the souper bowl of caring began with one youth group and a simple prayer: “lord, as we enjoy the...

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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The Souper Bowl of Caring began with one youth group

and a simple prayer:

“Lord, as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those without a bowl of soup to


The Vision:Transforming Super Bowl weekend into the nation’s largest youth-led weekend

of giving and serving

Why Super Bowl Weekend?

140 million American viewers

Largest one-day sporting event in the


Participation is Easy!

•Register at to receive free promotional materials

•Collect donations on Super Bowl Sunday

•Report your results to the Souper Bowl of Caring so ALL of the totals can be added together and the country can see the power of caring

•Donate 100% to the charity of your choice!

Witness what one $1.00 or one can good will do when we all unite to give.

“I tell you the truth, whatever you did for

one of the least of these brothers of

mine, you did for me.”

-Matthew 25:40

SBoC is local in impact…

•Youth experience the joy of serving Christ by serving others

•Local food banks, shelters and soup kitchens receive donations and awareness

and nationalin scope.

More than 14,000

organizations generated $10

million in 2008!

Support the efforts of your youth group as they lead

this movement of caring.

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