the southeastern...~ck, steve gleim,...

Post on 06-May-2018






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OCTOBER 11 THE . I I . . . .- . l > .. : _: . -~ ; :~ · . ·. ~~ I .

SOUTHEASTERN OJI'li'IOIA.L Oah.&N ~UTBB~ ft'.A. ... oo~• 1


OCTOBER 11 ' .

I - • '


New Building ; Schedule Olc'd


'_. Pr~~~ Set 'Fo~ .. .!.mecoming; 3~.nd1~elebration OctoberJ 11·

Parade! Game, . I Dance Scheduled

Approval of the biggest 'buUdlng program for Southeastern In recent years was completed last _week, when, upon the recommendation of . President T. T. Montgomery, Dr. W. R. Skipping, chief educational of­fleer for the U. S. commissioner of education, stamped his OK on a ce­quest to aid In facllftles for ac­commodating a stlll-growlng enroll­ment.

Four new bulldlngs to be incl•tded 1n · the construction progra.m1 1 tem!' porarily scheduled to be completed In January, are a cafeteria, a new classroom building, a laundry an<J... washroom, and an lnflrmary.

Also pendlng approval are ap­pllcationa for a day n-:JrSery and a recreational buUdlng.

Descriptions outlined are for a cafeteria of 3,000 square feet of floor space, housing a complete unit, kitchen equipment, and• dlning room, fully equipped with necessary heat­lDit, lighting, and plumblDg. , 'Phe cl&.ssroom building, of 5,000

square feet area, will. house space . .tor eight standard cla811rooms. Lal,lil­

dry and washroom, complete with floor fi%ed tubs, washlng machines,

• and hot and cold water, and cover­~g -an area of appro%ima.tely 800 square feet, will- be located conveni­ently to the .veterans' ho~ units recently CODStr-.lCted. The f.nfirma.ry :Ia to cover approxlma.tely 1600 square feet. ·

The new bulldlngs are representa­tive of the giant strides the college 18 making in order to keep pace with the · increaSed enrollment, and in order to give deaira.ble facllitles to the many veteran's and their famUies w.ho 'are inaldng their homes in Du­rant whlle ·atten.dlng achool.

Another note In accordance , with VJ!terails' needs 1s the construction, underway at the preeent time, of 45 _additional houalng units, being mov­'!4 to the college campus :trom. Camp Howze, Texas, and to be ready for occupation by veterans' families In 'the not-too-distant future.

Bridges Is. New ~et Apprcaiser . . Professor Olin R. Bridges, who fi;>r the past few years has been on ex­tension duty at Southeastern, has been named appraiser for the Vet­erans' Adinlnistration at the col-lege. .

Remaining on the faculty, Mr. Bridges wm work with other vet­erans' officers, it_ being hls duty to mtervlew and counsel veterans, and

"to administer tests and inventories for vocational fitness surveys.

This week the Savages wUl jGurney up to Tahlequah to do battle with Doc Wadley's Northeastern Redmen, Friday, October 4,

' I

Aostin· Earnest Heads .~vets' . Club

· l .•

• . '·Austin_ Eff!.rnest1 O~lahoma Cl.ty, ~a.S . el~cted president of the veter­a.?'!l' •orP.nfza.tion f t the first m~­

. tog or the ~est\1r, September 19. • """1 ' • ' . . • Other offll!:ers nr~ Bert Lana, Stul-- , .> , 1

. - .. well •. vice-Pll!'!sldent; and Miss Judy

Here•s Ther .~ouncil Above I are !members, oftic~~. ~d ·ns:~rt; 'C8,tl~~· secrel ta.ry. . -advisers oc your student council . .Members ""ill e ~or the !lrst' semester - H;ask~l' Clark.. . veteran advisor, and officers are chosen for the entire yea~11. Frol rolV left to Hght, ~ ~d J . . Ct. Glenn, c-l mhietrodf of thedetoguld-

. : . · - ....... ce ceo er, were uc the .Myra Jean Guthrie, jumor , Dr. A. E . Sh r, c unctl advltter, J;Tesident up t this t1ng T . T. Montgomery; David Williams, presl~ent o( the council; and Miss _grq a ;· ~ee · Betty Choate, secre~y-treas~rer. Second rofw, le* to right,~· Dorotliy ·a ~~~rsht)np carthcls w~~.~~~tl at HJ!len Maddox, and Jack Lewis, freshme ; Richard Puckett and 'Miss dl. toe! n~. T' ...... e nla~ht Se~ ... te on El•-- G zal i Th G 1 r :- , . . au r um ues._y, g ' ll m­

u.a. on es, sen ors. lrd row, ay en Earnest and Miss · Patsy. Cox, b 2·4 • th 1 h j • .:.ed • 1 • • • - e~ ,.,o oseveera.nsw o ou.

so~homores; and J. c. Curry, jr., junior. ~ck, Steve Gleim, vice-preSl-~'tJl~ Veter- Clu . dent of the councU. I I _ · · Scdtty Nobles, lphur, addressed

