the technical school 14-16 study programme

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The Technical School at East Kent College offers students aged 14-16 and alternative way of learning.


Full-time Study Guide Year 10 students 2015/16

14-16? Get a head start in your career...14-16? Get a head start

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3 Welcome from Principal of East Kent College

4 Introducing A New Way Of Learning For 14 - 16 Year Olds

5 Why Choose The Technical School at East Kent College?

6 Information for Parents

8 A Safe, Secure and Supportive Environment

8 Entry Requirements and How to Apply

10 Study Programmes

11 Catering & Hospitality

12 Early Years & Childcare

13 How to Find Us


Study Guide Information: Every eff ort has been made to provide accurate information throughout this Study Guide. The College reserves the right, however, to change the fees and other costs, times, days and duration of any Study Programmes or courses. All Study Programmes and courses are off ered subject to demand and student numbers.

Contact UsFor further details call 01843 605062 or email or visit

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Open Days Saturday 28th February 9:30am-12:30pm

Thursday 12th March 4:00pm-7:00pm

Taster Days Tuesday 28th April 1:30pm-4:00pm

Thursday 14th May 1:30pm-4:00pm

Tuesday 9th June 1:30pm-4:00pm

Thursday 18th June 1:30pm-4:00pm

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“It is essential that young people are offered the choice to pursue technical qualifications from the age of 14, to help them develop the skills and knowledge required to progress into further training, apprenticeships and work at 16 and over. Kent County Council welcomes the introduction of specialist pathways for 14 year olds at The Technical School at East Kent College. Effective partnership working between the College and schools will ensure that this innovative new programme complements the existing Key Stage 4 offer and boosts opportunities for young people in the area.”

Roger Gough, Cabinet Member for Education, Kent County Council

An exciting new learning option for 14 – 16 year olds, offering vocationally-focussed Study Programmes designed to give students a head start in their chosen career

Welcome to The Technical School at East Kent College

I am delighted to introduce The Technical School at East Kent College which has been developed in direct response to the needs of local parents, young people and importantly employers.

Opening in September at our Broadstairs Campus, The Technical School will offer two year Study Programmes for students entering Year 10 which offer an alternative route to that of a traditional school curriculum.

Technical qualifications for 14-16 year oldsSince 2013 the Government has allowed learners aged 14 plus to leave school and enrol on full time courses at local further education colleges, as they realise that some students are far better suited to a more practical way of learning. Only colleges that have been rated Good or Outstanding by Ofsted, like East Kent College, can offer Year 10 students this exciting opportunity.

I know from talking to parents that for some young people, studying academic subjects in a secondary school environment is not ideal and they would welcome more choice locally.

A head start in a career with prospectsThe Technical School will start by offering technical pathways in Hospitality & Catering and Early Years & Childcare with places for around 40 Year 10 students. These two areas have been selected as they are recognised as ‘priority growth sectors’ in the local economy and offer excellent career prospects.

Students will study nine GCSEs (or equivalent), including core GCSEs in English, Maths and Science, alongside vocational qualifications taught in some of the best real-work environments in Kent.

I strongly encourage you to come along to one of our Open Days to find out more and I look forward to meeting you.

Graham Razey Principal, East Kent College

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It is a privilege to have been appointed as Head at The Technical School at East Kent College.

Many parents, I am sure, will welcome this new initiative which is an opportunity for their children to enjoy

a more practical/vocational way of learning which will inspire a willingness to learn and determination to succeed.

Instead of staying at their current school for years 10 and 11, students now have the opportunity to learn the practical skills needed for employment in Hospitality & Catering or Early Years and Childcare, whilst continuing to study for GCSEs in Maths, English and Science. There will also be a strong focus on enterprise and developing the skills that employers value that will give our students the ‘edge’ in what continues to be a highly competitive job market.

Working in partnership with parentsThe Technical School’s guiding principle is that everyone matters. We want every young person to reach their full potential and succeed. We are determined to stretch and challenge young people through outstanding teaching and the opportunity to learn in some of the best vocational facilities in Kent.

We also know that young people benefit most when there is a partnership between school, parent, carer or guardian and student and we welcome their involvement in all aspects of school life.

A secure, safe learning environmentResearch shows that students who feel safe and secure are more likely to do well in their studies. The Technical School building is designed to provide a dedicated safe and caring environment for our Year 10 learners. In addition East Kent College has been commended by Ofsted for our Safeguarding, as well as for the pastoral and learning support we give our students.

I look forward to leading The Technical School at East Kent College and to providing a range of new and exciting full-time learning options at Key Stage 4 for 14- 16 year olds in the Thanet area.

