the rcas vector biologica/volume 50 (2004) no... ·...

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Retroviruses have long been studied in animal mod-els and cell culture. Initially, the primary reason tostudy retroviruses was that certain retroviruses effi-ciently induced tumours in animals and transformedcells in culture. Experiments with one of these rapidlyoncogenic retroviruses, Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), ledto the discovery of cellular oncogenes, a discovery thatprovides the foundation for our current understandingof cancer. The discovery of pathogenic human retro-viruses, in particular the identification about 25 yearsago of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 as thecausative agent for acquired immunodeficiency syn-drome (AIDS), invigorated the study of retrovirusesand, to a significant extent, changed the direction of thefield. Before HIV was discovered, retroviral researchfocused primarily on cellular oncogenes and viral onco-genesis; now much more effort is expended on studiesof viral replication, the hostís immune response, andthe development of effective antiviral therapies. A morecomprehensive overview is given in Chapter 1 ofCoffin, Hughes and Varmus ìRetrovirusesî (1997).

At approximately the same time that HIV-1 was firstidentified, the earliest efforts were made to convertretroviruses into efficient vectors that could be used toexpress genes either in cultured cells or in animals.Today, retroviral vectors are widely used as tools tostudy the properties of individual genes and proteins, toprobe development, and to study the causes of cancer inanimal models. Although the initial excitement basedon the hope that retroviruses would be powerful toolsfor gene therapy in humans is still largely unfulfilled,there is still some hope that safe and reliable retroviralgene therapy vectors can be developed.

The purpose of this review is to describe the develop-ment and uses of a particular family of retroviral vectors,the RCAS vectors. The name RCAS stands forReplication Competent ALV LTR with a Splice acceptor.These vectors are different from most other retroviral vec-tors because they are replication-competent and because

they derive from a parental virus of avian origin. Thisreview does not provide a comprehensive overview of theliterature, either for the RCAS vectors themselves or forthe large number of alternative viral vector systems nowavailable; however, it does describe some of the waysRCAS vectors are used in research and discusses some ofthe advantages (and disadvantages) of these vectors. Thosewho want additional information about the availableRCAS vectors and their uses are urged to visit the RCASwebsite and the tvawebsite

Historical perspectiveTwo specific events characterize the retroviral life

cycle: 1) reverse transcription; the process that convertsthe single-stranded RNA genome found in virion intolinear double-stranded DNA, 2) integration; the inser-tion of this linear DNA into the genome of the host (asimplified version of the retroviral life cycle is shown inFig. 1). The fact that the retroviral life cycle involvesreverse transcription and integration has important con-sequences for both retroviruses and their hosts.

Reverse transcription is a highly recombinogenicprocess. This means that retroviruses (and retroviralvectors) readily recombine with closely related retro-viruses of either endogenous or exogenous origin. Inaddition, if there are duplications in the viral genome,reverse transcription results in frequent recombinationbetween the duplicated segments, causing deletions.Deletions also arise less frequently between segmentswith no obvious homology.

The integration of viral DNA into the host genome isa mutagenic event; in most cases integration of a DNAcopy of the viral genome does not obviously affect theinfected cell. The integration of viral DNA occurs atmany places in the host genome, and while it does notappear to be strictly random, viral DNA is inserted bothin genes and in intragenic regions. However, even whenintegration disrupts a gene, this is usually acceptable incells derived from an organism with a diploid genome.Rarely, viral DNA is inserted near a host gene that playsa critical role in the regulation of cell growth. Suchgenes are called cellular oncogenes, because alteringtheir expression and/or biochemical properties can leadto unrestricted growth and cancer. The insertion of aretroviral genome (or provirus) can enhance the expres-sion of a nearby oncogene, which can affect the growthof the cell. Specific integrations in or near oncogenes

The RCAS Vector System


HIV Drug Resistance Program, National Cancer Institute-Frederick, Frederick, Maryland, USA

Received May 28, 2004.

Corresponding author: Stephen H. Hughes, P.O. Box B, Building539, Room 130A, Frederick, MD 21702-1201, USA. Tel.: (301)846-1619; Fax: (301) 846-6966; e-mail:

Abbreviations: AIDS ñ acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,ALV ñ avian leukosis virus, ASLV ñ avian sarcoma-leukosisvirus, CEF ñ chicken embryo fibroblast, DR ñ direct repeat, HIVñ human immunodeficiency virus, MLV ñ murine leukaemiavirus, RCAS ñ replication competent ALV LTR with a spliceacceptor, RSV ñ Rous sarcoma virus.

