the stirrings of rebellion

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The Stirrings of Rebellion. Chapter 4- Section 1. True or False. The original 13 colonies were all very similar to each other. . False. New England : small farms, lumbering, fishing, ship building Middle: farming - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Stirrings of Rebellion

Chapter 4- Section 1

The original 13 colonies

were all very similar to each other.

True or False


New England: small farms, lumbering, fishing, ship building

Middle: farming Southern:

plantations, cash crops such as tobacco, rice and indigo, majority of slaves and indentured servants

The original 13 colonies

were British colonies.

True or False


• Great Britain ruled the colonies for more than 150 years (1607-1776)

• In the 1600s Britain, France, and Spain are fighting to gain territories around the world.

• In 1754, the French and Indian War was a 10 year battle over the Ohio Valley which left Britain with huge debt.

The 13 colonies were

economically dependent on Britain.

True or False

By the 1770s, most colonies were

self-sufficient. Most colonists had more rights

than their European counterparts. Colonists wanted to maintain these rights.

Colonists were still dependent on the British for military protection.


After the French and Indian

War, Britain agrees to pay for the debt of the war and allow the colonies to continue in their “independence.”

True or False

After the French and Indian War, King George III

started to take away freedoms that the colonists had taken for granted. Proclamation of 1763 Quartering Act The Stamp Act The Boston Massacre The Boston Tea Party The Intolerable Acts Townshend Acts


All the colonists agree to

declare independence.

True or False


Loyalists Remain loyal to

Britain Who were they?

Rich land owners, governors, religious leaders

Patriots Want independence

Who were they? Merchants Farmers Craftsmen Tradesmen

Aftermath of the War

The Stamp Act

The Townshend Acts

The Boston Massacre

The Boston Tea Party

The Intolerable Acts

Copy Chart

Proclamation of 1763

Banned settlement west of Appalachians. “British stationed 10,000 troops in colonies to

maintain order Many colonists saw this as a “standing army”

Sugar Act Halved duty on foreign made molasses Placed duties on certain imports Strengthened enforcement of law allowing

prosecutors to try smuggling cases in a vice-admiral court instead of colonial court

Aftermath of the War

March 1765: The Stamp Act

Required colonists to purchase special stamped paper for every legal document, license, newspaper, pamphlet, etc.

Impacted every colonist Resistance led by Sons of Liberty and Sam Adams

No stamps were sold Colonies passed laws saying colonists could only be taxed by

that colony Stamp Act Congress

Repealed in March 1766, but passed the Declaratory Act. “to bind the colonies and people of America… in all cases.”

The Stamp Act

1767: Townshend Acts passed by Parliament

Taxes placed on imported materials from Britain such as glass, paint, and paper.

Imposed a three penny tax on tea. Colonists again resisted.

“Taxation without representation”

John Hancock accused of smuggling

2,000 “redcoats” stationed in Boston

The Townshend Acts

British “presence” in Boston angered colonists

March 1770: Mob gathered near Customs House and taunted guards.

Crispus Attucks and four others were killed.

Labeled the “Boston Massacre” by Sam Adams.

The Boston Massacre

British East India Company held monopoly on

tea imports, but weren’t profiting b/c of boycotts.

Tea Act: Granted company the right to sell tea to colonies free of taxes that tea sellers had to pay.

December 16, 1773 Colonists, disguised as Native Americans,

dumped 18,000 pounds of tea into Boston Harbor

Boston Tea Party

King George III was infuriated by the colonists

actions. 1774: Intolerable Acts

Shut down Boston Harbor Quartering Act Appointed Chief of British Forces as new governor

of MA and he placed Boston under martial law Colonists reaction

First Continental Congress (Sept. 1774, 56 delegates met in Philadelphia)

The Intolerable Acts

How would you respond

to these laws passed by a distant government?

What do you think?

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