Simon Heaton Head of School

Introducing A New Way of Learning for 14-16 Year Olds

“At a time when companies recruiting school-leavers are increasingly demanding ever higher levels of business experience as well as proficiency in basic skills, we very much welcome the initiative to provide a sharp business focus for 14 year olds.”

David Foley, Chief Executive of Thanet & East Kent Chamber of Commerce

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Here are just some of the reasons you should join us in September:

Get a head start on a great careerGet started on a high quality evel 2 technical course at 14 and be ready to progress to a higher level of vocational learning at 16. This could put you ahead by two whole years.

Small class sizesClass sizes will never exceed 20 learners so you will get the support you need to succeed.

First-class teaching and learningThe Technical School is part of an established College that has been recognised for its high standards of teaching and learning and has a proven track record of success.

Expert staffLook forward to receiving the highest standard of teaching and learn from vocational staff, many of whom are current or former working professionals in their industry.

Hands-on learningIf you prefer to learn by actually doing you will really enjoy The Technical School’s practical approach to learning.

Excellent employer linksImprove your career prospects through valuable work experience gained through The School’s excellent partnerships with local business and industry.

Fantastic facilitiesBenefit from state-of-the-art classroom space and access to some of the best vocational facilities in Kent so you can put to use the skills you have learnt.

One to one support and guidanceYour individual Progression Mentor will help you to achieve your full potential, making sure that you are supported in and out of the classroom as necessary.

Make new friends and be one of the first students to be part of the most innovative and exciting educational development for local young people aged 14 to 16 for many years.

Why Choose The Technical School at East Kent College?

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Why is East Kent College developing a Technical School for 14 to 16 year olds?The government recognises that studying only academic subjects in a secondary school environment does not suit all young people. As a result, government funding has been made available to high attaining colleges across the country to strengthen specialist technical education for 14 to 16 year olds. East Kent College is keen to ensure that this offer is made available to students in the Thanet area to promote expertise in technical skills which are needed in the local economy.

Has this been done anywhere else?Yes. As a government led initiative, this has already been implemented in 12 other colleges around the country over the past year. We are in close contact with several of the new schools and are in the fortunate position of being able to learn from their experiences.

Are places at The Technical School at East Kent College free?Yes. Places are funded by the government, in a similar way to other schools.

Isn’t my child too young to be with college students? Although The Technical School is located at East Kent College’s Broadstairs campus, it will have its own entrance, playground and recreational areas. The students will be cared for in a safe environment and will not be allowed access to the college buildings whenever they wish.

What is your track record with this age group?East Kent College has been successfully working with 14 to 16 year olds in partnership with local schools and the Local Authority for the last 12 years.

Information for ParentsIt can be a big decision for parents to let their children start a new school. Here are some frequently asked questions. You may have further questions and the best way to find out more about The Technical School at East Kent College is to come along to one of our Open Days. Alternatively contact Support Services who will be happy to help.

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Do students who are interested in applying need to get permission from their current school or the local authority?No. Students and parents/carers can talk to us and make an application directly. We must have consent from parents/carers in order to off er a place. We will need to obtain information from the current school, including target GCSE grades and attendance.

Is there a school uniform?Yes, The Technical School will have a school uniform and will provide the appropriate specialist clothing and equipment to wear for vocational activities.

Can students still receive free school meals?Yes. Eligible students still receive free school meals, just as they would at their current school.

When can I look around the school?The Technical School building is due for completion in August 2015 but we will be holding a series of Open Days and Taster Days (see page 2) to which we look forward to welcoming both parents and prospective students.

For further details contact call Support Services on 01843 605062.

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SafeguardingThe Technical School has a rigorous Safeguarding Policy to ensure that all students are safe when they are on-site or in vocational classes in the wider college environment. The school will have its own entrance and recreational facilities.

Support and adviceOur professional and highly qualified team will provide students with all they need to succeed. We want all our students to enjoy their time with us and each student will have a Progression Mentor to help them with any needs they have be it settling in, studying or their personal welfare. It is our aim to make sure all our learners are happy, fulfill their goals and succeed.

Parental engagementWe value the input of parents and know that your child’s happiness is the priority. We will hold regular parent evenings throughout the year and encourage parents to contact us if they have any concerns or questions.

We welcome applications from students currently in Year 9, who demonstrate a real desire and enthusiasm to pursue an industry relevant pathway in either Catering and Hospitality or Early Years and Childcare.

