the responsibility imperative

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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International Centre for Responsible Tourism

Why responsibility? Harold Goodwin

Green Growth & Travelism Summer School August 2015

The Maurice Strong Reflections Keynote

# www.haroldgoodwin.info1

Sustainable Development: a long history?1972 World Commission on Environment & Development 1980 World Conservation Strategy1987 Brundtland Report & Our Common Future 1992 Rio Environment & Development UN Commission on Sustainable Development2000 Millennium Development Goals 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development 2012 Rio+20 2015 Sustainable Development Goals

# www.haroldgoodwin.info2

Brundtland defined Sustainability"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.Needs & limitations in a finite world.

# World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED). Our common future. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987 p. 43.3

What is Sustainability?What is Sustainability?

The demand for diminishing natural resources is growing. Income gaps are widening. Sustainability calls for a decent standard of living for everyone today without compromising the needs of future generations.

This means finding better ways of doing things. How can we help people move out of poverty and get good jobs, while protecting the environment?How can we provide access to clean energy for everyone, and make sure that the energy we produce doesnt contribute to climate change?How can we make sure that everyone can get the water, food and nutrition they need?How can we make sure that our communities are resilient in the face of natural disasters?

# www.haroldgoodwin.info

Sustainable and Responsible

Sustainable Tourism and Responsible Tourism are not the same thingResponsible Tourism is about taking responsibility for achieving sustainable development through tourism.



ResponsibilityRespons-abilityWith opportunity comes increased responsibility: if you can you should.

Responsibility is free you can take as much of it as you can handle. "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow byevading it today Lincoln

Accountability Liability, blame.


"It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable"Molire

# www.haroldgoodwin.infoResponsible Travel takes a variety of forms, it is characterised by travel and tourism whichminimises negative environmental, social and cultural impacts;generates greater economic benefits for local people and enhances the wellbeing of host communities, by improving working conditions and access to the industry;involves local people in decisions that affect their lives and life chances.Cape Town Declaration 2002

# www.haroldgoodwin.info7

makes positive contributions to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage and to the maintenance of the worlds diversity;provides more enjoyable experiences for tourists through more meaningful connections with local people, and a greater understanding of local cultural and environmental issues;provides access for people with disabilities and socially disadvantaged people; andis culturally sensitive and engenders respect between tourists and hosts.

# www.haroldgoodwin.info8

Taking responsibility You cannot outsource responsibility ..Whose responsibility? EveryonesNobodys

# www.haroldgoodwin.info9

The challenge.. to use tourism achieve sustainable development sustainable development through tourism the aspiration of Responsible Tourism is to use tourism rather than to be used by it.



Why care about the future?We inherit the earth from our forebears and hold it in trust for our child.Really? Debt yes, environment no.Market vs citizensPrivate vs collective interests I cant buy clean sea or clean water


# www.haroldgoodwin.infoFATAL FLAWS Phronesis Tragedy of the commons Prisoners dilemmaShort-term-ismPoor understanding of risk & probability



OIL (& other minerals)

The fatal flaws are all in play.Phronesis Tragedy of the commons Prisoners dilemmaShort-term-ismPoor understanding of risk & probability

Selfish gene Risk of stirring up apathy?

Confronting reality and irrationality

Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will. Gramsci

Taking Responsibility for Tourism by Goodwin ISBN 978-1-906884-39-0 2011 Goodfellow Publishers

Taking Responsibility for Tourism by Harold



Further information www.haroldgoodwin.info

# www.haroldgoodwin.info25

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