the seibert f a m i wolfersweiler, saar -...

Post on 26-Feb-2019






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Wolfersweiler, Saar Tulpehocken,' Pennsylvania Clear Spring, Maryland Martinsburg, West V i r g i n i a


Raymond Martin B o l l

Washington & Jefferson College

Washington, Pennsylvania


B «--rs y i f t : i / / c - / <


' Page 1. INTRODUCTION ....... 3

Foreword Acknowledgements The Surname

2. DEUTSCHLAND 5 German Sources The Region Kusel-Diedelkopf Wolfersweiler-Bitzweiler Family Outline

3. WOLFERSWEILER 10 The Church Chronology Baptism Certificates Nickel Seubert Jakob Seubert The Kltotzers To America The Voyage


5. TULPEHOCKEN 2$ Seiberts Tr in i ty Church Early Settlers

6. JOHN JACOB SEIBERT FAMILY 27 Outline Chronology

7. JOHN TONDEL SEIBERT FAMILY . . . 35 Outline Chronology

8. OTHER FAMILIES 42 Wolfersweiler Küntzer Theiss-Lauer Holstein Schutz Other Seiberts

9. OTHER RECORDS U6 Wolfersweiler Waldfischbach Ship Lists Miscellaneous

10. INDEX 52 Piaces Surnames American Seiberts


Dedicated to

Rev, Samuel Seibert (I8OO-I863)

and his sons William Henry Seibert (1831-1915) John Rush Seibert (1831+-1922)

who gathered Seibert notes for many years

60- 3479 3



For a number of years the writer has been gathering data on his maternal forebears. He remembers his grandfather, George Adam Seibert, who died at 96 -and his great-grandfather, Christian Seibert, who died at 99. Christian was married in Lebanon County, Pa. in 1835. He always prayed in German and read his German Bible. Christian Seibert was a great-grandson of Jacob who ' migrated from Eitzweiler, Saarland to Tulpehocken, Pennsylvania, in 1738. Jacob was a great-grandson of Nickel Seubert, who settled at Eitzweiler about 1650, likely coming from Diedelkopf. Nickel's great-grandfather, possibly Seyfried (no surname) was born about l500.

The chief source of data in America has been the GENEALOGY OF SEIBERT FAMILY, handwritten notes by William H. and his brother, John R. Seibert. These are now owned by Roy Seibert Preston, of Pekin, Ill i n o i s , grandson of John R.

Important sources of information have been the church records in Penna, and Germany, where the Seiberts attended. The Trinity (Reformed) Tulpehocken records are at the Historical Society of the Evangelical and Reformed Church, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa. Records of the Wendel Seibert branch are at Christ Lutheran Church, Stouchsburg - a few miles east of the Tulpehocken Church. The Trinity and Christ records begin in 17ij.8.

The chief source of data in Germany has been the ARCHIV DER EVANGELISCHEN KIRCHE IM RHEINLAND at Koblenz. Dr. Bruno Hirschfeld sent the writer 30 pages of data from the Wolfersweiler (Reformed) Church records. From the Prot. Landes kirchenrat der Pfalz at Speyer came data from the Kusel records. The Kusel records go back to 1565$ those from Wolfersweiler to 1665.

The 1738 letter of recommendation brought by Jacob Seibert to America was kept in the family until about 1900. In 1850 Rev. Samuel Seibert wrote to Wolfersweiler and obtained some Seibert data. In 1958 Dr. Fritz Braun of Kaiserslautern verified the fact that our Seiberts came from the Wolfersweiler Parish, Kreis St. Wendel, Saarland. He sent a chart showing the Seibert-Küntzer relationship. The writer then obtained from Koblenz and Speyer additional data.

It is not clear why William H. and John R. Seibert thought that Waldfischbach was the Seibert home in Germany. The name, Seibert, is rather common. No attempt has been made to trace any other branch. Between 1730 and 1775' thirty-two Seibert families, 19 Seifert, and 11 Seifret families landed in Penna.


The writer is greatly indebted to the late Dr. William J. Hinke for a l l that he did to facilitate his research into this Pennsylvania Germany family:

1. For Pennsylvania German Pioneers, a monumental work, listing the adult male passengers (and in some cases women and children) who landed at Philadelphia. The names have been carefully copied.


„. , : ?°l ccWin9 the many Reformed Church records, now on microfilm at the Historical.Society of the Evangelical and Reformed Church, Fackenthal Library, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This society has helped the x-iriter greatly. y

M r

3 - F o r h i s excellent history of Tulpehocken, also on microfilm at F. & M. College. .

- H f 2 P tef been received from a number of persons, including Miss Ruth 1 Brovm Seibert, Miss Nellie Schock, Guy Edwin Matter, Mrs. Howard

a ™ - l???C i av, t?? n k S 9 0 t o R o y Weston Seibert, of Pekin, I l l i n o i s , who has made

available a l l the notes of his great-uncle and grandfather. These notes also contain information on other families and later branches which the writer has not used.

Thanks go to the following in Germany: Dr. Fritz Braun, Kaiserslautern - for locating the Seibert oriqin Dr. Bruno Hirschfeld, Koblenz - Wolfersweiler church records Dr.- Richard Mormig, Bonn - Large scale maps and other materials Rev. Spering, Wolfersweiler - interesting letters and picture JJr. Eger, Speyer - Kusel church records

German maps used were: 1:25,000 Topographische Karte, Freisen (64O9) 1:200,000 Deutsche General Karte (l5)

The Surname

J n A m e f i c a the name has generally been spelled SEIBERT, although around iSSft ! ? y b e r t ™ e d by some branches. In the Wolfersweiler records before 1738 the mme is SEUBERT. The name was Tuitten and spelled as i t sounded to the current pastor. I t apparently comes from the personal name Seyfried (or S iegf r ied) . Variations of Seibert are Se i fe r t , Se i f r e t .

Th«, c ï i í f 1 * 2 * t e ™ * ™ 3 b i t t e n Seyfr id t ; i n 1655 at Wolfersweiler as Se i f r i ed . The spell ing Seubert did not c lear ly emerge u n t i l about 1Ó75. Surnames i n 9 3 V r e i e . n ! ? t a ? ° P t e ? « n t i l around l500. There is record of Nickel (Klaus), son of Seyfried (Siegfried) dying at Diedelkopf in 1590.

The following spellings are on records K U S e l £ l l t i f Z i d Achtelsbach 1642 Seyfr idt I502 Seybers

ilfoo l ^ f t . Wolfersweiler 1655 S e i f r i e d ]Hl t ^ f ^ 1666 Seibert ] f c l i * 1 * ? * A 1687 Seibert

l í % « 3 8 Seubert

To™*1* -ï O Ví d b e n ° ^ d ^ i n G e r m a n t h e s e c o i l d n a m c i s t he ca l l name. John Jacob Seibert was called Jacob. In English the f i r s t name is the call name, nus often confused English-speaking clerks. The writer has used the call name m many cases. He has also Anglicized the spelling of the German names in American records.



- German Sources

Before 1958 there were two sources of information on the Seiberts in Germany:

(1) the letter of recommendation dated May 6, 1738 which John Jacob Seibert brought with him to America;

(2) the records which Rev. Philipp Wolff, of Wolfersweiler sent to Rev. Samuel Seibert Dec. 10, l8j>0.

The f i r s t was in existence in 1895 and was in possession cf Samuel J. Seibert in™ Í S ' J o h n J a c o b ) o f R i c h l a n d * Lebanon County, Pa, He died in 1900 wruhout issue. Several attempts to translate i t suggest that i t read like this:

The bearer, Johann Jacob Seubert, is recommended a good member of tne Reformed Church at Wolfersweiler the 6th of May 1738. To Johann Jacob Seubert, born in the Duchy of Zweibrücken, and Catharina, daughter of Theobald Kuntzer, deceased of Hirstein, in wedlock a son, Johann Jacob, was born and baptized the 2nd of March 1716.

Friedrich Ludwig Euler, Pastor

Rev. Samuel Seibert (Christian, Christian, John Jacob) evidently wrote to the Reformed pastor at Wolfersweiler in 1850. He received a reply from Rev. Philipp Wolff, dated Dec. 10, 1850, which showed from the church record at Wolfersweiler, Oldenburg, Principality of Birkenfeld (Wolfersweiler Oldenburgischen, Furstenthum Birkenfeld) the following:

John' Jacob Seibert married Catharine Kuntzer. He was born about I68O. Other relatives besides his son John Jacob, born 17l6, were Nicholas, Adam, Peter.

Dr. Fritz Braun, of Kaiserslautern, on Feb, 2, 1958 sent the writer the following outline:

Jacob Seubert, son of Hans Nickel Seubert of Eitzweiler, married at Wolfersweiler Nov. 10, 1?05 Anna Catharine Kuntzer, daughter of John Theobald and Mary Margaret (Baum) Kuntzer John Theobald Kuntzer was from Hirstein, earlier Asweiler, and married Oct. l6, 1683 Mary Margaret Baum, daughter of Jacob Baum, of Mosberg.

On April 17, 1958 Rev0 Spering wrote from Wolfersweiler (Evangelisches Pfarramt, Wolfersweiler, Saar) that his records did not go back of 1821+. He referred the writer to Koblenz.

Wolfersweiler in earlier days belonged to the (Pfalz and the Duchy of Zweibrücken. From l8l5 to 1937 i t belonged to the State of Oldenburg, Principality of Birkenfeld. Since 1937 i t has been a part of Saarland, now Germany.

Dr. Bruno Hirschfeld of Koblenz and Dr. Eger of Speyer sent the writer data from the Wolfersweiler and Kusel church records.


The Region

a i r d ^ L S r ^ p V í ? 1 ^ ^ 0 1 0 S t a t 8 S ^ i n German). Rheinland-Pfalz and Saarland are 2 of them. Rheinland-Rfalz i i -d ïv ided into 5 d i s t r i c t s (Bezirk) Pfalz , Trier and Koblenz are 3 of them. Saarland, Koblenz and Pfalz are

West Germany has about the same area as Ca l i fo rn ia . Saarland is about the

township! ^ ° " ^ G e m a n C 0 U n t y ( K r e i s > i s ™™ l i k e a S u n t

P a i a t i n k ? r ? S L 5 i e V 1 V ? ^ ° f t h e * h i n e i n t h e r e 9 i o n w h ^ e the Q6?8 J 6 h f l v \ w < R ; e ^ n l ^ d a n d Saarland j o i n . Before the Thirty Years War U61Ö-1ÓU8) they l ived m the valley of the Glan at the l i t t l e v i l lage of

c a S e S L e t S f ^ V Í " 7 H " * Í n t h e ^ V a l l e y a t a small v ' i l l fge l K £ t ^ i T i ï f ' r l 7 E


l t 2 W e i l e f w Í t h . a Population of 250 s t i l l has seven ' beibert fami l ies . This western part of Germany is not very far from the French

S 0 ! ' f ? d U r i n 9 t h e 1 7 0 0 3 t h o u s a n d s to Pennsylvania! Weary of war, troubled with economic problems, and sometimes desiring religious freedom these folks found haven across the At lan t ic . Wo doubt, in large families the

ï n ^ f f ^ f W n ° f U t U r e Í n h ° m e l a n d e J a C 0 b S e i b e r t - s 9 ? h e " x í h son

Travel l i terature from the Rheinland-Pfalz speaks of medieval strongholds and castles towns and vi l lages founded centuries ago, p e a c e f u f v i n e S s and woods covering the heights along the Nahe. I t says that the happWisposi t iSn

ï l Í ï i £ P Ï ? ****** 1 1 f S i e r f 0 r t h e m t 0 a c c o * P l i s h their b a c k S ï e Ï Ï n c w o r k m the hot vineyards and orchards, and in the f i e lds high up on the h i l l s i d e s .

L i t t l e medieval towns, attractive v i l lages , beauty of natures venerable

t Z f S S J ? n d S O m e h a l f - t i r a b e ^ d houses, wine-growing ï i 1 l a g e s ^ I n t old

l ^ i ^ ^ r ^ l W r ° t h e r t e r m S U S e d Í n t e l l Í n S a b 0 U t t Ú K e l l e - T t a r ,

s u r f a c ^ í w í W ° ? ? d C 0 U J t r y > extremely charming, everywhere varied by i t s surface slopes. This landscape is interlaced by sheltered valleys with hospitahle v i l l ages . Peaceful, provincial , beaut i fu l ly s i t m t e f v Í l ï a g e s .

t h , Y ° d e f t r a ^ U f i n P f a l z in 1950. His accounts, no doubt, apply to the regions where the Seiberts l i ved . Af te r a supper of count ryf r ied ootatoes

coSef S ^ T H ° S a l a d h e S l ^ p t a feather bed. For brSkXsthe Sd '

coffee, bread and preserves. His t r a in "whistled through the many tunnels and wound through the narrow valleys, past old mi l l s and s t o r y S S s of half-timbered houses and churches with oroud old spires." The houses are t h f same af ter 200 years, half-timbered and with protruding gables o Z T t h l L l r o ^ and angular streets And ox-carts s t i l l rubble through the s t r e S s , and^armers s t i l l have manure piles in the barnyards i n the center of the town." " A l l the

f a S u s e s 1 ^ . S e a t p a ^ e " 7 " ' y ° U S e e f e W o r - E c l a t e d * larmhouses." "The Palatine farmer s t i l l l ives in a closely knit v i l lage and

alight' SMiSo^tí"i"3 d° f a r m WOrk- M S ^ »ín l lS^r Í Í village, the barn being usually a part of the same building." "In every country inn, and in every family, the wine flows freely at tne Íable,"

"In these villages one constantly picks up two smells that make a rural Pennsylvania Dutchman homesick - the fragrance of woodsmoke floating out from kitchen stoves, and the pungence of fresh cow manure from the barnyard or from the village streets. And along the roads one sees apple, pear and plum trees." The fragrance of the hay-mows, the ladder wagon, and wooden hay-forks are also mentioned. The Pennsylvania Dutchman Nov. 1, 1950.

Kusel-D iedelkopf

Diedelkopf is a l i t t l e village about a mile northwest of Kusel. They are both in the Glan River Valley: in Kreis (County) Kusel, Pfalz (Palatinate). Kusel today lias a population of 5,500. I-t is the seat of Kreis Kusel. The Burgomeister has sent interesting information to the writer.

There are no Seiberts now in Diedelkopf, but in Kusel there are one Seibert and 13 Seiwerth families.

Wolfersweiler - Eitzweiler

The Seiberts came from Eitzweiler, a l i t t l e village of 250. 1.7 miles southeast of Wolfersweiler. They attended the parish (Reformed) Church at Wolfersweiler. This is a town of l,l5o on highway h i - midway between Birkenfeld and St. Wendel.

Wolfersweiler and Eitzweiler are on a railroad and on the Freis-bach. The Freis is a branch of the Nahe River, which flows north, entering the Rhine at Bingen. Wolfersweiler is 1,220 feet above sea level - mountain knobs on a l l sides rise to over 1,600 feet. It is in Kreis St. Wendel (St. Wendel County), Saar. Wolfersweiler and Eitzweiler are two miles south of the Rhein-land border.

There are two ways to go from Eitzweiler to Wolfersweiler - one, a level route, along the Freis-bach - the other a h i l l route. Both are about the same distance. Today Eitzweiler, has 7 Seibert families living there. Wolfersweiler has 18 Seibert families. Eitzweiler is a village of about 30 houses, with only about 2 or 3 streets. The villagers live together and go from the village to their fields and vineyards. The writer has a large scale map of the region which shows every house and garden.

Asweiler has 390j Hirstein 860 inhabitants.

Family Outline

The earliest record of the Seiberts is at Diedelkopf where Seyfried was born about l500. His son, Klaus, died March 25, l5°0. Klaus' wife, Margaret, died March 9, 1592. Their eldest son, Klaus (Klos) Seibert married Else, daughter of Hans Jung June 12, 1582. He was bom about .1560. Klaus died Dec. 15, 1593. His son, Nickel Seibert, born May 1, 1586, married Dec. 21, l6l3 Marie, daughter of Hans Mayer of Kusel. Nickel was a miller f i r s t at Kusel, in 1623 at Ruthweiler. In loii2 he was a censor at Freisen. He died at Eitzweiler Apr. 19, I666. His son, Hans Nickel Seibert, was baptized at Freisen Nov. 20, 16Í4.2, He married, about 1677, Maria Salome, daughter of Mattheis Stephan of Asweiler, He was buried Dec. 8, 1692. His oldest son was Johann Jacob Seibert, born 1678, married Nov, 10, 1705 Anna Katharina Kuntzer,


daughter of Theobald KUntzer of Hirstein. He was buried March 18, 1726. His sixth son, John Jacob Seibert, baptized March 2, 1716, came to America in 1738,

v«ifJ^ ^ e i b e ^ f 9 r a d u a l l v m o v e d west from the Kusel-Diedelkopf region to the

ïeaS^íar. ^ 9 ™ a b ° U t t e n m i l e S * ™ s TOS d u r i n 9 t h* T ^ r t y

(Proof is lacking that Nickel b. 1586 is the same one who d. 1666.)

oríní^/e^ ° f t h e S m e S i n t h e e a r l y K u s e l r e c o r d s 9ives a clue as to the ? L 9 • o f ^ f n a ? e s ' T h e original ancestor is Siegfried or Seyfried, His son,

cSllre n aref " " ^ * ' " ^ i S " S e i b a r t * Sus« 1. Klaus (Klos Seyfried or Seifarts Klaus)

his son Nickel is "Klos« son" 2. Peter (Sifreds son) 3. Catharina (Sifrids daughter) 4'. Nickel (Seifarts son) 5'. Hans 6. Elisabeth (Siegfrieds Klaus' daughter)

, S i n c e t h i s Seibert history was written and was in the process of beinq mimeographed Dr, Bruno Hirschfeld, of Koblenz has sent the following additional lnlormationj

10*1 t l Íhe S^sarchiv Koblenz there is a copy of a Seibert history written 1954 by Herr ü. L. beiberti J

Die altesten Geschlecter des Amtes Nohfelden (The oldest families of the Nohfelden Region)

In this on pages 99-105 there is a history of the Diedelkopf and Eitzweiler Seiberts with much of the data given in this book from the Wolfersweiler and Kusel church records0

c*, ? e i 5 e r L f i ? d \ t h ! ? e v a r i a t i o n S i Seyfried, Seubert, Seybert, Seifert, t V J t i n A l v f Ï S ® f t h

f t

5 i i e b e , r t - T h e f i r s t r e C o r d s o f t h e ***** is the baptism of Nickel m 1569« After l600 the name is found in St. Wendel- in f Í S f Diedelkopf, but also at Wahnwagen (near Kusel), Hoof (near St. Wendel) and Eckersweiler (near Baumholder). After the Thirty Years War the

f? m dP ri£Cipali y at Eitzweiler. Forty families m t to South America ^tsrazii; m the loOOs.

