the results of the jesus blood test - ernest angley (1995)

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  • 8/8/2019 The Results of the Jesus Blood Test - Ernest Angley (1995)


    Augu st 1995

    Topics: Blood of Jesus

    Volum e 20 The Mysteries of God

    by Ernest An gley

    Through the blood of Jesus, the Church came into existence, was

    given life, its being. The Church was born through the blood that

    flowed from the side of Jesus. Seeing the results of the Jesus

    blood test in the beginning of the Church is exciting.

    The Churchwhich he [Jesus] hath purchased w ith his

    own blood (Acts 20:28). Jesus purchased with His blood the

    spiritual Church. The blood is vitally important. The Early

    Church passed the blood test in the beginning, and you who pass

    the blood test now at this end of the Church Age have power to

    overcome all demonic spirits and to be great blessings in this

    world outreach for souls. But if you haven't come out with perfect

    results, you are not completely ready, saith the Lord.

    Many do not have the Jesus blood in their souls, and they are not overcomers. Self, man's opinions,

    water baptism, church membership, shaking the preacher's hand will not bring salvation. Salvation

    comes only through the divine blood of Jesus, through His divine blood being administered by the

    Holy Ghost.

    Through that divine blood you are able to live and love like Jesus, talk like Him, do His works, and

    believe like Him. There is nothing else in the world like divine blood.

    Divine blood is the only cure for sin, the only power over death, hell and the grave.

    Divine blood has the Resurrection power, the saving power of grace, healing power. W ith his

    stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5)!

    Peter was weak before he realized what the blood would do for him, but look at his strength after

    he began to use the divine blood; divine blood made him willing to give everything for the sake of

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    Many Christians today are not willing to sacrifice for the Lord because they do not have the divine

    blood working within their hearts. The divine blood must have complete freedom to work. The

    choice of whether or not the blood will work for you is yours. You will not be victorious, you will

    not make it to Heaven without divine blood.

    Many teachers and preachers do not believe that Jesus was born of a virgin; this means they don'tbelieve His blood was divine. Unless they come to accept His divine blood, these people will never

    see Heaven. The devil has deceived them; take care that they do not affect or deceive you in any


    In the sixth chapter of Acts, we read that Stephen was arrested. A young man, he was to be the first

    Christian martyr. Who would have thought that such a young man would be the first martyr for the

    sake of Christ? What an honor and privilege it was for Stephen! He passed the Jesus blood test

    with flying colors. To pass that blood test, he had to give himself completely to the Lordto be

    redeemed, sealed with the blood of Jesus by the Holy Spirit, and to be full of the Holy Ghost.

    Many have come up lacking because they were taught that the baptism in the Holy Ghost is not

    necessary. Even some who claim to believe in the Holy Ghost say the baptism is optional. It is not.

    Jesus commanded His disciples to receive the Holy Ghost:And, be ing assembled together

    with them, comman ded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, bu t wait

    for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me. For John truly

    baptized w ith water; bu t ye shall be baptized w ith the Holy Ghost not many days

    hence (Acts 1:4,5). The Lord will give the Holy Ghost to those who obey Himthe Holy Ghost,

    whom God hath given to them that ob ey him (Acts 5:32).

    Stephen had divine blood flowing in his soul just as Jesus had when He was on earth.And

    Stephen , full of faith and powe r, did great wonde rs and miracles among the people

    (Acts 6:8). How was he able to do great wonders and miracles? Through the divine blood of

    Jesus. Physical blood cannot perform miracles and wonders.

    People were so greatly affected by Stephen that they were n ot able to resist the wisdom and

    the spirit by which he spake (Acts 6:10). They couldn't resist the wisdom of the blood. Stephen

    had Jesus' wisdom; the Jesus blood worked in, through and for him. The wisdom of God comes no

    other way than through the blood of Jesus. No one can have any of the things of God without the

    blood of Jesus in his soul. The people who heard Stephen couldn't resist the wisdom of the blood.

    People tried to stand against Stephen, but they couldn't; and so they suborned men, w hich

    said, We have heard him speak b lasphemous w ords against Moses, and against God.

    And they stirred u p the peop le, and the elders, and the scribes, and came u pon him,

    and cau ght him, and brou ght him to the cou ncil, And set u p false witnesses (Acts

    6:11-13). False witnesses came against the divine blood in Stephen just as they came against the

    divine blood of Jesus when He was here. Stephen was using the same blood, acting the same way

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    as his Master.

    The reason so many do not act, talk, love, believe like Jesus or do His works is that they don't have

    the Jesus blood. The Bride will have the Jesus blood, saith the Lord.

    Exactly what blasphemy did the false witnesses accuse Stephen of? How did he react? W e have

    hear d him say, that this Jesus of Nazareth shall destroy this place, and shall change

    the customs w hich Moses delivered u s. And all that sat in the cou ncil, lookingstedfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel (Acts 6:14,15). Divine

    blood gave his face the appearance of an angel. Did Stephen fight his accusers? He wasn't angry or

    mean. He responded just like Jesus, and he preached a marvelous sermon.

    Comparing Stephen and Jesus is like comparing spiritual identical twins, like comparing Jesus and

    the Bride. Nothing will separate them. The Bride will be just like her Lord. She will talk like Him,

    pray, believe and deliver the greatness of Heaven to people just the way Jesus did. How beautiful,

    indeed, to see this blood, this divine blood working in human beings! Jesus became human, but the

    divine blood He brought working in Him made the difference.

