the slayer years: episode1x04 bloodbath

Post on 31-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 The Slayer Years: Episode1x04 Bloodbath





    Chosen twice

    Copyright Chosen Twice

  • 8/14/2019 The Slayer Years: Episode1x04 Bloodbath



    FADE IN-


    SPOTLIGHT on FRED as she walks around in the room, carrying a chart and

    taking notes each in a while as she stops at different stations. Shes dressed in

    jeans, a red shirt and the lab coat.


    PANNING OUT to show us a young technician standing a few feet away with a

    box in his hands.

    FRED: [turning around] Yes, Miles?

    MILES: This just arrived with the mail. [holding out the box] Its addressed

    to you.

    FRED: From who?

    MILES: It doesnt say. [beat] But it cleared the customs so no need to


    Fred snorts and reaches out for the box, which she turns carefully in her hands,

    examining it with caution.

    FRED: [under her breath] Its too small

    MILES: Huh?

    FRED: [shaking her head] Nothing. [dismissive smile] Thank you, Miles.

    SPIKE: [o.c as Miles turns to leave] Thank you, Miles, what?

    The CAMERA SPINS AROUND to reveal SPIKE and RIVER entering the lab.

    The first clothed strictly in black; black chinos and a black shirt.River stalks behind this vision in black dressed in her blue dress and boots.

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    FRED: How was the patrol?

    SPIKE: Well, I didn't get killed, and she [pointing at River] didn't kill

    anyone... I'd say it was a good patrol.

    RIVER: [exclaiming happily] I threw up all over Spike!

    [Fred raises an eyebrow]

    SPIKE: [shrugging] Bint cant hold down the liquor.

    FRED: Spike, you didnt

    SPIKE: It was only one glass

    RIVER: Seven!!

    SPIKE: [to Fred] Can I kill her?

    FRED: What do you think my answer is?

    SPIKE: [hopefully] Yes?

    FRED: [patting his arm sympathetically] No.

    RIVER: Tastes disgusting and warm and shiny. [smiles]

    Fred rolls her eyes with a smile. Spike looks down at the box in Freds hands

    and then looks up at the scientist with a frown.

    SPIKE: Secret admirer?

    FRED: What?

    SPIKE: The box. [inkling towards it] It says To Fred with love.

    FRED: It does?

    FOCUS on Fred as she turns the box in her hands and the written words come

    into our view. And indeed, someone has written those words in a beautiful

    cursive handwriting.

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    FRED: [sighing] Best see what it is

    Fred begins opening the box- -

    - -River shrieks and backs away from the both of them earning confused stares

    from Spike and Fred as she does.

    RIVER: [whispering] Ghosts

    FRED: What

    FOCUS on the box as its opened: from within theres a roaring cry and then an

    unseen force knocks Fred back, causing her to fall down to the floor and land

    heavily on her butt with a thud.

    A WIDE SHOT of the room as the figure of a young woman suddenly begins to

    appear in front of our heroes. Its a lovely woman; with long black hair and a

    slender figure dressed in jeans and a grey turtleneck. And shes incorporeal.

    WOMAN: [angrily] I will bathe in the blood of those who killed me!

    And with that she disappears out through the window leaving the silent


    SPIKE: Bloody hell


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  • 8/14/2019 The Slayer Years: Episode1x04 Bloodbath



    FADE IN-


    The room is filled with people; at least three Watchers, a couple of witches and

    maybe five young slayers. And of course FRED, DREW, RAINE, RIVER and


    SPIKE: I hate ghosts.

    DREW: Really? Thats weird, cause I thought everybody just loved em.

    RAINE: Shut up, Drew.

    DREW: You first!

    RAINE: No, you first!

    DREW: Stop being so

    RAINE: Shut up!

    DREW: God, why are you such a

    RAINE: Pain in my ass, s what you a

    [They bicker like this for about two seconds. Freds looking a mite angry, and is

    about to interrupt them to shout but someone beats her to the punch.]

    RIVER: Enough!!! [she shouts, and stands up from her seat, walking around

    to the other side of the room] Acting like a bunch of gorram children, you are!

    Only seventeen, she is, but she knows that youre acting like gorram two-year

    olds! Supposed to be a warrior and a leader stead youre just a gorram a

    g gor

    [River finally runs out of steam and leans against the wall, half asleep.]

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    SPIKE: Yeah, Im gonna have to agree with loony on this one.

    FRED: [glares at Raine and Drew] Now if you two wouldnt mind?

    The slayer and her watcher look significantly abashed. Fred glares for another

    moment and nods before she continues.