. - · . \ l · · -. the. group· on. the general purpose. ot

Coundl Names Faculty , Adds··.-·· -thi>!~~ ;::-~~~ Bri~ea. Y rb k OH• T M · asslsta.nt_ ~strar,l and Miss Geral-~ ~

. - . · JalJ).es Mo!Tlson, ~iss Beth Robnett.

ea 00 l(er5 re ·en- · ~--- ine .s~? :~d MJss Betty ~-. .. . ~n; ~tudent worketa in the veterans'

.A yearbook for Southeastern . In Thr'ee addltl&ns have !Jeen made offiee, .were ·amo, those preseri.t as 1946-1947 became a certalnty last to thT faculty In the past we~. to g-JetJts. ~ •.

aid ~ acco~tlon of . bulgfu:g , The vet~ra.n. enryllment totals 457; week, when members of the student council )took final a,qtion on the se­'lectlon of an edltor-tD-chief and. business manager.

Joh.n Clark, Durant, was designat­ed editor, and Joe Montgomery, Ben­nington, business manager. Outlines for the completion of the staff will be drawn up tomorrow when the two officials wlll meet with the student council for further planning.

Clark, a special stud'ent at So'.lth­eastern, Is an art major, had wide experience in commerc18.1 art work, and in journalistic work, both in clvillan life and duri.ilg service with the U. S. Army. He was a mem­ber of the staff of the Brooks Field Observer, published at Brooks· Field, San Antonio, Texas, and after dis­charge, was employed on the .San Antonio Light, before returning to school.

Montgomery, a sopho~ore, Is also a veteran of service with the armed forces. During the year, he served as president of the veterans' organization at Southeastern.

A name for the yearbook, the ~t to be publlf!bed at Southea~;~t­ern slnce 1928, iS yet to be chosen, and will probably b4} selected from suggestions from the student body.

Work will begin im~ediately, with the completion of plans and ar­rangements, and support and, co­operation of the entire student body is requested by the student council for thls 'Jndertaklng. .

class~. Charles , ~gles,- . R. ~w; wi_th; treshm'en _making up almost Hark Y. and c. B. TrammeD; halt the group. ·s~cla.l students bold accep ed poa tions at Bouthea.s,terp{ secqnd pbsiti~;>n with 144, aophom9res

Mr. l Engles. a ) ~~uat'e or South- and· juniors · }otal rut 40 sturlents easterp- in 1942, has joined th_e "de-· each;'anW~. sent , 5 post gradu­partm;ent o! pysical , sclenoe, and at.e; and 3 high sc ool students com­began\ his d11tie6. as :'chemistry in-· p~e~e :t~e . . v"'teran nrollm~nt. Four­structor las Wednesday. · Immedf.!: teen ·veterans· are attending school ately 'I ,prior Ito lUs return - t~ the Without. assrstance ,of the GI Bffi of campus, he was employe(\ In Tex- ·Rights, arkan~' • Ark~, following his dis-· . Of the '9. 'females and 44.8-.males, 119 charg from , the · Army Alr .~~ ur~ ~a.trled and 3' Bingle. · He h d served 1n the EUropean ·The majority ot veterans are en-theat of. operation~ He recelv~ ri:illed, i~ ·· pre-professional coursea~ his mmisSion at. N-ew .Haven, Mat;herri'atics ;. scte~ce, hi&tory, Eng-Conn~~icut, land·' had achieved the Ush; phy~iear education, industrial rank of tirstl lleutenani at the .tim~ .ru:ts• ~icul~1J!e, :f!usic, and coach­of his! dischal-ge. , • : '· . 1ng ate other fields In which veterans

Mr. !Harkey begins his . classes · In a1 _,· participating. the f th deP!u-tment today. For. the -' ~u~tui. 'Earnest erv\d as a cap­past ~o years, he - has taught at ~ itt the Arm Air Corps. Bert Mwfa.r State college; TtshDmingo, .Lan~1!3 _i-a,~g WWf· Pfc. in the In­and for a nu~bers o! yea.r-s previous- fantry•. and be .served In the Euro­ly, he~lw~s supeript~n'iient of schools .P~ · theatet; ot o1 rationa receiving at Ft. Towsop.. He is also a · graclu-• am~ng- ~tS: a, wards he F-.lrple Heart, ate of Southeastern; receiving a B. Oak. J;.ea-tCh'lster, nd good conduct S. de · ee_ in 11927, and he Jiolds· a medal:. . " :' masteij:s de~e • in mathematics' ~~ · ~ei:-.t, seryed as T-Sgt. in from pklaho~a •University, . _ • . · . the ·;w~q · wi~ more than a Y:ear's

Mr. 1Trammell has Joined .:tb~· ex;- .sex;vJce · 111- . the sputhwest Pacific tension dePQrtment, and _has .~Y ar-ea. · · . ·: begun