Folia Biologica (Praha) 50, 107-119 (2004)

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Fig. 1. The retroviral life cycle. The diagram shows, in simplified form, the processes involved in the retroviral life cycle.The life cycle proceeds from the top of the diagram to the bottom. In the first step, the viral envelope glycoprotein inter-acts with its cognate receptor on the surface of the cell. For most retroviruses the binding of the receptor leads directly tofusion of the viral and cellular membranes, which introduces the viral core into the cytoplasm of the cell (shown at the topleft). However, for the ASLV viruses (and the RCAS vectors), the fusion of the viral entry requires both receptor bindingand low pH. Entry of these retroviruses appears to occur in vesicles in the cytoplasm; it is the acidification of these vesi-cles that provides the low pH environment required for viral entry (shown at the top right). After the viral core is intro-duced into the cytoplasm, the diploid single-stranded RNA genome found in the virion is converted into double-strandedDNA (reverse transcription). The DNA form of the viral genome, with associated viral proteins, is then integrated into thehost genome. In some cases (lentiviruses, ASLVs), this viral DNA/protein complex is able to transit the nuclear membrane;however, other retroviruses (MLV and its close relatives) cannot transit the nuclear membrane. For these viruses, suc-cessful infection requires the breakdown of the nuclear membrane that occurs during cell division. Once integrated, theretroviral genome is treated like a cellular gene and is transcribed into RNA by host DNA-dependent RNA polymerase.Both spliced and unspliced RNAs are produced; these are exported from the nucleus and used as mRNAs and, in the caseof the unspliced RNA, as both mRNA and genomic RNA. Viral proteins are produced, by translation, as polyprotein pre-cursors are brought together with viral RNA at the plasma membrane. There the nascent virions are assembled and bud-ded from the cell. Newly budded virions still contain unprocessed viral proteins; the proteolytic processing of thesepolyproteins (maturation) converts the newly budded, immature virions into infectious viruses.

are rare when one considers a single infected cell; how-ever, in an animal, the number of infected cells can bequite large and events that are rare in individual cellsare common in the whole animal. This is one of theways in which retroviral infections lead to tumour for-mation in animals. Unfortunately, proviral insertionsnear oncogenes have occurred in gene therapy protocolsin which retroviral vectors were used to treat humanpatients; this is a significant problem that needs to beresolved if retroviral vectors are to be widely used forgene therapy (McCormack and Rabbitts, 2004).

The insertion of a provirus near a cellular gene canalso lead to the acquisition of part, or all, of the cellulargene by the virus. Although there is an important excep-tion that is directly relevant to the development of theRCAS vectors, in almost every case, the acquisition ofthe cellular gene by a replication-competent retroviruswas accompanied by the loss of one or more viralgenes. Most oncogene-containing retroviruses are repli-cation-defective; they cannot replicate unless the pro-teins encoded by the missing viral genes are supplied intrans, either from an endogenous virus carried by thehost cell or by an accompanying replication-competenthelper virus. The exception is RSV. RSV acquired thecellular oncogene src but did not lose any of the viralgenes carried by the parental avian leukosis virus(ALV); in contrast to other oncogene-containing retro-viruses, RSV is replication-competent.

The recognition that oncogene-containing retrovirus-es are naturally occurring vectors (viruses that carry andexpress genes derived from the host cell genome) pro-vided the inspiration for the development of retroviralvectors in research laboratories. Retroviral vectors aredesigned to make it easy to insert (and express) foreigngenes. The resulting vectors can be used to infect cellsin culture or in animals; the vector facilitates the trans-fer of the gene of interest into the target cell. Becauseretroviral integration is efficient, retroviral vectors effi-ciently introduce the genes they carry into the genomeof the host cell. Like the naturally occurring retroviralvectors on which they are based, most of the laborato-ry-derived retroviral vectors are replication-defective.However, most of the RCAS vectors, which are basedon RSV, are replication-competent in avian cells. Webelieve that there are applications for which replicationcompetence is advantageous: there is no need to pro-vide helper sequences in trans. There is no problemwith recombination between the helper sequences andthe vector. There is no need to provide a selectablemarker or select infected cells; a replication-competentvector spreads rapidly and in a short time will infectessentially all the cells in a culture dish. In general,because the virus spreads, the efficiency of the initialtransfection is not particularly important. Moreover, if areplication-defective vector is required, there are repli-cation-defective RCAS derivatives (in particular, thedefective vector BBAN ñ which is discussed below).

Although the RCAS vectors replicate efficiently inavian cells, these vectors are constitutively replication-defective in mammalian cells. This has implications forusing these vectors in the mouse model; these are dis-cussed later in this review.

Retroviruses infect cells through an interactionbetween the viral envelope glycoprotein and a cognatereceptor on the surface of the cell (see Fig. 1). Thisinteraction ultimately leads to the fusion of the viralmembrane and the membrane of the target cell. Thisfusion event introduces the virion core into the cyto-plasm of the target cell. Different retroviral envelopesrecognize different receptors on the surface of hostcells. The avian sarcoma-leukosis virus (ASLV) family,which includes the ALVs, RSV and the RCAS vectors,have a variety of envelope subtypes, designed by letters.Envelopes AñJ have been described; AñE are the sub-groups most commonly used in the laboratory. The cel-lular receptor for the A envelope is tva, a protein ofunknown function which is, by both sequence andstructure, related to an LDL receptor repeat (Bates etal., 1993). The B, D and E envelopes recognize aspectsof a single receptor, tvb, which is a membrane proteinof the fas ligand receptor family (Brojatsch et al., 1996;Adkins et al., 2000). The receptor for the C envelopehas not yet been identified.