J * ? ? f T l d w ^ * ! ? t h e f i r s t f o u r generations which include the parents of John Jacob b 17l6) and Wendel (b 1721). He has also found that Nickel Seybert had a mill at Eitzweiler sometime after 1646.

. ™ • T h ec aí h 0f i S 9 T T t l y i n d e b t e d t o Hirschfeld who has spent many hours copying Seibert records. v

Wolfersweiler and surrounding villages in early days belonqed to the Oberamt Lichtenberg.


Klaus geb. cl530 ges.' 1590 Mar. 25" -

Diedelkopf heir .

Margreth ges. 1592

Mar. 9

Klaus geb. CI5I60 ges. 1593

Dec.15 heir . 1582

Jun. 12 Else Jung des. Hans

-Peter ges. 1573

Nov. 23

•Catharina ges. 1573

Dec. 6

•Nickel get. 1569 Oct. 20

beg. I633 Mar. 27

Diedelkopf heir . 1596

Feb. 10 Catharina Heidenspon des Simon

•Hans get. 1571 Dec. 21

beg. 16lk Jan. 2

Nahnwegen heir O t t i l i e Koch des Adam

Elisabeth heir. 1595

Nickel 1586-1666

(P. 12)

Johann Abraham Elisabeth

? Sara

? 1

Johann 1 ?

Hans Nickel


cl620 1623-C1Ó26 cl629

163I-I699 C1Ó33 CI636 C1639-169U


Hans (Johannes) 15-92-(p. 12)

Catharina 1638-Friedrich 164I-Barbara 16I44-I711

Margrid 1597-Maria Salome 1599-Elisabeth l601 Apollonia 160I4.-Catharina

1606-1613 Johannes I608-Debolt 1610 Hans Peter 1613-Engel l620-

Tobias 1589-1597

Enoch 1591-1597

Johannes I60Í4.-Agnes l 6 l 2 -



The Church

date 3 V i S £ £ f - ° » * «- -1«« The

1821,. Befoíe ï t e H í f r e c o r d s " J f ^ T ^ 0 0 ^ > ? n M s ^ s e s s i o n l * J n in The early records J e J æ d uo S 3 í T ' í ï ' " 9 tack t o 1 6 6 5 OT e a r 1 1 ^ . and the German s e r ? ! t o ^ c í p h e r ? ' ^ " i t I n 9 i S p 0 0 r ' t h e l n k «*•

The minister at Wolfersweiler wrote 26 November 1958:

the p a r i s h S L S l E I ' f h a r S r n e d " ffi 8 " ' " ^ « " * " ^ n g * for the f i r s t time follow*™ t ï f ín 5 l e a r n e d > t h e ^ e emerged in our section more and « a ^ / T o ^ ] ^ ^ ^ f í ? U t f r ° m t h i s t i m e

that bear the name s l ^ ^ ^ l ^ Á H ^ ^ 1 ^ ] t h e ™ ^e 18 families 7 Seibert families. t l e b l t 2 w e i l e r (250 inhabitants) there are

ever ^ t ^ t ^ í . ^ ^ ^ ! " f n ° d a t e - * is certain how-earlier: whilst t S S v ^ ^ ^ n ^ f l S T 0 1 ^ H k e l ? ^ C e n t u r y o r

Church is one of the characteristTc J S n ÍL ï h


C 1 n t ? r y - The Wolfersweiler I send you a l i t t l e plctSe of our o l ^ å ^ < * U r C h M °* t h e e n t i r e r e 9 i o » '



1666 May k Nickel Seubert of Eitzweiler buried - grandfather of Johann Jacob (I) íllo , W i c k 2 l> ^ther of Johann Jacob (I) m Maria Salome Steffan lo/o Johann Jakob (I) Seubert born 1Ó92 Dec 8 Hans Nickel of Eitzweiler buried 169k Apr 11 Johann Jakob (I) First Communion I699-I702 Johann Jakob (I) Sponsor at Baptisms 1705 Nov 10 Johann Jakob (I) m Anna Catharina Kuntzer 1716 Mar 2 Johann Jakob (II) baptized 1720 Jul 31 Maria Margretha Kuntzer, mother of ACK buried 1721 May 15> Johann Wendel, son of JJS and ACK, baptized 1726 Mar 18 Johann Jakob ( i ) of'Eitzwailcr buried 1731 Apr 10 Maria Salome Seubert Fontus buried 1731 Dec 16 Theobald Kuntzer of Hirstein buried 1738 May 6 Johann Jakob (II) and Johann Wendel left for America

Baptism Certificates

Achtelsbach: bei Birkenfeld: Hunsrück

Taufen 161+2

Hanss Nickel, Nickeln SEYFRIDT s und ferien Eheleuthen, ietzo zu Freisen, ehelicher Sohn ist getaufft worden den 20ten Novembris. Gevattern sind gewesen Hanss Michel Geuss zu Gimpweiler, Welschen Nickel zu Langenbach und Margretha, Johann Geltzlichters eheliche Hauscfrau zu Hanweiler.-

Abschrift aus dem Kirchenbuche der Reformierten Pfarrei Achtelsbach bei Birkenfeld an der Nahe (Hunsrück) Band 1 Seite 118,-


Taufen 17l6:

Johann Jacob, Jacob SEUBERTen zu Eydtssweiler und Anna- Catharina, seiner ehelichen Haussfrau Sohn, ist getaufft den 2ten Martii. (Testes): Jacob Steffan zu Anssweiler, Jacob Britzius alhier, Anna Margaretha, Hanss Nickel Seuberts Frau zu Bosen, Anna Catharina, des Nickel Kuntzen Tochter zu Anssweiler.-

Abschrift aus Band 2 Seite $3 der unter Nr l60 im Archiv der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland: Archivstelle Koblenz verwahrten Kirchenbücher der Evangelisch-Reformierten Pfarrei Wolfersweiler.-

(Jacob's grandmother was a Steffan. His mother's sister married Jacob Britzius.)


Nickel Seubert

Wg2lígubert geb May 1-1586 Diedelkopf ges. Apr. 19-1666 Eitzweiler heir. Dec. 21-1Ó13 Marie Mayer, des Hans, Kusel 1. Johannes Seubert get. Oct. 30, 16I4 2. Abraham Seubert get. Nov. 10, 1616 y. Elisabeth Seubert get. Jul. 29, 1618 k. Sara Seubert get, Ruthweiler Feb. 9, 1623 5. Johannes Seubert geb. Oct. I63I beg. Jan. 20, 1Ó99 Eitzweiler

heir, Elisabetha — geb. IÓ44 beg. Jan. 22, 1705 6. Hans Seubert beg. Mar. 8, 169I4 Eitzweiler

heir. Jul, 1, 1Ó69 Barbara Spengler geb. Richiveiler 1646 beg. Feb, 10, 1Ó99 daughter of Stoffel Spengler of Steinberg a. Hans -Bernhard Seubert geb. 1670 (see Catholic records)

heir. Lisaheth b. Hans Michel Seubert getc Jan. k, l6?4 gest. Aug. 12, 1698 Eitzw.

heir. Margreth • c. Anna Barbara Seubert geb. 1Ó75 beg. Mar. 10, 1715

heir. Jan. 29, 1697 Philipp Nabinger, Asweiler d. Hans Nickel geb. 1Ó79 ges, Mar. 2, 1766 Eitzweiler

heir. Apr. 23, 1700 Anna Maria Molter geb. Bosen l68l ges. Feb. 2li, 1769 - des Han Peter Molter, Bosen (i) Hans Peter Seubert get. ïfey 8, 1701 h Z i T l F S ; k> 1 7 2 3 ^ a r i B E n 9 e l Kuntzer, des Nickel, Asweiler

sohn ?Nickel geb. 1724 ges. I81O ,í?*C m a Elisabeth Seubert -geb, Nov, l , 1705 beg. Feb. 4, 1707 (lii)Hans Nickel Seubert get. Dec, 30, 1707 (iv)Susanna Catharina Seubert geb. Oct. 12, 1710 (y)Johann Philipp Seubert get., S e p. 16, 17I4 ?Tulpehocken 175a (vi)Hans Bernhard Seubert get. May 20, 1717 ?nach Amerika 1738

(vii)Johann Jakob Seubert get. Nov. 1, 1719 ?nach Amerika Sep. 1738 U i 11)Johann Adam Seubert get. Jan. 9, 1724

o q t n ^ f ? ' l * h l 2 2 i l l k 6 ^ r i a BarbaraBaum, des Christian, Mosberg e. Stoffel Seubert get. Feb. 5, 1682 ges. Sbtern Jul. 28, 1732 • heir. Anna Johannetta Sohn: Michel (see page hS) f. Johann Wendel Seubert get. June 5, l686 ges. 1762 Eitzweiler

heir. Jan. 25, 1706 Anna Maria Stephan get. Oct. 9, 1688 ges. Jan. 31, 1758 - des Hans Jakob Stephan, Asweiler Sohn: Christian

g. Jakob Seubert get. Aug. 15, 1688 h. Maria Seubert i . ?Catharina Seubert

7- Hans Nickel Seubert get. Nov. 20, l6 42 (page 13) Hans- (Jonanncs; Seubert geb. Sep. 3, 1592 Diedelkcpf ges. Hirstein heir, G'dtza Nau, Walhausen 1. Catharina Seubert geb. Gehweiler 1638 o * beír" Fe5° 23> l6*8 Johannes Lauer, Hirstein (see paqe hh) 2. Friedrich Seubert geb, Gehweiler Aug. $ 3 164I - Hirstein

• heir. Feb. 23, 1669 Eva Schweig, Richweiler a B Johann Michel Seubert geb. IÓ70 Hirstein ges. Aug. 27, 1727 . T ^ ! 0 l f e r r e ^ l e f " h e i r* W o V ? 2 3> l 6 9 h A n n a ^gretha Bauiff, Glosberg b. Johannes Seubert geb, Oct, 1672 ges. May 15, 1721 Wolfersw. 9

heir. Apr. 28, 1695 Anna Catharina Luther geb. Dec. Ik, 1Ó77 ges. Feb. 16, 1755 a 4 1 "

3o Barbara Seubert geb.- Gehweiler Mar. 26, 1644 ges. Hirstein * ë k 1 ! 1 1 ' h e , i r ' W o v ° 2 8> 1 6 7 1 J o h a n n J a k ö b Schweig (Schweich) . geb. 1655 beg. Jul , 18, 1728 Hirstein

n í ' n ï r ? ï " b o r a 3 Set. getauft - baptized; heir, heiratet - married; ges. gestorben - died; beg. begraben - buried.


^ £ T a \ t ^ e r k 9 t ' WoV' 20> l 6 k 2 be9- Dec- 8> I** Eitzweiler heir, des Mattheis Steffans tochter, Asweiler • (Maria Salome heir. 2 Jakob Pontus May lu 169k) 1. Johann Jakob Seubert geb. 1678 (p ih) 2. Maria Barbel Seubert geb. l68l beg. Jan. 31, 1752

^ 0 ^ ? ' 2 r ? 9 ^ ^ 2 1 3 Q i s c h 9eb" 1 6 7 6 b^g. Mar. 2L, 1?50 des Philipp Gischs sohn/ Eitzweiler a. Hans- Jakob Gisch get. Sep. lk, 1700 •w M2^" 1 9 s 1 7 2 6 A n n a B a rbara Saar, des Michel. Steinberg b. Maria Barbel Gisch get. Feb. 26, 1702 c. Bernhard Gisch get. Mar. 2, 17O4 J heir. Jan. 22, 1737 Anna Barbara Wommert, des Michel d. Anna Margretha Gisch get. Dec. 6, 1705

heir. Wendel Bruch, des Hans Nickel, Richweiler er. ?Mattheis Gisch geb. 1707 naeh Amerika 1733 f. Lisa Catharina Gisch get. Feb.- 2h, 1709 g. Maria Catharina Gisch get. Mar. 23, 1711 h. Hans Michel Gisch get. Jun 3, 1713 ; heir. May 8, 1744 Maria Margreth Mslchior, des Bernhard 1. Johann Wendel Gisch get. Sep. 4, 1718 • heir. Dec. 1, 17̂ 4 Maria Barbel Schweich, des Johann, Richweiler

• j . Susanna Maria get. Mar. 21, 1720 3. Hans- Michel Seubert get. Mar. 12, 1684 •

heir.' Oct. l6, 1708 Susanna Nabinger geb. May 1Ó82 ges. Feb. 5, 1767 ' des. Jakob Nabingers tochter, Asweiler a. Christian Seubert get. Mar. 30, 1710 *

heir. Feb. 2k, 1733 Anna Maria Baum, des Christian, Mosberq b. Anna Margreth Seubert get. Dec. 2, 1711 c. Maria Catharina Seubert get. May 7, 17U4.

heir. Feb. 2h, 1733 Johann Jakob Baum, des Christian, Mosberg d. Anna Maria Seubert get. Nov. 2 i h 1716 e'. Johann Wendel Seubert get. Feb. 26, 1719 beg. Feb. l6, 1728

' f. Anna Elisabeth Seubert get. Feb. 26, 1719 lu Johann Christian Seubert get. May 1, 1687 ges. Jun 25, 1760

heir. Feb. 28, 1713 Anna Catharina Kuntzer get. May 11, 1692 beg. Sep. 14,1753 ' des Michel Küntzers tochter, 'Muller, Stegen a. Maria Barbara Seubert get. Feb. 10, 1715

heir. Mar. 7, 1732 Johann Jakob Nabinger, des Philipp, Asweiler b. Johann Bernhard Seubert get. Nov. l6, 1717 • heir. May 28, 1737 Anna Maria Nabinger, des Philipp, Asweiler c. Maria Catharina Seubert get. Mar. 4, 1720

heir. 1 Jan. 19, 17U5 Johann Georg Geiss ' heir. 2 May 8, 1753 Christian Geiss. Gimbweiler d. Johann Jakob Seubert get. Jul. 1, 1722 ' heir, Maria Barbara Nabinger, des Philipp, Asweiler Feb. 22, 1746 e. Johann Michel Seubert get. May 19, 1726 ' heir. Jan. 4, 1752 Maria Geiss, des Friedrich, Gimbweiler

f. F&ria Margareth Seubert get. Aug. 29, 1728 g. Christian Seubert get. Jun. 10, 1731

heir. Oct. 9, 1753 Barbara Vonblooms, des Jakob, Hirstein 5. Anna Catharina Seubert get. May 17, 1689 (p.17) o. Hans Bernhard Seubert get. Oct. 30, 1691 heir. Margretha; Bosen

a'„ Johann Bernhard; b. Johann Wendel; c. Johann Jakob; d. Johann Adam e'. Johann Theobald Seubert geb. Sep. 13, 1729 f. Johann Nickel Seubert geb. Nov. I4, 1732


Jakob Seubert

^ Í ^ S e é e r t geb. l6?8 beg. Mar. 18, 1726 Eitzweiler heir . Anna Catharina Kuntzer get. Aug 2k 1Ó87 ' des Johann Theobald Küntzers Tochter, Hirs te in

1. ?Tochter geb. 1706 beg. 71719 Sep 5 2. Hans Michel Seubert get. Feb. 12, l 7 08 beg. Aug, 3, 17kO

heir . Jan. 3$, 1737 Anna Margaretha Schweich des Jakob Schweichs Tochter, Wolfersweiler

a. Maria Lisabeth Seubert get.' Oct. 31, 1737 3. Hans Bernhard Seubert get. Jun. 2, 1709 oes Anr iK 17«,

heir Feb. 18 1 7 38 A n L Margr^th^Wo^ert g ^ " S a n ges Nov 23 1783 des Hans Adam Wommerts Tochter, Gimbweiler ' 7 3

a'. Anna Margreth Seubert get. Apr. 30 1739 b'. Maria Barbara Seubert get. Nov! ó / l f t o ? ^ i n S e u b e r t get. Jan. 7, 17k2 beg. Mar. 12, l 7 k2 d. Johann Peter Seubert get. Mar. 13, 17^3 9 W

e. Anna Maria Seubert get. Dec. 22', 17kk f . Maria Lisabeth Seubert get. Sep. 25, 1746 g. Maria Angelika Seubert geb. Oct. 20, 17L8 h. Johann Wendel Seubert geb. Sep. 21, 1750 beg. Aug. 13, 1751 i- , Anna Margretha Seubert geb. J u l . 19, 1752 j . Johann Jakob Seubert geb. Dec.- 6, 175L

k. Johann Christian Seubert get. Feb. 10, 1711 beg. Auq 13 m k 5. Hans Nickel Seubert get. J u l , 10, 1712 9 3 ' U

