the tarvok patriarchacy - chapter 6

Post on 29-Jun-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Hey guys, and welcome back to the Tarvok Patriarchacy! Last time around, Bev grew up, got married, and had three kids, Jon became heir and grew up, De did nothing, Sy grew up and lost his Jon-clone face, Anthony “Annie” was adopted and grew up, and Archie grew up. Oh, and Christy Grew Up Badly.

Shown here is everyone’s favorite elders Making Out autonomously. Yup.

We start out this chapter legacy-style with a double-birthday. Time to move De out and get the last child into teenager-hood!

Up first was Bev, who looks a little distracted.

Oh… urgh. Jon’s face doesn’t look too bad on an adult male, but definitely not on an adult female. (How are those lips super thin on a male but fat on a female? Idk…) De was moved out pretty quickly.

Up next was Archie. (What’s happening to my picture quality?)

Surprise, surprise – he looks like Jon with different hair.

He rolled Pleasure, and I set his turn-ons to make-up and black hair and his turn-off to hats. IIRC, his LTW is 50 First Dates. Good luck with that, Archie.

Jonathan Archer was a 22nd century Human Starfleet officer and captain of the Enterprise NX-01, United Earth's first full-fledged starship. In that role, he was responsible for greatly expanding United Earth's presence in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants and making First Contact with more than a dozen species, among them Klingons, Andorians, and Xindi.

thank you Memory Alpha

Later, Jon got to meet with his future bride T’Lena again.

Ah, a crush! :D

Now, please excuse this short interlude of Archie dancing to classical music.

Ahem. Okay. That’s over.

Well, Jon! That’s quite a way to greet your crush.

He’s being flirted with? That’s a first. Although, I suppose when I’m playing, I’m too busy doing a flurry of flirts to get flirted with.

The roof cycles in and out of the next few pictures. Well, really, the rest of the chapter and all of my past chapters.


And yes! It’s time.

Quick engagement, as usual.

And a quick marriage before Jon could run off and use the bathroom or whatever.

I hate parties, and Jon wasn’t rolling the want for one, so it was all good.

T’Lena Tarvok, nee Trek. 7-7-6-0-5 Aries Knowledge. Despite her LTW being to top the Medical career, EA had put her at level 9 of the Slacker Career. Not that I’m complaining. She brought in 15k. Her turn-ons are fitness and red hair and her turn-off is fatness.

Yes, I did tailor her turn-ons and turn-offs to Jon. Why? Because I can.

I didn’t waste any time before starting the next generation.

No time at all.

They lullaby’d on the first try whee! I love them!

This is not awkward. Not awkward at all.

T’Lena had a gnome in her inventory. This is Enterprise. Hello, Enterprise!

Aw, Jon doesn’t like Enterprise.

Since one of T’Lena’s turn-ons is fitness and Jon is just average, I sent him over to this nifty thing. Christy has a bunch of Fitness skill points and is coaching him.

We have a telescope that was brought in when Christy moved in. My Sims like to use said telescope. In the middle of the day.

Mr. Goth assumed that Annie, like the other Tarvok children, had lots of nice points. He was mistaken. Annie has three

T’Lena! Not you, too!

And Mr. Goth leaves after scolding T’Lena.

Apparently the scolding made her pop. Invisible baby bump!

(also, why are these scolding happening in the bathroom?)

Dang, the Tarvoks are nosy!



Olivia: “Hey, I’m Olivia SimSelf. I believe I’m the daughter of your creator.”

Annie: “Hey, I’m Anthony, but your mother decided everyone should call me Annie. Say, did you know my brother’s out on a date with a half-alien right now?”

Olivia: “You don’t say!”

Here is Danielle Dreamer, guys. Dirk Dreamer’s alien child, through Make Me Alien Pregnant. (I abuse testingcheatsenabled SO much)

Sy: “But… I thought you liked me now! I made my mom happy!”

I decided on her before that happened, Sy.

Sy: “You didn’t even try to make her look good!”

I know. I’ll fix that eventually. I was mad at you at the time because you were GlitchMonster.

Sy: “You’re mean when you’re mad.”

I know.

Aaaand crush!

There are certain Sims who I believe stalk the Sims I’m playing. Dirk Dreamer is one of them

Oh, look! It’s Andrew Tarvok, the one with the nice points! Hello, Andrew!