    FRED: Okay then. Now Lily said that she traced the spectre over some hotel

    by Old Hancock Park, but shes not sure.

    RAINE: By Old Hancock you mean the Hype?

    SPIKE: [looks confusedly at Raine] Whats this about?

    RAINE: Really old building like shouldnt-be-standing kinda old. Most of

    the letters are all worn off, cept the first four. Kids call it the Hype, like the

    letters on it we used to dare each other to go inside, like it was a haunted house

    or something.

    FRED: Seems it actually is one now.

    SPIKE: You think it's worth checking out?

    FRED: Its energy fields points to a passive repulsion which points to the fact

    that it could very much be our friendly ghost that resides in the mansion.


    SPIKE: So... you think it's worth checking out?

    FRED: [sarcastically] I'm sorry. Yes. Passive repulsion is good.

    RAINE: Okay then. Drew, Spike [pensive look in Rivers direction]

    loony youre with me on this one.

    DREW: What about Fred?

    RAINE: Shes not.

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    FRED: Im staying behind to make sure that the school is safe. If the ghost

    decides to make an appearance.

    SPIKE: [mumbling] Not to mention that the box was addresses to you in thefirst place.

    [Raine glares]

    FRED: [sweet smile] Spike?

    SPIKE: Yeah?

    FRED: Youll need this. [handing him a powerful looking gun]

    FOCUS on Spike as he examines the weapon and then lifts a quizzical eyebrow

    at the young scientist.

    SPIKE: Now see, I dont think this will do much good. She is after all


    FRED: Its a plasma gun. [at his stare] It is specifically modulated to dissolve

    the particles that the ghost exists of.

    SPIKE: Look, I don't speak smartass

    FRED: [sighing] It will get rid of the ghost.

    SPIKE: [smirk] Now, why didnt you just say so in the first place?

    FRED: Raine

    RAINE: Okay, lets get a move on before Fred gets all homicidal rage onSpike.

    The team moves towards the door, with Spike looking over his shoulder at the

    weary Fred.

    SPIKE: Be safe.

    FRED: [longing gaze] You too.


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    FADE IN-


    HIGH ANGLE down at TATUM GILES as he sits behind his desk. The

    distinguished Watcher looks very much like a man in power wearing a dark

    grey three piece suit and his hair carefully combed back.

    THE FIRST: [as Wesley] Did she get it?

    FULL SHOT of the room as THE FIRST appears from thin air in front of Tatum,

    the very picture of Wesley Wyndam-Price before his death.

    TATUM: [looking up] She got it.

    THE FIRST: Excellent.

    DOLLY SHOTS as The First walk around in the room, stopping every now and

    then to look at some pictures or diplomas.

    THE FIRST: So everything is going on well then?

    TATUM: [nodding] Yes, all according to the plan.

    THE FIRST: And neither one of them have any clue what we have in store for


    TATUM: [shaking his head] No. [frowning] I can see why our plans will

    affect the vampire, but [hesitating] Is it really necessary to involve Ms

    Burkle in them?

    MEDIUM SHOT as The First turn around to glance over at the man with

    narrowing eyes.

    THE FIRST: You care about this mortal?

    TATUM: She is one our brightest centuries of knowledge combined with the

    intellect of a God. She is a genius Id be hard pressed to get anything done

    without her

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    THE FIRST: [sneering] A God? She is only a friction of what she would be what sheshouldbe. The essence of Illyria may still reside but that has nomeaning if the god king is not reborn.

    TATUM: And the vampire? He will do anything in his power to keep Fredsafe.

    THE FIRST: When he realizes that Illyria might return? [sneer] Isnt that the

    beauty of it all? Either he chooses to save Fred and banish Illyria forever or he

    will let Fred die so that his beloved can return to his side. Either way, we win.


    TILTED SHOT at The First as he walks over to the window to gaze out into the


    THE FIRST: And so it begins


    FADE IN-


    EYE LEVEL SHOT of FRED as she raises a shacking hand that holds a syringe

    and flicks the plastic to stir the liquids within. Then PANNING OUT as she

    presses the needle against the skin in her arm, penetrating it and emptying the


    THE FIRST [as Wesley]: [v.o] Fred

    ANGLE on Fred as she drops the syringe and with wide open eyes look around

    the room which is completely empty except for herself. In her sudden fright

    she slips into her old Texas drawl from decades ago.

