the psychology of colors in marketing and branding

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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The Psychology

of Colors in

Marketing and


Ahmed Ghoniem

Ahmed Ghoniem

Business Consultant | Entrepreneur

(+2) 0111863 4115




–- Psychology of Colors in Consumer Behavior

–- Misconceptions around the Psychology of Colors.

–- The Importance of Colors in Branding.

–- Brand Personality.

–- Dimensions of Brand Personality.

–- Colors Preferences by Gender.

–- Why We Love "Mocha" but Hate "Brown.

–- Types Of Logos

Psychology of Colors in Consumer Behavior

–* 84.7% of consumers cite color as the primary reason they buy a particular product

–* When people buy :

–93% look at Visual Appearance

–6% look at Texture

–1% decide on ( Sound)

–* People make a sub-conscious judgment about an environment or product within 90 second of initial viewing.

–* Between 62% and 90% of that assessment is based on color alone.

–* 80% think color increase brand recognition

Misconceptions around the Psychology of


–Personal preference,



–Cultural differences,

–Context, etc.

The Importance of Colors in Branding

Brand Personality

–* It's the feeling, mood, and image that your brand creates that play a role

in persuasion

–* The use of white to communicate Apple's love of clean, simple design

–* Green means calm & sometimes Green is used to brand environmental

issues such as Timberland

–* Without this context, choosing one color over another doesn't make

much sense, and there is very little evidence to support that 'orange' will

universally make people purchase a product more often than 'silver'.

Dimensions of Brand Personality

Colors Preferences by Gender

Colors Preferences by Gender

Colors Preferences by Gender

Colors Preferences by Gender

Let’s play

Here were the results:

Why We Love "Mocha" but Hate "Brown

–* Mocha was found to be significantly more likeable than Brown- despite the

fact that the researchers showed subjects the same color!

–* For instance, jelly beans with names such as razzmatazz were more likely

to be chosen than jelly beans names such as lemon yellow.

–("sky blue" over "light blue")

–* This effect was also found in non-food items such as Sweatshirts.

Types Of Logos

Types Of Logos

Types Of Logos

Types Of Logos

–Thank You

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