1his t?ur o! ,(\uty. Irt'has ~n · -~- -------

superintendent of schoois at Mead' · I ror mby ye{u-s. and bas achieved I . c· · .. , . ·k u . promil~ence ~D state eibca.tlo,nai . ·"·... -~- m· I . g p drcles.l At tlie present time. ·he is presldEf.t of ~~~.Alumni .A,Sso,c1ation· . . . . 1

or Southeastern. H holds .a B. A. Tom9rrp'Y, ..,.... 10 a. m. - County

How To Keep From Wtalking~ ,.But Do.n't Call Him Henry

degree [from Sputheastern, and an M:.' grO).l).>S :wur. meet for organization. A. f rotn 'Ol~lll.homa Univers'lty . . He Rooms alld grou to be designated has se~ed twh terms as county 'sup- . in tOl;rl.orrow's ' buDetln. Go to your erinten ent br 2\!a !!hall -.C9i:mty home GO~nty•,;gi-o;r' anftelp in the schools I : ~ ·Homec~mlng..,. pl .

• . ··! - ..... I I . . .. . . - . ...- : . . . . I ' •

. Saturday Class . 0 • T'l?~orrow.,.-;1 t~5 p. m.-Recrea-

5 h d I , • d . · · tioli agal..q. ·Iti~ a gUlarly scheduled

c e u e L•st• - I . 'a.tfair now, .Kids, 0 drop 1n for fun Satu~pay' c~ses ~ sem~ter in;;- and dan,cing · 'mo~t every Tuesday

·. . Wheal tbe decreaaecl aupply and lncreaaed demand for can~ threaten-

ed to keep -him on his own two feet· for transportation, Charles Clark, veteran ot World War rr now a student at Southeastern State College, took matter~~ into his own two hands and came up with a three-wheeled contraption that would riYal the Model: T for apeed.

Charlea, •ho UYea In Durant, is majoring ln bualness a.dministratio~. Before entering Southeaatern last January, ht aerved 1n the Army. with the peNollnel ~~ervlcea u BD entm11WJ:er • .

elude three courses 1n edt.acation; a.nd .',J.'bursaayl.atternoon. 352

1 36%, and 372; History ,:-,33t Art : ' ' . - , . . ·: :: f:: - -

103, and HomJ Ecot:lOJ11ics 42!! (child ~~~Y re · ~ead~ now-student dlrec­care). ·1 . . , ·· . toz:t~- ·Be s~re t~ buy Q!le, to use

The lasses meet ev~ Saturday n!>~· · n~d tQ -~meplber later •... and morning on ~e catppus. ·Thf!Y are _tlla'tlk the _st.'tde~~ co·mcU for pro-taught ~Y the faculty,_ and caunt'f~ V!ding .t"t: . .. ·,. 1

residenJe cr4t. : · :· . . •. (~ o.'t'e age Two)

Large Attendance EX~t~d At OE.A; Al~rt,l Hays · Tc;t>Ad~res~.~- S~~sions

Two thousand d.elegates ' ti-om ,the presldent;,-rand A. L. Pool, Healdton, twelve l coun~ comprising' : the- sec~taty--~ • Southealltern Division of ..-the Okla- ' · ·vlalf!ng . teai:hera wlli be admit­hom& Education ~latloru are ex.:; ted on tliefr. OEA cards to the foot­PC:cted to attend U.~ annual distri~t ball ~e bet-~ 1southeastern and conven~on on the Southeastern Northeastern -Ftiaay evening. State Cqllege dmpus October. ~· aDd . ~~ ~9-· ~ prealde- over the 25. 1 t! QIIeral l,'lesSlan Thuraday, Oct.

Carl tlbert, l>eJllocratic .Corigrie-, 24: The w~time a.dcJreaa will be sional qomin~ from Oklahomala 'given by 't• T. Montgomery, pr'e81-Third J?lstrict,L a~d Brooks Ha¥8, dent ·' or· -~ou~rn State college. Congresema.n rrom Arkaaaaa, are . The prc)sram 'for the convention among the apeakenl who will 8.ddreu includes.. three .ge,nera1 11888lons and the edu~ton during ' t,;he tw~~ ten de~ meetlnp. session. 1 • 1 • _ • Thl\t Durant . .Chamber of Commeree

The District <?.EA officers whq will ' Wlll'i~.Y, U.e !0-tlre!coet of the third preside at the \forthcoming conven... pneriU seeaioti' ~ober 16. In thiS tion are' E. Tf DbJap, Red. Oak. way, ' t'hey ay. to de teachers. "Yo·i Preside~\: R. A Beltty. l)UraDt; 'Yice: , ai<e ~~~olil~~ ; .

. - -~

·""' ..... . .

\Ians for. the lthlrtY-aecon4 ~ual , omecoming ~ebration o~ the S utheastern c&.JDpus are 'betig com-

±P e~ed

1 this week, In preparatloa for

e ttrst observation of ~e tradition ce 1941, set tor next FrJdQ, tobftto 11. -

\Actiyiti;s scheduled for the day In• : clfde a gigantic parade through the' , dqwntQ.wn ~trict, conference tua­sle -between the Savages. and the highly-touted Central Bronc~ · crowning of the ,Football Qutflm, aD4 a dance· in the men's gym.