' heir. Feb. 21, 1736 Maria Eva von Breungenborn ' 6. Johann Adam Seubert get. Apr. 15, 171k ges. J u l . 5, 178O

heir. Feb. % 17k0 Anna Maria Steffan geb. Jul 1721 aes T„n 1 T?CA • des Wendel Steffans Tochter, Eitzweiler 9 * ^ h 1 1 %

a. Elisabeth Barbara Seubert get. Sep. 7, 17M bea Mav 1 17M b. Johann Christian Seubert get. Mar 22 ITkk c. Anna Margretha Seubert get. Sep. 11, l 7 k6 ct. Maria Elisabeth Seubert geb. Aug. 26, 17k9 beq. Apr l8 17-ft e'. Johann Wendel Seubert geb. Nov. 21, 1752 ' 5 3

f . Johann Jakob Seubert geb. Nov. 10, 1755 ges. jung

h A ^ L S ^ V 5 8 ? e r t 9 e b ' S e P - 2 7 ' !757 ges. Mar. 19, 1759 h. Anna Maria Seubert geb. Mar. 30, 1760 i . Johann Jakob Seubert geb, Jan. k, 1763

ft g n S ^ ? 0 ? ^ g - r ^ 9 Q t ' M a r - 2> 1 7 1 6 n a c h ^ e r i k a 1738 (p. 29) 8. Anna MHrïa seubert get. Aug. 15, 1717 pate 1737 ' 9. Johann Peter Seubert get. Feb. 23, 1719 qes.' Oct 29 3 776 • •

heir . Aug. 28, l 7 k2 Maria Barbara S t e f ^ 9 ^ . ? 7 Æ J a n 1 9 1 7 6 J |

des Christ ian Steffans Tochter, Asweiler"- witwe M. Wommert ' %

(Maria Barbara heir . 1 Matthes Wommert Apr. 10, 1735) a. Anna Maria Seubert get. Aug. 11, l 7 k3 ' ' b. Marie Barbel Seubert get. Jan. 21, 17k5 c. Elisabeth Catharina Seubert get. Apr. 5, I7k7 d. Johann Peter Seubert geb. Feb. 9, I7k9 e. Susanna Barbara Seubert geb. Dec. 26, 1750 f . Johann Christian Seubert geb. May 27 1753 h . Johann Jakob Seubert geb, Dec. 9, 1758 ges. J u l . 11, 17ÓO 1. Johann Wendel Seubert geb. May 31, 1761 '

n* Í ^ ^ f h ^ ^ Th M a y l5> 1 7 2 1 1738 (p. 38) 11. Anna BarbelSeubert get. Feb. 21, 1723 beg. Mar. 27, 1726

Seubert 15

Nickel I6k2-l692 m I677

Salome Steffan 1658-1731

Jakob 1678-1726 ra 1705

Catharina Kuntzer

Barbel 1681-1753 ra I699

Mattheis Gisch

Michel I684-m 1708

Susanna Nabinger

Christian 1687-I76O m 1713

Catharina Kuntzer

Catharina 1689-1752 m 1708

Bernhard Kuntzer

f Daughter 1706-1719 Michel 1708-17U0 Bernhard 1709-1761j. Christian 1711-1714 Nickel 1712-Adam 17 Hi-1780 Jakob 1716-1761 America Maria 1717-Peter 1719-1776 Wendel 1721-1802 America

^Barbel 1723-1726

Bernhard 169I-m Margreth

Ancestry of Jacob and Wendel


Jacob b 1716

Jacob Seubert I678-1726 Eitzweiler

ickel Seubert

I642-1692 Eitzweiler

Wendel b 1721

m 1705

Catharine Kuntzer I687-

m 1677

Salome Steffan \1658-1731

Nickel Seubert

1586-1666 Eitzweiler

m 1613 Marie


( Mattheis J Steffan -A Asweiler

Theobald Kuntzer 1662-1731 Asweiler Hirstein

af t . 1689

m 1683 Margaret Baum

\ ^ I66I-I720

(Bernhard Kuntzer

1634-1720 Asweiler m

Ipollonia 164I-I7OI

(Jacob Baum -I697

Mosberg via Catharine

fUaus \ Seyfried J C1560-1593 ) Diedelkopf j m 1582 \Else Jung

Hans Mayer

(Klaus \ Seyfried \ C1530-1590 j Margreth V-1592

/ Hans Y J u n9


The Küntzers

Bernhara a ^ l p ^ S a l ü S t e e r ^ T 8 *ï " * ? * i m ° f ^ i n ^ son of mile west of S e l l e r B ^ í i A s w e i l e r i« * v i l lage about 1/2 Catharina KuntzS Í Z n J % í f T h e o b a l d > røs the father of Anna Aswei l e^ in 1689 AnÏÏ S t ^ ^ í ° H Í r f £ e Í n > a b o u t 2 m i l e s southwest of m o t h e r ^ ^ ^ Í ^ ^ ^ Í ^ l h ° l n l 6 8 ? ' m 1 7 ° * J a k o b S e ^ t , was the recora of her deaïh. W h ° ° a m e t o M e r i c * i n 1 7 3 8 . There is no

married Í V s t Z ^ 9 ÏÏ*™*! *£* ^ C a t h a ^ n a and her brother were Totner* M o ^ n f ï l s X *«**~ ™ *~

her father and his s is ter m Bauras i n 1683° her nieces m Schweich brothers in 1746» her husband's nephew and niece m Bauras'in 1733.

m S X i C t n ï Í L l S f f e t n Æ e * J £ S g ? « 1 - 3 children of one of three i n his family t o % S y S n S r a f ^ ° » t h a » ' » , » »esband Jakob was

of Michei, Mosberg, S t e f f * n , Wfe of Jakob, Asweilerj Barbara Baum, wife

g l f f i f ; , beg. m . k, 1720 Asweiler neir . c iool Anna Apollonia qeb. lèk l nos Tim on 1. Jogmn Theobald KUnteer geb. Mar Ï662 ?7,* 7 j " * ' n e l T o c f l o S 9 e b ? M l 6 6 3 < S t 8 9 e n * 8 . * » • 30, 1702 neir. Oct. 20, 1688 Anna (Maria) Margretha

Kuntz geb. Apr. 1667 beg. Jan. 13, 1735 des Martin Kuntzs tochter, Gimbweiler

a. Maria Barbara Küntzer get. Oct. 9, 1689 ii fl^Vffí1* i 7 0 7 J o h a n n C h r i s t i a n Steffan, des Jakob, Asweiler is. Anna Catharina Kuntzer get. -May 11, 1692 f n »•! asweiler C Hans- Nickel Kuntzer get? Jul. K tøfL s £ 8 1730

£ Petr 2La W ° B - b a - W get J a n 1 6 9 6 des Peter Lauers tochter, Hirstein ( a es DPc I, 17*7

(1) Johann Michel Kuntzer get. Jul. l6 1721 U* 7 5 7

heir. Aug. k, l 7kk Anna Margretha Braun U i ; Johann Nickel Kuntzer get. Oct. 19, 1722 U11) Maria Catharina Kuntzer get. Jun. 6, 1725 (iv) Johann Matthias Kuntzer get Sep. 21 1727 (v) u l i ' Æ ^ geT l T T l W Q > F r i e d r i C h> A s w e i l e r

A M . h eM r* J a n * 9> 1 7 ^ 3 W Í C k e l GÍSCh ' d. Maria Margretha Kuntzer get. Sep. 9, 1696

* * i r . Oct. 30, 171k Johann Velten Horbach

f. Hans Michel Kuntzer get. S e p. 1, 1700 ges. 1777

A Í e p V 1 7 , p 1 7 2 8 A m a ^Sretha Bau£ get. Nov. 28, 1 70 7 ges Mav 23 177̂ des Peter Baums tochter, Mosberg * ' g e ' i l a y

U) Anna Maria Küntzer get. Jul. 31/ 1729 U i ; Anna Margretha Küntzer get. Nov. 16, 1732



( i i i ) Elisabetha Catharina Kuntzer get. Sep. l6, 1736 (iv) Johannes Küntzer get. Aug. 30, 1739 (v) Johann Nickel Kuntzer get. Feb. 11, 17k2 (vi) Maria Catharina Kuntzer get. Jul. l6, 17kk

' (vii) Maria Barbara K* ntzer geb. Jun. 30, 17k8 get. Jul. 3, 17k8 3. Barbara Kuntzer geb. cl665 heir. Oct. l6, 1683 Hans Michel Baum, Mosberg k. Johann Nickel Kuntzer geb. Oct. IÓÓ7 beg. Mar. 23, 17LI

heir. Jan. 10, 1696 Anna Barbel Schweich geb. Mar. l6 72 ges. Jun. 26, 1739 • des Jakob Schweichs tochter, Hirstein geb. 1655 ges. 1728 a. Anna Margretha Kuntzer get.- Nov. 10, 1696 b. Anna- Maria Küntzer get. Jul, 17, 1698

heir. Jan. 8, 1715" Johann Jakob Baum, des Christian, Wolfersweiler c. Anna Elisabeth Küntzer get. Sep. 8, 170O ' heir. Jan. 21, 1721 Hans Adam Müller, des Jakob, Hoof d. Anna Barbel Küntzer get. Jul. 9, 1702 e. Maria Engel Küntzer get. Mar. 22, 170£ • heir, Feb. 4, 1723 Hans Peter Seubert, des Nickel, Eitzweiler (p. 12 )

• f, Susanna Catharina Küntzer get. Sep, 29, 1709 5. Johann Friedrich Küntzer 6. Hans Jákob Küntzer get. Feb. 12, 1675

Johann Theobald Küntzer geb. Mar. l662 ges. Dec. l6, 1731 Hirstein heir. Oct. 16,"loö3 Maria Margretha Baum geb. l66l beg. Jul. 31, 1720 ' des Jakob Baums tochter, Mosberg, beg. 1697, frau Catharina 1. Hans' Michel Kuntzer get. Sep. 3, 1684 ges. Nov. 11, 1736

heir, Nov. 10, 1705 Anna Margareth Klein geb, 1684 ges. Sep 11, 1761 des Hans Nickel Kleins tochter, Koncken-Langenbach

a. Anna Barbara Kuntzer get. Dec. 23, 1708 b. Johann Michel Küntzer get. Mar. 26, 1711 ' heir. Feb. lk, 1735 Anna Barbara Baum, des Johannes, Mosberg c. Hans Nickel Kuntzer get. Jun.- 22, 1713 beg. Jun 2k, 1713 d. Johann Jakob Kuntzer get. Oct. 22, 171k ?nach Amerika 1737 e. Anna- Margretha Kuntzer get. Sep. 2, 1720

heir. Feb. 13, 17k2 Johann Peter Schweich, des Jakob, Hirstein 2* Anna Catharina Küntzer get. Aug. 2k, 1687 (p. Ik) heir.

Johann Jakob Seubert 3. Hans- Bernhard Kuntzer get. Jul. 10, 1689 Asweiler

heir. Oct. l6, 1708 Anna Catharina Seubert (p 13) get. May 17, 1689 ges. Jun 27;

' des Hans Nickel Seuberts tochter, Witzweiler 1752 a. Hans Jakob Kuntzer get. Sep. 25, 1709 ?nach Amerika 1737 b. Anna Margretha Kuntzer get. Dec. k, 1711 c. Anna' Catharina Kuntzer get. Dec. k, 1713 ' heir. Jan. 17, 1739 Johann Nickel Hermann, Tallichtenberg d. Johann Nickel Küntzer get. Nov. 15, 1715 nach Amerika 1730 e. Johann Bernhard Kuntzer get. Nov. 15, 1717

heir. Mar. 1, 17k0 Anna Margret Steffan, des Jakob, Asweiler f. Johann Wendel Kuntzer get. Dec. 13, 1719 ' heir. Anna Barbara Schweich,- des. Jakob, Hirstein Jan. l6, 17k5 g. Johann Adam Kuntzer get. Jan. 30, 1722 ' heir. Feb. 7, 17k9 Maria Magdalena Schanck, des Peter, Steinberg h. Eva Elizabeth Küntzer get. Feb. 15, 1725

heir. Jan. 20, 17k6 Johann Georg Schweich, des Michel, Wolfersw.


i , Anna Barbel Kuntzer get. Feb. 12, 1728 I j ï e i r * J a n * ~2?> 1 7 4 6 Johann Jakob Schweich. des Michel, Wolfersw k. Johann Peter Kuntzer get. May 2 3 í I69L beg. Mar. 7, 1Ó99 / J ° l l e r S U ' 5 * h e ï W O c t k 2 l l ^ ? S i ^ ^ , 1 6 9 6 " 1738

a j Í fl I S 1 ? C h r i s í i n a Br i tz ius , des Nickel, Wolfersw. a. Johann Aaara Kuntzer get. May 19, 1718 ?ges. junq

c ' L i s T ^ i d ° h, ï ^ ï Z e r 9 e t - J u n * ^ 1 7 2 1 ? n a c b Amerika 1 7 38 c. Lisa Margred Kuntger get. Jun. l £ s 1723 d. Maria Barbel Küntzer get. Jun. 30, 1727 heTr "rSa ^ Ï Ï ^ f ' 26> 1 6 9 9 ««* A^ika Uh9

gis'. Jan. 2, I7k3° b B r i t Z i u S > d e s W i c k e l > Wolfersw. geb. Oct. 1, 1690

b Í ^ J l k r \ ^ Í t Z Í U l 9 e t - J a n ° 2 1> 1 7 1 7 b e 9 - Aug. 26, 1717 he r IS t7

t h ai7?6 T rÍ t 2 Í Un B ? K J u n - 1 2 ' 1 7 1 8 S eP- 3, 1739 neir. Apr. 17, 1736 Johann David Fortune, des Jean c. Johann Hendel Bri tzius get. Feb. 11, 1720 d E ; * - I 6 ' . ™ F r i e d f i o a Catharina Christina Marthen d. Anna Maria Bri tz ius get. 1723 beg. 1725 e. Maria Engel Br i tz ius get. Mar. 20, 1729 f . Johann Jakob Bri tz ius get. Aug. 20, 1730 g. Johann Nickel Bri tz ius get. Sep. 6, 1734 ges. jung i " J a h t Z « S ? n T Í v ^ 9 e t - M a r * 2 8 > 1 7 3 7 b e 9 - Aug. l L , 1740 1. Johann Nickel Bri tz ius get. Nov. 27, 174O

To America

before m m Ë ^ l t J ^ ^ i 9 \ ? h ° W S n t f r o m w ° ^ r s w e i l e r ^ r i s h to America l iqht on I t J ? C S Í ! Í ? ? f ? í t h e T u l P e h ^ k c n Region? This would throw l ight on why Jacob and Wendel Seibert went from Wolfersweiler to Tulpehocken i n

about ï n f h C 5 £ ^ ^ t t l ^ í n 1 7 2 3 ^ G e M i a n S W h 0 h a d g o n e t 0 W e w Y o r k State aenSv word a S ^ S S ° f t h e S ! W e r e f r o m W o l f ^ s w e i l e r is not known. E v i -s1o nntft:r r d17 92°5 ^ o S ^ ^ ^ T * « v a n i a , for

who . r J ? 8 ^ 1 1 , 3 ^ ^ 0 ^ m f 9 r a n t was John Mattheis Theiss (d 1748 Pa) (m in 1726)

Church a í í u l u e h ! c í ^ r V - a m e . ^° í m e r Í C a - U u e r TOS a l e a d e r i n the Reformed onurcn at Tulpehocken. Gisch died i n Lancaster or Lebanon County 1757.

W o l f e r s S e i ï 2 : ( A U 9 ^ ^ S h Í P H S t S S h ° W a n u m b e r o f c o m m o n to


John Jacob Küntzer 28 John George Geiss 30

(listed together as shown)

Geiss, Kuntzer, Baum, Lauer, Woomer are names

found at Wolfersweiler

Jacob Baum k$ Andreas Muller 30 John Conrad » $0 John Baum 18 Jacob Lower 50 Michael Lower 20 " Spangler 26

Bernhard Woomer 29

John Jacob Kuntzer was likely a brother of Nicholas above. Nicholas had a brother John Jacob, born 1709.

A month later (Sept. 26) Jacob Kuntzer and Philip Steffan landeda Jacob may have been a son of Michael, a cousin of Jacob Seibert.

On Sep. 9, 1738 John Jacob Seibert age 28 or 20 landed at Philadelphia. He may have been Jacob, b 1719, son of Nickel Seibert. On October 25 the follotdng persons landed?