The RCAS vectors are propagated on cells of avianorigin. Originally that meant preparing chicken embryofibroblasts (CEF) from chicken embryos. CEFs, likeother primary cells, have a limited lifespan in culture,usually 20ñ30 passages. Most chicken strains containendogenous proviruses that are closely related to theASLV virus and the RCAS vectors that derive fromthem. As has already been mentioned, this can lead torecombination between the vector and the endogenousviruses. To avoid this problem, a line of chickens wasdeveloped that has no endogenous proviruses closelyrelated to the ASLVs; this line of chickens is called EV-0.Initially, there were no avian cell lines that were free ofretroviruses that are closely related to the ASLVs thatpropagated the RCAS vectors efficiently. For example,the RCAS vectors grow relatively poorly on the quailcell line QT-6. The development of a permanent, non-transformed chicken fibroblastic cell line (DF-1) froman EV-0 embryo has resolved most of these problems;we now routinely use DF-1 cells to propagate the RCASvectors (Himly et al., 1998; Schaefer-Klein et al., 1998).

ASLV viruses do not normally infect mammaliancells efficiently because none of the standard envelopesubgroups effectively recognizes the cognate receptoron a mammalian cell. There are two simple solutions tothis problem. One solution is to use envelope genesfrom viruses that can infect mammalian cells. We haveprepared replication-competent RCAS vectors that useeither the ecotropic or the amphotropic envelopes fromthe murine leukaemia virus (MLV) (Barsov andHughes, 1996; Barsov et al., 2001). Alternatively, VSV-G

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protein can be used to prepare BBAN viral stocks; how-ever, these viruses are replication-defective. Attempts tomake replication-competent VSV-G/RCAS derivativeshave failed; presumably VSV-G is too toxic for the hostcells to support the spread of a replication-competentretrovirus (unpublished observations). The other solu-tion is to express an ASLV receptor (usually tva) in amammalian cell (or a transgenic animal); this allowsefficient infection with RCAS derivates that have thecognate envelope (usually subgroup A) (Federspiel etal., 1994; Fisher et al., 1999; Orsulic, 2002). This pro-tocol has been used to generate strains of mice that canbe infected in specific cells/tissues; this application isdiscussed below.

Although mammalian cells can be efficiently infectedby RCAS vectors that carry MLV envelopes or by mak-ing use of cells/animals that express tva, the infectedcells do not produce infectious virus. There is a problemwith virion assembly; however, that problem can beovercome by using the Rev/RRE system from HIV-1(Natsoulis et al., 1995). The viruses produced in thisfashion are very poorly infectious, and we have not beenable to find a way to get mammalian cells to efficientlypropagate RCAS vectors. While this barrier does limitsome of the experiments we would like to do, it also tellsus that the RCAS vectors are relatively safe. Even ourbest efforts have failed to produce RCAS derivatives thatreplicate to any significant extent in mammalian cells.

The RCAS systemAlthough the details are a bit more complicated, the

fundamental idea behind the RCAS vectors is a simpleone. A molecular clone of the DNA genome of the SR-Astrain of RSV was modified to delete the src oncogeneand a unique restriction site (ClaI) was inserted in placeof the deleted src gene (Hughes and Kosik, 1984;Hughes et al., 1987). In RSV, the src gene is expressedfrom a spliced mRNA; the splice acceptor that is usedto generate the src message is derived from the cellularsrc gene (see Fig. 2). The presence of the src spliceacceptor in the RSV viruses provides strong support forthe idea that the src oncogene was acquired when anALV provirus integrated into the src gene and that theRSV was generated from an RNA arising from thisintegrated ALV provirus (Swanstrom et al., 1983). Thealternative hypothesis, that c-src RNA was adventi-tiously packaged into an ALV virion and src wasacquired by reverse transcription, does not explain thepresence of a c-src-derived splice acceptor. In RSV, srcis flanked by direct repeats approximately 100 bp long(these direct repeats are called DRs); the second copy ofthe DR was apparently acquired in the illegitimaterecombination event that led to the acquisition of c-srcby the retrovirus. However, the presence of the two DRsallows the src gene to be lost rapidly during viral repli-cation because, when the RNA genome is copied into

DNA, reverse transcriptase can jump from the 3í to the5í DR. Not surprisingly, if another gene is inserted inplace of src in a vector that contains both DRs, it too islost rapidly. ALVs have one copy of the DR sequence,one copy of DR is both necessary and sufficient forviral replication (Sorge et al., 1983). The exact role ofthe DR is somewhat controversial; it appears to have arole in viral RNA transport and, perhaps indirectly, inpackaging viral RNA into virions (Sorge et al., 1983;Ogert et al., 1996; Simpson et al., 1997; Aschoff et al,1999). Both copies of DR that are present in the SR-Aclone used to construct RCAS are fully functional; theRCAS vectors contain the downstream copy of DR, theupstream copy of DR was deleted to reduce the loss ofinserted genes (see Fig. 2).

