the heraldthe herald d e c e m b e r 2 0 1 6 —q u a r t e r l y n e w s l e t t e r v o l u m e 4...

Post on 16-Aug-2020






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Congratulations to President-Elect Donald

Trump! May the Holy Spirit guide him as he

prepares and assumes the office of President of

our country.

Since 1980 the Republicans have held the

White House 20 of the 36 years. To date they

have never made a serious move to repeal Roe vs

Wade that made abortion legal in the United


Donald Trump has a unique opportunity to

fulfill one of his promises during the campaign.

He will have a Republican majority in both the

House and Senate. He also will be appointing

Supreme Court Justices. He can strongly

encourage Congress to repeal Roe vs Wade and

ask them to make it law that abortion is illegal in

the United States (with no exceptions). When a situation arises that the life of the

mother and/or the child are at risk the medical profession should try their best to

save both. Sometimes that is not possible.

Catholics and others who believe that abortion is the taking of innocent human

life have been waiting for years for Roe vs Wade to be overturned. Hopefully

Donald Trump, with this unique opportunity, will do just that.

From the Pastor ‘s Desk … Fr. R. Marc Sherlock


S T . J O H N T H E B A P T I S T


7 5 3 S . H Y A T T S T R E E T

T I P P C I T Y , O H 4 5 3 7 1 - 1 2 5 5

9 3 7 - 6 6 7 - 3 4 1 9

W W W . S T J O H N T I P P C I T Y . O R G

The Herald D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — Q U A R T E R L Y N E W S L E T T E R

V O L U M E 4 , I S S U E 2


















-John 1: 19-23

Project Rachel is the Catholic Church’s Healing Ministry to those who have been involved in

abortion. This ministry provides a team response of care for those suffering. Specially trained

priests, religious, counselors, and laypersons will provide Sacramental Reconciliation, pastoral

counseling, peer to peer ministry, spiritual direction and referrals to mental health professionals.

Local Helpline 513-784-0531 National Helpline 1-888-456-HOPE (4673)

You Are Not Alone...Are you wondering if you are pregnant or struggling with an unexpected

pregnancy, multiple agencies throughout Miami County and surrounding counties offer pregnancy testing

and confidential services. These agencies work together as a network to provide guidance and referrals to

necessary resources such as counseling, pre and post natal care, housing, and supplies: Tri-County

Women’s Network -New Carlisle, Fairborn, Springfield; Miami Valley Women’s Center—Dayton, Xenia,

Huber Heights; Elizabeth New Life Center –Lebanon, Dayton (2) , Sidney, Wright State area, Kettering;

Mercy Parent Infant Center and the Preganancy Resource Center of Clark County –Springfield;

Sycamore House Pregnancy Center of Champaign County, Urbana. Contact information for these

agencies can be found on the Archdiocesan Respect Life webpage at

This Advent & Christmas , Do Not Be Afraid. Come and be filled with Hope, Peace , Joy and Love...

Thanksgiving— A Time to Count Our Blessings! By: Susan Sexton , Early Childhood Director

P A G E 2

As we begin our Thanksgiving unit here at preschool, we will focus on how God provided everything the

pilgrims needed when they came to their new home in America. We discussed how the Native Americans showed

the newcomers to plant crops, gather nuts and berries and hunt and fish to provide food for their families. The

students learned about how the Native American and Pilgrims used what was available around them to build their

homes and provide other necessities. We reenacted the first Thanksgiving and made a “I Am Thankful For…” class

book . Student responses included, “God, my family and dogs, my trampoline, the park, blocks, Pikachu, corn and

my house.”

As we count our many blessings, we can’t help but think about those who are not as fortunate as we

are. It is with that in mind that we have started two new traditions this year. The first, is a food

drive to support the Needy Basket. Families brought in donations of non-perishable foods and

dropped them off in “Train Car” boxes. Donations were made throughout the month of November,

concluding on the day of our Thanksgiving Feast!

As many of you know, for the past 12 years, St. John’s MOM’s Group and ECP have hosted a craft

bazaar. The proceeds from the Bazaar supported local families in need. Sadly, we have decided not

to put on the craft show this year. However, keeping the Spirit of the Holidays, we want to

continue to give to the community in need and provide the children an opportunity to participate in

the process as well! So we decided to have a “Giving Tree” to complement the church’s “Giving

Wreath.” This tree will have tags hanging on it instead of decorations. Each tag will list an item

needed by the Franklin House of Troy, a shelter for families in crisis.

Though we are just a few months into this school year, we are already planning for the 2017-2018 Early

Childhood Program session. We will have an Open House on Sunday, January 8, from 3:00-4:00 for anyone

who would like to visit the Early Childhood Classrooms and find out more about the program. Please pass

this information on to anyone in the community with preschool age children.

Threes and Fours must be three or

older by September 1. Fours and

Fives must be four or older by

September 1. The Pre-K class will

first register children who will be

five before December 31, 2017.

Others who are interested in the Pre-

K class may put their name on a

separate list to be considered if there

are any other openings in those classes. All children must be completely potty trained.

