the six messengers of lucifer

Post on 13-Apr-2018






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  • 7/25/2019 The Six Messengers of Lucifer




    Carl Nagel

  • 7/25/2019 The Six Messengers of Lucifer


    The stars with deep amaze Stand fixed in

    steadfast gaze

    Bending one way their precious influence

    And will not take their flight For all their

    morning light

    Or Lucifer that often warned them thence But

    in their glimmering orbs did glow Until their

    lord himself bid them go

  • 7/25/2019 The Six Messengers of Lucifer


    Introduction: The Great Deception

    People forget Lucifer is an angel.

    A fallen one, but an angel none the less.

    According to Ezekiel 28:13, Lucifer truly was an

    amazing being to behold: "You were the seal of

    perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You

    were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone

    was your covering: the sardius, topaz, and diamond,

    beryl, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and emerald

    with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes

    was prepared for you on the day you were created."

    The Morning Star

    Lucifer is a Latin word that was used as a name for the

    "morning star" (Venus) that precedes the rising of the


    Because Venus orbits between the Earth and the Sun, it

    can never be seen during the dark of midnight.

    It can be seen in the eastern morning sky for an hour or

    so before the Sun rises, and in the western night sky for

    an hour or so after the sun has set.

    Use of this name in reference to the Devil stems from a

    particular interpretation of a passage from Isaiah that

    speaks of someone who is given the name of "Morning

    Star" as fallen from the sky.

    However, elsewhere in the Bible the same word is used

    for the "morning star" with no relation to the Devil.

    Lucifer also means light-bringer.

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    The Bringer of Light

    In Clavis Magica Artium we read:

    "The fall of the splendid angel in dizzy descent through

    the heavens did ignite the sun. "The angel then falling

    did bring light.

    Let's think about that for a moment.

    The Devil (Lucifer) has always been associated with

    darkness and death, yet he is the bringer of light. There

    is something very odd about all this.

    Could it be that poor old Lucifer has been the innocent

    victim of a smear campaign by Christianity in general

    and the Catholic Church in particular?

    The Eternal Scapegoat

    Some of us blame the Devil for every misfortune, for


    On the evening of June 9, 1979, a fire broke out on the

    Ghost Train ride at Sydney's Luna Park (Australia). Six

    children and a number of adults died in the blaze.

    A woman who lost her husband and two young sons in

    the tragedy has, for the past 30 years, kept a photo

    which has haunted her ever since.

    It shows a "witchdoctor" dressed in a black magic outfit

    who picked her son out of a crowd and posed with him

    just hours before the boy died.

    On the morning of the fire the family watched a street

    parade at Circular Quay, across Sydney Harbor from

    Luna Park.

    A man in a witchdoctor costume (horns, skull mask,

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    animal skins, moccasins, and carrying a rattle) left the

    parade and pushed through the crowd towards the boy.

    "Do you mind if I have my photo taken with your son?"

    the mysterious man asked, placing his hand on the

    boy's shoulder.

    Hours later, the boy, his father and brother were all


    "He wasn't frightened by the man," the boy's mother told

    a reporter.

    "He was a little bit nervous to stand close to him, but

    just took it in his stride."

    Without saying a word, the mystery man returned to the

    "International Year of the Child" parade as quickly as he

    had appeared.

    The boy's mother felt that it was an omen. "Looking

    back now, I see it as part of a big plan.

    "A plan far beyond earthly reasoning with other forces

    involved. "The Devil or something like that," she told the


    It is easy to blame the Devil for every bad thing that

    happens to us. But is it really his fault?

    Sometimes bad luck is just that . . . bad luck.

    The Bible and Lucifer

    He is known by many names in the New Testament:

    Satan, devil, adversary, enemy, accuser, old serpent,

    great dragon, Belial and Beelzebub, but never as


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    Matthew 4:1 "Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into

    the wilderness to be tempted of the devil."

    Matthew 4:10 "Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee

    hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shall worship the

    Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve."

    Matthew 4:11 "Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold,

    angels came and ministered unto him." Matthew 10:25

    "It is enough for the disciple that he be as is his master,

    and the servant as his lord.

    If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub,

    how much more shall they call them of his household?"

    Matthew 12:24 "But when the Pharisees heard it, they

    said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by

    Beelzebub the prince of the devils."

    Matthew 13:39 "The enemy that sowed them is the

    devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the

    reapers are the angels."

