the short life of love

Post on 22-Jan-2017






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The Short Life of Love

You see the body underneath the sheet? The body that the detective is staring at? Well,

that’s me. My name is Michael, but everyone calls me—

“Majnu. Apparently, that’s what his friends call him. What you thinking, Rick? Maybe

the nut job did this?” Wrong. Try again. Rick paused, and took out a cigarette and lighter.

“I’m thinking it’s a cold night.” Try being dead. “I’m thinking suicide.” Rick’s partner

gives him a query look.

“Come on, Rick. That’s far-fetched for even this college city. He’s just a…”

“Kid,” Mike hunches down, and scrunches his face like in some deep thought, “I know.

He’s part of the local fraternity here in Verona County, Alpha Delta Gamma, call themselves the

‘Mongooses.’ He killed some alpha female from the Ko Jo Kai sorority, better known as the

‘Canaries.’ These two college houses have held some grudge for so long that no one even knows

why. I don’t know. Maybe some good will come out of this. Guess we’ll never know.” This is

where I come in. I’ll do my best to keep the backstory short, but you got to have an open-mind.

Remember were college kids.

Rick was right, though. When rush week comes around, and the students at VCC decide

to pledge, they’re entering into a world of hate. We’re the only two Greek houses who can’t

stand each other. The Mongooses hate the Canaries and the Canaries just want to tear our hearts

out. I wish it could be different, but that’s just part of Fate. Something I’ve never been a devotee.

It’s why I’m lying on the ground. Earlier that the fateful day, there was the usual taunt and

destruction at the campus center. Two of my brothers were involved in the predicament to come.

“Are we going to let them get away with what they did last night?” Jack asked.

“You mean, when they humiliated you with the fake texts?” Jack met girl, Jack fell in

love with girl, girl reciprocates, and girl turns out to be a Canary.


“No,” Eric bluntly responded.


“No? What do you mean ‘no’?” Jack stopped Eric before he could make another step in


“I mean what I mean. No.”

“And what I mean is if I see one of those dirty Canaries,” Jack motioned for a breadstick,

but Eric quickly slapped his hand.

“You going to stab their eyes out?” Eric asked. “Maybe smack them over the head? With


“Yeah, I’m sorry, you’re right. But, you know how angry I can get.”

“Angry or hungry? Don’t let them get to your head or stomach. Besides, John told us to

try and keep it on the down low today.” John is the President of Alpha Delta Gamma. He’s also

my older brother. He likes to think he’s watching out for me, allowing me to be “a part of his

legacy,” but has a funny way of showing it.

“Look, there’s one right over there,” Jack said as his eyes turn into a spotlight. “Watch

this,” Jack puffed his lips and fired the first shot.

“Are you whistling at me?” the Canary asked.

“Yeah, whistling this new song,” Jack replied with an innocent stare.

“But, you just whistled at me?”

“You said John gave us the ok, right?” Jack leaned to Eric for an answer.

“I just told you, down low.”

“Nope, just whistling to myself. You should try,” Jack whistled one more time, but it

rallied Eric to join in.

“Hey,” Eric turned his attention. “Think you can whistle with food in your mouth,


“Uh, no.”


“Because I said you can,” Jack swiftly swiped up a stick and jumped on the table. The

Canary grabbed a handful of spaghetti strings like a dodgeball.

“Get down you, idiot,” Ben demanded. “Hey, drop the noodles.” Ben’s my cousin who

likes to get involved too much, but a good friend when he wants to be. “Seriously, can’t leave the

two of you together without having some potential shit storm.”

“Ben,” said a towering voice out of the crowd, “don’t talk to one of my sisters like that.

I’m the only one who tells her to drop the noodles. What you doing, pick them back up!” That

would be Tyler, secretly known as “Tubbs.” She’s an alumni, a former athlete to Verona County

College, and an Olympian, winning the gold in power lifting, which has been called to question

due to her rage eruptions.

“Hey, I’m trying to keep everyone cool. Why don’t you keep it cool and help me out?”

“First, you make a demand to one of my girls. Then, you ask me to help you?” Tyler

scooped up some noodles. “Nope, think I rather do this.” In just a few minutes, all hell breaks

loose. Each opponent braced for bombardments, flipping over tables for defense and hands filled

with artillery. Bystanders were cheering on their respective gladiator. Even each Greek house

president showed up and contributed in the skirmish. A ceasefire came into place with the

entrance of the Dean, who found a face full of noodles.

