the primary purpose of a bible study is to bring people to christ or bring them into a deeper...

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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The primary purpose of a Bible study is to bring people to Christor bring them into a deeper

relationship with Christ.

Purpose of Bible Study

The Bible Study is not merely to provide information.

The Bible Study is not just to present the Adventist viewpoint.

The Bible Study is not for proving that the Bible is true.

The Bible Study is to bring people to Christ.

Purpose of Bible Study


DVD followed by discussion

Personally made outline with notes

Prepared Outline (such as Hope for Today)

Use Method of Study with which you are Comfortable

Take time to show a personal interest in the person(s).

Take time to set the stage and place the person(s) at ease.


Make a smooth transition from introductory/preliminary remarks to Bible Study.


Start with a brief Prayer:

Ask God to guide the study.

Prayer for understanding for everyone present, including yourself.

Don’t preach in the prayer.

Don’t use the prayer to give messages to the student(s).


If the student is unfamiliar with the Bible, let him or her use a Bible that is similar to the one you are using. The best way to ensure this is to give/lend the person one similar to yours.

Agree on the version of the Bible that you will be using.

Use a familiar situation or a story to begin with.

A familiar story puts you at ease and helps to put the student at ease.

Starting the Study

Go through the Bible Study that you prepared.

Have a focus for the study – what is it you want the student to understand from the study.

You don’t have to use all the texts that you have prepared.

Stay on Track

Do not pose as an authority on the Bible. Be a learner along with the student. You may learn something from him or her.

The student will feel more relaxed with you if he/she realizes that you are studying together.

Establish Common Ground

“Jesus did not use long and difficult words in His discourses. He used plain language, adapted to the minds of the common people. He went no farther in the subject He was expounding than they were able to follow Him.” Gospel Workers 169.

Keep things simple and uncomplicated.

If the study is too long, the student might find an excuse not to continue with the series.

Length of the study will depend on the busyness of the person you are studying with.

Keep the Study Short.

When the student gives a wrong answer, never say, “That’s wrong.”

Possible responses:“That’s interesting, but there might me

another way of looking at that.”

“Let’s read the text again to be sure what the Bible says.?

Dealing with Wrong Answers

What if the student ask a question you can’t answer?

Don’t feel embarrassed or appear thrown by the question. Remain calm.

Possible Responses:a) “You know, I never thought of it that way.

I will do some more study on that and next week we can discuss it more fully.”

Questions You are not Able to Answer

b) “I am not certain where that text is” or I am not sure what the answer is, but if there is one I will certainly find it.”

c) “I will look up the answer in my concordance or Bible dictionary and have it for you next week.”

Questions You are not Able to Answer

When you have a question on a particular subject and you have to look up the answer or text. Write the answer down on that particular lesson sheet, so you will have the answer the next time a student asks you. Before long you will have written down in your lesson sheets most of the questions people ask.

Questions You are not Able to Answer

Not all questions can be answered: The Bible does not give an answer to every

question. Just say that as far as you know, the Bible

does not provide an answer to the question. You can say something like, “That’s one of

the questions I will ask the Lord when I see him.”

Questions You are not Able to Answer

Never try to answer a question for which you don’t know the answer:

The student will easily see that you don’t know the answer and will lose confidence in you.

Do not use the Spirit of Prophecy (The Writings of Ellen White) to answer questions on the Bible. The Bible must speak for itself.

Questions You are not Able to Answer

Keep the student on the subject you are studying at the time.

If you are studying the second coming and he/she asks you a question about pork, for example, let him or her know that that subject will be coming up.

Getting on to other topics weakens the study you are giving and causes the student to miss the point.

Do not be sidetracked by the Student.

Never sermonize, moralize or condemn.

Don’t give the impression that you are a ‘holier than thou”. Let the student understand that you are human and that you have made your fair share of mistakes, that you are tempted as a sinner, but with God’s help you are growing in grace to be more like Jesus.

Be Careful about Appearing Morally Superior

“Our Savior’s power was not in a strong array of sharp words that would pierce through the very soul, it was His gentleness and His plain, unassuming manner that made Him a conqueror of hearts: TT vol. 3, p. 477

Be Careful about Appearing Morally Superior

Do not condemn or act shocked at the behavior or sinful practices or language of the student.

Do not show disapproval of the student’s manner or disapprove of the condition of his/her home.

Do not Condemn

“It was a continual pain to Christ to be brought into contact with enmity, depravity and impurity, but never did he utter one expression to show that His sensibilities were shocked or His refined taste offended. Whatever the evil habits, the strong prejudices, or the overbearing passions of human beings, He met them all with pitying tenderness.” Ministry of Healing, p. 165.

Do not Condemn

Don’t allow any one person to dominate the discussion.

Welcome any ideas from quieter members. Respond verbally to comments:• How interesting!• That’s a new way of looking at the

matter. • You have given that some thought

Bring Everyone into the Discussion

Engage the students by:

• Asking questions (you know they can answer – What do you think? How do

you feel? Etc.

• Soliciting comments

Engage the Students

The Three Angel’s Messages

The Message

The Remnant



Avoid Cliches/Jargon

Take time to go through the study, several times if possible.

Pray earnestly for God’s guidance.

Anticipate questions and be prepared for them.

Prepare Well

It’s best to have a friend or friends with you when leading a Bible study.

Friends can help with children, if they are interfering with the study.

Friends will most likely learn how to give a Bible study by observing you.

Friends will be able to lead the study if you must be absent for any reason.

Have a Friend Accompany You

By taking different friends with you the student will get to know a number of members in the church before joining.

Have Friends Accompany You

Keep Jesus at the center of the study.

Focus on Jesus

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