the public defender of jamaica

Post on 06-Jul-2018






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  • 8/17/2019 The Public Defender of Jamaica


    The Public Defender of Jamaica

    The role of the Public Defender in Jamaica should not be confused with that of the

    American office of the same name. In Jamaica, the Public Defender acts on behalf of persons

    against whom a wrongful act has been committed by a government agency or department.

    Importantly also, the Jamaican Public Defender does not go to court to address these wrongs.

    The Public Defender’s ffice in the !nited "tates #!"$ defends poor persons charged with

    serious criminal offences. The Jamaican office on the other hand, does not represent any

    complainant in any court or tribunal. It see%s recourse for the person against whom it was proven

    that a wrongful act was committed at the hands of a government agency or department. In order 

    to effectively carry out his mandate, the Public Defender has the legal power to e&amine any

    document belonging to any government authority.

    'stablished in ()*) as the ffice of the Parliamentary mbudsman, to investigate and

    remedy complaints of bad administration by the Jamaican government, its agencies or 

    departments, the name was changed to the ffice of the Public Defender #PD$ on April (+,

    ---, and given an additional responsibility. The original urisdiction was e&tended to cover 

    constitutional violations by the state as well, therefore, the obligation of the office is to address

     both administrative/social as well as constitutional violations.

    The office is staffed by a 01member team, which includes Deputy Public Defender 

    Director of Investigations and four investigators, who are responsible for clearing a yearly

    average of *-- cases.

    In terms of recourse for those who have been wronged, this can ta%e the form of 

    monetary compensation or letters of apologies. This right for compensation is not e&clusively

  • 8/17/2019 The Public Defender of Jamaica


    that of Jamaican nationals. Any national can file a case with the Public Defender, as long as the

    alleged wrong occurred on Jamaican soil.

    There are no charges for services provided by his office. '&amples of bad administration

    for which complaints can be made to the Public Defender include2 delayed or protracted service,

    unfair/unust treatment, unprofessional or improper service delivery, the use of faulty systems

    and disregard of operational rules.

    How to make a complaint

    The PD operates as an independent entity that ensures government transparency,

    responsibility and deeper democracy. 3efore a case is brought to the office, a complaint should

    first be made to the head of the alleged offending department. If nothing is done about that

    complaint, then the office may be contacted in writing. The individual or group does not have to

     physically visit the office to ma%e the complaint. The complainant’s name and address, the name

    of the alleged offending authority, the facts surrounding the complaint, and the date of the

    offence committed, should be included in the letter.

    How investigations are pursued

    The office will in turn, ac%nowledge the complaint in writing and assigns an investigator 

    to the case.

    4hilst any person or group of persons can ma%e a complaint, the PD will first verify

    the grouse with the government agency or department against which the case is being pursued.

  • 8/17/2019 The Public Defender of Jamaica


    This is why it is important to name the offending party, since the Public Defender will also write

    to the named department or person.

    !pon receiving a letter from the Public Defender, the government agency or department

    and the specific person#s$ named by the complainant if any, is then given the opportunity to

     present their side.

    The investigator then ma%es a report on his findings to the Director of Investigations.

    This is then given to the Public Defender, who analyses the findings and ma%es his own report, a

    copy of which is then given to the complainant, the government agency or department and the

     person#s$ named in the complaint.

    If the investigations disclose that a crime may have been committed, then the Public

    Defender may direct the case to the Director of Public Prosecutions, who then decides if 

    someone should be charged or ta%en to court.

    In these instances, the Public Defender only comes bac% into the picture to settle

    monetary compensation. 5e does not go to prosecute on behalf of the complainant. 4hile it may

    ta%e anywhere from one wee% to years for a complete investigation, the average turnover rate is

     between three and si& months.

    Recommendations of the Public Defender

    Depending on the nature of the case, the Public Defender may recommend either of the

    following2 that the complaint be re1e&amined6 that any faulty rules or laws, which gave rise to

    the complaint be changed6 that some form of compensation be given, whether monetary or letter 

    of apology6 or that a person who has bro%en rules or behaved badly should be disciplined.

  • 8/17/2019 The Public Defender of Jamaica


    If it is deemed that the government authority has not ta%en sufficient steps regarding the

    recommendation#s$, then the Public Defender may ma%e a special report to Parliament.

    Aside from the special report that may be deemed necessary in some cases, the Public

    Defender gives a yearly report to Parliament.

    1 JI" 7ews, 8arch (, --9 #edited$

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