What the -

Good job, Annamarie SimSelf. You have pleased me.

I sent Sy back home, but he wasn’t the only one with a date. This is Sheeri Faith, all growed up.Sorry for your ugly clothes, Archie.

aaaand MAKE-OUT


Wow. They weren't even crushing on each other until after making out.

That’s better.

This may or may not be a continuation of the kiss in the previous picture. Idk.

I ended the date but forgot to send Sheeri home, so Archie and Sheeri stood there being cute for forever, even after I realized she was still here. I didn’t have the heart to send her home :’(

Dream dates were achieved by both parties. Here’re the flowers from Danielle…

…and the flowers from Sheeri.

Nadia what are you doing



Archie, don’t just stand there! Do something!

She took it. I don’t know how to get it back… ):

Sy got a promotion. Now he’s reached the top of the teen career. Phoo, now I have nothing I can do with him during his free time because he doesn’t have to skill…


Hey, look! T’Lena’s pajamas show her baby bump!

T’Lena: “I’m so excited that I’m having a baby!”

Christy: “You’re having a baby? Who’s the father?”

T’Lena: “Your son. You know, the one I’m married to?”

Christy: “Oh, yes!”

Christy: “You know, I was very surprised that Sy got married. I always thought he liked baseball more than girls.”

T’Lena: “No, I’m not married to Sy. I’m married to Jon. He doesn’t like baseball.”

T’Lena: “He likes hard hats.”


Due to me being extremely lucky and getting a chance card I’d gotten before, Archie is promoted to the top of the Medical career on his first day of work.

He still has, like, ten days of teenhood left. Joy.

Invisible belly-grabbing!

Jon: “Oh crap! What am I supposed to do!”

T’Lena: “Weren’t you there when any of your siblings were born?”

Jon: “Yes! Your point?”


Actually, redshirts in The Next Generation are Command, not whatever they are in The Original Series.

Thanks to a list randomizer from, this is Spock Tarvok, who has his mama’s hair and his daddy’s eyes. He has a geneticized skintone in between S1 and S2.

T’Lena: “Why did we name my child after his uncle?”

Blame the list generator. If we were going by my original list that I had assigned random numbers to, his name would have been Max. But I decided to make it truly random, so his name is Spock.

…in T’Lena’s defense, she had been en route to the phone when she went into labor. Right after she had Spock, he was unceremoniously handed off to Sy, and she went right on to the phone.

I tried to build a second floor for the new nursery, but the roofs wouldn’t cooperate, so it was just added on.

I apologize for the funky angle and the black stuff at the top – I wanted to get the whole room in one shot without doing an overhead.

Awww baby (:

Jon got demoted! I can’t remember why. Most likely a chance card.


I have four Family Sims in the house, and I hate having to constantly cancel their interactions with Spock because they need to do other things or Spock has to sleep. So I came up with a solution. I locked the nursery door. When Spock needs something, I’ll have the door be unlocked to one person – usually T’Lena – and they’ll go take care of the kid. When they’re done, Spock goes right back into the crib, the person goes out, and the door is locked again.

Jon clearly does not like this.

Oh hey there, Morty! Wassup?

Oh, you’re not coming to slap someone? Okay… bye… ):

Birfday time!

Srs mama.

Happy mama!

And, of course, no one except Annie is really paying attention. I believe Archie’s at work, so he’s the only one with a real excuse.

Up we go! :D

Awh <3 He’s a cutie. And certainly better-looking than Jon was at that age. He’s still got my mom’s Jon’s Jason’s nose, though. (I didn’t realize it until recently, but the “Tarvok nose” is very similar to my mom’s) (and, yes, those are elf ears there. T’lena’s got ‘em)

Spock Tarvok is a 7-9-6-4-9 Aries. For a minute I was gonna freak because I thought that was Jon’s personality, but Spock has both parents’ neatness and activeness, Jon’s seriousness and niceness, and some outlier outgoing points.

A quick makeover, and he’s got Vulcan hair and a tuxedo to match his generation’s color for males. (In case you can’t tell from the nursery in the background, it’s black for boys and yellow for girls. The colors were chosen at random and have no connection to the Wiz Khalifa song.)

Annie, it’s the middle of the night. Where are you going?