Threes and Fours Monday/Wednesday 8:45-11:15

Threes and Fours Tuesday/Friday 8:45-11:15

Threes and Fours Monday/Wednesday 12:30-3:00

Threes and Fours Tuesday/Friday 12:30-3:00

Fours and Fives Monday/Wednesday/Friday 8:45-11:15

Fours and Fives Monday/Wednesday/Friday 12:30-3:00

Pre-K Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday 8:45-11:15

Pre-K Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday 12:30-3:00

Registration for Parishioners and Families who have children in

the current program will begin Tuesday, January 10, 2017,

at 7:00 p.m. in room 101. At that time you can put your child’s name on the appropriate class

list, take a registration packet and return it within a week. Some

classes fill quickly so it is advisable to register that evening. You

may also call the center and leave a message. Your call will be

returned as soon as possible.

Open Registration will being on

Friday January 13, 2017. People may call anytime to put

their child’s name on the waiting

list as spaces are given out in the

order in which they called.

PRAYING ALL WAYS By Deacon Chuck Wright, Director of Evangelization and Catechesis

On the Evening of October 25 we hosted a workshop for our PSR teachers to learn

more about how to help their students learn and pray better. It was a fun evening of

learning by doing. We were introduced to the use of multiple intelligences, tapping

into those abilities and natural preferences that we all have been gifted with in such

a way that they lead us back to God. Since not everyone learns the same way, a

good presentation will be made up of more than one learning preference.

Then came multi-sensory prayer. By bringing two or more senses into a prayer

experience we are able to actively engage our whole selves, mind, hearts, and

bodies. It may be a real challenge to bring all five of our senses into a prayer

experience but two or three isn’t all that difficult once you approach it in a logical fashion.

We were also introduced to Problem Based Learning. Here we challenge the

learner by presenting an open ended “problem” and providing them with the

resources by which to find the answer and letting them “dig in”. This produces a

range of responses but allows the learner to not only find the answer but to

develop some ownership and defend their position. From a faith experience

things are seldom black and white. Here we challenge the group to know the

faith, to love the faith, to own the faith, to live the faith in real life ways. It’s not

so much; How many Sacraments are there?

But, How does this particular sacrament

effect my life?

I wanted to bring this to your attention so you could get a better feel for the

kind of commitment, the prayer, planning, and preparation that

wonderfully dedicated volunteer Catechists put into the PSR sessions your

children attend. It is fun, but it also involves effort and we are blessed to

have each and everyone of them. It was fun to share and to see that some of this was old hat, some of it was

brand new but I do believe that we all walked away with a better understanding of how to bring it all together

in a way that is complimentary and can produce great results. It was also a great reminder that we never are

done learning it is a life-long adventure.

New to the Library - Darlene Lewis


- Christopher Check. Speaking from his perspective as a

historian, Christopher Check reminds us that the crisis of our

age is cultural and, in the end, spiritual. He explains that a

flourishing society is not achieved through legislation or at the

ballot box, but instead radiates from the family out. Using

examples from the ages, he connects us with our rich

patrimony as Catholics and provides practical advice on what

we must do to transform our culture for Christ.

“This talk is exceptional, One of the best!” – Kent –

McHenry, Illinois

“Christopher Check challenged me to consider the problems we face in

society and what we can do to turn things around.” Rita – Morrison, CO

Now that the elections are over, this talk helps to give direction to each

individual to look into the future and seriously ask “What can I do?”

and then do it.

Books: Biographies about Catholic Workers;

Georges and Pauline Vanier and Cardinal

Joseph Bernardin. Well written, easy to read

and very inspiring. CHECK THEM OUT!!!


Mary Healy. God’s Design for life, love, relationships and sex is written into our

very bodies. With incredible clarity, Dr. Mary Healy explains how

the Theology of the Body, Pope St. John Paul II’s deeply biblical

understanding of our Lord’s original plan for men and women, is

astonishingly good news for a culture littered with broken

marriages, immorality, heartache, and loneliness.

“This talk gives clarity on a topic where there is much confusion in

our world today.” Brenda-CT

“Dr. Healy brings freshness to this topic that is simply

invigorating!” Norm – Biloxi, MS

This CD would be a good way to begin a discussion with your teen

about sexual morality, to help adults understand human sexuality,

and couples contemplating marriage.

P A G E 3

As most of you are aware, for the past 8 years young people and adults from our parish have

traveled to various cities within the United States to work with the poorest of the poor in communities. While

many of you know we spend a week serving others, few know the extent to which a commitment is required

of our participants and their families. Students spend an entire year learning about Catholic Social Justice,

preparing their hearts for a true servant experience, getting to know each other and bonding as a team,

praying together, raising money together, and discovering and growing in their own faith lives which

culminates in a week long service experience. It is an intense time of growth requiring

students and their families to stretch far beyond their comfort zones of selflessness,

growth and faith. YNIA and J5D are not simply a week’s vacation…it is truly a life-

changing experience for all involved. In the past years, over 190 participants from our

parish have had the opportunity to experience this life-changing year…many for a

second or third time. These people have made a difference in the lives of thousands of

impoverished people in the communities of San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, San

Antonio, St. Louis, Baltimore, Springfield, IL., St. Joseph, MI, Dayton and right here

in Tipp City.