Although removing one copy of the DR substantiallyreduced the rate at which inserted sequences are lostfrom the RCAS vectors, inserted sequences still can belost. This is probably the result of reverse transcriptasejumping between segments that have little or no homol-ogy. In general, viruses with smaller genomes (in thecase of the RCAS vectors, those that have lost theirinserted sequences) replicate more rapidly than thosethat retain an inserted sequence. For this reason, it is bet-ter to generate a fresh stock of an RCAS vector by trans-fecting cells with cloned viral DNA than to passage viralstocks from one culture to another. However, it shouldbe remembered that it is viral passage (e.g., reverse tran-scription) that leads to the loss of inserted sequences;with the exceptions noted below, it is generally accept-able to passage cultured cells once they have been fullyinfected by an RCAS vector. Once integrated, proviralDNA is quite stable. However, in designing inserts forRCAS vectors there are several potential problems thatshould be avoided: 1) Sequences that interfere with theexpression of the full-length viral genome. 2) Sequencesthat contain direct repeats or that duplicate other regionsof the vector genome. 3) Sequences that are too large forthe vector. 4) Sequences that, when expressed, are toxicfor the host cell.1) In general, sequences that lead to termination of the

RNA transcript and/or polyadenylation should beremoved from the insert. Successful propagation ofan RCAS vector requires the efficient synthesis offull-length genomic RNA. Sequences that interferewith this process are strongly selected against; inpractice, the viruses that are obtained will be deletedfor sequences that interfere with synthesis of the full-length viral RNA.

2) Reverse transcriptase will jump between any directrepeats in the viral genome; the original DRs aresimply an example of a larger problem. As such,good vector design will avoid creating vectors withdirect repeats unless generating the deletion is thedesired result.

3) Although the underlying mechanism is not wellunderstood, there are limits on the size of a retroviral

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genome. In the ASLV viruses, the genome can be abit larger than the genome of RSV. Since the src genein RSV is about 2.0 kb, inserts into the RCAS vec-tors can be a bit larger than the src gene. We recom-mend, in the RCAS vectors, that inserts should besmaller than 2.5 kb. The size limit is not defined sim-ply by the number of nucleotides in the insert (or theviral genome). In some (rare) cases, inserts largerthan 2.5 kb have been successfully carried by RCAS

vectors; likewise, in some cases, inserts smaller than2.5 kb have not worked well. A simple, plausibleexplanation is that the key issue is not the length ofthe RNA genome, but the volume it occupies whenoptimally folded. All retroviruses have, in the virion,two copies of their RNA genomes, together with hosttRNAs and some other small RNAs of host origin. Inthe virion the two copies of the viral genome arefolded into a single, relatively stable, compact struc-

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Fig. 2. A comparison of ALV, RSV, RCAS and RCAN. The diagrams (which are not to scale) show the organization ofviral DNA genomes, the location of the genes (gag, pol, and env), the direct repeats (DR), the splice donor (SD) andsplice acceptor (SA) sites. Under each diagram are drawings of the full-length and spliced RNAs produced from eachviral DNA. The src gene of RSV carries a splice acceptor (SA) that leads to the production of a separate spliced src mes-sage. The src gene also contains its own initiator ATG. The upstream DR has been deleted from RCAS and RCAN (∇);src has also been deleted and replaced by a ClaI site. There is a small segment of the src gene in RCAS; this segmentcarries the src splice acceptor. This segment has been deleted from RCAN.

ture. Presumably, the size limit on the retroviralgenome depends on the size of the folded dimericRNA. Because some inserted sequences will, in thecontext of the rest of the RCAS genome, be able tofold more compactly than others, there are some dif-ferences in how long inserts can be. However, lengthdoes matter. No one has reported successfully usingan insert in an RCAS vector longer than 3.0 kb; like-wise there are no clear reports of size-related prob-lems with inserts smaller than 2.0 kb.

4) Efficient viral replication requires the host cell to bein a healthy state. Cells that are made to express pro-teins that are toxic or interfere with cell growth willbe overgrown by cells that donít express these pro-teins. As a consequence it is difficult to use theRCAS vectors to express genes that are toxic and/orinterfere with cell growth. Attempts to use the RCASvectors to express such proteins often result in theloss of the inserted gene; however, it is possible to doshort-term experiments with proteins that interferewith cell growth if the initial transfection efficiencyis high so that the entire culture is rapidly infected(Givol et al., 1998).Reverse transcription produces a linear viral DNA

that is subsequently integrated into the host genome.However, in the nucleus of infected cells, a portion ofthe linear viral DNA is circularized by host enzymes

(Butler et al., 2002). This produces one-LTR circles (byhomologous recombination within the LTRs) and two-LTR circles (by end-to-end joining of the linear viralDNA) (see Fig. 3). These circular forms have no directrole in the viral life cycle, but are extremely usefulbecause they are easy to clone and provide informationabout mutations and the process of reverse transcriptionin vivo. In addition to the one-LTR and two-LTR circles,more complex circular forms arise by integration of theends of the linear viral DNA into the body of the linearDNA (autointegrants). The SR-A recombinant DNAclone used to develop the RCAS clones was derivedfrom a two-LTR circle. The first generation of vectors inthe RCAS family (which were not called RCAS vectorsbut had complex names based on the deletions used togenerate the vectors) was circularly permuted (Hughesand Kosik, 1984). A bacterial plasmid was inserted intothe env gene of these vectors; before the vector DNAcould be transfected into cells, the plasmid had to beremoved and the viral DNA ligated to generate a func-tional copy of the viral genome. This was inconvenientand inefficient. Non-permuted versions were prepared,at the same time the vectors were given the name RCAS(Replication Competent with an ALV LTR and a Spliceacceptor) (Hughes et al., 1987). Because the RCASderivatives were prepared from a circular viral DNA, theplasmids used to generate the viral stocks have small ter-