!Formation of the parade, with !loa.ts lining up around the coneae cttcle, will take place at 4 p. m., to start events moving: InVitatioDa to enter floats have been l.aaued to all . campus clubs, f:lusea, aDd ar­ganlza1liQnii, . and to orp,nlZa.Uollll and ·b'.l&iness firms in downtown Du­rant. Judgmg of floats w1D form two contests, one for coDetre antra.. and one for business entrle&

Regulations laid down for the c0 ntest1 follow: · · I

1. The total amount that may lte spent l' any organlzation 1n deco-rating $10.00. . 2. T e out-of-town judges wD1

=:~t~d %e ~:~oil:~~ =- • merclal competition.

3. Each county group, clnb ancJ organization will receive five pack­ages of crepe paper.

4. ThJ theme of each float ahal1 be worthy I and represen~tive~ of the sehooJ. . Groups should undel"8t&Dd that a Hoat may be withdrawn frOJD the parade if th\9 requlrememda not met. 1 . - ~

5. Each -group with a . float llhal1 submit a statement of the theme and .approximate expense by 4 p. m., October. 10, to the .Student Council.

6. A ~rlze of $10.00 for first plaee and onej of $5.00 for• second wDl be given to the two best floats 'ab­mitted by college orga.nlzationa tuad like prizes ~ll be awarded for eom­merciai I floats. The declslon wUl be announced between halv~ of the evening football game. 1 Klck-C!)!:f for the Savage-CeDtral game atl Laird Field will btt at 8:15 p. m. Fa.;vorltes J1n tlle dJrJa'hQma ­Collegiate Conference, the- Bronchoe­promise a f#l&t game with Plenty of da:sh..and power, I

Crowtfng of the football q"Jeen, to be' selected by tbe Letterman'•

ub, will ke lace between halvu of o e. ouncement of the prl.ze~winfling floats will also take place at, ~s time.

Climax of the day will be the Homecoming danCe in the gym, ·when all students and 'fo!P'flliAP st·Jaen~ Will be bono~ guests.

Every student and former student or Southeastern has been 1nvited to the celebration, and arrangements being made by tile student council . include plans fo:r a large attendance.

Studen-t Hear Talk By Albert

Southeastern ·· tu.dents heacd a na­tive Oklahoma orator yesterday, when Carl Albef:·t , Democratic nomi­nee for Congres;~mn.n from the th1r(l diatrict.. spoke at the as8embly hQur.

Mr. Albert, al .nat!ve of Pittsburg County, made h~mself kno~ to peo­ple or the entire· south~ern dl.s­tricq du11ir;1g the CoQgl'eS3lonal cam .. palgns last summer. He entered the race after retu~;•ing to la\\-' practice in McAlester, wh'n he was cU.s­charged from the armed sereC81L

The story of Mr. Albert's cllmb from a PlttsbufW County fatm &fld country school to study at Oxford Unlver8tty' and a brOUant law prq,c­tlce has made him an admlta_. .. flr.ue 1n Oklahon:la. history In tbe maklng. .

Preeldent T. T. Kon.tgomery lb-t:~ced the young lawyer to tbe stud ~t body.

llyta Jean Quthrle preeent­ed ~e devotional fOf the JII'Oiiram, and 1 muaic wu turmah~ b)' • the musiC department.

the SoUitheastern campus on Fri­that inspires the love in the

ud near--Homecoming. .nJr-B41COtQa time in the· history of the college,

faculty members, and present their schoo:t for their day. There'll

.U~UU""'D~IIIIU'~lSJ back-Slapping, and reminiscing, last suc~d ce,ebration was s~g­


Patricia Bald~vi

Dick Lawhorn.

gayety, c:heering and crowding, ., .. : .... , ... J-&111!0 a:nd-dan~~ing. I

.,..,...,u,._c, there'll bl~ a sober note, for there ringing from the loves and

a mesning. been here -three short weeks. But

if you ~lieve as we do in the ..... ~., ..... therhEtatt is," then we're not


CuHin' around· at Southeast.ern, a._!(! the bl arne on Marne" or any­

all guilty. It 'has ·to do with U'I!II•UA.¥.1S.1LA to clutter .up the·campus.

been at :Southeastern the three startE1d, you've probably al­

is generated by every student,


,....... Be right with Wright. !?! 1!?!

~1 te ·Co~ple of the Week: Milly ana "GIIS8Y."

! ?! ?! ?! According to Lena Siragusa, the

"Hanging Gardens of Babylon" IU'e ··'"when! they bang people." How abor.1t ttui!-- Mr. Houston?

!?!?!?I I't wal1. a relief to discover that the

··a ssie'· 'Cecil Powell is always talk­ing about is none other than his car.

.. !?! ?! ?!~ I •

The o· her Crew, ~a:l')t by name, is JUST C lie's sister .• : ·.Pardon us while we breathe a sigh of relief.