    FRED: Whos there? [they-er]


    FRED: [to herself] Gosh I must be losing it

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    A WIDE SHOT of the room as the young woman walks over the carpet and

    places herself in front of the mirror that hangs on the wall. She lifts a hand to

    trace her features while not letting her eyes of the reflection that mirrors her

    every movement.

    THE FIRST [as Wesley]: [v.o] Fred

    Fred swirls around to face an empty room. Looking like a lost little girl, she

    wraps her arms around herself and starts rocking back and forth on her heels.

    ILLYRIA: [v.o] Is there anything in this world but grief?

    EXTREME CLOSE UP on the lone tear that trickles down Freds pale cheek.


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    CLOSE UP on the bewildered expression in SPIKES face.

    SPIKE: No bloody way dear God, I shouldve known

    RAINE: [o.c] What?

    MEDIUM SHOT of the four of them, Spike, RAINE, DREW and RIVER, as

    they stand in a line looking at the old really old, building in front of them.

    SPIKE: [shaking his head] Its the old Hyperion. [at their stares] The hotel

    Angel owned.

    RAINE: Angel? The Angel? [emphasising] Oh

    DREW: [whistling] No kiddin.

    SPIKE: O, the irony that the ghost should be here.

    RAINE: Are we sure that the ghost is in that building?

    A howling noise is heard from inside the building.

    DREW: Ghosts, man. They creep me out.

    RAINE: Yeah. I mean theres gotta be something wrong with people that didntgo towards the white light. What, where they lazy or something?

    SPIKE: Hey!!

    RAINE: Hey, that light? At the end of the tunnel? Guess what? You should go

    towards it!!

    [Spike glares coldly at them]

    SPIKE: Lets go.

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    STEADICAM as the four of them walk up the stairs and enters the building

    through the trashed door that bravely hangs on its hinges

    -- they stop just inside and gaze around the dusty and dark lobby. The place is atotal mess, with open spaces where the floor shouldve been and holes in the

    ceiling and smashed furniture all over the room.

    SPIKE: Cosy.

    RAINE: Wonder what happened here.

    DREW: Time. [beat] Time happened.

    SPIKE: And I reckon a lot of other things.

    RAINE: Spike, go check the rooms on this floor while the rest of us take the

    other floors.

    FOCUS on Spike as the vampire nods and start walking towards what once was

    ANGELS office.

    The vampire has only taken a few steps when the floor beneath him suddenly

    gives in and he falls with a surprised yelp.

    A WIDE SHOT of the room as the other three run over to look down the gaping

    hole - -

    - - their POV as Spike as he lies unmoving in a pile of debris and dust.

    RAINE: Spike!!

    DREW: Hey man, are you alright?


    RAINE: Spike?

    SPIKE: [muffled] Whose idea was this? I'll kill ya.

    CUT TO -

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    DOWNWARDS ANGLE from the top of the stairs as DREW and SPIKE walksside by side up to the secondth floor, with RAINE and RIVER close behind.

    The silence is suddenly disrupted by a squeaking sound as River walks in a

    loose plank.

    DREW: [over his shoulder] Shhh! We're being stealthy!

    [Spike glares coldly at the watcher]

    DREW: Uh-oh. You've got the, I want to beat the living crap out of the Drew-

    man look in your eyes.

    RIVER: [tilting her head] Its close.

    DREW: [quickly] What is?

    SPIKE: [calmly] How close?

    RIVER: [distant look] Real close.

    FOCUS on Drew as he stares widely around him, looking very much peeved

    about the fact that a ghost might be close to where he stands.

    DREW: [whispering] Do you have the gun ready, Spike?


    DREW: Spike?


    DREW: [lamely] Wha?

    PANNING OUT to a WIDER SHOT to reveal that Drew is all alone.

    DREW: Uh oh. [Drew looked around confused and panicky] Help?

    OVER-THE-SHOULDER-SHOT as the ghost appears behind the Watcher - -

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    - -

    CUT TO-


    SPOTLIGHT on FRED standing in front of a computer, carefully studying the

    wide array of pictures of young girls passing by on the screen in a quick paste.

    FRED: [triumphantly] There she is!!

    LILY: [o.c] Who?

    ZOOMING OUT as LILY walks over to Fred and stares at the young woman in

    the picture that is frozen over the screen. It is rather obvious that it is the female

    ghost thats on the picture.

    FRED: Her name was Moira Callahan.

    LILY: [leaning in closer] It says that she was murdered a couple of years back.

    [beat] The police found her body in an abandoned building. [silently] The

    only evidence of who the murderer could have been was a sample of skin

    particles under her nails.