The Dean smeared off the noodles and said, “So, this is the third time now? The third

time there has been a public disturbance at Verona County College. To make it more interesting,

it’s the third time that Alpha Delta Gamma and Ko Jo Kai have been the cause of it. You even

have everyone else at this school brainwashed with your antics. I’m up to here with the two of

you. Since you are president of your house, Monica, I want you in my office now. As for you,

John, come by later and we’ll discuss your punishment. Everyone else, get to class or get

suspended! Or arrested, Miss Tubbs.”

“My name is Tyler.”

“Yes, Tyler Tubbs, go.”


As the Dean and, literally, the biggest Canary of them all, my brother had a few words for

his fellow Mongooses. “So, who the fuck decided this, huh? Was it you, Ben? Because I swear, I

don’t give a shit that you’re my cousin. I will make your life hell!”

“It was those two, John,” Ben replied. “I showed up and stopped anything from

happening. Until, Tubbs showed up and went roid rage on me.” John looked over to the two

accusers, as they shook their heads in agreement.

“Where’s my brother, by the way? Surprise he isn’t with you during all of this shit.”

“He went for a walk earlier this morning. You know him, probably just wants to be alone.

So, that’s exactly what I did.”

“Yeah, you’re right. He has been walking a lot lately. One time, I caught him coming in

with tears. Then, he locked himself in his room and played ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ on repeat.

Now, I know the lyrics by memory. Got any idea why he has been like this?”

“He’s your brother. How do you not know?”

“Hey, I’m the president of a fraternity. I have my own shit to handle.” See what I mean?

“Besides, he’s your cousin,” John mockingly replied.

“Oh, shit, here he comes,” Ben said. “I’ll try and find out what’s up with him.”

“You let me know the instant you find out, got it?” I tried to say hello to John, but he

ignored me with his rushed exit.

“Hey, man, what’s up?” Ben asked.

“Nothing much. Just getting by, you know,” I replied with drawn-out emotions. I looked

down at my phone to see if I got a reply, but looked back up with a miserable expression of


“You got to be kidding? You’re upset about a girl? You’re in love!”

“Yes and no,” I replied.

“Yeah, love sucks if you think about it.” I waited for more to come out, but nothing.

“That’s all you got? Seriously, love sucks?”


“What else you want? You know just as well as I that they tell us to not even date in the

first two years,” Ben chuckled.

“I’m a junior now, Ben. But love itself doesn’t suck. It’s all I’ve ever wanted since

walking passed her. You know I have a thing for redheads. What sucks is that I hate loving her

because she loves to hate me. It’s a never-ending story. No happiness. Just sad, sad me.” I looked

over to Ben, covering his face away from me. “You ok, cuz?”

“Yeah, I’m good. Just got this thing in my eye. Who’s the girl?”

“Hey, don’t worry about my love life. Besides, I’m probably going to end up alone. I’ll

see you later, man.” Ben wasn’t going to accept my answer. He followed me out, demanding I

tell him who I’ve fallen for. I couldn’t tell him how her beautiful she is, but her purity ring

screamed otherwise. That I thought she was different and all that ridiculousness. I gave in and

vented out the truthful frustrations.

“Tonight, we’re going to get you out of your own head and back into the game.” I’d

accept any advice at this point. “There’s going to be a mixer at the new Union. Everyone who is

everyone is going to be there, including this girl who’s got you whipped.”

“First off, not whipped. Second, how do you know?” Ben showed me the list of names

that he swiped off an attendee. “This mixer is being sponsored by Ko Jo Kai. Are you crazy?

You told me about the earlier incident. John would go ballistic.”

“And you told me you love this girl, Rosanna, or whatever her name is,” Ben replied.

“You said she doesn’t feel the same? Let’s make her jealous. Find some other chick, and make

her think twice about not falling in love with the best bro in the world!”

“Fine, but only because I want to see if she shows up. Just make sure you tell the other

girl she can’t take Rosanna’s spot.” Fate had other plans and wasn’t going to let me in on them.

Like I said before, this is college, and with college kids, we tend to go from one flavor of the

week to the next. For me, well, it was later that night.