Thanks, Annie! You’re the best! :D

I can’t decide whether to comment on the teeth-through-chin glitch or the effect of pouting on Vulcan eyebrows.


T’Lena! Stop it! Are you just spying to max your logic skill? If that’s it, I can just buy you a chessboard!


I finally got T’Lena a job in the Medical field. And look, there’s our newsgirl! What’s her name? Nicole? Or is Nicole the redheaded cashier… idk xD

This kid will learn all his toddler skills if it kills me.

Never seen this painting before! Ah, for maxed Creativity…

Bev-spawn, don’t you dare…

Good boy.

What the -

You can’t just walk in the house like that and start playing with the dollhouse! That’s just not logical!

Bev-spawn: “Oh. Hello. There is a perfectly logical reason for me kicking over this gnome.”

Danielle: “Whatever, elf creep. I’m just here to see my boyfriend. I could care less about their gnome.”

She was here to see him, of course. Love! :D Now, to scoot over to the Dreamer/Pleasant household to age her up to adult.

Birthday party!

This is probably a very bad idea.

From left to right: Bev, Danielle, Gerald, and Andrew.

I don’t remember what Danielle did. I suppose she kicked the gnome over. Although I have no idea why whichever Bev-spawn who tried to steal it earlier cares. Maybe he thinks it’s only cousins who are allowed to do bad things to garden gnomes?

Danielle, no!

The party is, of course, for Sy’s birthday! (: I somehow didn’t manage to get a picture of adult!Sy, but you’ve seen that face template before. You know what it looks like.

Dang. I really need to work on timing my parties better.

We did get this done, though!

(plz excuse the wall down)

And off you go, Sy!

I won’t miss you, dirty GlitchMonster…

And now for an interlude at Sy’s new house…

Maybe I should’ve, you know, gotten formal clothes for everybody. I like Annie’s bowtie, though.

Ohay papergirl!

Oh, Danielle.

The Tarvoks aren’t rich. Sy was motherloded.

The wedding ended, and with a few uses of testingcheatsenabled later…

This is Anne, with her maternal grandfather’s skin.

There was something around me with the name “Anne” on it. Idk what.

Instead of using forcetwins this time, I got Sy pregnant with Danielle. 8D

This is James, who managed to get Jason’s custom eyes. Watch him be the only spawn, heir or spare, to get them.

James R. Rubenstein is the author of my Human Geography textbook.

I’m leaving Sy’s kiddos as Children. Anne is a 7-9-6-4-9 Aries.

She’s actually pretty odd-looking – my pictures don’t do her justice.


James is a 10-5-9-6-3 Scorpio.

Scooting on back to the main household…

Did I mention that Spock has pointed ears? Because he does. 8D

Spock is… gimmeasecond 5/8 Vulcan, and he’s building his Logic skill.


This boy will learn his skills!

lol harvesting weed lol

Durr :3

Bev has come to visit, and she plays Red Hands! Autonomously!

Wait a flippin’ second…

Oh. Crap.


Christy: “Hey, Mr. Reaper, I know I’m about to die anyways, but if you wouldn’t mind, could you please take your scythe out of my eye socket?”

Grimmy: “Sorry. No can do, babe.”

Jason: “Who are you calling your babe?!?!?!?”

-sob- Goodbye, Christy.

Oh, poor Gerald. He was just walking by and his grandma died.

Idk what’s up with his thought bubble, though. Maybe he’s thinking, “Poor Family Sim. His mother just died. He must be feeling awful.”

Actually, Jon wasn’t even home when Christy died. The one who was hit the most was Spock. Completely red-zoned.

Spock: Nana?

Nope. Just poor, grieving Papa.

Christy Tarvok. You were amazing. You didn’t mind pumping out so many kids so that you barely ever went to work the whole time I played you. You never went into aspiration failure despite the fact that you grew up in the red. And I’m so sorry for that. Because if you hadn’t, you could’ve reached your LTW of a Golden Anniversary. Seriously – I think she was only 72 or something when she died.She left money to nine people, including:Jason – 20kJon and Bev – 10k eachSy – 9.4kArchie – 9.2kdang where was she hiding that money while I played her

On that sad note, I think I’ll end the chapter. Ta-ta for now, and see you next time! (:

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