John Nickel Kuntzer and John Jacob Kuntzer probably uncle and cousin of Jacob Seibert

John Nickel Theiss John Jacob Steffan John Jacob, Wendel and Bernhard Seibert

Jacob Seibert and Wendel were brothers. Bernhard was likely a second cousin and possibly a_brother of Jacob who landed in Sept. Jacob and Wendel Seibert's mother was a Kuntzer, grandmother a Steffan. Jacob married a Theiss. Probable relationships are shown below:

ƒ (Nickel) s

t Jacob / Wendel




S (Barbel Gisch) \ Matthias Gisch j (Catharina m Bernhard ( Küntzer - see below)






UNickel) (


( (Michel)

: (Bernhard)

( Bernhard i Jacob


( Jacob b 1709 ) Nickel b 1715

1738 1738


1737 1730

Nickel Jacob 1738


The Voyage

E t t e J t e * £ W ^ \ £ ^ t ^ * » ? " l a s t « « their home in have been? They woulá^ever Z l i n ^ S ^ " * 1 1 « * * what must their thoughts young they looked a'new H f e in t h f f S ° t 0 t h e m ' ^ scribed so glowinqlv in l o ï t o L Z I h e A m e r i c a w h * c h relatives had de-had been a Æ p e n o ? k e n l í g t y z t ï ™ P e n n S y l V a n i a ' T h e i r c ° ^ * Nicholas Küntzer

« • w X ' ï ï t h ^ ^ g ^ ^ ^ * 1 ™ mother's brother, l i v i n g ' i n Aswei l e r f T h e i r Z n T l l l ^ røS d e a d * b u t Bernhard was three brothers a S s is ter w e r T s t i l t Í S « . ? " ? * ? , f " " ? * i n 1 7 k 9 ' T h e i r f a t h e r * * Michel, Bernhard and N i c L T u L f ^ " V n E l t 2 ^ i l e r 0 Their brothers Adam did not die" X * w í S l n ' ^ ? **** S i n 9 l e i n ^

h o u s e s ^ h e f 2 2 * X r ^ ï £ 2 f f t W 1 f a n d i ^ as are many of the He gave them letters of r e « n d a ? i L S °K E ? f Í ^ ° h a d b a P t i z c d t h e m -morning i n 1738. WhetLr t h " ïotïowed t ^ ^ t ^ ^ ° n a ^ farther up, we do not know. I t t o o k T t ! I II t \ i n f l e n ' ° r S o u 9 h t t h e ^ 1 * 3

Amsterdam/ There were many delavs at ™«+ T * * t 0 9 ° d o T O t h e R h i n e h * b o a t to 5 to 6 weeks waiting l o r ^^shS Y A f L r Í ° T S ' fl

In H o l l a n d t h e y l a i d ° ™ was a delay of a week o l two at Cnwíí v on the "Davy" there the At lan t ic , T h i f ? r ? p took 1 t ^ ' J S ^ J * ^ 1 * ^ S M p S e t A c r o s s crowded, unhealthful conditio™ L ~ Z ? ? ' W ' t h m a n y hardships - storms, 9U men ånd tø ^ n ^ ° ^ ^ On the "Davy" there were own sustenance. The charge' I I I ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 " ^ ^ * * * *

^ S ^ l ^ ^ S ^ l ^ L * - a f y P - t there were health, customs and Jacob and Wendel and o t h e ? r e l a t i v e ? " W Z T l a n d e d ° C t ' 2 5> 1 7 3 8 ° W h e n

Tulpehocken. In 1738 mo?e ïh í™ 2 t o g ° s t h e y S e t « * for yea? ~ 1 6 / I ? ! 3

?2 ther l S d ' b e e n l f l i a ^ a t i o n ^ " ^ P r e V Í ° U S

iiau oeen i x . Migration from Germany was at f u l l t ide .

d ia lec t . a n b e ""»eratood by persons who know the felatinate


3a ({-H c/a. i- f




O 2 3

Al i LSS

kJ K J





?̂/<Jt we/ /er ö /

ö <SeA we/ /-er



RÊ&/OA/ . 5. / A O

i I K M

M / * * I L L - R D A D



-to Wolfersweiler

\ /4 i II r-03cl -t o


CL C h r i s t Lutheran Church

TR Trinity-Reformed. Church

R Reed's Cemetery CS C h r i s t i a n

Seibert farm AS Adam Schütz

M lay erst own S Stouchsburg

W Womelsdorf

Names are townships.

w Heidelberg

BERKS CO. LEBANON ¥ 0 ^ (Lancaster

(Dauphin Co.. N\ before 1785-1813) 1752)

(Lancaster bef.1785)




• A .C£ohn) Jacob Seibert and his brother (John) Wendel, ianded at Philadelphia in October 173Ö and likely proceeded directly to the Tulpehocken Valley in what is now Berks Co., then Lancaster Co., Pa. • This valley was f i r s t settled in 1723 by a colony of Germans from New York State. (John) Jacob Seibert and (Mary) Elizabeth Theiss were married at Tulpehocken Feb. 26, 1739 by (John) Casper Stoever, a noted Lutheran minister. They cane on the same ship. (p, JU3> In March 173° Jacob received a grant of land in nearby Bethel Twp. It is not known whether he lived on i t , for i t belonged to George Mease in 1753. Family tradition is correct in saying that Jacob was the sixth son.

In 175k Jacob Seibert was in Tulpehocken, where he died in 1761. He married secondly about 17k8 Susanna, widow of Adam SchUtz (Schitz-Scheetz). He may have lived on the SchUtz farm after his second marriage. At his death he owned a 25O acre farm worth t 1125, also an estate of í 60L He is said to have lived two miles from Stouchsburg, now Marion Twp., Berks Co., Pa. He lived 22 years in Germany and 22 years in Pennsylvania. The Seibert family is listed in the Trinity Tulpehocken Reformed and Christ Lutheran (Stouchburg) records.

The fact that there were two sets of Seibert children, two sets of SchUtz children, with two estates to be settled (SchUtz and Seibert), made legal complications. Also the fact that Susanna married for the third time before Aug. 12, 1763 Jacob Eppracht complicates research. The Jacob Seibert farm was inherited by the oldest son, Nicholas, who lived on i t until his death. Christian moved across the line into Lebanon Co., about 17?2j Francis followed him. Godfrey went to Quebecj Jacob to Maryland. William likely died in the 1780s* There were many Seibert families in early America.

In the Potts Manuscripts at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania there are account records of supplies bought by Jacob Seibert, farmer 17Uij Jacob Seibert, shoemaker nhh', Wendel Seibert I744-46. Nails, powder, shot, molasses are some of the items. Wendel bought blacksmith materials.

Jacob Seibert, shoemaker, may have been the Jacob who landed at Philadel­phia Sep. 9, 1738. He may have had a son, Henry, b Nov. 30, 171+3, bap. Dec. 28, who was confirmed in Christ Lutheran Church 1761, age 17. A Philip Seibert was in Tulpehocken 175k, A William had children baptized at Christ Church 1753 and 1755.

The records of the Wendel Seibert family are at Christ Church. Most of records of Jacob and his sons Nicholas and Christian are at Trinity Church. In a few cases when there was no Reformed minister, the Lutheran minister baptized the children.


Tr in i ty Church

Octnhpï ? r n n i t y ^formed Church had i t s beginning in 1738 when on 17L?66 L ° n T £ ° n o b s e r v e d * T h e ^ ™s Hke ly a small building. May 8,

f X L f f ? 3 c o ™ d - I n a n 2 W c h u r c h røs b u i l t . The church was formally orgamzed in l?U8. John D. C. Bartholomae entered his f i r s t b c f I T ^ f f 2 2 ^ í ? 8 ; J V e r W d Apr. 1751. Henry Wm. Slíoy was pastor bein l\lov 1758 to J u l 17Ó0j John Jacob Z u f a l l Sep. 1765 to Sep. 1767; John Wm. Hendel Oct 1769 to Nov. 1 782S Andrew Loretz Jan 1785 to^Feb1786?John Darnel Wagner Jan. 1787 to Sep. 1793; Wm. Hendel, J r . Nov? 1793 to D e c / Æ T. H. Leinbach Apr. 1826 to March 1864. 4 j

c . B e f o r ? Tulpehocken was served by John Ph i l ip Boehm t i l l V7hk% C. L Schnorr g « , A th i rd church was b u i l t i n 1772; th? present In 1853 i n

Í r e t r J t ^ f T . l l t & ! * U t e r h i s S o n s ' W i c h o l a s a n d Christ ian were trustees* A schoolmaster is mentioned in 1759 and 1775.

Early Settlers

The best account of the settling of Tulpehocken is given by Conrad Weiser:

of thi^nÏÏS 1! ?* f W S ° f J - l n d ° n t h c S w a t a r a a n d Tulpehocken in Penna. Many cfrried their J n S M & r o a d f r o * V a r i e s (H.Y.) to the Susquehanna River, ' carried their goods there, made canoes and floated down the river to the mouth cfttíl o v e r t a n d M i d d l . t o w n is situated at present) and droïe ïhelr cate t o I S l Ê & è b a f P ? n e d i " the spring of the year 1 72 3. From there they Í15 ! w ? f ° k e 2 l a n d t h l S W a S t h e b e S i r m ^ g of the settlement. The 1726 tax TniLhoru 3 ^ f ^ ? ! U V t h e r e W e r e U 2 taxables. An excellent l i s t of earlï Tulpehocken settlers (1744) is given in the Potts Manuscripts.

Tulpehocken!^ c o n s i d e r a b l e research has listed the f i r s t families at

Baltzer Anspach Michael Emris Peter Feg Godfrey Fidler Sebastian Fisher • Joseph Ropff John Kuntz George, Leonard, Peter Reith Anthony Schadt Nicholas Schaefer Conrad and son Adam Schutz Adam Walborn Martin Zerbe



Nicholas Seibert was the oldest son, according to the Berks Co. court records He inherited his father's 2*0 acre farm. He is listed in Tulpehocken tax l i s t s as early as 1767. In 1780 he was a lieutenant in the Berks Co. militia. In the 1790 census he had listed k males and 3 females. His w i l l was written Apr, 8 and probated Jul. 9, 1791. It mentions his brothers, Christian and Francis. He married into the Berks Co. Anspachs.

. , Christian Seibert is buried in the Trinity Tulpehocken Reformed cemetery in Jackson Twp., Lebanon Co. His name fi r s t appears on the Tulpehocken tax l i s t in 1767J m Heidelberg Twp., now Mill Creek Twp., Lebanon Co. 1772. Sept. 29, 177 he was granted 60 acres. In 1790 the census lists 3 males and 5 females. In 1777 he took the oath of allegiance. His w i l l was the fi r s t probated in Lebanon Co. I013. Book 1, page. 10 He lived on Holstein property south of Stouchsburg, between Richland and Sheridan station on the Leb. V. R.R.

Godfrey Seibert was over lk Aug. 12, 1763. On Nov, 17, 1767 he was over 21, for he issued a power of attorney. He was likely leaving Berks Co. The First Report on the Seibert Estate (1883) says, "About the beginning of the Revolution he went to Canada, presumably on account of his political opinions, and was there known as a refugee, or 'United Empire»Loyalist." He settled at what is now Sorel, Quebec, where he became a carpenter and cabinet-maker. His name f i r s t appears in Quebec records 1792. He owned several tracts of land. He died without issue in 1826.

Jacob Seibert was over lk in 1763. He went to Maryland before 1777. He bought a farm at Clear Spring, Maryland in I788. He attended St. Paul's Reformed Church. Some of Wendel Seibert's sons lived nearby,

Francis Seibert was under ll+ in 1763, over lk in 1766. He took the oath of allegiance in 1778. He died in what was Heidelberg Twp., Dauphin Co., now Mill Creek Twp„, Lebanon Co. His will is filed at Harrisburg. In the 1790 census he had 1 male and 3 females. He married Eva Mary Holstein. Her sister, Catharine married Christian, brother of Francis. He is buried at Millbach. The Holsteins lived in (now) Lebanon Co.

William Seibert was under lk in 1763, over lU in 1769. He was a freeman in Tulpehocken Twp. 1779. He may have died young. There is record of a son, Peter.

Catharine Seibert was under lk in I763, over lU in 1771. She married Andrew Graff. They were sponsors at the baptism of Jacob Seibert 1783.

Children of Jacob: 1. Nicholas b cl7u0 d 1791 2. Christian b Nov 171+3 d Jul 2, l8l3 3. Godfrey b c 171+6 d Jan 6, 1826 h. Jacob b Sep 10, 171+9 d Feb 13', 1810 5. Francis b Mar 5, 1751 d Mar 10, l 8 l l 6. William b Jul 2, 1751+ 7. Catharine b Feb 25, 1757 d 1792

Other possible children were Henry, Peter, Elizabeth


Nicholas C1740-179I

Jacob 1716-I76I

Christian 171(3-1013

Jacob 1749-1810 Md (in Md 1777)

Francis 1751-1811


Peter 1774- ?

William 1776-I823

Francis 1768-I832

John 1770-1852

Christian 1773-1855

George 1779-1858

Jacob I783-I855

William I794-I861

Jacob 1777-1855 w Va

Peter 1779-1823 Md

Henry I78I-I834 Md

Michael 1788-1859 Md

William 1754-?

Peter CI78O- ?

David C1797 Christian I8OI-John 1808-George 1810-1884 Peter I8I4-I886 William CI818-

William 1797-1865 John I8OI-1877 George I8I4-I878

Jacob I805-I870 John I808-I832 Michael 1813-1885

William 1796-1863 Henry 1797-Daniel 1798-Samuel 1800-1863 John 1802-

Peter I805-I84O George I808-I893 Michael 1810* Christian I812-1911 Jacob 1814-1892

Michael I8I4-1868 Peter I818-1834 Jacob I820-1882 Samuel 1825-1900

Michael Henry John George

Joseph Samuel Daniel David

John Isaac Daniel


I812-I889 I8I4-I893 I825-1903 1828-1916


Pa„ unless indicated, for f i r s t three generations.


Chronology - Jacob

1716 Feb Born Eitzweiler, Saar

Mar 2 Baptized Wolfersweiler Church

1738 May 6 Got certificate preparatory to leaving

Oct 25 Landed at Philadelphia - went to Tulpehocken

1739 Feb 26 Married to (Mary) Elizabeth Theiss by Rev. J. C. Stoever

Mar. 28 Land grant Bethel Twp 209 a (land sold before 1753)

nkh in Tulpehocken;17U8 Member of Tulpehocken Reformed Church

About 17U8 Married Susanna, widow of Adam SchUtz

175U, 57, 59 On Tulpehocken tax lists; 1759 paid k 18 (now Marion Twp., Berks u>., Pa.) '

1757 Dec 6 Release from heirs of Adam SchUtz

1760 May 3 Release from Peter SchUtz to JJS his guardian

1761 Mar 9 Letters of administration to Susanna ̂ eibert _ ,,,, . , 0 Jakd 250 a t 1125j other í 60I1 - died Tulpehocken Twp,, Berks Co„ 1703 Aug 12 Guardians appointed for younger Seibert children

Lived 22 years Germany (near Wolfersweiler) - 22 years Penna, (near Stouchsburg)

JACOB SEIBERT baptized Mar. 2, 1716 Wolfersweiler, Saar; to Pa. 1738; d 1761 Tulpehocken, Berks Co ml Feb 26, 1739 Mary Elizabeth Theiss bap„ June 29, 1721 GrUnbach d. cl7lf7

1. NICHOLAS Seibert b cl7l*0 d 1791 Tulpehocken m cl762 Catharine Anspach (dau of Peter) b 17u3 d l800 a. Mary Catharine Seibert b Dec 1, 1763 bap Dec l6 d yg b. John Seibert b Feb 13, 1765 bap Feb 20 d yg c. John Adam Seibert b Jul 12, 1770 bap Jul i f d yg d. Mary Catharine Seibert b Nov 25, 1772 bap Dec 6 m Peter Line

Children incl: Mary Catharine b Sep h, 1791J Peter b ¥!ar 17, 1796; Susanna b Jun 19, 1798

e. Peter Seibert b Nov 26, 177U bap Dec U m ? Susanna 7 Daughter Mary Magdalena b Mar 27, 1798 Tulpehocken

f« William Seibert b Dec 5, 1776 bap Dec 26 (See I) 2. CHRISTIAN Seibert b Nov 17Í+3 d Jul 2, l8l3 near Richland, now

Lebanon Co., Pa. m bef Jul. lU, 1?65 Catharine Holstein (likely dau of Leonard) b Jan. 30, 17U9 d Sep. 7, 1821

a., (Eva) Barbara Seibert b Apr 3, 1767 (or 6) bap Apr 27 d Jun 29, I83O never married

b. Francis Seibert b Oct 3, 1768 bap Oct 23 (See II) c. John Seibert b Nov 3, 1770 bap Dec 2 (See III) dH Christian Seibert b Jtin 22, 1?73 bap Jul l8 (See IV) e. Catharine Seibert b Jun 10, 1775 d yg


' S S S » æ «mat iw ~~ -" si a S S ' l » sas t= »"• -~-(5) Elizabeth Reed b Mar 6, l80°

g. George (Nicholas) Seibert b Jan 6, 1779 (See V) h. Catharine Seibert b Feb 14, l 7 8 l bap I%r i f d Feb l 8 3 l 8 7 3

( i \ Jt Ï. ?' X l ° 2 M i C h a e l T h ^ c h t e r b Nov 23, 1770 d L a I 1825 (1) Nicholas Thürwachter b Oct 13, i8oL 9 ' 5

(2) Samuel Thürwachter (3) Daniel ThürwSchter b Jan 12, I8l0 d Apr 30 18W (h) Elizabeth Thürwachter P ' 4 5

(5) Catharine Thüntëehter m Pfeiffer

(6, M i e ^ » t a g e t f ^ p r ^ 8 1 9 d Oct z, 1 868 . Har, A n n ....