“Jesus, Jenna, get down here! Where is she, Margaret?” That would be Monica. She’s the

head Canary and is just like my brother. “I swear to the Holy Lord, if you don’t get your ass

down here, I’m going to call Mom.” See what I mean?


“Miss Monica, I’ve already told your sister that you wanted to see her,” Margaret replied.

Margaret is Ko Jo Kai’s resident advisor, and pet canary to Monica. She’s been making sure that

Jenna settles in nicely, and doing a better job than Monica.

“Well, you probably should tell her again,” Monica snapped back.

“Yes, Monica? What do you want?” A sweet voice from the edge of the stairs is heard.

Monica looked up and motioned with a finger for her to come down. Jenna complied with each

step a sign of annoyance. “Ok, I’m here. Happy?”

“I’ll be happy if you decide to change into something less of a band tee and more of a

halter top,” Monica retorted with a grin.

“But this is one of my favorites.”

“Yes, the skull and bat wings says it all,” Monica snapped back. “It even matches those

grotesque things you call shoes, very Canary like. Well, I have some great news for you.”

Monica led Jenna to a love seat, sat her down, kneels down, and awkwardly places her hand on

her shoulder. “I know it’s hard being a freshman. I was one, too. But, I didn’t have a wonderful

big sister who happens to be the president of Ko Jo Kai like you do. When I joined, my big sis,

she was a bitch. I was late to sporting events and rally meets. Do you know what that can do to

your reputation?”

“No, I really couldn’t imagine,” Jenna replied.

“I just want to make sure you have the best college experience that I almost didn’t have.

That’s why I’m setting you up with the Dean’s nephew, Orlando. What do you think? Excited?”

“Orlando? Dean’s nephew? Miss Jenna, take it from me, he’s a stone, cold fox,”

Margaret chimed in. Monica slid in a look of irritation towards her.

“Please, Jenna? As your older sister, I’m begging you to do this. Not only for yourself,

but for me and the entire organization.” Jenna hesitated to respond with both Monica and

Margaret at the edge for one.

“Ok, why not? I’ll give him a shot, but not promising anything,” Jenna replied.


“Right, of course, nothing is concrete, but you’re going to love him. I promise,” Monica

said with a hint of self-joy in her voice. “He’s going to be at the mixer, tonight. So, go upstairs

and please put on something less ‘you.’”

“It’s going to be a great night for you, darling. You’ll see.” Margaret’s right about that.

It’s going to be a great night. For the Jenna and I, that is.

The mixer started at six o’clock sharp. A couple of the Mongooses, including Ben and I,

were standing near a corner where no one could spot us. It was my suggestion. When Ben said

that everyone was going to show up, he was spot-on. I was worried that we would get caught, but

Ben assured me that Mercury’s plan was going to work. Mercury was another alumni of the

school, and widely regarded as the “Mongoose who never really grew up.” In the sense, that he

graduated two years ago and still comes back to party with us. Not to mention, he’s related to the


“Don’t worry, Majnu, these Halloween masks are going to hide those hearts for eyes of

yours,” Mercury’s words soothed me.

“Majnu?” I asked.

“It means Romeo in Hindi,” Mercury replied. “Just got back from brushing up on the

Karma Sutra. Besides, you think they care that a group of guys are wearing masks? Come on,

this is college!” Mercury’s right. In college, there are no rules. We’re practically adults, right?

“When you see Rosanna, what you going to do, Majnu?” Ben sarcastically asked.

“Probably run to the Chemistry building and pour acid into my eyes. I hate this idea.”

“The word hate shouldn’t even be in your heart. You’re in love, dude. Embrace its

sickness!” Mercury preached.

“Easy for you to say, Mercury. You’ve been practicing, while I’ve been fantasying.”

“Bro, you’ve been sleeping with a Yakshini?” Mercury inquired.

“What’s that?” Ben asked.

“When I was in India, this wise man told me about these weird things that sound hot, but

far from it. There are good ones, but the bad ones are scary as hell. They pull you in your


dreams, tell you that ‘you’re about to get laid’ or anything made-up like love, money, or power.

Then, they just end up killing you. Bad omens, man. Who in the hell wants that?”

“Come on, Mercury. That’s a bunch of bullshit,” I said.

