the sales leader's handbook for a multi-touchpoint strategy to

Post on 24-Jan-2017






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The goal of a multi-touchpoint strategy is to establish and build a relationship with a prospect using various forms of communications, with various offers, over a period of time.

INTRODUCTIONTo gain the competitive edge, sales leaders must maximize efficiency of their sales reps and sales processes. Building a multi-touchpoint strategy using automated email and call scheduling lets sales organizations reach more prospects, faster, to maximize sales outreach.

Only about a quarter of sales emails are even opened, and it can take up to 18 dials to connect with a single buyer, according to sales research firm TOPO. With all the online and day-to-day distractions buyers face, sales organizations need a multi-touch, multi-channel strategy to get a response or attention from a prospect.

By using a combination of deep buyer-based engagement analytics and a multi-touch strategy with automated email and call scheduling, organizations are increasing conversion rates up to 4x.  

This eBook provides sales leaders with understanding about the following 5 essential elements needed for an effective multi-touchpoint sales strategy using automated email and call scheduling:

1. Know Your Audience 2. Message with Precision3. Build an Email and Call Schedule4. Analyze and Repeat5. Monitor Engagement and Course Correct


Build quality and customized emailsBefore you build out your email templates and scripts, take time upfront to learn about your audience. You need to create quality email templates that deliver value before you engage with prospects.

Who is the target persona? What are your prospects’ pain points and industry challenges? Your message needs to be focused on them, not you. Also, back up your message and build credibility by using a third-party stat or data point in your email.

Segment your dataTake the time upfront to segment your data by title, organization, industry, and company size. Stay ahead of the competition. Most of your competitors do not want to do the work to find out where the customer engages. It takes thinking. When you commit to finding out where your customer is, and their challenges, you gain a huge advantage.



Understand your prospect’s buying journeyConsider what content you can provide prospects that delivers value to where they are in the purchasing process. Include an interesting white paper or a case study or other relevant data with each email.

Personalize engagementPersonalizing content can increase conversion rates by 36%. Use dynamic fields in your emails and even subject lines. Monitor how prospects engage with content to send additional content aligned with their interests. When speaking with them on the phone, be sure you’ve done your homework. Know something about them. Were they promoted recently or recently acquired by another company? The more your exchange with them is about them, the more you will have a positive connect rate.

Be clear and conciseEmails and live or recorded voicemails should be succinct and straight to the point. Be sure to leave your phone number twice and let them know you will follow-up with an email. Emails should not be more than three paragraphs, and paragraphs should be 2-3 sentences only. If emails are too long, they won’t be read. Be sure you check for any grammatical or spelling errors. They will not take you seriously if you have them!



Selling takes multiple touchpoints using multiple channels. Building a scheduled email and call touchpoint strategy keeps you top of mind with prospects and educates them about your solution.

Use email and phoneYour team needs the ability to adapt to how prospects want to engage with them. Multiple communication vehicles increase connection rates. How many touches does it take to get a response, you ask? It depends on your prospect’s persona. In general, we recommend 6-8 touches of emailing and calling, even outreach on social media.

Deliver steady and thoughtful engagementWith steady and thoughtful engagement, you can help prospects realize that they have a problem and that you can help solve it. Be sure your team engages with prospects in different ways and shares useful content throughout a campaign.

Vary messages over timeBy engaging with prospects in different ways and with varying messages, your team builds stronger customer relationships. Remember not to sell them but offer them information that is educational or a best practice.



Optimize with analyticsA multi-touchpoint sales strategy should be optimized over time, and you need analytics to do so. With engagement analytics, you can learn what messaging and what sales activity have the most success, so you can build repeatable processes for your team.

Apply A/B testingTest one subject line for one group of prospects and a different subject line for the other half and see which one performs best.

Leverage template analyticsSee which templates have the highest open and response rates, so you can build automated email sequences for your organization using the best ones.

Analyze conversion ratesTrack how many activities and what type of activities typically move prospects from one stage to another within your organization. Understand how many touchpoints it takes before a meeting is scheduled.



Coach reps based on proven practicesCoaching is one of the most important activities a sales leader can do to help their reps be successful. By leveraging analytics with your automated email sequences, you can understand buyer engagement and determine the best course of action based on past experience.

Rank top leadsIdentify which prospects are engaging the most so your reps can focus on those opportunities.

Track email opens, link clicks, and attachments viewsUnderstand your buyer needs and interests faster by seeing how they engage with your content. Use email and content tracking to identify other stakeholders in the deal with analytics that show when documents are forwarded.


BLENDING THE ART OF SALES WITH SCIENCEA multi-touchpoint strategy has been shown to improve engagement with prospects. However, to differentiate your organization and gain the competitive edge, a multi-touchpoint strategy needs to combine the art of sales messaging with science.

When applied with intelligent and prescriptive engagement analytics, a multi-touchpoint strategy gives sales leaders valuable insights into rep performance, processes, and messaging to identify and repeat the activities that work best.

By helping your team engage with prospects appropriately and with meaning, you strengthen customer relationships and increase your organization’s credibility.

With an optimized process that includes advanced automation, powerful analytics, and email and call scheduling, your sales team can increase quality connect rates, speed conversion, and drive productivity and revenue for the business.

Aberdeen Group discovered that companies that support sales teams with sales intelligence tools see a 28.4% increase in year-over-year revenue, and CSO Insights found that effective use of sales intelligence results in a 17% increase

Why Sales Leaders ChooseLiveHive SmartPath to Help Build a Multi-Touchpoint Sales Strategy

• Customizable email templates and live call and voicemail scripts• Support for dynamic fields in email body and subject line• Drag and drop email and call scheduling• Multi-touchpoint analytics• Deep email and content engagement analytics• Real-time alerts on prospect interactions• Prospect engagement scores automatically synchronized with CRM• Rep and team performance reports

To learn how LiveHive can help you increase quality connect rates through a multi-touchpoint strategy, visit

LiveHive is an open and extensible sales acceleration platform that helps enterprises optimize their sales processes with deep buyer-based engagement analytics and advanced automation. Delivering seamless integration with best-in-class sales tools, LiveHive lets sales teams advance opportunities more efficiently and gives sales leaders a unified view of activities, behaviors and opportunities across the sales cycle.

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