the sum of good government

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Thomas Jefferson noted that in order for good government to exist, five key principles must be adhered to. This is the first of a five part series discussing those five elements.



TThhee CCaallll Faith ~ Family ~ Freedom

Inside This Issue:

The Sum of Good Government

When added together, Thomas Jefferson believed these five principles

summed up the greatest government of all. Part 1 of 5

September 2010

““SSeelleecctt ccaappaabbllee

mmeenn ffrroomm aallll

tthhee ppeeooppllee””


The Call is a publication of SnowWhite Media, Troy G. White, founder/author. Any reproduction

of the content contained within without the express written consent of SnowWhite Media and/or

the authors is strictly prohibited and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

of five distinct and infallible qualities. Nearly a century

later, those same qualities were still forefront as The

United States was on the brink of internal disaster in

civil war. Abraham Lincoln, the nineteenth century

preserver of our nation, followed the precedent of our

eighteenth century fathers from Valley Forge to Gettys-

burg, and those remarkable qualities formed the foun-

dation America has been built upon. However, as we

find ourselves infants of the 21st century, it seems those

bedrock principles used to forge “the world’s best hope”

are now lost in a sea of bureaucracy and social


So, what were those cornerstone principles that allowed

America to rise in economic, industrial, social and

military strength throughout the world? And, can those

same principles be applied in today’s “one-world” pol-

itical climate? If history is any indication, what worked

then in a remarkably similar state of affairs can, and

will, work today; but, only if applied and given the

opportunity. These principles can be found in the words

of Thomas Jefferson as he gave his first inaugural

address to the nation.

[A]cknowledging and adoring an

overruling Providence, …with all these

blessings, what more is necessary to

make us a happy and a prosperous

people? Still one thing more, fellow-

citizens—a wise and frugal

Government, which shall restrain men

from injuring one another, shall leave

them otherwise free to regulate their

own pursuits of industry and

improvement, and shall not take from

the mouth of labor the bread it has

earned. This is the sum of good



Foremost in the heart of Jefferson was the fact that our

nation must “acknowledge” and adore God as the author

and sustainer of our existence. Throughout our nation’s

history, our leaders, including the overwhelming

majority of those who helped frame our foundational

documents as the cornerstone of our republic, saw the

importance of this simple truth. God’s grace was, is and

always will be the only reason for our prosperity.

President John Adams declared,

[T]he safety and prosperity of nations ultimately and

essentially depend on the protection and blessing of

Almighty God; and the national acknowledgment of

this truth is not only an indispensable duty which the

people owe to Him, but a duty whose natural influence

is favorable to the promotion of that morality and piety,

without which social happiness cannot exist, nor the

blessings of a free government be enjoyed;

As President Lincoln found himself engulfed in the

trenches of Civil War, he, too, recognized the hand of

God in the affairs of our nation.

The Sum of Good Government

by: Troy G. White

O ver 200 years ago the leaders of our young

republic believed good government consisted

of then

Thomas Jefferson


Acknowledgement and Adoration of God

Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this

mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if

God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by

the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of

unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of

blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another

drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand

years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the

Lord are true and righteous altogether."

Whether she stands on the right side with, or falls

against, God’s will, Lincoln understood that America

must acknowledge and adore the existence of “an

overruling Providence.” This trend continued into the



In 1952 President Truman followed the example of our

former statesmen and established one day a year as a

“National Day of Prayer.” President Ronald Reagan, in

1988, made it specific to the first Thursday in May each

year. During both of these times, America found herself

rising from major historical events that tested the

perseverance and will of all Americans. Precedent had

shown an acknowledgment of Almighty God was not

only prudent, but necessary. Standing upon the

experiences and leadership of those who had come

before, both Truman and Reagan led America toward


Today America is in desperate need of that kind of

leadership. We are at war on multiple fronts, stemming

from the most disastrous and deadly attack on American

soil less than a decade ago. Our economy is limping

along while Americans are desperately seeking

employment. As more and more companies are being

bailed out of bankruptcy and disaster by virtue of

taxpayer funds, our citizens are left to wonder how they

can stay afloat despite swimming upstream against

raging currents of higher taxes, increased debt and a

never ending sea of government control. In the past,

Americans have found leadership from their president as

he called upon us all to seek God and His Kingdom.

