the protocols of the learned elders of islam si'ra 10

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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Iraq tested a RDD bomb in 1987 according to a secret Iraqi report on the weapon’s construction and testing. It was a conventional bomb filled with radioactive materials - apparently, spent fuel from research reactors. The report stated that radiation sickness would “weaken enemy units from the standpoint of health and inflict losses that would be difficult to explain, possibly producing an adverse psychological effect.”1 That same year Iraq developed radiological weapons with short half-lives calculated to contaminate large areas and cause long-term genetic damage yet would be virtually undetectable after a few months. The problem the Iraqis discovered was dispersal. The power of radiation, like that of light, falls off as the square of the distance from the source. A RDD may contain enough radiation to kill a person at close range, yet when exploded to a mere 100-feet radius the radiation is about one ten-thousandth as deadly as the un-exploded material.2

While a radiological dispersal would not pose immediate, acute health problems for the general public, the public could experience measurable increases in cancer mortality over a period of decades after such an event. Moreover, releases at the site could also have environmental consequences requiring hundreds of millions to billions of dollars to clean up. Contamination could also affect habitability for tens of miles from the site, possibly affecting hundreds of thousands of residents for many years.3 The Iraqi’s attempted development of an RDD was poetic justice. There an increase in childhood cancer deaths due to depleted uranium used in America’s weapons during the Gulf War. The American government insisted the uranium in the bullets was not radioactive enough to be classed as a radiological weapon yet those tank-killing shells turned the Iraqi desert into a permanently radioactive area. Usama bin Laden commented, “What does the destruction of the infrastructure in Iraq mean and the tragedy that befell them mean? And the use of depleted uranium, besieging Iraq for years, causing the death of more than one million children that amazed all who had visited Iraq, including the Westerners themselves? It is a malicious crusade against Muslims.”


In May 2004, the American Department of Energy announced the creation of the Global Threat Reduction Initiative later institutionalized in the Office of Global Radiological Threat Reduction, with a domestic component, the U.S. Radiological Threat Reduction Program, and an international component, the International Radiological Threat Reduction Program.4 This makes it more difficult to smuggle a bomb into America. Now that Federal inspectors who ask incoming travelers for their passports carry radiation detectors on their belts we plan to ship this deadly mixture to Mexico then smuggle it into the United States with the help of “wetback” smugglers who

1. William J. Broad “Iraq tested bomb meant to cast radioactive cloud 1987 experiments called 'moral barbarism'” New York Times April 29, 2001, San Francisco Chronicle - Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, a private group in Washington that said it acquired document from a U.N. official.2. William Scott Malone Blacknet Dispatch.3.

believe that our operative is a Mexican trying to enter the United States in order to find work. Immigrant smuggling is a billion dollars a year industry - Mexico's second-most profitable criminal enterprise, behind drugs. On November 12, 2003, Mexican authorities arrested Imelda Ortiz Abdala, Mexico's consul in Lebanon on charges of helping a smuggling ring move Arab migrants into the United States from Mexico.5

The New York City police have installed a radiation detector outside police headquarters in Lower Manhattan to thwart our intentions and another outside the building’s garage. They, however, are not our targets, as they are too well protected. The department’s bomb squad and its emergency services unit will use two others. They will supplement numerous belt-worn radiation detectors that policeman will wear.6 This might present a problem if every policeman gets one, and would call for the employment of a decoy such as a cancer patient treated with radioactive substances in a car preceding the jihadi, who will be stopped by the police while his Brothers get through.7 Radiation Detectors are being installed in ports that are considered to be targets of Islamist but we must remember that nuclear materials are more difficult to detect if lead or other metal is used to shield them. For example, in July 2004, a container that housed a small amount of radioactive material8 passed through radiation detection equipment that American Department Of Energy had installed at one of the ports it has completed without being detected due to the presence of the large amounts of scrap metal in the same container. The host country’s government later received information about the container, which led to the discovery of the radioactive source. The host country’s government raised concerns that the radiation detection equipment did not register an alarm during a scan of the container and asked Department Of Energy to investigate the incident. The Department Of Energy national laboratory experts determined that the radiation detection equipment had been set to program requirements. As a result, Department Of Energy national laboratory officials and the host country’s government decided not to alter the settings of the radiation detection equipment.

Another technical challenge for America is to detect and identify low-level radiation sources in the presence of high background radiation levels. Detecting actual cases of our trafficking in weapons-usable nuclear material is complicated because one of the materials of greatest concern in terms of proliferation— highly enriched uranium—is amongst the most difficult materials to detect due to its relatively low level of radioactivity. Uranium emits only gamma radiation so the radiation detection equipment, which contains gamma and neutron detectors, will only detect uranium from the gamma detector. Plutonium emits both gamma and neutron radiation. However, shielding of nuclear material does not prevent the detection of neutron radiation and, as a result, plutonium can be detected by neutron detectors regardless of the amount of shielding. 5. Terrence P. Jeffery Human Events on Line December 31, 2003 citing Associated Press story “Mexican Diplomat Charged with Helping Smuggle Arabs into the U.S.” William K. Rashbaum “City Begins Deploying Radiation Detectors” New York Times June 29, 2002. 7. Doctors say Police Department officials have suggested that patients carry letters from them stating they are being treated with radioactive isotopes and give them to the police if they set off a radiation detector, but the police said that such letters would not resolve the matter. This particular radioactive isotope is commonly used for medical practices as cancer treatment and commercially for the sterilization of food products. Sufficient amounts of this material could be used by a terrorist to construct a “dirty bomb.”

Only a few materials can cause a neutron alarm - while a gamma alarm can be caused by a variety of sources including commercial goods such as bananas, ceramic tiles and fertilizer and nuclear materials, such as plutonium and uranium.9

The Department of Homeland Security has sponsored research efforts designed to improve the detection capabilities of the currently fielded portal monitors and to provide them with the ability to distinguish radiological sources. For example, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory researched, developed, and tested a new software-known as "energy windowing"- to address the currently-fielded portal monitors' inability to distinguish between radiological materials. Energy-windowing is supposed to identify and screen out material, such as fertilizer or kitty litter that cause nuisance alarms and thereby reduce the number of such alarms at cargo screening facilities, while also improving the portal monitor's sensitivity to identify nuclear material of concern. In tests involving some common, unshielded radiation sources, such as cobalt-57 and barium-153, the new software has shown improved detection and discrimination capabilities. However, during scenarios that target other common, shielded threat sources - such as those that might be used in a shielded radiological dispersal device or nuclear weapon - the software has been less able to detect and discriminate. Allah! This gave us the idea to smuggle radioactive material within kitty litter or fertilizer!

In October 2005, the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office completed the first round of comprehensive testing of spectroscopic portal monitors at its test bed at the Nevada Test Site. The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office tested 10 spectroscopic portal monitors against 3 currently fielded monitors in 7,000 test runs involving the portal monitors' ability to detect a variety of radiological materials under many different, cargo configurations. According to senior Domestic Nuclear Detection Office officials who supervised these tests, preliminary analysis of test data indicated that the spectroscopic portal monitors' performance demonstrated somewhat mixed results. Spectroscopic portal monitors outperformed currently fielded equipment in detecting numerous small, medium-sized, and threat-like radioactive objects, and were able to identify and dismiss most naturally occurring radioactive material. However, as the amount of source material declined in size, the detection capabilities of both types of portal monitors converged. Allah! We will smuggle a little bit of radioactive material at a time!

The second new technology is "high-Z detection," which is designed to better detect high atomic number (high-Z) materials - such as Special Nuclear Material (SNM) - and shielding materials - such as lead - that could be used to shield gamma radiation from portal monitors. The Cargo Advanced Automated Radiography System program within the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office is intended to develop the technologies necessary for automated detection of high-Z material. The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office envisions using the advanced portal monitor technology for the detection of lightly shielded nuclear threats and radiological dispersal devices, and using Cargo Advanced Automated Radiography System technology for the detection of high-Z materials.

9. Page 22 GAO-05-375 Preventing Nuclear Smuggling

The third new technology is "active interrogation," which is designed to better detect nuclear material, especially shielded sources, and the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office expects it to play a role further in the future than advanced portal monitors and the Cargo Advanced Automated Radiography System. DHS and DOE are supporting research at DOE national laboratories, such as Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore, to develop these systems. Active interrogation systems probe or "interrogate" containers with neutron or gamma rays to induce additional radiation emissions from radioactive material within the container. According to the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, these systems are too large and costly to consider for current use. In addition, because these systems emit radiation, care will have to be taken to ensure personnel safety before any deployments are made.10 God is Great and the Americans will be contaminating themselves rather than al-Qaeda doing it for them.

Benn H. Tannenbaum, a physicist and nuclear terrorism expert at the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, said that a proposed system to ring New York City with radiation detectors would never create anything close to an impenetrable barrier, particularly for a nuclear bomb, since the physical properties of uranium, including the highly enriched uranium (HEU) that would be used to construct a nuclear weapon, are such that shielded uranium is very likely to escape detection by passive radiation monitors. He said the current detectors could be improved by increasing the sampling time, decreasing the distance between the container and the detector, decreasing the background radiation through additional shielding around the detector, and adding collimators to the detectors. An Ohio-based company has proposed inexpensive detectors that would be placed in cargo containers during transoceanic shipment. These detectors take advantage of the 10-day or longer transit time to locate HEU.11 The DOE is creating radiological maps of major U.S. cities. In the event of a dirty-bomb threat, if a city had a completed survey, DOE could then conduct a new survey and compare baseline radiation data from the previous survey to identify locations with new sources of radiation. Focusing their attention on these new locations, law enforcement officials may be able to locate a nuclear or radiological device more quickly. In 2005, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) asked DOE to conduct a survey of the New York City metro area. NYPD officials were aware that DOE had the capability to measure background radiation and locate hot spots by helicopter because DOE used this capability at the World Trade Center site in the days following September 11, 2001. According to NYPD officials, the aerial background radiation survey exceeded their expectations and NYPD officials said that in the course of conducting the survey, they identified over 80 locations with unexplained radiological sources.

Helicopters are the most efficient way to locate RDDs. While backpacks and

other hand-held equipment can detect and identify devices with greater accuracy, vehicle and helicopter-mounted radiation detectors allow DOE to cover a greater area in a shorter amount of time— which is particularly important when the exact location of a device is unknown and the teams need to search a large area. Even if DOE were provided with helicopters, DOE does not have spare radiation detectors like those found 10.

on its own helicopters, and even if it did have spares, it would not have time to mount radiation detectors on the exterior of the aircraft. DOE officials told us that radiation detectors, like those found on their vehicles, could be placed inside an airplane or helicopter, but the ability to measure contamination would be significantly reduced compared with an exterior-mounted detector.

There is nothing preventing American-based jihadi from conducting it’s own radiological mapping of a city using a sensitive Geiger counter to locate material necessary to construct and RDD.12


As part of a test operation conducted from July 2005 through December 2005, an investigator for the General Accountability Administration purchased a small quantity of a common radioactive isotope (most probably technetium) and one container used to store and transport the material from a commercial source over the telephone by posing as an employee of a fictitious company and stating that the purpose of his purchase was to use the radioactive sources to calibrate personal radiation detection pagers. Anyone can purchase small quantities of radioactive sources for stockpiling because suppliers are not required to exercise due diligence to determine whether the buyer has a legitimate use for the radioactive sources and suppliers are not required to ask the buyer to produce an NRC document when making purchases in small quantities.

The GAO then deployed investigators to the field to make simultaneous border crossings at the northern and southern borders in an attempt to transport radioactive sources into the United States. The radiation portal monitors properly signaled the presence of radioactive material when the investigators conducted simultaneous border crossings. The investigators’ vehicles were inspected in accordance with most of the CBP policy at both the northern and southern borders. However, the investigators, using counterfeit documents, were able to enter the United States with enough radioactive sources in the trunks of their vehicles to make two dirty bombs, although the NRC disputed this. The GAO determined the Customs Border Patrol inspectors did not exercise due diligence to determine the authenticity of paperwork. The GAO undercover agents were able to successfully represent themselves as employees of a fictitious company and present a counterfeit bill of lading and a counterfeit NRC document during the secondary inspections at both locations. The CBP inspectors never questioned the authenticity of the investigators’ counterfeit bill of lading or the counterfeit NRC document authorizing them to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer radioactive sources. The GAO investigation also tested whether an NRC document could be counterfeited using data easily accessible and available to the public. The GAO produced counterfeit documents before sending its two teams of investigators out to the field. It found two NRC documents and a few examples of the documents by searching the Internet.13 The GAO subsequently used commercial, off-the-shelf computer software to produce two counterfeit NRC documents authorizing the individual to receive, 12.

acquire, possess, and transfer radioactive sources. A GAO graphic artist designed a logo for the fictitious company and produced a bill of lading using computer software.

On December 14, 2005, GAO investigators placed two containers of radioactive sources into the trunk of their rental vehicle. GAO investigators – acting in an undercover capacity – drove to an official port of entry between Canada and the United States. They also had in their possession a counterfeit bill of lading and a counterfeit NRC document. At the primary checkpoint, the GAO investigators were signaled to drive through the radiation portal monitors and to meet the CBP inspector at the booth for their primary inspection. As the GAO investigators drove past the radiation portal monitors and approached the primary checkpoint booth, they observed the CBP inspector look down and reach to his right side of his booth. The GAO investigators assumed that the radiation portal monitors had activated and signaled the presence of radioactive sources. The CBP inspector asked the GAO investigators for identification and asked them where they lived. One of the GAO investigators on the two-man undercover team handed the CBP inspector both of their passports and told him that he lived in Maryland while the second investigator told the CBP inspector that he lived in Virginia. The CBP inspector also asked the GAO investigators to identify what they were transporting in their vehicle. One of the GAO investigators told the CBP inspectors that they were transporting radioactive sources for the specialized equipment. The CBP inspector in the primary checkpoint booth appeared to be writing down the information. The GAO investigators were then directed to park in a secondary inspection zone, while the CBP inspector conducted further inspections of the vehicle. During the secondary inspection, the GAO investigators told the CBP inspector that they had an NRC document and a bill of lading for the radioactive sources. The CBP inspector asked if he could make copies of the GAO investigators’ counterfeit bill of lading on letterhead stationery as well as their counterfeit NRC document. Although the CBP inspector took the documents to the copier, the GAO investigators did not observe him retrieving any copies from the copier. The GAO investigators watched the CBP inspector use a handheld Radiation Isotope Identifier Device to examine the investigators’ vehicle. He told the GAO investigators that he had to perform additional inspections. After determining that the investigators were not transporting additional sources of radiation, the CBP inspector made copies of the GAO investigators’ drivers’ licenses, returned their drivers’ licenses to them, and the GAO investigators were then allowed to enter the United States. At no time did the CBP inspector question the validity of the counterfeit bill of lading or the counterfeit NRC document.

On December 14, 2005, the GAO investigators placed two containers of radioactive sources into the trunk of their vehicle. The GAO investigators drove to an official port of entry at the southern border. They also had in their possession a counterfeit bill of lading and a counterfeit NRC document. At the primary checkpoint, the GAO two-person undercover team was signaled by means of a traffic light signal to drive through the radiation portal monitors and stopped at the primary checkpoint for their primary inspection. As the GAO investigators drove past the portal monitors and approached the primary checkpoint, they observed that the CBP inspector remained in the primary checkpoint for several moments prior to approaching our investigators’

vehicle. The GAO investigators assumed that the radiation portal monitors had activated and signaled the presence of radioactive sources. The CBP inspector asked the GAO investigators for identification and asked them if they were American citizens. The GAO investigators told the CBP inspector that they were both American citizens and handed him their state-issued drivers’ licenses. The CBP inspector also asked our investigators about the purpose of their trip to Mexico and asked whether they were bringing anything into the United States from Mexico. The GAO investigators told the CBP inspector that they were returning from a business trip in Mexico and were not bringing anything into the United States from Mexico. While the GAO investigators remained inside their vehicle, the CBP inspector used what appeared to be a Radiation Isotope Identifier Device to scan the outside of the vehicle. One of the GAO investigators told him that they were transporting specialized equipment. The CBP inspector asked one of the GAO investigators to open the trunk of the rental vehicle and to show him the specialized equipment. The GAO investigator told the CBP inspector that they were transporting radioactive sources in addition to the specialized equipment. During the secondary inspection, the CBP inspector said he needed to verify the type of material the GAO investigators were transporting, and another CBP inspector approached with what appeared to be a Radiation Isotope Identifier Device to scan the cardboard boxes where the radioactive sources was placed. The instrumentation confirmed the presence of radioactive sources. When asked again about the purpose of their visit to Mexico, one of the GAO investigators told the CBP inspector that they had used the radioactive sources in a demonstration designed to secure additional business for their company. The CBP inspector asked for paperwork authorizing them to transport the equipment to Mexico. The GAO investigators provided the counterfeit bill of lading on letterhead stationery, as well as their counterfeit NRC document. The CBP inspector took the paperwork provided by the GAO investigators and walked into the CBP station. He returned several minutes later and returned the paperwork. At no time did the CBP inspector question the validity of the counterfeit bill of lading or the counterfeit NRC document.14

None-the-less, even with help from the GAO, under these new repressive conditions al-Qaeda may need a substance that can be stolen or diverted by our sleeper agents in America, and not be so easily detected. Raed Hijazi, who was part of the millennium plot to strike Los Angeles airport confessed that he was associated with Nabil al-Marabh, who had obtained a license to haul trucks with hazardous material. In the fall of 2002 the government arrested 22 men who had similar licenses.15 Dumping hazardous waste in Midtown Manhattan would cause temporary chaos. The Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003 contained this provision: “Distribution of Worst Case Scenario Information. The Clean Air Act requires private companies that use potentially dangerous chemicals to submit to the Environmental Protection Agency a worst-case scenario report detailing what would be the impact on the surrounding community of release of the specified chemicals. Such reports are a roadmap for terrorists, who could use the information to plan attacks on the facilities. This provision would revise section 1 12(r)(7)(M) of the Clean Air Act to better manage access to information contained in worst case scenario, reports. This revised section would continue to allow such 14. Marc Santora, “Early September 11th Suspect is Ordered Jailed and Deported” New York Times September 4, 2002.

information to be shared with federal and state officials who are responsible for preventing or responding to accidental or chemical releases. However, the revised section will require that public access be limited to ‘read-only’ methods, and only to those persons who live or work in the geographical area likely to be affected by a worst-case release from a facility.”


Abu Zubaydah gave up Jose Padilla a.k.a. Abdullah al-Muhajhr as someone al-Qaeda had chosen to aid in the construction of an RDD. Another captured fighter corroborated Zubaydah’s information. The United States Justice Department admited:

It is believed that these confidential sources have not been completely candid about their association with al-Qaeda and their terrorist activities. Much of the information from these sources, has, however, been corroborated and proven accurate and reliable. Some information provided by these sources remains uncorroborated and may be part of an effort to mislead or confuse U.S. officials. One of the sources, for example, in a subsequent interview with a U.S.

law enforcement official recanted some of the information he had provided, but most of this information has been independently corroborated by other sources. In addition, at the time of being interviewed by U.S. officials, one of the sources was being treated with various types of drugs to treat medical conditions.

In other words, truth serum was used on one of these Brothers, in violation of the Geneva Convention!16 The story of how Jose Padilla came to al-Qaeda mirrors that of many young Hispanics who find that Islam is the only way they can avoid ending up on the dead end of the road of life – prison or a minimum wage job at a fast food restaurant flipping non-Halal burgers. Look at the fate of Jose Padilla’s half-brother, Ilan Ojeda, 24. He is in a Florida jail on an attempted murder charge after being arrested, one week before his brother’s May 8, 2002 arrest, for allegedly stabbing a man with a pair of scissors during a fight outside a convenience store.17

When Jose Padilla was sixteen he helped a friend commit a senseless murder in Chicago and was sentenced to three years in a juvenile home. He was released on his 18th birthday. Jose Padilla joined the Maniac Latin Disciples gang who obtain their main financial support through the sale and distribution of cocaine, crack cocaine, and heroin. He was arrested on weapons charges several times. He jumped bail, moved to Florida, where he served a year in jail after a traffic dispute in which he fired a weapon at his adversary. On probation he worked at a Taco Bell fast food restaurant where he met his

16. Amanda Ripley “The Case of the Dirty Bomber - How a Chicago street gangster allegedly became a soldier for Osama bin Laden” Time Magazine June 16, 2002.,8599,262917,00.html

supervisor, Mohammad Javed Qureshi, a Muslim who vehemently denies having shown him the path of submission.


None-the-less after this meeting, Jose Padilla attended the Darul Uloom Islamic Institute in Pembroke Pines. Saudi-born Adnan G. el-Shukrijumah also attended this mosque. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed identified el-Shukrijumah, 27, as a Brother who had flight training in the United States about the same time as several September 11 th

commandoes, but el-Shukrijumah left the United States in August 2001, weeks before the September 11th Raids. The FBI has identified el-Shukrijumah as the Shaheed Ramzi bin al-Shibh chose to replace him as a hijacker after Ramzi bin al-Shibh’s visa applications were repeatedly denied. Adnan was traveling with yet another man who the FBI cannot locate.18 El-Shukrijumah was supposed to be on Flight 93, and this was why it was one person short, with only four Brothers as opposed to the five-member teams controlling the other three planes.19

There is no record that el-Shukrijumah left the country but he was spotted by a single informant in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada in 2002 disguised as a student at McMaster University, which has 20,000 students and a 5-megawatt research reactor. McMaster University has a significant number of Muslim students and an active chapter of the Muslim Students Association.20 McMaster had complete confidence in the safety and security of its reactor that was used for medical purposes and said that this was an

unsubstantiated allegation. The university had consulted with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who also had no knowledge of el-Shukrijumah having been anywhere near the reactor.21 El-Shukrijumah was also alleged reported to have cased the Panama Canal.22 The FBI has issued a five million dollar reward for the capture of Adnan El Shukrijumah. Gulshair El Shukrijumah, 73, the father of Adnan El

Shukrijumah was once the Imam of the Abu Bakr Mosque where Clement Hampton-el prayed. Gulshair El Shukrijumah testified during Hampton-el's pretrial hearings.23 The Americans discovered that $19,200 in checks between December 2000 and January 2003 from the Saudi Embassy had been sent to Gulshair Muhammad al-Shukrijumah.24 Gulshair provided Islamist tutoring to Imram Mandhai, who, as stated, planned to destroy the South Florida power grid.


18. Pierre Thomas “Bigger and Deadlier Attack? ”ABCNEWS November 6, 2003.19.,1,2032931.story?coll=la-headlines-oped-manualJonathan Turley “The Growing Collection of 20th Hijackers.” LA Times November 7, 2003.20. Bill Gertz, Washington Times, October 16, 2003. Scott Wheeler Insight Magazine October 29, 2003.21. Recorded telephone conversation with Shelly Faston of McMasters University February 2004.22. Author(s): Chitra Ragavan with Douglas Pasternak, Edward T. Pound, Arnold Markowitz, Rochelle Sharpe and U.S. News library staff Citation: April 7, 2003 p 32-33 Section: Nation & World; The Other War; Investigative Report.24. Isikoff Newsweek April 12, 2004.

The Joint Committee on the September 11th Intelligence Debacle reported our interest in students of nuclear science:

According to information obtained by the FBI after September 11 th, hijacker Marwan al-Shehhi was in contact with an individual (referred to as ‘the first individual’ below) on the East Coast. [Intelligence reporting has confirmed that a second individual, reportedly connected to the first individual, was an associate of Atta’s in college and that information in the first individual’s possession connected the first individual to Mohammed Atta’s sister]. The first individual has been the subject of an FBI investigation since July 1999 and has ties to important al-Qaeda figures and several organizations linked to al-Qaeda. The FBI is concerned that this individual is in contact with several persons with expertise in nuclear science.

Imram Mandhai was a friend of Adnan El Shukrijumah and Jose Padilla. Fast food manager Mohammed Javed Qureshi said the Jose Padilla had discussed converting to Islam with him and after that he saw Jose Padilla at the mosque of the Islamic Center of South Florida in Pompano Beach.25 The Islamic Center of South Florida provides advice to the American Muslim Association of North America.26 Mustafa Nassar is Assistant Director of the American Muslim Association of North America. Mustafa Dauod Mustafa Nassar was on the Rahman Unindicted Co-Conspirator List. In 1994 Jose Padilla converted to Islam along with his wife, Cherie Maria Stultz at the al-Iman Mosque in Sunrise, Florida, under the supervision of Raed Awad, the former Florida fundraiser for the Holy Land Foundation.27

Adham A. Hassoun, 40, was arrested and is being held at Krome INS Detention Center, as an associate of Jose Padilla. Hassoun was listed as the Florida registered agent of Benevolence International Foundation. An immigration judge found that Hassoun had plotted to commit an assassination, provided material support to so-called terrorist groups, and had been a member of an Islamist group headed by Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman. Hassoun was listed as the North American and United States distributor of the Islamic Magazine, Nida ‘ul Islam (Call to Islam), a militant publication that has published articles on Jihad, the Taliban, as well as interviews with the Osama bin Laden, Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman and officials from Jama’a Islamia and Sudan’s National Islamic Front.28 In the early 1990s, Sheikh Rahman's telephone was tapped, and Mr. Hassoun and Dr. Jayyousi, a Jordanian-born American citizen who holds a doctorate in civil engineering, came to the government's attention through phone calls to or from his line. Then the government, under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, began to eavesdrop on them, which eventually pulled Mr. Padilla into their net, too. The conversations contained coded language such as ''getting some fresh air,'' ''participating in tourism,'' ''opening up a market,'' ''playing football,'' and so on. ''The brothers'' discuss going on ''picnics'' in order ''to smell fresh air and to eat cheese'' or using $3,500 to buy 25. Pierre Thomas, Terry Moran and Brian Hartman “FBI Looking for Evidence Al Qaeda Recruited in America” ABCNEWS June 12, 2002. American Muslim Association of North America Jo Thomas and Dana Canedy “A Hispanic’s Odyssey into the Arms of Islam.”New York Times June 15, 2002. 28.

''zucchini.'' In one phone call, the two men talked about a dream. It appeared to be the dream that Padilla, according to his relatives, cites as having played a crucial role in inspiring him to convert to Islam: the vision of a man in a turban, surrounded by the swirling dust of a desert. Hassoun brought it up and told Mr. Padilla that he himself had experienced the same vision. ''What do you mean you saw the same dream?'' Padilla ''I saw the dream of the uh person with the turban,'' Mr. Hassoun said. Mr. Hassoun explained how, in his dream, the turban was wrongly wrapped and so he thought the man might be a spy, in which case, he was prepared ''to split his body apart.'' But then, he said, he understood that ''the brother was a good one.'' ''Yeah?'' Padilla said. One tape refers to Padilla as being ''in the area of Usama,'' which the government takes to mean that he was near Osama bin Laden.29

In 1997 Adham Hassoun, then a computer programmer in Broward County, Florida proposed a road trip to Jose Padilla. The excursion to Tampa would be his treat, Mr. Hassoun said, and a chance to meet ''some nice, uh, brothers.'' Padilla, 36 equivocated as Hassoun exhorted. ''We take the whole family and have a blast…We go to, uh, our Busch Gardens, you know You won't regret it. Money-back guarantee.'' Padilla, laughing, suggested that they not discuss the matter over the phone. ''Why?'' Mr. Hassoun said. ''We're going to Busch Gardens. What's the big deal!'' In another conversation in the summer of 1997 Hassoun asked, ''You're ready, right?'' and Padilla said, ''God willing, brother, it's going to happen soon.'' In January 2004 a federal indictment, released in federal court in West Palm Beach, accused Hassoun of illegally possessing a Smith & Wesson 9 mm pistol and with being a member of Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya.30

In 1998 Padilla moved to Egypt. He visited Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan where he met with Abu Zubaydah who sent him to a safehouse in Lahore, Pakistan for training in 1999. Jose Padilla and his associate conducted research in the construction of a “uranium-enhanced” explosive device, or RDD, within the United States, possibly in Washington, D.C. The plan included stealing radioactive material for the bomb within the United States. In 2002 at Zubaydah’s direction, Jose Padilla traveled to Karachi, Pakistan and met with Ammar Al-Baluchi and others to discuss the dirty bomb plan and other operations including the detonation of bombs in hotel rooms, train stations and gas stations. It was suggested that Jose Padilla enter the United States via Mexico or Puerto Rico, rent apartments in a New York City high-rise and use its natural cooking gas supply to blow it to pieces. This was more in line with Jose Padilla’s abilities. During his interrogation by the CIA, Zubaydah dismissed Padilla as a maladroit extremist whose hope to construct a dirty bomb, using conventional explosives to disperse radioactive materials was far-fetched. He said Padilla was ignorant on the subject of nuclear physics and believed he could separate plutonium from nuclear material by rapidly swinging over his head a bucket filled with fissionable material. Yet why would he assign such a man this mission? Zubaydah was misleading his captors. Padilla told Hassoun during a 1999 conversation from Egypt, that he had asked his ex-wife in the United States to arrange for him to receive an army jacket, a book bag and a sleeping bag, supplies that he had requested because ''there was a rumor here that the door was 29. “South Florida Associate Of Padilla Is Arrested” The Miami Herald June 15, 2002.

open somewhere.'' Padilla told Hassoun in April 2000 that he would need a recommendation to ''connect me with the good brothers, with the right faith'' if he were to travel to Yemen.

On May 8, 2002 the FBI arrested Jose Padilla. We do not know if he has subsequently co-operated or not. At first Jose Padilla was allowed to consult with an attorney but later he was forbidden from doing so for fear that he might attempt to communicate with his Brothers on the outside through the attorney, as Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman did. Judge Mukasey objected to this violation of Jose Padilla’s Constitutional rights:

The concern that Jose Padilla would or could use his counsel to unwittingly pass information if counsel is allowed to consult with him is pure speculation. It is contradicted by the facts of this case. Counsel for Jose Padilla had knowledge of the allegations contained in the application for the material witness warrant, most of which was later publicized in the Mobbs Declaration (a two-page affidavit filed by the Defense Department on behalf of one Michael H. Mobbs, identified as a special adviser to the under secretary of defense for policy Douglas Feith, a prime generator of Iraqi War Propaganda). His counsel did not leak this information. Jose Padilla was also shown this information. Defense counsel did speak to the press and there was no attempt by Jose Padilla to use counsel to pass any information. Jose Padilla has now been in solitary confinement for over five months. At this point the only information that Jose Padilla could possibly have to pass on to al-Qaeda is how to sleep with the lights on.

The Respondents [the Government] base their speculation on the following passage from an al-Qaeda manual: ‘Take advantage of visits to communicate with Brothers outside prison and exchange information that may be helpful to them in their work outside prison [according to what occurred during the investigations]. The importance of mastering the art of hiding messages is self evident here.’ The manual is an English translation of an Arabic document that was recovered in England. The document was translated and was to be used as an Exhibit in the Embassy Bombing trial. There is no evidence that an English version of this document existed until the United States Government posted it on the Internet. Nor is there evidence that Jose Padilla ever saw this manual in any language or that he received any such training.

More importantly the Respondents do not even suggest what possible information Jose Padilla could possibly have after months of solitary confinement. If Jose Padilla had any information to pass, it would have been passed long ago. There is no evidence that he either had any information to pass on or that he manipulated counsel to unwittingly pass on information. There is no reason to believe that Jose Padilla received any training or instruction on how to send coded messages. There is no

evidence that Jose Padilla has the ability to learn a complex code and it is doubtful that he could, due to his limited education. Nor is there any evidence that Jose Padilla, who is not alleged to be a member of al-Qaeda or to have any contacts in the United States, would have anyone to pass a message to… I have read both the Mobbs Declaration and the Sealed Mobbs Declaration, the latter only for the purpose of assessing the government’s access to counsel argument; the government’s conjecture is, on the facts presented to me in those documents, gossamer speculation. Although the government presents facts showing that Jose Padilla had contact with and was acting on behalf of al-Qaeda, there is nothing to indicate that Jose Padilla in particular was trained to transmit information in the way the government suggests, or that he had information to transmit.31

Brother Jose Padilla was never given the attorney of his choice, not the court-appointed Jew Donna Newman, but someone sympathetic to our cause. Newman is not a Lynne Stewart and is defending Jose Padilla because: “If someone in this country can disappear based on a suspicion, without any real evidence, if someone can be held incommunicado and denied access to a lawyer, what is to keep us from becoming like Argentina during the military dictatorship?” In the same ruling Judge Mukasey stated Jose Padilla could be held as an enemy combatant, however, Jose Padilla could immediately appeal this ruling. Newman met with Padilla on March 4, 2004, but was only allowed to inform him of efforts being made on his behalf.