“Yeah, you’re right. Bullshit, of course. The old man probably wanted me to stop seeing

his daughter,” Mercury stammered and quickly changed the subject. “Anyways, why did they

hire so many caterers for this boring mixer?” Before anyone could answer Mercury, the president

of Ko Jo Kai got on stage.

“Oh, look, Mercury,” Ben said, “that crazy canary is going to croak a verse for us.” I had

enough of this and quickly made my exit. The boys were calling me back, but I just felt sick to

my stomach. I needed some air or a new heart. Yet, Fate decided to intervene in the matter. It

gave me a glimpse out of the corner of my eye that made my fresh heart feel desire. I saw a girl

and the hem of her black dress, swaying on the fourth floor.

“Should I?” I asked myself. I looked up once more and found my feet proceeding towards

the steps. I’d never felt this rush of life before. A feeling I couldn’t place my finger on. Each step

substituted sadness with bliss. Each floor was a level farther from certainty and closer to unreal. I

felt like I was in—I didn’t realize that there was any more steps. She stopped me from tripping

with her hand on my chest. I prayed she couldn’t feel my heart’s pacing.

“Hey, you ok? Too much to drink?” she asked with a cute grin. I came back to reality,

and my senses returned. It was just her and me on the emptiest floor of the union. The lights

inside were glowing a bright amber on her skin. The gold in her hair was brighter than the stars

gleaming through the building’s window.

“Hi, yeah, I’m fine,” I stuttered. She gave me a look that can be best describe as the look

that bought me.

“What’s your name?”

“It’s, uh, Michael,” I replied. She gave me another one of those looks.

“My names Jenna,” she said. She gave me her hand to shake. I didn’t want to let it go.

“Sorry, I’m not use to wearing dresses. Kind of nervous.” She looked outside like she was lost

from home.


“I think you look cute,” I replied. We stared into each other’s eyes for a few moments,

until we both laughed.

“Thanks. Sometimes it’s nice to hear that instead of the usual ‘you’re beautiful.’”

“You’re beautiful,” I said with a low calmness.

“Take that back,” she demanded.

“I can’t. It’s yours.” We both stayed quiet, until she broke it with the question of the


“What about you?”

“Fate brought me here, broken my will, but I don’t mind,” I grinned. She smiled. We lean

in to each other.

I wish I could just end the story here. Jenna’s RA found us. While she was pulling Jenna

away, she informed her who I was and that Monica wanted to introduce her to someone. My

head put emphasis on the name of her sister. Hear that? That’s the sound of my heart cracking

with each step back to mundaneness. I couldn’t handle it. So, I stopped walking down and found

a place at the bottom step of the second floor. I replayed the events back, especially on that last

moment, and said, “Got to be kidding?” I laughed uncontrollably. “I’m going to end up dead. Or

worse, like Ben.”

“Michael, bro, Michael, Michael!” Speak of the devil.

“Ben, dude, stop,” Mercury said. “He’s probably gone home, waiting for that girl to text

him back, again. Manju! Hey, Manju! If you’re still in here, your friends are looking for you.

Forget about the girl. She doesn’t have red hair, millions of freckles, and sky blue eyes. She’s not

worth the hurt we have to go through!”

“Yeah, that worked. He’s probably pissed off,” Ben said.

“No, if anything, he’s probably remembering how much he loves this girl. If I told him

that she likes older guys, then maybe.”


“Well, let’s just go back inside. Maybe he went in without us catching.” Mercury

continued to look up for any sight of me. Before the two went back in, Mercury issued a


“Manju, love doesn’t come easy like you think. I hope you remember that.” I wished I

had as well. I continued my way back down the staircase. I decided to accept the inevitable and

join my friends.

“He’s a Mongoose, Jenna,” Until, I heard that sweet voice again. She didn’t realize that I

was hiding behind the stone rails, listening to her every word. The image at the top of the stairs

became clearer than the last. It was Jenna and all of my discovered emotions that accompanied

her. I advanced two steps up, and she shifted two steps to her right. My eyes never left her as we

progressed to reunite. I couldn’t stop thinking about those lips, those eyes, and her adorable

waist. “Maybe he can leave the Mongooses. Then, we can be together. Who gives a shit, right?