<" íM C° b


S?í e r t b K a r 21> " 8 3 bap Apr S (Sea VI)

Elizabeth U l i g b Feb 19, löll d Dec 8, l88l ' 3

(3) George Schock b Feb 5, l8lQ d Sep 30, 1876 4) John Schock b May 10, l8l2 d Sep 5, I872 (5) Margaret Schock b Aug 20, 18I4 d May 2, l88l m Nov 19, 1836 (HA r S c h e e t z b D e c 2«> i3°3 d Dec i i , 1882 ' ( 6 ) IslaT! SSaSJun ^ 1817 d Mar 3>1895 * Wov 22>18*6

k, Mary Magdalena (Polly) Seibert b Mar 7 i7fift « iftrvi T V T „ 1. Maraaret Í F I Í M L + M c i t 1 Í ? '* ' ö ffl l ö ° 5 J o h n Jacob Reed

m Jul lk ? Seibert b Sep 29, 1791 bap Oct 30 d Dec 31, 1866 t i l r K T ' 1 8 1 1 G e o r 9 e Schock b Jun 1& 1789 d Jul 9 1

Levi Korner b Jan 8, 1813 d Oct 20, 1865 ' 3 5 / d D e c U ' l c

( W m ^ ^ i U 2 6 i 1 8 1 8 d A p r 10> 1 8 9 3 m J u n 19> (5) William Schock b Feb 21, 1821 d Nov 27, 1901 m Feb 9 131.3

Sarah Heter b Sep 3, 1823 d Jan 9, 1893 ' 3

^Ö; Benjamin Schock b Feb 21, 1821 d'Feb 23 ificíi. m c 0 „ o , Mary Moil b Feb 28, l82 2 'd Sej % IQ69 * ' ^

(7) Charles Schock b May 2k, 1821* d Mar l6, 1875 m Oct 9 ifåx Susannah Arnold b Oct 10, 1827 d Nov 23. lfåi 5 k 5

(8) Margaret Schock b Auo 5, 1827 d Jan 2 1 m a ,n ,01 o William Wonder b l i ? d fib 18,' 8^ " ^ ^

C9) Anna Caoharine Schock b Jul 3, 1832 d LVc v? ion)

ov j , iou^ m2 Jul 4, 1808 Anne Row se d Aug 2U, 1839 no issue


JACOB SEIBERT ra2 cl7i;8 Susanna SchUtz, widow of Adam SchUtz she m3 cl?ó2 Jacob Eppracht

4o (John) JACOB Seibert b Sep 10, 17J4Q bap Oct 2 d Feb 1$, 18IO Washington Co., Md m Feb 12, 1775 Anna Mary Keller b Mar 8, 1752 d Jan 1822

a. Jacob Seibert b Feb 13, 1777 Md ? d Jan 9, 1855 Berkeley Co., W, Va. ? m Stonebraker and Ann Kerney

b. Peter Seibert b cl779 d Oct 1823 never married c. Henry Seibert b Jun 7, 1781 (See VII) d. Catharine Seibert b Jan 20, 1783 d Aug 27, l86l m

David Cushwa b Aug 10, 1777 d Mar 8, 1849 e. Elizabeth Seibert b Feb 12, 1785 (See VI) f. Michael Seibert b Jan 30, 1788 Md (See VIII)

5. FRANCIS Seibert b Mar 5, 175l bap Apr 8 d Mar 10, l 8 l l now Lebanon CoVmApr I4, 1771 Eva Mary Holstein (sister of Catharine) b Aug 26, 1751 d Feb 5, 1834 - no issue

6. WILLIAM Seibert b Jul 2, 175I4. bap Jul 7 freeman Berks Co 1779 a. I'eter Seibert b cl780 (See LX) 7. CATHARINE Seibert b Feb 25, 1757 bap Mar 20 d 1792

m 1775 Andrew Gijaff (son of Andrew of Heidelberg) b May 25, 1750 d Jun 19, I817

Children: Catharine b 1782; another dau 5 two sons

I. WILLIAM Seibert (son of Nicholas) b Dec 5, 1776 d Aug 29, 1823 Berks Co., Pa. ml Nov. 1, 1795 Christina Moser b Dec 17, 1773 d Jul 4, 1796 1. Nicholas Seibert b Jun 17, 1796 d Aug 7, 1796

WILLIAM Seibert m2 Dec 20, 1796 Catharine Moser b Mar 8, 1775 d Apr 22, 1836 2. David Seibert m Apr 8, 1827 Rosina Weber ?ra2 Lydia

Issue: Veronica b 1832 — Daniel b 1839, Elizabeth b 18Í13 3. (Elizabeth) Catharine Seibert b Feb 1, 1799 never married 4. Christian Seibert b Apr 20, l801 5. Elizabeth Seibert b Dec 11, 1802 d yg 6. Mary Seibert b Apr 27, I8O4 7. Elizabeth Seibert b Dec l6, I8O6 ra Dec 20, 1828 John Philip Pfeiffer 8. John Seibert b Aug 1, 18O8 d May 28, 1832 m Maria Kline • Issue: Edward b I83O 9» George Seibert b Mar 13, l8l0 d Jun 30, I884 m Jun 5, 1829

Sarah Miller b Mar 4, l8l0 d Feb 5, 1899 Issues Lavinia b 1831, Elizabeth b 1832, John b 1835, Jonathan

b I837 (graat-grandfather of Ruth), William b 1839* Samuel b I84O, Rebecca b 18U3, Aaron b 1846, Romendo b 1850, Ezra b 1853

10. Mary Seibert b Aug 7, l8l2 11. Peter Seibert b Aug 1, I8I4 d Jun 13, 1886 12. William Seibert


II. FRANCIS Seibert (son of Christian) b Oct 3, 1768 d Oct. 26, 1832 Tulpehocken m May 29, 1796 Susanna Zeiler

, D e c- 1}+> 1777 d Nov. IL, i860 ^ f 1 1 ^ Seibert b Aug 21, 1797 d Oct. 18, 1865 m Elizabeth Miller b June 10, l800 d Jan. 22, 1868 Issue: Rebecca, son

2. Sarah Seibert b Dec. 4, 1798 d 1882 m George Meiser Issue: Rebecca, William, Elizabeth, George S„ S^rah.

Sabina, Levi, John 3. John Seibert b Apr. 19, 1801 d fey 13, 1877 m Sarah Miller b Feb. 21

1802 d Jun, 27, 1883 Issue: Cyrus, Jonathan b 1825, Sarah k° SSTjSSSf ̂nnVert b °Ct- 2 1 > i m d W0V- 1878 ra S— 1 ^

5. George Seibert b'jul 21, 18I4 m Jan. 30, I844 Magdalena Miller b Nov. 1, 18I4 d Jun. 1, 1885 Issue: George b l850, Cyrus b 1852, Mary A. b 18&

III. JOHN Seibert (son of Christian) b Nov, 3, 1770 d Dec. 20, 1852 Tulpehocken ml Dec. 27, l801 Catharine Hawk b Aug. 24, 1780 d Nov. 10, 1828

U Mary Catharine Seibert b Dec. 7, l802 d Jan. 2, 1865 2. Jacob Seibert b Jul. 5, 1805 d fey i 9 } 1870 m Oct 5, 1828

Sarah Miller b Oct 2, 1803 d Apr 6, 1870 Issue: Louisa b 1838

3. Elizabeth Seibert b Nov. 24, I809 m Forney

5.' J ^ S ^ ^ d D e C ' *> ^ « Vec. 30, 1827 George Unger

6. Michael Seibert b fey 27, 1813 d Apr 9, 1885 m Dec 8, 1833 Sarah Simmons Unger b Mar. 28, l 8 l l d Oct 8, 1883 SSUb\8Í0?sLTbbl88f3 ̂ b ^ Ge0rSe b 1837^

JOHN Seibert m2 Dec 25, l8 35 Barbara Brendel (Mayer) b Dec 2, 1787 d Jan 23, 1876 W * C m i l l ^ r e Í b e r™ ( S°So 0 f C h£ i s t i a n> b Jun, 22, 1 7 73 d Aug 28, 1855 1 T.M11 . ^ * 3 . ? 0 - » N o v- 22, 1795 Susannah Kaibach (Brown) b Mar 20 1765 1. William Seibert b Jun. I?, 1796 d Aug. 8, 18Ó3 (d Aor 5 183?

ra Feb 10, 1818 Justina Hirsh P ^J 3 3

Issue: William Hirsh b I819, Samuel Hirsh, Emanuel, John 0 M c benjamin, Edward Christian, James Philip 2. Henry Seibert b Sep. 22, 1797 d yg • 3. Daniel Seibert b Dec. 20, 1798 m Jul. 21, 1820 Catharine Lasch

T L v ?; b 2íL b I??' I 1 * 1 8 0 0 d J u l 8> 1 8 6 3 Greento^ Ohto m May 11, 1824 Elizabeth Maria Rush b Feb. 12, 1803 d SoÍ ifi7o Issue: Susanna Maria b 1825, Samuel Rush b 1826, S h i X " ' ?

Rush b 1828, Elizabeth Jane b 1829, William Henry b 1831, John Jacob Rush b 1834, Rush Gerhart b 1835, Emily p3 e l i a. 5 la 3l> G e o r s e W a s h ^ g t o n b 1839, Francis

* , M ? a r d b I8it2, Mary Cordelia b 181^ 5. Elizabeth Seibert b Jul. 9, l802 m John Dundor 6. Salome Seibert b Jun. 4, I8O4 d Nov. 7, 1884 ra Mar. 5, 1822

John Gearhart b Feb 20, 1802 d Nov. 2a, l86l Issue: Catharine, Anna Maria, Salome/Ellenora, Samuel,

Susannah, henry, Michael, Anna, Amelia, Isaac

i, (Eva) Catharine Seibert b Mar. 20, 1806 d Dec. 11, 188O m Mar li 1827 Benjamin Gearhart b Jun. 23, I8OÍ4 d Nov. 19, Í870 ' Issue: Eva Catharine, Frank, Elizabeth, Harry, Charles

a i J« c Pí e rí ? eM j a m i n i R 2 u b e ni »lliam. Elvina, Sarah' 8. Lydia Seibert b May 28, I809 d Nov. I88Í4 ml Henry Shower

Issue: Jeremiah, Catharine Ann Lydia m2 Apr 29, 1837 George Lasch b l801 d Aug. 13, 1868 Issue: Amelia, Henry, Mary Ann, Matilda, Emma Elizabeth,

George, Lydia Ann ' 9. John Seibert ml Rebecca Helder m2 Catharine Helder

V. GEORGE Nicholas Seibert (son of Christian) b Jan. 6, 1779 d 1858 Lebanon Co m Oct. 28, 18OJ4 Hannah Bogart d Feb. L 1838

1. Peter Seibert b Oct. 27, l805 d I84O m Eliza Kurtz • Issue: John b 1835, Matilda, Daniel

2. George Seibert b I808 d 1893 McNabb, III m Mary Bender Issue: Elizabeth b 1833, Thomas, Daniel, Matilda, Susan,

John b 181*7, William, Elmira b 1853 3'. Michael Seibert b l8l0 Issue: John k. Christian Seibert b Oct. 29, l8l2 d Jun. 27, 1911 Linglestown, Pa.

m Sep. 10, 1835 Mary Ann Miller b Jan. 17, l 8 l l d Apr. lu 1900 Issue: Angelina (Winter) I836-I916, Benjamin Franklin l838-19l53

Malinda Catharine l8aO-192k, David Sidney I8I4I-I905, Jacob Miller 181*3-1922, John Miller 181*5-1938, Elizabeth Ann (Zartman) 181*8-1922, Henry l850-l85l, George Adam 1Ö52-19Ü8 (grandfather of RMB), Jerome l85u-1935

5. Jacob Seibert b Nov. 9, l8lk d Jan. 2k, 1892 McNabb, III m Sarah Brown b Nov. 3, 1822 d Dec. 31, I89I* Issue: Rebecca b 184O, Elizabeth b l8k2, John b 181+k, Jacob

b 1847, William b 181*9» Catharine b 1852, Georqe b 1853, Annie b 1859, Peter b 1864

6. Catharine Seibert b l8l6 d 1852 ra Absalom Spotts-Issue: Annie Catharine, 7. Elizabeth Seibert b l8l8 m Thomas Elliott - 2 daughters 8. Hannah (or Ann) Seibert b 1820 m Oct. 1, 185k John Cook - no issue

VI. JACOB Seibert (son of Christian) b Mar. 21, 1783 d Feb. 12, 1855 Tulpehocken m Jun. l 8 l l Elizabeth Seibert (daughter of Jacob of Md) b Feb. 12, 1785 d Aug. 25, 181*7

1. Elizabeth Seibert b Jul. 2l*, 1812 d Jul. 2l*, l88l ra Dec. 22, 1835 William Troutman Gearhart b Dec, 10, 1809 d Aug. 20, 1886 Issue: Emeline Isabella, Darius W., Elizabeth Justina,

Jerome Zwingli, Calvin Seibert, Jacob Alfred, Milton Ursinus, Elinore Rebecca

2o Michael Seibert b Feb, 13, l8ll* d 1868 m May 7, 1835 Sarah Seidel b Nov. 1, l8l5 d May 12, 1902 Issue: James Jacob b 1836, Mary Elizabeth b I84O,

Rebecca Jams en b 181*2 3o Catharine Seibert b Oct. 7, l8l5 d Apr. 22, 1900 m Jan. 13, l8k6

Benjamin Seidel b Oct. 17, l8l5 Issue: Alfred S.,Jacob J., Monroe S.

lu Peter Seibert b Jan. 5, l8l8 d Feb. 5, I83I* 5. Jacob J. Seibert b May 28, 1820 d May 15, 1882 m Jan 23, l8k2

Mary Ann Walbcrn b Feb. 22, 1819 d May 15, 1883 Issue: Monroe W. b 181*3 (Fremont, Ohio), Jerome Peter b l8k5,

Emma Rebecca b 181*7, Henry Jacob b 1852, William Albert b 1856


6c George Seibert b Sepn 11, 1822 d Aug. 28, 182k 7. Samuel J. Seibert b Sep. 13, i825 d Jan. 10, 1900 m

Mary Schaum b Sep. 22, 1831 d Mar. 12, 1924 no issue

VII. HENRY Seibert (son of Jacob) b Jun 7, 1781 d Oct 31, 183/4 Clear Spring, Washington Co0, Md m Catharine Buterbaugh

1 v u , c L t „ b ïïov 26, I79O d Nov 30, 186)4

1. Michael Sexbert b Feb 22, l8l0 m R o s a Troup issue: John M b I84O ^

2. Elizabeth Seibert b A Pr 10, l8l2 a James B Ditto 3. Mary Ann Seibert b Oct 19, 1813 m Samuel Wilhelm 4* Henry Seibert b Nov. 29, l8l5 5. John Seibert b Aug. 23, l8l9 d Feb 19, I876 m Dec. 21, l8h3

Susan Light b Oct 19, 1823 d Feb. 8, 187/4 Issue: Theodore F b 184I1, William W. b 1846, Mary Louisa b 1848,

Í:UÏ5!O r J a f r

o b H ^ n r y b l 8 ^ ' E v a G r a c e> Francis Edgar b I863, Anna V b 1870 6. Susan Seibert _ F„„ . n , , . . 7. Louisa Seibert * wtrrio T

D a ? d e } o t t

o r T~i o ., . m William Wilhelm 8. George B. Seibert b Apr. 17, 1828 m Elizabeth Martin

VIII. MICHAEL Seibert (son of Jacob) b Jan. 30, 1788 d Apr0 10, 18̂ 9 Clear Spring m Jan. 13, l8l2 Elizabeth Brewer

b D e c« 2, 1792 d Aor. 13. 187^ 1. Joseph A. Seibert b Nov. 29, l8l2 d Jul 29, 1889 m

Susan Sophia Stake b Jan. 2, I8l6 d Mar. 3, 1885 Issue: Andrew K,, Mary Elizabeth, Rose, Michael Scott b l85l.

Sarah A., Joseph A b 1856 2. Samuel Seibert b Apr I4, I8I4 d l%y 31, 1893 m Nancy Troop d Jan 1, 1858

Issue: Michael Thomas, Samuel, Mary Elizabeth, William W b 1858 3» Catharine Seibert b Aug 1, 1817 d Oct 11, 1819 k* Daniel Brewer Seibert b Jul 1, 1825 d May 16/1903 m

Elizabeth Schnebly b Mar 25, 1826 d May 8, 190ii Issue: Daniel S b I87O (grandfather of Daniel K)

5» David Seibert b Jan. 12, 1828 d May 12, 1916 ml 1853 Julia Ankeny b Jul. 28, 1829 d Jun. 13, 1863 m2 1868 Matilda Hardesty Issue: Henry A b 1853, Michael Finley b 1856, Emily Hivling,

Walter Stewart b 1873, Julia Cameron

IX, PETER Seibert (son of William) b CI78O m Elizabeth Reichard 1. John Seibert b Oct. 2, 18OO Tulpehocken • 2. Isaac Seibert b Feb. 23, 1802 m Mar. 6, 1831

Elizabeth Line b Apr. 1, 1808 Issue: Mary Elizabeth b 1832, George W b 1833, John L b 1835,

• Mary J., Hiram P., b 1839, Caroline b 18U2, Elizabeth A 3. Rebecca Seibert b Jun 5, 1805 4. Daniel Seibert b Mar. 22, 1807 m Feb, 25, 1827

Elizabeth Lower Issue: Mary Ann b 1827, Harriet b 1829, John Franklin b 183U,

James William b 1836, Levi b 1839, Emmeline b 1843, Elisabeth b l81i3, Reichard b 1848

5. Leah Seibert b Nov. 10, I8O9 6. Elizabeth Seibert 7'« Sarah Seibert 80 Anna Mary Seibert b Jan. 25, 1818



Johann Wendel Seubert was baptized at the Reformed Church, Wolfersweiler, Kreis (County) St. Wendel, Saarland, May 15, 1721. He was born at Eitzweiler, a village 1.7 miles southeast of Wolfersweiler, a few days before. The church record shows that his parents were Johann Jacob and Anna Catharina (Kuntzer) Seubert. Johann Jacob was born at Eitzweiler in 1678. He married Anna Catharina in 1705. She was born at Asweiler 1687, just half a mile southwest of Eitzweiler. She lived at Hirstein 1689 to 1705.

At Wendel1s baptism the godparents were: Philip Nabinger of Asweiler Wendel Steffan of Eitzweiler (Wendel's grandmother was a Steffan) Lisa Margred, wife of Jacob Luder of Wolfersweiler Christina, wife of Nickel Kuntzer of Hirstein

(Nickel was his mother's brother)

When Johann Wendel was five his father died. When he was ten his last two grandparents died. There is no record of what became of his mother, Anna Catharina — whether she died, remarried or went to America, Just a few days be­fore his 17th birthday Wendel left for America with his brother, Jacob, and other friends and relatives, (Family tradition agrees — stating that when he left for America, he was l6„)

He left Wolfersweiler about May 6 for Amsterdam. The ship "Davy" on which he travelled, stopped at Cowes, England, and reached Philadelphia, October 25, 1738, after a long voyage. Wendel signed his name "Johann Wendel Seibert" xihen he landed.

Wolfersweiler is a few miles north of St. Wendel. The Irish monk, Wendel, lived here in the sixth century. The name, Wendel, is found a number of püaces in the Seubert records. Our Wendel in Germany has three Seubert nephews named Wendelj five cousins named Wendelj his father had a cousin, Wendel Seubert.