    Wouldn't you like to be a twin of Jesus, to look, talk, believe, work, preach like Him? We have

    become sons and daughters of God through the blood. You are not a son or daughter of God unless

    you have the blood, the divine blood in your soul. It is the only way you can be in the family of


    Jesus said,Woe un to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like u nto whited

    sepu lchres, which indeed appe ar beau tiful outw ard, but are w ithin full of dead me n's

    bone s, and of all un cleanness. Ye are the children of them w hich killed the prophets.

    Ye serpents, ye gene ration of vipers, how can ye e scape the dam nation of hell?Whe refore, behold, I send u nto you prophe ts, and w ise men, and scribes: and some of

    them ye shall kill and cru cify(Matthew 23:27,31,33,34).

    Now let's learn more about Stephen, this martyr, this spiritual identical twin of Jesus. He

    denounced his false accusers:Ye stiffnecke d and u ncircum cised in heart an d ears, ye do

    always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. Which of the prophe ts have

    not your fathers persecu ted? and they have slain them which shew ed before of the

    coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been n ow the b etrayers and mu rderers:

    Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have n ot kept it. W hen

    they heard these things, they were cu t to the heart, and they gnashed on him w ith

    their teeth. Bu t he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked u p stedfastly into heaven , and

    saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God (Acts 7:51-55).

    Stephen, the identical twin, facing death just like Jesus, is willing to give his life for the cause of

    Christ, for the people hated Stephen just as they hated Jesus. Stephen said,Behold, I see the

    heaven s opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God. Then they

    cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran u pon him w ith one

    accord, And cast him ou t of the city, and stoned him: and the w itnesses laid down

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    their clothes at a young man 's feet, whose name was Sau l (Acts 7:56-58). Saul came from

    a strict sect of Pharisees, Christ's bitter enemies. They hated Jesus, hated to hear Him call them

    hypocrites. Jesus told people if their righteousness didn't exceed the righteousness of the

    Pharisees that they would never see Heaven.

    Saul, mean, ugly, a murderer of Christians, is present at the stoning of Stephen. He thought he

    could watch and be unaffected, but the picture of Stephen was one he would never be able to get

    away from. The identical twin of Jesus brought the Gospel message to the hard heart of Saul.

    And they stoned Stephen , calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my

    spirit. And he kn eeled dow n, and cried w ith a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to

    their charge. And w hen he had said this, he fell asleep (Acts 7:59,60). At Calvary Jesus

    had said: Father, forgive them ; for they know not w hat they do (Luke 23:34). Stephen, the

    twin, in a loud voice asked the Father to not hold his murderers responsible for their sin, and then

    he fell asleep. The Bible doesn't say he died; he fell asleep in the Spirit of God.

    And Sau l was consenting un to his death (Acts 8:1). Every stone that fell was as if Saul threwit. Saul helped murder Stephen; it was a crime he could not get away from. I believe he woke up in

    a cold sweat at night again and again hearing Stephen say, "Lay not this sin to their charge. Lord

    Jesus, receive my spirit." That's what the blood did. We don't know a lot about Stephen, just that

    he was an ordinary boy made extraordinary through the blood of Christ.

    And at that time there was a great persecu tion against the church w hich was at

    Jerusalem; and they we re all scattered abroad throughou t the regions of Judae a and

    Samaria, except the apo stles (Acts 8:1). The followers of Christ were scattered everywhere

    with the Gospel. They didn't go depressed; they went telling the story of Christ. Persecuted, cast

    down but not forsaken, they had the joy of the Lord in their hearts. They knew the Lord was with


    The Early Church believed the words Christ had told them:And all things, whatsoe ver ye shall

    ask in prayer, be lieving, ye shall rece ive (Matthew 21:22). They believed in prayer, and they

    received. The sick were healed, even the dead were raised back to life. The works done through

    the blood were amazing.

    He that be lieveth an d is baptized shall be saved; bu t he that believeth not shall be

    damned (Mark 16:16). You either believe or you are damned. To believe means to accept Jesus

    Christ. In water baptism people acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, the Messiah, Redeemer and

    coming King. It's an outward expression of an inner change, but it does not bring salvation; only

    the blood of Jesus can do that.

    Whosoe ver be lieveth in him shou ld not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16).

    Believeth in what? In the divine shed blood of Jesus, believeth that He was born of the virgin

    Mary. Eternal life with the Lord comes through the blood. If you don't believe in the blood, if you

    don't accept the blood, you have no life, no salvation.

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    All teachings that exclude the divine blood of Jesus are nothing but deceit of the devil. Everyone

    who does not accept Jesus will go to hell. Jesus is the only door into Heaven, the only means of

    salvation. Jesus said, I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved (John

    10:9). Verily, verily, I say unto you, H e that en tereth n ot by the do or into the

    sheepfold, but climbeth up som e other w ay, the same is a thief and a robb er (John


    He that believeth on him is not condemn ed: bu t he that believeth not is condemn ed

    already, becau se he hath not be lieved in the n ame of the only begotten Son of God.

    He that be lieveth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son

    shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him (John 3:18,36). You can't believeth

    in the Son without believing in His divine blood; it's impossible. There is no life outside the blood.

