the solar system, justin kim

Post on 02-Dec-2014






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  • 1. The Solar System By. Justin Kim 8B

2. General Information

  • 1) Revolve: Is when a planet orbits around another planet or a star.
  • 2) Rotate: This is when a planet or a star spins on its axis.
  • 3) There are now 8 planets found in the solar system.
  • 4) Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are the inner planets.
  • 5) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are the outer planets.
  • 6) The inner planets are inside the asteroid belt while the outer planets are outside of the asteroid belt and are very far from the sun.
  • 7) The inner planets have more craters than the outer planets because the sun is using its gravity to pull comets towards the inner planets and also the inner planets are closer to the asteroid belt.
  • 8) Orbit: A specific path followed by a planet, satellite, etc.
  • 9) It has to orbit the sun, have to have enough gravity to pull itsel to a spherical shape, and it needs to have nothing in its orbit.
  • 10) Dwarf Planets are objects not as big as a planet but not too small to be considered a meteor.
  • 11) Ceres, Eris, and Haumea are the three dwarf planets.

3. Mercury

  • 1) The sun causes Mercury to have no substancialatmosphere.
  • 2) Helium and Sodium is composed in Mercurys atmosphere.
  • 3) The three processes which shaped Mercury are the impact cratering, volcanism, and tectonic activity.

4. Venus

  • Venus is referred to be a evening star because it is the most brightest planet viewed from Earth.
  • Venuss atmosphere contains carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid.
  • Retrograde rotation is when it rotates in a clockwise direction.
  • Since the rotation is also very slow it takes longer for a day than a year.
  • The sun will rise in the west if you were in Venus because it is rotating clockwise.
  • Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system because carbon dioxide and the sulfuric acidtraps the heat from getting out.

5. Earth

  • The atosphere contains 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, 0.9% Argon, and the other 0.1 are other types of air.
  • The atmosphere absorbs harmful radiation and also protects us from meteors.
  • The rotational tilt of the Earth is 23.5degrees.
  • The core has a molten iron-nickel which causes the magnetic field around the Earth.
  • The Earth only has one satellite called the Moon.

6. Mars

  • In mars ancient bacteria are found in their meteorites which makes the scientists think that there are signs of life in mars.
  • Carbon Dioxide is the primary element in the atmosphere of Mars.
  • Mars has soils rich in iron-laden clay which makes Mars have a Reddish-Orange color.
  • Olympus Mons is a 600km tall mountain in Mars.
  • Mars have two small satellites called Phobos and Deimos.

7. Jupiter

  • Jupiters fast rotation causes Jupiter to flatten at the poles and bulge in the equator.
  • Jupiters atmosphere contains hydrogen, helium, sulfur, and nitrogen.
  • A Great Red Spot is a hurricane like storm which lasts very long.
  • 63 satellites are found in Jupiter.
  • Io is a satellites of Jupiters which has volcanically Active.

8. Saturn

  • Saturns atmosphere contains hydrogen and helium.
  • Astronomers believe the rings developed from particles that resulted from the break-up of naturally occurring satellites.
  • The compositions of the rings are ice, rock, and a bit of gas.
  • Saturn has a very small density making itself able to float.
  • Saturns Season is long as 7 years.

9. Uranus

  • Uranus rotates in its side.
  • Hydrogen, helium, and methane makes up Uranuss atmosphere.
  • Uranus have 27 known satellites.

10. Neptune

  • Neptunes atmosphere is made up of ammonia, helium, and methane.
  • Neptune has 13 known satellites.
  • The largest satellite is Triton. Scientists think Triton was not originally Neptunes Moon. They theorize that Triton was captured by Neptune's gravitational pull, forcing it into an orbit around the planet.

11. Pluto

  • Plutos three moons are called Charon, Nix, and Hydra.
  • Scientists learned that Pluto had Methane Frost using a spectroscope.
  • Charon had water frost and sometimes appeared more blue than Pluto.

12. Ceres

  • It takes 4.6 Earth Years to have Ceres have one complete revolution.
  • Ceres was once considered an asteroid because it was orbiting between Jupiter and Mars.
  • Ceres has a rocky core and a icy mantle. .

13. Eris

  • Eriss original name was Xena.
  • It takes 557 Earth years for Eris to orbit once.
  • Eris has a moon named Dysnomia.
  • Eris is not considered a planet because it does not clear out its orbit.

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