    FRED: Did they find out whom it belonged to?

    LILY: [shacking her head] No. They found a match to a man named Callum

    Moore, but they never found him.

    FRED: Callum Moore [frowning] Wasnt he a

    LILY: The rapport says that she had severe cuts inflicted on her torso and thatshe had a wooden stake right through her chest. [meeting Freds eyes] No

    You dont think?

    FRED: [slowly] She was a slayer.

    A CLOSE UP on the shocked expression in their faces - -

    CUT TO-

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    - - DREW turning around to face the angry ghost. His scream echoes through the


    MOIRA THE GHOST: [grinning] I think I saw your life flash by in your eyes.

    [beat] Watcher.

    DREW: [backing away] Watcher? [innocent look] What Watcher?

    MOIRA: I will kill everyone of your kind. I will swim in the pools of your

    blood and wallow in the agonising screams from your dying breaths as I tear out

    your throats

    SPIKE: [entering the screen] nuf with the poetry, ghost. [running a hand

    down his chest] Getting me all hot and bothered, you are.

    MOIRA: [wheezing] Vampire.

    And with that she vanishes into thin air with a tiny pop sound leaving Drew

    with a shocked expression all over his features and Spike with a frown in his

    handsome face.

    SPIKE: [looking at Drew] Just like the whelp you are. A demon magnet.


    SPIKE: [waving a hand in front of Drew] Are you all right? [pause] Are you

    emotionally traumatized?

    DREW: No No, I think Im fine

    SPIKE: [turns away] Well bloody thanks for ruining my fun.

    DREW: Wait! [as Spike stops] She was She was a slayer, wasnt she?

    ANGLE on Spike as he walks away from the scene.

    DREW: Spike!

    SPIKE: [over his shoulder] Yeah. She was a slayer alright.

    DREW: Oh my God

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    FADE IN-


    A WIDE SHOT of an unknown room. All four of the team members is gathered

    there, scattered all over the room. Drew stands in front of a window holding the

    plasma gun, River is circulating the room while Spike and Raine stands on the

    side, looking at the wall.

    RAINE: [slowly] Theres a draft here.

    SPIKE: Theres another room behind there dont remember it from before,

    but hey I wasnt around here much.

    RAINE: I have a feeling that our friendly ghost might hide behind there.

    DREW: Excuse me. [holding up a hand] Am I the only one who thinks it

    might be a little bit odd to kill of a ghost of a slayer?

    RAINE: [incredulous stare] She wanted to rip your throat out. [to Spike] Still

    cant believe you had to save him.

    DREW: I will try to ignore that. [insulted posture] But she is was a slayer

    after all. Shouldnt we be trying to find out why she wants to kill us?

    SPIKE: Drew? [beat] Don't clutter up a clever scheme with morality.

    TILTED SHOT of Raine as she leans forward and tries to loosen one of theplanks that separates the room that theyre in from the one on the other side. She

    struggles for a while her face getting redder and redder by the minute. And

    then she gives up and backs away.

    RAINE: We need to get a crowbar or something. These planks are sitting way

    too tight for me to take them down.

    [Spike rips them off with his bare hands.]

    RAINE: Or we can do that

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    SPIKE: Some slayer you are cant even think to rip up a bloody board

    RAINE: Okay then, Spike: youll go first.

    SPIKE: Why me?

    RAINE: [thoroughly fed up with his attitude for the past forever] Im theSlayer here. Youre a vampire. An old one, yeah, but I dont think thatssomething to be super proud of. That means you do what I tell you. When I say,

    move you move. When I say stop you stop. When I say jump, what do you


    SPIKE: [raises an eyebrow] Ladies first.

    The two of them is pushed aside as River pressed herself in between them and

    disappears into the gaping hole in the wall.

    SPIKE: [shouting into the hole] I didnt mean that literally. [afterthought]

    Well, I did, but

    RIVER: [o.c] bndn!!

    SPIKE: Hey!

    RIVER: Hun dan.

    SPIKE: Who are you calling an idiot, huh? At least Im not the one spacing out

    99 percent of the time!!

    RAINE: [pushing his shoulder] What the hell are you waiting for? Go after


    SPIKE: You know what? Make me!

    DREW: Uh, guys

    TIGHT SHOT of Spike and Raine as they stand face to face, both determent to

    not back down.

    RAINE: I should have staked you a long time ago.

    SPIKE: [snorting] I would have liked to see you try, slayer.
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    DREW: [o.c] Guys

    RAINE: [sneer] Youre such a such a

    SPIKE: uptight bitch is what you are.