It’s just a stupid way to make a couple of lousy friends. Dammit, why are you a Mongoose? Why

am I a Canary?” Another strange feeling came over me that forced me to react.

“You don’t have to call me that.” She leaned forward to see that I’ve been listening to her

this whole time.

“What would I call you then?” she requested. I grinned as I never thought this name

would be practical.

“Manju,” I said. “Call me that.” There’s one of those looks that I craved for. “It’s Hindi

for Romeo.” She continued to stare at me.

“Ok, Manju,” she said with a returning grin. I continued my path to her, but stopped short

to ask her something.

“Do you believe in fate?” I asked. She didn’t hesitate to respond.

“I believe that God has a plan for us. What’s so funny?”

“Sorry, I’m just finding that hard to believe.”

“What’s hard to believe?”

“Well, I didn’t plan on falling in love.”


“Oh, really? Did you know looks can be deceiving in the light?” she said.

“No, I didn’t.”

“Oh, yeah, I mean, do you think you could love me without the makeup, the dress? Just

me?” What she didn’t know is that I’ve already seen her in the dark; the moment she seem lost.

“Is that an offer?” I slyly asked. I decide to not directly revel that I know, but let her do

the work. Just in case I was wrong. She laughed, thank God. “What are you feeling?”

“Alone. How about you?”

“The same. What are you feeling right now?”

“Afraid,” she said with a smile. I reciprocated the same smile. I finally met her at the top

of the stairs. The first thing I found myself wanting to do is to grab her by the waist, pull her

closer, and whisper—

“Let me love the lonely out of you.”

“I wish, but there’s this other guy,” she says. My heart began to scream within my chest.

“Oh, right,” I mumbled. “I understand.” I’d let her go, but didn’t expect what would

happen next.

“Hey,” she grabbed my hands and placed them back on her waist, “don’t let go. Besides,

I don’t love him. Just some idiot my sister wants to hook me up with.” I began to laugh and

shake. “What’s wrong?”

“For a moment there, I was afraid this was all a dream,” I replied. Monica’s shrieking

ruin our peaceful moment. She called out for Jenna, but before we went separate ways, we made

a promise. Here’s where the open mind comes into play. We would drop out of school, leave the

Greek life behind, and head off into the world together. We would leave tonight and never look

back. Again, Fate will send a bit of a curve on the ball.

While Jenna and I were together, the events that took place at the mixer were a whole

other situation. Apparently, Tyler had been spying from afar. She told Monica, but she wasn’t

quite satisfied. She made a challenge, but not for Ben or Mercury.


“Wonder where the lover boy could be? Mercury asked.

“Seriously, you think, if he heard some former Olympian call him out to a power lifting

contest, he show up?” Ben replied. The group of Canaries with Tyler upfront step up to the

current and former Mongoose.

“Where is he, Ben? I’m tired of waiting.” Ben look at Mercury for some coherent answer

to give back to the she-hulk. Tyler turn her attention to Mercury, “You hang out with him.

Where’s the guy at, Mercury?”

“You know, I never like you,” Mercury answered. “Not because you’re jack like a

hammer. No, it’s because you like to hide behind the brawn and not use your mind before you

speak.” That’s probably not the answer Ben was hoping for, since his eyes were bug out. Tyler’s

face turn a rash red and her demeanor change real quick. Until, I saw my friends inside the rec

center with her and decided to join them. I greet them, but met with a snarl.

“Oh, here’s the man of the hour,” Tyler declared. “You have balls to flirt with my cousin.

I admire that, but I also fucking hate it.”

“What are you talking about? I didn’t even know you have a cousin.”

“At the mixer. A pretty girl from Ko Jo Kai.” Fate can be so cruel. Ben pulls me to the


“You hooking up with a Canary, Mike?” A Canary, who’s related to the harbinger of

doom, what else could go wrong?

“Ok, I’m tired of all of this talk,” Mercury proclaimed. “Let’s do some lifting, Tubbs.”

Yeah, that’s about as wrong as it can get.

“Are you serious?” Tyler replied. “I won a frigging gold medal.” She pulls out the overly

shinned gold circle.

“That’s what I was talking about earlier. Who do you think you are, huh? You think just

because you like to see yourself as the shit that you can talk to me like that? Get to your side.”

