the restoration and e nlightenment 1660-1798

Post on 08-Feb-2016






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The Restoration and E nlightenment 1660-1798. Austin Martin and Brad Wilknson. 1660-1700. 1660-Sam Pepys begins diary 1661-Louis XIV begins palace at Versailles 1665-Great Plauge 1666-Great Fire of London. 1668-John Dryden 1 st official poet laureate 1685-Begin reign of James II - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Restoration and

Enlightenment 1660-1798Austin Martin and Brad Wilknson

1660-1700 1660-Sam Pepys begins


1661-Louis XIV begins palace at Versailles

1665-Great Plauge

1666-Great Fire of London

1668-John Dryden 1st official poet laureate

1685-Begin reign of James II

1687-Newton publishes gravity

1689-English Bill of Rights

1695-End of prepublication censorship

1699-End of Turkish presence in Austria

1700-1750 1702-Begin reign of

Anne Stuart

1703-Peter began building St. Petersburg

1707-England and Scotland become Great Britian

1707-Mughal empire becomes independent states

1709-Richard Steele begins periodical, The Tatler

1711- Addison and Steele begin The Spectator

1714-Begin reign of George I

1719-Daniel Defoe publishes Robinson Cruesoe, considered 1st novel in English

1721-Edo Tokyo becomes largest city

1721-Robert Walpole becomes 1st political prime minister

1722-Saffavid Empire collapses

1722-Defoe publishes A Journal of the Plague Year

1726-Johnathan Swift anonymously delivers Gilliver’s Travels

1727-Reign of George II begins 1736-Qian-long becomes emperor of China

leading to prosperity 1740-Samuel Richardson publishes Pamela

– first English novel 1740-Maria Theresa becomes queen of

Austria, Bohemia, and Hungary 1746-Samuel Johnson signs contract

preparing A Dictionary of the English Language

1750-1798 1756-Fredrick the Great starts Seven Years

War 1757-

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