    RAINE: [forming her hands as claws] You

    DREW: [distressed] Guys!!

    Spike and Raine turn in unison towards the Watcher.

    CHORUS: What?!!

    A WIDE SHOT of the scene to reveal Drew standing in the middle of the room

    without the plasma gun.

    SPIKE: [narrowing eyes] What happened to the gun?

    DREW: Some demons took it.


    SPIKE: [deadly voice] Demons took it? [beat] And how, exactly, could they

    take it from you?

    DREW: Uhm they were pretty fast?

    And all hell broke loose - -

    - -

    SPIKE: [yelling] A buggering moron is what you are, Watcher!!

    RAINE: How the hell could you lose the gun, Drew? You held it in your arms!

    DREW: Well sorry for not being perfect!!

    RIVER: [stepping out into the room] Bizui.

    SPIKE: No, you shut up!

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    RIVER: Nimen dou shi sagua! [waving her arms] Shouting and making

    noises when best to stay silent we are. Like children you are. Bickering and

    fighting over nothing.

    RAINE: Nothing?! [fuming] Thatgun was the only thing that could kill theghost!

    [River rolls her eyes]

    RIVER: Yeah, andyou, the Slayerand the Vampire just let it get taken!Bickering too much to even notice some rutting demons coming in and beating

    up the Watcher!


    DREW: [quietly, insulted] I didnt get beat up, really

    TILTED SHOT of Spike as he reaches for his pocket and takes out a device that

    looks like a tiny computer chip.

    RAINE: Whatta ya doing?

    SPIKE: m calling Fred. [at her stare] We need reinforcements.

    Spike pushes down a little button and a image of Fred is instantly projected in

    the middle of the room. [Hologram of some sorts]

    SPIKE: [mumbling] Gotta love the future.

    HOLOGRAM FRED: What is it?

    SPIKE: The plasma thing was stolen.

    HOLOGRAM FRED: What?! How could this happen?

    RAINE: [scowling] Ask

    SPIKE: [interrupting] Doesnt matter. The fact is that the gun is gone.

    FOCUS on the holographic image of Fred as she seems to think things over.

    Then she nods as if reaching a conclusion.

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    FRED: Im coming over there. While you wait for my arrival you can split up

    in teams and begin searching for the gun.

    SPIKE: Uh,. Fred, theres something you should know about this place

    FRED: What is it?

    SPIKE: [second thought] Nothing. [beat] See you soon.

    The hologram shuts off and Spike places the chip in his pocket once again, with

    a pensive expression in his face.

    RAINE: You didnt tell her? [as he looks up] She used to live here, didnt


    SPIKE: [nodding] Once upon a time.

    DREW: So How shall the teams be decided?

    Spike and Raine turn around and sends the man cold glares.

    DREW: Oh. [looking at River] I guess its you and me then

    RIVER: [sarcastically] Shi ma?

    A CLOSE UP on the sad expression in the young Watchers face.

    DREW: Ah, crap


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    A LONG SHOT of a corridor as SPIKE and RAINE comes walking towards the


    RAINE: So there I was; fighting a bunch of vampires with a case of bad PMS

    and a critical shortage of tampons.

    SPIKE: You know, as much as Im enjoying this recent bonding thing weve

    had going on, you might try to remember that Im aguy.

    [Raine gives him an evil glare]

    SPIKE: Fine, forget I said anything, [sigh] Please, Raine, tell me all about

    your menstrual cycle.

    RAINE: So, as I was saying: a criticalshortage of tampons [fading out]- -

    CUT TO-

    - - DREW and RIVER walking side by side down another dark corridor. Drew

    seems slightly uncomfortable with his companion while River is happily

    humming on a tune.

    DREW: [mumbling beneath his breath] Just my luck.

    RIVER: What is?

    DREW: Heard that did you? [sigh] No offence, River, but youre kinda

    sporting the title as the looniest slayer ever alive. It doesnt spark much

    confidence to be frank.

    RIVER: [tilting her head] Youre afraid of me. [smiling] Fang xin, Drew, I

    will not hurt you. [zoning out] Not yet anyway.

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    DREW: Er thanks?

    RIVER: [pointing ahead] The demons went that way.

    DREW: Really? [looking in that direction] How do you know?

    RIVER: I just do.

    And with that she speeds up her paste and Drew is left behind with a weary

    expression. Then he sighs and runs up beside her.

    RIVER: He doesnt hate you.

    DREW: What?

    RIVER: Spike. [furtive glare] He just teases you to make sure that youre

    prepared for whats to come.