Wendel settled in Bethel Township, now Berks County, Pennsylvania, and Jacob a few miles to the south in Tulpehocken Township. Their sons went to Maryland. Wendel married about 1742 Catharine ?Reis, born 1724, died 1780. Wendel received a grant of land from Thomas Penn in 1755 in Bethel. He was a blacksmith. He attended Christ Lutheran Church, where there is record of the confirmation and baptism of his children.

Indian raids were severe in Bethel and Tulpehocken from October 1755 to June 1758, especially in Bethel. Many were killed. Some were captured. A few who were scalped lived. This is likely what 'happened to George, son of Wendel. George was confirmed in 1772, probably age l8. He was listed as "blind" having been "caught in an Indian raid." He was born about 175U, just before Indian raids began. His older sister, Elizabeth, was held captive for a while, according to church records at Stouchsburg.

In 1785 the following tracts were granted in Northumberland County, Penna.S Frederick kl$ acres, Henry 1+37, Wendel 516. In 1796 Wendel Sr. sold his Bethel Township farm and moved to Martinsburg, West Virginia, Some of his sons had moved to Maryland before the Revolution. Wendel, Junior, bought land in Berkeley County, West Virginia 1791. The w i l l of Wendel, Senior, written December 11, 1797» was probated at Martinsburg October 26, l802 (Book 3, page lf59). ' It mentions the Northumberland land. It was probated by Wendel and Freder ick„


Vira i n L cin n f , t h e ° f B e r k e l e y Commonwealth of m e n L ' o n ^ 7 ; ; % L 9 T b e c * u e a t h t o «V Executors hereinafter 2 n d ívlnn 1 £ e . p t J r p ° s e hereinafter named a l l my three tracts of land lying and being situate in the Mew Purchase in the Countv of

l 5 ~ e T a n d to b e h e


S í f 3 ° f containingto ^ r ^ o u t

S S f ? ï f r e C t m y E x e c u t o r s t 0 divide into eleven equal snares. . . . . f i r s t paying my son Henry hl$ Pa. money.... for his atten­t ion m securing the said Lands. my ten c h i i ï e n , naÍely

s S S ï h ^ r f a C O b s W e n d S l > H e n r y i F r ^ i c k , Michael, Marií, ^lizabeth and Catharine . . . . the surviving children of my son John t t h r r l 7 f i r * \ C h i l d ' 1 d 0 h ^ e b y ^ ordain constitute and appoint 1 A , t h ! 1 1 3 t 0 $ a y * l " I e n d e l S ^ b e r t , Henry Seibert and Frederick Seibert sole Executors of this my last W i l l . the 11th dav of December 1797.» 3 1 n ü a y

Children of Wendel:

1. John 2'. Christian 3. Peter km Elizabeth 5» • Anna Mary 6. Jacob 7« George 8'. Wendel Jr 9» Henry 10. Frederick 11. Catharine 12. Michael

b 17ii3 d Oct 5, 1791; Maryland b 1 7 hh ?Virginia b 1 ? k 6 West Virginia b 17)i7 b 17U9 b Jan. 18, 1752 d Apr 18, 1833 West Virginia b 1754 b 1757 d 1805 West Virginia b Jan 9, 17Ó0 b Aug 8, 1762 d Nov. 9, I8l5 West Virginia b 1764 a

b Jul. 1, 1766 d Feb. 4, 1823 Pennsylvania



Wendel I72I-I802 W Va Fa to W Va


John I743-I794 Md (in Md «83)

Christian 1774- (Md '72)

Peter 1746-(in Md »80)

Jacob I752-I833 W Va (Pa «73, Md '74, d W Va)

George 175k- d youth

Wendel 1757-1805 W Va

George John P?ter Jacob Michael Christian

— John

Jacob John Henry Peter

i Michael

Jacob John Samuel George

(Pa «79, Md '84, WVa '91) David

Henry 176O- (Pa »8l)

Frederick (to W Va 1796) JHenry I762-I815 W Va *1 Micha I762-I815

Michael 1766-1823 Fa

(Notes Jacob, cousin of above in Md '77)


John Samuel

I769-1770-1799 I773-I838 1779-1858 1784-I847

1774-1775-1823 1784-1786-1791-1858

1784-1855 1784-1863

1793-I878 1797-I887


1794-1842 1796-1888

1721 May 15 1738 Oct 25 C1742

1752 Apr 12 1754- 1785 1755 1755- 58 1761-81 1785 1796 1797 Dec 11 1802


Baptized at Wolfersweiler (born at Eitzweiler) Landed at Philadelphia Married Catharine ?Reis Bought goods in Tulpehocken Son Jacob baptized at Christ Lutheran Church Taxed in Bethel Twp,, Berks Co., - blacksmith Land grant from Thomas Penn Indians captured at least two of his children Children confirmed at Christ Lutheran, Stouchsburg Land grant in Northumberland County Sold land in BerksCo. and moved to W. Va, Wrote Will Died at Martinsburg


WEMDEL SEIBERT bap May 1$, 1721 Wolfersweiler, Germany) to Pennsylvania 1738 m C17U2 Catharine ?Reis b 1724 d 1780 Pennsylvania Wendel to Martinsburg, W. Va. 1796 where he d l802

I. JOHM SEIBERT b 1743, confirmed 1761, age l8 (stone says b Feb, 14, 1744) d Oct. 5, 179U eastern Washington County, Maryland - buried on Ralph Wyand farm m Elizabeth ?Funk a. George Seibert b Jan. I4, 1769 ' m Elizabeth Richards b Feb 12, 1778 d Mar. 2, 1859

b. John Seibert b Aug. 5, 1770 d Nov, 10, 1799 Washington County, Maryland m Sep. 13, 1796 Margaret PL-ode b 1778 d Jan. 19, 1635 (see below)

c. Peter Seibert b Novn 11, 1773 d Dec. 27, 1838 Boonsboro, Maryland m Margaret Rnode Seibert (ïidow of John) (1) Amelia Seibert b Dec. 1, 1802 m 1822 Elias Davi^ b 1799 (2) Catharine Seibert b I808 d 1822

' (3) Mary b l 8 l l d I87Ó m 1828 Henry NewC0mer d 1888 d. Jacob (Funk) Seibert b Feb, 9, 1779 d Nov. 27, 1858 Gore, Virginia

ml Mary Myers Mar. 8, l8l0 m2 Rohanna Lemmon (1) Harriet Seibert m Holliday (2) Rachel Elizabeth Seibert b Oct. 17, l8l6 d Oct. 6, 1893

m William Lee Boak (3) Susan Seibert m Aug l6, l81i2 Robert Hackney (4) Mary Seibert (5) Anna Rohanna Seibert m Nov. 13, 181+7 Robert Muse (6) Peter Seibert (7) Henry Seibert (8) James Seibert (9) Joseph Seibert b 1832 d 1875 m Elizabeth Wigginton d 1935 (10) Charles Seibert

e. Catharine Seibert m Edelbiute f. Nancy Seibert m Reed g. Michael Seibert b Aug, 27, 1784 d Nov. 15, 1847 m May 9, 1812

Elizabeth Seibert (see 80g) * 9

(1) Otho Seibert b 1813 d 1813 (2) Susan Seibert b I8I4 d 1871 m 1834 John D. Cushwa b I8l0 d 1879 (3) Harrison J. Seibert b Mar. 20, 1817 d Nov. 2, 189O m 1843

Elizabeth Roberts b 1820 d 1891 U) Amelia Seibert b 1825 d 1895 m Edmund H. Roberts b l8l8 d 1882

* (5) Margaret E. Seibert b 1828 d 1915 m l85l Henry J. Seibert (son of Henry J. Seibert, see ó.b.l) b 1828 d 1910

' (6) E l i Seibert b 1833 d I9I4 nm h. Christian Seibert m Nancy Porter

(1) Harriet Ann Seibert b 18I4 d 1879 Bedford, Ind. m Auq. 20, 1831 Elijah Griffith b I807 9

and seven others i . Elizabeth Seibert b 1789 d 1832 m l805 Edmund Rutter b 1775 d l862

(1) Benjamin Rutter (2) Jacob Rutter (3) Susan Rutter b l8l2 d 1893 m 1833 Elias Moore (4) John Rutter (5) Eliza Rutter (6) Edmund Rutter


jo Susan Seibert b May 4, 1792 d Feb. l8, 1870 m I8U4 Ezekiel Showers b Aug. 4, 1790 d Feb. 11, 1862 (1) Maria Showers b l8l5 d 185U m I834 Bernard Doll I809-I871 (2) William H. Showers b 1817 d 1893 m Charlotte Burkhart 1826-1900 (3) Philip Showers b l8l9 d 1909 m Margaret Seibert 1821-1901 U) Susan Showers b l82u d 1887 m 18U7 Samuel Alburtus 1820-1871 (5) Emily Showers b 1826 d I89I4. m John Gardher (6) Catherine Showers b I83O d 1901 m Henry Wiien 1826-1903 (7) James Showers b 1833 d 1875 (8) Margaret Showers b 18J4O d 1923 m 1869 William T. Logan I834-I888

2. CHRISTIAN SEIBERT b 1744, confirmed 1763, age 19 m Mary Barbara (May be the Christian Seibert who

served in Revolution from Montgomery County, Virginia 1779: died Wythe County, Virginia 1838)

a. Catharine Magdalena Seibert b Sep. 1772 Washington Co., Maryland b. Mary Susanna Seibert b May 1774 Washington Co., Maryland and others

3. PETER SEIBERT b 17U6, confirmed 1765, age l8 m Catharine a. Catharine Seibert b May 14, 1780 Washington County, Maryland b. John Seibert dau: Rebecca m Herod

4. ELIZABETH SEIBERT b 17U7, confirmed 1766, age 19 captive among the Indians

5. ANNA. MARY SEIBERT b 17k9, confirmed 1765, age l6-l/2

6. (JOHN) JACOB SEIBERT b Jan. l8, 1752, baptized Apr. 12, 1752 d Apr. 18, I833 Hedgesville, W. Va. m Jun. 4, 1773

Berks Co., Pa. (Eva) Elizabeth Battorf (dau. of John Adam) b Aug. 3, 1752 d 1797 a. Jacob Seibert b Feb. 6, 177k Md. b. John Seibert b Mar. 20, 1775 Md. d Jan. 23, 1823 m Jan. 21, 1798

Catharine Swope b Feb. 11, 1777 d Aug. 19, 1857 Children b Md, (1) Henry J. Seibert b Apr. 19, 1799 d May 1, 1858 near Hedgesville ml Margaret Small b 1796 d 1854 (great-grandfather of Mrs. Brown) m2 Sophia Weller b I8II d 1865 (2) John Seibert b Sep. 13, l800 d Sep. 3, 1830 ml Ruth Small and 1824

m2 Eliza Grantham I829 (3) Elizabeth Seibert b Feb. 22, 1802 d Mar. 12, 1875 nm (k) Catharine Seibert b Nov. 11, l803 d Oct. 12, 1891 nm (5) Susanna Seibert b Oct. 28, l805 d Aug. 28, 1832 nm (6) Jacob Seibert b Nov. 17, 1807 d Aug. 10, 1837 m Ellen E l l i s (7) Peter Seibert b Dec. 6, l8l0 d Jun 23, 1829 (8) Mary Seibert b Jan. 11, l8l3 d Mar. I4, 1886 m James Criswell 1809-I883 (9) Michael Seibert b Mar. 5, I8I4 d Jun. 10, 1830

• (10) George Seibert b Apr. 3, l8l7 d Jul. 10, 1848 m Susanna Remsberg c. Elizabeth Seibert b 1776 m Nesbitt d. Anna Mary Seibert b 1782 m Bowswer e. Henry Seibert b 1784 f. Peter Seibert b 1786 g. Levihard Seibert b May 30, 1788 d yg h. Catharine Seibert b Nov. 5, 1789 d Mar. 8, 1855 m Jacob S. Strayer


i . Michael Seibert b Jun. 11, 1791 Md. d Oct. 13, 1858 m Mar. 17, l8lk Catharine Myers b Mar. 28, 1794 d Jul. 3, 1878 (1) Jacob Myers Seibert b Jan. I4, I8l5 d 1891 ml l81i7 Maria Beatty l820-

1867 m2 Susan Porterfield (1870) I833-19CO (2) Anna Mary Seibert b Oct. 28, l8l6 d 1880 m Benjamin Speck 1812-1879 (3) Elizabeth Seibert b Dec. 25, I8l8 d Sep. l6, 1862 m 1838 Jacob

Hull I8O7-I896 (h) Sarah Ann Seibert b Dec. 8, 1821 d Aug. 21, 1878 (5) Harriet Seibert b Jul 19, 1823 d Nov. 13, I81i2 m John Hull 16) John Nathaniel Seibert b Sep. 3, 1825 d Jun. 30, 1862 m 1847

Sarah Myers (7) Hezekiah Seibert b Mar. 9, 1828 d Jul 16, l8 45 (8) Catharine Elvira Seibert b Oct. 19, 1831 d I92J1 m Thomas ¥. Butler

1826-1853 j . Margaret Seibert b 1795 d 1883 m George Kreglow

(1) Adam Kreglow b l8l6 d 1867 m 1838 Anna Mary Strayer I818-I9O4 (2) Catharine Kreglow b 1821 d 1879 m Edward Spohr (3) Elizabeth Kreglow m George Tabler (4) Sarah Ann Kreglow b 1830 d 1907 (5) Margaret Kreglow m Michael Barnes

7o (JOHN) GEORGE SEIBERT b 1754, confirmed 1772, blind caught by Indians in a raid.

8. WENDEL SEIBERT Jr b 1757, confirmed 1773, age l6 ' d I805 Martinsburg, W. Va. m Margaret Mong a 0 Jacob Seibert b Dec. 29, 1784 Md. d Feb. 21, 1855 m l8l2

Catharine Mong b Jul. 20, 1794 d Dec. 28, 1876 no issue b. John seibert b Dec. 29, 1784 d May 1863 Urbana, Ohio m 18O7

Catharine Bowers b Jul. 29, 1790 d Dec. 5, 1862 (1) Elizabeth Seibert b Dec. 22, I8O8 d Aug. 23, 1875 m Valentine Huffman )V\ I 3™ 3* 1 S e i b e r t b Sep. 27, 1810 d Oct. 18, 1898 m Maria Wareham (3) Margaret Seibert b Nov. 23, 1812 d Jun 26, 1901 m Lewis Hunter U) ^eorge Seibert b Dec. 25, I8I4 d Jan. 25, 1877 m Mary Sparks

(A\ I? . S e i b ^ t b F e b' l S> 1 8 1 7 m Elizabeth Wareham (6) Mary Ann Seibert b Mar. 27, 1321 d May 20, 1884 m Maley Ford (7) Henry Seibert b Dec. 11, 1823 d 1901 m Rose Ambrose (Ö) John to inter Seibert b Jul. 21, 1826 m Catharine Graves

(\cV\ í a r rÍ ec ? e i b e r t b J a n- 12, 1829 d Sep. 23, I89U m Henry Rice CIO) Jacob Seibert b Sep. 7, I832 d Feb. 17, I898 m Mary Printz

c. Catharine Seibert b May 1786 d yg d. Samuel Seibert d after War of l8l2 n m e. Catharine Seibert b 1789 or Nov. 29, 1791 d l850

m I8O7 Henry Myers 178l-l860 (1) Elizabeth Myers m John Couchman (2) Catharine Myers n m (3) David Myers (4) Mary Myers m Adam Small (5) Susanna Myers m D. K. Herring (6) Jacob Myers b 1820 d 1906 m Harriet Kerney I834-I880

(7) Henry Myers b 1821; d 1868 m Anna Mary Hoke I83O-I9O4 (8) Sarah Myers m Couchman

f. George Wendel Seibert b Apr. 20, 1793 d Jun. 28, 1878 m 1820 Elizabeth Cushwa b Aug. 28, 1799 d Jan. 1, 1877 ,n\ ? r g a í e t S e i b e r t b 1821 d 1901 m Philip Showers 1819-1909 (2) Mary Catharine Seibert b Jun. 11, 1822 d Oct. 4, 189k

m William H. Mong 1817-1876


(3) Otho W. Seibert b Jun. 15, 182$ d 1863 m lQk9 Catharine Seibert (dau. of Jacob) b 1827 d 1906

(4) Barnet Seibert b Dec. 28, 1827 d Nov. 24, 1870 m Sarah J. Pitzer b 1836 d 1900

(5) Wendel Seibert b Feb. 2, 1835 d Aug. 23, I884 m 1867 Harriet Kilmer b l81i2 d 1909

g'. Elizabeth Seibert b Apr. 20, 1793 d Jul. 28, 1885 (see l.g) h„ David Seibert b 1797 d 1887 m Mar. 11, 1830 Eliza Kerney 18O7-I888

(1) Joseph D. Seibert b 1831 d 1872 m 1852 Frances Roberts 1832-1892 (2) Eldergirt Seibert b 1832 m Tom Tabb VanMetre (3) Amelia Seibert b 1836 d 1902 m Solomon Thornburg l820-l891 (U) Nannie Seibert b 1838 d I894 m 1863 A. J. Thomas 1820-I898 (5) Eliza Seibert b 184O d 1912 m William Palmer I833-I9OI (6) Sophronia Seibert b l8l±3 m 1868 John Stewart

9* HENRY SEIBERT b Jan. 9, 1760, confirmed 1776, age l6, mentioned 1797 in his father's w i l l as having helped get Northumberland Co. land

10» FREDERICK SEIBERT b Aug. 8, 1762 d Nov. 9, l8l5 Martinsburg, W. Va„ m' Apr. 20, 1786 Eva Koppenhaver b Apr. 9, 1763 d Mar. 8, l85l a. Henry Seibert b CI787 m Dec. 21, I609 Berks Co.