The two prepared physically and mentally. Tyler might have had the edge, being a

medalist, but we all knew Mercury could hold himself. Everyone around came to witness the


spectacle. Stacks of weight slid onto each ends, equaling at a total of five hundred pounds. They

both lifted the heavy bar halfway to their chest and waited to see who would be the first to drop.

They exchanged the occasional stare down and taunted each other’s ego. Thirty seconds passed,

and both competitors seemed to strain to keep the bar up. My guilt whispered to stop this, but, as

I made my way to them, Fate came back to haunt me. I stumbled and pushed Mercury over. On

top of that, the weights had fallen on top of him. I reached out to help him, but he pushed me

away. He only welcomed Ben’s assistance and comfort. Before he was put in the ambulance, he

said something that I’d never quite forget.

“I guess that bad omen caught up with me,” Mercury said with a chuckle. “I’ll see you in

hell, Manju. I’ll see all of you there!” Ben returned from inside the ambulance. He told me what

I already knew. I kept on thinking about how any of this could happen that I unconsciously block

out my plans with Jenna. The Dean’s nephew just died from a freak accident. What else could I

think of at a time like this? Retribution. I just want to fix this in any way necessary. I walk back

inside the rec and see that Tyler is boasting about her victory. She declares another challenge and

this time I accept. We grab our bars, starting off with the same amount of weight. This time

though, I repeatedly jibe her to increase her weight count. Each attempt successful that it brings

it all the way to six hundred and ten pounds. Might as well be a record. Not for most weight, but

for deaths in one night. As she began to brag about her successful attempts, one of the twenty-

five pound weights happen to slip off the bar and instantly crush her ribs. It put so much pressure

on her heart that it could not pump enough blood and stop.

“Shit, get out of here, Michael,” Ben shouted. “She’s dead and everyone is going to rat on

you. Do you get that? You got to get out here!”

“What is up with me tonight?”

“Just get the hell out of here, man!”

During my escape, the Dean, Monica, and John all found the bodies of two “beloved

members of this university.” Ben retold the story of what happen, but the Dead was having none

of it. The Dean continue his rant by issuing a warrant for my arrest with the Verona County

Police. I ran to the only person who could help me in a situation like this. Alpha Delta Gamma’s

foreman, Frank Laurence. Unknown to me, but news spread like wildfire on this campus.


“You’re telling me he killed my cousin?”

“Jenna, my condolences, really,” Margaret panted. Jenna went into her own world for a

moment. A flash of perfect realization.

“I’m running away with him,” she whispered. Jenna jumps up towards her closet and

pulls out the shirts she can’t live without. Back and forth, smiling and laughing from a flicker of

sheer happiness.

“You just met the guy, tonight,” Margaret cried out. “He killed your cousin, and you’re

running away with him? What about school, your sister? What about Orlando? ”

“Cousins grow apart, Margaret,” Jenna snapped. “I don’t care about Orlando. He’s a

schmuck. Sure he can find someone else to impress with his privilege life. I’m through with this

life. I’m over this college drama. And I’m sick of Monica trying to control me like I’m some

doll. We might as well be consider distant. That hour with that boy was everything, Margaret.

Everything that I hated went away. It was serendipitous. It’s fate.”

“Let me bring him to you,” Margaret replied. “It’s the least I can do for you, dove.” And

just like that, everything’s about to go haywire. I ran inside the Greek house and call out for

Frank. Nowhere to be found, I scuffle down to the basement where he tends to spend an

enormously amount of time.

“Hey, dude, what’s going on?” I figure I find him down here, tending to his prize

possession. Weed, of course.

“I have to ask you for a favor.” I clutched his shoulders, but let go and turn around in

angst. I kept staring at the wall, trying to catch my senses, and said, “I’m in a lot of shit. They’re

probably saying I killed Tyler, but you got to believe, Frank.”

“Hey, hey, kid stay chill,” Frank replied. “Of course, I believe you. You’re the only kid I

like in this house of manure.” Frank began to ponder. I could tell because he twirls his pirate

beard when he’s in thinking mode. “When I was in Vietnam, they did these crazy experiments on

a group of us.”


“I hate to stop you, Frank, but this isn’t the time for you PTSD to kick in.” Frank waved

to his desk in the corner, and pulled out a grey pill container. He popped the cap, and poured out

a bunch of white tablets.