    DREW: You seem remarkably lucid now, River.

    RIVER: [beaming smile] s a faze. It will pass.

    DREW: Great. [whimpering sound] I wish Fred was here


    FADE IN-


    SPOTLIGHT on FRED standing in front of the HYPE with a pale face and wide

    eyes as she stares at the old building.

    FRED: Dear heavens

    We follow her with a STEADICAM as she starts to pace back and forth,

    sometimes coming to a halt to stare at the Hype with narrowing eyes.

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    FRED: [ranting, slipping slightly into her Texas drawl again as she panics] No,

    not possible Some kinda cosmic joke

    She comes to a halt and turn around so that she faces the stairs leading up to theentrance.

    FRED: I cant [makes a move to walk away]

    ILLYRIA: [v.o] When the world met me - it shuddered. It groaned and knelt

    at my feet

    ZOOMING IN on Fred as her back stiffens and she lifts her chin high. It

    takes a little while, but then she faces the building again and this time shewalks up to the entrance with definite strides.

    She enters into the trashed lobby and as she does so, it is almost as if she

    passes through an invisible energy field: she seems strangely suspended in

    mid air for a moment and theres some kind of breeze that blows her long her

    away from her face.

    AN EXTREME CLOSE SHOT at Freds face as she open her eyes to reveal

    that theyre completely neon blue. A creepy smile spreads over her lips.

    FRED: [with Illyrias voice] This will do.

    PANNING OUT as the woman walks gracefully over the floor and heading

    towards the stairs - -

    CUT TO-

    - - Fred turns a corner and finds herself face to face with SPIKE and RAINE.

    She comes to a halt and tilts her head as she let her eyes roam over the two of

    them. Her eyes are the only things bearing the appearance of Illyria.

    FRED: Did you find the gun?

    RAINE: No.

    SPIKE: [narrowing eyes] Fred?

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    ANGLE on Fred as she blinks and focus on the vampire. Now her eyes are back

    to their normal colour.

    FRED: Yeah?

    SPIKE: [shaking his head] s nothing. For a moment [frowning] It was


    RAINE: [raised eyebrow] Okay

    FRED: You know what Im thinking right now?

    RAINE: No?

    [Fred looks at Spike]

    SPIKE: Well, Im not bloody Matt Parkman, am I?! I cant read minds!

    RAINE: Who?

    FRED: [sighing] Im thinking that Raine should go and find out where Drew

    and River are and then bring them back to the room where the additional room


    RAINE: Okay.

    As Raine walks off, Fred turns her full attention to Spike who studies her with

    a strange expression in his face.

    FRED: What is it?

    SPIKE: [shrugging] Youre not spacing out.

    FRED: Why would I space out?

    SPIKE: Seeing as you have a kind of history with this building

    FRED: [calmly] Memories and echoes of a past long forgotten. This is not the

    place of which she dwelled


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    SPIKE: What?

    FRED: [blinking] What..?

    SPIKE: Did you just? [big eyes] Are you you?

    FRED: [looking at him as if hes crazy] Who else would I be? [beat] Are you

    sure that youre alright, Spike?

    SPIKE: Yeah Yeah, Im alright.

    UNKNOWN VOICE: Are you sure, vampire?

    ZOOMING OUT into a WIDE SHOT of the scene as one unclassified species of

    demon rounds the corner and comes to a stop in front of the two of them

    holding the missing plasma gun in a tight grip.

    DEMON: cause I would think the fact that youll soon be having your dust

    blowing in the wind would make you sort of I dont know jittery?

    SPIKE: [snorting] Jittery? [the Big Bad smirk] I wouldnt think so, mate.

    DEMON: No?

    SPIKE: Give us the plasma gun.

    DEMON: What plasma gun?

    SPIKE: Fred, rip his arms off.

    ANGLE on Fred as she takes a step forward towards the demon. We can see her

    eyes flare neon blue as can the demon, but this fact is totally lost to the

    vampire standing behind the young scientist.

    DEMON: [yelping] Oh, you mean this plasma gun.

    Fred takes the gun carefully from the demon and hands it over to Spike, who

    steps forward to take the weapon.

    DEMON: So Ill just be going

    FOCUS on Fred as she moves with incredible speed and places herself in frontof the surprised demon. Without hesitation, she places her hands on either sides

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    of the demons face and twists it cleanly of his neck. Then, as the body crashes

    to the floor, she throws the head into a dusty corner.