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Fig. 3. Forms of viral DNA found in infected cells. The linear DNA shown at the top of the drawing is generated byreverse transcription. This linear DNA is transported into the nucleus, where it can be integrated into the host genome(left side of the drawing) or converted into one-LTR or two-LTR circles by host enzymes (right side of the diagram). Thedrawing is not to scale.

minal redundancies (there is, on both ends of RCASviral genomes, a small amount of viral DNA sequencebeyond the LTRs). For most purposes, this is irrelevant;however, for some types of analyses of the roles playedby the viral sequences present in these redundantsequences (primarily the primer binding site or PBS andthe polypurine tract or PPT), the redundancies do mat-ter. As a consequence, we have prepared versions of theplasmids used to generate the RCAS vectors in whichthese terminal redundancies have been removed(described on the RCAS web site).

RCAS vectors have been prepared that contain sever-al of the available ASLV env genes (AñE); these are des-ignated RCAS(A), RCAS(B), etc. In an infected cell,expression of the envelope glycoprotein usually blocksthe receptors on the surface of the cell. This is calledreceptor interference. One advantage of having RCASvectors with several different envelope genes is that thismakes it easy to infect a particular cell with two (orthree) different vectors carrying different inserted genes.This procedure makes is possible to test the effects oftwo or more proteins (Givol et al., 1995, 1998).

In some cases, it is preferable to express an insertedgene from an internal promoter, from an internal ribo-some entry segment (IRES), or not to express theinserted sequence at all. RCAN vectors (ReplicationCompetent with an ALV LTR and No Splice acceptor)lack the src splice acceptor and, as a consequence, donot produce the smaller spliced message (see Fig. 2).

In the RCAS vectors, inserted genes are expressedfrom the LTR promoter; for this reason, the level ofexpression of an inserted gene depends on the level ofexpression of the LTR promoter. It is useful to be ableto express inserted genes at various levels; we preparedRCAS derivatives in which the LTR promoter isexpressed at different levels. Two elements in the vec-tors affect the level of expression: the enhancer in theLTR and the sequence of the pol gene. The ALV LTRcontains a strong enhancer; there is little or no enhanceractivity in the LTR of the corresponding endogenousavian retrovirus RAV-O. RCAS derivatives that containthe RAV-O LTR are called RCOS (ReplicationCompetent with a RAV-O LTR and a Splice acceptor).The corresponding RCAN derivatives are the RCONvectors (Greenhouse et al., 1988).

The mechanism by which the pol sequences enhancethe expression from the LTR is not well understood. It isclear that substituting the pol gene from the Bryan high-titre strain of RSV into the standard RCAS vectors (theresulting vectors are called RCASBP, which stands forRCAS Bryan Polymerase) increases the titre and theexpression of the LTR promoter by about 5- to 10-fold(Nemeth et al., 1989; Petropoulos et al., 1991). The Bryanstrain of RSV was selected for its rapid growth and theeffect of the Bryan pol gene on viral replication suggeststhat it has enhancer-like properties. However, we were not

able to locate a specific small enhancer element in theBryan pol sequence (unpublished observations).

By combining the two pol genes and the two LTRs,four families of derivatives have been created: RCOS,RCOSBP, RCAS, RCASBP. These four sets of vectorsdiffer in the level at which they express inserts (and thelevel at which they replicate) by about 5- to 10-fold.This makes it simple to express proteins at different lev-els. Alternatively (and particularly if tissue-specificexpression is important), the level of expression of aprotein can be controlled using an internal promoter inan RCAN or RCANBP vector. Although we have test-ed only a limited number of tissue-specific promoters,the presence of viral enhancers in RCASBP does notappear to perturb the tissue specificity of the internalpromoter (Petropoulos et al., 1992).

The original RCAS vectors all have a ClaI site that isused to insert genes. In fact, there are actually two ClaIsites in the RCAS plasmids; however, the site that is notused to insert genes is subject to dam methylation and,as a consequence, plasmid DNA grown in standard E.coli strains (which contain an active dam methylase) iscleaved only at the desired site. There are now RCASderivatives with multiple cloning sites and versions thatallow the insertion of genes using the Gateway system(Loftus et al., 2001); however, if a DNA segment isinserted into original versions of the RCAS vectors, thesegment must be converted into a ClaI fragment. Wegenerated adaptor plasmids that can be used to facilitate

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Fig. 4. Design of adaptor plasmids. The original RCASvectors all have a ClaI site for inserting foreign genes (Fig.2). This means that it is necessary to convert any DNA seg-ment that will be inserted into the vectors into a ClaI frag-ment. Adaptor plasmids simplify this process. Theplasmids all contain a multiple cloning site (MCS) flankedby ClaI sites. Your favorite gene (YFG) is inserted into themultiple cloning site and the desired segment recovered byClaI digestion. Adaptor plasmids are available that containadditional elements including splice acceptors and initiatorATGs (see text and the RCAS web site).