“They gave us these drugs,” Frank replied. “If we were ever in a pickle, take one of these

and you’ll be deader than Disco.” That pill is the key or Pandora’s box. I figure this is the only

way to get out of this pickle and somehow with Jenna.

“Shit, what about, Jenna?” I asked. I clued Frank in on meeting Jenna. He seemed to get a

little lost within the story, but he decided to help me out. He’d make sure that the cops are the

only ones to see me after my successful suicide act. The thing I forgot to mention…Margaret got

a glimpse of me lying on the floor.

As the detectives go out to get the undertaker, I sit up and snag every breath of air I can.

Frank tries to console me, hands over a blunt that I push away, and says, “Those tiny things

actually work.”

“You mean, you didn’t know?” I question him with intent.

“Nah, man. I snatch them off a buddy.” I lift myself up and tell Frank to get my car so I

go grab Jenna’s hand and take her out of this hell hole. But as fate would have it, plans go south

and never come back. The same can be said for Jenna. I stood frozen outside the window. The

shrill of a stretcher being scrape against the sidewalk, the cries of Margaret and Monica being the

convincer that the worst thing in my life just happen.

“Jenna, oh God, Jenna,” Monica screams. The beating heart that Jenna gave me always

belong to her. Then and now.

“Your home now, Jenna. You belong with the stars.” There’s only one thing left to do. I

slug my way behind the detectives, swipe his gun off his holster, and sprint away.

“Jenna, get down here and say your goodbyes to Tubbs…I mean Tyler.” Talk about Fate

falling short. As soon as I run off, she comes down alive. Rick’s partner warns the girls to get

back inside because of my “rational” decision.

“Manju,” Jenna murmurs. She pushes her way pass the three human blockades and tries

to catch up with the chase. I run past the Mongoose house where Ben and John both try to stop


me. I don’t say anything to them, but point the gun at them and tell them goodbye. I continue my

dart pass the new union, the scene where I lost a friend and a foe. I reach the end of campus and

stop running. Slowly, I made my way underneath a street light that reach to the middle of the

road. I collapse on my knees and raise the gun to my head. Flood of memories of Jenna engulf

my awareness. I never met someone who could make me forget about the world, but more alive

than ever. I knew she felt the same way, and that’s the best part about it. In that moment, all of

my selfish faults disappear and I didn’t even know it. I was no longer Michael, but her—.

“Manju,” Jenna’s voice enters my mind. I hear it again, but not sure if this is some trick

my mind is pulling. I look around and see that it’s just her and I.

“Look, son,” Rick says, “put the gun down, ok?” Jenna moves towards me. Her sister

grabs her back, but can’t hold on. She kneels down, and places her hands on my face. I’m pretty

daze at this point, but I only see her and give in.

“Thought you were dead,” I whisper.

“You saw Tyler,” she replies. “I’m here with you.” I totally forgot about my expected jail

time. That thought vanish again when I saw Jenna wasn’t wearing that black dress, but skinny

jeans and a band tee. I laugh and she joins in.

“So, this is what you’re used to, huh?” I ask. She nods in agreement with her signature

smile. “You look beautiful.”

“What about cute?”

I shake my head in agreement and say, “Beautiful fits this moment.” We skip the smiles

and lean in. A couple of campus cops show up with Rick’s partner guns pointing at us. I look

around and see John, Ben, Monica, Margaret, the Dean. “I think they want to take me away for a

while. I don’t want to go.” I wait for an answer, as the cops move in closer.

“Fate brought me here, broken my will,” she whispers. “I don’t mind.” She place her

hands in mine, help me up, and knew the only thing actually left to do…run.

What? You thought we put a bullet in each other’s heads like some crazy kids in love?

Come on, that’s not romantic at all. Pretty mess up, if you ask me. We knew what we were

signing up for. By morning, they eventually catch us and put a bullet in our heads due to our


noncompliance. The Dean will put John and Monica on probation for the rest of their college

lives. They’ll have the funeral for Tyler where only three attend: Monica, Margaret, and Tyler’s

gold medal. Ben will go on to replace John as head Mongoose and end the grudge with the

Canaries. I guess Rick was right. Some good did come out of this. Jenna and I might have had a

short love life, but I think the stars were taking notes in that last moment. Just in case, Fate wants

to patch things up with Free Will.

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