The United States Government asked Judge Mukasey to reconsider his determination on the basis of a sealed declaration of Vice Admiral Lowell E. Jacoby United States Navy that contends that granting Jose Padilla access to counsel risks compromising their efforts to obtain intelligence from Jose Padilla, a source they indicate that “may well have information” about the identity of al-Qaeda associates, here and overseas, and information concerning the nature of further attacks against United States citizens and interests.

The Jacoby Declaration, what Jose Padilla’s lawyers or “next friends” were allowed to see, was a nine page document that addressed in the first six pages his qualifications and generally the role and mission of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the intelligence process, interrogation techniques and the use of interrogations in the War on Terrorism. In the remaining two and half pages, Jacoby asserted: 1) the President has declared Jose Padilla an enemy combatant; 2) Jose Padilla has been implicated in several plots to carry out attacks against the United States; 3) a summary of the unclassified Michael H. Mobbs Declaration which was submitted with Respondents’ Brief, and 4) that Jose Padilla potentially could have information relating to future attacks on the United States, the identities and whereabouts of other al-Qaeda operatives here and elsewhere, information regarding al-Qaeda’s operations, methods, recruitment, planning, training, infrastructure, and its potential nuclear capabilities.

31. USDC SDNY 02-CIV-4445

This was all Jose Padilla’s attorneys were allowed to see, however the government filed under seal an ex parte classified version of the Jacoby Declaration using the same procedure as in they did in the filing of the two versions of the Mobbs Declarations. Since Jose Padilla’s attorneys could not see the information in these sealed documents, they could not offer any arguments refuting the information they contained, so Judge Mukasey had to rely on the veracity of the United States Government.

Jacoby suggested Jose Padilla's information was possibly “time-sensitive and perishable” and if there was a delay in obtaining this information there was a risk that “whatever information Jose Padilla may eventually provide will be outdated.” Finally, Jacoby opined that permitting counsel to meet with Jose Padilla might lead Padilla to believe his counsel could successfully obtain his release with the result that Padilla might delay in providing information and that such a meeting could possibly result in a break in the relationship that may have developed between Padilla and his interrogators.” This, according to Jacoby, could possibly harm America’s national security interest because it is unlikely that Jose Padilla will be willing to co-operate if he believes an attorney will intercede in his detention.

Judge Mukasey ultimately ruled that Jose Padilla was entitled to legal representation and that “If, after Jose Padilla has had an opportunity to contest the unsealed Mobbs Declaration, I find that the government has failed to meet the evidence standard, I will decide whether to consider the sealed document. At that point I will have two options: (1) I could find that it was impermissible to use the sealed document without giving Jose Padilla access to it, in which case the government will have the option of withdrawing the submission; or (2) I could consider the sealed document in camera. Before Jose Padilla has disputed any facts, it would be premature to choose between these options.” The U.S. Government appealed Judge Mukasey’s order on the basis of national security and jurisdiction.

In December 2003 Jose Padilla was the recipient of another favorable ruling, this time by the Federal Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.32 Since he had been arrested in America and not on a battlefield “Padilla’s detention was not authorized by Congress, and absent such authorization, the President does not have the power under Article II of the Constitution to detain as an enemy combatant an American citizen seized on American soil.” The court issued a writ of habeas corpus directing Secretary Rumsfeld to release Padilla from military custody within 30 days, “at which point the government can act within its legislatively conferred authority to take further action. For example, Padilla can be transferred to the appropriate civilian authorities who can bring criminal charges against him. If appropriate, he can also be held as a material witness in connection with grand jury proceedings.” In a dissenting opinion Judge Wesley observed that the majority opinion entailed the “startling conclusion” that the “President would be without any authority to detain a terrorist citizen dangerously close to a violent or destructive act on U.S. soil unless Congress declared the area in question a zone of combat or authorized the detention.”


Bush the Younger had Jose Padilla transferred to civilian authorities rather than risk a confrontation with the Supreme Court. All shades of kafir political opinion, from the Christian conservative Rutherford Institute to the atheistic People for the American Way, had pressured the Supreme Court to rule for Padilla. They all signed on to this amici brief, “while proceedings were pending before the District Court, the Executive branch abruptly ordered military personnel to enter the Bureau of Prisons facility where Padilla was detained. They entered,

seized Padilla, and transported him to a military brig. He has remained locked in the brig ever since, barred from asserting his innocence or communicating with his lawyer or family in any way. Except for his captors, no one has any idea what has happened to Padilla within the brig. The executive actions challenged here directly violated 18 U.S.C. §4001(a), an express congressional directive forbidding the Executive from detaining American citizens without specific statutory authorization. As this brief will demonstrate, Congress has given no such specific authorization to detain here.

The prohibition in §4001(a) did not arise by happenstance. It echoes the fundamental ban against indefinite executive detention set forth in the very structure of our Constitution. The Framers deliberately vested the Legislature with the power to make law, and denied to the Executive any unilateral authority to determine when people may be detained indefinitely without charge. The Constitution gives the Legislature - and only the Legislature - power to determine when, if ever, extraordinary circumstances authorize the fundamentally intrusive power of detention without charge. Judicial precedents have long denied to the Executive any power to invade individual liberty without specific congressional approval.

The brief went on to cite an 1866 case entitled USA v Milligan,33 “Like Padilla Milligan was a citizen suspected of grave and treasonous crimes: conspiring to seize U.S. weapons, liberate enemy prisoners of war, kidnap elected officials, and raise a Northern army to join with the Confederacy in destroying the United States. But the gravity of the emergency precipitated by Milligan and his comrades did not increase the Executive's power. Even during the Civil War, the division between Executive and Legislative powers remained the same, "no matter how great an offender the individual may be, or how much his crimes may have shocked the sense of justice of the country, or endangered its safety." Like every other citizen not taking part in active hostilities and not apprehended in a State governed by martial law, Milligan could not be detained without trial. The Executive was constitutionally required to charge him with violations of Congress's laws, in an ordinary court.”34 In April 2006 the Supreme Court refused the hear Padilla’s complaint about his illegal detention by the military and his imprisonment was held to be legal.

There is but one God, and He has blinded these disbelievers and prevented the thought from even crossing their minds that the stakes for them are infinitely higher now 33. 71 U.S. 2, 121 (1866)34.

than in the time of the American Civil War, and are growing higher day by day as technical knowledge becomes available to us, despite the efforts of the West to prevent al-Qaeda from obtaining it. A cell of perhaps twenty jihadi, some versed in microbiology, can wipe out thousands of enemy soldiers or hundreds of thousands of so-called civilians. What can twenty such cells do? Milligan had rifles, pistols, cannons, dynamite and other primitive weapons at his disposal – how much damage could he and his insurgents have done? Did he have an RDD? Did he have a microbiological lethal agent other than smallpox infected blankets that had not been given to the Indians? While the Americans ponder the “Human Right” of habeas corpus and the right to counsel, they forget that there can be no “Human Rights” without “Human Beings.” Their strict adherence to the noble ideals of their past will mire their judgment until we strike in earnest, then they will look back at their adherence to these noble ideals only from the perspective of the grave.


Yasser Esam Hamdi, an American citizen, was captured by the Northern Alliance during a battle in Afghanistan with the Taliban then turned over to the Americans. He was clearly an enemy combatant, and proud to be one. Hamdi was denied access to so-called due process and to an attorney. Instead he was placed in a military brig. The same people he wished to destroy - the communistic National Lawyers Guild and the Center For Constitutional Rights - along with numerous Jewish law professors and attorneys, many from Yeshiva University’s Law School, came to his aid, arguing that he should be treated as a common criminal and not as a prisoner of war.35 These Jews, through Hamdi’s court appointed attorney who argued the case, moved to order the American Secretary of Defense to “cease all interrogations of Yaser Esam Hamdi, direct or indirect, while this litigation was pending; order and declare that Hamdi is being held in violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution; to the extent Respondents contest any material factual allegations in the Petition, schedule an evidentiary hearing, at which Petitioners may adduce proof in support of their allegations and order that Petitioner Hamdi be released from Respondents’ unlawful custody.”

A similar issue arose during World War II in a case titled Quirin, where the petitioners were German agents who, after the declaration of war between the United States and the German Reich, were trained at a German sabotage school where they were instructed in the use of explosives and in methods of secret writing. The Nazis then journeyed by submarine to the beaches of New York, carrying large quantities of explosives and other sabotage devices. FBI agents apprehended all of them and subsequently learned of their mission to destroy war industries and facilities in the United States. All of the Nazis were born in Germany but had lived in the United States at some point. One petitioner claimed American citizenship by virtue of the naturalization of his parents during his youth. The Court, however, did not need to determine his citizenship because it held that the due process guarantees of the Fifth and Sixth Amendments of the United States Constitution were inapplicable in any event.

35. Holly Maguigan signed the amicus curiae brief in the case of Hamdi.

It noted that citizenship in the United States of an enemy belligerent does not relieve him from the consequences of a belligerency that is unlawful. The petitioner who alleged American citizenship was treated identically to the other German saboteurs.

Would these same law-monkeys have argued for the Nazi with American citizenship to be released? They probably would have because they are fools who care more for others rights than their own right to exist.

After loosing on an Appellate level the Hamdi case made its way to the Supreme Court. It was argued that Hamdi was alleged to be an “enemy combatant” by the Executive branch and allegedly seized within an area asserted to be a “zone of active combat.” But left to the Executive branch, it was argued, the outlines of a “zone of active combat” in the “war on terrorism” are without limit, so United States citizens residing in the United States could be subject to the same type of detention.36 Rather than face a challenge to their executive powers the administration of Bush the Younger released Hamdi and he is now in Saudi Arabia with his family. Under the terms of his release, he was to renounce his U.S. citizenship and never travel to Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, Pakistan, Syria, the West Bank or Gaza. He is also required to report any intent to travel outside Saudi Arabia for the next 15 years.


During the Middle Ages the Jews poisoned the wells of the populace they lived amongst. Their treachery did not end there. In the 1940’s the Zionists planned to poison innocent Germans with sodium cyanide. Abba Kovner, the leader of a group called DIN, a Hebrew acronym for Avenging Israel’s Blood felt that any German – man, woman, or child – was a legitimate target for revenge, and planned to poison the water supplies of several German cities and prisoner camps where elite Nazi Gestapo and SS troops were being held. Kovner’s arrest and the confiscation of DIN’s supplies of poison forced the Zionists to set its sights on Stalag 13, where captured Nazi SS soldiers were being held near Nuremberg, Germany. The Zionists contacts in the leather-making industry supplied these Jewish terrorists with 40 pounds of arsenic, which they smuggled into Germany. German troops almost exclusively ate black rye bread. DIN planned to coat the bottom of black rye loaves with an arsenic and glue mixture. The three DIN members who infiltrated the Stalag 13 bakery on April 13, 1946 shielded themselves by wearing gloves and protective glasses and used brushes to paint the bottom of the bread loaves. They set out to poison fourteen thousand loaves of bread, but succeeded in contaminating less than three thousand. Only two of the six arsenic-filled bottles that DIN members smuggled into the camp were emptied. Four thousand three hundred helpless prisoners fell ill, one thousand were hospitalized, and at least seven hundred died or were paralyzed.37 Another DIN member, Solomon Morel, 83, is now being accused of killing 1,500 inmates at the Swietochlowiche camp in Poland, and the Polish Government is demanding his extradition from the Zionist entity on charges of genocide. Israel has of course refused to give up this mass murderer.

36. Amy E. Smithson “Ataxia: The Chemical and Biological Terrorism Threat and the US Response” found on Henry L. Stimson Center website

Arsenic is not a very deadly poison. The Zionists did not know of ricin, a protein toxin found in the seeds of castor bean plants. The toxin has no known antidote and is approximately two hundred times more potent than cyanide. Death results after several days of suffering. Ricin breaks down in the system shortly after death, making it impossible to trace in the body. It was used in several assassinations during the Cold War. To produce ricin all an al-Qaeda cell requires are beans of the castor plant, lye, (which is easily obtainable) and acetone that is available in artists supply stores and hardware stores. In 2003 the seeds could obtained by the kilogram from Henry Field’s Seed38or J.L. Hudson, Seedsman but now are only sold by the packet.39 Remember, all that is required is the simple extraction formula is found in Military Studies in the Jihad Against the Tyrants. The Department of Justice and Court T.V. have posted copies of this document on the Internet!

After the Zionist became more advanced Mossad agents carrying Canadian passports used “medical chemical weapons” in attempting to assassinate Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal in Amman in 1997. These assassins possessed a bulb concealed in the palm of their hand that, when it is squeezed, caused a powerful chemical nerve agent to squirt through a nozzle protruding from the clenched fingers

of the agent’s fist. The attempt on Mashaal’s life failed when, instead of spraying the toxin into his ear, from where it should have traveled to the brain, causing hemorrhage and death within six to eighteen hours, the poison struck his neck and collar. King Hussein demanded that the Zionist government provide the antidote that saved Mashaal’s life. The Zionists had to release the late Sheik Yassin and many other prisoners to effectuate the release of their agents.40 In July 2006 Justice Minister Haim Ramon said that Mashaal was a target for assassination due to his ordering of the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier named Shalit. "He is definitely in our sights ... he is a target," Ramon told Israel Army Radio. "Khaled Mashaal, as some who is overseeing, 38. 415 North Burnett, Shenandoah, Iowa 5160239. Star Route 2, Box 337, La Honda, California, 9402040. CNN October 5, 1997 “Netanyahu in spotlight as assassination plot unravels.”

actually commanding the terror acts, is definitely a target."41 After the Israeli plane overflew Bashar Al-Assad’s palace in Latakia, Syria, the fearless leader asked Khaled Mashaal to leave Syria, where he had been based for many years. The hard-line Iranian daily Jomhouri Islami wrote that Mashaal was now based in Iran.42

The Mossad made another attempt to use this poison that was exposed when five of its agents were arrested in the Berne, Switzerland, in February 1998 trying to install a wiretap in a building where the wife of Lebanese immigrant Abdallah el-Zein lived. Brother Abdallah el-Zein ran an Ahl El-Beit center, part of an international chain that promotes adherence to Shi’ite Islam – this center was, in reality, a front organization for the Hizb’allah. A suspicious neighbor, who, as fate would have it, was an insomniac, called police to the building and a diplomatic bag containing wiretapping tools was found. The bugging operation was a prelude to an assassination plot. The Mossad agents were on a mission to assassinate two people suspected of helping the Hizb’allah in its attempt to acquire chemical and biological weapons. A Swiss Police officer was quoted as saying: “The Israeli spy [in Bern] was caught in possession of suspicious objects, deadly aerosol sprays developed by Mossad chemists.”

At the trial, a Swiss police expert said investigators had been unable to prove that the worldwide Ahl El-Beit network was connected to the Hizb’allah. The Swiss did not understand, that contrary to the majority of the Muslims and like the Catholic Church, the Shi’ites believe in a hierarchy of religious clergy with the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei being the highest. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei wears a black turban signaling that he is a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. It as if he were the Pope and the holy city of Qu’am was the Vatican. The main voice and interpretation of religious and non-religious matters is the opinion of the Ayatollah, the Imam, and the leader. The Imam in Shi’ite doctrine is Infallible, and must be obeyed. The Imam is the Ahl El-Beit, the closest kin to the Prophet [PBUH]. If the Ayatollah supports the Hizb’allah, so must all of his followers, and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei most certainly supported this Army of God.43

The sly Mossad agents asked Abdallah el-Zein in court whether he could shed any light on anti-Jewish attacks such as the July 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in Argentina that killed 86 people. Of course he said he could not. In July 2002, it was revealed that a high-level traitor from Iran’s intelligence agency who gave his name as Abdolghassem Mesbahi, said that the Iranian government organized and carried out the bombing and then paid Argentina’s president at the time, Carlos Saúl Menem, an associate of Gaith Pharaon of BCCI44 to cover it up. “Ten million dollars was deposited into a numbered account that Menem had indicated,” Mesbahi said, paid from a $200 million Swiss account controlled by Hashemi Rafsanjani, who was Iran’s President at the time, and by a son of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. In return Mesbahi said, Menem agreed to “make declarations that there was no evidence against Iran that it was responsible and to loose or destroy evidence including material from the bomb site,

41. Peter Capella “Bungling Israeli agent on trial for espionage” The Guardian July 4, 2000.,3604,339455,00.html44. Annys Shin Modern Times November 22, 1991 “What’s the Big Deal About BCCI Anyway?”

tapes of telephone calls and address books of suspects.”45 In March 2003 an Argentine judge ordered arrest warrants for four Iranian intelligence agents46 who carried out this operation but refused to issue a warrant for Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The judge claimed that armed units of the Hizb’allah were also involved, though no Hizb’allah member was mentioned in the indictment.47 In November 2006 an Argentine judge ordered international arrest warrants Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, and eight others in connection with the 1994 event. The Swiss court found the Mossad agent, who was allowed to use a pseudonym during the trial, guilty of political espionage, illegal acts for a foreign state and entering the country under a false name, however the agent was given a one-year suspended sentence.


We must fight fire with fire: Mohammed Farouq Abu Roub, a former junior officer in Palestinian intelligence told his Zionist captors “I was told to be ready to spread poison in the major Israeli water pipelines, the River Jordan or the Lake of Galilee, I got these instructions in Iraq, where I was given thousands of dollars to carry out mega-attacks.”48 During the summer of 2001 an associate of two men indicted in Detroit in an investigation of al-Qaeda did library research on a water system and animal-born diseases, according to a librarian49 in Canton, Ohio. In April 2003 Jordanian authorities arrested Iraqi agents who planned to poison the water supply that served American troops near the border with Iraq. The intelligence officers tried to burn down the top-floor executive lounge of the Grand Hyatt Amman Hotel with an improvised incendiary bomb, but the hotel’s sprinkler system put out of the flames.50

Once our Brothers in the United States have produced or imported ricin it can be used in the assassination of the President of the United States, but before this can be done it must be changed into a form that can be absorbed through the skin. The ricin must be enhanced with a strong solvent such as DMSO then mixed with aloe vera gel. It can then be applied to the surface of a neoprene, Teflon or butyl rubber glove. In order to penetrate Secret Service security surrounding the President, it is necessary that the jihadi take on the speech and appearance of an American. Concerning the issue of clothing and appearance (appearance of true religion), Ibn Taimia – may Allah have mercy on him – said, “If a Muslim is in a combat or godless area, he is not obligated to 45. Larry Rohter “Iran Blew Up Jewish Center in Argentina, Defector Says” New York Times July 22, 2002, Larry Rohter “Argentina Reviews A Clumsy Case by its Spies” New York Times July 13, 2003. 46. Ali Fallahijan, a former minister of security and intelligence, Mohsen Rabbani, an attaché at the Iranian Embassy, Ali Akbar Velayati; a former commander of the Revolutionary Guard, Mohsen Rezai.47. Larry Rohter “Argentine Judge Indicts 4 Iranian Officials in 1994 Bombing of Jewish Center” New York Times March 10, 2003,

. In January 2003 the Justice Department drafted a preliminary version of the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003 that proposed making it a crime not only to supply illegal support for our networks, but to collect any sort of public information to aid us in our mission, such as newspaper articles and television reports: “Section 102: Clandestine Intelligence Activities by Agent of a Foreign Power. FISA currently defines agent of a foreign power to include a person who knowingly engages in clandestine intelligence gathering activities on behalf of a foreign power-but only if those activities involve or may involve a violation of federal criminal law. Requiring the additional showing that the intelligence gathering violates the laws of the United States is both unnecessary and counterproductive, as such activities threaten the national security regardless of whether they are illegal. This provision would expand the definitions contained in 50 U.S.C. § 1801(b) (2) (A) & (B). Any person who engages in clandestine intelligence gathering activities for a foreign power would qualify as an agent of a foreign power, regardless of whether those activities are federal crimes.”50.

have a different appearance from [those around him]. The [Muslim] man may prefer or even be obligated to look like them.”

Hydroquinone is a bleaching agent found in many skin lightening products that, after many applications, will make one look Caucasian. Kojic acid is a skin lightener produced from a fungus. It was discovered in Japan in 1989 and it has been used with excellent results. Colored contact lenses that change eye color without a visual correction are available from Colored Contacts.51 Hair dye – blonde – can be purchased in any drug store. After Abdul Hakim Murad arrived in Manila: “Once he was in the hotel room he had his hair color changed. He had previously advised that he had brought with him five or six different L’Oreal hair color changes. He said he wanted to appear more European-looking so as not to cause so much attention in Manila.” Many books and tapes are available on accent elimination in which the student is guided through a self-study program to replace his Middle Eastern or Asian accent of English, sound by sound, with the speech sounds of standard American English speech. Political buttons, flags and the like are also easily obtainable. The Brother disguised as a blonde hair blue-eyed American is to infiltrate a crowd of Bush supporters who wish to shake the President’s hand, wearing this glove of instant death underneath a normal woolen glove. No magnometer or sensory device will detect him; Alhumdulallah! Death to the kafir leader! This proves to be more and more difficult as the people around the President are often handpicked supporters or carefully screened.

A non-Arab convert to Islam, who has no traceable connection to the Brotherhood of Islamists, can also be used in this operation, but his loyalty must be proven. Caution: The American intelligence and law enforcement agencies have started to use converts to entrap our Brothers. One must also keep in mind the fact that some converts to Islam evidence a degree of mental instability. For example convert Ryan Anderson, arrested in February 2004 during an internet sting operation and charged with offering to supply al-Qaeda with

information was previously arrested on May 22, 1998 after police responded to a call of a man with a firearm near an elementary school near Everett, Washington. Ryan had previously made contact with skinhead elements over the Internet, despite the numerous skinhead attacks on Muslims in Washington.52 Anderson received a sentence of life in prison with the possibility of parole.

Another use for this deadly substance: The operative coats his finger with transparent nail polish or polyurethane. The deadly substance is placed in small jar marked camphor and carried in the operative’s pocket with the lid loosely on. The operative enters an elevator in a United State Federal Courthouse. As he is entering he puts his coated finger in the deadly substance, stands in front of the elevator buttons to block any surveillance cameras and as he presses the elevator button leading to the floor where the prosecutors carry out their work against Islam, he coats this button with the deadly substance. He gets off the elevator at another floor and takes another elevator to the ground floor then he leaves the building.51. P.O. Box 159 Pt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania 1895052.

After the September 11th Raids three Brothers in New Jersey were indicted for stealing hundreds of boxes of Kellogg’s Rice Crispies in March 2000 and shipping them to Kentucky in May 2000. Nasser Abuali, Hussein Abuali and Rabi Ahmed were arrested then each released on $100,000 bail. No mention of terrorism was made in their indictment and it was said that the FBI had enough information to arrest them prior to September 11th.53 Perhaps another stolen cache of cereal might be turned into Ricin Crispies?


Ansar al-Islam54 has taken a back seat to al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia but deserves our attention none-the-less. Ansar al-Islam was group in northern Iraq linked to Iran and al-Qaeda. Mullah Krekar who called Usama bin Laden the “jewel in the crown of the Muslim nation” is the leader of Ansar al-Islam. “I have never met a member of al-Qaeda,” he said.55 Ansar al-Islam seized land from the Kurdish autonomous government, near Iraq’s northeastern border

with Iran and created a miniature version of the Taliban’s Afghanistan, with an estimated 650 fighters maintaining an Islamist society among about 8,000 believers. The group was mostly composed of renegade Kurds. But about 150 of its members, mostly Arabs, had trained in al-Qaeda-sponsored camps in Afghanistan.

The neo-conman Jew, William Safire, claimed the Ansar al-Islam Brothers produced a form of cyanide cream that killed on contact and could be put on doorknobs for assassination attempts and did so with the help of Iraq and al-Qaeda. According to Safire’s unnamed U.S. interrogators, a shipment of this rudimentary panic-spreader was intercepted in Turkey on its way to cells in the West.56 This was nothing but a dirty Jewish lie that contained some truth to make it credible. But all-and-all it was part of a propaganda campaign to involve America in Iraqi War. Other atrocity stories had Ansar al-Islam developing poison paints, ointments and poison-laced cigarettes but when the occupation forces entered the Ansar al-Islam Sirat camp only samples of ricin and botulinum were taken from the soles of a boot and a shoe recovered there. In January 2003 British police found laboratory equipment and traces of ricin in a flat given to asylum seekers from Algeria. (Five hundred “asylum seekers” were allowed into Britain 53. USDC District of New Jersey 01CR 686-ALL54. “Supporters of Islam.”55. BBC September 14, 2002 “Spotlight on Detained Kurd Leader” and Hosenball “The United States Calls this Man a Terrorist and Says He Should be Jailed, Norway Disagrees” Newsweek January 7, 2004.56. William Safire, New York Times August 22, 2002 “Saddam and Terror.”

in 1996 with minimum checks some of who were involved in a bombing campaign in France. Most of the North African “terror” suspects arrested in Paris and Frankfurt before Christmas 2002 had entered as asylum seekers). After 9/11 Krekar was placed under arrest in Norway until he was freed for insufficient evidence, then re-arrested in January 2004 for complicity in planning suicide attacks in Northern Iraq.57


Brother Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi, was the second in command of Ansar al-Islam and was an expert in poisons and chemical weapons who trained one of the Brothers stationed in Britain. Al-Zarqawi was involved in other attempted chemical attacks. Using $170,000 al-Zarqawi sent him from Iraq, Azmi al-Jayousi and his Brothers purchased trucks and structurally reinforced them, bought necessary chemicals and manufactured part of them in a deserted house in a village near Irbid, then later in a warehouse near Ramtha. "I envisioned the result after executing the work. According to my experience as an explosives expert, the whole of the Intelligence Department would have been totally destroyed, and nothing of it would have remained, nor anything surrounding it. Destruction would have even reached far away areas," Jaiousi said. The plan included a chemical-explosive cocktail and the American Embassy and other Jordanian Government buildings would have been engulfed by VX gas, had this plan not been uncovered by the Monarchists, although it was unclear if the Brothers had actually produced this agent.58

Al-Zarqawi, whose parents were Palestinian, was born in 1966 in Zarqa, Jordan. The New York Times reported, “Al-Zarqawi was a criminal before he was a jihadi. He was a wild young man, according to all who knew him, and have recounted his story in the Arab media. He had no interest in religion. A high-school dropout, he had a reputation for getting tattoos, drinking alcohol and getting into fights, and he ended up in jail in the 1980's.” This only shows the powers of Islam to transform evil to good. When he was incarcerated as a teenager he memorized the Qu’ran and was arrested in Jordan for anti-Israeli activities.

Al-Zarqawi went on to fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan where he criticized the Taliban for recognizing the United Nations and for not enforcing Shariah to its full extent. In the early 1990’s he returned to Jordan, where he was arrested due to his affiliation with the Egyptian branch of Islamic Jihad. After King Hussein’s death in 1999 a general amnesty was declared and he was released. He took a job in Pakistan, working at an al-Qaeda front involved in the honey trade. Wounded during the American invasion of Afghanistan, the Brother was allegedly in Baghdad in 2002 where he had his leg amputated. Bricks of cyanide were found in a house in Iraq allegedly occupied by one of al-Zarqawi’s associates.59 Al-Zarqawi orchestrated the October 28, 2002 activity in Amman, Jordan, in which two al-Qaeda jihadi shot to death Laurence Foley, an American diplomat, who worked for the CIA front, the Agency for International Development. A deputy to Brother al-Zarqawi could not resist using his satellite phone

57. “Court Orders Mullah Krekar to Remain in Custody’” The Norway Post January 14, 200458. John Lumpkin “U.S. Forces In Iraq Find Some Cyanide” Associated Press February 7, 2004.

to call Foley’s assassins to congratulate them and to tell them he was on his way to meet with them. The Americans intercepted this communication and the fighter and his associate were arrested.60 Jordan’s Foreign Minister, Marwan Muashe, reported that the two admitted to the killing and implicated al-Zarqawi, claiming he provided them with machine guns, grenades and money to attack embassies and foreign diplomats. Al-Zarqawi ordered the assassination of Kurdish61 officials.

Many suicide attacks against the occupational forces in Afghanistan were launched by Ansar al-Islam including one by a mujahedeen who had lost his legs in the fight against the Americans. During the American occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq these fighters were forced to flee to Iran. They slipped back across the borders where they attack the occupation forces or puppet government in an unending war. In Iraq attacks on American forces have averaged more than a dozen a day and more Americans have died than were killed during the “hot” phase of the war. After American forces raided the Ansar al-Isam staging area they found a phone book containing numbers of Islamists based in the United States and Europe as well as the number of a Kuwaiti cleric and a letter from Yemen’s minister of religion. Later Ansar al-Islam changed its name to Al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia and al-Zarqawi’s name became a household word in the United States. On January 12, 2006 the Information Department of al-Qaeda in Iraq [Tanzeem Qaedat Al-Jihad Fi Bilad Al-Rafidayn] issued a 17:29 minute video entitled: “Battle of the Captured Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman,” of the suicide car bombings targeting al-Hamra Hotel and Ad al-Zohoor Hotel in Baghdad. The video contains a brief biography of Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman describing his three arrests and depicting footage of him urging on Muslims to Jihad. In addition, a video clip of Usama bin Laden is played over shifting images of Abdul Rahman, in which the al-Qaeda leader states that the ill treatment of the Blind Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman is an “assault on Islam and the Muslims.” Audio messages from Ayman al-Zawahiri, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi provide the backdrop for scenes of the preparation for the shaheed operation, with each jihadi leader lauding the mujahideen for their might and condemning America as having “no courage for death.” The video then goes into detail about the three Shaheeds, Dr. Abu Ayub al-Iraqi, Abu Abdul Malik al-Najdi, and Abu Samir al-Tunisi, whereas each reads their respective will and describes their motivation for martyrdom. Before boarding his car, Dr. Abu Ayub al-Iraqi states: “No God but God, I didn't offer my sole to the country but only to Allah and my religion." The video features satellite imaging of the site of attack in central Baghdad, where the targets, al-Hamra Hotel and Ard al-Zohoor Hotel, the den of foreign intelligence and Ghadr Brigade members, who have put out a contract on Mullah Krekar were residing. The narrator states that Dr. Ayub al-Iraq led the attack, followed by al-Najdi and al-Tunisi in a second truck carrying two and a half tons of explosives, and “in a moment of Allah's anger, the car exploded to kill the enemies of Islam and to please the Muslims.” Media reports 60. Andrew Buncombe “Intercepted call linked Saddam to al-Qa'ida terror cell” The Independent (UK) February 7, 2002

. In December 2002 over 500 Kurdish clerics issued a fatwa that stated: “The Americans have prepared everything to occupy the land of Islam, to occupy Iraq in order to loot its wealth and to license all that God has forbidden. Fighting them has already become an obligation.” The Kurds were lying and days after Iraq fell into the hands of the Americans the Kurdish forces joined them. In fact, the only true allies the Americans had during the invasion of Iraq were the Kurds. After the American victory the Kurds began their own campaign of ethnic cleansing, driving thousands of Arabs from their homes, many of which once belonged to the Kurds. Neil McFarquhar “Iraq Courts its Kurds with an Anti-U.S. Islamic Edict” New York Times December 24, 2002

indicate that the car bombings were executed in the al-Jadriyah section of Baghdad on November 18, 2005. The explosions destroyed several apartment buildings within proximity and caused heavy damage to the hotels, killing at least six and wounding forty.62


In the course of searching for an illegal asylum seeker the British arrested a chemist who produced ricin, but not before the Brother stabbed a policeman to death and wounded several others. A few days later, at two o’clock in the morning, 150 policemen in riot gear broke into the Finsbury Park Mosque with battering rams and arrested six North Africans. No ricin was found and all the police came up with was a stun gun, a replica revolver, a canister of tear gas and computer files and documents including passports, identity cards and credit cards. Scotland Yard and MI5 detectives discovered nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) suits in the mosque but kept this secret for several days in order not to create panic. The suits were tested for traces of ricin.63

Imam Abu Hamza al-Masri was not arrested, however he was banned from preaching at the mosque after he declared that the crew of the ill-fated Columbia space shuttle, a Jew, a Christian and a Hindu, symbolized a “trinity of evil” that was justly punished with death by God. The fact that the motor of the craft fell on Palestine, Texas, was also a message from God.64 In April 2003 Imam Abu Hamza al-Masri received a letter withdrawing his citizenship and informing him he had 10 days to appeal or be deported. The British government can now deprive immigrants with dual nationalities of their citizenship and deport them if they disapprove of their thinking. After his conviction the British made “glorification of terrorism” a crime.