the conversion of DNA segments into ClaI fragments forinsertion into the RCAS vectors (Hughes et al., 1987).Basically, all the adaptor plasmids contain a multiplecloning site flanked by ClaI sites (see Fig. 4). Thesequence of the region between the ClaI sites in theseadaptors is designed not to interfere either with tran-scription or translation. Adaptor plasmids are availablethat supply, in addition to the multiple cloning site, anATG. The Cla12Nco adaptor plasmid has an NcoI site(CCATGG) at the upstream end of the multiple cloningsite; this NcoI/ATG is a favourable site for the initiationof translation when the Cla12Nco adaptor is used toinsert a gene into an RCAS vector. The Cla12Nco NcoIsite and multiple cloning sites were derived frompUC12N. pUC12N is an expression plasmid, andbecause it has the NcoI/ATG and multiple cloning sitesthat are present in Cla12Nco, it can be used to expressexactly the same protein in E. coli that is expressed inavian (or mammalian) cells using the Cla12Nco adaptorin an RCAS vector. There is also an adaptor plasmid thatcarries not only an NcoI/ATG, but also a splice acceptor(SACla12Nco). More information about the adaptorplasmids is available on the RCAS web site.

Although one of the advantages of the RCAS vectorsis that they are replication-competent, there are timeswhen it is useful to have a replication-defective vector.One such replication-defective vector is BBAN(Boerkoel et al., 1993). The envelope gene has beendeleted in BBAN; this allows the vector to accept insertsup to approximately 4.5 kb. BBAN can be complement-ed by ASLV envelope genes; however, it is often conve-nient to use VSV-G. BBAN complemented by VSV-Ghas a broad host range and there is no possibility thathomologous recombination can reconstitute a replica-tion-competent virus. As has already been discussed, itappears that, despite the fact that VSV-G efficientlycomplements BBAN in transient transfections, RCASderivatives in which VSV-G has been substituted for the

normal env gene do not replicate, presumably becauseVSV-G is too toxic (unpublished results).

RCAS as a tool to study viral replication:RSVPs

One of the primary uses of RCAS is as a tool to studyretroviral replication. An inserted marker gene cangreatly simplify titering the virus [green fluorescentprotein (GFP) is a convenient marker and the infectedcells can be counted by looking in a microscope or byFACS]. In some experiments, it is important to recovereither unintegrated or integrated viral DNA. A series ofRCAS derivatives, the RSVPs (RCASBP ShuttleVector Plasmids) have been prepared that make it sim-ple and easy to recover either unintegrated or integratedviral DNA (Oh et al., 2002) (see Fig. 5). The RSVPscontain a selectable marker (either zeocin resistance orblastocidin resistance) that can be selected either in E.coli or higher eukaryotes. These vectors also contain abacterial origin of replication so that circular DNAsderived from the RSVPs will replicate in E. coli. Tosimplify the recovery of viral DNA, the RSVPs alsocarry a lac operator (lacO) sequence. The presence oflacO makes it simple to enrich either unintegrated orintegrated viral DNA. The Lac i protein binds selective-ly to lacO. DNAs bound to Lac i can be specificallyeluted with IPTG. This provides a simple and rapidenrichment for RSVP DNA and makes it easy to mole-cularly clone either unintegrated or integrated RSVPDNA. The efficient recovery of retroviral DNA is valu-able for experiments that monitor the mechanics ofreverse transcription and/or viral mutation. For experi-ments that involve the analysis of the ends of viralDNA, it is convenient to use two-LTR circles; these cir-cular DNAs preserve the ends of the parental linearDNAs from which they derive (see Fig. 3). However,integration can affect the pool of linear DNAs fromwhich the circular forms are created. The circular forms

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Fig. 5. RSVP vectors. An RSVP vector is shown at the top, an expanded view of the inserted cassette is shown at the bot-tom. The drawing is not to scale. The viral part of RSVP is RCASBP(A); the vector contains the gag, pol and env genesand has the standard splice donor (SD) and splice acceptor (SA). The cassette contains a multiple cloning site (MCS), andone of two selectable markers that work both in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells: blastocidin resistance (Bsd) or zeocinresistance (Zeo). These are expressed as a spliced message when the vector is propagated as a retrovirus. When the vec-tor is grown as a plasmid in E. coli, the Bsd and Zeo genes are expressed from a small prokaryotic promoter (EM). Toallow the DNA to replicate as a plasmid, the cassette contains a ColE1 origin. The cassette also contains a lacO sequence,which facilitates recovery of the DNA from infected cells (see text).

of viral DNA derive from the portion of linear DNAsthat do not integrate; integration preferentially removeslinear DNAs with consensus ends from the pool of lin-ear DNAs that gives rise to the circles. This can be anadvantage for experiments designed to look at DNAsthat have aberrant ends (these DNAs are enriched whenlinear DNAs with consensus ends are removed by theintegration process). However, if it is important toquantitatively monitor the DNAs produced by reversetranscription, integration removes a substantial fractionof the linear DNAs with consensus ends. This potentialproblem can be overcome by making the vector inte-gration-defective.

There are a number of reasons to study integratedproviruses. We need to better understand the process ofintegration in the infected cell and it will be importantto better understand the rules that govern the choicesdifferent retroviruses make when they integrate theirDNA. The available data shows that all retroviral DNAscan integrate into a large number of sites in the hostgenome; however, it appears that different retrovirusesdiffer in their preferences for sites in the host genome(Schroder et al., 2002; Wu et al., 2003). The cassettethat is used to make the RSVP DNA easy to recover canbe introduced into the genomes of other retroviruses,

which should facilitate experiments comparing the inte-gration site preferences of different retroviruses.