~ ! ?! ?! ?! . ~1 llrlinter believes that gettirrg

a good grade 1n class doesn't de­pend on ·what you know--but who you sit by.

I?!?!?! Bill Lpvelace needs a secre~.

BrunettE• preferred. Must have knowled!~e of English, ·chemistry, dancing,

1 a,nd campusology. No ap­

plleations · accepted after Friday rdgb,t.

I ?I ?I ?I .J.oay off, gals:;~~~ Kenno~Dr~­

monds bas a "steady" back home. : !?!?!?! .

' .If your sleep was disturbed last Thursday night, blame it on the veterans. They stayed up all night to scare a"tlray the Murray .Aggies with all sorts of ammunition, even tommy guns.

. !?!?!?! Amtmd's bac~. and Cochran's got

him ... . 114ary Cobhran, that is. !?!?!?! .

Are l•epper and Marion Sheldon 1·eaUy going steady? · ;

!?!?!?! . I s Ge'ne Gumm's theme song,

"Don'f Oet Aroun4 Much anymore?': !?!?!?! '

Is Cllarles PhilllP~t going Patsy or Claudean? or both?

Editor and Business Mgr. ... ~ . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advertlsing .. .. .. .... . . . ......... . . . .......... Sports

I -Faculty Adviller

Durant, Oklahoma · · · WBDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, lMI

Harold Corbett .... by the population of Southeastern.

!?!?!?! Ryan (Sa! Sack, for ' short)

Parker make quit': a two-

!?!?!?! orne's latest gift to women

. blonde, and - .; raoker"

! ?! ?! ?! anyone ever seen Ray 1\furph­a bow tie? Oh, Frankie ....

! ?! ?! ?! 't ,James Buckley have the

~~one"'""'""'' accent? ' !?!?!?!

Kaps got quite a · serenade the o_JJ:ler • night. Thanks, C. M. I ;

F~i·ght Training nroiJs _Twelve

T elve students of Southeastern ta[ college are taking the flight

tt·~l ing ma_de possible by the GI Bill of Rights, a ccording to Leslie Dwi ht, supervis.->r.

T e flight training includes 48 hou~s of ground work covering the studr of civil regulations, navi­gat!· n , and meteorlogy. The stu­dent meets classes three or four tim each week.

T enty hours of flying time s of­fcre each semester. The lights will1Je lllade in a Piper Oub t ning plan.

At the completion of fort hours in t e air, the students expect-ed t be able to qualify private pilo~ license.

11"'i e hours of college or r t·e fpr this training.

Th students in. train nqw are Jim~1 ie Ray Hallett, Dun~; !J:~llus ; Clar nee Spelce Jr., Phillips, Texas; Way e Norwood, Idabel; Jaqk El­ton cGahey, Durant; BOnnie Imp­son, Durant; Jaclc Francis Epley,

1 Wirt Howard K. Goodman, Durant; Billy v. Liddell, Healdton; RoJ?ert E. , Mille , Healdton; James B. Griffin, ! Tush ; Gene Victor Pardu~ Bos~ well; and William H. · Jenkins, Heal ton. · . . I A~sti~ S~l'ecte~ B~n~ Pr~sident M~".Jis Austin, HealdtOn] was

elect d president of . the colleg~ band, and n Nolen, Healdt~~~ presi­dent last Wedneaqay. Other officers

~oh~, t~~=~~3~:oo~; Tr -outs for drum niajor 1"Ul be

held at the regular band. period this afte oon.

D ector JJtck Green eJiil)ressed be-• I








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I Duraat

lief that the barid would be able to march at half-time at several of the football games this year.· He aJeo said .that plans were underway for the. bind to play at some out of town games. ·

One-Coming up right now.._a request .

from your favorite float-hour flop­house-the dining ball. Have your coke and coffee, your cigarette and relaxation, but try to remember to deposit your coffee cup in the kitoh~n on your way o·.1t. It helps, and Mrs. James saYiil, "Thanks!"

Coming up-Homecoming tap tor us all to wear and swear by. Wear one and declare you're going to be here. for the big event, and you're inviting someone else to be here and be welcome ..

~hursday night, 10ctober lG-Sav­age ~ep Pow-Wow, to be staged -on Market Square in downtaw;n Durant. Talk it up and C<Jme with all the gang for a real pep session in prepa­ration for'· Homecoming. ......

Homecoming-that's October 11-a week fi;"Om Friday. You won't need

reminder. It'll be lik-e old times. . . ..... Friday, Octo~~; .. 25-Football at

Laird Field. Another rough game, demanding support. We play North--

' western. · · ·

• ••••• I

OCtober 24 'and 25-pistrict meet-


... to STUDE

HUDSPETH Flower Shop

Phone 181

MARIE :Beauty ShufJfJe

lng of Oklahoma Education A8socla· tlon. This time we play hosts to the teachers. · '

Coming up - but definitely - one yearbook for Southeastern. Support the .staff, and help 'em O".Jt all you can.

Prospective debaters will meet to­morrow evening att 6:45 o'clock to get d()wn to work on this year's na­tional intercollegiate debate ques­tion.