    SPIKE: [shaking his head] Was that really necessary? It didnt seem to pose a


    FRED: It was an abomination and served no purpose to us alive. [dismissive

    wave] We have the gun now and can kill the ghost.

    SPIKE: Okay, I knew something was different!!

    A MEDIUM SHOT as Spike steps forward and twist Fred around so that she

    comes face to face with him.

    SPIKE: Whats wrong, Fred?

    FRED: Nothing is wrong, Spike. [face softening] Im just a little off my

    game being back in this place.

    SPIKE: But you said that you were okay with it.

    FRED: [frowning] I did? I must have been spacing out then.

    SPIKE: Uhuh. [suspicious glare] Are you

    DREW: [o.c] Fred!! Oh, by the graces of!

    RAINE: [o.c] Oh, shut it, Drew!!

    RAINE, DREW and RIVER enters the frame.

    FRED: Hey, guys.

    DREW: Youre here! And you have the gun!!

    SPIKE: Exceptional skills of observation you got there, Watcher.

    The room is suddenly filled with a ringing noise coming from Spikes pocket.

    The vampire sighs and picks out the chip and the image of TATUM GILES

    appears in the middle of the room right where River stands.

    RIVER: Shiny.

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    SPIKE: River? Get out of the way.

    TATUM: [as River moves] Have you found the ghost?

    FRED: Weve found the location where she is, sir.

    TATUM: But she isnt dead yet?

    DREW: Well, technically she is dead

    TATUM: Drew.

    DREW: [looking down] Sorry, sir.

    FRED: Sir This ghost, she was a slayer.

    TATUM: I know.

    RAINE: Huh? [perplexed] You knew?

    TATUM: This happened before my time Apparently this slayer, Moira

    Callahan went rogue teamed up with a bunch of demons and tried to bring

    down the Watchers Council. It backfired tough and her Watcher found out abouther evil plans. He took matter in his own hands and convinced some of the other

    Watchers to help him in the assassination of Moira.


    TATUM: Sending you the holographic recapturing of the crime scene

    FOCUS on the hologram as Tatum fades away to give place of the image of a

    dark room. The walls are splattered with blood and in a pile of blood on thefloor, lay the body of a young girl [Moira] with her head twisted in an unnatural

    angle. Her clothes are almost torn completely off her body and she has cuts and

    bruises all over her pale skin. And a stake protrudes from her chest right where

    her heart is.

    A shilling scream echoes through the room


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    A shilling scream echoes through the room.

    FADE IN-

    Everyone turn in unison to look at the ghost that materializes in front of them.

    She in turn has all her focus on the disturbing image that the hologram makes.

    MOIRA: Lies! [she cried] All lies!! They killed me because I refused to obey

    their orders They murdered me

    DREW: Spike, shoot her!!

    ANGLE on Spike as he stands motionless, looking at the ghost with compassion

    written all over his features.

    RAINE: Spike!!

    MOIRA: [focusing on Spike] You know, dont you?

    TILTED SHOT as she makes her way over to the still vampire. She stops in

    front of him and lifts a hand as if to caress his cheek only that her hand passes

    right through his skin.

    MOIRA: You know what its like, to be less than you were.

    RAINE: [stern voice] Spike!!

    MOIRA: You need to listen I didnt do those things

    SPIKE: [silently] I know.

    MOIRA: I wouldnt be their obedient puppy anymore and they decided that Iwas expandable.

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    RAINE: Oh, for the love of!

    Spike is violently pushed aside by Raine as she rips the gun from his hands. He

    doesnt have time to react as she aims at Moira and presses the trigger.

    SPIKE: No!

    Moiras eyes meet Spikes for what seems to be an eternity, then the room is

    filled with the sound of the gun blast and the ghost easily ducks out of the way.

    MOIRA: [grimly] You cant win this, you know. You cant touch me.

    Raine charges at her again, but Moira sweeps through her easily. Drew charges

    as well, trying to aid his Slayer, but he is spun about by her and collapses onto a

    pile of wood and metal. His shoulder is wounded. Raine gets back up and takes

    a few pointless swings at Moira.

    MOIRA: Youre just a human. Youre just alive. You dont know what that


    Raine swings a couple more times, and is spun around as Drew was, collapsing

    once before jumping up again.

    MOIRA: You dont know how hard you have to try [dodging a punch from

    Raine]. Just to stay real [dodging a kick] Just to be able to survive as a

    goddamn ghost [Raine punches twice, and misses both times,] To be able

    to hurt the people who killed you to kill them back to touch them at all

    Raine charges her, but Moira just glares, landing a vicious kick to the Slayers

    stomach. Raine flies across the room, baffled, and is knocked unconscious by a

    falling beam that collapses from the wall she crashed into.