ASLV envelopesThe ability of retroviruses to infect target cells

depends on a specific interaction between the envelopeglycoprotein on the surface of the virus and the cognatereceptor on the surface of the cell [see Coffin, Hughesand Varmus (1997) for a review]. As has already beendiscussed, there are a number of distinct envelope sub-groups for the ASLVs and the RCAS vectors that derivefrom them. Not only are the ASLV envelopes importantin directing the vectors to appropriate target cells; theyhave particular advantages for experiments designed tostudy the processes that lead to the fusion of viral andcellular membranes, which is a key step in viral infec-tion. The flu HA protein is probably the best studiedmember of the large family of related viral proteinswhich carry out this fusion process. All these viral pro-teins are trimers. In their mature form, each of themonomers in this trimer is composed of two subunits(HA1 and HA2 for flu, SU and TM for retroviruses).When flu infects a target cell, HA1 binds to a sialic acidon the surface of the cell; this allows the virus to beimported into a vesicular compartment within the cell. If

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Fig. 6. Envelope rearrangements associated with viral infection. Panel A shows a diagram of the envelope glycoproteinof a retrovirus. The protein is a trimer composed of two sets of subunits, SU and TM. SU is the component that will inter-act with the receptor. TM is composed of two α-helical segments joined by a loop. TM anchors the protein in the viralmembrane. Before SU interacts with a receptor, TM is a hairpin and the fusion peptide is directed toward the viral mem-brane. Panel B shows the first steps in the rearrangement of TM that leads to fusion of the viral and cellular membranes.In retroviral envelopes, this rearrangement depends on SU binding its receptor (not shown). This causes the loop in TMto convert to an α helix, which embeds the hydrophobic fusion peptide into the plasma membrane of the host cell.Subsequent rearrangements in TM bring the host membrane and viral membrane together, leading to membrane fusionand viral infection (see Fig. 7).

this vesicular compartment is acidified, the low pH trig-gers rearrangements of α helices within HA2. The firstpart of this rearrangement embeds the hydrophobicfusion peptide in HA2 into the membrane of the hostvesicle; subsequent rearrangements bring the viral andhost cell membranes together. Fusion of the membranesintroduces the viral core into the cytoplasm of the cells,leading to infection.

For most retroviruses the overall process is similar,but the events that trigger the rearrangement of the HA2component of a retroviral envelope (TM) are different(see Figs. 6 and 7). In the case of MLV envelope, pHplays no role in causing the rearrangements in TM,rather it is the binding of the SU component of the enve-lope to its cognate receptor that initiates the structuralchanges that result in fusion. This means that fusiontakes place on the outer surface of the cell, rather thanin an acidic vesicle (see Fig. 1). HIV-1 envelope inter-acts with two cellular proteins, a receptor (CD4) and aco-receptor (usually CXCR4 or CCR5). Both bindingevents cause changes in the structure of HIV-1 enve-lope; binding the receptor allows HIV-1 to efficientlybind the co-receptor. Binding the co-receptor leads tothe rearrangements in TM that lead to fusion and infec-

tion. However, as is the case for MLV, HIV-1 envelopefusion does not require low pH and fusion occurs on theplasma membrane.

There is now good evidence that for the ASLVenvelopes, both receptor binding and low pH arerequired for membrane fusion and viral entry (Motheset al., 2000; Melikyan et al., 2004; Smith et al., 2004).In some ways, this places the ASLV envelopes some-where between flu HA, for which the rearrangementrequires low pH, but not receptor binding, and otherretroviral envelopes, like MLV and HIV, which requirereceptor (and, in the case of HIV-1, co-receptor) bind-ing, but not low pH.

The particular advantage of using the ASLVenvelopes as tools to study the fusion process is thatfusion depends on both receptor binding and low pH.Moreover, the tva and tvb receptors are cloned and por-tions of the receptors that are soluble and easy to gen-erate can trigger the events in the avian envelopeglycoproteins that lead to fusion. This allows the exper-imentalist to stop the reaction at intermediate steps inthe fusion process, making it possible to investigate thestructural and biochemical intermediates that underliethe fusion process.

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Fig. 7. Rearrangements in TM associated with viral infection. This diagram shows one TM; in the virus TM is trimeric (seeFig. 6). Initially, TM is composed of two α-helical components linked by a loop (Panel A). Interactions between the SU(not shown) and its receptor cause a rearrangement in TM, which embeds the fusion peptide in the host membrane (PanelB, see also Fig. 6). Subsequent rearrangements in TM (Panel C) bring the membranes close together, which leads to mem-brane fusion. For most retroviruses this secondary rearrangement in TM does not require any additional signal beyond bind-ing the receptor (in the case of HIV-1 envelope, binding both the receptor and the co-receptor). However, it appears that theASLV envelopes require a secondary signal (low pH) to carry out the rearrangement in TM shown in Panel C (see text).

RCAS in animal modelsBased on a survey of the literature, the most common

use of the RCAS vectors is to study development inchicken embryos. Chicken embryos have several dis-tinct advantages for developmental studies: 1) They arerelatively large, even at early stages of development. 2)They develop outside the mother, and are more accessi-ble to physical manipulation than mammalian embryos.3) They are easy to obtain and relatively inexpensive.

