the punic wars - scms 7th grade history · the punic wars were a series of wars against carthage, a...

Post on 22-Jun-2020






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The Punic


• Why did the Punic Wars start?

• Over control of Sicily and Corsica

• Why did Scipio go to Africa?

• To force Hannibal to retreat from Rome

• What did Rome do to Carthage after the 3 Punic Wars?

• Sold the surviving Carthaginians into Slavery and burned the city to the ground.

• How long did the Punic Wars last?

• 43 years of war over a span of 118 years.

Reading Focus Questions

What does the picture below have to do with War?

I. Rome Battles Carthage

A. As Rome’s power grew, other countries saw Rome as a threat and declared waron them.

B. Rome defeated many of these areas and added them to their lands.

C. The Punic Wars were the fiercest wars.

D. The Punic Wars were a series of wars against Carthage, a city in Northern Africa ( in present day Tunisia).

E. The Punic Wars were fought over a 100 year period, with Rome eventually winning and burning Carthage to the ground.

Rome Battles Carthage, Continued

II. Hannibal

A. Lived from 247-183 BC

B. One of the greatest generals that ever lived.

C. Fought against Rome during the Second Punic War.

First Punic War Second Punic War Third Punic War

• Fought over the islands of Sicily and Corsica.

• Both sides lost many ships and men.

• Rome was finally victorious (after they “borrow” a

Carthaginian ship.

• General Hannibal the “Scourge of Rome” attacks Rome for 20 years as revenge against the first war.

• Scipio, a Roman general, invade Africa to force Hannibal to retreat back to Carthage.

• Scipio defeats Hannibal at the Battle of Zama.

• Carthage is forced to pay money and give up Spain.

• Carthage rebels against Rome’s restrictions.

• Rome wins again.

• Rome sells the survivingCarthaginians into slavery and destroys the city. (salted the fields)

• Rome controls the Mediterranean Sea.

Hannibal’s Path to Rome

A. Rome wins.

B. Carthage is destroyed.

C. Rome adds to its territory by taking over:1. Sicily

2. Corsica

3. Spain

4. North Africa

5. Part of present-day Europe

6. Greece

7. Parts of Asia

III. Effects of the Punic Wars

Imagine that you are an Elephant

traveling and fighting with


Do you think it is a good idea that

Hannibal is trying to invade Rome?

Why or Why not?

Just Imagine……

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