Catharine Noll (1) Daniel Seibert b l8l8 d 1874 (2) George Seibert (3) dau. m Shaver

b. Michael K. Seibert b May lU, 1790 d Feb. 15, 1867 m l 8 l l Mary Ann Tice b Mar. 9, 1792 d Jun. 21, 1872

(1) Elizabeth Seibert b 1812 d 1852 m 1831 Henry Small l805-l882 (2) William Seibert b l8l6 d 1853 m Margaret Fryatt I82O-I898 (3) Henry T. Seibert b Jan. 3, 1822 d Dec. 31, 1871

11. CATHARINE SEIBERT b 1764, confirmed 1778, age lU m Nesbitt

12. MICHAEL SEIBERT b Jul, 1, 1766, confirmed 1781, age 15 d Feb 4, I823, buried Reed's Lutheran Cemetery, Stouchsburg, Pa, ra May 2k, 1791 Catharine Reiss (Rice) b Nov. 28, 1771 d Aug. l6, 1826 a. Rebecca Seibert b May 27, 1792 d Nov. 27, l826 b. John Seibert b Apr. 13, 1794 d Mar. 15, 181*2 m Apr. 30, 1820

Elizabeth Seidel b Aug. 31, l801 d Apr. 13, 1893 . (1) Elvina Catharine Seibert b Jan. 31, 1821 d Apr. 15, 1821 (2) Justine Elizabeth Seibert b Oct. 30, 1822 d Mar. I4, I838 (3) Michael Thomas Seibert b Mar. 26, 1826 d. Jul 28, 1905

ml 1845 Mary Ann Good d 1853 m2 1855 Amelia Bishop (4) Samuel Rice Seibert b Nov. l5, 1828 d Mar. 13, 1838

• (5) Maria Rebecca Seibert b Jun. l6, I84O d 1901 m T. C. Leinbach c. Samuel Seibert b Sep. k, 1796 d 1888 m Mary Mong b Oct. 27, l800 d 1886

(1) Aaron Seibert b Jun. 19, 1820 (2) Moses Seibert b Dec. 22, 1822 d young (3) John W. Seibert b Jun. 12, 1825 m Delia Richey (4) Samuel Seibert b Sep. k, 1827 (5) Mary A. Seibert b Apr. 8, 1830 m Lemuel Miller (6) Michael K. Seibert b Apr. 19, 1832 m Mary Elizabeth Stoler (7) Cyrus S. Seibert b Apr. 10, I834 m Sophronia Finley (8) Benjamin F. Seibert b Feb. 28, 1837 ml Julia A, Hassinger

m2 Emma Spade • (9) Joseph D. Seibert b Jan. 2k, 181+2 d 1863 d. Catharine Seibert b Feb. 23, 1802 d Aug. 8, l805 e. Anna Mary Seibert b Dec. 15, 1803 d Aug. 9, l805 f. Elizabeth Seibert b May l l i , I806 d Apr I4, 1891 m Aug. 2k, 1821* Thomas H.

Leinbach b Jan. l8, 1802 d Mar. 31, 1864




Other families in Wolfersweiler Parish; ( ) number of intermarriages with Kuntzers, Seiberts

STEFFAN (5) Mattheis of Asweiler

Children: Salome b 1658, Jacob, Michel - grandsons Christian, Jacob

GISCH (1) Philipp d C1700 Eitzweiler Children: Mattheis, Jacob, Elisabeth, Michel WOMMERT (U) Michael of Asweiler Adam of Gimbweiler

NA.BINGER (h) Jacob of Asweiler, widow Maria 1637-1715 Children: Phil ipp, Jacob

SCHWEICH (6) Jacob of Hirstein 1655-1728

Probable children: Barbara, Adam, Dorothea, Catharine, Michel, Engel

BAUM (8) Jacob d I697 Mosberg Children: Margaret, Nicholas, Christian, John

Place Names in Seubert-KUntzer Baptism Records

Asweiler 110 Eitzweiler 89 Hirstein 6l

Gimbweiler lk Bosen 9 Steinberg, Hanweiler, Richweiler

Wolfersweiler Mosberg 2\x

each II Koncken-Langenbach 3

Surnames in Seubert-Küntzer Captism Records

Seubert 82 Kuntzer 75 Steffan 53 Gisch 29 Schweich 2lx Baum 23 Wommert 21 Lauer 20 Nabinger 10

also Britzius


Bruch Geiss Goltzer Keyser Kuntz Luder Pont us


Nicholas Kuntzer

Nicholas Küntzer, of Hirstein, son of Bernhard and Catharina (Seibert) Kuntzer x,as baptized at Wolfersweiler Nov. 1$, 171$. He same to America, land-ingAug. 29, 1730, on the same ship as John Matthias Theiss, also of Hirstein. Nicholas came to Tulpehocken, where he was a blacksmith and a pioneer settler on Plumpton Manor. He died Jan. 20, 1794 and is buried at the Host Church. He and a Peter Kuntzer are listed in Tulpehocken 1744. There are no others.

Nicholas Kuntzer m 1 January 3, 1742 Anna Catharine Höster m 2 October 29, 1743 Julianna Schneider

Children: 1. Julianna b 17ltf 2. Anna Catharine b 17k9 3. John Jacob b 1750 k, Anna Elizabeth b 1752 5. Mary Margaret b 1755

Nicholas Kuntzer was a double full-cousin of Jacob and Wendel Seibertj they had the same grandparents. The godparents (Paten) at his baptism Nov. 15, 1715 were:

Johann Nickel Küntzer, Hirstein " " " , son of dec'd Michel

Maria Liss Lauer, wife of Peter Susanna Seubert, wife of Michel, Asweiler

The godparents at his father, Bernhard«s baptism July 10, 1689 were: Christian Baum, Wolfersweiler Hans Bernhard Seubert, Eitzweiler Maria Barbara Spengler, wife of Jakob, Mosberg

At his mother, Anna Catharina's May 17, 1689 godparents were: Hans Theobald Kuntzer, Asweiler Maria Catharina Luder, wife of Johann, Wolfersweiler Anna Catharina Steffan, wife of Jakob, Asxreiler

Theiss - Lauer

Maria Elisabetha Theiss was born at Grünbach, Kreis Birkenfeld, Rheinland and baptized June 29, 1721 at the Baumholder (Nahe) Reformed Church. She was the daughter of Hans Matthias and Maria Margreth Theiss. Matthias was a carpenter at Grünbach. Maria Elisabetha came to America in 1738 with her brother, Nickel and possibly a sister. On the same ship was John Jacob Seibert, whom she married at Tulpehocken February 26, 1739. Mary Elizabeth's older brother, Hans Matthias (II) had come to America in 1730. He had married in 172b Susanna Barbara, daughter of Peter Lauer.

Matthias Theiss, age 26, and Nickel Kuntzer, age 15, came together from Hirstein in 1730 and settled at Tulpehocken, Nickel was a double f u l l cousin of John Jacob Seibert, In 1733 Christian Lauer, age 18/ and Matthias Gisch, age 26, came to America together. Lauer's mother vias a Gisch, Lauer was a brother-in-law of Matthias Theiss, Gisch was a cousin of Lauer and also a cousin of John Jacob Seibert. Lauer and possibly Gisch settled at Tulpehocken, It can be seen that when John Jacob and Wendel Seibert came to America they had friends.


Hans Matthias Theiss - carpenter at GrUnbach horn I67I, died May 10, 1732, m Maria Margreth about 1703 lo Hans Matthias Theiss bap. May l8, 170U ra. Mar. 5, 1726

Susanna Barbara Lauer bap. Mar. 23, 1705, dau. of Peter of Hirstein a. Johann Michael Theiss bap. Feb. 1, 1728 Wolfersweiler To America 1730 - see below

2. Anna Margreth Theiss bap.' Baumholder June 13, 1707 3. Anna Catharina Theiss bap. Apr. 29, 1710 ht Johann Georg Theiss bap. Feb. l6, 1713 5. Maria Magdalena Theiss bap. Feb. 26, 1716 6. Johann Nickel Theiss bap. June 27, 1718 to America 1738 7. Maria Elisabetha Theiss bap. June 29, 1721 to America 1738 m JJS 8. Johann Daniel Theiss b Mar 21, 172U 9. Johann Michael Theiss b Mar. 11, 1726

(John)' Matthias Theiss came to America i n 1730. He took up land in 1737 in Lebanon Twp., Lancaster Co. He died in 1748. The records at Lancaster call Christian Lauer and Peter Ruth (Reith) his brothers (in-law). The children of Matthias Theiss weres • -1. Michael Theiss bap. Feb. 1, 1728 d. Mar. 20, 18O4, buried at Tulpehocken

m Elizabeth Reith (173O-I8O4) Eight children incl. Anna, Eva, David 1761-I816, Barbara m

Dec. 18, 1770 Henry Schuy 2. Matthias Theiss (took up land 1755) 3'. John Theiss k. George Theiss m Sep. 7, 1755 Margaret Burgstaller 5. Henry Theiss 6. Daniel Theiss 7» Elizabeth Theiss

Johann Peter Lauer lived at Hirstein - no record of death m Jan. 22, 1692 Maria Barbel, widow of Michael Schank,' dau. of Jakob Kohl of Hahrøeiler or Rohrbach. He was buried Apr. 10, 1692. Maria Barbel b 1670 buried Mar. 26, 1709. 1. Hans Nickel Lauer bap. Mar. 8, 1693 died young 2. Eva Lauer bap. Nov. I4, 169/4 3. Anna Barbel Lauer bap. Feb. 26, 1696 m Kuntzer (see page l6) ho Hans Nickel Lauer bap. Sep. 29, 1697 5'o Hans Peter Lauer bap. May 4, 1699 6. Maria Margretha Lauer bap. Apr. 17, 1701 ? 9 ?Anna Sophia Lauer b 1703 8. Susanna Barbara Lauer bap. Mar 23, 1705 ra Theiss (see above) 9. ' ? Lauer b 1707 (Wolfersweiler 1707 baptism records missing) 10. Hans Jakob Lauer bap. Aug. 6, 1709 died young Johann Peter Lauer ra2 Nov.- 19, I7O9 Maria Elisabeth dau. of Philipp Gisch of AsweL 11. Johann Jakob Lauer bap. Nov, l8, 1710 12. Christian Lauer bap. Apr. 10, 1715 to America 1733

Johann Peter Lauer had brothers: Nickel 1Ó71-1749, Michel d bef 1698. Johann b 1676, ?Jakob b 1687. He was likely a son of Johannes Lauer (son of deceased Hans Lauer of Hirstein) who ra Feb. 23, 1658 Catharina Seubert, dau. of hans Seubert of Hirstein (see page 12)3 Johannes m2 Aug. 23, 1669 Anna Barbara (from Luxemburg),

Christian Lauer, who came to Tulpehocken in 1733, became a leader in the Reformed Church there. He died Sep. 8, 1786 and is buried at Tulpehocken. He m2 widow Elizabeth Haffner.


The name appears to have been witten Holsteiner also. Leonard Holsteiner landed at Philadelphia in 1728. On the same ship was John Caspar Stoever, famous minister. In 1744 Holsteiner appears in Tulpehocken. In 1751 Leonard Holstein took up land in Heidelberg Twp., - now Lebanon Co., Pa, He paid taxes in 1752. He died intestate in 1757. His children included:

Peter took up land 175l George assessed 1758 Catharine m Christian Seibert Eva Mary m Francis Seibert


Conrad Schutz went to Schoharie, New Yorlt, about 1709 with the German Palatines. He died about 1725. His son Adam was born about 1699, naturalized in New York 1715., to Tulpehocken with his father about 1723, taxed 1726, died about 171+7. Adam m cl?29 Susanna b c 1710. Susanna m2 Jacob Seibert; m3 Jacob Eppracht. Children of Adam and Susanna:

1. Susanna b c}730 d before 1755 m c1747 Christopher Stump 2. Adam b cl733 m Aug. 17, 1756 Catharine Schell (dau

of Peter) 1736-1820 3. Peter b cl739 d 1795 m CI764 Eva Barbara

Other Seiberts

Eva Catharine Seibert b Jan. 1, 1759 d Aug. 5, 1828 buried Reed's Cemetery m Valentine Reith

Mary Barbara Seibert (daughter of Christopher and Hannah Seibert) b May 18, 1722 d Oct. Iii, l807 m John Nicholas Reith 1715-1788 Tulpehocken.

Peter Seibert I787-I836 buried Trinity Reformed Peter Seibert 1779-1859 m Salome Wengert - one sonj Peter was

son of Jonas and Catharine (Reith) Seibert - Jonas b 1738 d l807 Adam Seibert served in Revolution - wounded - action taken by 3rd Congress,

1st Session Jun. 7, 179k He d Oct. 23, 1793 (not known to Congress) BerksCounty m Elizabeth — — d 1810

1. John I767-CI8IO m 1795 Elizabeth Dormeyer 1773-1859 One son was John Christian l807-l88l

2„ Tobias I769-I8IO never married 3'. George 1772-1837 m Margaret Brandt I787-I849 4. Susanna 1773- m Peter Deutzer and John Mayor

The files of Baron von Frank, of Austria, show that between 1828 and 1890 ík Seibert families went from the Wolfersweiler region to Brazil; 23 to America. The 173O migrations were only a beginning.




WOLFERSWEILER: Reformierte Pfar re i : Kirchenarchiv Koblenz Abt. l60.

Hans Jakob SEUBERTH, desHanss Nickel Seuberth zu Eytzweiler hinterlassener Sohn, heiratet

1705 10. November Anna Catharina, des Theobald KUNTZERs zu Hirstein eheliche Tochter geb. 1687 2A/8

Tochter desHans Theobald Kntzer und Frau Maria Creth zu Asweiler.

Kinder: Taufen: 1708 12/2j Hans Michel: Paten: Hans Michel, Nickel Seuberts nachgelassen.

Sohn, Hans Bernhard, Theobald Küntzers Sohn von Hirstein, Anna Catharina, des Jakob Steffen Frau von Asweiler, Maria Barbara, des Michel Wommerts Tochter von Asweiler,

1709 2/6: Hans Bernhard: Paten: Bernhard Kuntzer zu Asweiler, Hans Bernhard Seubert zu Eitzweiler, Anna Margareth, des Michel Seubert Frau zu Wolfersweiler, Maria Barbel, des Mattheis Gischen Frau zu Eitzweiler.

1711 10/2: Johann Christian: Paten: Hans Michel Kuntzer zu Hirstein, Christian, des + Nickel Seuberts zu Eitzweiler Sohn, Barbara, des Hans Adam Schweigen Frau zu Hirstein

1712 IO/7: Hans Nickel: Paten: Hans Jakob, des Jakob Steffen Sohn zu Asweiler, Hans Nickel, des Theobald Kuntzer Sohn zu Hirstein, Anna Maria, des Nickel Seuberts Frau zu Eitzweiler, Anna Barbel des Philipp Nabinger Frau zu Asweiler.

I71U lf>/i+: Hans Adam: Paten: Hans Adam Wommer, Mattheiss Schmeltzer, Anna Maria, des Hans Wendel Seuberts Frau zu Eitzweiler, Anna Maria, des Theobald Kuntzer Tochter zu Hirstein.

1716 2/3: Johann Jakob: Paten: Jacob Steffan zu Asweiler, Jacob Britzius zu Wolfersweiler, Anna Margreth, Hans Nickel Seuberts Frau zu Bosen, Anna Catharina, des Nickel Küntzers Tochter zu Asweiler

1717 15/8: Anna Maria: Paten: Hans Jacob, Mattheis Gischen Sohn, Eitzweiler Michel, des auch weiland Michel Küntzers Sohn zu Stegen, Anna Catha­rina, des Bernhard Kuntzer Frau zu Asweiler, Anna Maria, des Michel Küntzer Tochter zu Mosberg.

1719 23/2: Johann Peter: Paten: Nickel Lauer alhier, Hans Peter, des Nickel Seubert Sohn zu Eisweiler, Anna Catharina,des Peter Baum zu Mosberg Frau. Maria Barbel, des Christian Steffans Frau zu Asweiler.

1721 15/5 ' Johann Wendel: Paten: Philipp Nabinger zu Asweiler, Wendel Steffan zu Eitzweiler, Lisa Margred, des Jacob Luders Frau, Wolfersweiler, Christina Nickel Küntzers Frau zu Hirstein.

1723 21/2: Anna Barbel: Paten: Jacob Schweig zu Hirstein, Andreas Kniebis Asweiler, Anna Catharina, des Christian Seubert Frau zu Eitzweiler, Anna Barbel des Michel Küntzers Tochter zu Hirstein.

BegrSbnisse: 1726 18/3 Jakob Seuberth zu Eitzweiler, 48 Jahre a l t .


"Die alteste Kirchenbuch von Wolfersweiler hat manche Dikken, zudem ist es teilweise sehr schlecht geschrieben und sie Tinte so blass, dass man schon viel Ubung im Lesen alter Schriften haben muss, um die EintrStge zu entziffern. Leider sind die ersten EintrSge teils nur unordentlich gemacht, teile fehlen sie ganz, indem das Buch im Laufe der Zeit verwahrlost und zerrissen war. Erst im 19« Jahrhundert ist es wieder eingebunden."

"Der Name Seibert, auch Seubert und Siebert geschrieben, stammt von dem Vornamen Seyfried gleich Siegfried, aus dem er dialektisch durch Verschleifung entstanden i s t . In Wolfersweiler ist dann aus Seyfrid Seubert, Seibert geworden. Wie in dem Wolfersweiler Kirchenbuche der Name Seubert zum ersten Male auftaucht l6$$ 2£/l als Pate wird er auch noch Seifried geschrieben. Vor 1800 gab es keine feste Schreibweise der Familiennamen, sie scbrøankt, je nachdem wie der zusta'ndige Pfarrer seinem Geh'ór nach den Namen auffasste."