    From a spiritual and from a physical standpoint, the life is in the blood. The body must have blood,

    and the soul can't live without spiritual blood, divine blood. Only spiritual death, eternal

    damnation, awaits the soul without the life that's in the divine blood of Jesus. Nothing can wash

    away your sins and take you to Heaven but the divine blood of Jesus.

    Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heare th my word , and b elieveth on him that sent

    me, hath eve rlasting life, and shall not come into condem nation; bu t is passed from

    death u nto life (John 5:24). You can't pass from death to life any other way but through the

    blood. Only the blood can erase death in you. All of us at one time or another were sinnersfo r

    all have sinne d, and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Death, condemnation,

    eternal damnation was upon us, but we were passed from death unto life when we received

    salvation. How did we pass from death unto life? Through the blood of Jesus. By recognizing the

    blood, by believing in the blood, believing that the blood would cleanse us and wash away all our

    sins we are saved. Through that shed blood all of our sins are washed away when we are bornagain.

    And Jesu s said u nto them , I am the br ead of life: he that cometh to m e shall neve r

    hun ger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst (John 6:35). The soul satisfied

    through the blood of Jesus will never hunger or thirst. Without the blood of Jesus there is no

    satisfaction for the soul. The soul came from God, and the soul belongs to God. Man sold it to the

    devil. Jesus came and bought it back, and He has given everyone an opportunity to accept His

    sacrifice. We have choice just as Adam and Eve had choice. Their souls belonged to God; they

    could stay with God or sell out to the devil, and they chose to sell out. When they did, they lost


    And this is the w ill of him that sent m e, that every one which seeth the S on, and

    believeth on him, may have e verlasting life: and I will raise him u p at the last day(John

    6:40). When you accept the divine blood in your soul, you have eternal life. You won't have any

    more eternal life when you walk down the avenue of Glory than you have right now if you have the

    blood of Jesus in your heart. Your body will die, but not the soul.

    He that b elieveth on m e, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of

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    living w ater (John 7:38). Rivers of living waters come by the blood and through the power of the

    Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit dwelling on the inside of people flows rivers of life through them to

    others around them. No wonder the Bride will bring the multitudes home to Jesus! And

    whosoev er liveth and be lieveth in me shall neve r die. Believest thou this (John 11:26)?

    Jesus asked.

    Let's look in on Saul again: He's delivering Christians into prison, both men and women. As for

    Sau l, he made havoc of the church, en tering into every hou se, and haling men and

    wom en com mitted them to prison (Acts 8:3). This is Saul who was to become the great

    apostle Paul. He took great pride in his opinions, in his position in the world. Bitterly he

    persecuted Christians. Paul said, I persecute d this way un to the death, binding and

    delivering into prisons both men and w omen (Acts 22:4). But through the blood Paul

    became humble, patient, a forgiving Child of God. The blood brought a miraculous change in him.

    Paul acknowledged himself to be a debtor to all men. He had no prejudices. Once narrow, a bigot,

    now he has the mind of Jesus, a heart that loves everyone. With great, great love, he is generous.

    How did this spiritual transformation come about? Through the blood of Jesus. On the road toDamascus with the intentions of bringing Christians to Jerusalem to be punished, sudde nly there

    shined roun d abou t him a light from heaven : And he fell to the earth, and heard a

    voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecu test thou m e? And he said, Who art

    thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecu test: it is hard for thee

    to kick against the pricks (Acts 9:3-5). Jesus let Paul know that He died for him, He brought

    divine blood for him. Why are you kicking against the truth, Paul? Why won't you accept it? Paul

    was introduced personally to the divine blood. In the moment Paul accepted the virgin birth he

    was transformed. The blinding light that came down from Heaven stopped Paul in his tracks.

    I see that light again and again, brighter than all the television lights. I always rejoice to see the

    light of Calvary that comes on people just before I touch them, the light of divine blood. I see that

    light going into the person; I see it with my eyes closed or opened. It's the divine light in the blood.

    Led blind to Damascus, Paul stayed there three days and nights without eating or drinking. In a

    vision the Lord came to Ananias, told him to go to Paul, put his hand on him that he might receive

    his sight. Ananias did as the Lord instructed, and imm ediately there fell from his eyes as it

    had bee n scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and w as baptized (Acts


    After his conversion, Paul suffered much for the sake of Christ. No one but Jesus Christ suffered

    like Paul. The Lord told Ananias, He [Paul] is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear m y name

    before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: For I will shew him how

    great things he mu st suffer for my name's sake (Acts 9:15,16). God used Paul as a vessel of

    honor, and Paul came to know Christ through sufferings. Paul wrote, I am cru cified with

    Christ: never theless I live; yet not I, bu t Christ liveth in me : and the life w hich I now

    live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, an d gave himself

    for me (Galatians 2:20). Paul knew much about Jesus through His sufferings as well as through

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    the power of His Resurrection. It is easier to accept Jesus through the power of His Resurrection

    than to know Him through His sufferings. Are you willing to suffer for His name's sake?

    Although Paul didn't dwell on his own sufferings, in II Corinthians 11:22-28 he wrote,Are the y

    Hebre ws? so am I. Are they Israelites? so am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? so

    am I. Are they ministers of Christ? (I speak as a fool) I am more; in labours more

    abu ndan t, in stripes above me asure, in prisons more frequ ent, in deaths oft. Of the

    Jews five times received I forty stripes save one. Thrice was I beaten w ith rods, once

    was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwr eck, a night and a day I have been in the d eep; In

    journe yings often, in pe rils of waters, in p erils of robbe rs, in perils by mine ow n

    coun trymen, in pe rils by the heathen , in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness,

    in perils in the sea, in pe rils among false brethren ; In we ariness and painfulness, in

    watchings often, in hun ger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and naked ness.