At dawn on May 27, 2004, a team of police officers knocked on the door of Imam Abu Hamza al-Masri’s home in Shepherds Bush, West London, seized tapes of the Imam’s sermons, listened to them then arrested him. While he was in detention – but not charged - he was re-arrested so that the police could hold him for another two weeks! This most learned Imam was arrested because his thoughts were different than those of a Christian. Brother Al-Masri was tried and convicted for having these thoughts, “Like you imagine you have one small knife and you have a big animal in front of you. The size of the knife, you cannot slaughter him with this. You have to stab him here and there until he bleeds to death. Then you can cut out the meat as you like or leave him to the maggots. What can be done today is that the enemy can be caused to bleed and you my Brothers should start to destroy the enemies of Allah. Britain is a kuffar country at war with Islam. Killing kuffar is allowed in Islam and people who sell alcohol are legitimate targets. The Jews are cursed. Hitler was sent to torture and humiliate the 62. Warren Hoge “Mosque Raid in London Leads to Seven Arrests in Connection with Discovery of Poison” New York Times January 21, 2003.64. “Astronauts Were Trinity of Evil Says Banned Cleric” Guardian UK February 3, 2003.,2763,888215,00.html

Jews and every last Jew is going to be buried in Palestine. You will fight them until every tree and stone says ‘O you Muslim, you servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.’ There is no drop of liquid loved by Allah more than the liquid of blood. Whether you do it by a lamb, whether you do it by a Serb, whether you do it by a Jew or you do it by any enemy of Allah, that drop of blood is very dear, it has got purity. The Jews are the biggest enemies of Islam and are dirty monkeys who have to be fought. If we see disbelievers’ misfortune we should rejoice and wish that their troubles occurred at our hands.”65

Abu Hamza al-Masri was sentenced to 7 years in prison, which means he will be out in 3½ years. Hamza al-Masri was indicted in the United States despite the fact that he had never visited there. Hamza al-Masri was accused of “crimes” such as helping to set up the Bly, Oregon training camp and plotting to establish a “computer lab” in Afghanistan.66

Nasser Asad al-Tamimi, a Jihad leader who died in 2002, may God have mercy on his soul, said in Amman shortly before his death that Chemical and Biological Warfare (CBW) was, “The way to win the holy war!”


The medovevim, or “birds” or “speech elicitors” are Palestinian prisoners who have agreed to become Detainee Camp Kapos for the Jews. Kapos received more privileges than normal death camp prisoners, towards whom they were often brutal. They were often convicts who were offered this work in exchange for a reduced sentence or parole.

Hamas warrior Muhammed Salah was tortured during interrogation in the Zionist entity in 1993. He told his interrogator: “You threaten to undress me and beat me and now you threaten me with twenty years imprisonment. During the interview they left me in solitary confinement with a bird for two days. This is the analysis of the Brothers in the Ramallah prison, when I told them that I saw a person in the place which they described as the place of the birds, and that person spent two nights with me in solitary confinement, a refrigerator.”

In December 2005 Salah filed this motion in a case accusing him of supporting Hamas, “Defendant has requested the identity of the bird interrogators. Beyond the identity of the specific "birds" involved in the interrogation, however, Salah is seeking the memoranda and other writings prepared by his GSS interrogators that reflect meetings with the "birds" in the course of Salah's interrogation, information supplied by the "birds" to the interrogators, and information supplied by the interrogators to the "birds." Included in this request are documents that reflect the specific methods of interrogation and treatment of Salah by the "birds" and the instructions given to the "birds" by Salah's interrogators as to methods to be used in the course of their involvement in Salah's interrogation. Finally, the defense is seeking the criminal history 65.,,2-1981153_1,00.html66. USDC SDNY Indictment 04CR 356

of the individual birds, promises, payment, or other benefits that were provided to the birds, and the identity of all other detainees interrogated by these same birds. The government has represented that Israel has responded that the identity of the birds is classified and will not be produced. At the November 4, 2005 "meet and confer," the government agreed to request from Israel the memoranda or notes of meetings with the birds concerning Salah and also agreed to request recordings of the bird interrogations with Salah. The government refuses to request that Israel produce the remaining documentation. As reflected in the affidavit of Salah filed in support of his Motion to Suppress, the "birds" played a critical and viciously brutal role in his interrogation. Not surprisingly, when American Consul General Molly Williamson arrived for a previously scheduled visit with Mr. Salah during his weeklong interrogation by the birds in late February/early March, she was denied access and told to "go home and protest."

"Major Chaim" was the GSS interrogator in charge of Salah's interrogation. According to Chaim, Salah's interrogation by the birds was essentially the linchpin of the investigation and bore the most significant information. Chaim testified at the military tribunal that he planned the bird interrogation, but refused to answer any questions regarding the methods involved in Salah's bird interrogation, including how many birds took part.

Consider the following colloquy that took place at the military tribunal:

Defense Counsel: In the course of the gambit and after the gambit, were the speech elicitors [birds] questioned about what happened in the cell and was a document written about it?

Chaim: Yes, there was a debriefing, and yes, a document was written.

Defense Counsel: I ask that the Prosecutor provide this document

Prosecutor: The document contains all the investigative methods. All of it is investigative methods. You do not need to know what the purpose of the gambit was, what its nature was - and the document contains everything. The conclusions drawn from the gambit are also investigative methods.

Defense Counsel: Do the speech elicitors also refer, in this document, to what happened in the cell, with the Defendant?

Chaim: Yes.

Defense Counsel: Do they refer to the circumstances [illegible] of the Defendant?

Chaim: Yes.

Moreover, "Cohen," one of the principal GSS agents in charge of interrogating Mr. Salah after his interrogation by the birds, testified to the following at the military tribunal: “The speech elicitor's gambit was complex, in stages, and at each stage we would receive progress reports from different interrogators...The manuscripts from the speech elicitors are in our possession ...The names of the interrogators who did [the bird debriefing] are in our possession. Thus, there is no dispute that documents exist which are directly relevant and material to Salah's motion to suppress claims and which must be produced. It is difficult to fathom how the government of the United States could possibly indict Salah, let alone seek to utilize the "manuscript" produced while Salah was under the control of the birds or the March 18 recorded statement - where Salah was forced to read at length from the bird document without first seeing and evaluating the documentation testified to above and requested by the defense. This Court must not permit such ostrich behavior by the government.67

Thanks to the birds Muhammed Salah confessed that in the late 1980’s he and Musa Marzook sought recruits in America with knowledge of CBW. He said: “The activity was conducted as follows: Collection of all the names of Palestinians from the occupied land, together with the following details: Their fields of study; The date when they completed their studies; Date of return to the occupied land; Their ability to express themselves, military activity, and their ability to work with chemical materials; Personal information enabling us to assess the place of a certain brother. About 27 names were sorted, according to their expertise in chemical materials, toxins, physics, military education and knowledge of computers. These Brothers were tested and they were given materials from their fields of expertise such as remote control activation, agricultural pesticides and basic materials for the preparation of bombs and explosives. The result was very little success. The required know-how about the sources of these materials was not shown. There was progress only in the field of computers, and in the use of instruments to jam telephone conversations, and watches to activate explosive charges…Later on ten people were chosen, on the basis of military criteria. The policy of the Palestine Organization Enlistment was to send someone who could be used as ‘ammunition’ in the U.S. The activity continued with Muslim instructors from the U.S. and Lebanon. The meetings were personal and were held with me and with Brother Anan al-Karimi. The purpose was to exploit their knowledge in demolition materials and weapons, however, we stopped the meetings after some time, as a result of the Gulf War. The other ten Brothers trained to the best of their ability and studied activation of explosive charges, in practice and in theory. The instructors were a Brother from Lebanon who was a commander of the strip in the south, and another Lebanese Brother who for years participated in the Lebanese war against the Israeli enemy. Following the Gulf War we decided to stop the training because the American intelligence service investigated the ties between Iraq and Muslim Arabs in the U.S. and especially as regards procurement of complex equipment. The training of three Brothers only

67.1:03-cr-00978 Document 342 Filed 12/12/2005Page 17 of 24 USDC ND Chicago

continued in absolute secrecy. They were trained in preparing detonators by Brother Ismail Khadr of Nablus, who acquired personal experience in Afghanistan.”


In 1992, civil war broke out in Algeria when an Islamic fundamentalist party won national elections but was prevented from taking power by the military government. Many of the Islamic militants left Algeria in 1992, including Ahmed Ressam. He moved to France, where he lived illegally until 1994, mostly on the island of Corsica. There he obtained a French passport, glued his picture on it, and used it to enter Canada, where using his true name, Ressam sought asylum in Canada, claiming that he had been falsely accused by the Algerian government of aiding Islamist insurgents and had served 15 months in prison. His petition was denied, but Ressam was allowed to stay in Canada because of a moratorium on deportations to Algeria.68 Ressam cheated the Canadian welfare system, and stole luggage from tourists and was arrested for theft four or five times but was never jailed or deported - he only paid a fine. Ressam contacted Abder Raouf Hannachi,69 a Tunisian-Canadian who performed the call to prayer at the Assuna mosque in Montreal. Hannachi, who had also trained in Afghanistan, set things up with Abu Zubaydah and Ahmed Ressam traveled to a remote area of Afghanistan for training.70 During the time that the Taliban trained Ressam in

68. On October 9, 2003 Raouf Hannachi was stopped and held in Tunisia and on June 16, 2004 the Military Tribunal of Tunis condemned him to 6 years in prison for membership in a terrorist organization acting with foreigners. The supreme court of appeals of Tunis confirmed the verdict on January 5, 2005.70

. Ressam was asked about some other experiments that were conducted at the training camp:Q. You watched as your chief put a dog in a box, correct? Your chief put cyanide in the box, is that correct? He added sulphuric acid to the cyanide, correct?A. Yes. We were all present there.Q. And the dog shortly thereafter died from that experiment, correct?A. Correct.Q. How long in general would you say that you watched these dogs suffer?A. Not very long, I don't remember precisely, maybe four minutes, because the dog was very small.Q. In the four minutes you watched the dog suffer before the dog died did you do anything to stop your leader from killing the dogs?A. No.Q. You wore a mask over your face during these experiments, correct, so that you would not breathe in any of the poison?A. Yes.Q. You told us that with the experiments with the dogs in the box, that you did not conduct them personally, correct?A. Yes, not myself, personally, I was present during the experiment.Q. Do you recall telling [Agent Cohen] on May 24, 2001 during [an] interview, that while at the Deronta camp, that you yourself conducted experiments on dogs under the instruction of Mustapha Al Maghrebi and Abu Al Suleiman [Ihab Mohamed Ali - one of Sheik Rahman’s unindicted co-conspirators]; do you remember saying that to those people on May 24, 2001?A. It might have been a mistake. The information was misrepresented. I was there during the experiments that were carried out by the sheikh.Q. The reason you were trained in the use of cyanide at the camps in Afghanistan was because you were going to use cyanide in your urban warfare, correct?A. We don't know. Possibly if I needed it, I would use it. Yes, because it is very difficult to use gases in the field.Q. You were trained to use cyanide by placing the cyanide near the air intake of a building, correct? The reason one of the examples was to put the cyanide right near the air intake of a building such as a government building, correct?A. They gave us some examples, but we did not try them out actually.Q. And the reason that you would put the cyanide, you were trained, near the air intake would be to kill the most amount of people without endangering yourself and without being detected, correct?A. Yes, that's how gas is used in killing.Q. When you were at the Deronta camp, you yourself injected dogs with cyanide from a syringe and you watched those dogs die, isn't that right?A. It was relayed incorrectly. What I was saying was cyanide was used on dogs and an experiment was conducted on the dogs.Q. Do you recall in the May 24, 2001 meeting with Mr. Bianco and others that you told them that you also used syringes to inject dogs with cyanide and you would then observe their impending death within a short time; did you tell them that?

Afghanistan, he observed a fatwa issued by Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman. Ressam stated: “It was a fatwa issued by Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman with his picture in on it, a piece of paper with his photograph on it. It said it was a fatwa by Omar Abdel Rahman from prison [smuggled out by the Sheik’s attorney, Lynne Stewart]. It says fight Americans and hit their interests everywhere.” This fatwa was found in Lynne Stewart’s office by the FBI:

Quite a number of the people of the book [referring to Jews and Christians] wish they could turn you (people) back to infidelity after ye have believed. [Qur’anic verse.] Do you think the people of the book or the polytheist will like the wealth that God provides you with? There are the ones who fight any Islamic enlightenment in the whole world, and they are working to spread adultery, usury and all the types of corruption in this land. Oh Muslims everywhere, destroy their nation. Tear them apart, ruin their economy, burn their companies, plunder their interests, sink their boats, bring down their airplanes, slaughter them on land, sea and air. [God said] "Slay [the pagans] wherever ye find them and seize them, beleaguer them and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)." "Fight those infidels and let them find firmness in you." "Fight them and Allah will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame, help you (to victory) over them, heal the breasts of believers and still the indignation of their hearts." I looked for peace but I did not find a way to do it but shedding blood with the sword. We used podiums to talk about it, however, the voice of arms called upon us to get back the rights. There is no other way but using force. Dear brothers, if they killed me, no doubt that they will kill me. Have a funeral for me and send my body to my family. But do not have my blood in vain. Seek for me my revenge, the most violent revenge. And remember a brother of yours who said a word of truth and was killed in the sake of God. This is my will. May God guide you in the right way. May God bless you, protect and empower you. May God's peace, mercy and blessing be upon you. Your brother, Omar Abdel Rahman.

A. I saw dogs being injected with cyanide and saw it die; however, I was not the one injecting it. Maybe the way it was translated made it sound incorrectly.Q. Other experiments that you conducted at the Deronta camp included experiments with other poisons, correct?A. Yes.Q. One of the things you learned at the Deronta camp was how to mix poisons with other substances, put them together and smear them on doorknobs; do you remember that?A. Yes, I did say that.Q. Any person who would touch that doorknob would soon have poison running through their bloodstream, correct?A. Yes, that's true; the poison will infiltrate his body and kill him or her.Q. That procedure was designed to be used against intelligence officers and other VIPs, correct?A. Yes, yes.Q. On whom or on what did you test those procedures?A. This was theoretical only and that's what I said. The cyanide I said would be mixed with some oily substances. (USDC SDNY 00 Cr.15 (JFK) USA v Mokhtar Haouari) In November 2003 the Department of Homeland Security reported that we “remain intent on using chemical or biological agents in attacks” and “have designed a crude chemical dispersal device fabricated from commonly available materials, which is designed to asphyxiate its victims” that produces cyanogen chloride gas and hydrogen cyanide gas, and can be placed near air intakes or ventilation systems in crowded open spaces or enclosed spaces.” ( November 25, 2003)

Inspired by the words of the Sheik Ahmed Ressam was ready for a mission. He already knew that Canada71 has long been a gateway into the United States for jihadi. Ressam told the FBI that he had conceived the idea to attack Los Angeles International Airport himself, but that Abu Zubaydah encouraged him and helped facilitate the operation as had members of the al-Qaeda affiliated Armed Islamic Group. Brothers Hannachi and Mokhtar Haouari ordered Ahmed Ressam to smuggle EGDN and timing devices into Washington from Canada on December 14, 1999. This action is known as “The Millennium Plot.” Ressam said bin Laden was aware of the Los Angeles operation.72

Unfortunately, U.S. Customs Agent Mark Allen Johnson thought the substances in Ressam’s car were drugs, “We looked inside and when he saw what was in there he shuddered and I saw some white crystalline powder. In my mind I automatically assumed it was meth…” Two tall olive jars filled with 50 ounces of EGDN to be used in an attack on Los Angeles Airport were seized along with Casio timing devices that were much more primitive than those constructed by Ramzi Yousef. At least three of these devices were to be used in each bomb, should one of them fail. His

associate, Abdel Ghani Meskini, 31, an Algerian, who was wanted for bank fraud in the U.S. had been driven to the Canadian/American border and then re-entered the U.S. by walking across to Burlington, Vermont, in about 40 minutes.73


Despite the fact Meskini was an illegal alien who had left the United States because of criminal charges, he was never deported, even after he was questioned about the theft of a 9mm handgun from a Brooklyn apartment in 1998, a stabbing, the sale of hashish and the shipment of $15,000 to Algeria. This was

71. Three months after the September 11th attack the Canadian Parliament passed an anti-Islamist bill. Security agencies were

afforded enhanced powers to spy on citizens, steal bank accounts, arrest suspects preventively and deport them on the basis of secret evidence. Alhumdulallah, Canada has done little with its new powers and in February 2007 was considered not renewing two of these measures, which have not been used but have stirred strong debate, that allow the police to hold suspects without charges for 72 hours if they are accused of plotting an attack and authorize judges to compel witnesses to testify in terror cases. ( New York Times February 15, 2007 pA7)72. USA v Moussaoui Def Exhibit 90173. USDC SDNY 00 Cr.15 (JFK) USA v Mokhtar Haouari - Meskini Direct p175Even in a post-September 11th environment the Canadian border remains a sieve. The General Accounting Administration of the United States Government reported: “We created fictitious driver’s licenses and birth certificates using off-the shelf computer graphic software that is available to any purchaser. In addition, we obtained and carried credit cards in the fictitious names that were used in these tests…Our agents entered the United States from Canada using fictitious names and these counterfeit identification documents. INS officials never questioned the authenticity of the counterfeit documents, and our agents encountered no difficulty entering the country using them. The first border crossing by OSI agents occurred when two of our agents entered the United States through a sea port of entry from Canada. On that occasion, the agents were not asked to show any identification. On a subsequent occasion, two agents, driving a rented car with Canadian plates, using fictitious names and counterfeit documents, crossed the border into the United States at a Canadian land border crossing. A U.S. Customs inspector asked for identification and was provided the counterfeit documents. After the inspector reviewed the documents, the agents were allowed to cross the border. “During the Canadian land border crossing, the agents discovered a further potential security problem. A park straddles the U.S. and Canada at this border crossing. One of our agents was able to walk across this park into the United States from Canada without being stopped or questioned by any U.S. government official. Later that agent walked back to Canada through this park without being inspected by Canadian authorities.” Weakness In Screening Entrants into the United States GAO Report January 30, 2003.

because Meskini developed a relationship with the United States Customs Service. Meskini was questioned about this:

Q. What did your relationship become with Customs in 1996?

A. They want me to work for them as an informant. It was -- a friend of mine who pretty much put me in this I met a friend in Boston. His name is Abdelmajid Kandi and he was working for U.S. Customs and he find out that I came in this country in a boat,74 so he asked me a few questions, if there is any people working in the boat which they bring hash, drugs, in this country. I said: Well, I heard that some few people do that and a few days later, he pick me up with his car. Yes, and he told me: I'm going to go see someone. I said sure. And he asked me to go with him. When we went in the building, I wasn't speaking English. So, when we went in, I find out I was -- I saw people with badge and guns, and I find out I was right there in U.S. Customs after he told me, of course, that's U.S. Customs. I dealt with Robert O'Connor an agent. [He asked me] if I can provide him with some information, who, how they bring the drugs in this country and when, whatever I can provide him with.

Q. At that time in 1996, did you have any information about those subjects? During that time, did you ever provide Agent O'Connor with any truthful information about drugs?

A. No.

Q. Did you lead Special Agent O'Connor to believe that you did have information about those subjects? While you were dealing with Agent O'Connor, did he ever ask you to make a telephone call?

A. Yes.

Q. What did he tell you about the purpose of the telephone call?

A. Before that, he asked me how I'm doing, if there's nothing new. I said: I'm trying, you know, I keep calling to Algeria try to find out something for you. And he said: You know, why don't you come to the office and you make the call from the office. I said: Sure. So, the following day, before I go over there, I set up a call. I call my friend the day before, and I said: Tomorrow, I'm going to call you around noontime and I'm going to talk like you're going to provide me with some information that someone is bringing drugs to this country.

ABDEL MESKINI AND ASHRAF AL-JAILANI ACCESS TO INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS74. Richard Clarke, in his book "Against All Enemies," wrote that the FBI learned in December 1999 that so-called terror suspects entered the United States on tankers carrying liquefied natural gas to Boston Harbor.

Yemeni native and geochemist Ashraf Al-Jailani (left) worked at the Jew-owned Gojo hand soap company in Akron, Ohio and had indirect access to the chemical labs where flammable ingredients were stored. These chemicals could have been the fuel for a massive attack. The FBI picked up Al-Jailani in October 2002. In 1996 Al-Jailani paid a 30-day visit to Yemen after which his wife's diary stated he was completely changed. The diary said Al-Jailani had become an evil man, obsessed with a harsh, violent version of Islam and he began to talk about suicide bombers going to heaven. An FBI memo stated that in

1999 a business card belonging to Al-Jailani was found in the possession of a suspected jihadi in New York City.

This was Abdel Ghani Meskini, who had been arrested on December 31, 1999 in Brooklyn and charged with concealing his material support of Ahmed Ressam's efforts to smuggle explosives into the Seattle area. The complaint against Meskini alleged that FBI agents learned from a confidential source that between December 11, 1999 and December 16, 1999 Meskini traveled to and stayed in Seattle where he was to join Ressam. The source said that Meskini had explained that Ahmed Ressam was a member of a well-organized group that had assigned him to deliver his rental car, loaded with explosives, to a parking lot in Seattle where another group member would retrieve it.75 Meskini’s arrest was a result of FBI agents having found a piece of paper with his name and Brooklyn phone number in Ressam’s possession. After Ressam's arrest, Meskini returned to his apartment and tried to destroy evidence of his trip to Seattle to rendezvous with Ressam, including an airline ticket and withdrawal slips from ATM machines in Seattle. The withdrawals were from a Brooklyn bank account.

An FBI agent called Al-Jailani about this business card and Al-Jailani invited the agent to his apartment and answered all questions in a one-hour session. Al-Jailani said he distributed hundreds of business cards when he first came to the United States in an attempt to get a job. At a bail hearing for Brother Al-Jailani Akron FBI agent Roger Charnesky testified that after the September 11th Raids Al-Jailani said that he knew a brother of one Shaheeds and approved of the action. Federal Immigration Judge Walt Durling forced the hearing to make the FBI justify why they needed to continue keeping Al-Jailani in a Berks County, Pennsylvania prison after more than a year. Agent Charnesky said that when the FBI searched Al-Jailani’s apartment on October 23, 2002

75. Meskini said that each person involved in the scheme would only know the tasks of two others so that in the event of an arrest, no one could expose more than two other Jihadists. This tactic prevented cell member Mokhtar Haouari from being convicted of providing material support to a so-called “terrorist” group nonetheless; he was sentenced to 288 months for credit card fraud. The United States Attorney was unhappy with this and complained to Haouari’s judge that the jury could have reasonably inferred that Haouari deliberately closed his eyes to the fact that Ressam intended to destroy property in the United States by explosion or fire. For example, Ressam testified that: Ressam told Haouari that Ressam's training in Afghanistan included explosives training; In October 1999, when Ressam and Haouari discussed a past operation in France in which metro stations were bombed, Ressam said that it would be good to do another such operation and Haouari agreed; At the same time, when Ressam and Haouari discussed the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Africa, Ressam expressed the opinion that the bombings were a good thing but would have been better if they had been done inside the United States, and Haouari agreed; When Haouari first told Ressam that Haouari had a friend in the United States who could help Ressam, Ressam said, “Mokhtar, I'm not going to America for tourism. I am going on some very important and dangerous business.” When Haouari later confirmed to Ressam that Meskini was willing to assist Ressam, Ressam asked if Haouari “explain[ed] to him well the business,” and Haouari replied that he told Meskini that “it is a business that has shteah,” which is an Algerian word used to describe something that involves fear and danger. Reuters January 1, 2000; USDC SDNY USA v. Haouari 1-CR-00015 JFK August 14, 2001 “Memo of Law in Opposition for Judgement or Acquittal or New Trial.”

Al-Jailani's Wisconsin ID card had the same address as a “Suspect B” whose address (Briarwood Apartments 1826 Fordem Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin) was found in April 1999, along with Al-Jailani's business card, in the Chicago home of Ziyad Khaleel. Ziyad Khaleel and Tarik Hamdi (right) delivered a satellite telephone and battery pack to Usama bin Laden in Afghanistan in May 1998.76 Khaleel purchased the phone itself and Hamdi delivered it. Ziyad was a Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights associate. The credit card used to purchase the phone belonged to Said al-Fagih (right), also tied with the Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights. This phone was used to co-ordinate the attacks on the American Embassies in East Africa. An employee of O'Gara Satellite Networks testified about the sale of an Inmarsat phone to Ziyad Khaleel, who was a resident of Columbia, Missouri at the time. Khaleel purchased additional phone accessories and asked that the equipment be mailed to Tarik Hamdi, 933 Park Avenue, Herndon, Virginia. From 1989 to 1992 Tarik Hamdi, reared in Turkey and Iraq, lived in Tampa, Florida where he worked as office manager for Brother Sami Al-Arian’s Islamic Committee for Palestine. In January 2000 Tarik Hamdi joined the defense team of Mohamed Rashed Daoud Al-'Owhali.77 Tarik Hamdi was familiar with bin Laden's senior military commander Mohammed Atef, and a letter to Atef contained a line referring to previous communication through “Mr. Tarik Hamdi in Washington.” Tarik Hamdi sent a fax from Pakistan to bin Laden aide Khalid al-Fawwaz. The fax read: “Brother Khalid: Peace be upon you. We arrived safely and now we are in the Marriott Hotel.”78

Al-Jailani placed four phone calls to the same phone numbers dialed by a Yemeni man convicted of money laundering as a result of information supplied by the informant known as Mohammed Aansi. Al-Jailani said that a childhood friend, whom he has not been able to locate, made the calls while he was a houseguest at his apartment. Two of these numbers were private and two belonged to small grocery stores.79

At the bail hearing Al-Jailani's wife, Michele Swensen swore that he kicked, slapped, and punched her, threatened to relocate their three children in Yemen and threatened to murder her after which he was to dispose of her body in a vat of acid at the GOJO hand soap company. Al-Jailani had tried to disciple his wife in December 1998 and his plight became a national issue after he plead guilty to a misdemeanor then was ordered deported for what Americans call “domestic violence.” Governor Taft of Ohio, seeking the Arab vote, pardoned Al-Jailani after the Jew Anthony Lewis of the New York Times wrote that Al-Jailani’s plight was Kafkaesque.80 Al-Jailani was deported to Yemen in December 2005.

In July 2005 Ahmed Ressam was sentenced to 22 years in prison. The Government had asked for 35 years because Ressam had ceased co-operating and refused to testify against associates and began backing away from some of the

76. John Miller interviewed Usama Bin Laden in 1998. “Tarik Hamdi took him to Bin Laden when he delivered this equipment.”77. Susan Aschoff “Ex-Tampa resident's name surfaces in bombing trial.” St. Petersburg Times, June 3, 2001.78. Steven Emerson The Avalon Project. Karen R. Long Cleveland Plain Dealer November 1, 2003.80. May 13, 2000 “Cruelty Without Mercy.”

information he had shared with investigators when he came to the startling conclusion that his sentence would not be reduced substantially. Two cases fell apart without him. The government appealed this sentence as unreasonable in light of Ressam’s failure to continue to assist the government and the district court’s lack of explanation for what the government believes is an extreme departure. The Appellate Court Given reversal of the conviction on Count 9 and its corresponding mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit vacated the entire sentence so that the district court can re-sentence in light of this decision and developments in the law of sentencing in the meantime. In relation to Count, the court, Praise Allah, chose to split camel hairs: “Ressam’s cross-appeal boils down to what 18 U.S.C. § 844(h)(2) means when it punishes one who “carries an explosive during the commission of any felony which may be prosecuted in a court of the United States,” with a mandatory term of imprisonment of 10 years. Does it criminalize carrying an explosive during the commission of another felony, or does it criminalize carrying an explosive during and in relation to that other felony? The answer matters in this case because the government offered no evidence that Ressam’s carrying the explosives in any way facilitated his falsifying the customs declaration form.”81 Upon his release Ahmed Ressam will be deported to France where he was convicted, in absentia, of “terrorism.”82


Vx gas has an LD50.83 This is the highest lethal dose percentage of any known compound at only 10 milligrams a dose. A raindrop weighs about 50 milligrams. In its liquid form it is absorbed through the eyes or the skin of the victim. It takes an hour or two to take effect and it results in death. The gaseous form is more deadly than the liquid form and acts almost immediately on the victim. The effects are worst after it is inhaled and death is an end to the suffering. The “V” of Vx signifies its long persistence. So it is more dangerous and toxic than its cousins of the “G” variety like GB (Sarin), which dissipate quickly and were thought to have only short-term effects until scientists observed behavioral problems, brain changes and immune system suppression in the animals many days after exposure to doses that caused no immediate effects.84

UNSCOM destroyed 3,000 tons of Iraq’s Vx precursor chemicals. This would provide a capability of making 200 tons of Vx nerve gas - enough to wipe out the entire global population. Iraq loaded Vx nerve gas into missile warheads and UNSCOM found traces of the nerve agent on fragments of Iraqi missile warheads. Vx was too dangerous to be used for local attacks with wind that could blow the Vx back onto Iraqi troops. This factor has helped to keep Vx from being used to cripple local nations. Another problem was that if Vx weapons were launched against the U.S. or the Zionist entity then there would be the possibility of a nuclear counterattack because Vx is a weapon of mass destruction that spreads from impact point killing all in its path. 81. New York Times July 28, 2005 pA2083. Lethal dose toxic to 50% of victims.84. December 22, 2002 – “Low-level exposure to nerve gas may have lasting effects";

How was Saddam able to develop Vx, this most potent of all chemical weapons? There are two ways to produce Vx. The first is by a combination of chlorine, phosphorus pentasulphide and diisopropylamine - chemicals routinely produced in drug factories worldwide. This is a difficult process. The other is to produce it starting with O-ethylmethylphosphonothioic acid (EMPTA) -- a material with no commercial uses other than that is a key ingredient of Vx. Iraqi military scientists chose to synthesize Vx from EMPTA. Iraq and Sudan are the only countries to have taken the EMPTA route to Vx. Three U.S. Army chemists developed the formula, which was the subject of a secret patent application in 1958. After being declassified in 1975, the patent became publicly available. Joseph Epstein, one of the chemists who invented the EMPTA approach, believed it is “very possible that the patent has gotten into enemy hands.”85

In November 2002 propaganda was circulated that Iraq ordered a million doses of atropine, and the 7-inch autoinjectors that inject it into a person’s leg from Turkey. This can be used to counter the effects of nerve gases such as Vx. Judith Miller of the New York Times reported that it was unclear how much was actually delivered to Iraq nor was the company to which the order was placed ever named. She knew that is was false but was another Jew who was a secret member of the Wolfowitz PAC (Political Action Committee). The Washington Post reported that al-Qaeda had received a shipment of Vx via Turkey from Iraq. More war propaganda, now the subject of a thousand conspiracy theories! In 2003 the Zionist war propaganda machine circulated a story that Iraq considered using Vx and Iraqi scientists learned how to modify chemical weapons so that they could penetrate military protective clothing. The lies continued: “Before the American occupation, Iraq imported 25 metric tons of silicon diaroxide, a powder that is a crucial ingredient to such “dusty” weapons. If added to Vx, it could kill U.S. troops dressed in full protective gear.”86 No such chemical was ever uncovered in Iraq.