    MOIRA: You have to really want it.

    CUT TO-


    TATUM standing in front of the window with his back to the office. Then a

    sound from the door makes him turn around as LILY walks in.

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    LILY: Sir. [she bows her head respectfully] You wanted to speak to me?

    TATUM: Yes. [he sat down behind the desk] I want you to do a spell for me,

    my dear.

    LILY: A spell?

    TATUM: [nodding] I want you to locate someone.

    LILY: A locator spell? [wrinkled forehead] But, sir That kind of spell is

    well within the limits of your power. Why do you need me?

    TATUM: The one who I want locates is someone of great importance. And she

    is far too long away for my mere powers to summon.

    LILY: Theres a summoning as well?

    TATUM: You will perform the spell, Lily.


    LILY: I understand. [beat] Who will I be summoning?

    TATUM: The slayer Moira.

    A CLOSE UP on the shocked expression in Lilys face.


    FADE IN-


    A WIDE SHOT of the room, to reveal DREW and RAINE being down for the

    count for the moment.

    SPIKE and FRED is facing the angry ghost, while RIVER is kneeling beside the

    whimpering Drew and pressing a hand to his shoulder.

    MOIRA: Surrender or it will end for you as it has for your friends.

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    SPIKE: Moira

    FRED: I would like to see you try.

    MOIRA: [raising an eyebrow] You doubt me? Unwisely of you.

    FRED: I cannot let you succeed with your plans. The Watchers Council is not

    responsible for your unfortunate death. It was your own actions that led to your


    MOIRA: [screaming] Wrong!!

    SPIKE: Not helping, Fred.

    ANGLE on Moira as she turns her attention towards the vampire.

    MOIRA: You know the truth. [pleadingly] Make them see the truth! I knew

    of you I knew all about Spike. William the Bloody. I heard about everything

    you did for us for the Slayers! You know what happened;please you haveto keep fighting for us

    SPIKE: [shaking his head] Even if I do what do you think will happen?

    The ghost comes to a stand still as she stares at the weary vampire, her features

    softening as tears starts running down her pale cheeks.

    MOIRA: I will find peace.

    SPIKE: [silently] That I can sympathize with.

    MOIRA: Then you will help?

    SPIKE: With killing every Watcher in the Council?

    MOIRA: Yes.

    SPIKE: [shaking his head] Cannot do that, pet.

    FOCUS on Spike as he reaches down to pick up the plasma gun that lies on the

    floor in front of him. He calmly takes aim at the ghost.

    SPIKE: You see; I am a Watcher also.

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    A SHOT of the shocked expression in Moiras face before her features twist

    into that of wrath and deadly intentions.

    MOIRA: Then youll die too, traitor.

    FRED: [as Moira charges at Spike] Spike!!

    SPIKE: Okay, Neo dodge this.

    Spike pulls the trigger and the blast hit Moira squarely in the chest sending her

    flying into the wall and then dissolving into a million particles. They seem to be

    slowly falling towards the floor then theres a sudden breeze that swirls them

    around and it all vanishes into thin air.


    RAINE: [waking up from the floor] I thought her name was Moira?


    FADE IN-


    SPOTLIGHT on a particular spot in the office; suddenly a whirling dust cloud

    appears in the middle of the room, slowly revealing the features of a screaming

    MOIRA as her body takes form. [Much like how Spike appeared in front of the

    fang gang in Ats 5x01 Conviction.]

    TATUM: [o.c] Welcome, Ms Callahan.

    PANNING OUT into a WIDE SHOT as the old Watcher stands up behind his

    desk. Behind him, with the back against the room, stands THE FIRST looking

    like Wesley Wyndham-Pryce. He also turns around to look calmly at the

    disoriented woman.

    MOIRA: Wha [wetting her lips] What happened?

    TATUM: You died, my dear. [walking towards her] But we saved you.

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    MOIRA: You [gasping for air] What?

    FOCUS on the young woman as she lifts a trembling hand to her face. Then she

    blinks and stares with wide open eyes at the other two.

    TATUM: Yes.

    He reaches out and takes her shaking hand in his big, squeezing it gently.

    TATUM: Youre alive, Moira.

    MOIRA: Alive

    A TIGHT SHOT of her face as she begins to cry, whispering thanks to God that

    shes alive and real.

    THE FIRST: Yes. And we have a mission for you.


    END OF EPISODE 1x04.

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