    Mark 4:15 "And these are they by the way side, where

    the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan

    cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was

    sown in their hearts."

    Luke 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as

    lightning fall from heaven.

    Peter 5:8 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary

    the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking

    whom he may devour."

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    Revelation 12:9 "And the great dragon was cast out,

    that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which

    deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the

    earth, and his angels were cast out with him."

    The Catholic Church has made Lucifer responsible for

    all of man's shortcomings.

    Yet each of us is born with free will to do good or evil,

    and we should not blame an angel for the evils of the


    If we accept the meaning of his name as literal, and

    there is no reason not to, then it is Lucifer who can

    chase away the darkness in our lives.

    Luciferian Magic

    I know this magical system works because I have used

    it to find gold, and begin a writing career.

    The historic township of Hill End is located north-west of

    Sydney, Australia, in the rugged mountain ranges of the

    Central Tablelands.

    Situated in the heart of once highly productive

    goldfields, Hill End attracted thousands of people from

    the world over during the boom years of 1871-1872.

    It was here that the single largest piece of gold ever to

    be found, was unearthed on the night of October 19,


    I traveled to Hill End a number of times during the 80s

    with my father and a mutual friend to partake in a

    favorite pastime of ours . . . gold fossicking.

    On one occasion I used visualization to find a few

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    specks of gold, another time I called upon Lucifer. I had

    awoken early and, as the others slept on in our tent,

    stepped outside for a breath of fresh air.

    I looked up and could quite clearly see the Morning Star

    in the sky above. In my mind I said: "Lucifer, guide me

    to where the gold is."

    A couple of hours later, as we three crouched by a river

    panning for gold, I noticed a bright, golden light shining

    in my pan.

    It was a small (very small) piece of gold, but it was the

    biggest piece found the entire trip. And I have the angel

    Lucifuge Rofocal to thank for my writing career.

    I had called to Lucifuge at one of the darkest hours of

    my life, and that call was answered. Let me assure you

    that you will not be selling your soul to the Devil in

    return for favors.

    Yes, you will be calling upon Lucifer and his

    messengers to change your life into what you want it to

    be. But you will be utilizing the "benevolent" nature of

    these fallen angels to help you.

    Part One: The Light Bringer

    White witches make loud noises about how their magic

    is worked for only altruistic reasons, and how black

    magic is used for evil and selfish reasons.

    Yet, I ask you, are not most of the things white witches

    do, done either directly or indirectly for their own benefit

    and gratification, both spiritual and material?

    One must not draw a rigid distinction between black and

    white magic, as each is a reflection of the other.

    Another point to watch out for, is that your request will

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    be granted by the easiest route, so consider how it

    would most likely come to you.

    And make sure that you really want what you are asking


    If you are realistic and specific, then coincidence after

    coincidence will occur to bring about the desired result.

    The Six Messengers of Lucifer

    Each of the six messengers have powers and qualities

    which are unique to them.

    The first messenger is Lucifuge Rofocal, who has

    dominion over all worldy riches and treasures.

    His immediate subordinate spirits are: Bael, Agaresand


    The second messenger is Satanachawho has the

    power to make all women submit to his will.

    His immediate subordinate spirits are: Amonand


    The third messenger is Agaliareptwho has the power to

    uncover secrets and reveal the world's greatest


    His immediate subordinates are Guer, Gusionand


    The fourth messenger is Fleuretywho has the power to

    make anything happen during the hours of night. His

    immediate subordinates are Bathimand Eligos.

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    The fifth messenger is Sargatanaswho has the power to

    make the magician avoid being seen, and the art of


    His immediate subordinates are Loray, Valeforand


    The sixth messenger is Naberuswho has the power to

    foretell the future. His immediate subordinates are

    Ayperosand Glosialobolos.

    The Hours Lucifer's Messengers Appear

    Two hours at night every day of the week, that is: On

    Monday at nine o'clock and midnight.

    On Tuesday at ten o'clock and at one in the morning.

    On Wednesday at eleven o'clock and at two in the

    morning. On Thursday at eight o'clock and at ten


    On Friday at seven o'clock and at midnight.

    On Saturday at nine o'clock and at eleven o'clock.

    The Conjuration of Lucifer

    The conjuration is spoken when the planet Venus

    appears in the East before sunrise when you can stand

    either outside or at a window, with the morning star in

    the sky above.