-GI.A88J!W ~ . E1e, Dr, N ... 111111 ..,.._.


I Dr. · ·Hess ·

Your Headquarters -for-·




GEM Oredit Jewelers

201 w. Jlaln Phone 1011

RECORDINGS. for the best h om e entertain­ment! · Choose your f~v- · orites here. Complete se­lection of classical and

1 modern . . ·



118 W. Main

Chris-Croft Boats


Orders are DOW being taken for Dew poet-war boats. WDl be

filled in order receim. ~ ~ ......

ill .,..., .......... Jolmstijl ~

Dftclge, Plymouth Agent · ~I'Yice ncl Repair

L•clera In UIH C.l' Values · ·

-- 'Goodman & GoOdman 5th aa4 Everpe• ·



Jnter-Frat Coundl Sets Rush Events

Pi Kappa Sigma, national. social sorority" will oi>en the fall semester r.1sh· activities for the social soror­ities and fraternities with a series qf parties to be held tomorrow and tomorrow night, according · to the

\'inter-fraternitY council The council, made ·up of two rep­

~tatives from each sorority and fraternity, met September 24 in the dean of men.'s officd to discuss rush _.Jans and to choose council officers. John Raymond Mcinerney, Phi Sig­ma Epsiion, 1W8.8 selected chairman;

, tlllSS Mary Ann Graham, Pl Kappft. Sigma, vice-president; and Miss Pat Green, AlPha Sitpna Tau, secretary.


Alpha Sigm& Tau 1Qll hold last cia~ .,..~ parties FMday, Friday

1'filit. ancl brea.Idast Saturday morn­mg. Sorority rush activities will be ~Umaxed · by "Bid House" ln the

About five hundred students were entertained at the ·en: 1 faculty­s tud nt reception in ' e iQrary last Thur ... da y evening. ·

Mr. and Mrs. Ha eil Clark were a t t he door and int~oduced students to P resident T. T. !'lontgomery. The enti1·e faculty, husbands and wives, s tood in llne to receive the guests.

• P.resU(ent's office Saturday morning. Fraternity rush activities have

been • planned for Tuesday - and · Thurada.y of next wee.k, · so that IJ1embers of the footb&ll ~·team can lle rushed. Phi Sigma Epsilon wlll Hold first dates Tuesday; Sigma Tau' Gamma will conduct rush ~tivtties Th~~· I

Representatives to the coun~ are ' Mr • ...Mclnerne'y an4 Howard ~er, lj'M Sign1a Epsilon; David Wi s and James Mathews, Sigma Ta~ Gamma; Miss Graham and !Miss Alma Lake Sullivan, PI Kappa Slg­UUL; and lrlis8 Green ~d lrllss Betty !feely, Alpha Sigma Tau. Sponsors ~the council are Miss Sally Leon­$l'd, dean of women, and John Props, ' ~kan of_m_en_. __ .,. __ _

The hospitality committee made

.,-s A GmL.... · M , The first baby-to madf its appear- of r . and Mrs. John Clark. Her

birthday is SeptemWr 14. &JlCe at Veteran's Village ta Miss C&ro, 1 Ann Clark, 8-pound daughter Mr. Clark is a special student

from Dur&Dt. 1·

FOR . • '·

34 YEARS I. ' •

l ---of·---


- . to . . j·


. I


·ChevrOlet I



. Come In ·For. Parts·

a- S~rvice I


. \ . . ;_ - . .

~-9~· :. ·· ·~ Students·/ C6noeit AssoCiation Schedules I ' . • to I

. ·. · ho.Lir ~-famous Conce ts Here ..•. t .. : ' }

Southeastern st® ents will have an opportunit Y. · t () see and hear some Qf the g r eat names in music perform ?n \he ·'ca:€np~s th}s year.

Coini)1-:.Jil:ttY concerts, which are s_p~n.~ored "joi~lly' 1 by Durant and Sou theas.tern State college, will pre­s~pt f- s.~ies of four con.eerts fea­t uring nationally and international­l y ~ ki)CI\~ m usicians to which all s{ude...tts a+re .. t9 be admitted by acti­vitY.: ticket. -

. 'Phis • ser.i(l_S . will . lude the Don Cq Sack s, . Wbo h ' · just 'returned fr oin ~a -lJ:.·.s. 0 . ur in the South P~cifip ; Albe Spalding, nationally

I "Paal-b. It

1- l ·,,~

- v K>j.i,n tst"; Anna Kaskas, Met-• ·rr•nr.H~~ .... ~nger ; and Gorbditzky, a

Qt international renown. , Mor,e t bdit ~0 I>erson.s outside t he eollege~ suhs~ribed to membership

l . ·. . these cQfilmunity concerts during was furnished J2y 'W"Illiapl· _t;he~:.Tt!c~t dl'ive, Mrs. Vivia Locke

"'""''"'r"" at the pia,no and Miles Ba~s. ~-enera.I chairman lfta.ted. violinist! · · :?. The fifst ·c on·cert is scheduled for