Dr. Bruno Hirschfeld

In I850 the minister at Wolfersweiler wrote that he had record of the bap­tism (1716) of Jacob Seibert, son of Jacob and Catharine (Kuntzer) Seibert, He thought that he had located relatives; that he thought Jacob (b 17l6) had brothers, Peter, Adam, Nicholas, Philip. He said that Peter had sons Nicho]as and Michael. Nicholas (I72k-l8l0) had sons: Jacob, John, Andreas, Michael, Theobald. In 18£0 Theobald had living sons: Jacob, John, Peter, Michael.

Jacob (to America) Adam Nicholas Philip Peter /Nicholas


JHne children incl. Jacob m Angelica Baun John Andreas m Magdalena Barth of Bosen Michael Theobald

m Susannah Seubert of Wolfersweiler

Jacob John Peter Michael

living 1850

It is likely that this was another family. Jacob Seibert, father of Jacob b 1716, had a cousin Nickel Seibert who lived in Eitzweiler also. His sons were:

Peter b 1701 m 172U Maria Engel Kuntzer (dau of Nickel) Nickel b 1707 Philip b I7I4 x Bernhard b 1717 likely to America 1738 (Oct.) Jacob b 1719 " 1738 (Sept.) Adam b 1721). m 1746 Maria Barbel Baum

33 may have gone to America 17U9 - living Tulpehocken 175>4

In 18^0 Rev. Wolff listed the brothers of the Sept. 1738 Jacob Seibert; not the brothers of (our) Oct. 1738 Jacob Seibert.


Waldfischbach Seiberts

For a number of years Waldfischbach for some reason was given as the origin of our family. This is incorrect, for i t should be Wolfersweiler, However, there were Seiberts in the Waldfischbach area of Germany,

Hans Seibert b 161*0 d 17U+ of Heltersberg (lived there l685-17ll|.) m Margaret (d 1718 Schmalenberg). Their children were:

1', Hans Adam b 1685 2. John William b 1686 d 1756 Waldfischbach 1711 Heltersberg bef 1717

to Waldfischbach ml 17IO Anna Eva Schmidt of Rehweiler a. John Martin 1711-1783 Waldfischbach b. John Henry 17I4-I769 " c. Mary Eva 1716-m2 1717 Anna Margaret Henssel of Stelzenberg d. Anna Barbara 1718-e. Anna Mary 1720-f. John Jacob 1727-1779 Waldfischbach

• g. John 1732-1758 " 3'. John Henry b l688 lu John b 1690 m 1711+ Anna Eva Klein of Geiselberg

a. John Lorenz 1716-1788 Geiselberg (see below) b. Juliana 1718-c. John Martin -1758 d. Henry 1731-1781+ » e. John Sebastian m 1761 "

5. Mary Margaret b 1691 m 1710 Hans Nickel Klein of Geiselberg 6, Hans Nickel b 169I1

Sources; Prot. Landeskirchenarchiv Speyer 1952; Pfarrer, Waldfischbach

A typical German record i s :

Auszug aus dem reformierten Kirchenbuch von Waldfischbach

"Den 10. August 17l6 ist Johanni Seybert von Geiselberg et Marita ejus Anna Eva ein junges S'óhnlein, noie

Johann Lorenz getaufft worden. Testes: Lorentz Schaaf von d. Geiselberger Muhl, Hans Adam Neu,

ledigen Standes. Gode Maria Eva Wallin, coelebs a Geiselberg, in nunc Mundu natus."

h9 Ship Lists

These heads of families came to Pa, from Germany before 1775. Source: Pa. German Pioneers

SEU-SEI- -bert (or -pert) -fert (or -vert) -fret SEY-

1731 1732 1733 1736 1738

1739 17U1

nh2 nh3 nkQ 17U9





1754 1763 1764

1767 1768 1769 1774

Conrad (l) Conrad Lawrence age 53 (2) Hans age 31 George age 25 Jacob age 28 or 20 Peter WENDEL, JACOB, Bernard

Michael ages 50,30 Theobald Adam

Freder ick

Carl Frederick Hans, Andrew

William (3) Andrew, Baltzer, Michael Jacob - - - - - - - — . Peter, Frederick


John David, Jacob Jacob — - -Carl Philip Adam Peter

Sebastian Adam (4) Martin George George Henry, Peter - - - -Adam

John John Leonard Caspar Ludwig,




Michael Lawrence

Wendel, Mattheis, Joseph

Michael, George Martin Jacob

Michael age 27

Thomas -«-Peter -Christian Conrad


_ _ - _ - on same ship name spelled iej a l l others ei , ey, eu

Tl) likely to Berks Co. T2) to Shenandoah Valley, Va. (3) This William may be the one who married Mary Elizabeth

and whose children John Peter b Aug. l8, 1753 Mary Catharine b June 27, 1755

were baptized at Christ Lutheran Church, Tulpehocken. He was likely related to Wendel and Jacob.

(4) Came from Birkenfeld (see elsewhere).


Surnames Trinity Tulpehocken Reformed Members 17U8

Althaus Leruh Bassier Loch Becker Lorenz Blyenstein Mauss Bullman Mayer Costerman Mohr Dieffenbach Moser Etschberger Noll Gelbert Schafer Gottschall Schell Haag Schwartz Hederich Seubert Herchelroth Simon Hoster Spengler Huber Stein Kunkle Stump Kucsler Summi Lauer Weirich Lebo Wenrich Lein Zeiler Lermony

Revolutionary Soldiers

Berks Co. Nicholas Seibert Lt. 1780 - Capt. John Anspach Frederick Seibert Private 1780 - Capt. Conrad Shirman Wendel Seibert Sgt. 1776 - Capt. Michael Wolf

Lancaster (now Lebanon) Co. - Christian Seibert, Francis Seibert

Tax Lists

Nicholas 1767-1785 Tulpehocken Twp., Berks Co. William freeman 1779 M « Francis laborer I784 » «

1782 Heidelberg Twp., Lancaster Co. Christian 1772-1782 » »

1767-1768 Tulpehocken Twpn, Berks Co6

Wendel Seibert 1767-1785 Bethel Twp3, Berks Co. Wendel Jr. freeman 1779 " " Henry « 178I » "

1784 Nicholas lOOa 4 horses 5 cows 8 sheep 10 persons Wendel 240a 8 10 8 (blacksmith)

1782 Christian 228a 4 5 Francis — 1 1


17n0 Census

The 1790 census lists families in Pennsylvania; Maryland; Virginia; and Worth Carolina. The Seiberts moved from Pennsylvania down through Maryland into the Shenandoah Valley. The name is rather common.

Earlier Genealogists

Rev. Samuel Seibert, great-grandson of John Jacob, was gathering Seibert data in I85O. His two sons: William H. and John R. were very active, gathering a record of over 15,000 Seiberts. About i860 a group of Seiberts organized in an attempt to find out i f they had inher­ited anything from Godfrey Seibert, son of John Jacob. Godfrey had died in 1826 in Sorel, Quebec without issue. They published "First Report on the Seibert Estate" in 1883.

In 1903 William H. and John R. Seibert put out a prospectus of "A Genealogical Record of the Seibert Family." Apparently they could not get enough support to publish the history. In 1958 their records were in the hands of Roy Seibert Preston, of Pekin, Il l i n o i s . They spent many hours gathering data which has made the writer's task much easier. In 1931 the writer visited John M. Seibert, son of John R., in Pekin, Illinois and saw the Seibert records.

Theiss Baptisms


1704 I8/5 : Hans Matthhias :Paten: Hans Theuss, Ehweiler, Nickel Theuss, Ruthweiler, Caspar Mumbauer, Frau zu Ronneberg, Elisabeth Catha­rina, Ludwig Metgiers Tochter hier.

1718 27/6 : Johann Nickel : Paten: Johann nickel Kohl, ]fembachels

Johann Nickel Gerhard, Tallichtenberg, Anna Appel, Caspar Simons Frau, Jetz-weiler, Anna Barbara, Abraham Mumbauers Frau.

1721 29/6 : Maria Elisabetha: Paten: Hans Jacob Mombauer, Mambachel Maria Elisabezha, des Wilhelm Blind Ruthweiler Tochter.


1728 1/2 : Johann Michael: Paten: Jacob Vonflom, Hirstein, Lisa Catharina, Jacob Keysers Frau Hirstein, Margret Barbel, Nickel Küntzers Frau, Hirstein.

Lauer Baptism


1705 23/3: Susanna Barbara: Paten: Christian Baum, hier, Hans Adam, des Jakob Schweig Sohn, Hirstein, Anna Barbel, Philipp Nabingers Asweiler, Susanna, Peter Keysers Tochter.

52 10. IITDEX Places

Achtelsbach 11 Heltersberg 48 Ruthweiler 12 Asweiler 7 12 13 14 H i r s t e i n 8 12 13 14 16 17 35 42 44 16 17 42 43 44 Saarland Region 21

Hoof 8 Schmalenberg 48 Bauroholder 8 43 44 51 Sötern 12 Berks Co 31,2,5 45 50 Kaiserslautern 5 Speyer 3 Bethel Twp 35 50 Koblenz 3 Steinberg 12 13 17 Birkenfeld Region 22 Kus e l 3 7 8 12 Gtelzenberg 48 Bosen 12 13 Stouchsburg 3 25 41

Lebanon Co 3 5 29 31 St. Wendel 7 8 Christ Church 3 25 33 45 50

Lebanon Twp 44 Tallichtenberg 17 Diedelkopf 7 3 12 Linglestown 33 T r i n i t y Church. 3 4 26

Tulpehocken 18 24 25 Eckersweiler 8 Maryland 31 s4 9 6 S 3,9 26 29 32 33 34 35 E i t z w e i l e r 7 12 13 14 Mosberg 12s39

6,7 42 43 44 45 50

Ereisen 7 Philadelphia 20 45 Wahnwagen 8 Waldf ischbach 48

Gehweiler 12 Quebec 27 30 Walbausen 12 Geiselberg 48

Quebec West V i r g i n i a 35 36

Gimbweiler IS'* 4,6 42 Rehweiler 48 39' 40 41 Grünbach 29 43 44 Richweiler 12 13 Wolfersweiler many Pg

Surnames Alburtus 39 Couchman 40 Grantham 39 Ambrose 40 C n s w e l l 39 Graves 40 Ankeny 34 Cuahwa 31 38 40 G r i f f i t h 38 Anspach 29 Arnold 30 Dandelott 34

Bavis 38 Hackney 38 Hardesty 34

Barnes 40 Deutzer 45 Hassinger 41 Battorf 39 Ditto 34 Hawk 32 Baum 12 13 16 17 42 B o l l 39' Heid-enspon 9 Beatty 40 Doxmeyer 45 Holder 33 Beeler 30 Bundor 32 He-ranelb erry 30 Bender 33 Hen-ssel 48 Bishop 41 E l l i o t t 33 Hermann - 17 Boak 38 E l l i s 39 Herring 40 Bo&art 33 Eppracht 31 Heter - 30 Bowers 40 Hirsh, 32 -Brandt 45 Einley 41 Hoke 40 Braun 16 Eord 40 Holstein 29 31 45 Brend'el 32 Eortune 18 Herb ach, 16 Brewer 34 Eruatt 41- HÍJster- 43 B r i t z i u s 18 Hufflnan 40 Brown 33 Gardner 39 H u l l 40 Bruch 13 Garrett 30 Hunter 40 Bur g s t a l l e r 44 Gearhart 32 33 Burkhart 39 Geiss 13 19 I l l i g 30 Buterbaugh 34 Gisch 13,6,8 42,4 Butler 40 Good 41

Graff 31 Jung 7 16

Kalbacli 32 Ke l l e r 31 Kerney 40 41 Kilmer 41 K l e i n 17 48 Kline 31 Knode 38 Koch 9 Kohl 44 Koppenhaver 41 Korner 30 Kreglow 40 Kunt2 16 Küntzer 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 43 44

Kurtz 33

Lang 30 Lasch 32 33 Lauer 12 16 18 43 44 51

Leinbach 41 fflemmon 38 Light 34 Line 29 34 Logan 39 Lower 34 Luther 12

Marthen 18 Martin 34 Matthews 30 Mayer 12 Mayor 45 Meiser 32 Melchior 13 M i l l e r 31 32 33 41 Mol l 30 Molter 12 Mong 40 41 Moser 31 MALL ex 17 Muse 38 Myers 38 40

Nabinger 12 13 42 Nau 12 Newcomer 38 No l l 41

Palmer 41 P f e i f f e r 31 P i t z e r 41 Porter 38 P o r t e r f i e l d 40 Preston 3 Pr i n t z 40

Reichard 34 Reiss 41 Reith (Reed) 30 44 45 Remsberg 39 Rice 40 Richards 38 Richey 41 Roberts 38 41 Rowse 30 Rush 32 Rutter 38

Saar 13 Schanck 17 44 Schaum 33 Schell 45 Schmidt 48 Schnebly 34 Schneider 43 Schock 30 Schitttz 30 31 45 Schweig-Schwdich 12 13 14 17 18 42

Seidel 33 41 Shower(s) 33 39 40 Small 39 40 41 Spade 41 Sparks 40 Speck 40 Spengler 12 Spohr 40

Spotts 33 Stake 34 Stephan-Steffan 12 13 14 16 17 19 42

Stewart 41 Stoler 41 Strayer -39 40 Stump 45 Swope 39

Tabler 40 Theiss 18 19 29 43 44 Thomas 41 Thornburg 41 Thürwüchter 30 Tice 41 Troup-Troop 34 35

Unger 32

Van Metre 41 Von Blooms 13 Von Breungenbron 14

Walborn 33 Wareham 40 Weber 31' Weilor 30 Wds± 32 Weller 39 Wengert • 45 Wigginton 38 Wilen 39 Wilhelm 34 Winter(s) 30 33 Wommert 13 14 42 Wonder 30

Zartman 33 Ze i l e r 32

American Seiberts - most common names (6 ee p 5 4) Anna Mary 34 39 40 41 Jacob 29 30 31 32 33 38 39 Catharine 29 30 31 33 34 38 39 John 29 31 32 33 34 38 39

40 41 40 41 Chr i s t i a n 29 31 32 33 38 39 Mary 31 32 38 39 Daniel 31 32 33 34 41 Peter 29 31 33 34 38 39 Elizabeth 31 32 33 34 38 39 Rebecca 31 32 33 34 41

40 41 Samuel 31 32 34 40 41 George 31 32 33 34 •38 39 40 41 Susan 33 34 38 39 Henry 31 32 33 34 38 39 40 41 William 29 30 31 32 33 41

54 Aaron 31 41 Adam 29 Amelia 38 41 Andrew K 34 Angelina 33 Anna Rohanna Anna V 34 Annie 33


Barnet 40 41 Benj amin 3? 41 Benj amin F r a n k l i n 41

Caroline 34 Catharine i l l v i r a 40 Catharine Magd, 39 Catharine Rush 32 Charles 38 Cyrus 32 Cyrus S 41

Daniel Brewer 34 Daniel S 34 David 31 34 41 David Sidney 33

Edward C h r i s t i a n 32 E l d e r g i r t 41 E l i 38 E l i z a 41 Elizabeth A 34 Elizabeth Ann 33 Eliza b eth Cath. 31 Elizabeth Jane 32 Ehnira 33 Elvina Catharine 41 Emanuel 32 Emily Amelia 32 Emily H i v l i n g 34 Emma Rebecca 33 Emmeline 34 Eva Barbara 29 Eva Catharine 33 Eva Grace 34 Eva Mary 30 Ezra 31

Francis 29 31 32 Francis Edgar 34 Francis Edward 32 Frederick 41

George Adam 33 George B 34 George Nicholas 30 33

American Seiberts George W 34 George Washington George Wendel 40 Godfrey 30

Hannah 33 Harriet 34 38 40 Harrie t Ann 38 Harrison J 38 Henry A 34 Henry J 39 Henry Jacob 33 Henry T 41 'Hezekiah 40 Hiram P 34

(see p 53) Margaret E 38

32 Margare t E l i z a b e t h 30 3 Maria Rebecca 41 Mary A 32 41 Mary Ann 34 40 Mary Catharine 29 32 40 Mary Cordelia 32 Mary Elizabeth 30 33 34 Mary J 34 Mary Louisa 34 Mary Magda,! ena 30

Isaac 34

Jacob Jacob Jacob Ja cob James James James James Jer ome


40 33

Henry J 33 Myers M i l l e r 38 Jacob 33 P h i l i p 32 William 34 33

Jerome Peter 33 John F r a n k l i n 34 John Henry B 32 John Jacob R 32 John L 34 John M 34 John M i l l e r 33 John Nathaniel 40 John Unger 32 John W 41 John Winter 40 Jonathan 31 32 Joseph 38 Joseph A 34 Joseph D 41 J u l i a Cameron 34 Justine El i z a b e t h

Mary Susanna Matilda 33 Michael Michael Michae 1 Michael Monroe W Moses 41


F i n l e y 34 K- 41 Sco t t 34 Thomas 34

33 41

Nan cy 38 Nannie 41 Nicholas 29 31

Otho Otho

38 W 41

Lavinia 31 Leah 34 Levi 34 Levihard 39 Louisa 3 2 34 Luther M 34 Lydia 33

Rachel Elizabeth 38 Rebecca Jamsen 33 Reichard 34 Romcndo 31 Ro se 34 Rush Gerhart 32

Salome 32 Samuel Hirsh 32 Samu-el J 34 Samuel Rice 41 Samuel Rush 32 Sarah 32 34 Sar ah A 34 Sarah Ann-40 Sophronia 41

L Susanna 39 Susanna- Maria

J Theodore E 34 -7 Thomas 33


Malinda Catharine 33 Margaret 40

Veronica 31

Walter- Stewart 34 Wendel 38 40 41 William Albert 33 William Henry 32 William Hirsh 32 William W 34

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