis -- excluding indirect costs (productivity) would E.g., Multiple Sclerosis -- excluding indirect costs (productivity) would substantially underestimate costs substantially underestimate costs

Excluding certain costsDirect non-medical (informal caregiver costs)

If both treatments have roughly the same effect on patients’ ability to be independent and patients in each arm live for a similar amount of time, then ICER will not be much affected

If one treatment results in sig. improvement in patients’ ability to be independent, then ICER will be affected, and the exclusion of direct non-medical costs is problematic

E.g., Treatment for DME -- Tx A reverses vision loss, Tx B halts vision loss

Indirect (economic productivity) CEAs should include these when

The average patient in the model is 18+ or < 65 The age of the patient in the model is far younger than retirement age

Disease or tx impacts patient productivity at workDisease or tx requires that patient skip work (e.g., chemo, MS)

Estimating Costs: Present Value

Inflation Adjusting

- Authors should note the base-year of the cost estimate

- If there is a substantial time between the base-year and the inflation-adjusted year (e.g., 2000 to 2009), ask yourself whether the rate of medical inflation in this time period can reasonably apply to this good or service

- e.g., actual price of good may have decreased the over time

Extrapolating beyond the empirical base: clinical information

Clinical Trials as source of information Does the CEA model have a longer time

horizon than the clinical trial? Did authors use Last Observation Carried Forward? Did authors specify a distribution?

If so, how did they decide on the distribution?

Chart review as source of information Did they authors use propensity scoring? Was this warranted?

Estimating beyond the empirical base: Treatments of Interest

If authors used clinical trials as the source of information, did a head-to-head trial exist comparing Treatment A to Treatment B?

If not, how different are the patient populations in the source data?

Estimation of Utilities Was the measure appropriate?

If generic method was used, is it sensitive enough to capture the difference in different health states used for the CEA?

If a disease-specific method was used, has it been validated?

Was the measure consistent? All generic or disease-specific Was a consistent methodology used?

All generic: was the same instrument used? All EQ-5D, all HUI, all QWB, all SF-6D

All disease-specific: All SG or all TTO or all VAS?

Patient or community sample

Interpreting the results of a CEA: Description of

Conclusions Results should be couched in terms of comparatorResults should be couched in terms of comparator

Incorrect: Drug A is cost-effectiveIncorrect: Drug A is cost-effective Correct: Drug A is cost-effective compared to Drug BCorrect: Drug A is cost-effective compared to Drug B

Results should be interpreted in light of “average patient” Results should be interpreted in light of “average patient” of modelof model

Incorrect: Drug A is cost-effective compared to Drug BIncorrect: Drug A is cost-effective compared to Drug B Correct: Drug A is cost-effective compared to Drug B in the Correct: Drug A is cost-effective compared to Drug B in the

treatment of hypertension in an elderly male U.S. populationtreatment of hypertension in an elderly male U.S. population

Assessing whether model results are robust

Was a probabilistic sensitivity analysis preformed? What parameters were varied?

How much were these parameters varied?

Are results robust to the probabilistic sensitivity analysis?


CEA can be a very useful tool, but the results of the model depend very much on its assumptions and the way in which model inputs were calculated

Methods used to create model structure and derive model inputs should be evaluated with a critical eye before the assessing the validity of results


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