All applicants will need to attend The Technical School for an interview, an initial assessment and will be asked to provide a reference. We will need to look at information from your current school, including target GCSE grades and attendance along with any other relevant details.

There are only a limited number of places in 2015/16, so early application is advisable. For terms and conditions, please visit

For further information call us on 01843 605062 or email or visit

A Safe Secure and Supportive Environment

Entry Requirements and How to Apply

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CORE CORE2-year Study Programme equivalent to 9 GCSEs


English • Maths • Double ScienceBusiness and Enterprise Project

Core Technical Pathways

Catering and Hospitality orEarly Years and Childcare


Citizenship, Physical Education, PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education), Religious Education

Year 10 GCSE OptionsComputer Science or Geography

Additional Technical OptionsArt and Design or ICT or Sport

Students will study nine GCSEs (or equivalent), including core GCSEs in English, Maths and Science, alongside vocational qualifi cations taught in some of the best real work environments in Kent. On successful completion they can then progress further on these technical pathways at East Kent College and on to higher education, an apprenticeship or work. What is more, because of their emphasis on core subjects, our Study Programmes also enable students to change direction at 16+ if they do decide to follow other paths to success in adult life.

For students who are motivated and challenged by learning through practical hands-on experience and concrete content, our Technical School is exactly right for you.

Our Key Stage 4 curriculum aims to develop essential academic knowledge and technical skills to prepare students for further study,

training or employment. Whichever pathway students choose, they will develop signifi cant transferable skills and knowledge to enable them to progress at age 16.

What will the courses be like?Students will study GCSE core subjects in Maths, English and Science. Students will also follow a Core Technical Pathway in either Catering and Hospitality or Early Years and Childcare and all students will have the opportunity to study Business and Enterprise and take part in exciting work-based projects.

They will also undertake GCSE Options in Computer Science or Geography. Students will also be able to select further Technical Options in Art and Design, ICT or Sport.

EnrichmentStudents will be off ered a range of opportunities to apply the knowledge and skills they develop in work-related activities both on and off the College site, through our extensive industry links. We will encourage students to engage in national competitions and as part of our enrichment activities all students will take part in indoor and outdoor exercise activity alongside our qualifi ed Sports tutors.

There will also be core curriculum teaching in Citizenship, Physical Education, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Religious Education.

In the following pages you will fi nd out more about our exciting range of full-time Study Programmes at Key Stage 4. These programmes are career-focussed and designed to equip you for the world of work.

Our Study Programmes

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Catering and Hospitality Over two years, students will achieve a Level 2 Certifi cate in Food and Cookery and a Level 2 Certifi cate in Hospitality and Tourism.

Our two year Study Programme will cover various modules, including:

Basic food preparation and cooking

Planning and producing dishes for a purpose

Principles of nutrition and balanced diets and be able to plan and make healthy food choices

Operating within a safe, hygienic and secure working environment

Customer needs in hospitality and tourism and how to provide excellent customer service

Hospitality and tourism industries from a business perspective

FacilitiesStudents will have access to fi rst-class training facilities in The Yarrow Hotel. Our on-site 4 star training hotel has been specifi cally designed to help our students have the best start in their atering and ospitality career. There are state-of-the-art kitchens and a working restaurant which will provide a very hands-on experience for all our students, giving them the extra edge when entering employment.


Head Chef

Mobile Caterer

Restaurant Manager

Hotel Manager

Customer Services Assistant

Wedding Planner

Events Co-ordinator

14–16?Get a head start in a career...

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Our two year Study Programme will cover various modules, including:

The stages of child development and how children learn

Roles and responsibilities when working in a childcare setting

Everyday care routines and the types of activities that can support the development of independence in children

Values such as confi dentiality, dignity, respect in Health and Social Care

Promoting health and wellbeing

Facilities Our students will have the chance to work in state-of-the-art classroom facilities and have access to our real work environment teaching rooms that provide students with an interactive experience. At post-16 we even have an on-site training Nursery that can off er work-experience placements to give students that extra edge when entering employment in the Childcare industry.

Nursery Play Worker

Nursery Manager


Health Care Assistant

Health Visitor

Teaching Assistant

Youth Worker

Primary School Teacher

Early Years and Childcare Over two years, students will achieve a Level 2 Award in Child Development and Care and a Level 2 Award in Health and Social Care.

14–16?Get a head start in a career...

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How to find us

The Technical School at East Kent College, Ramsgate Road, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 1PN










































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The Technical School at East Kent CollegeCourse information is also available in large print. For details contact our Support Services Team on 01843 605062 or

The Technical School at East Kent College, Ramsgate Road, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 1PN

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