·1 ~i~ Octobir. .1"~ .. • • •

a ic~pu; o~ga:ni~<­to the prom'otton o f

' •c.. .. • • among tne Ihdian ~d

f "'ll!nw"' is now open ' to rtterit-1 I· : ·: . : -

,.,.,p,,..,.,r .. ~urra:r Paul" McKiJUl~y ' ced ~t any student

o ·Tribe's (;::ounca -~ ~d ._of·

on a ~llp of paper and in boxes ~hich wtll 'be pro­the _Science, Admintstl'atioil,

, tlui~dings ·· for this

el.kted !for ibis: .year · in. adcliti<>JJ to ptesldept ~ _ M~ :~n.-

(!;1'4:>wtiler, vice-president'~ Miss '-fDI[)a:tle,l Hennetta. · seereta.rY;

Durant,~: Faye Hardy, .C&ddo,

~ . ·: . are "R! W : · Fleak and

SetnpJ:e.1 ••

I Spo. nso~s . Dance ·:·

tion on the ~v ... ~ .. ., erans' Club,

tdent body the day .

The Grm, was th~~~ene of the dance, and' mrtslc wia tur­nlshed by .a ~urn~bte· and popUJU records, · l . , ' ·

The first post-game da.rice, :z:ollO\'Ir,.­ing the AUstin cdnege game;· &W­tembe.r 20, was sponsored by the Mu-dent council. I • • ~

Latin Club1· Names ·· _ .. Me I nerr-ley 1 President:·· . '

John Mcinerney, Durant, waiJ chosen prestdJnt of tile ~tin club at the. first meeting·- last Thunda.y.­

Other officers for .the semester Charles Crew, I Jr . .": Muskogee, . vice-

; Miss Betty Stephene; Wilmington, ¥· C., secretary-trea­r.lrer; and M~ Ruth ·Cochran, ·C$4-do, reporter. j ·

Miss Isabel l Work 1s 'sponsor of the club. . .. r . .· . , ~ ..

¥ • :-· )

Sigma. T~u Deltci' Offers ~erl')bership .·-

Next Monday ii~ht ' Sigma. ;a:~· E>elta, national English soci~ty, will m~t with the aponsor, Mrs. FloY Perkinson Gates.

The orga.nlzation.' has be~ Umit­ed to twelve active · members. The president, MlBB Feru Himes, has~ an­nounced, however. that· a few Diem ... bers will be ~elf' ln. People. in­terested in m~mbershlp Bh9uld see Mlas Himes or Mrs. Ga.tee. ·

.. , . ., ..

... ;


4-. . • • . ' .-• Everything in Foun~in Drinks, ,

.:. - Sundaes an~ Sodas - .. . _. • Grill Toasted Sandwiches

.. '"' * - . " ( .. , e Tasty Salads

· _ ~ . .' · . ~ _ · • ·. Aq Meat Mexican Chili , '. ~.j : ~.: : • ' \

·:, .. _ . · .e Delicjous Ala Carte Speci~ls -· ... ,... ": ""\. . . ..·:) .... ~ ; . . ' ,_ ·"Make This Your Downtown MeetiniJ Place''1

. >:.· ·DUIW« DRUG COMPANY .. ~:·~·~.:._. .. ,. 1" Next to the Plaza

· J:a.c~' Crut chfield Evelyn Phillips


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Mcc.ll ' . "6310 * I

~ "· · ·~ .·· ~ ~-.. _::~· ·.YoU'll be .sleepin-g preHy in a McCalll . Espe-. . ! ; ,. - I i

. . ;·: · .. ~·cially if. you wear these bewitching dream-

. -_ <~ ~ ·; ~me fashions • • • • they're fu~ to make wil;h J -...: .• ......... • • . ..

1 .......... : _::'.McCall! patterns • . • .• : - ' ,..... t.: • •

We have <;o supplieS for developing ing. '

BCJIW 18-0 . " ....... .,.~, ·stE~amroller ·

carr!Eid the Savages deep in Aggi territory .to the 14;. J . T. Wllllams went to the Aggie 12, Allen failed gain on the 12 yard line as th quart•e'r ended. Southeastern 0, Mur ray 0.

Seoond Qaarter Howll.rd Guyer, went to the 2 yard

Une· o o the first play ·in the secbn' ua.rior, J. T . Williams, drove to th

12 inch 1 line, and on th..e next pla plungEid over for the first counte~ t 1· th e o.:a, ·ages. Hewitt's kick ~ wide. b~· inches. Scotre Savages 6, rurra:r Aggies o. . Lee Allen kicked off to Murray's

10 yard line. Mahoney, returned to iis 20 yard line. Walker and Follis, .,lcked up scant yardage on line .ucks pe!ore Cornelius kicked out ~n his own 49 yard line on a bad

lck. Savapes began operations on t}le

Aggie ~9 yard Une. Steigleder went to1 MUI·ray's 3.2-yard ~e off tackle but the ball went over on downs ;vhen flavage passes ~~ed to click. AggU~ Walker grablbed a Savage.

pass a;s the period waned but his team's otfense didn't pay ott before the "ha.l,t ended.