Not so today. Our current president simply declares that

America is “no longer a Christian nation,” and, as the

first “National Day of Prayer” of his administration

approached, President Barack Obama chose to cancel

the annual ceremony at the White House out of fear of

offending others. This is a stark contrast to our previous

leaders and strikes at the core of our nation’s foundation.

This is not just a Christian issue. Non-Christian leaders

have often heralded the Biblical principles our founding

documents adhere to because they provide the necessary

and proper ingredients for America’s “melting pot” and

“world’s best hope” identity. Few would argue how

different The United States of America would be today

if not for our reliance upon God’s grace and our long

history of dependence upon His guidance. Many would

say our existence as a nation would even be in question.

I would have to agree.

Despite these unquestionable truths and historical facts,

there are some Christians who have chosen to question

my (and others like me) faith in God because of my

views on this issue. Their opinion is that Christians,

especially me, should simply sit quiet on the sidelines in

solemn prayer and fasting and let the rest of society fend

for itself. In other words, keep your religion in your

church and leave the politics to the “professionals.” If

we truly believe in God, then we should not worry about

what is going on around us. It will all work out.

Well, the latter is true…it will all work out, for some.

However, let me pose a question for my detractors.

How much different would our society…world,

even…be if Christians just sat quietly and huddled

amongst themselves? What if Dr. Martin Luther King

decided that the whole civil rights movement was not

his fight? Civil rights was just a political issue, right?

Was his faith lacking because he chose to stand up for

what he believed in? What if America was not founded

upon the Biblical truths that “all men are created equal”

and all are born with the rights of “life, liberty and the

pursuit of happiness?” Would you want to live here? In

all honesty, Christians who believe we should remain

quiet on the political front only do so when they

disagree with whatever view is being expressed. If the

issue mattered to them, they would be, and have been,

shouting from the rooftops.

It’s simply a matter of historical perspective. As a

college advisor I hear students say all the time they

“hate” history or that they just are not good in the

subject. My response is simple: it is history…it never

changes! It never changes, and America’s history is

clear. We are a nation built upon sound Christian

principles. Our forefathers realized the supreme

importance of this, though they came from a variety of

different churches, and some from no churches at all.

Despite those religious differences, America’s leaders

have always seen the requisite of God’s providential

hand in our national affairs. Thomas Jefferson

ascertained that the “sum of good government” began

with the acknowledgment of God, not just in the church,

but in all realms of society, especially government. It

begins at the top.

Unfortunately, today, the top disagrees.

In two months we have a

clear choice in who

represents us in Austin.

Traditional conservative

values have long since

been neglected from our

current representative in

House District 3,

comprised of Lamar,

Titus, Red River,

Hopkins, Franklin and

Delta counties. It’s time

for our voice to be heard.

Erwin Cain has a long-

standing history of

fighting for conservative

principles in East Texas.

While our current

representative runs away

to Oklahoma, Erwin

promises to stand and


Vote Erwin Cain on

November 2nd, for HD3.

For more information,

please visit…

STAND UP FOR EAST TEXAS VALUES √ Defend Pro-Life and Traditional Marriage √ Protect our Right to Keep and Bear Arms √ Protect Private Property Rights √ Crack Down on Illegal Immigration √ Pass Voter ID Bill to Preserve Election Integrity √ Improve Education STRENGTHEN OUR ECONOMY √ Reduce Taxes and Spending √ Fight Costly Federal Mandates √ Promote Jobs and Economic Development for East Texas

"Like many others, I’ve watched in shock at the incredible overreaching of the federal government into our rights and our wallets. That same liberal philosophy is knocking at the door of our state legislature. East Texans deserve to have a committed conservative who will never shift with the prevailing political winds. With your support, I'll be that voice."

Erwin Cain

EErrwwiinn CCaaiinn ffoorr TTeexxaass HHoouussee,, DDiissttrriicctt 33

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