    Beside those things that are without, that which cometh u pon m e daily, the care of all

    the churches.

    Paul gloried not in sickness and disease, but in persecutions for the sake of Christ. Who is weak,and I am not we ak? who is offende d, and I bu rn not? If I must needs glory, I will

    glory of the things which conce rn m ine infirmities (II Corinthians 11:29,30). Paul wasn't

    speaking of being sick when he said he would glory in the things concerning his infirmities, but of

    the fellowship of the sufferings of Jesus. Jesus knew no sickness when He was here; we have no

    record of His ever being sick. The divine blood does not promise us sicknesses or diseases. It

    promises health, health, health. With His blood stripes we are healed.

    Think of the pain Paul endured and the time it took to recover from his beatings. He was stoned,

    left for deadthis probably was the time he was caught up into the third Heaven and saw things

    that were not lawful to tell. Whether or not he was in the body in that vision, he didn't know. The

    governor of Damascus, Paul said, was desirous to apprehend m e: And through a w indow in

    a basket was I let down by the wall, and escape d his hands (II Corinthians 11:32,33). Did

    Paul give up? Was he discouraged? He was victorious over all through the blood of Jesus.

    The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is blessed for everm ore, know eth

    that I lie no t (II Corinthians 11:31). Paul called on a real witness: God the Father. If others didn't

    believe what he had to say, Paul knew that God did. Not counting his own life dear, Paul was

    concerned with only what he could do for Jesus. He lost sight of the world, of family, friends. His

    life was completely in the Lord, given to the blood. Paul said it was in ignorance that he hadpersecuted the Church; he had not known better. But when the truth of who Jesus really was

    became apparent to Paul, his honest heart accepted Jesus completely. That's the reason he found

    grace. People who know better and still persecute the Church are in great danger of blaspheming

    against the Holy Ghost.

    Not only the heathen, his own countrymen tried to kill Paul. But divine blood flowed; God used

    Paul. He would not die until the Lord said it was time. Paul lived to an old age, and just before he

    died on Nero's chop block he wrote Timothy: For I am now ready to be offered, and the time

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    of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my cou rse, I

    have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousne ss,

    which the Lord, the righteou s judge, shall give m e at that day(II Timothy 4:6-8). Paul

    knew his work was finished; he had done the work of God.

    Some people feel when things become difficult that God isn't with them. The Bride won't feel like

    that; Paul didn't have that attitude. People who blame the Lord for the hard times, who murmur

    and complain, are a hindrance to the work of God. Jesus suffered, but He overcame. Misfortunes

    can either draw you closer to God or drive you into the arms of the enemy. Paul was willing to

    suffer all things for the sake of Christ, and the Bride today will be the same way.

    God had to let thousands of the Israelites in Old Testament days die because they grumbled and

    complained. His judgments warn us to not murmur. If you don't live in the blood of Jesus, you will

    murmur, feel sorry for yourself because your situation is not always ideal. Jesus did His best, and

    He suffered disappointments and persecutions. Paul did his best, and he, too, suffered much.

    Jesus told us about sufferings: In the w orld ye shall have tribulation: bu t be of good cheer;I have overcome the world (John 16:33). Jesus will be with you to overcome adversities. The

    enemy cannot destroy your soul as long as you keep it in the blood. The Lord has promised you

    eternal life; no one can take that life from you; only if you sin willfully is that eternal life with God

    destroyed. Paul had insight into this, a revelation of the blood. When it was his time to die, with

    great triumph he went forth. Men didn't have to drag him to the block; he walked there in the

    power of divine blood.

    Christians grumble when they do not have the revelation of the divine blood or of the sufferings of

    Jesus. Paul said, that I may know him, and the pow er of his resurre ction, and the

    fellowship of his sufferings, being m ade con formable u nto his death (Philippians 3:10).

    Many people want to know Jesus in the power of His Resurrection, but not in the fellowship of His

    sufferings. They don't want to suffer the way He suffered in order to know what God's love, peace

    and strength will do.

    The Bride will be willing to know Jesus in every way. She will not back down or compromise. The

    Bride will deliver the whole message of the saving Christ. She will put her life on the line daily,

    saith the Lord. Paul is a good example of the Bride, what she will be in this her final hour.

    Ministers are preaching false doctrine who claim that if you don't have prosperity you are not a

    true Child of God. Neither Jesus nor Paul was prosperous in the material world. Paul didn't even

    have food to eat part of the time or water to drink, yet he remained consecrated, dedicated to the

    Lord. He knew being prospered in earth's possessions was not a sign of godliness. Some of the

    most sinful people on earth are rich. Eternal life has nothing to do with the abundance of

    possessions; eternal life with the Lord comes only through the blood of Jesus.

    The rich man that Jesus told about died and lifted up his eyes in hell. Lazarus, destitute and full of

    sores, had been at his gate. The rich man cried and said, Father Abraham, have m ercy on

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    is said that the house next door to the synagogue is the same one he stayed in while he was there.