We had close political connections with the Sudanese Government since the Sudanese had been waging a war against the kuffar since 1983. There, in what is geographically Africa’s largest country, a Jihad forced several million southern Sudanese Christians from their homes and caused the deaths of at least two million more, a campaign that was as effective as Pol Pot’s in Cambodia in the 1970s. This was a holy war - a battle between two cultures - one in the north, the other in the south - the former Arab-dominated and Islamic, the latter African and largely pagan (Christian).87 In the confessions he wrote for the Egyptian Government in order to gain his freedom, Ibrahim al-Naggar stated, “During my stay in Yemen, I cannot say there 85. Scientific American86. February 24, 2003 – "Who really built Iraq's arsenal? Germany biggest offender in covert sale of weapons to Baghdad, says G2 report.” In October 2002 the government of Sudan signed an agreement with the Christians to suspend fighting during a new round of peace talks yet the killing and rape continued in regions such as Dafur well into 2004 thanks to elements discontent with the central government.

was any co-ordination between the Yemeni regime and the leaders of Egyptian Islamic Jihad, unlike in the Sudan, where there was co-ordination between the Sudanese Government and the members of the group.”88 Al-Qaeda had close economic relations with the Government of the Sudan as Usama the Elder had single handedly revived its economy. Bin Laden, aside from being the world’s greatest asymmetrical military strategist, is also a world-class businessman who ran the Sudanese equivalent of Halliburton or Brown and Root.

The Sudan backed Saddam Hussein in the 1991 Gulf War, and the United States, which provided covert military aid to the infidel south, did not have a permanent diplomatic presence in Sudan since 1996. By 1998 the Sudan had a long “sheet” of “terrorist” offenses and had been on the U.S. State Department’s list of “terrorist states” since 1993. Sudan was not a signatory of the Chemical Weapons Convention. The National Islamic Front, (NIF) the ruling party of the Sudan since 1983, gave sanctuary to countless members of the Muslim Brotherhood along with the Abu Nidal Organization, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hizb’allah89 and the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.


After his release from prison, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri traveled to several countries such as the United States of America, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, before he joined bin Laden in the Sudan in 1992.90 Always security-conscious and secretive, to throw up a false trail he announced on his way to Sudan, that he was granted political asylum in Switzerland and when he returned to Afghanistan after three years in Sudan, he announced that he had selected Bulgaria as the country of asylum.91 By January 1994 bin Ladin began sponsoring Egyptian Islamic Jihad training camps in northern Sudan in cooperation with the Sudanese National Islamic Front. Bin Ladin's Al-Hijrah for Construction and Development worked directly with Sudanese military officials to transport and provision the Brothers training in these camps.92

Many Brothers moved to the Sudan in the early 1990’s such as Mahmoud

Hinnawi who was expelled from the Sudan in 1995.93 In 1996 Dr. Al-Zawahiri, Ahmed Salamah Mabrouk and Mahmoud Hinnawi were arrested in Dagestan while trying to enter Chechnya in order to join Ibn Khattab and Shamil Basayev in the first Russo-Chechen campaign (1992-1996). The Wall Street Journal reported the Brothers served six months in a Russian prison94 but their true identities were never revealed. A member of Russia's parliament, Nadyr Khachiliev, leader of the Muslim Union of Russia, wrote to Dagestan's highest court that the three "businessmen" had come to "study the market for food trade" and should be freed. Russian security services overheard telephone discussions of a $10,000 bribe offer by the head of the Dagestan town of Karamakhi, a center of Islamist fervor that later was reduced to rubble by Russian troops. With all this

88. Al-Zayyat Road to Al-Qaeda p5789. Prior to the September 11th 2001, Hizballah was responsible for the deaths of more Americans than any other Islamist group.90.

money changing hands the judge rejected prosecution demands for a three-year sentence and gave the men only six months. They'd already been in jail five months, so the Russians soon freed them. "God blinded them to our identities," Dr. Al-Zawahiri wrote later, "God's mercy accompanied us during these months."

Following his release from prison, Mahmoud Hinnawi joined a group of Dagestani Islamists and traveled to Chechnya in the hope of joining the small number of foreign fighters who were involved the Jihad. Dr. Al-Zawahiri also traveled to Chechnya then returned to the Sudan. Ahmed Salamah Mabrouk, whose movements are unknown following his release, was a Jihad veteran who had been arrested and sentenced to seven years in prison in 1981 following the assassination of Anwar Sadat. In 1988 Mabrouk moved to Afghanistan and assumed a new role organizing Egyptian Jihad. In 1992, he moved to Sudan, where Egyptian Islamic jihadi were always welcome. On April 19, 1999 Ahmed Salamah Mabrouk spoke before his sentencing hearing to Egyptian reporter Muhammed Salah. Through a caged-in section of the courtroom where defendants are kept, Mabrouk told Salah:

That Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri have access to chemical and biological weapons" Although Mabrouk didn't specify what those weapons were, he said they came from countries in Eastern Europe. "He also said that these chemical and biological weapons are already in the possession of some of the members of the organization, but Ayman al-Zawahiri and bin Laden issued strict orders that they'll never be used except in extreme emergency situations."95

Al-Qaeda tested nerve gas, according to law enforcement officials who saw advisories that stated: “Information indicates the group has experimented with procedures for making blister (mustard) and nerve (Sarin and VX) chemical agents.”96 An unclassified report produced by the CIA's intelligence directorate stated al-Qaeda's plans for chemical arms were revealed in a document obtained in summer 2002 that “indicates the group has crude procedures for making mustard agent.”97 Dr. Al-Zawahiri wished to build a laboratory for what he called the Zabadi -- yogurt or “culture” -- program. Fluent in English and French, Dr. Al-Zawahiri studied foreign medical journals and provided Arabic-language summaries. Dr. Al-Zawahiri: “We must move the battle to the enemy's grounds to burn the hands of those who ignite fire in our own countries. The only language understood by the West is that of maximum casualties. We must resist this Jewish crusade.”98 In April 1999 he authored a memorandum that stated, “the destructive power of these [chemical and biological] weapons is no less than that of nuclear weapons,” and “despite their extreme danger, we only became aware of them when the enemy drew our attention to them by repeatedly expressing concern that they

95. Homeland Security Information Update Al Qa'ida Chemical, Biological, Radiological, And Nuclear Threat And Basic Countermeasures Information Bulletin February 12, 2003. Global Security Organization Erika Pontarell Agence France Presse June 03, 2003 “CIA highlights al-Qaeda's quest for chemical, biological, nuclear arms.” Andrew Higgins and Alan Cullison, “How a Secret, Failed Trip to Chechnya Turned Key Plotter's Focus to America and bin-Laden,” The Wall Street Journal - July 2, 2002 Page 1

can be produced cheaply.” Much of this was Dr. Al-Zawahiri ’s work, as he had the scientific background to explore the use of chemical and biological weapons.


Dr. Al-Zawahiri had help from an Egyptian scientist he met in Afghanistan, Midhat Mursi al-Sayed Umar, whose Jihad name was Abu Khabab Al-Masri the father of the proud steed, chemical weapons, that with swiftly carry us to victory. A son of Alexandria's Asafirah, a noisy seaside district of rutted streets and crowded housing, Abu Khabab, (born October 19, 1953) graduated from

Alexandria University in 1975 with a degree in chemical engineering. Abu Khabab left Egypt in 1987 for Saudi Arabia, and then Afghanistan, where Egyptian Islamic Jihad joined the war against Soviet occupation.99 Khabab prepared the explosives for the bomb that hit the Egyptian Embassy in Islamabad in November 1995. After the Taliban took Kabul in 1996 they took over the former Soviet military base at Darunta to house the 66th Ground Garrison of the 1st Corps of the Taliban Army. Shortly after, at least 300 Arabs arrived at the base. Khabab was in charge of this al-Qaeda training camp that specialized in unconventional warfare. Nabil Abu Aukel a Palestinian, received advanced training in explosives using chemicals at the Abu Khabab camp in March 1998. Abu Khabab warned Aukel "never to discuss the nature of the training," according to an indictment prepared by the Israelis.100 In October 1998, Brother Ressam traveled to Abu Khabab's Derunta camp in order to learn more about electronics, chemicals, and how to build explosives. After the Vx Production Operation was shut down at al-Shifa and other locations in the Sudan Abu Khabab set up shop in Afghanistan. A June 1999 memo found on the hard drive and addressed to Abu Hafs gave instructions for building a laboratory, ordering that walls be covered with oil paint and floors with tiles or cement "to facilitate cleaning with insecticides." But, noted the memo, "construction should not start until electricity is installed."101 In 1999 Khabab supervised nerve gas tests; satellite photos showed corpses of dogs scattered about the Tora Bora camp, and al-Qaeda training videos showed that poison gas had been tested on dogs. In March 2001 authorities at Cairo Airport arrested Mohamed Medhat Omar, the son of Abu Khabab, upon his attempt to enter Cairo with a fake Yemeni passport, in order to hide his Egyptian nationality. Montassar El-Zayyat asked the authorities to release Omar, saying that even if it was confirmed that he was Abu Khabab's son, "we should not punish him for what his father did." El-Zayyat, who tried to meet with Mohamed Medhat Omar, said Omar told investigators he was planning to visit Cairo for a few days before heading to Chechnya to join Islamic rebels there fighting against Russian troops.102 In March 2004, Egypt arrested Abu Khabab Al-Masri’s teenage son, Hamzah, following his deportation from Pakistan.103 Abu Khabab Al-Masri trained a group of Taliban militants who made the suicide jackets that were used in the suicide attack of January 16, 2006 by the 99. London's Islamic Observation Center100. Alan Cullison and Andrew Higgins The Wall Street Journal/December 31, 2001102.

Taliban in Afghanistan, in which 26 people died. Abu Khabab was in contact with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar's militants in Kumar and training them in making explosive devices.

On January 13, 2006 the Crisis Management Cell of Pakistan’s Interior Ministry confirmed the deaths of Abu Khabab Al-Masri and Abdul Rehman al-Maghribi, the son-in-law of Dr. Al-Zawahiri, during the missile strike on Bajour Agency’s village of Damadhola. Local resident Sahibzada Haroon reported, “My house is at a distance of 2.5 km from the spot of the raid. On the night of January 13, 2006 four drones were monitoring the area. After a few hours, four to five jet planes bombed the house. They fired missiles. I reached the spot at 9:00 am. The local people removed the dead under the rubble after 5 or 6 hours. The dead were buried in front of my eyes. There were 13 casualties. There were three, four men. The rest of the dead were women and children including an infant."

Abdul Rehman al-Maghribi was in the village because he was planning to marry a relative of Maulana Faqir Mohammad, a tribal leader wanted by the government. That night, Maulana Faqir Mohammad had invited the future couple and Abdul Rehman al-Maghribi was there to see the woman. He met the woman, liked her and was to marry her on January 20, 2006. The woman was taken away along with her relatives after Abdul Rehman al-Maghribi had seen her. She was not among the dead. She is a distant relative of Maulana Faqir Mohammad and was a widow whose husband died fighting in Afghanistan when the US overthrew the Taliban. She is around 30 and has a son who is 7. Her martyred husband was a follower of Maulana Sufi Mohammad of the Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (TNSM), a banned group that was behind a bloody revolt against the state authority in 1994 when its activists seized control of the government buildings, civilian airport and police stations in an attempt to enforce Shariat in Malakand division. Maulana Sufi Mohammad was put in detention under the Frontier Crimes Regulation. The TNSM chief led thousands of followers to Afghanistan to fight in support of the Taliban in October 2001. Sufi Muhammad returned with a handful of supporters, and was arrested and sent to jail.104 Since it is not a tradition that the prospective groom will propose to the prospective bride himself Dr. Al-Zawahiri represented Abdul Rehman al-Maghribi. Dr. Al-Zawahiri is married to a Pakistani woman who lives in Federally Administered Tribal Areas. Al-Zawahiri acted as Abdul Rehman al-Maghribi's guardian or elder or wali as per Islamic tradition. Al-Zawahiri had to pay Abdul Rehman al-Maghribi's dowry, $12,000. In return Faqir Mohammad had to provide him 100 committed shaheeds as the bride's dowry. Soon after giving Abdul Rehman al-Maghribi his blessings, Dr. Al-Zawahiri left. Abdul Rehman al-Maghribi stayed behind along with Abu Khabab Al-Masri. Abu Khabab Al-Masri, Dr. Al-Zawahiri and his bodyguards were to attend the wedding, but the US attack spoiled the whole plan. His death was a setback to the Taliban and other jihadi groups fighting in Afghanistan. Abu Khabab had trained Balochistan Liberation Army militants in making bombs and landmines.105



The National Islamic Front also provided sanctuary to Gama’a al-Islamiyya, from about 1991 until 1996, which used Sudan as its main operational and training base. Siddig Ali of the Brooklyn / Jersey City Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya cell commented:

We have heard that the Brothers from Afghanistan have been going to Sudan and they have made a great impact, I mean. In Afghanistan they hold the Brothers, they bother them like this and such they are under great pressure, some of them went to Sudan and they have created a great storm now between Egypt and the Sudan because of this subject, a great storm, they sent some for us to the borders.

In August 1992, Deputy Egyptian Prime Minister Youssef Wali claimed that weapons were being smuggled into Egypt to Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya from Iran and the Sudan.106

Many Brothers have been incubated by Sudan including Mohammed Shawqi El-Islambouli, Mustafa Hamza, Othman Al-Siman, Rifa'i Taha and Mustafa Nawawi. These al-Turabi-inspired Brothers were all fugitives after they were indicted in a 1992 case in an Egyptian military court known as “the returnees from Afghanistan case” and were sentenced to death in absentia.107 These Brothers planned many activities in the cause


. “Mohammed Shawqi El-Islambouli was sentenced to death based on the admission of accused Sharif Hassan Ahmad Mohammed. [The latter] admitted that he stayed at the home of the accused Mohammed Shawqi El-Islambouli in Peshawar, Pakistan. He [Sharif] overheard his [El-Islambouli] conversation with visitors about Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya, Jihad in Egypt [Egyptian Islamic Jihad] and the 1981 events. Following the arrival of [Sharif's] wife El-Islambouli paid [Sharif] 4,000 Pakistani rupees a month. When [Sharif] decided to return to Egypt along with his wife, [El Islambouli] asked [Sharif] to listen to what the second accused has to say. The second accused, Mustafa Hamza, informed [Sharif] that he wanted to invest in [Sharif's] presence in Egypt, especially that [Sharif] was never apprehended before. [Hamza] provided Sharif with 500 US dollars for personal expenses. The accused Mohammed Shawqi El-Islambouli asked [Sharif] to participate in the military training provided by the Sada camp. [El-Islambouli] planned to find out about [Sharif's] discipline in obeying [orders]. Nasir Ahmad Mohammed Ahmad admitted during interrogation that the accused Mohammed Shawqi El-Islambouli is a member of Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya's leadership in Afghanistan, which included Rafa'i Ahmad Taha and Tala'at Fouad. Issa Basiouni Mohammed Dodge admitted that the accused [El-Islambouli] is considered one of the top echelons in Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya's leadership. Ashraf Ahmad Youssuf waived a videotape; The Group As a Movement and Approach, which comprised the Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya's leadership, including Sheikh Mohammed Shawqi El-Islambouli. Mustafa Ahmad Hasan Hamza, a/k/a Abu-Hazim, was sentenced to death based on what the accused Sha'ban Rajab Ali Eid admitted during the interrogation, that the accused Mustafa Hamza, a/k/a Abu-Hazim, met [Sha'ban] in Sudan. He [Hamza] assigned [Sha'ban], once he returns to Egypt, to plan for the assassination of the Interior Minister, and both, the Governors of Souhaj and Daqahleya. [Sha'ban] also admitted that his brother Usama informed him that the accused Mustafa Hamza called [Usama] over to meet an individual at Ain-Shams Metro station. This individual handed [Usama] a bag of weapons, explosives and ammunition. Later, [the bag] was seized at their [Sha'ban and Usama] brother's residence. The accused Mohammad Sa'ad Mohammad Abdu admitted during interrogation that the accused Mustafa Hamza requested him to work under the command of Sha'ban Rajab and to obey his [Sha'ban] orders. The accused Khilaf Mahmoud Abdel Samie admitted during interrogation that the accused Mustafa Hamza stated that the reason for the return of [Khilaf] Sha'ban Rajab, and Mohammad Saad Mohammad Abdu to Egypt was to carry out the assassinations of public figures, such as the Minister of Interior, Minister of Information, the Governor of Souhaj and the Governor of Daqahleya. The accused Hisham Hasan Moursi Ahmad admitted that the accused Mustafa Hamza requested to change his home address [Hisham] in Egypt, and to dodge the surveillance of the security forces because Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya will carry out assassinations in Egypt. Fayez Eid Abdel Rahman Mohammad admitted during interrogation that the accused Mustafa Hamza handed him 1,500 US dollars. He [Hamza] asked [Fayez] to meet an individual that Mustafa Hamza knows across from the Metro movie theater, and asked him to surrender his passport in Libya. Rifa'i Ahmad Taha, a/k/a Abu Yasir, was sentenced to death based on the admission of the accused Mohammad Sa'ad Mohammad Abdu during the public prosecution questioning. [Rifa'i] agreed to [Sa'ad's] return to Egypt and was asked to rent out his home in Cairo and to work under the command of Sha'ban Rajab Ali Eid. The accused Sha'ban Rajab admitted that he met with the accused Rifa'i Ahmad Taha, who advised him to join Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya. [Sha'ban] agreed to that after he learned that [the Group's] conditions are to heed, obey and not to address irrelevant [issues]. The accused Sharif Hasan Ahmad Mohammad Hasan admitted that he learned from the accused Rafa'i

of Jihad using the Sudan as a base of operations such as June 1995 attempt to assassinate Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak during a visit to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The plot, by members of Jamaat al-Islamiyya and Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya, was devised in Sudan and had the financial backing of Usama bin Laden; the state-owned Sudan Airways carried the attackers’ weapons to Ethiopia. Mubarak escaped unhurt but in the attack and the retaliatory firing by the Presidential security guards, two or three mujahedeen and two Ethiopian security agents were killed, however, another of the Brothers escaped to Khartoum on a Sudan Airways flight. Sudan, afraid of Egyptian retaliation, denied complicity and cited a long interview with Mustafa Hamza that was published in Al-Hayat newspaper on April 21, 1996. Mustafa Hamza stated that the Egyptian group, Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya, was responsible for the murder attempt. He stated that most of the gunmen involved came from Pakistan, traveling on passports issued by an Arab country, and that one or two men had entered Ethiopia from Sudan, having received visas from the Ethiopian embassy in Khartoum. He said that only one of the gunmen had left through Sudan and that he was now in a third country. Mustafa Hamza added that Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman was the movement’s spiritual leader.108 The Sudan refused to turn over the would-be assassin and two others believed to be involved in the plot.109

Circa 1994 our colleagues in the Al-Jihad Group set up an ambush for Husni Mubarak's motorcade along the Salah Salim road, but he did not use that road on his way to perform the Eid prayers, so we failed. There was another attempt to assassinate Husni Mubarak at Sidi Barrani Airport by members of the Islamic Group, but the attempt was discovered before we could carry it out. Brother Mohammed Yousry had this among his papers,

Egyptian Group Says It Tried To Kill Mubarak.” In handwriting, New York Times, July 8, 1996. By Youssef M. Ibrahim. Jerusalem July 4, 1995. A Muslim militant group battling the Egyptian government for more than a

Ahmad Taha that the accused Mustafa Hamza asked him [Sharif] to be a low profile member once he returns to Egypt, and not to talk to anyone unless otherwise instructed by either [Hamza] or the accused Rafa'i Ahmad Taha. Nasir Ahmad Mohammad Ahmad Dakrouri admitted during the public prosecution questioning that Rifa'i Ahmad Taha asked him to study the route and record down any security obstacles that he could face during his travel to Egypt via Libya. He [Rafa'i] informed him that Sha'ban Rajab and two others will meet him [Nasir] in Libya at the International Communications [LS: Probably a name of a business.] and to execute whatever Sha'ban orders. [Rafa'i] told [Nasir] that he depends on him and a few others who have no arrest history. Ashraf Ahmad Youssuf Al-Badawi admitted that the accused [Rafa'i] asked him to track the movements of the Souhaj governor. [Ashraf] watched [Rafa'i] in a videotape talking as one of its leaders about Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya. Othman Khalid Ibrahim Al-Siman, a/k/a Shihab El-Din, was sentenced to death based on the admission of Sha'ban Rajab Ali Eid that [Othman] was the one who annotated, using a secret ink, the notebook which was found on [Sha'ban]. [Othman] also taught [Sha'ban] how to decipher it. The accused Nasir Ahmad admitted that the accused [Othman] was one of the leaders of the Group whom he spotted in Afghanistan. Hisham Hasan Moursi admitted that he met the accused [Othman] along with Mustafa Hamza in Sanaa. The accused Khilaf Mahmoud Issa admitted that he met with Mustafa Hamza and Othman Khalid in Sudan, where [Mustafa] informed [Khilaf] about assassination operations. Ahmad Mustafa Nawara a/k/a Haitham and Khilaf Mahmoud Abdel Samie admitted during the public prosecution questioning that the accused [Nawara] met him in Pakistan and ordered him to go to Sudan along with Sha'ban Rajab and Mohammad Saad. [Khilaf, in Sudan,] met with Mustafa Hamza and Othman Khalid. [Hamza] informed them of their assassination operations, since they were heading back to Egypt. Tala'at Fouad Talal, a/k/a Abu-Talal, was sentenced to death based on the admission of the accused Sha'ban Rajab that the accused [Tala'at], a/k/a Abu-Talal, was considered one of the prominent leaders of the Group. The accused Nasir Ahmad Mohammad admitted that the accused [Tala'at] was one of Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya's expatriate leaders. The accused Ashraf Ahmad Youssuf admitted that the accused [Tala'at] along with Rifa'i Taha were in charge of the Egyptian residence [safe house] in Pakistan.” Richard Engel “Egypt – Sudan” Voice of America May 21, 1998.

decade took responsibility today for an attempted assassination of President Hosni Mubarak in Ethiopia last week, saying that killing Mr. Mubarak remained its "sacred duty." The organization, the Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya, said in a statement that it will stop attacks against Egyptian government officials and security force when Mubarak releases thousands of Islamic militants, lifts emergency security laws and institutes an Islamic theocracy. "The Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya in Egypt announces its responsibility for the attempt to kill this dictator, which took place in Addis Ababa on Monday, June 26th," said the statement faxed to several newspapers. "Our attempts to carry out the sentence of God against this criminal will not stop, God willing.110


Another Sudan-based activity was the simultaneous August 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Several of the Al-Qaeda members who carried out this mission operated from Sudan, which borders on Kenya. For example Harun Fazul lived in Khartoum for two years before moving to Nairobi to take over Brother el-Hage’s position as leader of the Nairobi cell.111 Mohamed Suleiman al-Nalfi was taken into custody in Kenya. He was lured from his home in Sudan by al-Fadl the Infidel and resisted the Americans offer to become a double agent)112 was part of the East African Embassy strike. In 1989 al-Qaeda Military Commander Abu Ubaidah al-Banshiri ordered Suleiman al-Nalfi to form a Sudanese Jihad group that would be based on the principles of al-Qaeda and would be used to recruit Sudanese nationals. Suleiman Al-Nalfi formed this group and acted as its Emir until 1991. In 1990 al-Nalfi and other Brothers traveled with a caravan of camels from the Sudan into Egypt in an attempt to establish a route to move al-Qaeda members and associates, and ultimately weapons without detection. In 1992 Suleiman al-Nalfi participated in a meeting of al-Qaeda members and associates at which was discussed al-Qaeda’s goal of violently removing United States forces from Somalia. In 1994 Suleiman al-Nalfi and others met with Sudanese government officials and people from the intelligence forces of Sudan in an effort to prevent the immediate expulsion of Libyan members of al-Qaeda from the Sudan. Suleiman Al-Nalfi was on the security team of Usama bin Laden, and brought dogs to the Sudan to protect him.

At the request of the Justice Department Federal Judge Kevin T. Duffy imposed a ten-year sentence on Suleiman al-Nalfi, despite the fact he was a high-ranking leader of the al-Qaeda.

Suleiman al-Nalfi: Your Honor, my attorney Mr. Jacobs advised me that in this case the sentence should not be more than ten years.

110. USA v Sattar Government Exhibit 2406-1111.

THE COURT: If you talked to Mr. Jacobs about the sentence, I would guess that he told you that he had no idea what kind of a sentence I would impose.

Suleiman al-Nalfi: Yes, he did tell me that.113

The remainder of this sentencing hearing was held in secret, however, it was revealed that al-Nalfi did in fact get ten years. Whether he actually served any time is questionable, as his name does not appear on the Bureau of Prisons inmate locater. Why? Suleiman al-Nalfi had ratted out his subordinates, who played a much less significant role in the East African Embassy strike than Suleiman al-Nalfi did. One of Suleiman al-Nalfi’s attorneys told the press that her client had not co-operated with the authorities, however he most certainly must have talked otherwise he would have received life imprisonment.


The National Islamic Front provided sanctuary to Usama bin Laden from about 1991 until 1996, and gave shelter to al-Qaeda, which used Sudan as its main operational and training base. During the period Usama bin Laden used the Sudan as his base of operations many dual use businesses were established. For example when he wished to purchase explosives to deal with the enemies of Islam construction and agricultural businesses were established. Brother el-Hage was asked about this during his Grand Jury testimony:

Q. Did you visit any chemical companies [when you worked for Usama bin Laden]?

A. Three or four chemical companies in Russia. [It was] probably in 1993. It could be the end of 1992, but maybe in 1993. Moscow and another city, I can’t recall the name.

Q. Did you obtain information about what the prices were for the chemicals?

A. Yes. [I gave the information] to the company, I think it was Abu Fadhl al-Makkee, the fellow in Saudi Arabia.

Q. And what was the reason for the other trip you made to Russia?

A. Same thing, for purchasing things. Chemicals and other equipment. Bitumin [paving material] is manufactured by chemical companies.

113. USDC SDNY USA v al-Nalfi

Q. Did you purchase any other chemicals? Did you ask about the prices of any other chemicals? Did they ask you to look for any other chemicals besides Bitumin, any other chemical products?

A. No.

Q. The company that you purchased or were interested in finding information for, was that Al Hijra Construction,114 a company owned by Usama bin Laden in Sudan, correct? And that was building a road going from Khartoum to Port Sudan, called the Challenge Road correct?

A. Right.

Q. When you build those roads, you not only need Bitumin to build the ground, you also need explosives to clear the path for the road, correct?

A. I guess so. I was asked to bring Bitumin. I was never asked to find out anything about explosives.

Q. So when you went to Slovakia and Russia on behalf of Al Hijra Construction, you confined yourself to looking for Bitumin, but not explosives, is that your testimony?

A. Yes.

Q. Do you know if Chemko, the name on Grand Jury Exhibit 67 and 68, was the name of any of the companies you visited in Slovakia?

A. It’s possible. I can’t recall for sure. It’s possible that I did visit Chemko in Slovakia.

Q. Do you know of any reason why you would need nitric acid on behalf of your business dealings? Are you aware that nitric acid can be used in the manufacture of explosives?

A. Yes.

Q. Were you ever asked by anyone to find out information on nitric acid? Do you know any reason why you would need to find out information about DAM 390?

A. No.

Q. Are you aware DAM 390 is a liquid nitrogenous fertilizer which is a mixture of ammonium nitric and urea solutions?

114. Owned together with the National Islamic Front and the Sudanese military.

A. No, it’s the first time I heard this name.

Q. Did you have any reason in your business to acquire anything that was made from nitrogenous fertilizer or urea compounds?

A. Yes.

Q. Why did you need to acquire nitrogenous fertilizer and urea compounds in your business?

A. For the agricultural company al-Themar al-Mubaraka.115

Q. And Themar al-Mubaraka was owned by Usama bin Laden, correct?

A. Correct.

Q. And did he send you to obtain fertilizer compounds on behalf of that company?

A. That’s true.

Q. In what countries did Usama bin Laden send you to obtain those compounds?

A. Same countries, Russia and Slovakia, on the same trip.

Q. So now you’re on the trip looking for Bitumin and 24 nitrogenous fertilizer and urea, but not explosives?

A. Right.


From 1991 to 1994 Usama bin Laden rented office and living space from Osman Sulayman (also transliterated as Salman or Suleiman), or at least pretended to do so as Osman did not seem able to afford such a large, well-guarded compound with al-Qaeda funding. When Osman Sulayman was asked about this he claimed that he did not know it was bin Laden who he rented to because bin Laden rented in the name of his construction company, Wadi al Aqiq. Bin Laden, however, had appeared on Sudanese television to inform the Sudanese that his construction company was improving the infrastructure of their country. Wadi al-Aqiq Company, Ltd., (Valley of the Brown Gem) was also bin Ladin's import-export firm that he ran in conjunction with his Taba Investment Company, Ltd. Taba was established in 1989 as one of a series of businesses intended to provide income to al-Qaeda for its training and operations, and

115. Blessed Fruit.

to provide cover for the procurement of explosives, weapons and chemicals. Wadi al-Aqiq Company, Ltd had secured a near monopoly over Sudan's major agricultural exports of gum, corn, sunflower, and sesame products in cooperation with prominent National Islamic Front members. Jamal Ahmed Mohammed al-Fadl the Co-operator called Wadi al-Aqiq a corporate shell that operated in Sudan and that was the "mother of other companies." As al-Qaeda solidified its position in Sudan other business ventures followed such as bin Ladin's Al-Themar Al-Mubaraka, "The Blessed Fruit", Agriculture Company, Ltd. which grew to encompass large tracts of land near Khartoum and in eastern Sudan. Bin Ladin and wealthy National Islamic Front members capitalized Al-Shamal Islamic Bank in Khartoum. Bin Ladin invested $50 million in the bank. This bank was used in 1993 when al-Qaeda bought an aircraft in the US to move Stinger ground-to-air missiles from Peshawar to Khartoum. The money was wired from the Wadi al-Aqiq account at al-Shamal bank via Bank of New York to a Bank of America account held in Dallas, Texas by Essam al-Ridi. Al-Ridi flew the plane to Khartoum.116 Bin Ladin's work force in the Sudan grew to include militant Afghan war veterans seeking to avoid a return to their own countries, where many stood accused of “subversive and terrorist activities.” In May 1993 bin Ladin financed the travel of 300 to 480 Afghan war veterans to Sudan after Islamabad launched a crackdown against Islamists living in Pakistan. A joint Egyptian-Saudi investigation revealed in May 1993 that bin Ladin business interests helped funnel money to Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya who used the cash to buy printing presses and weapons. Osman Sulayman was deported from Saudi Arabia around 1995 for his suspected ties to bin Laden. Osman Sulayman returned to the Sudan where he got a job at Al-Shifa Pharmaceutical Plant as the plant's Sudanese general manager, a radical career change for the Brother from food to drugs.


Some cite American pressure as having caused the Sudanese to expel bin Laden but the blame may rest with the Internal Security Committee of Egyptian Islamic Jihad, which protects Egyptian Islamic Jihad leadership, conducts background investigations of members and carries out executions of members deemed as collaborators. Sudanese intelligence discovered that a young boy was spying for the Egyptian authorities. The Sudanese government knew that Egyptian intelligence was active in Sudan, but avoided revealing such information in public. A Sudanese official informed Zawahiri of the matter, and he in turn referred the case to the Security Committee.

