the rise of dictatorial...

Post on 29-Apr-2018






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The Rise of Dictatorial Regimes

Ch. 17.2

n The modern totalitarian state established by Mussolini led to the adoption of dictatorial regimes that aimed to control every aspect of their citizens’ lives for state goals.

n Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union, eliminated people who threatened his power.

Just the facts...

Many new Democratic Nations were formed in the new countries created after WWI

-many of them struggled economically

By1939 France & G.B. = only major Democracies remaining in Europe

• The totalitarian states did away with individual freedoms.

• Many European nations became totalitarian states in which governments controlled the political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of its citizens.

• These new powerful regimes used propaganda to conquer the minds of their subjects and limited individual freedoms.

The Rise of Dictators

Wanted more than passive obedience, they wanted to conquer the hearts and minds of their subjects


-Rights of the Individual are subordinate to the will of the people.

-He wanted to create a nation of orderly and war-ready people united in the struggle for success

The totalitarian state

Socialists spoke of revolution in response to severe economic problems. The middle class feared a Communist takeover similar to the one that occurred in Russia.

Italy – state of mass confusion Rise of Mussolini

fascism – glorifies the state above the individual by emphasizing the need for strong central government led by a dictatorial ruler.

Mussolini established total control over his people and exercised control over all media outlets.

Fascism in Italy

Squadristi (Black shirts) – armed fascists

-broke up strikes & raided socialist/communist offices

(many middle and upper class people were against socialism)

Nationalistic Perceptions -demanded more land for Italy after WWI

*threatened to march on Rome for power

-King Emanuel III makes Mussolini the Prime Minister of Italy

*creates fascist dictatorship

1920-22 Devastation, famine & industry collapse during the Civil War in Russia =>5 mill deaths

Lenin’s Economic Policy =New Econ Policy (NEP)

Peasants were allowed to sell their produce openly

In 1922 Lenin and the Communists created the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).

New Era in Soviet Union

Death of Lenin & Rise of Stalin

• After Lenin’s death in 1924, the Politburo became divided over the future direction of the Soviet Union. (7 members)

• Leon Trotsky vs. Joseph Stalin for control

Joseph Stalin used his position as general secretary to gain control of the Communist Party

giving political positions in exchange for support

Stalin established complete control over the Communist Party

sending his opposition to work in forced labor camps in Siberia

Old Bolsheviks of the 1917 revolution were put on trial and condemned to death.

Economic goals based on 5 year period

first 5 years = transform from an agricultural to an industrial power (produce capital goods)

steel production 4 to 18 million tons in two years

*neglected social welfare- workers lived in terrible conditions

collectivization – small private farms

eliminated by large government owned farms.

Stalin’s 5 Year Plan

Costs of Stalin’s Programs

Peasant famine

Stalin strengthens political control

Great Purge (1930’s)

-8 million arrested

HW = p. 546 #’s 1,2,4,6,&7

• Many eastern European nations adopted parliamentary systems after World War I, but were soon replaced with authoritarian regimes.

• The landowners, churches, and some members of the middle class did not want land reforms to take place. They feared ethnic and peasant unrest could lead to communism.

Authoritarian States in the West

These groups wanted an authoritarian leader to uphold traditional social order.

In Spain, Francisco Franco led a military revolt against the democratic government, resulting in a brutal civil war.

• The Spanish Civil War ended when Franco’s forces captured Madrid in 1939.

• Franco established an authoritarian dictatorship, rather than a totalitarian regime, that favored traditional groups of large landowners, businesspeople, and Catholic clergy.

Spanish Civil War

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2. Social Security

3. Deficit Spending

4. Collective Bargaining

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