    Paul, writing to the church at Corinth said, For I determined not to know any thing among

    you, save Jesu s Christ, and him cru cified (I Corinthians 2:2). He was determined to not

    know anything among them but the divine blood of Jesus, the divine blood from Heaven. The

    divine blood is the only way you can know Jesus.

    And my speech an d my preaching w as not with enticing words of man's wisdom, bu t

    in demo nstration of the Spirit and of pow er: That your faith should not stand in the

    wisdom of men , bu t in the powe r of God (I Corinthians 2:4,5). What kind of power is Paul

    referring to? Blood power. His speech was in demonstration of the Holy Spirit working through

    the blood, the divine blood in his life.

    Jesus received the Holy Ghost when He was baptized in Jordan. John saw the Holy Ghost

    descending on Him in the form of a dove. The Holy Ghost operated that divine blood through

    Jesus who was a man as well as the divine Son of God. The disciples were shown that the Holy

    Ghost would operate the divine blood through them as well. Paul studied all of this, and he came

    into perfection of the divine revelation of the Lord that other apostles never received. Study thePauline epistles and find how the greatness of the blood works.

    The wisdom of God was ordained before the world of salvation and redemption. But we speak

    the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden w isdom, which God ordained before

    the world u nto ou r glory: Which non e of the princes of this world kne w: for had they

    know n it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory(I Corinthians 2:7,8). Not

    everyone will understand these writings; they are spoken in a mystery to the carnal mind. The

    world does not understand the spiritual things of God, will not accept Jesus as the Son of God, the

    divine Redeemer. They fail to comprehend the divine power in the blood or accept the words of

    the prophets who foresaw that Jesus would come, the Messiah born of a virgin. Although the Bible

    is a mystery to many people, it is not intended to be so. Ministers and teachers alike have failed

    God down through the years, not teaching the true Word, not fasting, praying and getting their

    messages from God. They have depended on one another for opinions, relied on the opinions of

    man, of self and not of God. Not until they fast, pray and live in the Word of God will they

    understand the Bible and have something of value to give the people.

    As long as you are part of the world, you don't recognize the things that are yours through God.

    Because you don't accept them, they are not given to you. They were placed within your reach only

    through divine blood. You can only reach the things of God through divine blood.

    Now w e have received, not the spirit of the world, bu t the spirit which is of God; that

    we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we

    speak, not in the wo rds which man's wisdom teacheth, bu t which the Holy Ghost

    teacheth; comparing spiritual things w ith spiritual (I Corinthians 2:12,13). You can't have

    the spirit of the world and be a true born-again Christian. Most Christians today are worldly, acting

    like the world, talking like the world and indistinguishable from the world. No blood-bought

    salvation is in their hearts.

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    What discourages you? Examine it; find how much of the divine blood is working in you; discover

    whether or not you are standing the blood test in the eyes of the Lord. You had better be able to

    pass the blood test, saith the Lord. You must pass it in this last hour.

    Through Jesus Christ the things of God are freely given, through divine blood; but many fail to

    receive because they do not recognize the divine blood, the channel through which the blessings of

    God come. You can have healing for soul, mind and body through that divine blood. It's divine

    blood that bridges the gulf between man and God. It's divine blood, the Jesus blood, that connects

    you with Heaven; there is no connection between you and Heaven without the divine blood. Your

    soul is not connected with Heaven any other way than through the divine blood of the Son of God.

    For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? Bu t we have the

    mind o f Christ (I Corinthians 2:16). We have the mind of Christ; we are not searching for it.

    Others have had the mind of Christ; Paul was a great teacher, leading his followers into the mind of

    Christ. People need instructors. Many would have the mind of Christ today, separated from the

    world, had they had the right instructors.

    For I think that God hath set forth u s the apostles last, as it were appointed to death:

    for we are mad e a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men (I Corinthians

    4:9). The apostles, almost all of them, died for the sake of Christ. God set forth the apostles in a

    special way that they might know Jesus in His sufferings as well as in the power of His

    Resurrection, that they could instruct others, lead people in the paths of righteousness just like

    Jesus. The Early Church talked like Jesus; they had the same love, power and greatness; they

    delivered the whole truth of the blood. Jesus said, he that believeth on me, the w orks that I

    do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go u nto my

    Father (John 14:12).

    We are fools for Christ's sake, bu t ye are w ise in Christ; we are w eak, bu t ye are

    strong; ye are honou rable, but we are de spised (I Corinthians 4:10). Paul is telling how the

    world looked upon the apostles. The world despised them because they were so much like Jesus,

    and the world hated Jesus the way Paul had hated Jesus at one time. But the apostles were willing

    to take the ridicule of the world, to be fools for Christ's sake in order to spread the Gospel. They

    were the leaders, the teachers of the Christian movement, strong. Listen to what the Spirit is

    saying, not the world.

    Even un to this present hour w e both hun ger, and thirst, and are naked, and arebu ffeted, and have n o certain dw ellingplace (I Corinthians 4:11). Doesn't this sound like

    their Jesus, like the way He suffered? Did Paul know Him in His sufferings? Yes he did. That's the

    reason he could tell us so much about Jesus. Paul was the foremost of all witnesses to the power of

    Jesus, to the greatness of Jesus, to the whole Jesus. He showed us how to live the Jesus life. I love

    to think of the steps Paul made, steps that were like those of Jesus. The truths he taught were the

    truths of Jesus. Although Paul never saw Jesus in the flesh, you can depend on his testimony.