Mos'ab Mohamed Sharaf, the 15-year-old son of Muhammad Sharaf, a prominent Egyptian Islamic Jihad member living in Sudan, was collaborating with Egyptian intelligence. After the tip the Security Committee noticed that information was being leaked to the Egyptian authorities. This information included the activities of the group and the places that Zawahiri and his men frequented. Some members of the committee noticed that the Egyptian authorities were watching the house where Zawahiri was living in Khartoum. Islamic Jihad preempted an attempt on the life of Zawahiri when a bomb was planted at the entrance of a hospital that he frequented.


After conducting more investigations, the committee discovered that the Egyptian authorities had managed to infiltrate the group to the extent that they knew what happened in the meetings of the leading figures in the group. The Egyptian authorities had recruited the young Sharaf by taking photos of the young degenerate in a compromising position and had blackmailed him into spying on the group.

A Shari’a court that Zawahiri formed condemned the boy. The court said that he harmed the group by spying on its activities for the Egyptian authorities. The boy was executed in front of a number of leading figures within the group in order to deter others from committing the same crime, which Zawahiri considered unforgivable. As a top-ranking figure in the group, Muhammad Sharaf had to attend the execution of his son by gunfire in the Sudan. The Sudanese government was concerned about Egyptian Islamic Jihad having its own court and executioners that condemned members outside the country's legal system. This, combined with Sudan's worry about relations with Egypt, was one of several determinants that caused the Sudanese to expel bin Laden and AI-Zawahiri in May 1996.117

Before expelling bin Laden in the early spring of 1996, General Omar al-Bashir and the leadership of the Sudan offered to arrest him and extradite him to Saudi Arabia in return for a huge sum of money. Another condition was that the Saudis issue a pardon for Usama bin Laden.118 But the faction of the Saudi Royal Family who stripped bin Laden of his citizenship in April 1994 then attempted to poison him refused to issue a

pardon or pay this reward. These men claimed that they feared having him back in the country, even as a prisoner who would be executed in short order. The Clinton Administration was unable to persuade the Saudis to accept him, and did not have a case to indict him in U.S. courts at the time, so Clinton abandoned the effort and returned to his adulterous dalliance with the Jew Monica Lewinsky that involved penetration with cigar and oral anal contact.119 The Intelligence Community knew what Usama bin Laden represented by this time, but had been literally forbidden from investigating him and his network by the Jew Gorelick. For Usama and Ayman the Elders, it was still open season on infidels, although they would have to work through proxies in the Sudan.


Producing WMDs had been a long-term goal of al-Qaeda. In the Federal Court trial (or tribunal) of Usama bin Laden before the Jewish Judge Sand, the traitor Jamal Ahmed Mohammed al-Fadl testified about al-Qaeda’s previous attempts to produce chemical weapons in the Sudan circa 1992. Jamal Ahmed Mohammed al-Fadl reported that al-Qaeda and the National Islamic Front had a close working relationship in the

117. Barton Gellman “Sudan's Offer to Arrest Militant Fell Through After Saudis Said No” Washington Post October 3, 2001; Page A01

Sudan, working together to obtain weapons and explosives and in an effort to develop chemical weapons.

A. I learn that in this building they try to make chemical weapons with regular weapons.

Q. Can you explain what you mean by chemical weapons with regular weapons?

A. I really I have no idea about what they mean. I remember Amin Abdel Marouf, he explain more to me about this. He say the war between the government and the Sudan and the rebels in the south, it’s like 30 years, and always the rebels during the rain time, they took the Sudanese army to north, and he say if we use weapons like that, it easy for us to win. He tell me the al-Qaeda group try to help Islamic National Front to do these weapons, to make these weapons.

Q. During the time that al-Qaeda was in the Sudan, did al-Qaeda have a relationship with a group by the name of al Gama’a al-Islamiyya? Can you tell us what the relationship was between al-Qaeda and Gama’a al-Islamiyya?

A. The Gama’a al-Islamiyya help al-Qaeda for their agenda, and at the same time al-Qaeda help Gama’a al-Islamiyya for their agenda. That time the Gama’a al-Islamiyya leader was Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman.

During this time recalled by Jamal Ahmed Mohammed al-Fadl, Mamdouh Mahmud Salim became very intimately involved with the government of Iran and with members of the National Islamic Front, particularly National Islamic Front members who controlled the Sudanese intelligence service and all three worked together to produce chemical weapons, however, nothing much came of it.

On September 12, 1997, the Indian Ocean Newsletter, published in Paris, reported that a Chemical Warfare factory was under construction south of Khartoum, near Abu-Dawm. On October 31, 1997, a report in the Paris-based, pro-Saudi Arabia, Al-Watan Al-’Arabi news magazine said that leaders of Islamic organizations including Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri held a strategy-making meeting at the home of Hassan al-Turabi in al-Manshiyah, Sudan.120 The leaders agreed to “find the necessary funding to develop the chemical and bacterial weapons factory that the Sudanese Government has established in the Khartoum Bahri suburb of Kubar...” This location was reportedly near the al-Shifa facility, although al-Shifa is generally characterized as a more industrial than residential location. On July 16, 1997, the secretary general of the opposition National Democratic Alliance said that the Sudanese government had built a CW production factory in Kafuri, also in the north of Khartoum. On January 14, 1998, the Beirut newspaper al-Diyar reported that Arab security forces had observed Sudanese 120. "Secrets of al-Manshiyah Meeting Between Hasan al-Turabi and Ayman al-Zawahiri" by Jihad Salim Al-Watan Al-'Arabi 31 Oct 97 pp 22-24 [Sudan: Report on Bin-Ladin, Zawahiri, "Afghans" - FBIS-NES-97-322: 18 Nov 1997]

government efforts to acquire chemical and biological weapons production technology as part of its “War Industrialization Program.” According to the report, the project was headquartered in the Kafuri suburb of Khartoum and has several facilities located in Khartoum, the agricultural town of Fao, and the more industrialized city of Shandi in northern Sudan. Human Rights Watch noted opposition National Democratic Alliance charges that Iraqi Chemical Weapons were stored at the Yarmouk Military Manufacturing Complex located 12 kilometers south of Khartoum in Sheggera. The locations of three alleged production facilities are in or close to Khartoum: Kubar, Kafuri, and Sheggara.121 James Risen of the New York Times reported, “American suspicions about the Al Shifa plant arose in the summer of 1997 when, intelligence officials said, an informant reported that two sites in Khartoum might be involved in chemical weapons production. The informant also mentioned a third site -- Al Shifa -- on which he had less information, but which was suspicious because it had high fences and stringent security.”

Many of these tips came from Mubarak Fadl al-Mahdi, Sudanese Interior Minister before the 1989 Islamist coup, who was known as the Umma Party's (the National Democratic Alliance) organizer and fund-raiser. The National Democratic Alliance was the major opposition group in the Sudan and although many of their leaders were in exile, they had the best intelligence on the Sudanese Islamists. As was the case when the communist Mujahedeen of Iran revealed Iran’s nuclear ambitions, the National Democratic Alliance was right on the money about al-Qaeda and the Sudan’s chemical ambitions. The time was right for nerve gas production to begin. With the major jihadi deported less attention was being paid to the Sudan. Secondly due to al-Qaeda & Friends Sudanese handiwork, America had severed diplomatic relations with the Sudan, so its spy nest was closed, although its satellites where still recording suspicious activity and its NSA still monitoring communications and media. Before entering into large-scale production, it was determined that a small amount of Vx nerve gas should be produced in an inaccessible part of an already existing facility. There were only a few such plants in the Sudan, and one of them was Al-Shifa. A June 1999 memo found on Abu Khabab's computer hard drive and addressed to "Abu Hafs" Atef called for evasive action to avoid detection: "Periodically (for example about every three months) one of the locations is to be canceled and replaced by another."122 This was why there were so many reports of al-Qaeda’s nerve gas and chemical weapons production taking part at so many locations. It was what Americans would term, “the proverbial floating crap game.”


Construction began on the Al-Shifa Pharmaceutical Plant in Khartoum in 1992 as a 40-60 venture between Bashir Hassan Bashir and Baaboud Trading and Shipping Agencies, which partially owned by Saeed Ahmed Baghlaf & Partners, well known in the Saudi business community for real estate, steel industries and currency exchange businesses. With over 40 years of existence, the group had no connection to bin Ladin

121, Alan Cullison and Andrew Higgins The Wall Street Journal/December 31, 2001

unless you consider the fact that Baghlaf sells Al-Haramain Dates.123 The Al-Shifa plant opened in 1996 and supplied malaria tablets and veterinary medicine for cattle.

In early 1998 Osman Sulayman, who had been placed in the Al-Shifa Pharmaceutical Plant in 1995 as a sleeper agent of al-Qaeda, manipulated things so that Al-Shifa fell behind on payments to suppliers, and he even spent a few nights in prison for bouncing checks to bolster his credibility. Sulayman claimed he sent a desperate fax to Salaheldin Idris asking him to buy Al-Shifa; he knew he had money and had been buying up a number of Sudanese companies. He claimed the two men met in Saudi Arabia, where Sulayman ran a food company before deported back to the Sudan.


Salaheldin Idris (Salah-Eddin Ahmad Idris), a 46-year-old tailor's son, was born in a farming town in north Sudan. He moved to Saudi Arabia in 1976 and currently holds a Saudi Arabian passport. He found work, as an accountant at Sheikh Khalid bin Mahfouz's National Commercial Bank. Eventually, he joined Sheikh Khalid bin Mahfouz's circle of close advisers, where he could earn commissions by finding investments for his friends, like Dr. Al-Zawahiri. On October 4, 1998, the New York Times stated that, according to “U.S. intelligence officials,” Idris “has had financial dealings with members of Islamic Jihad, an Egypt-based group responsible for the assassination of President Anwar el-Sadat in 1981. Egyptian Islamic Jihad, in turn, receives money and sponsorship from Mr. bin Laden and has been absorbed into his terror network....” These officials also reported that Idris “launders money for international Islamic groups, and that he also has a stake in a company in Sudan that is 40 percent owned by the Military Industrial Corporation, a Government entity that the United States says controls Sudanese chemical weapons development.”124 Idris also did business with Abdul Baset Hamza, a former Sudanese government engineer who says he once oversaw a road-construction project of an Osama bin Laden company during bin Laden's years of exile in Sudan. Abdul Baset Hamza built military factories for Sudan's Islamist regime. Salaheldin Idris had links to the Military Industrial Corporation through other business interests in Sudan.125 Salaheldin Idris said, “I'm definitely not a supporter of this government, I'm a close friend of Omar Hassan Bashir”126 whatever that means? Idris’ Jewish lawyer Daniel H. Bromberg alleged, “A well-known supporter of an opposition party, Mr. Idris regularly writes a column critical of that regime in a newspaper based in Egypt, where he maintains a residence.”127 If this were true would Idris been allowed to operate in the Sudan? Idris also said the U.S. freeze on bin Laden's assets has affected unspecified assets of his own but called the action a mistake that eventually will be reversed. 123. Steven Lee Myers “U.S. Says Iraq Aided Production of Chemical Weapons in Sudan” The New York Times, August 25, 1998, p. 1; Karl Vick “U.S., Sudan Trade Claims on Factory” Washington Post, August 25, 1998, p. 1. Vernon Loeb and Bradley Graham “Sudan Plant Was Probed Months before Attack” International Herald Tribune, September 1, 1998. Transcript: Pickering on US Sudan, Afghanistan Strikes, United States Information Agency, August 26, 1998 Monterey Institute of International Studies Fall 1998, Volume 6 - Number 1 James Risen and David Johnston “Experts Find No Arms Chemicals at Bombed Sudan Plant” New York Times February 9, 1999, Tuesday, Late Edition - Final, Section A; Page 3. 126. Karl Vick “Sudan Plant's Tie With bin Laden Disputed” Washington Post Foreign Service October 22, 1998. United States District Court District of Columbia 1:01-CV-00731-RWR

Salaheldin Idris had begun investing heavily in the Sudan in early 1996 about the time when bin Laden was expelled.128 In March 1998, Bashir and Baaboud sold the factory for approximately $32 million to Salaheldin Idris. Salem Baaboud said he got cash -- he won't say how much -- from Salaheldin Idris after negotiating with him directly in Sudan. Sidi Tayyib chief financial officer for some of bin Laden’s companies in Sudan claimed bin Laden had invested in al-Shifa.129 Tayyib defected to the Saudi regime and he knew quite a bit about bin Laden remaining small companies here and there. He told the Saudis about them.


Salaheldin Idris put his cousin, a pharmacology professor named Idris Babiker El-Tayeb130 in charge of overt operations at the plant. At this time the plant was instead dedicated to repackaging pharmaceuticals produced by others and distributing them in Sudan and elsewhere. Dr. Eltayeb claimed he quickly concluded that one-third of the staff could go, and that a pharmaceuticals specialist should replace Osman Sulayman, who was never fired.131 The name Hasab El Rasoul Mohamed Babiker appeared on the Rahman Unindicted Co-Conspirator List. Hasab Babiker was arrested by the INS on June 24, 1993 after it was discovered that he had fraudulently obtained a visa to enter the United States at the embassy in Khartoum by claiming he was going there to visit his sister. He invoked the Fifth Amendment in regard to his source of income and was deported by the U.S. Department of State’s Diplomatic Security Service132 in August.133 The Al-Shifa factory was re-inaugurated on July 12, 1998, by President of the Republic, Omar al-Bashir and was attended by a number of government responsible figures, ambassadors to Khartoum and the Director, Preferential Trade who described the factory as a source of pride for the whole of Africa.134


Had the CIA penetrated al-Qaeda? Or was the CIA monitoring the financial transactions of those they suspected of financing Usama bin Laden’s operations? Were they examining dual use businesses that would lend themselves to Jihad such as fertilizer, chemical and pharmaceutical? Did Osman Sulayman’s presence at the plant tip them off? The answer is none of the above. It was the information from the Sudanese opposition groups and others that had appeared in the press obligated a reluctant CIA to send an agent or agents to all of the locations mentioned to take soil samples.

128. Tim Weiner New York Times, “Pentagon and C.I.A. Defend Sudan Missile Attack,” p. A5; Hans Dahne, “Owner of Sudanese Factory Comes Under Scrutiny in Wake of US Strikes,” Deutsche Presse-Agentur, September 22, 1998.129. CNN August 22, 1998 “Thousands Stage Anti-U.S. Protests in the Sudan” The Diplomatic Security Service attempts to prevent al-Qaeda from obtaining visas to enter the United States and runs the Rewards for Justice program that places bounties on Brother’s heads.133. USDC SDNY Magistrates Court 93-1627. Also 93 Crim Misc 1-38134.


A soil sample was taken from the grounds around the Al-Shifa plant and EMPTA was discovered. According to former CIA Director George Tenet, the CIA sent a human agent to Al-Shifa who entered the facility grounds, evaded plant guards, and collected the soil sample from a designated area within the gates of the plant.135 He said that a U.S. commercial laboratory analyzed the sample and found a level 2.5 times that necessary to be considered a trace presence of EMPTA. Tenet said the operative had submitted to repeated polygraph tests to gain assurance that the informant had carried out the mission as instructed.136 Idris’ Jewish lawyer Daniel Bromberg alleged, “The agent who supposedly collected the soil sample from El-Shifa was not a U.S. intelligence agent but an Egyptian operative. Given Egypt’s antipathy toward Sudan, a possible motive for providing false evidence must have been evident to the U.S. government…”137 Perhaps the plant’s ventilation system or underground waste-disposal system allowed the EMPTA to get into surface soil or maybe someone wanted to get rid of some already made EMPTA and poured it directly into the soil? Or maybe it had been stored but not produced there? We do not pretend to be God. We are not all knowing.

As God lives, the only known use of EMPTA is as a precursor to Vx; it has no uses in pharmaceuticals. It is not made accidentally as a by-product of legitimate pharmaceutical manufacturing. A synthetic chemist has to go to quite a bit of trouble to make the carbon-phosphorus bond in EMPTA, and none of the pharmaceuticals made in the Sudan included that chemical bond. It is three steps removed from any precursor that could legitimately be present in a pharmaceutical plant (and that one is regulated on Schedule 3 of the Chemical Weapons Convention). Thus, unless an “accident” had occurred which involved running three separate chemical reactions, one of which is rather tricky, EMPTA was not there due to a mistake.138 EMPTA was a smoking gun that should have alerted the West to al-Qaeda’s intentions. A small quantity of a Vx precursor chemical was produced and stored in Al-Shifa then transported through or near it. This was a small-scale pilot production of EMPTA that only required a wide range of available glass-lined equipment that can be tucked away in a small part of a building.139 The plant was not heavily guarded for that would have only aroused suspicion.

Since only small quantities of EMPTA were produced extensive tests in the facility subsequently, including the septic tank, did not detect it. Of course these tests were conducted after the U.S. bombed the facility. This fact did not stop Seymour Hersh who wrote in the New Yorker that the government pretended to have evidence that the plant the United States bombed in Sudan, in retaliation for supposed terrorist activity,

135. Tim Weiner and Steven Lee Myers “U.S. Notes Gaps in Data about Drug Plant But Defends Attack; Sudan Envoy Angry” The New York Times, September 3, 1998. Former Shifa export manager Alamaddin al-Shibli denied that the soil sample could have been taken from Shifa saying, “the factory was tiled throughout, and there was asphalt everywhere outside the buildings. Where could anyone have taken a sample?” See Dahne, “Owner of Sudanese Factory Comes Under Scrutiny.” Associated Press, September 2, 1998. “Administration Officials Detail Missile Strike Strategy.” 137. United States District Court District of Columbia 1:01-CV-00731-RWR138. Dr. George O. Bizzigotti 7525 Colshire Drive Mitretek Systems, Inc., McLean, VA 22102-7400 Chemical and Engineering News, August 31, 1998, p. 7. “Soil Sample Key to U.S. Missile Strike in Sudan.”

was something other than a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility. According to Hersh it wasn’t, and America knew it, but killed people anyway. Brother Mohammed Salameh agreed with Hersh: “I would like to say that even after more than 79 months of my detention, Judge, Honorable Judge, I would like to tell you who is the coward. The cowards is the one who launch the missiles at the medicine factory in Sudan and Afghanistan and Iraq from military vessel just by pressing buttons…”140 The Learned Elders of Islam believe Hersh wishes to see America’s enemies obtain WMDs, as he does his best to facilitate this. Jews today are bound for self-destruction and seek to arrange matters so that they can destroy the rest of the world in the process.

In June 1998, an FBI mail cover at International Institute of Islamic Thought's physical address and its post office box in Herndon revealed the receipt of mail from the Al-Shifa Pharmaceutical Industries Company, in Khartoum, Sudan. The International Institute of Islamic Thought is a core member of the Safa Group that corresponded directly with Sami Al-Arian’s groups in Tampa. Various documents and videotapes stolen by the FBI in the Tampa searches showed that Taha Jaber Al-Alwani, the President of International Institute of Islamic Thought, was an associate of his Eminence Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman.141

In August 1998 (August 20, 1998) U.S. President Clinton ordered a cruise missile attack on the al-Qaeda VX program – and the Al-Shifa Pharmaceutical & Vx Plant in Khartoum, Sudan was demolished. One person was killed and nine others were wounded. There was much controversy about the Al-Shifa Affair because Clinton ordered the attack at exactly the same time he confessed to

having an adulterous affair with Monica Lewinsky. Many believed he did this to deflect attention from his own problems. This cloud of doubt generated by the reprobate behavior of America’s degenerate President aided al-Qaeda in convincing the Zionist controlled Western media, both liberal and conservative, that Clinton was mistaken in choosing this target. The 9/11 Commission: “The failure of the strikes, the wag the dog slur, the intense partisanship of the period, and the nature of the al-Shifa evidence likely had a cumulative effect on future decisions about the use of force against bin Ladin.”


The U.S. Treasury Department froze $24 million of Salaheldin Idris’ assets, however Salaheldin Idris is a very wise and very wealthy man quite familiar with the corrupt greedy ways of the Zionists and Crusaders. In America Salaheldin Idris hired Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld. Akin Gump ranked number four among law firms serving as lobbyists, bringing in $6.7 million and $9.7 million in lobbying fees in 1996 and 1997. In October 1998 Akin Gump had donated $674,000 to the major American political parties with 53 percent of that amount to the Democratic Party and 47 percent to the Republican Party. Idris was sure it could unfreeze his assets. The United States chose to release the money rather than go to court, because of security concerns. The

140. Salameh Resentencing page 23.141. Eastern District of Virginia Alexandria Division in the matter of searches involving 555 Grove Street, Herndon, Virginia, and related locations Filed Under Seal.

Justice Department claimed it was hesitant to reveal additional information in court to maintain the freeze since this would have destroyed their ability to gather intelligence.142 Or was American afraid of alienating the Saudis - Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld defending Idris meant the Saudi Royal Family stood behind him. The Learned Elders of Islam wonder what the outcome of the case would have been post-September 11 th, when the convoluted financing of al-Qaeda was part of the public record? Shortly after the plant was bombed, Idris retained constitutional expert the Jew Laurence Tribe of Harvard Law School in another lawsuit to recover damages against the U.S. Government for bombing his plant, but Tribe no longer represents him, and will not say why.143

In the Sudan Salaheldin Idris hired Ghazi Suliman, an attorney, human rights activist and chairman of the National Alliance for the Restoration of Democracy in Sudan, who was part of the National Democratic Alliance and was close to Mubarak Fadl al-Mahdi,144 who was intent on convincing America that EMPTA was being stored or produced at al-Shifa. After the Vx plant was decimated, Mubarak Fadl al-Mahdi and other Sudanese opposition leaders in exile in Asmara, the capital city of Eritrea, issued a press release that stated Idris was a front man and that

the factory actually belonged to the National Islamic Front lead by Hassan al-Turabi.145 This reinforced the legend that Idris was not an Islamist nor was he into fronting for Islamists. Idris’ lawyer Daniel Bromberg alleged, “Mr. Idris maintains a residence and conducts business in Egypt, which would not be possible if the government believed that he had any ties to the terrorist organizations that were responsible for the assassination of Anwar Sadat.”146 On July 6, 2003 the Sudan police arrested Ghazi Suliman, for his secularist activities.147 After he was released Suliman took part in a discussion of the ways in which Islam has been used in some countries, for instance Sudan, as a means for suppression and the installation of autocratic regimes.148 Idris had completely distanced himself from Islamism.

Now the question of al-Shifa has become a weapon in the hands of those who oppose the American occupation of Iraq. Richard Clarke, former National Security Advisor to Bush the Younger wrote that he is unaware of any reason to believe that Salaheldin Idris ever supported Osama bin Laden or any terrorist organization. Accordingly, in the most recent edition of his book Against All Enemies, Clarke wrote that the “intelligence I had seen never implicated Idris in any investment by the Sudan Military Industry Commission nor in any involvement with Osama bin Laden nor any terrorist activities.” In January 2005 Idris’s lawyers added this to their complaint against the United States Government: “Upon information and belief, the U.S. officials who told

142. Dan Benjamin and Steve Simon - Sacred Terror - Random House.143. Stephen Brogan leads Idris' legal team at the D.C. office of Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue When Bombs Miss the Mark Otis Bilodeau Legal Times November 28, 2001144. The Sudanese Committee Against Violation Of Women’s, Youth and Students Rights January 24, 2001 United States District Court District of Columbia 1:01-CV-00731-RWR147. “Arrest of Ghazi Suliman” Aman Daily News July 6, 2003.

reporters that Mr. Idris had business dealings with terrorists and acted as a “front man” for bin Laden did not possess any intelligence about Salah Idris that was unknown to Mr. Clarke.”149 Clarke also wrote that there was no doubt al-Shifa was either producing or storing EMPTA.150 Idris’s lawyers did not quote that passage.


The Weekly Standard, the flagship of Iraqi War Propaganda Machine, also attempted to make it seem that Iraq was behind our Vx program. They spread the story that in 1996 Iraqi scientists adept at chemical warfare attended Al-Shifa’s opening and that a key figure in Iraq’s CW program, Dr. Emad Husayn Abdullah al-Ani, the father of Iraq’s Vx program, guided the Sudanese scientists at Al-Shifa. The Weekly Standard claimed to have evidence that U.S. officials had electronically intercepted telephone calls between al-Ani and Al-Shifa plant executives and that Iraq had a $199,000 contract with al-Shifa for goods that were never delivered.151 Dr. Al-Ani, who headed the Fallujah II Chemical Weapons Plant, surrendered to American occupation forces. He never verified any of this information. The New York Times reported that Sudan’s Military Industrial Corporation allegedly had Iraqi technicians working to produce chemical weapon agents.152 This also remains unsubstantiated by prisoner interrogations despite America’s occupation of Iraq. The original sealed indictment against al-Qaeda had stated that al-Qaeda had "reached an understanding with the government of Iraq that al-Qaeda would not work against that government and that on particular projects, specifically including weapons development, al-Qaeda would work cooperatively with the Government of Iraq."153 All this was propaganda, prepping America for the occupation of Iraq. Other conservative types hated Bill Clinton more than al-Qaeda. Accuracy in Media stated, “After bin Laden was blamed for the bombings of our embassies in Africa, the Clinton Administration launched a completely ineffective missile strike on a tent city in Afghanistan and a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan. The owner of the plant was actually an opponent of the Sudanese regime.”154


The discombobulated Jewish reporter Daniel Pearl wrote this in the Wall Street Journal entitled New Doubts Surface Over Claims That Plant Produced Nerve Gas, “Some chemical-weapons experts are uncomfortable with the apparent reliance of the U.S. on a single, secretly taken soil sample, in part because the sample could have been tainted by whoever provided it. Also, the substance the U.S. says it detected, EMPTA, is difficult to isolate when it is in soil, according to the Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons. One expert at the group said a laboratory told to look for EMPTA could get a false positive result if there were pesticide traces in the soil. ‘To

149. Stephen Hayes “Connecting the Dots in 1998 But Not in 2003” The Weekly Standard December 29, 2003.152. Jane Perlez “Iraqi Link with Sudan” The New York Times, August 26, 1998, p. A8. 153.

convict somebody, we would have to have at least two results out of three from different independent laboratories’, he said.”

How would the agent who provided the sample obtain the EMPTA to taint it with? Did the Egyptian Government have a supply on hand for him? Did he purchase it on the street from a drug dealer? The United States has two of the most advanced laboratories for detection of Vx precursors, were others really needed? Shouldn’t Pearl have concluded from what he knew of Vx that the stakes were so high for the West America should have applied the saying, “When in doubt, take it out?”155 In a way it was not in our interest to execute Pearl, but he was a Jew who was willing to come into our midst. Others who visited the plant or worked there were also fooled as the EMPTA production was a ‘now you see it, now you don’t’ operation.


Pakistani authorities arrested Shaykh Gilani on charges related to the abduction of Daniel Pearl, who we labeled as a “Mossad agent” when in fact he had questioned the American’s Al-Shifa attack. Pearl was taken hostage while attempting to interview Shaykh Gilani for a story about the would-be shoe-bomber Richard Reid. Pearl had gone to a restaurant in hopes of arranging an interview with the Sheik. His contact was a man he knew as “Imtiaz Siddiqui”156 but was in reality, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheik. Sheik

Gilani was taken into custody by Pakistani police but was not charged in the case.

Shaykh Gilani publicly termed the kidnapping episode “a Zionist plot to get Jamaat-ul-Fuqra, a peaceful organization and educational institute, declared as a ‘terrorist’ outfit and a conspiracy against the Inter-Services Intelligence Agency.” Shaykh Gilani:

Daniel Pearl was a secret service agent. He went to Bahawalpur to the house of Maulana Masood Azhar so that he is seen there, so that somebody sees him, follows him and might abduct him. And then he wrote my name in the diary that he would be seeing me like this and then leave the diary at home and then he is abducted. From January 18, 2002 till January 26, 2002 I was in Garhi Habibullah, supervising the establishment of a school. When I read in the newspapers that my name was being associated with the kidnapping, I called my son on January 26 th, and he told me that a colonel had come and he and other people recommended that I go and talk to the police and tell them I know nothing about Daniel Pearl. I didn’t know who Daniel was! The Rawalpindi police agreed that I was not involved in the kidnapping but requested I proceed to Karachi, as there was pressure from the U.S. authorities…Try to understand the

155. Daniel Pearl “More Doubts Rise Over Claims for U.S. Attacks” The Wall Street Journal August 28, 1998; Daniel Pearl “In Sudan Bombing, 'Evidence' Depends on Who Is Viewing It” The Wall Street Journal October 28, 1998 A man with the same name was picked in during the post-9/11 sweep in North Carolina and charged with having made a false claim to U.S. citizenship.

conspiracy. I have given a book to my lawyer, Target Islam, which says that documents prove that the aim of the Zionists is to divide Pakistan into four republics. And the people here very well know this project as well. Last year (2001) I told my students to hold a rally in America. Then the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad called someone to the embassy and tried to bribe him to sign a statement that Sheik Gilani is a terrorist and he could have the whole briefcase full of money.

Target Islam is published by the Qur’anic Open University, Inc. Islamville, New York, USA a settlement run by his Eminence and it wastes no words; the World Trade Center bombing and revelations of jihadi plans by the Brooklyn Muslim Brothers are described as a case of mistaken identity. "In New York a group of Muslims were being trained by an FBI plant, whom they believed would lead them to Bosnia to participate in the struggle there...Imagine their surprise when they were arrested along with their training materials and charged with plotting to blow up the Holland Tunnel along with other targets in New York City." The accusations against Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman, who was sentenced in Egypt for terror acts, before he fled to America, are called "false propaganda." The Anti-Defamation League is pictured as running paramilitary camps "that are equipped as small armies that are put together expressly to train members for terrorist and paramilitary activities to guard the security of their Jewish state, Israel... including the horrendous slaughter committed by one of its trained members in the massacre of Muslim worshiper at the Hebron Mosque in Palestine." 157


The Islamic Front of Pakistan carried out the kidnapping and execution of this slimy Daniel Pearl on behalf of al-Qaeda. One of the members of the Islamic Front is Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, or HUM, which is essentially the same organization as Jamaat-ul-Fuqra, except that it operates within the confines of Pakistan and Kashmir. After the Afghan Mujahideen captured power in Kabul in April 1992, the HUM converted itself into an international network of fighters for the defending of the rights of the Muslims all over the world; HUM has a presence in the U.S. and had trained at least 16 Afro-American Muslims in the past in order to carry the Jihad to U.S. territory.158 However, most of its efforts are concentrated in liberating the majority Kashmirian population from Hindu rule. HUM specializes in kidnapping and in the brutal treatment of its victims. HUM members will cut the disbelievers throat, let them bleed to death and then behead them. That is what HUM, under the name of al-Faran, did to the Norwegian tourist kidnapped by Islamists in Kashmir in 1995.159 When HUM hijacked an Indian Airlines plane enroute to Kandahar in December 1999, jihadi slit the throat of Rupen Katyal, a newly-married Indian who was returning from a honeymoon in Katmandu with his young wife, and let him slowly bleed to death in the business class of the aircraft while the HUM hijackers sat around him and read from the Holy Qu’ran. At least he got to fly business class! This


. B. Raman. Rahman is Additional Secretary (retd), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India, and, recently Director, Institute For Topical Studies, Chennai, India. 1995 Patterns of Global Terrorism Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism Release Date: April 1996

action almost woke up the American Federal Aviation Administration and it released this bulletin,

Most international hijackings in the 1990s were attributed to individuals motivated by personal factors, such as seeking to escape social, political or economic conditions in one's homeland. These criminal acts were largely unprofessional and rarely involved violence against passengers or crew. The December 1999 terrorist hijacking of Indian Airlines flight 814 was an exception and could foretell future terrorist acts against civil aviation, which may include U.S. airliners. The incident most likely will generate an increase in threat reporting specific to civil aviation, and increase the near-term threat to U.S. civil aviation for a sustained hijacking. While operationally difficult, a hijacking of a U.S. airliner could be viewed by bin Ladin as an option under certain circumstances…He could demand the release of key operatives and Egyptian spiritual leader Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman. Since the arrest and incarceration of Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman in 1993, there have been reports of varying degrees of reliability to suggest that terrorist groups have discussed or planned the hijacking of a U.S. air carrier for the purposes of freeing Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman. Finally, a hijacked aircraft could be flown into a building…however, a scenario whereby a civilian passenger airliner is hijacked with the intent of crashing it into a monument or city in the United States appears an unlikely initial course of action. It does not offer an opportunity for dialogue to achieve the key goal of obtaining Rahman or other key captive extremists, and could result in a greater crackdown or retribution on captive leaders. A suicide hijacking is assessed as an option of last resort. The incarceration of Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman in the U.S. has been identified as a motivation for hijackings.160

In August 1998, in retaliation for al-Qaeda activities such as the East African Embassy Event U.S. Cruise missile strikes destroyed training camps belonging to HUM, however, HUM claimed that what was destroyed were madrasas being run for teaching the Holy Qu’ran to Afghan and Pakistani children and alleged that the U.S. strikes also destroyed four mosques, severely damaged another and for good

measure destroyed 200 copies of the Holy Qu’ran. Imams described this as an act of sacrilege by the U.S. against Islam and as marking the beginning of a new Crusade. During the sermons in mosques and madrasases in Afghanistan and Pakistan, they warned that this act of sacrilege would not go unpunished.