Third Quarter , McCl·~Uan kicked tl<>r Murray to SoutheEtl!tern'-t~ 20 yard line, where Gene Jones. picked up ·the ball and l!et:.trned to his own 29 yard Une. Guyer fumbled, and LeMuter, re­oovered tor the Aggies on the Sav­~e·s 25' yard line. Cornelious led the .Aggies tflrst pay dirt threat, when tbeii- ,passing po' tQOk them to the

t ...

Meet Your Friends and ! l~at Good Food at



Sql"tbe&.Eiter·n's ball on their own Une, Tommy Stelgleder got

kick do~n to the Aggie line. Some nice ball handl-Une work kept the going

J. T., Wllliams plucked pass out of ltbe atr' and to the Aggie 25 yard line.

went to the 14 yard mark­next Pl&Y', Guyer picked ·up

over center, Stewart went to through center, and Guyer to Gene Jones for a touch­Hewitt's kick was . short.

12, Aggies 0. o!t f.or \the Savages,

ving the ball on his own line and returniing to the 31

Follis passed to McClellan nN\mlnolotro as the third quarter elfd­

Lnea.5t:Jern 12, Murray .Aggies

Fouith Quartler-passed to McClellan for 8

Southeastern penalized five Aggie's ball on tlheir 44 yard

Follis' pass to Walker was

uUil ""J.IUILIS, kicked oult on South­yard line. led the Sayage drive,

the scoring area.. with the ., ... ,. ~·~,. • on the 5 yard Une, when

slapped penalties on bac~ to the 45. Hewitt's P8.8S

Turnbow, was tincomplete, from MurRy 45 yard

oa the 15 yard Jtpe o! the ~6'1'"'· Cornelious passed to Walk­

it was short, Fouls hlt Walk­the 20 yard line, and he fumbl­the 24 yard line; where Stetg­recovered for ' tlle Savages.

Ste~igJedt~r went to the 1.2 yard llne · O"WD. right bickle, Red-

one yard doWD to the 11 · S~igleder drove to the 4 ~Ieder plunged over

third touclnto~. ' 'Wllllam's the extra point feU short.

Southeast~rn 18, Murray Ag-.

···-- -Chosen .... ,.,.. .... ,..n 1 Prexy

Guyer, junfolj !rom Du­elected president of the

w~ can make pictures • a n d

~-.,,........:...:,...--,..----7-------:---1 Sout:h j!l:tSt•ern chapter o! jthe LettM-­formerly the "S" C1·.1b, meeting, September 24. sophomore from Wau­, any place aad

-'time. )(ab 70U appointment ' wtth u . for 70u.r rala· ·

wafer shampoo and permanent

Taylor's Beauty Shop

Pb~,n~ '10 • 'toa N. Srd

vice- pl'esldent, and· sophomore, DUra.J!t.

an old tradition, c • .,,_-mam dllsctlSSE~ the dea.dllne tor

an letters trom ca,Jlrtll\liS. October

day when

Dr. J. A. loy r. ·H. ·L. Thomas

OPI'OMETBISTS limited to ' the 1m­

of vision ~Y the use rln ....... ,.ti1:~• lenses 4nd Vi!ual

'Phone 793 for . , appointment. • . ' rlurani, oklabom& . ,.


·le Prices &OS • N. 121ld. J..n.

DUrant. Okla.



Phone II


highschool lettermen would be al· lowed to :wear their jacketa with the letters visible. After that date, the only letter jacketS pennlttei at southeastern will: b8 thoee or the members of the \ local chapter ot the

Lloyd "Red"( Skelton, Auatln lD&r'Dellt. . Warren Wgmble, .Tames 1"1'7hover. Nelson Turnbow, .Tames Taylor, &114 'Paul Story.

Oklahoma Lettermen's Club. R R (} '1UQtDW D Lettermen of the pre-war South- •. • • l ~' DUIJI

eastern club, who are returnin&' for 08TBOP:£.TBIC PJI'I'IIICIU

the first time this seJDester are War- ~~·:~. ren Lewis, Cecil Acutf, J!la.l'neat B01JB8-..;8.ll ... W Keilnedy, O~d "Wbizzer'' White, ..,.__,...__ ... uo,._H;,;;,.,olJ-.on.....,.IIL ..... M ...... ___ _.

' . Aunt Betty Bread - ·Aunt Betty Cakn

Durant, OklahomQ



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Phone 189 111 w .....

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Now is the time 1:9 have your -Photo Christmas Cards piinted. We can pri!).t them from your favorite negative or

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' (8MM-16MM) in stock, also supplies for th~ amateur

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~- WE HAVE ••• t ! , I ··1 -Many, Many Items That You· Need-

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• Cork ; f

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Valve Protectors .. . : .. To~e ~adulators r (·f

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Saxophone Cords Reed Holders Glue Manuscript Paper


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