    And d id all eat the same spiritual meat; An d did all drink the same spiritual drink: for

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    they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock w as Christ (I

    Corinthians 10:3,4). Paul here is speaking of the Israelites in the wilderness. He is saying that

    Jesus was there and they drank of Him, the Rock Jesus. Jesus, remember, was with the Father

    before the creation of the earth; before He came to earth, His Spirit was moving, working for God's

    chosen people. They had that light, that strength to go directly into Canaan in eleven days, but they

    failed to use it; and they wandered in the wilderness forty years. With man y of them God w as

    not we ll pleased: for they were ove rthrown in the wilderness (I Corinthians 10:5).

    Although the Israelites drank of the Rock and were offered all the strength they needed to stay true

    to God, they still failed. Jesus was there wrapped in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by

    night. They had the Spirit of Jesus with them in the wilderness but they wouldn't accept Him.

    They preferred idol gods. Loving the ways of the heathen, they turned their backs to the ways of

    the Lord.

    Many today have been wandering in the wilderness for forty, fifty years and are nowhere with God

    at all. They are still in the world going around in circles. They haven't been witnesses to the blood

    of Jesus; they haven't been good stewards or good servants. They don't like His ways. His ways aredivine; His blood is divine. How marvelous to know that we have been made partakers of that

    divine nature!

    There hath no temptation taken you bu t such as is common to man : but God is

    faithful, who w ill not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; bu t will with the

    temptation also make a w ay to escape, that ye m ay be able to be ar it (I Corinthians

    10:13). For years when I thought I couldn't take any more, I would look around for a way of escape,

    and if there were none, I would settle down in this scripture saying, Lord, I can take some more; I

    just thought I couldn't. He would give me strength. Paul went through much suffering, but he

    knew he was able to bear it as long as the Lord did not provide a way of escape.

    Do you become miffed at God because He doesn't do everything your way or deliver you

    immediately? Do you think you are being mistreated? You will not know Jesus unless you know

    Him through sufferingnot sicknesses and diseases, but trials and persecutions. You are protected

    through the blood. Through the blood the Lord will make a way of escape. If you don't take the

    blood way, you won't escape. Without the blood you have no power over the devil, no victory.

    Whether or not you trample devils underfoot depends on how you use the blood.

    The flesh has a loud voice. It will be louder than the blood voice if you allow it. Which channel willyou tune into? If the blood is in your soul, keep tuned to it.

    The cup of blessing w hich we b less, is it not the comm un ion of the blood of Christ?

    The bread w hich we bre ak, is it not the commu nion of the body of Christ (I Corinthians

    10:16)? Know the significance of taking holy communion. Bu t let a man examine himself,

    and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. For he that eateth and

    drinketh u nw orthily, eateth and drinketh d amnation to himself, not discerning the

    Lord's body. For this cause many are w eak and sickly among you, and man y sleep (I

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    Corinthians 11:28-30). Some died before their time because they had not discerned the Lord's

    body. Many take holy sacrament and don't know what it means. They are not in a condition to take


    For we be ing many are one bre ad, and one b ody: for we are all partakers of that one

    bread (I Corinthians 10:17). You are partakers of the bread of Jesus, part of His body, bone of His

    bone, flesh of His flesh through divine blood. You can't be a Child of God any other way but

    through divine blood.

    For this is the will of God, eve n you r sanctification, that ye should abstain from

    fornication: That every one of you should kn ow h ow to possess his vessel in

    sanctification an d hon our (I Thessalonians 4:3,4). Sanctification means to be holy; holiness is

    the will of God. You can't be sanctified and remain unholy. You can't be sanctified through the

    blood, cleansed through the blood and still have sin in your life. The vessel is your soul, your body,

    the whole you. Through the blood of Jesus you know how to possess your soul and body, through

    sanctification. It's the only way to possess your vessel in the right way. God frowns on any other

    way; damnation will be the result of all unholiness.

    For God hath not called u s unto u ncleanne ss, but un to holiness (I Thessalonians 4:7).

    Paul is telling the people that some are unclean, but God didn't call them to uncleanness. God calls

    to holiness. The unholy hate holiness. When I was a boy, holiness people were persecuted. I was

    persecuted in school because my people believed in holy living through the blood of Jesus and

    attended a holiness church.

    For God hath not appointed us to w rath, but to obtain salvation by ou r Lord Jesus

    Christ, Who died for u s, that, whether we wake o r sleep, we shou ld live together with

    him (I Thessalonians 5:9,10). You can only obtain salvation through the blood. Whether we live

    on this earth or die, we live together with Him. Paul was trying to get the people to yield to the

    blood so that they could live with the Lord on this earth and in the life hereafter.

    See that non e ren der evil for evil unto an y man; bu t ever follow that w hich is good,

    both amon g yourselves, and to all men (I Thessalonians 5:15). Paul was teaching against

    serving evil. Some who go by the name of Christian serve evil, mistreat others and claim they are

    going to Heaven. They'll never make it unless they get right with God.