Embryonic development involves an interplay ofintra- and intercellular signals that cause the movementand differentiation of cells in the embryo. There are avariety of ways to perturb these signals; the RCAS vec-tors are a convenient way to overexpress proteins indeveloping avian embryos. The recent demonstrationthat RCAS vectors can be used to express RNAi opensup the possibility that the RCAS system will be used toblock the expression of genes in the developing chick-en embryo (Bromberg-White et al., 2004).

It has been exceptionally difficult to make transgenicbirds, in part because it is difficult to stably deliverDNA to the newly fertilized egg. This is due, at least inpart, to the fact that eggs must be fertilized in the henísreproductive tract before the shell is added. By the timea fertilized chicken egg is laid, it contains thousands ofcells. Injecting DNA into fertilized eggs after they havebeen laid does not yield transgenic birds at a significantfrequency. Much better results have been obtained withretroviral vectors (Salter et al., 1987; Bosselman et al.,1989; Federspiel et al., 1991; Harvey et al., 2002;Mozdziak et al., 2003). Although more work needs tobe done, retroviral vectors remain a promising way ofcreating transgenic birds. This is an important problemboth because chickens are an important experimentalmodel and because they are a major source of meat andeggs. It may be possible to use transgenic chickens toproduce large amounts of valuable recombinant pro-teins; the egg is a convenient vehicle to collect suchproteins (Harvey and Ivarie, 2003). It would also beuseful to be able to introduce novel traits into chickensraised for meat or egg production. Being able to gener-ate birds resistant to viral diseases (and otherpathogens) would make it easier to maintain the birds inthe extremely dense conditions found on a modernchicken farm.

The RCAS vectors have also been used in mice.Because mice do not express versions of the receptorsthat are efficiently recognized by viruses carrying anyof the standard ASLV envelopes, mice are not normallyinfectable by the standard strains of ASLV, or by theRCAS vectors that derive from them. As has alreadybeen discussed, there are two solutions to this problem:1) Substitute the normal ASLV envelope with that of avirus that can infect mammalian cells (we used theamphotropic and ecotropic envelope from MLV to gen-erate derivatives that are replication-competent in the

avian cells used to prepare the viral stocks and VSV-Gto generate replication-defective derivatives). 2)Express a functional version of a receptor for an ASLVenvelope in the mammalian cell (Federspiel et al.,1994). This procedure is particularly useful when usedin transgenic mice because it is possible to place thereceptor (commonly tva) under the control of a tissue-specific promoter. A number of different promotershave been used in combination with tva to generatemice that can be infected by RCAS vectors in specificcell/tissue types. This has led to the generation of anumber of specific cancer models, and is being used toexplore which particular oncogenes can cause tumoursand/or metastasis in various cell types/specific tissues(Fisher et al., 1999; Orsulic, 2002) (a list of many of theavailable mouse strains is given on the tva web site).

Infection of non-dividing cellsOne potential issue in animal models, particularly in

the mouse models, is the ability of the vector to infectnon-dividing cells. MLV-based vectors do not infectnon-dividing cells; apparently the residual virion core,which carries the reverse-transcribed viral DNA, cannotpass through the nuclear membrane. However,lentiviruses and lentiviral vectors do infect non-divid-ing cells with reduced, but acceptable, efficiency.Lentiviral vectors can be pseudotyped with ASLVenvelopes and the resulting pseudotyped lentiviral vec-tors used in transgenic tva mice. However, it has recent-ly been shown that ASLV viruses, and the RCASvectors that derive from them, can also infect non-dividing cells (Hatziioannou and Goff, 2001; Katz etal., 2002; Greger et al., 2004). The published experi-ments were all done in cultured cells, and it is clear that,like lentiviruses, the ASLV viruses are less efficientwhen they infect non-dividing cells. However, the avail-able data do not tell us exactly how much less efficientthe ASLV viruses are in non-dividing cells. ASLVviruses grow to very high titres [unconcentrated RCAS-BP(A) stocks usually have titres greater than 107 onavian cells] so a moderate loss of efficiency when thesevectors are used to infect non-dividing cells could easi-ly be tolerated. There are no published data on the abil-ity of RCAS vectors to infect non-dividing cells inanimals and no direct comparisons of the relative effi-ciencies of RCAS vectors and lentiviral vectors carry-ing the same promoter/marker cassette; a directcomparison would be quite useful.

Summary/RepriseThere are a large number of RCAS vectors (and

ancillary tools, including the adaptors, mammalian celllines expressing receptors like tva, and tva transgenicmice). This system can be used for a number of differ-ent purposes including studying viral replication, genefunction, development, and cancer. The recent demon-

The RCAS Vector SystemVol. 50 117

stration that the vector system can be used to expressRNAi suggests novel uses for the vectors and the recog-nition that RCAS vectors can be used to infect non-dividing cells also suggests new applications. It is likelythat, as we come to better understand retroviruses andtheir hosts, new uses for these vectors will be discov-ered. I certainly hope that this will be true.

AcknowledgementsI thank Hilda Marusiodis for help in preparing the

manuscript, and Al Kane for help with the figures. Thisresearch was supported by the National CancerInstitute.

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