Pearl was kidnapped, his throat slit by Khalid Shaikh Mohammed161 and then he was beheaded by a HUM group led by Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheik, who was put on trial in Karachi. Khalid Khawaja who is helping Brother Saifullah Paracha and is related to 160. Moussaoui Trial Exhibit 953161.

Sheik Gilani also helped in the Pearl surgical operation.162 Khawaja has stated: “It was not the Taliban that was responsible for September 11th. It was all planned by the Jewish lobby to take over Afghanistan. The Jewish lobby is taking the whole of Afghanistan hostage.” Daniel Pearl was not only bled to death then decapitated but to add insult to injury he was also dismembered! On the last day of Pearl’s captivity three Yemenites arrived who were close to Ramzi Yousef. They had a satchel, a drop cloth and assorted knives. They ordered some Pakistani’s to cut Pearl’s body into pieces, however, when they buried him face down on land owned by the Al-Rashid Trust they placed his body parts back together.

HUM Brother Maulana Fazlur Rehman Khalil signed Usama bin Laden’s fatwa in February 1998 calling for attacks on U.S. and Western interests and brought HUM into Usama bin Laden’s Islamic World Front for the Struggle Against the Jews and the Crusaders.163 Maulana Fazlur Rehman Khalil told crowds of believers in Pakistan ‘Our salvation lies in obeying the orders of Allah, not America, if we don't do Jihad, our prayers and fasting will not be accepted. This is a sacred duty. Usama bin Laden is

an individual who doesn’t have the resources to arrange the September 11th attack. Israel is behind it.’ When a Western journalist told him the hijackers were mainly Saudis, Maulana Fazlur Rehman Khalil cited the report of the 4,000 missing Israelis. After America attacked Afghanistan Pakistan placed Maulana Fazlur Rehman Khalil under house arrest for six months at Chashma Rest House but he is now free. Rehman was asked: “What’s the difference between a dead snake in the road and a dead American in the road?” he replied “Skid marks in front of the snake.” Now that Busharraf has declared that HUM is a so-called terrorist group Brother Maulana Fazlur Rehman Khalil has formed Jamiat-ul-Ansar another name for Harkat-ul-Mujahideen or HUM.164


A majority of LeJ’s cadres are drawn from the numerous Sunni madrasases in Pakistan.”165 Arab League head Amr Moussa commented, “To talk about international terrorism and include madrasases in Pakistan is to turn the war on terror into a criticism of Islam.”166 For many years Riaz Basra ran the day-to-day operations of LeJ. Riaz Basra was involved in more than 300 operations, including attacking Iranian missions, killing an Iranian diplomat Sadiq Ganji in

December 1990 and targeting government officials. Riaz Basra was a religious man with extraordinary enthusiasm. It is under Riaz Basra’s leadership that the LeJ became the most dreaded sectarian outfit in Pakistan. The intensity of its threat was such that

162. B. Raman (Indian Intelligence) South Asia Analysis Group Paper no. 438 Punishment Terrorism: Questions & Answers--Part V August 4, 2002163. Frontline Target America David Rohde “Why America Can’t Find Usama Bin Laden” New York Times September 14, 2003 165. The United States Defense Department has issued a secret directive to the American military to conduct covert operations aimed at setting up madrasases with secret American funding. Donald Rumsfeld sent a memo to Wolfowitz in which he asked: “How do we stop those who are financing the radical madrasas schools? Should we create a private foundation to entice radical madrasases to a more moderate course? New York Times October 16, 2003.166. Daniel Pipes Weblog February 2, 2004.

former Premier Nawaz Sharif, who was served a threatening letter by Riaz Basra, stopped attending open courts. 167 Brother Riaz Basra was nabbed through an associate who, unbeknownst to him, had been arrested earlier by Pakistani intelligence agents and agreed to cut a deal with them in exchange for leniency. LeJ has a hierarchical network through which they contact each other, usually after prayers at the mosque. The police had to patiently wait for Basra to contact this co-operator. When he did so, the man asked Riaz Basra to meet him at his house at a certain time. The co-operator was milking his buffalo when Riaz Basra arrived and found intelligence personnel lying in wait for him. Riaz Basra trapped no other militants.168

“After Riaz Basra’s arrest, LeJ’s next leader was Asif Ramzi, Pakistani’s “Most Wanted Man,” who was killed in a bomb factory explosion in December 2002. The Pakistan News Service asked: “Terrorist Killing: Accident or Israeli Revenge?” It never occurred to them that HUM had a hand in Ramzi’s death. After Asif Ramzi became the Emir of LeJ its energies were focused on killing the doctors of Pakistan. For example, on the evening of April 21, 2002, after he had seen to the last of his patients, Dr. Ameer Muavia was leaving his clinic when armed members of LeJ accosted him. One put a pistol to his temple, and pulled the trigger. Mortally wounded, the 35-year-old urologist was rushed to hospital and operated upon, but died a few hours later. Since the beginning of 2001, Muavia is the thirteenth doctor among 80 individuals who have fallen victim to sectarian killings in Karachi. Of the victims, 51 were Shi’a and the rest, including Dr. Muavia, Sunni.169 Doctors are soft targets, but their killings make a big impact and create fear and frustration in the society. Most of the doctors killed were not linked to any political or religious organization. Several hundred doctors have already left Pakistan. The Muslim poor suffer as a result of this activity, and this is totally antithetical to Islamist teaching.

On July 4, 2003 LeJ members stormed an imambargah170 in Quetta, Balochistan when it was crowded with about 2,000 people gathered for Jumma prayers. Fifty worshippers were killed and hundreds wounded. Two assailants carrying automatic weapons opened fire on the people for over 10 minutes. In the meanwhile, a powerful bomb exploded outside the main hall, killing the suicide bomber and many other people offering prayers. The massacre was followed by angry demonstrations and rioting that led to the imposition of a curfew in the city. During investigations it was found that one of the attackers, Daud Badini is a brother-in-law of Ramzi Yousef as Badini's sister is

167. Basra was arrested and tried by a special court for Ganji’s killing, but escaped from police custody while being driven to court during his trial in 1994. The entire leadership of the LeJ consists of Jihadists who fought against Soviet forces in Afghanistan. Brother Riaz Basra figured on a U.S. State Department list of “terrorists” who “live in or have lived in, have trained in, are headquartered in or financed from Afghanistan.” Riaz Basra was allegedly permitted to escape from the annual Tablighi congregation in November 2000, in Raiwind. Security force personnel allowed him to escape fearing large-scale bloodshed if he were arrested at the congregation. Basra was adept at changing his appearance, and that he had a number of look-alikes within his ranks. Because of this on a number of occasions he has mistakenly been reported killed. “Haq Nawaz hanged; one killed in violence” Dawn March 1, 2001. Ali Naziha Syed “Jihad Within - Sectarian murders continue unabated as the government's ban on militant organisations - and its half-hearted follow-up - appears to only have rendered the terrorists more elusive than ever.” Since the beginning of 2001, Muavia is the thirteenth doctor among 80 individuals who have fallen victim to sectarian killings in Karachi.170. Shi’ite mosque

married to Ramzi Yousef.171 In February 2006 police arrested medical doctor Munir Baloch, at an Afghan refugee camp and accused him of planning the deadly attack in Quetta city. The government had posted a reward of one million rupees for the arrest of Baloch, who belonged to Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. The doctor, who confessed his crime before a magistrate, planned the attack with Daud Badini who has already been sentenced to death by an anti-terrorism court.172


The purification of Islam by sectarian grouplets can get out of hand: In 1995 Usama bin Laden was almost assassinated by the Takfir wal-Hijra, (literally Identifying Infidels and Migrating away from them) a group so extreme that members have embarked on murderous sprees in mosques against fellow Muslims in the belief that a pure Islamist state can be built only if the corrupt elements of the last one are wiped out. That year four Takfir members brandishing Kalashnikovs drove up to Usama bin Laden’s home in Khartoum in a pick-up at about 4:00 p.m. and attempted to murder him. They were on their way home, having killed 12 Muslims at a local mosque, all in a days work. Usama bin Laden’s guards were alert and fought back. Four of Usama bin Laden’s guards died, as did three of the four Takfir members. The fourth was captured by the Sudanese police and hanged. After that event, bin Laden closed the road leading to his home. Trenches were dug at either end of the street, closing it to all vehicles – and after midnight even pedestrians were stopped, questioned and searched.173

Shukri Mustafa, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, who was imprisoned in the mid-1960s and joined the radical Disciples of Qu’tb while in prison, founded Takfir. He built the Takfir – the full title of which means “repentance and isolation” – on his release in 1971. Shukri Mustafa was executed after he kidnapped and murdered an Egyptian government minister in 1978. In the early 1980’s Mubarak attempted to crush this group by arresting 350 suspected members, but many escaped into the deserts of North Africa. In September 2002 Egyptian police arrested 36 members of the al-Takfir organization who were accused of trying to topple President Hosni Mubarak’s government. Leaflets calling on the population to “topple the regime” and appealing for unity among Islamist groups were found at their homes and workplaces.

Sheik Omar Bakri Mohammed Fostok, who runs Al-Muhajiroun, had this to say about the Takfirists: “They are fanatics! They cannot be compared to bin Laden and al-Qaeda, who have many eminent scholars behind them.” Abu Hamza Al-Masri said: “The Takfir are nothing but a bunch of extremists. They kill Muslims! These people create nothing and destroy everything. It is not right to be as harsh as they are. These people want to be judge, jury and executioners.”174 The Takfir were Islamist anarchists until they saw the true path.175 Now they have abandoned this self-destructive philosophy and

171. “Quetta: Gang Involved in Sectarian Attacks Busted” Dawn September 5, 2003. Quetta, Pakistan, Feb 14, 2006 (AFP)173. Nicholas Helen “Ultra Zealots” Sunday Times UK

. A living example of this union can be found in Takfirist Djamel Beghal, a 36-year-old Algerian, and associate of Brother Nizar Trabelsi. Djame Beghal was a constant presence at Finsbury Park Mosque in London. When intelligence officers approached

have joined the mainstream Islamists in our Jihad against the West. When 24 members of Takfir were brought before a Paris Magistrate accused of trafficking in weapons they stated: “Mamdouh Mahmud Salim and Toufik said to me that the whole of the Takfir-wal-Hijra network in Europe had joined the World Islamic Face (FIM) of Usama bin Laden.”176 Takfir Brothers are trusted by Al-Qaeda.

Al-Taqfiri associate Abu Dahdah, a 41-year-old Syrian Brother, made several monitored phone calls to a North African man code-named “Shakur.” At the end of August 2001, Shakur told Abu Dahdah that he had “cut off all his communications…At this moment I am teaching classes. In the classes we are now touching on the subject of aviation, and we have also cut the bird’s throat.” Shakur then declined to be more specific, indicating that all of this was highly confidential: “My objective is the objective

and I don’t want to go into details.”177 Abu Dahdah (also known as Imad Eddin Barakat Yarkas) is a mureed of Jamal Zougam - one of three Moroccans and two Indians arrested in the March 2004 attacks in Madrid that killed 200 people and wounded 1,500. On September 26, 2005 a Spanish court convicted Abu Dahdah of conspiring to commit the September 11th Raids in the U.S. and leading an Al-Qaeda cell in Madrid. Dahdah was sentenced to 27 years in prison for coordinating a July 2001 meeting in Tarragona, Spain, between members of his cell and some of the September 11th martyrs, including Mohammed Atta. During the meeting, final preparations for the attacks on New York and Washington were discussed. 178

Carlos the Jackal issued a letter from prison contesting any possible link between Usama bin Laden and attacks planned in France in the mid-1990s. “These failed attacks planned to hit Marseille in 1996-1997 have been attributed to Takfir-wal-Hijra and al-Qaeda. These bloody tales [the assassination attempt against Usama bin Laden in Sudan] prove the impossibility of any form of co-operation between bin Laden and Takfir-wal-Hijra. Sheik Usama bin Laden rejected the extremist positions of Takfir.”


The former government of Saddam Hussein was falsely accused of using the Nile Virus as an entomological weapon against the United States. This was propaganda generated by the CIA puppet, the Iraqi National Congress, designed to hasten the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and put them in power.179 The Iraqi National Congress

Brother Beghal in the departure lounge of Dubai airport he looked like any other business traveler from the Middle East dressed in Western clothes and clean-shaven. As a member of Takfir-wal-Hijra, now financed by Usama Bin Laden, he knew he had to keep a low profile, but Djame Beghal was being cautious for a second reason. Returning to Europe from Kabul after a year of training with Abu Zubaydah, Djame Beghal was on his way to open the European front of Bin Laden’s war on the West. Djame Beghal was returning to France to give the go-ahead for a suicide attack on the U.S. Embassy in the Place de la Concorde in central Paris, using a truck or even a helicopter. Djame Beghal was one of the key British links at the center of a worldwide Islamist Movement and the point of contact between Bin Laden’s group and Takfir wal-Hijra. Le Nouvelle Observateur October 18, 2001 “The Confessions of Dubai.” Le Nouvelle Observateur Week of October 18, 2001 -- N°1928 – File177. El Pais, November 19, 2001. José Yoldi, “Garzon Vincula la Red de Bin Laden en Espana a Con los Atentados de EE UU,”178. Associated Press March 14, 2004: “Madrid Suspect Has Ties to Sept. 11 Suspect”,2933,114163,00.html179. Jonathan S. Landay and Tish Wells “Iraqi exiles fed exaggerated tips to news media” Knight Ridder March 16,

was aware of the fact that the Center for Disease Control had sent Iraq the Eg101 West Nile virus years ago as a diagnostic reagent. U.N. UNSCOM inspector Scott Ritter said that Iraq did research on the West Nile virus, but not for the biowarfare purposes.180 In 1997 the virus spread to the Zionist entity where it caused bird deaths and human-infections.

With this knowledge in hand, the CIA and the INC were behind the publication of a book by “Mikhael Ramadan” entitled In The Shadow of Saddam published by Greenzone Publishing.181 This book was later published in Kurdistan, Iraq, in 2000.182 Greenzone’s telephone has been disconnected and it seems they went out of business about one year after In The Shadow of Saddam was published on February 26, 1999, having published for about two years previously. They produced very few books. These included We Margaret: The Good the Bad and the Ugly by Sir Edward Du Cain, a Tory who reportedly visited Baghdad183 and who joined Labor in opposing the acquisition of Harrod’s Department Store by Mohamed Al Fayed an Egyptian-born businessman who would later file suit against the CIA for its alleged complicity in his son’s death. Greenzone also published Robocop, the story of Ray Mallon, an English policeman who practiced the “no tolerance” theory of crime developed by the Manhattan Institute. The neo-con Manhattan Institute has close ideological ties to the Wolfowitz PAC.

In The Shadow of Saddam was purportedly written by a double for Saddam Hussein, although the publisher never saw this man in person so that an evaluation of the resemblance to Saddam could be formulated. Dr. Richard Preston, the author of numerous books on biowarfare, contacted Ramadan’s publisher who told him: “We believe he was in Canada for a while. We have five employees here, and none of our people has ever met him. We were introduced to him through a third party. There was a woman, an American-Iraqi nurse, involved in bringing him forward. There was a verification meeting with him that took place in the fall of last year, in Canada, I guess. All of our communication with him has been by E-mail. His E-mail address is now defunct. A courier outfit physically delivered his manuscript to us.” Since Ramadan claimed he was Saddam’s double the picture of Ramadan on the book cover is actually a photograph of Saddam. Where is Ramadan now that the threat of reprisals by the Iraqis has vanished? Why hasn’t he surfaced and appeared on the media? Why haven’t any captured Iraqi scientists given credence to his story?


“Mikhael Ramadan” was born in Iraq in 1944. He was employed as a schoolteacher until 1979. That year Saddam Hussein allegedly recruited him to act as

2004.180. NewsMax October 12, 2003 “Hussein Researched West Nile Virus, But Not for Terror Attack: Scott Ritter.” There is also a GreeNZone Publishers in New Zealand that appears unrelated to Greenzone in Britain. Greenzone’s titles included Trial By Conspiracy (1998) a book that purported to show Neil Hamiliton, the former Conservative minister, was not guilty of taking cash from Mohamed Al Fayed in return for asking questions in parliament.182. Library of Congress Catalogue Search Gordon Thomas:

his double. Ramadan had plastic surgery performed by Doctor Helmut Riedle, so that he would even more closely resemble Saddam. Saddam had hired Riedle after the doctor was arrested for being sexually involved with young boys when the doctor lived in Lagenhagen, Germany. Yet there is no record of this man to be found anywhere! While working for Saddam Mikhael Ramadan was wounded, kidnapped and imprisoned by the Kurds. Ramadan claimed that he met with Yassir Arafat and Hosni Mubarak when they visited Iraq, while Ramadan was impersonating Saddam Hussein.

Much of the information he related about the Iraqi regime could be found in the public domain, or was good information that could have originated with the CIA-controlled Iraqi National Congress - however, there was plenty of incredulous information in this book: Ramadan claimed that his wife told him this in 1987: “It is no secret what I think about Saddam Hussein. I hate him. I cannot take much more of what he is doing and what is done in his name. Do you remember the air disaster in America last year? A 747 jumbo jet bound for Paris exploded shortly after leaving New York in July last year. 230 people were killed. Saddam authorized it. American air-crash investigators have no idea what caused the explosion. They have found no evidence consistent with a bomb. There was a bomb, but it was very small. Four foreign agents of Saddam’s assembled it on board when the plane was traveling from Frankfurt on its way to America. They traveled as two married couples, with false passports. The bomb was carried on board in separate parts that consisted only of a small battery, a digital watch, an electric switch and a minute quantity of liquid explosive. They do not have the necessary equipment in Frankfurt to detect such items. The bomb was assembled in a toilet and discreetly secured beneath one of the terrorist's seats, situated immediately above the main fuel tank. There was sufficient fuel for the journey to Europe in the auxiliary tanks, so the main tank was virtually empty. Instead, it contained a potentially lethal quantity of fuel vapor. The terrorists knew this. The job of the bomb was not to blow up the plane. Between the roof of the fuel tank and the main floor of the aircraft is a space of less than half-a-meter, through which runs the electrical wiring to the main fuel tank. The initial explosion was a small one, audible only to a handful of people in the immediate vicinity, but it was sufficient to puncture the tile floor and cause a small fire beneath the main deck. The main tank was empty, so the electrics leading to it were switched off. The captain and his crew would have been completely unaware of the problem. It is likely that one or two of the passengers reported a small bang, but stewards were probably still making enquiries when the plane blew up. The fire generated heat against the wall of the main tank. Fuel vapors require a temperature of approximately forty degrees Celsius to ignite. Within minutes the temperature of the tank wall would have been greatly in excess of this. The vapors exploded, the tank blew up and the plane fell out of the sky. On the way down, tile auxiliary tanks exploded, consistent with eyewitness reports and the findings of crash investigators. The terrorists were supposed to be affiliated to some terrorist organization based in the Philippines.”

There were many inaccuracies in this account: TWA Flight 800 was destroyed in July 1996; Ramadan allegedly heard this report in 1987, not 1997; Ramadan claimed Saddam had murdered his wife years before the flight went down; his wife’s tale was so detailed (“forty degrees Celsius to ignite”) one would think she herself was a terrorist; all

of the passengers who boarded the flight, either in Paris, Athens or in New York City were fully investigated and if they were using false passports the FBI would have detected this; the flight never stopped in Frankfurt; finally the story had many of the same details of Bojinga (bombs assembled on board) that had already been made public. This was sloppy work.

A review copy of the In The Shadow of Saddam was sent to the London Daily Mail, which, on April 6, 1999, reprinted this extract: “In 1997, on almost the last occasion we met, Saddam summoned me to his study. Seldom had I seen him so elated. Unlocking the top right-hand drawer of his desk, he produced a bulky, leather-bound dossier and read extracts from it...The dossier holds details of his ultimate weapon, developed in secret laboratories outside Iraq...Free of U.N. inspection, the laboratories would develop the SV1417 strain of the West Nile virus capable of destroying 97% of all life in an urban environment...He said SV1417 was to be ‘operationally tested’ on a Third World population center...The target had been selected, Saddam said, ‘but that is not for your innocent ears.’”

Here are more relevant passages from In The Shadow of Saddam that planted the seeds for the Myth of the West Nile Virus. Firstly, Ramadan related a conversation he had with a scientist who believed him to be Saddam Hussein:

My name is Inahn Ahmad al-Bahzaz. I am a biologist from Qurnat as-Sawda in Lubnan (Lebanon). I have been in Iraq for eighteen months, working in a research laboratory on the Salmon Pak complex. My task has been to assist in the development of a variety of strains of the West Nile virus. As you know, Your Excellency, the experiments have been successful and preparations are in hand for several deadly strains of the virus to go into full production. We now know its effects on the human body in a variety of circumstances and different environments. Since I graduated in Tarabal (Tripoli), I have experimented on the effects of foreign matter on respiratory systems and bodily functions. Always I have used animals: rats, pigs, cattle. Now I am being asked to experiment on people. Last year, after the army's victory in Mehran, twenty captured Iranian women were brought to Salman Pak. They were exposed to the virus, either for observation purposes or to test the effectiveness of vaccines or protective equipment. Twelve of them are now dead. Of the others, all are sick in varying degrees. I doubt any will survive. The subjects are strapped down in an airtight chamber184 and the virus released. If the subject dies, an autopsy is carried out. This is done from outside the chamber by means of sleeves inserted into the chamber wall. Once the examination is complete the chamber is frozen and the contents stored. The chamber is then prepared for the next test. We know as much about the way the human body reacts to the various strains of the West

184. U.N. weapons inspector Richard Spertzel, found two human-sized "aerosol test chambers" discarded in the garbage outside Salman Pak. The Iraqis claimed donkeys were put in them. Chicago Tribune July 16, 2003. David Kay reported finding a prison laboratory complex, possibly used in human testing of BW agents, that Iraqi officials working to prepare for UN inspections were explicitly ordered not to declare to the UN.

Nile virus, as we ever will until they are used on a large number of people at once. I have received instructions to prepare the virus for mass production. But once the virus is released there is a very real possibility it will mutate further into strains against which our vaccines are useless. Please, Your Excellency, I implore you with the utmost respect. If Ali-Hassan is not stopped, he may cause the most dreadful disaster yet seen by mankind…

While the public was being fed this story the INC stooges were giving a similar version of it to the intelligence community, (deleted) The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) also stated that

Iraq may have tested BW agents at a facility near the Qadisiyah Reservoir in western Iraq, according to (deleted) reporting," and that (deleted). (deleted) A 1996 HUMINT (Human Intelligence) report from a former officer of the Iraqi Directorate of General Security said that 1,600 death row prisoners from Baghdad prisons were delivered to "unit 2100", near al-Haditha, which conducted chemical and biological warfare experiments on human subjects. (Deleted) into Iraqi prison records revealed that prisoner transfer files at a prison believed to be involved in the alleged incident during the time in question were missing. (deleted) that prisoner transfer files "were in order and well maintained before and after this time frame." (deleted) The National Intelligence Estimate assessed that the reported testing location described in the HUMINT report as an "unknown location near al-Haditha" was probably a facility near the Qadisiyah reservoir (deleted). (deleted) A Defense Intelligence Agency Biological Warfare analyst noted to Committee staff that there was "really very little" to suggest a Biological Warfare role (deleted) at Qadisiyah, and noted that "Perhaps we were stretching that just a little bit." A (deleted) analyst responsible for the (deleted) analysis of this facility told Committee staff "You have to remember that this was only considered a suspect facility. That's as far as we went with it. The information linking this to BW was so incredibly sketchy that this is sort of our best guess (deleted).

Ramadan continued,

I return to my meeting with Saddam, almost the last occasion we were alone together. I was not allowed to sight the dossier he so boastfully quoted from. Nor do I remember the fine detail only the broad sweep of what itself was a precise. Later that day though, I filled both sides of a sheet of notepaper with a private code. This document I kept thereafter in a hidden compartment in my wallet. It is from these notes that the final section of this book is extracted.

When Saddam opened the dossier with a lightly trembling hand, I had wondered again if I was looking at a man stricken with some insidious

affliction. There were no other outward signs, yet some instinct told me that he was not well. ‘I will not bore you with the technical data, my friend,’ he said. ‘This will be a layman's resume.’ He flipped past the first two pages and began reading from the third. The essence of the introduction was that, as a result of the United Nations Security Council's persistent restraints on its sovereignty and legitimate right to defend its borders, Iraq had initiated a programme, in collaboration with another state [not identified], to relocate its research facilities beyond its national boundaries.

A list of potential sites was currently under review. Once suitable sites had been selected the laboratories would be set up and the technical staff deployed. This part of the programme was scheduled for completion by mid-1998, and was referred to by Saddam as Point One.

Free of U.N. inspectors’ interference, the development of the SV1417 strain of the West Nile virus was to be accelerated. In order to satisfy the potential requirements outlined in Section ‘X’ of the dossier [the reference was stated but I cannot recollect it], it is estimated that the research will be completed within two years, and stockpiling of the virus will require a further twelve months. This three-year term was referred to as Point Two.

Up to late 1997 the practical value of the virus SV1417 had been limited by Iraq's inability to influence the degree and extent of contamination. No control could be exercised over the natural physical conditions that determine its direction and distance capability. It was also beyond the ability of our scientists to predict the longevity and full potential of the virus in optimum climatic conditions. According to Saddam, it has the capacity to destroy as much as 90% of all life in an urban environment, but until a few months ago the means did not exist to protect the Iraqi people and those of our allies.

New developments have removed these constraints. The almost accidental discovery of a fully efficient and economically viable antidote means that protection from the virus can be guaranteed. Within the terms of Point Two, it was estimated that the antidote could be produced in sufficient quantity to protect the lives of thirty million people from the effects of the SV1417 virus. Full logistical details of distribution of the antidote are given in Section Y.

Saddam went on to explain to me that the SV1417 was to be operationally tested on an urban development with a population of no less than 100,000 persons and no more than 250,000, within a third world environment, probably about two years from then, that is early in the year 2000. ‘Has the target been selected?’ I asked timorously, certain in my mind that he would withhold that information. He looked smug. ‘Certainly, but it is not for your innocent ears.’

Cleverly, responsibility for the act would be diverted away from Iraq by the formation of a bogus terrorist group, with no known political affiliation or national cause. Evidence would be left at the scene to implicate this make-believe organization. More proof of the boundless cunning of Saddam Hussein.

Once sufficient stocks of the virus and antidote have been accumulated, Saddam's agents will be sent out to release the virus at specified locations throughout the world. A list of primary and secondary international targets and the estimated loss of life for each was included in an appendix to the document, which he did not read to me. This part of the process was designated Point Three. Before releasing the virus, an announcement will be made to the United Nations to the effect that Iraq possesses both the means to wipe out the populations of entire continents and the antidote against it. The announcement will be followed by a series of ultimata, to be known as Point Four.

Saddam broke off reading abruptly, to bestow his famous broad smile on me. ‘I could go on,' he said, 'but I think that is enough to whet your appetite, and for you to appreciate the extent of the unlimited power I will wield once this weapon is ready. You know, my friend, power is not about having the ability to destroy, it is about the willingness to use it without qualm or discrimination.’

On August 23, 1999, an infectious disease physician from a hospital in northern Queens, New York, not far from Kennedy airport, contacted the New York City Department of Health to report two patients with encephalitis caused by the Nile virus. What good luck for the Iraqi National Congress! Their book had been published accusing Iraq of developing the West Nile virus as a weapon and lo and behold the Great Satan is struck with the disease bearing insects! But a careful examination of the passage in Ramadan’s book indicates this was mere co-incidence. Saddam’s timetable for production began in mid-1998 and ended three years later, in mid-2001. SV1417 was supposed to kill 90% of those who were infected. The NY99 West Nile virus wasn’t highly virulent and other virii would have been more effective as a bioweapon. No bogus terror group ever took credit for its dispersion and no evidence pointing to this group was ever left behind. No announcement was ever made wherein Iraq threatened the world with destruction. Most important of all, after Saddam’s son Udai allegedly executed Ramadan’s wife and children (“I came home the following Wednesday and Amna, my mother and the children were missing…Hashem told me they were dead”) why in the world would Saddam confide in this man? This was clearly an atrocity story designed to frighten the world into taking action against Saddam.

On October 18, 1999, Richard Preston wrote an article for The New Yorker that reprinted the Ramadan’s allegations as put forth in the London Daily Mail, not in the book itself. CNN reported that a CIA official said that the agency had looked into rumors

that the outbreak was the work of terrorists and concluded it wasn’t. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told the Associated Press there’s no evidence Iraq or any other foreign government was involved. None-the-less the damage was done and in September 2002 Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont urged that the government explore the possibility of a terrorist link to an outbreak of West Nile virus. “I think we have to ask ourselves: Is it coincidence that we’re seeing such an increase in West Nile virus or is that something that’s being tested as a biological weapon against us?” said Leahy, who is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and was the target of an anthrax-laden envelope sent to his office. Leahy’s office also released excerpts from previous news and congressional committee reports saying officials had downplayed the fear that the spread of West Nile virus might be the work of Islamists.185

It was the United States that experimented with entomological warfare not Iraq: A declassified training manual published in March 1981, by scientists at Dugway Proving Ground,186 that described the feasibility of an attack on civilian populations with yellow fever infected mosquitoes.187 The training manual estimated that 50% to 90% of the population would become infected, and half of those would die. In 1954 fleas were dropped from an airplane over Dugway Proving Grounds. After release, most of the insects were able to find hosts, but died off within 24 hours. In 1955 a million mosquitoes were loaded into rocket-shaped ground released munitions. They survived and the females were successful in seeking blood meals from humans. It was concluded that EW could be effectively used against civilian populations in urban areas.


Islam’s bioweapons program began with a disinformation campaign planted by Arab sources: a story was circulated that Israeli scientists at the super-secret Nes Ziona bio-warfare laboratory near Tel Aviv were attempting to engineer deadly microorganisms that only attack DNA within the cells of victims with distinctive Arab genes.188 South Africa’s Truth Commission revealed the apartheid government conducted extensive efforts in the mid-1980’s to produce a pigmentation bio-weapon that would kill blacks, but not whites. South Africa’s director of biowarfare stated his team had been unable to develop the weapon. As part of the program, South Africa was said to have tried to develop a bacterium, which acted selectively on the basis of pigmentation, and would render infertile only black people. The director of this program, Wouter Basson, had closer ties with the Libyans and Iraqis, than with the Israelis.