    Serve love; don't serve hatred or criticism. If you get to Heaven it will be because you have God's

    love and used it on others. When you have the blood of Jesus, you talk kind words to people,

    tender, loving words; you talk what is in your heart. You can be very destructive, mean, hateful,

    stubborn, arrogant and still think you are on your way to Heaven. You would be deceived. How

    awful to land in hell after the devil has deceived you into thinking you were on your way to

    Heaven! You were a spokesman for that which was wrong. Your words weren't kind, didn't bring

    peace. You think you are going to Heaven, but if you are hateful, verbally abusive to others, you are

    not using the voice of the blood but of deceit. Many will wake up in hell because of this very thing,

    saith the Lord. Jesus said, Not every one that saith un to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into

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    the kingdom of heave n; bu t he that doeth the w ill of my Father w hich is in heaven

    (Matthew 7:21).

    When the blood of Jesus is in your heart, you love to serve peace, kindness. Your spirit is gentle,

    tender. Do you speak with the tongue of love? Do you tell people what you think or what God

    thinks? The gift of discerning is in my life; through that gift I can tell whether the blood of Jesus

    abides in your heart; I can tell if your talk is blood talk or not. I don't always reveal to the person

    what I know. God doesn't ask me to disclose it if He knows the person will not accept it, but He will

    keep trying to deal with the person, giving me messages to help open his eyes. When people don't

    want to see, however, they will not see. The Lord described some people as having eyes to see and

    seeing not, ears to hear and hearing not.

    Abstain from all appearance of evil (I Thessalonians 5:22). Shun anything that looks like evil;

    stay away from it or you will never see Heaven. God is very strict about His Heaven.And th e

    very God of peace sanctify you w holly; and I pray God you r w hole spirit and soul and

    body be pre served blameless un to the coming of our Lord Jesu s Christ (I Thessalonians

    5:23). The whole you must be preserved blameless before God. You can't lose your temper againstothers, try to get even, hold resentment and still be holy. If you are doing those things, you are

    going against the blood and everything in it. Jesus is coming after those who are blameless, those

    without spot, wrinkle, blemish or any such thing.

    That the name o f our Lord Jesu s Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him,

    according to the grace of ou r God and the Lord Jesus Christ (II Thessalonians 1:12). The

    name of Jesus will not be glorified in you without the divine blood of Jesus, but according to the

    grace in the blood of Jesus. Bu t we are bou nd to give thanks alway to God for you,

    brethren beloved of the Lord, becau se God hath from the beginning chosen you to

    salvation throu gh sanctification of the Sp irit and belief of the tru th (II Thessalonians

    2:13). Paul is writing to the men and women who were blameless; he is proud of them. And to

    those who had not been measuring up to the truth, Paul gave straight talk, telling them where they


    The Bible starts with seven days and ends with six thousand years. Is one day in Heaven equal to

    a thousand earth days?

    No. When II Peter 3:8 says that one d ay is with the Lord as a thou sand years, and a

    thousand years as one dayit is saying that earth time doesn't matter with God; eternity is what

    He is preparing us for. God does not have a watch; He moves according to His own timing. Don't

    look to your time but to God's timetable. A thousand years being as one day with God shows His


    I know when we get to Heaven we will be married to Christ, but why couldn't we also be given in

    marriage to our earth mates?

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    Jesus said that in Heaven they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the

    angels which are in heaven (Mark 12:25). We don't know what God has in store on a higher

    plane, a greater realm than marriage, but I'm sure He has something there higher and greater. I

    know in Heaven I want to be with Angel for all eternity, but God planned marriage for earth, not


    What is the full purpose of the Holy Ghost? Will He have the same meaning in Heaven?

    He won't have the same purpose in Heaven; He won't have to live and dwell on the inside of people

    as the Spirit of Truth. Those in Heaven will be living in truth. The purpose of the Holy Ghost down

    here is to guide, teach, serve from the blood all things needed to those yielded to Him, to baptize

    people in His Spirit. Although the Holy Ghost won't have the same purpose in Heaven as He has to

    us here on earth, He will still be the third person in the Godhead.

    Why is the human mind so prone to slip from the grace of God during the walk here on earth?

    Because the mind gives over to the flesh. That's the reason we need to take on the mind of Christ.

    We can have the mind of Christ through the blood, the divine blood that would never give over to

    the flesh. The blood is against all the seventeen works of the flesh that are listed in Galatians 5. If

    the human mind is not anointed, not blessed, not using the truth, the devil will have a playground,

    working to break down your resistance to him. If you are not careful he will leech your mind,

    putting it in such a state that God and the Holy Spirit can't get through to you to work with your

    soul. You can keep failing, disobeying God until the leeches drop into the soul and the devil takes

    over completely, and your salvation is lost.

    Why was it all right for Rahab to lie about hiding Joshua's spies?

    Don't you think a harlot would lie? God never said lies were all right or that Rahab was a saint.

    She came into the grace of God by believing the spies were servants of Jehovah God and that God

    would give Jericho into the hands of His people. She had faith. I had faith in God when I was still

    a sinner. Sinners can have faith; they just have not given their hearts to God. Rahab became

    special for God. The lie came before she was converted. The Bible is a truth book. It tells the truth

    about Rahab, about Mary Magdalene who once had seven devils in her before she found salvation.

    If people sinned, the Bible tells it. God doesn't whitewash anyone.

    Would a Christian today be able to lie about hiding another Christian from wrongful persecution

    or even death?

    The Bible says that all liars, shall have their part in the lake w hich bu rneth w ith fire an d

    brimstone: w hich is the second death (Revelation 21:8). Stephen didn't lie to save his life.

    Jesus didn't lie to save His life. When Peter lied, saying he did not know Jesus, he backslid.