    Gaze steadily at the radiant light of the morning star and

    solemnly say:

    Lucifer, absolute ruler of this world, lord of all things that

    walketh upon the earth, hear my call. Lucifer, governing

    the fortunes and misfortunes of your subjects, hear my

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    Lucifer, sublime and luminous of character, hear my


    Lucifer, I entreat you to send me your messenger (name

    of spirit) from whatever part of the world he should be,

    this night at either. . .or. . ., at which time he shall grant

    all that I ask of him. Lucifer, use your power to be

    favorable and enable me to succeed in this


    You will, of course, state the appropriate hours where

    the conjuration says "this night at either. . ." The two

    hours will depend on which day of the week the

    conjuration is spoken.

    At the appointed hour sit in a darkened room lit by a

    single, white candle on a table in front of you. When you

    feel the time is right, recite the conjuration of the spirit

    as detailed below.

    The Conjuration of Lucifuge Rofocale

    Come, Lucifuge Come, Lucifuge Come, Lucifuge

    I ask that you make me rich as soon as possible. In the

    Name of your Master, Lucifer, so mote it be.

    The Conjuration of Satanacha

    Come, Satanacha Come, Satanacha Come,


    I ask that you make every woman submit to my will. In

    the Name of your Master, Lucifer, so mote it be.

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    The Conjuration of Agaliarept

    Come, Agaliarept Come, Agaliarept Come, Agaliarept

    I ask that you place secret knowledge within my mind.

    In the Name of your Master, Lucifer, so mote it be.

    The Conjuration of Fleurety

    Come, Fleurety Come, Fleurety Come, Fleurety

    I ask that you influence my affairs. My desire is . . .

    In the Name of your Master, Lucifer, so mote it be.

    The Conjuration of Sargatanas

    Come, Sargatanas Come, Sargatanas Come,


    I ask that I may walk unseen.

    In the Name of your Master, Lucifer, so mote it be.

    The Conjuration of Naberus

    Come, Naberus Come, Naberus Come, Naberus

    I ask that you reveal what will befall in the future. In the

    Name of your Master, Lucifer, so mote it be.

    When you have recited the conjuration, relax with your

    eyes closed for a few minutes. Then open your eyes,

    and say:

    O Spirit (name of spirit), I thank you.

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    Extinguish the candle.

    Variation of the Lucifer Conjuration

    If you wish Lucifer to influence your affairs, this is the

    conjuration to use.

    On any day of the week, with the morning star in the sky

    above, sit in a darkened room lit by a single, white

    candle on a table in front of you.

    When you feel the time is right, say:

    Lucifer, absolute ruler of this world, lord of all things tha t

    walketh upon the earth, hear my call. Lucifer, governing

    the fortunes and misfortunes of your subjects, hear my


    Lucifer, sublime and luminous of character, hear my


    Come, Lucifer Come, Lucifer Come, Lucifer

    Lucifer, I ask that you influence my affairs. Lucifer, my

    desire is . . .

    Sit quietly, with eyes closed, in the dark for a few

    minutes pretending that your request has been granted.

    Then open your eyes, and say:

    Lucifer, I thank thee.

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    Extinguish the candle.

    Part Two:

    A Light Less Bright The Subordinate Spirits

    Each of the six messengers have subordinate spirits.

    Each of the subordinate spirits have powers and

    qualities which are unique to them.

    If conjuring a subordinate spirit you will need to place a

    white candle on a small table in front of you. The

    Powers and Qualities of the Subordinate Spirits

    Bael can help you become wise.

    Agares can help you learn a foreign language. Marbas

    can bring secret knowledge.

    Amon can bring love and reconciliation. Barbatos can

    bring money.

    Gusion can bring honors and fame. Bathim can help you

    to avoid being seen. Eligos can bring powerful fr iends.

    Valefor can help return stolen goods.

    The Conjuration of the Subordinate Spirits

    This is the conjuration you will use to summon any of

    the nine subordinate spirits. I use Bathim as an


    Come, Bathim Come, Bathim Come, Bathim

    I ask that you influence my affairs. My desire is . . .

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    In the Name of your Master, Lucifer, so mote it be.

    When you have recited the conjuration relax with your

    eyes closed for a few minutes. Then open your eyes

    and say:

    Bathim, I thank you.



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