Now a real threat of ethnic weapons exists thanks to the Human Genome Project whose goal is to sequence and identify all the genes on the human genome. This work may produce weapons targeted at the specific genetic characteristics of Arabic peoples if investigations provide sufficient data on ethnic genetic differences between population 185. William H. Rose “An Evaluation of Entomological Warfare as a Potential Danger to the United States and European NATO Nations.” The Japanese biological warfare program in the 1930s used plague-infected fleas to spread disease in China. One report estimated that breeding facilities in Harbin could yield 135 million fleas every three to four months. On several occasions, Japanese aircraft dropped mixed payloads of wheat, rice, and plague-infected fleas onto Chinese towns, instigating plague outbreaks. 188. Eric Margoles – “Does Isreal Have Smart Germs?”

groups. Scientists have reported: “It may be possible to use such data to target suitable micro-organisms to attack known receptor sites for which differences exist at cell membrane level or even to target DNA sequences inside cells by viral vectors.” These kinds of novel bio-weapons, developed from the application of genomics, would only affect individuals with the particular target protein or structure against which they were designed. This possibility has led to speculation about ‘ethnic weapons’ that would affect Arabs while leaving Jews untouched, becoming a reality.189

Genetic engineering will also change the entire face of germ warfare: In 2001 the Journal of Virology revealed that a bioengineered form of mousepox - a close cousin of smallpox - was vaccine-resistant and 100% lethal after inserting one immune-inhibiting gene into mousepox. In 2002 Science described the complete synthesis of the poliovirus genome in the test tube. Other deadly viruses, like smallpox, can be created in a test tube. No seed germs are required, just genetic sequences, a Master’s Degree in molecular biology and a few years of laboratory work.190


Despite our infatuation with biological warfare, al-Qaeda was not responsible for the post-September 11th small-scale anthrax mailings that terrorized the United States. When al-Qaeda launches a biojihad hundreds of thousands of kuffar will die. Remember, there are ten types of filth and impurities: urine, feces, semen, carrion, blood of carrion, dogs, pigs, and kuffar. They all must be cleansed and biological agents are easy to transport across borders or through airports and cannot be detected by conventional security mechanisms, such as x-rays or metal-detectors. They are the perfect weapons. America’s top expert on biological warfare, William Patrick III, carried a plastic bottle of powdered anthrax through security, undetected, into a congressional hearing on germ warfare!


Iraq, as God lives, was innocent of the anthrax attacks just as any observant Muslim is innocent of having a Big Mac attack. This was apparent from the strain of the bacteria that was used. Ames is not widespread. The only two natural isolates were from a cow that died in Texas in 1981 and a goat that died in Texas in 1997. Microbiologist Paul Keim at Northern Arizona University used a panel of markers to divide anthrax isolates into 89 genotypes. He tested over 4000 isolates and only two were Ames. One was the Ames that the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases gave the British biological warfare facility at Porton Down and the other was from the 1997 goat from Texas. It was the strain of Ames given to British that was used in the post-September 11th anthrax attacks.

There is no denying that Iraq made extensive efforts to obtain the Ames strain of anthrax in 1988 and 1989 from various countries in Western and Eastern Europe. A laboratory in the United Kingdom denied Iraq’s request for the Ames strain. Iraq 189. British American Security Information Council “A Virus-Fed Doomsday” Los Angeles Times October 10, 2002.

subsequently tried unsuccessfully to get Ames from Porton Down, where Britain developed its biowarfare agents. Many laboratories in the United States experimented with the Ames strain, but kept it under close watch.191

America provided much aid to Iraq during the war with Iran, as American foreign policy tilted back and forth between Saddam’s National Socialism and Iran’s theocracy. Iraq acquired numerous pathogens192 during this time, often from the United States, since the kuffar wished to see Iran and Iraq inflict great damage upon one another. The American Type Culture Collection, Incorporated (ATCC) made 70 United States government-approved shipments of anthrax and other disease-causing pathogens to Iraqi scientists between 1985 and 1989, according to American congressional records.193 American Type Culture Collections role as a supplier of anthrax to Iraq became public on February 9, 1994 when Senator Donald Riegle delivered a Senate speech that outlined American Type Culture Collections shipments and criticized Commerce Department’s export controls. The Senator noted that American Type Culture Collection shipped “bacillus anthracis,” twice – in May 1986, and September 1988. The batches, frozen in tiny vials, were shipped to Baghdad’s Ministry of Education. American Type Culture Collection insisted that they never carried Ames. They admitted seeding the Iraqi anthrax stockpile in 1986, but not with Ames. In 1989 shipments were halted by the Bush administration. The FBI found no evidence that Baghdad ever obtained the Ames strain. Dried anthrax spores remaining from its pre-1991 program would still be viable and pose a significant threat, however they would not have been of the Ames variety.194

Dr. Wouter Basson told the Pretoria High Court “the whole Western world helped Iraqi President Saddam Hussein create chemical and biological warfare facilities in the late 1980s. The British made certain inputs about security. The Swiss and Germans were also involved. The whole Western world helped Saddam to build up these things - the Americans were also involved.” Intelligence sources within the Zionist entity reported that anthrax had been found in hospitalized Iranians. Iranian sources have

191. US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (Ft. Detrick, MD); Dugway Proving Ground (Utah); Naval Research Medical Center and associated military labs (MD); Battelle Memorial Institute (Ohio); Duke University Medical School, Clinical Microbiology Lab. (NC) VA Medical Center, Durham (NC) USDA laboratory and Iowa State College of Veterinary Medicine, Ames (Iowa) LSU College of Veterinary Medicine Northern Arizona State University (Arizona); Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute (IL); University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque (NM);Institute for Genomic Research (MD);Chemical and Biological Defense Establishment, Porton Down (UK); Center for Applied Microbiology and Research, Porton (UK); Defense Research Establishment, Suffield (CA); CDC, NIH, and Los Alamos and a few others may have the Ames strain.192. Between 1985-89, US firms exported Bacillus anthracis (anthrax), Clostridium botulinum, Histoplasma capsulatam, Brucella melitensis, Clostridium perfringens (gas gangrene), Clostridium tetani (tentanus), Escherichia coli, and “dozens of other pathogenic biological agents,” to Iraq. Between 1985-89, the US firm ATCC sent Iraq up to 70 shipments including 21 strains of anthrax, 15 Class III pathogens, E. coli, Salmonella cholerasuis, Clostridium botulinum, Brucella meliteusis, and Clostidium perfringens. [This may include shipments already listed to the Agriculture and Water Resource Department, Atomic Energy Commission, and College of Medicine]. William Blum, “Anthrax for Export: U.S. Companies Sold Iraq the Ingredients for a Witch’s Brew,” The Progressive, 4 (April 1998), p. 18. Keith Bradsher, “Senator Says U.S. Let Iraq Get Lethal Viruses,” The New York Times, February 10, 1994, p. A9; Kevin Merida and John Mintz, “Rockville Firm Shipped Germ Agents to Iraq, Riegle Says,” The Washington Post, February 10, 1994, p. A8; William Blum, “Anthrax for Export: U.S. Companies Sold Iraq the Ingredients for a Witch’s Brew,” The Progressive, April 1998, p. 18; Jim Abrams, “U.S. Firms Sold Possible Biological warfare Agents to Iraq,” Associated Press, February 10, 1994; “Conflict Alleged for Head of Study on Gulf War Illness,” The Baltimore Sun, November 29, 1996, P. 20A.193. Patrick J. Sloyan “Head of Gulf War illness panel had ties to chemical supplier” The Seattle Times, November 27, 1996 Newsday Richard O. Spertzel, VMD, Ph.D. Consultant Before The House Committee On International Relations December 5, 2001”Russia, Iraq, and Other Potential Sources of Anthrax, Smallpox, and Other Bioterrorist Weapons” Iraq Watch WMD Profiles Biological Program Histories

confirmed this and referred to Iraqi use of “microbic” and “bacteriological” weapons.195 Iraq expanded its biological warfare program in 1986 at facilities in Salman Pak. Workers in gas masks and polyethylene suits were spotted at the “strictly controlled” plant.196


U.S. intelligence agencies told U.N. weapons inspectors that Iraq had hidden 7,000 liters of anthrax but it was never uncovered. United States Secretary of State Colin Powell said that records dating from the 1990’s inspections showed that Iraq could have produced 27,000 liters of anthrax. Could have but had not. Iraqi defectors also accused Saddam’s scientists of weaponizing the Ebola virus. Adnan Ihsan Saeed al-Haideri, whose legend portrayed him as an engineer specializing in constructing dust-free “clean rooms” needed for certain types of laboratory work defected after Iraqi authorities arrested him in January 2002 on fraud charges and imprisoned him in Hakamiya Prison, where political prisoners were held. Al-Haideri said he bribed his way out of jail and fled Iraq with the help of the Iraqi National Congress then claimed Iraq constructed underground test chambers and a viral strain code-named ‘Blue Nile,’ a variation of the Ebola virus, a usually fatal hemorrhagic disease that causes bleeding from the eyes and certain death. The Iraqi National Congress officials said they have been unable to learn whether the lab had produced viruses in a weaponized form.197 The American occupation forces failed to uncover any such underground bioweapons facilities Al-Haideri’s flunked at least one polygraph tests and like most of the other defectors who had been coached by the Iraqi National Congress Judith Miller ran his fabrications as fact in the New York Times.198


When Colin Powell gave his speech regarding Iraq to the United Nations, he never mentioned underground laboratories, only mobile ones:

We have firsthand descriptions of biological weapons factories on wheels and on rails. The trucks and train cars are easily moved and are designed to evade detection by inspectors. In a matter of months, they can produce a quantity of biological poison equal to the entire amount that Iraq claimed to have produced in the years prior to the gulf war… As shown in this diagram, these factories can be concealed easily, either by moving ordinary-looking trucks and rail cars along Iraq’s thousands of miles of highway or track, or by parking them in a garage or a warehouse or

195. SIPRI Fact Sheet October 1998

. The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt purchased pedals of anthrax from an East Asian country for $3,695. The Brotherhood in the Philippines, the Moros, purchased anthrax from an Indonesian pharmaceutical company. Anthrax bacteria were obtained from arms dealers in Kazakhstan. None of these, however, was the Ames strain, used in the post September 11 th anthrax mailings.197

. Joby Warrick “In Assessing Iraq's Arsenal, The 'Reality Is Uncertainty' Details of Bioweapons Lab Emerge, but Not Proof” Washington Post July 31, 2002; Page A01 Warren P. Strobel and Jonathan S. Landay “Iraqi defectors were unreliable, U.S. intelligence says” Knight Rider February 15, 2004.

somewhere in Iraq’s extensive system of underground tunnels and bunkers.

American press reported troops discovered mobile laboratories but reported their contents were looted and the surfaces of their equipment treated with a caustic agent. The trucks allegedly contained dual-use items like fermenters, spray dryers, centrifuges, and could be hooked up to an electrical source and water to begin producing weapons. Agent production reportedly occurred Thursday night through Friday when the U.N. did not conduct inspections in observance of the Muslim holy day. William C. Patrick III said, “There is no doubt in my mind this is a very simple production facility for an easy-to-grow organism like anthrax.”199

On May 25 and 26, 2003, a Defense Intelligence Agency-led interagency exploitation team that provided a technical engineering assessment of the trailer system examined two trailers uncovered in Iraq. The team concluded in a May 27, 2003 executive summary, "although a substantial explosion hazard does exist based on the configuration of the system, it is possible to produce hydrogen gas with the system" and "that the trailer system could not be used as a transportable biological production system as the system is presently configured.” British scientists agreed: “You could not use them for making biological weapons. They do not even look like them. They are exactly what the Iraqis said they were: facilities for the production of hydrogen gas to fill balloons.”200 The United States State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence also had doubts about these trailers.

The story had to be changed. Now teams of Iraqi scientists might have been ready to use these dual use facilities to quickly develop weapons of mass destruction if U.N. sanctions against Iraq were lifted, but his never took place and that was why no anthrax was ever found in Iraq. All the evidence of this was hypothetical, “We could start again anytime,” said a captured Iraqi officer, “It's very easy. Especially biological.”201 In response to questions raised by these ambiguities, the Iraq Survey Group examined the trailers as part of its investigation of the alleged mobile BW program. The Iraq Survey Group found that eleven design features of a fermentor, critical to a BW production capability, were not present on the fermentor in the mobile trailer. Ten of those features would require major reconfiguration to be transformed into a BW-capable fermentor. The Iraq Survey Group judged that the trailers were impractical for biological agent production and almost certainly designed and built for hydrogen generation.

It was later revealed that, Curveball, the source of information for existence of the mobile labs had failed two lie detector tests and was connected with the Iraqi National Congress nor did American officials initially speak with him directly.202 The Americans had to admit, “The CIA hypothesized that Curveball was motivated to provide fabricated

199. Judith Miller and William J. Broad “U.S. Analysts Link Iraq Labs To Germ Arms” New York Times May 21, 2003 Peter Beaumont, Antony Barnett and Gaby Hinsliff Sunday The Observer June 15, 2003 “Iraqi mobile labs nothing to do with germ warfare, report finds”,6903,977853,00.html201. Bob Drogan, “Iraq Had Secret Labs Officer Says” Los Angeles Times, June 8, 2003. 202. Jack Fairweather “Chalabi Stand by Faulty Intelligence that Toppled Saddam’s Regime UK Telegraph February 19, 2004; Walter Pincus "Experts Say U.S. Never Spoke to Source of Tip On Bioweapons" Washington Post March 5, 2004.

information by his desire to gain permanent asylum. Despite speculation that Curveball was encouraged to lie by the Iraqi National Congress (INC), the CIA’s post-war investigations were unable to uncover any evidence that the INC or any other organization was directing Curveball to feed misleading information to the Intelligence Community. Instead, the post-war investigations concluded that Curveball’s reporting was not influenced by, controlled by, or connected to, the INC.”203 Ah, but what would one expect from those who live under civil rather than religious law – the cover-up of one’s own misdeeds of course. The INC could not have existed with the CIA funding it received through the Pentagon. If the CIA had blamed INC, it would have been blaming itself.

Another official US Government approved report stated, “A March 2002 report from the INC source, [deleted] stated that in mid-1996 Iraq decided to establish mobile laboratories for BW agent research to evade IJNSCOM inspections. The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) described the source by name and noted that he was an ‘Iraqi defector associated with the Iraqi National Congress.’ In July 2002, the National Intelligence Officer for Near East and South Asia provided the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs with an assessment of Iraqi defectors who had been brought to the attention of the Intelligence Community by the INC and noted the concerns the Defense Intelligence Agency and the [deleted] had about the source's reliability. Despite the April 2002 CIA assessment, the May 2002 fabrication notice and the July 2002 assessment suggesting the source may have fabricated information, the source was highlighted in the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate, and he was one of the four HUMINT sources specifically referred to in the part of Secretary Powell's February 2003 speech before the UN Security Council that discussed the mobile BW production units.”204 Time after time it was reported that the information provided by INC sources like CURVEBALL was “embellished” and “coached.”

The Iraqi Survey Group "harbored severe doubts about the source's credibility.” The Iraqi Survey Group team investigating CURVEBALL's story located and debriefed over sixty individuals who could have been involved in a mobile program or were linked to suspect sites or to CURVE BALL. Many of the individuals corroborated some of the reporting on personnel and some legitimate activities the source claimed were cover activities, but none provided evidence to substantiate the claim of a mobile BW program." The facility, which CURVE BALL said housed the mobile production units, did not have vehicle entrances on the ends of the buildings as he reported. In fact, the Iraqi Survey Group reported, "two two-meter-high block walls around three sides of the building prevent vehicle access into the building through these reported vehicle entrances. Iraqi Survey Group determined that the walls were constructed by 1997, which is when the BW production unit was reportedly on site." A CIA analyst involved in the Iraqi Survey Group's investigation of CURVE BALL told the Senate Intelligence Committee staff that in the fall of 2003 the Iraqi Survey Group interviewed CURVEBALL's relatives who said CURVEBALL was not in Iraq during key parts of the time he claimed to have worked in the mobile program." A CIA assessment dated May


26, 2004 states that "investigations since the war in Iraq and debriefings of the key source indicate he lied about his access to a mobile BW production project."205

The preceding dealt with equipment necessary to grow anthrax, not with the dryers needed to weaponize it however, CIA-linked inspector and Bush apologist David Kay reported,

Discussions with Iraqi scientists uncovered agent R&D work that paired overt work with nonpathogenic organisms serving as surrogates for prohibited investigation with pathogenic agents. Examples include: B. Thurengiensis (Bt) with B. anthracis (anthrax). Two key former BW scientists confirmed that Iraq under the guise of legitimate activity developed refinements of processes and products relevant to BW agents. The scientists discussed the development of improved, simplified fermentation and spray drying capabilities for the simulant Bt that would have been directly applicable to anthrax, and one scientist confirmed that the production line for Bt could be switched to produce anthrax in one week if the seed stock were available.206

The fermentation and drying of anthrax was in the discussion stage and applicable lab equipment was found but nothing was ever produced. David Kay concluded that Iraq had no stockpiles of biological weapons.207


Our Brothers in Afghanistan were in the midst of producing a strain of anthrax when the United States interrupted their efforts. On May 7, 1999, a computer file recorded that al-Qaeda had set aside $2,000 to $4,000 for “start up” costs of experiments to produce anthrax that were carried out by Midhat Mursi (left) (also called Abu Khabab) an elderly chemical engineer and Egyptian Islamic Jihad member. Moazzam Begg (right), a detainee at Guantanamo confessed to a

plot in which he arranged for an unmanned drone aircraft to fly over London spraying weapons-grade anthrax spores on the British Parliament. Such an operation was beyond our capabilities, my Brothers and Begg was coerced into making this confession or made it up.208 The computer hard drives and handwritten notes seized from Khalid Shaikh Mohammed included an order to buy bacillus anthracis but the Americans

205. Statement By David Kay October 2, 2003 “The Interim Progress Report On The Activities Of The Iraq Survey Group (ISG) Before The House Permanent Select Committee On Intelligence The House Committee On Appropriations, Subcommittee On Defense, And The Senate Select Committee On Intelligence.” Richard W. Stevenson “Iraq Illicit Arms Gone Before War, Departing Inspector States” New York Times January 24, 2004.208. John Mintz “Deals Reported Afoot for Detainees” Washington Post December 6, 2003.

reported, “Nothing so far translated implies access to the most dangerous microbial strains or to any advanced processing or delivery methods.”209 The American General Richard B. Myers said his forces discovered traces of anthrax and ricin in the camps used by al-Qaeda. But then he said that the anthrax traces were so small that they could have been residue of naturally occurring anthrax carried by diseased animals. The faint traces of ricin could have been residue from stores of castor beans, from which the toxin is extracted.210 If the Americans had just found traces of anthrax or just found traces of ricin, that would have been one thing, but traces of both at the same location? It is well known in the West al-Qaeda wishes to produce biological weapons. In Afghanistan Americans also found “calculations and drawings” for building weather balloons that could be used to disperse a biological or chemical agent from the air. One diagram showed four balloons flying together in tandem with a box around them. The box illustrated how the agent would be spread over a large area.211 The CIA reported,

Information in the Intelligence Community’s possession since the late 1990s indicated that al-Qaeda’s members had trained in crude methods for producing biological agents such as botulinum toxin and toxins obtained from venomous animals. But the Community was uncertain whether al-Qaeda had managed to acquire a far more dangerous strain of agent (an agent we cannot identify precisely in our unclassified report and so will refer to here as “Agent X” but which the Learned Elders of Islam shall refer to as anthrax) The Community judged that al-Qaeda jihadi had “probably” acquired at least a small quantity of this virulent strain and had plans to assemble devices to disperse the agent. While the Community believed that a facility to which the group had access provided the potential capability and expertise to produce biological agents, it had no evidence that the facility was being so used. Likewise, the Intelligence Community assessed that al-Qaeda was “highly unlikely” to have acquired two other dangerous biological agents, and had no credible reporting indicating it was attempting to do so.

Post-War [intelligence revealed] al-Qaeda’s biological program was further along, particularly with regard to anthrax, than pre-war intelligence indicated. The program was extensive, well organized, and operated for two years before September 11th, but intelligence insights into the program were limited. The program involved several sites in Afghanistan. Two of these sites contained commercial equipment and were operated by individuals with special training. Documents found indicated that while al-Qaeda’s primary interest was anthrax, the group had considered acquiring a variety of other biological agents. The documents obtained at the training camp included scientific articles and handwritten notes pertaining to anthrax. Reporting supports the hypothesis that al-Qa’ida had acquired

209. Milton Leitenberg the Center for International and Security Affairs at the University of Maryland cited by

Judith Miller “U.S. Has New Concerns About Anthrax Readiness” New York Times December 28, 2003.210. Jonathan Weisman “Possible anthrax lab unearthed near Kandahar” USA Today Washington March 25, 2002 Biohazard News November 11 – 29, 2001

several biological agents possibly as early as 1999, and had the necessary equipment to enable limited, basic production of anthrax. Other reporting indicates that al-Qaeda had succeeded in isolating cultures of anthrax. Nevertheless, outstanding questions remain about the extent of biological research and development in pre-war Afghanistan, including about the reliability of the reporting described above.212

Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood and Abdul Majid, the Pakistani nuclear scientists and Brothers who were honorary members of the Taliban, were discovered to have documents referring to anthrax vaccine-maker Bioport Incorporated when they were arrested in Kabul.213


Although al-Qaeda has carried out numerous acts for which it did not take credit, Al-Qaeda had nothing to do with the post-September 11 th anthrax attack. The perpetrator of this attack was determined to make it seem as if Arabs were responsible and an amazing coincidence helped him do just that: In June 2001 real estate agent Gloria Irish rented an apartment at the Delray Racket Club to September 11th Shaheeds Marwan Al-Shehhi and Saeed Alghamdi. Her husband, Michael Irish, was editor of the tabloid The Sun published by American Media, a target of the anthrax attack. September 11th operative Ahmed Ibrahim A. Al-Haznawi and other September 11th jihadi moved in with Marwan Al-Shehhi and Saeed Alghamdi. They all attended flight school near the Boca Raton headquarters of American Media. Additionally Mohamed Atta and another operative subscribed to the Sun.214 A FBI spokeswoman said all of this was a coincidence. She was correct, however, the fact that the first anthrax letter was mailed to the Sun was not a coincidence. The news media had carried numerous reports of our presence in the same area where the Sun was located and the person who sent out this letter wished to place the blame on al-Qaeda for the attacks so he sent it to an entity within our proximity. The contents of later anthrax-laden letters contained the phrases “Death to Israel” and “Allah is Great” and were mailed from northern New Jersey, where a great many Muslims reside. The September 11th Raids caused many Americans to fear our power and reevaluate their previous contacts with us, having been swayed by the subterfuges of the anthrax mailer.


One such person to make this error was Dr. Christos Tsonas. Jihadi Ahmed Ibrahim A. Al-Haznawi had entered the United States on June 8, 2001. On June 25, 2001 Al-Haznawi went to Holy Cross Hospital in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, accompanied by September 11th Shaheed Ziad Samir Jarrah, and was examined by Dr. Tsonas. Al-Haznawi told him he had sustained an injury bumping into a suitcase two months

212. November 29, 2001 “BioPort-Related Documents Found In Kabul - Al-Qaida Had Interest In Company's Product.” Audrey Gillan The Guardian October 16, 2001 “Biological weapons link to al-Qaida.”,1300,574913,00.html

earlier. Dr. Tsonas treated Al-Haznawi’s lesion with Keflex, an antibiotic. Keflex is ineffective against coetaneous anthrax. The FBI found the Keflex among Al-Haznawi’s possessions and they questioned Dr. Tsonas who reviewed the case and arrived at a new diagnosis. The lesion, he determined, “was consistent with coetaneous anthrax.” The FBI never released this information despite the fact that Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies agreed with Tsonas’ diagnosis. Tsonas went to the New York Times215 with his story and refuses to comment any further on the encounter but confirming coetaneous anthrax is very difficult, especially after the fact. 

If a member of the September 11th raiders in Florida contracted an infection from the first batch of anthrax it had in its possession it was unlikely that it would have been coetaneous anthrax. The anthrax mailings produced a batch specific disease. No one in Florida got coetaneous - two cases of inhalational were reported. Everyone who came in contact with the September 18th mailing had coetaneous (Hamilton postal workers or New York City media mailroom people). In the later D.C. mailing everyone got inhalational, even if by minute amounts due to cross contamination. In any event the quality of the anthrax differed from mailing to mailing indicating that someone was perfecting the technique in producing it and that it was not imported from Iraq.216

Al-Haznawi had not come into contact with anthrax and paranoia had engulfed Dr. Tosnas. If Al-Haznawi had come into contact with anthrax he would NOT have gone to an outside source to seek help. When Abdul Rahman Yasin was helping to build the World Trade Center bomb “he burned his thigh with some acid used to make the bomb, and Ramzi Yousef and others considered taking him to a doctor, and they thought it might arouse suspicion, and Mrs. Yasin or Yasin’s mother had treated his leg.”217


Because of the anthrax attack that was mistakenly attributed to al-Qaeda by many Americans it was thought that our attempted acquisition of a cropduster was related to this attack. But in reality it would have been difficult, if not impossible, to spray anthrax from a cropduster plane. Weather and wind conditions are essential, and the sprayer must be set for the correct particle size. Most cropdusters cannot disperse a spray finer than 40 microns. But particles must be smaller than 10 microns to enter the lungs and infect a victim. Otherwise they will only cause coetaneous lesions. To stay airborne, the spores have to be aerosolized in tiny droplets of about a micron in diameter. Finding the right carrier chemicals to produce this undetectable aerosol that will reach the lung, rather than get trapped in the sinuses, poses a third difficulty.218

Dr. Richard Spertzel, former head of biological inspections in Iraq, confirmed that Iraq tested cropdusters to spread anthrax before the Gulf war but had trouble getting them to work. In particular, there was a problem with nozzle design. The Iraqis possessed several hundred modern Italian-made pesticide dispersal systems that were 215. March 23, 2002.216. Email from Dr. Niman, PhD. Microbiologist.217. USA v Ramzi 7AM1YOUA Parr Direct p4723218. Peter Ford - “Biochem Terror – A Reality Check” Christian Science Monitor October 5, 2001.

fitted with sprayer nozzles capable of generating aerosols of the 1-µm to 5-µm size optimal for biological warfare. Some sprayers and appropriate holding tanks were installed on aircraft. In 1990, the Iraqis modified a MIG-21 fighter plane to be a remotely piloted vehicle and equipped it with a 2200-L belly tank (taken from a Mirage-F1 fighter plane) and a spray mechanism. In a field test carried out in January 1991, the remotely piloted vehicle sprayed a solution laden with a biological simulant over a practice target range. The results of this test are not known.219

Iraqi scientists considered using an aerosolizer powered by pressurized gas, such as CO2 or air, to produce vapors or ultrasonic atomizers to produce clouds of vapor. Aerosolization can destroy some or all of the microbes, depending the species fragility, pressure, and nozzle type. The Aum Shinrikyo cult in Japan had trucks with aerosolizers but used the wrong strain of anthrax so the nozzles on their spray guns got plugged up and they ended up dispersing the agents in harmless concentrations.

Now al-Qaeda has formulated plans to deliver anthrax effectively, although on a much smaller scale, through the use of medical devices such as portable nebulizer systems that make liquid into a mist with particles about 2 microns in diameter. Some of these nebulizers use AC current and can be disguised as a plug in air purifier. The specifications are perfect as a small-scale biodispersion device: Atomization Rate: 130 ml/hour min for 2.4 MHz / Particle Size Range: 1-3 microns for 2.4 MHz PCB / Dimensions: 4.25” long x 2.81” wide x 7/8” high / available from Sonaer Ultrasonics.220 This is the description: “Inexpensive ultrasonic atomization made simple. With the small particle size produced by this devise, clouds seem to levitate. Connect fluid source to one of the ports, fill the cylinder up to the specified level and you are ready to atomize.” An aerosolizer, fan motor, together with small tubes containing 1 to 3 million infectious doses of a particular agent can fill a large metropolitan skyscraper or enclosed coliseum with a highly infectious aerosol. One ounce of anthrax in the air conditioning system of a sports stadium could infect 70,000 kuffar.221

On April 21, 1999, trash recovered by the FBI from Benevolent International Foundation’s office in Palos Hills, Illinois, included, among other things, a copy of a February 3, 1999 article in the Seattle Times concerning small pox as a biological terrorism weapon. (The article had been removed from the rest of the paper.) The sections of the text indicating that federal, state and local authorities are poorly prepared for a biological attack involving smallpox were highlighted. In none of Benevolent International Foundation’s advertisements of its humanitarian causes has it ever indicated that it was dealing with the issue of smallpox in any country.”



219. 145 Rome Street Farmingdale, New York 11735.221. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia, Media Release September 17, 2002 Australian Analysis based on Reports of the United Nations Special CommissionWhy are we worried about Iraq's WMD capabilities?

The Jews have taken control of your economy, through which they have then taken control of your media, and now control all aspects of your life making you their servants and achieving their aims at your expense - precisely what Benjamin Franklin222 warned you against – Dr. Ayman Zawahiri

1. Muhammad was a very ordinary man, he couldn’t read, didn’t know how to write, in fact he was an illiterate. This will not prevent the Learned Elders of Islam of Islam from wresting control of the media from the Jews, who now maintain an iron grip on these opinion-forming institutions. Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them. We have begun with Al-Jazeera, Arabic satellite television.

2. Literature and journalism are two of the most important educative forces, and therefore our Islamist world government will become proprietor of the majority of the journals. This will neutralize the injurious influence of the defunct Zionist press and will put Islamists in possession of a tremendous influence upon the public mind. No journal published by us, no radio, television station controlled by us, will be opposite in appearance, tendencies and opinions, thereby creating confidence in us and bringing us over our quite unsuspicious opponents, who will thus fall into our way of thinking and be rendered harmless. We will then turn to the periodical press. We shall impose on it, as on all printed matter, strict censorship in accordance with the Laws of Islam as put forth in the Holy Qu’ran. Opposition newspapers, which are the worst form of printed poison, will be banned. At the same time what we shall publish ourselves will be designed to influence religious development in the direction laid down by our prophet. These publications will be cheap and will be read voraciously. Censorship will bring vapid literary ambitions within bounds and the liability to penalties will make literary men dependent upon us. And if there should be any found who are desirous of writing against us, they will not find any person eager to print their productions in print as the publisher or printer will have to apply to the authorities for permission to do so. Thus we shall know beforehand of all tricks preparing against us and shall nullify them.


Allah's Messenger [PBUH] went out after the sun had set and he heard some sound and said: It is the Jews who are being tormented in their graves. 222. In the 1930’s an American Nazi claimed Ben Franklin's remarks at a 1787 Constitutional Convention were recorded in "Chit Chat Around the Table During Intermissions," a section of the Diary of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney of South Carolina. “I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. That menace, gentlemen, is the Jews. In whatever country Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation was founded by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within a state…Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatics, let them be born where they will or how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an American's, and will not even though they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and should be excluded by this Constitutional Convention.” Despite the fact that Pinckney was the principal agent in the removal of the civil and political disabilities that had been imposed on Jews in South Carolina this brillant piece of Nazi propaganda lives on today! This Nazi was motivated by the fact that Pinckney’s long lost papers were found in September 1937. In 1938 replying to a statement in the British Parliament by a Labor Party member that Dr. Goebbels tried to spread anti-Semitism in foreign countries, the Propaganda Minister said “The blossoming of senseless can go no further. I never made propaganda for anti-Semitism in the world. The dear Jews did that for themselves. All we have done is to eliminate the Jews from public life in Germany.

Hadith Sahih Muslim: 5114

Adolf Hitler, whose Mein Kampf is a best seller throughout the lands of Islam, wrote:

In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper state of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily, and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.