    How do you know when all the deceit is out of you?

    When you don't use any of it. If you try to fool people, if you are doing something undercover, if

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    you lie a little you have deceit. Are you pure, clean, holy before God? Is your tongue too long? Do

    you gossip? Do you tell people hurtful things that others have said about them? Don't be a

    messenger of the devil. If you have no deceit, you talk good things that will bless, edify others. You

    damn your own soul when you pass gossip.

    In this final hour we will have angel help. I know it means we must have angel faith. How does

    one acquire angel faith?

    You acquire it through the blood. Angels have the same faith as humans available to them. God

    doesn't stockpile assorted kinds of faith; He has one faithHis. Angels use it, God uses it, the Son

    of God uses it, the Holy Spirit uses it and we can use it. Angels are divine creations of God with

    divine faith, and we are new creatures, partakers of divine nature. We must have God's faith in the

    blood of Jesus.

    Do you have the results of the blood? Did you stand the test? The truth sobers honest-heartedpeople. You will be judged according to what you say; even your idle words will be judged. Stay

    connected with the blood. The blood will give you the right things to say. The spirit of the Bride

    wants to know if she is falling short. Do you want to know if you are wrong? Know the truth and

    the truth will make you free. Each night ask the Lord to look over your day. Have you pleased


    Let the blood work on the inside of you; have love for everyone. Don't allow grudges to live in your

    heart; forgive. Put people in the hands of God and go on with God. You can't afford to carry the

    garbage of resentment and bitterness because someone has mistreated you. The blood says garbagewill not mix with what is in the born-again soul. Empty yourself of all that is not of God.

    If you have a mean spirit part of the time, if you talk mean to those around you, you are not a

    blessing. Jesus makes you a blessing when you yield to Him. Do you treat people right? God

    knows if you do. You will have to give an account for all your actions one day.

    Are you really free? If not, let me pray the sinner's prayer with you:Oh God, I am lost! I am so

    sorry that I sinned against you, but I've come home. I'm going to serve you, Lord, the rest of my

    life. I believe that Jesus died for me. I will live for Him. I believe the blood of Jesus washes away

    all of my sins, all of them! Come on into my heart Jesus! Come on in.

    If you meant that prayer, He has come.

    You who need healing, get ready for the Lord to move for you now: Lord, I bring the sick and

    afflicted, the cancer victims, the diabetics, the heart patients, those who are afflicted with other

    diseases. In the name of Jesus, Heal! Heal! The healing power is flowing, flowing. Get well.

    Write and tell me what you received today from the Lord. God's blessings be yours.

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    Thus saith the Lord: I will give the great revelation of divine blood, a revelation that will live with

    the Bride till her Lord comes, a revelation that will give pow er and victory, victories that she has

    not had in the past. I will do great and mighty wonders. I'm going to shake the world through

    the obedience of the Bride. The Bride must know my blood, saith the Lord, must know the

    greatness of my blood, and must know that it is the same blood that she has that I used, that I

    brought to earth. It is not another blood; it's the same blood. It will work the same way. It will

    perform the same miracles, and it will do great and mighty wonders just like it did when I wa s

    here on earth. Through my blood I will make myself real to the Bride. She will feel the closeness

    and the fellowship daily that she has not felt in the past. She will have greater vision of what I am

    doing, what I am going to do and of all of my greatness being poured out. Through my blood she

    will be anointed to pray and believe like she has never been able to pray and believe in the past.

    She will be able to yield to my truth like she has never been able to yield to all of my truth. She

    will be able to deliver those that are in bondage, set the captives free just like I set them free when I

    was here on earth. She will delight in the lifemy lifethat's in my divine blood. She will use the

    life of her Lord because she will use the blood. Yield completely to my truth. Yield completely to

    my truth and you will be able to use my life to give you life and give others life, saith the Lord.

    The Lord is offering you much. Accept all. Thank God for His life. Think upon the blood, dwell on

    the divine blood of Jesus, on the many, many things that are in the blood. They are life, deliverance

    for you. In the blood you will find the cure for all things needed, all the greatness of Heaven. The

    virgin birth meant everything to a lost world. Through the blood, the virgin birth will become a

    greater reality to you than ever before. It will not seem like a far removed happening 2000 years

    ago; it will be living reality of life within you, saith the Lord. Seek the Lord with your whole heart;

    let nothing disturb you. Set your time as the woman did with the issue of blood and decide that the

    Lord will deliver you. Take good health, strength from the Lord, the health of Jesus. Get ready for

    God to help you.

    As the life of the Early Church came into existence with all the greatness and power of God through

    the result of the blood test, let that Jesus blood test bring your soul to life in all the greatness and

    power of God also. It's the precious blood of Jesus that will make you an overcomer in this last and

    final hour. Take the blood test daily and let the Lord become all living reality to you, soul, mind

    and heart. Don't ever think that it is impossible for you to pass the Jesus blood testthe Early

    Church disciples did, and you can too. The blood has not lost its power. Use the Jesus bloodall

    things are possible through the blood of Jesus.

    THE RESULTS OF THE JESUS BLOOD TEST, All rights reserved. Copyright 1995 Ernest Angley.

    All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use

    only. You may freely download, print or distribute this literature without prior permission, as long as it is NOT altered and is distributed in

    its entirety.

    1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

    Results of the Jesus Blood Test - Ernest Angley Ministries

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