the subject of my report is president franklin delano roosevelt

Post on 13-Sep-2015






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ella's report


The subject of my report is president Franklin Delano Roosevelt (also known as FDR.) Despite the fact that FDR was born into privilege and luxury he is remembered as a president of the people. Although, FDR was handicapped, confined to a wheelchair, he still led our nation to victory. We have nothing to fear but fear it-self, said Franklin Delano Roosevelt.Franklin was born in Hyde Park, New York on January 30, 1882. His parents were James Roosevelt and Sara Delano Roosevelt. They were both from wealthy families. All of their money came from real estate and trade. The only close family members were his parents. He had one half-brother from his dads first marriage but, by the time Franklin was born his brother was the age an uncle would be. He wasnt an important person in FDRs life. FDR had a tutor until the age of 14. In 1896 Franklin started attending Groton School, a prestigious episcopal preparatory school for boys only. The school was located in Massachusetts. His mom, Sara was always close with Franklin. She definitely helped mold Franklins character. Eleanor, FDRs wife, also molded his character. Franklin married Eleanor on March 17, 1905. Then they had one daughter named Anna in 1906, over the next nine years they had five more children. Their names were James, Franklin Junior, (who died as an infant) Elliot, a second Franklin Junior, and John. The thing that led FDR for running for president was he wanted to make a change in our nation.

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