Hitler was right: The absurd story entitled “Four Thousand Jews Absent From Jobs at World Trade Center on Day of Terror Attack” has spread like desert fire throughout the world. We can hear the Jews that died in the World Trade Center that day being tormented in their graves! This “big lie” was first invented by the Al-Manar TV website223 on September 19, 2001: “With the announcement of the attacks at the World Trade Center in New York, the international media, particularly the Israeli one, hurried to take advantage of the incident and started mourning 4,000 Israelis who work at the two towers. Then suddenly, no one ever mentioned anything about those Israelis and later it became clear that they remarkably did not show up in their jobs the day the incident took place. No one talked about any Israeli being killed or wounded in the attacks. Arab diplomatic sources revealed to the Jordanian al-Watan newspaper that those Israelis remained absent that day based on hints from the Israeli General Security Apparatus, the Shabak, the fact which evoked unannounced suspicions of American officials who wanted to know how the Israeli government learned about the incident before it occurred, and the reasons why it refrained from informing the U.S authorities of the information it had.” 

Al-Manar224 (the Beacon) is, or was, a Lebanese TV station controlled by our Brothers in the Hizb’allah that aims to preserve Islamist values and to enhance the civilized role of the Arab and Islamic Community. For this the U.S. State Department placed Al-Manar on its Terrorist Exclusion List (TEL), a roster authorized by the USA Patriot Act that carries looser designation criteria than the better-known Foreign Terrorist Organizations list. Al-Manar openly admits it is “the first Arab establishment to stage an effective psychological warfare against the Zionist enemy. Most important to us is the struggle with the Zionist enemy.”225 In 1997 the Lebanese government officially licensed the station. Al-Manar was one of many stations to broadcast Knight Without a Horse, a modern adaptation of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The strength of the Jewish lobby and its ability to control the U.S. goes beyond what is in the Protocols of

223. Manart TV Beirut, Lebanon http://www.manartv.com224. “The Station was licensed by the Lebanese government in 1997.”

the Elders of Zion. After a program on Al Manar quoted an expert on Zionist affairs warning of "Zionist attempts" to transmit AIDS to Arab countries France banned it from the airwaves. When Javed Iqbal attempted to broadcase Al-Manar in America he was arrested and charged with providing material support to a designated terrorist group despite the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing “Freedom of Press.”226

Iranian President Mahmood Ahmadi-Najad made an oblique reference to the Absent Jews Story in a May 2006 letter to Bush the Younger:

All governments have a duty to protect the lives, property and good standing of their citizens. Reportedly your government employs extensive security, protection and intelligence systems – and even hunts its opponents abroad. September eleven was not a simple operation. Could it be planned and executed without coordination with intelligence and security services – or their extensive infiltration? Of course this is just an educated guess. Why have the various aspects of the attacks been kept secret? Why are we not told who botched their responsibilities? And, why aren’t those responsible and the guilty parties identified and put on trial?227

Al-Jazeera reported the missing Jews story. The Shi’ite Network reported it. Radio Pakistan’s News Service reported it. Syed Adeeb, once the Jewish-owned Nation correspondent in Washington, DC, New Delhi, India and the United Nations wrote, “the terrorist government of Israel…cannot be ruled out” as a suspect. The Zionist controlled American media repeated the story, although they ridiculed it. The news spread throughout the Arab world. Countless Internet websites, chat rooms and bulletin boards repeated it. Every enemy of the Jews helped to spread this black propaganda! In December 2002 Saudi minister of the interior, Prince Nayef Ibn Abd Al-Aziz, and a major Wahhabist thinker, created a variation on this theme: “We put big question marks and ask who committed the events of September 11th and who benefited from them. I think they the Zionists are behind these events. The Zionist-controlled media manipulated the events of September 11th and turned the U.S. public opinion against Arabs and Islam. I cannot still believe that 19 youths, including 15 Saudis, carried out the September 11th attacks with the support of bin Laden. It’s impossible. I will not believe that these people have the power to do so horrendous an attack.”228

The American pollster, Gallup conducted in-person interviews during December 2001 and January 2002 of 9,924 residents in nine Muslim countries: Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Key findings: Although U.S. officials and the Zionist media said that all 19 of the September 11 th

commandos were Arab men, only 18% of those polled in six Islamic countries said they

226. NYSDC 1:206mj01054227. “ADL Expresses 'Shock and Disappointment' with Saudi Claim That Israel was Behind 9/11 Terrorist Attacks” Press Release ADL December 5, 2002

believed Arabs carried out the attacks; 61% said Arabs were not responsible; and 21% said they didn’t know.229 One can only assume those who believed Arabs were not responsible believed the Zionist were the culprits.

We have contrived to possess ourselves of the minds of the Islamic communities to such an extent that they all look upon the events of the world through the colored glasses of those spectacles we have set astride their noses. The words of al-Qaeda’s own spokesmen (there will be a rain of aircraft from the skies, Muslims in the West are warned not to live or work in tall buildings) fell upon deaf ears, as did the video tape of Usama bin Laden that came into the possession of the CIA wherein it was said:

We calculated in advance the number of casualties from the enemy, who would be killed based on the position of the tower. We calculated that the floors that would be hit would be three or four floors. I was the most optimistic of them all. (...Inaudible...) due to my experience in this field, I was thinking that the fire from the gas in the plane would melt the iron structure of the building and collapse the area where the plane hit and all the floors above it only. This is all that we had hoped for. We were at (...inaudible...) when the event took place. We had notification since the previous Thursday that the event would take place that day. We had finished our work that day and had the radio on. It was 5:30 p.m. our time. Immediately, we heard the news that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. We turned the radio station to the news from Washington. The news continued and no mention of the attack until the end. At the end of the newscast, they reported that a plane just hit the World Trade Center. Thank Allah. Allah is great, praise be to Allah.

In the spring of 2003 Usama bin Laden said, “These young men (the September Shaheeds) refused to stay behind and engage in unimportant things... they engaged in Jihad against the kuffar. The confusion caused to the enemy was sufficient to make people wake up from their slumber and rise for Jihad for the sake of God. I had the honour of knowing these men. One is honoured by knowing such men. God has honoured them and enabled them to champion the cause of Islam. I do not see them except as seeds that God planted in his faith and used in his obedience. May God bless them.”


Amiri Baraka, the poet laureate of New Jersey who converted to Islam in 1968 after associating with homosexuals wrote a poem that incorporated this calculated lie:

229. Media Research Center

Who know why Five Israelis was filming the explosionAnd cracking they sides at the notionWho set the Reichstag FireWho knew the World Trade Center was gonna get bombedWho told 4,000 Israeli workers at the Twin TowersTo stay home that dayWhy did Sharon stay away?

Baraka insisted that Israel and its Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, as well as President Bush, and the FBI knew of our pending attacks, citing various reports in the news media in the Middle East. “If you don’t think President Bush knew, man, you are back in the cartoon days.”230


Alex Cockburn is an American left-wing columnist, whose father, Claude, was a British journalist and member of the Communist Party.231 Cockburn publishes Counterpunch, and ran a story that said Israeli spies trailing Mohammed Atta knew September 11th was going to happen “but did nothing about it.” Cockburn, the brother of Andrew Cockburn, who helped instill the false belief in the American public that al-Qaeda possessed suitcase-sized nuclear weapons, didn’t endorse this story, but he didn’t disprove it either. He’s clever, all the while giving the story legitimacy more than when it appeared in the Arab press. “I don’t think I said they were true…I don’t know that there’s enough exterior evidence to determine whether they are true or not,” he said.232

Alexander Cockburn was greatly influenced by Brother Edward Said. The Jewish

Defense League called Edward Said a Nazi. His office at Columbia was set on fire by these Zionist thugs. Both he and his family received innumerable death threats. Since 1991, Edward Said had battled refractory leukemia, induced by the Mossad, who could not openly assassinate him within the borders of the United States. He finally succumbed to it in September 2003. Edward Said and Cockburn’s connection went back to at least the early 1980s, when a scandal broke concerning an undisclosed $10,000 grant. In 1982, the now-defunct Institute of Arab Studies secretly gave Cockburn a $10,000 grant to write a book on the Zionist invasion of Lebanon. When the payment was exposed, Cockburn, who had never disclosed it to his editor or readers, was fired from the Village Voice newspaper. Edward Said, Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Arab Studies, defended Cockburn in the New York Times.233 The Association of Arab-American University Graduates (AAUG) funded the Institute for Arab Studies

230. Baraka had recited his poetry at the 92nd Street Young Men’s Hebrew Association in December 1988. The enemies of Jewish, including the Jews, are united. In August 2003 Baraka’s sister, Shani was allegedly killed by Ibn El-Amin Pasha, who is represented by the attorney Hassan Ibn Abdellah of the Darul Islam Mosque in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Dinitia Smith, “A Pig Returns to the Farm, Thumbing His Snout at Orwell” - New York Times November 11, 2002. The incident was reported in the Boston Phoenix (January 10, 1984), New York Times (January 12, 1984), and Washington Post (January 13, 1984).

and shared a building with them.234 Aramco was a principal sponsor of AAUG as was the Arab Bank, an institution favored by the PLO. The Iraqis also contributed funds to the Institute for Arab Studies – in fact they provided the Institute with $250,000 in 1979.

Edward Said had to be careful of how much of what he thought that he actually expressed, since he pretended to be a non-violent intellectual. He did not want to loose his job at Columbia University, so his statements had to be “balanced” when it came to the Jews and the enemies of America. Although Said denounced the Institute for Historical Review he defended its right to hold a conference in Lebanon on “free speech grounds.” “Al-Fatah tacitly encourages a real democracy in political ideal and style,” Said said. “Yassir Arafat is a mere symbol of authority despotic or capricious.”235 But Edward Said’s actions spoke louder than his words, as evidenced by a famous photograph of him throwing rocks across the Lebanese border at Israelian soldiers.


“This painting of Arab-American donors and political participants as being terrorists in disguise is a garish and grotesque caricature,”236 Brother Zogby said trying to hide the truth under his cloak of respectability. But our donations to U.S. Congressional Representative Cynthia McKinney paid off when she hinted that the Israelis knew about the September 11th Raids beforehand: “What did this administration know and when did it know it, about the events of September 11th? Who else knew, and why did they not warn the innocent people of New York who were needlessly murdered? What do they have to hide?”237 In 1996 McKinney’s opponent was a Zionist pig who her father called “a racist Jew” because he took issue with McKinney’s support of Louis Farrakhan. The Zionist lobby funneled money to McKinney’s opponent and she was finally defeated in a Democratic Primary in August 2002 but re-elected in 2005 only to suffer the indignity of being “inappropriately” touched entering a Congressional Office Building in 2006 and then being accused of assaulting the white police officer whose “attitude” caused him to do this however a Washington D.C. Grand Jury refused to indict her.

3. The Jews strived to amass great and substantive material wealth that they devoted to the realization of their dream of the Zionist entity. With their money, they took control of

the world media, news agencies, the press, publishing houses, broadcasting stations, and others. In the front rank stand the Zionist organs of an official character. They will always stand guard over Jewish interests, and therefore their influence will be significant. In October 1974 when at a Duke University seminar, George Scratchley Brown, General, United States Air Force Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, suggested that U.S. Jews exerted undue influence in U.S. affairs because they “own the banks in this country and the newspapers.” He

234. Jonathan Calt Harris “The War is Over and We Have Lost “National Review Online May 14, 2003. 236. Lynette Clemtson, “For Black Politicians Two Races Suggest a Rise of New Tactics” The New York Times, Aug 21, 2002

went on to criticize the Jewish lobby in Congress. Then in an interview in late 1976, told a French journalist that Israel was “a burden” to the U.S. This is what the former Vice President of the United States Spiro Agnew said on this subject over 20 years ago:

The people who own and manage national impact media are Jewish and, with other influential Jews, helped create a disastrous U.S. Mideast policy. All you have to do is check the real policy makers and owners and you find a much higher concentration of Jewish people than you’re going to find in the population. By national impact media I am referring to the major news wire services, pollsters, Time and Newsweek Magazines, Washington Post, and the International Herald Tribune. For example, CBS’s (William) Paley is Jewish. Julian Goodman, who runs NBC, and there’s a Leonard Goldenson at ABC. Mrs. Katherine Graham owns the Washington Post and Sulzberger the New York Times. They are all Jews!

On June 10, 1992 United States Vice President Dan Quayle proclaimed he knows “exactly who the cultural elite, the media elite, and the Hollywood elite are,” but declined to name any names.

Many Jews do control the major opinion making media, although often this works in our favor, as these are Jews who are convinced they are above the others of their race or half-Jews who hate the Jew in them. During the war against the Jews in the 1940’s, Arthur Hayes Sulzberger, the publisher of the New York Times, was a Jew opposed to Zionism, an anti-Zionist. Had the Jews had Israel to flee to back then, many would have been saved, at least temporarily. But while opposed to Jewish nationhood Sulzberger was reluctant to take any action that might possibly endanger the advertising by Jews in his newspaper. He kept his mouth shut, but in 1942 he co-founded, with Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal, The American Council for Judaism, an anti-Zionist organization.238


Dr. Alfred Lilienthal began his career as an anti-Communist activist and candidate for New York City’s City Council who believed that the Communist Party supported the policies of Franklin Roosevelt, the President who brought the United States into an unnecessary war

238. The New York Times gave The American Council for Judaism as much coverage as it gave to all the other Jewish groups combined -- and more than it gave to the holocaust, in fact, it refused to cover the holocaust as front-page news. On May 18, 1942 the Times reported from Lisbon that the Germans had machine-gunned more than 100,000 Jews in the Baltic States, 100,000 in Poland, 200,000 in Russia. The news appeared on an inside page – a small article of neutral copy. On June 30, 1942, and again on July 2, 1942 the Times ran reports that the Germans had already put more than 1,000,000 Jews out of their misery. The reports were of mass killings, but the Times again placed them on an inside page. Lecture delivered by Marvin Kalb at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum on February 27, 1996. The current Times publisher Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. was confirmed at an Episcopal Church as his mother was a non-Jew, who had divorced his father, Arthur Ochs “Punch” Sulzberger. Punch was unhappy about his children having been brought up as Christians, but not enough to force them to be Jews. On a 1969 trip that Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. made to the Zionist entity “a senior official of the Israeli government suggested that, no matter what happened in the world, everyone around the table would always have a homeland in Israel.” “Excuse me,” he said “But I’m an Episcopalian! Is this still my country?” He realized that Zionism was racism. When America falls under the rule of Islam, we will be happy to look at his Christian Confirmation Certificate before we execute him as we did Mossad agent Daniel Pearl. There is no conversion except to Islam.Featherman “Noteworthy Items in the Press” The Forward March 16, 1999

against the Nazis.239 As the years progressed Dr. Lilienthal became more and more useful to us. Lilienthal made the transition from anti-Zionism to embracing a form of historical revisionism. He said: “At this point it is not of any real consequence whether the number of Jews killed was six million - the widely accepted figure which by now has been held even by Zionist writers to be far too high - or four million, the number which is closer to historic substantiation, or even lesser numbers of human beings who were exterminated just because they were Jews…The bones of [Nazi] Mengele are exhumed to inject holocaustomania so that no one makes a logical decision about establishing peace in the Middle East…When I questioned the authenticity of The Diary of Anne Frank, I was widely assailed…”240 In the summer of 1982 the French Nazi Robert Faurisson wrote an article titled: Is the Diary of Anne Frank Genuine?

Dr. Lilienthal said Americans must understand that criticism of Israel is not anti-Semitism. “Zionism isn’t Judaism. Judaism isn’t Zionism. Zionism is a political movement,” he stated. Without the Zionist entity’s tanks, guns, grenades and atomic weapons world Jewry will fall to the will of Almighty God with infinitesimal resistance. When the National Association of Arab Americans learned Dr. Lilienthal was in California as a visiting scholar at the Hoover Institution, radio personality Casey Kasem presented him with a lifetime achievement award. Kasem is an advisor to the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.


Dr. Lilienthal probably always knew good Arabs hated Jews, not just Zionist Jews. But now there must be no doubt in what is left of his mind that Zionists was a code word for Dirty Jews. No longer do those who oppose the existence of Israel shout “Death to Zionists!” Now it is “Kill the Jews!!” but he would not care as his anti-Zionist motivation was racist – in this case he hated his own race. You might term Ramzi Yousef a racist – but he did not hate his own race. Abdul Rahman Yasin said that Ramzi Yousef had told him in 1993, “I want to blow up Jewish neighborhoods in Brooklyn,” but after scouting the Hasidic neighborhoods of Crown Heights and Williamsburg Yousef had a brilliant idea: “Ramzi Yousef told us to go to the World Trade Center, I have an idea we should do one big explosion rather than do small ones in Jewish neighborhoods. The majority of the people who work in the World Trade Center are Jews, anyway.” On July 28, 2000, Palestinian Authority Television broadcast a speech by Dr. Ahmad Yusuf Abu Halbiah, in which he proclaimed: “The resurrection of the dead will not occur, until you battle with the Jews and kill them” and on August 11, 2000, Brother Halbiah announced: “O, our Arab Brothers, O our Muslim Brothers, don’t leave the Palestinians alone in their war against the Jews!”241 In May 2003 Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri said, “The only thing that will do you any good is to carry weapons and attack your enemies, Americans and Jews, the Crusaders and Jews understand only

239. Lilienthal headed the Republican First Voter League. New York Times September 26, 1936. “Reds in ‘Coffin Act’ Spoil Landon Show.”240. Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal “What Price Holocaustomania? The Specter of Hitler That Drives Washington’s Israel First Mideast Policy” Washington Report April 1998, pages 29-30241. Zionist Organization of America Press Release August 23, 2000 “Palestine Televison – Kill the Jews.”

the language of killing and blood. They can only be persuaded through returning coffins, devastated interests, burning towers and collapsed economies.” Usama bin Laden,

The Jews are a people that Allah cited in the Qur'an as those who attacked their prophets with lies and killings and attacked Mary, may peace be upon her, and accusing her of being a whore. They are a people who didn't abstain from killing God's prophets. How would they refrain from killing, raping and stealing from humans? They believe that all humans are animals to be exploited by them, and found that the Americans are the best-created beings for that use.

Now it is out in the open, we hate ALL JEWS, not just the Zionists. Dr. Lilienthal is still alive today, living in Washington, D.C. at 800 25th Street NW D.C. in the same apartment building as Morton Abramowitz, of the Council of Foreign Relations, along with many others with Jewish names, thanks to the Saudis. He is well into his 90’s.

Now al-Qaeda attacks Jews in general Zionist or non-Zionist. Outside of Paris Islamists attacked a Jewish day school. In Nice Islamists attempted to set fire to a Jewish school, a fire was set in the Jew’s cemetery in Strasbourg, and in Marseilles a synagogue was burned. More than 20 synagogues and schools have been set on fire.242 Shots were fired at a kosher butcher shop in Toulouse. Rabbi Gabriel Fari was stabbed in his synagogue in Paris and his car was set afire. The problem with this is the number of Jews leaving France and moving to the Zionist entity doubled after these attacks. In order to counter charges of Arab anti-Semitism the editor of the Palestinian Authority daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, issued this statement, “The secret Zionist gangs have been acting in France in the same way they used to act in Arab countries - Iraq, Egypt and Morocco - blowing up Jewish synagogues in order to force them [the Jews] to immigrate [to Israel]. There are Israeli or Zionist gangs that carry out terror attacks against Jews and force them to immigrate [to Israel], because Israel suffers from emigration.”243 This is a Jihad against the Jews, not against the Zionists! This is the word of Allah, blessed be He. They, the Jews are the real terrorists. They should all be slaughtered. They should all be murdered. Such is the divine word of God, of Allah!

In order to prevent the world from becoming aware of our seemingly racist intentions in regard to the Jewish problem (the Jews can convert and avoid all of this) al-Qaeda has developed an alternative tactic to explain why we conduct activities against Jews and Jewish religious institutions. After al-Qaeda destroyed two synagogues in Istanbul244 al-Qaeda issued this communiqué: “The Brigades of the Martyr Abu-Hafz al-Masri, may God have mercy on him, have conducted reconnaissance on Jewish Intelligence (Mossad) agents, and when it was certain that five individuals from this apparatus are in two Jewish chapels in the heart of Istanbul, Turkey, the mujahideen made their lethal strike. They should release our prisoners who are in the American prisons, especially Guantanamo prisoners and the Mujahid Sheik 242. Daniel Pipes “A French Lesson for Tom Harkin” WorldNet Daily January 5, 2004.243. Hafez Barghouti translated by Palestinian Media Watch cited in Arutz Sheva IsraelNationalNews.com244. Yousef Yusuf Polat was arrested in connection with this bombing as he attempted to flee to Iran. Polat said that the two terrorists killed in the bombing met with al-Zawahiri and "The instructions came from him. They would meet (with him) at least three times a year, using false identity documents.” Susan Fraser Associated Press November 29, 2003 and December 10, 2003.

Omar Abdul Rahman.” Ramzi Yousef invented this tactic when he said “I do not want to concentrate on the identity of the doer as much as I want to concentrate on [the assumption] that this act [the explosion] is a legitimate work regardless whether the explosion was aimed at the World Trade Center itself or aimed at one of the Zionists whose assassination in this site was wanted.”


Serve Allah, and join not any partners with Him.” An-Nisa’ 4: 36

Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: "This is from Allah," to traffic with it for a miserable price! Woe to them, for what their hands do write and for the gain they make thereby. Al-Baqarah 2: 79

When we come into our kingdom there should not exist any other religion than ours of the One God with whom our destiny is bound up by our position as the children of Allah. We must therefore sweep away all other forms of belief. Until this day arrives some variations on the theme of Wahabist Sunni Islam must be tolerated for they are useful to Islam in achieving this, our ultimate goal. The Islam practiced by the Black Muslims falls under this protocol, but forget not the contradictions of this heresy.


The Black Muslims believe: “Allah came to us from the Holy City, Mecca, Arabia, in 1930. He used the name Wallace D. Fard” yet he racial heritage of Wallace Fard is

an enduring mystery. The FBI reported Fard may have been named Wallace Dodd and may have been born in New Zealand on February 26, 1891. His father may have been British and his mother may have been Polynesian. Dodd may have arrived in the United States in 1913 and settled briefly in Portland, Oregon. The FBI, which initiated an investigation of Fard in 1942 that was to last more than thirty years, could not substantiate or verify his name at birth, birth date, place of birth, port of entry, exit, or present whereabouts, despite exhaustive inquiries. There

are even indications that bodies were exhumed in the search for Fard.

After Wallace Fard settled in Detroit, a detective from the Detroit Police Department assigned to monitor Fard’s activities collaborated with a college professor from the University of Michigan on an article concerning Fard’s Voodoo Cult, also known as Allah’s Temple of Islam. After both of these men had died, the FBI questioned the detective’s widow about Wallace Fard. She reported: “It was her recollection that this person was actually of Jewish origin and his real name was a Jewish name, unknown to her, but not similar to either Fard or Ford.”245 There were unconfirmed reports that Wallace Fard visited synagogues in Detroit and that he took the name Fard from Sephardic. He was rumored to have been a dark-skinned Jew of middle-eastern origin.

245. FBI 100-33683-38

On November 17, 1918 Wallace Fard was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon but was released. He moved to Los Angeles where he opened a speakeasy and was arrested for bootlegging in January 1926. Many other Jews were arrested for this offense during the Prohibition Era. His common-law wife in Los Angeles was white. When she gave birth to a boy, the child’s birth certificate listed the child as a member of the white race. After he separated from his wife Fard never sent her money for the child’s support. His wife told the FBI that the boy died on August 3, 1942 while in the Coast Guard. In June 1926 Wallace Fard was arrested under the California Poison Act for sale of cocaine. Fard’s partner made a deal to sell the drug to an undercover police officer and told the officer that Fard had the drugs in his possession. The deal was concluded in Fard’s speakeasy. Fard was sentenced to six months to six years in San Quentin Prison and was released in May 1929. In all of these arrests he was identified as white. His prison record listed him as white. The leader of the black Muslims was a white and possibly a Jew.

The prophet and founder of the cult made his first appearance among the Negroes of Detroit as a peddler. Like Jewish peddlers, he went from house to house selling his wares. In this way he could get into people’s homes for every woman was eager to see the nice things he had. Fard began to comment on the diet of his customers and recommended they follow what was essentially a kosher regimen since it forbade the eating of pork. Fard learned of a Moorish Islamite group headed by Noble D. Ollie called Allah’s Temple of Islam. The peddler suddenly assumed the role of a prophet and took over this group. He began to attack the teachings of the New Testament and his sermons became popular in the black community. He preached: “My name is W.D. Fard and I came from the holy city of Mecca. More about myself I will not tell you yet, for the time has not come yet. I am your Brother. You have not yet seen me in my royal robes. I am from the tribe of Koreish, the tribe from which the Mohammed the Prophet sprang. I am a Hashemite. I am the Supreme Ruler of the universe.” The Hashemite family tree is well documented and the name Fard is definitely not present.

Eight thousand Negroes heard “the call.” Most of them were recent illiterate migrants from the South who had been the victimized by white racism. Wallace Fard told them that their illiteracy was a result of Caucasian “trickology.” “Why does the devil keep our people illiterate? So he can use them as a tool and also as a slave.” The Negro migrants listened to him because they were discontent with life in the North. The Great Depression deprived them of their livelihood and many went on welfare, which was given to them begrudgingly by whites. The crowded quarters they were forced to live in and the cold climate added to their discontent. The Prophet proclaimed that his followers did not belong to America and their allegiance was to him, and to Allah. Fard organized a University of Islam. Truant officers tried to break up the University and a riot ensued.

A Japanese national, Major Satochasi Takahashi, who had been deported from the United States and then had re-entered illegally and married a Negro woman, preached at Fard’s gatherings. Takahashi was an agent of the racist Black Dragon Society of Japan. Wallace Fard predicted a race war between the darker people and the

white people of the world. Fard told the Negroes not to serve in America’s armed forces. He was useful to the armed forces of Japan. Today, the United States Defense Department reported that there are approximately 9000 Muslims on active duty in the U.S. armed services (it is reported that more than 3000 Americans embraced Islam during the Gulf war alone). Many of these men are Black Muslims. Many of them refused to fight in the Gulf War. The Black Muslims, although not true followers of Allah, still remain extremely useful to the Ummah in carrying out our plan to destroy America by subverting its armed forces!

More serious difficulties arose from the question of human sacrifice than from draft dodging. Wallace Fard taught that it was the duty of every Muslim to offer to sacrifice four Caucasian devils in order that he might return to his home in Mecca and that Allah demanded obedience unto death from his followers. No Muslim dare refuse the sacrifice of himself or his loved one should Allah require it. On November 21, 1932 Robert Kariem erected an alter in his house and sacrificed his roomer, John J. Smith. He plunged a knife into Smith’s heart.

Wallace Fard was arrested on May 25, 1933. The official report stated Wallace Fard said that he had passed himself off as black and that his teachings were “strictly a racket” and he was “getting all the money out of it he could.” Making a deal with Fard, the police let him out of a psychiatric ward on condition he disband Allah’s Temple of Islam; Wallace Fard agreed, but then changed the name of his cult to the Nation of

Islam. Wallace Fard subsequently left Detroit and visited his common-law wife in Los Angeles. He told her he had sold medical supplies since his release from San Quentin, was returning to New Zealand, and he gave her some long flowing white sheets that he said he no longer needed. There is no record that he ever returned to New Zealand. On September 26, 1933 Wallace Fard was arrested in Chicago for disorderly conduct. Before this arrest he had met Elijah Poole, while walking down a Detroit street. Elijah Poole changed his name to Elijah Mahammad and became Fard’s disciple. Elijah Mahammad had

accompanied Fard to Chicago.

Wallace Fard unaccountably vanished without a trace in Chicago in 1934. Looking back at the violent history of these heretics, the Learned Elders of Islam believe Fard was murdered and his body disposed of, by his successor, Elijah Mahammad. Perhaps a clue to the fate of Fard lies in the actions of a close associate of Elijah Mahammad, Verlene Ali, who was arrested on January 1937 as he prepared for the ceremonial slaying and cooking of his wife and daughter.246 Wallace Fard probably met the same end and was cooked then served to his own disciples as Halal meat.


After assuming the leadership of the Nation of Islam by the alleged order of its deceased founder, Elijah Mahammad faced a death plot at the hands of a few 246. FBI FOIA “Miscellaneous information about Wallace D. Fard, who is said to be the original founder of the Black Muslim movement.”

disgruntled members of the group who believed he was behind Wallace Fard’s disappearance. Elijah Mahammad, while hiding out in Washington, D.C. was arrested on May 8, 1942, for evading the draft and telling others to do so. Elijah Mahammad subsequently ran the Nation of Islam for 40 years, until his descent to hell in 1975. Elijah Mahammed claimed to have been in touch with Wallace Fard after his disappearance through mental telepathy.

Elijah Mahammad propagated Fard’s heretical teachings: Blacks were the original race of men, but 6,000 years ago, a mad scientist named Yacub invented whites to be a curse upon the black man. The Holy Qu’ran said nothing of this. Elijah Mahammad taught that the Holy Prophet [PBUH] was black. The Hadith247 says: “He [the Prophet] uncovered his thigh and I saw the whiteness of the thigh of the Prophet.”248 “Whenever the Prophet [PBUH] used to offer prayer he used to keep his arms away (from his body) so that the whiteness of his armpits was visible.”249 In Message to the Black Man published in 1965 Elijah Mahammad wrote: “You will agree with me that the whole Caucasian race is a race of devils.” The Black Muslim religion calls all whites devils, and claims that Muhammad was black. Since Muhammad was white, the Black Muslim religion either lies, or the one it claims to follow is a devil. Elijah Mahammad put himself on equal footing with the Prophet [PBUH]

I am the first man since the death of Yakub (4,000 years ago) commissioned by God directly. I say no more than Jesus said. He said that He came from God. I say that I am ‘missioned by God’…Orthodox Islam must bow to Black Islam (God’s choice). Arabs misunderstand the Holy Qur`an when they don’t accept me [Elijah Muhammad] as a prophet. Six thousand years ago the black race gave birth to Allah, He is the mightiest God since creation, born after Yakub. Twenty-four scientists wrote the Bible and Qu’ran - one scientist was appointed to be God. Moses used dynamite with a fuse to kill 300 of his followers.

This is heresy, pure and simple, and under other circumstances for making claims of this nature one must die. MALCOLM X EMBRACES ISLAM

In 1964, a member of the Nation of Islam named Malcolm X revealed publicly that Elijah Mohammed was guilty of impregnating several of his teenage secretaries, in direct violation of Islamic Law. On June 6, 1964 the FBI reported that Malcolm X was sending an assistant to Phoenix and Los Angeles to contact two women who had illegitimate children by Elijah Muhammad. They planned to

publicize this and institute legal action against Muhammad. On July 7, 1964 Malcolm

247. Compilations of Muhammad’s teachings written down after the completion of the Qu’ran some of which are considered authoritative by Islam – the true Hadith – other are considered false.248. Bukhari 1:367 (p.224)249. Bukhari 1:771, (p.430). Bukhari 2:140, 141 (p.77, 78) are both similar. See also Bukhari 1:63 and 2:122.

received a telephone call stating that another illegitimate child was born that day. Elijah Muhammad, who had grown rich with the money he had stolen from his followers, admitted to the rumors of the sexual goings on with his secretaries. Elijah fathered thirteen unrecognized children over a seven-year period with seven different mistresses. FBI tapes record Muhammad telling them about his “divine seed.” He threatened these women with death if they betrayed him. Among these relationships was an incestuous one.250

In 1964 Malcolm X left Nation of Islam to found Muslim Mosque, Incorporated.

Malcolm, under the guidance of our Elder Mohammad T. Mehdi had visited mosques in the Middle East and had embraced orthodox Islam. Elijah Muhammad called him a traitor that should be killed. In February 1965 two Molotov cocktails were thrown through the window of Malcolm’s home. He believed the Nation of Islam was behind this attack. On February 21, 1965 three black men in New York City assassinated Malcolm X, then 39. On February 23, 1965 the Harlem Mosque of the Black Muslims was firebombed. In 1998 Louis Farrakhan appointed Muhammad Abdul Aziz, one of the men convicted of assassinating Malcolm X, to lead the Harlem temple Malcolm X once headed.

250. Daniel Pipes “How Elijah Muhammad Won” Commentary Magazine June 2000.

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