One question I sometimes receive from adults is, “Why do we have to go so far

away? Why can’t we do the service in our local community?” The answer to this has

a few points. The first is that the experience our participants get in the very urban

areas are ones they cannot get here in Tipp City or even Dayton. While poverty

certainly exists in these areas, the type of hopeless poverty that is evident in the larger

cities is like being in another world for our students. Every year at the end of the week

of service, when asked what they learned, always one of the common themes is that of

not realizing how good they have it and how grateful they are for their lives. Perhaps

it could happen in Cincinnati, but the trips are not offered there. In an effort to accommodate those who

would like to see local “trips”, we have gone to an every other year rotation of going to a drivable (within 6

hours) every other year and offsetting with a more extensive trip on the opposite years. The reality is that

while we, as adults, think a more local option is a fantastic idea, students have other ideas. Historically,

the years we do the “local” trip, we have much lower numbers than the years we venture out to other parts of

the country. As adults, we sometimes forget what it is like to be 16 and what motivates students of that age. I

always say that I don’t really care why they go on the trip and I’ve heard them all (it will look good on a

college resume, my parents are making me, I’ve never been on a plane before, I want to see San Francisco,

my friend is going, it sounds fun, I want to help people) because I know that once they experience it, their

lives will be infinitely changed for the better. Lastly, the young people of our parish do extensive local

service in our parish and local communities. During the course of any given year, our student parishioners

give hundreds of hours in time as catechist aides, Altar Servers, choir members, spring into service parish

clean up, fish fry assistance, simple suppers, retreat leading, compassion pack preparing, Servin’ The Son

camp (student leaders and participants), festival help, St. Phocus Garden and more! The student parishioners

of our parish have a heart for service and set an amazing example for us all!

Once in a while I am also asked why we do an annual trip since it costs so

very much to do a trip and extensive fund-raising is involved. Sometimes I wonder that

myself! It is a very time-consuming, headache inducing, stressful thing to plan and

execute. It would definitely be much easier to do a trip every other year or every few

years, but I have never shied away from a challenge. And just when I’m ready to throw

in the towel, God gently reminds me of the reason He calls us to serve in this way.

Making a Difference in More ways than you think! By: Teri Iverson, Director of Youth Ministry

P A G E 4

P A G E 5

….continued from page 4

The first weekend in October was a spectacular

weekend for the Women of Spirit Annual Getaway Weekend.

Seventeen ladies hung out at Buck Creek State Park in

Springfield and, according to all who were present, we had a

wonderful weekend! The theme for this year’s Getaway was

Relax, Refresh, Recharge and we think we did just that. The participants ranged in age from their early

thirties to numbers that cannot be spoken in public but everyone was able

to spend the weekend just the way they wanted to. From the ice breaker on

Friday night to the closing prayer on Sunday morning, there was a ton of

laughter, companionship and comradely that just can’t be beat. Even the

weather cooperated, giving us cool evenings, perfect for the fireside, and

sunny days for hiking, lounging or just checking out the beautiful fall colors

that nature gives us. If you are a woman age 21 or older, please consider

joining us next year for this event. You will be glad you did!

The following is an excerpt from a witness talk given by one of our former

participants (used with permission):

“Everyone is called by God to do something important with his or her lifetime.

Whether that calling is to be a billionaire innovator, a doctor, or just your

average person, it is God’s plan for them and they should accept it with open

arms. Right now, I feel my calling from God is to evangelize, or spread the

word of God, through helping the poor. To fulfill God’s plan for me, I have done many community

services through school and through church. My favorite of all of these service projects, by far, are the

Young Neighbors in Action mission trips that are run through St. John’s.

These trips not only affect the people you work so hard to serve, but they also have a profound

impact on your own life. I have become way more compassionate and empathetic towards

impoverished persons, because a lot of the time it is not their fault they are so poor. Through God’s

calling for me, I have improved so many peoples’ lives, along with learning more about my faith and

myself. I have continued God’s work here on Earth by serving the poor and spreading His Word. I feel

the YNIA mission trips are one of the most life-changing opportunities that exist and everybody should

go. It is a perfect way to bond and make new friends, all while improving the world and making

people’s lives better. Through the three mission trips I have been on, my relationship with God has

improved greatly. I feel that because of these trips, my relationship with God is truly on the edge of


This witness is a shining example of why we persevere when things are difficult and we wonder if it

is all worth the effort. What would happen if these types of experiences weren’t offered and students missed

out on an amazing opportunity to grow in their Catholic faith? Thankfully, St. John’s is not willing to find out.

We will keep on trusting in God’s plan, keep on striving to make a difference and keep on trying to impact the

faith lives of our young.

“Relax, Refresh, Recharge “

Annual Women of Spirit Getaway weekend

P A G E 6

...To become part of the Music Ministry program

at St. John’s the Baptist Catholic Church.

There are many ways for you to participate.

Choirs - Music strengthens the liturgical experience and reinforces the scriptures and prayers at

Mass. The role of the choir is to provide vocal encouragement so the assembly feels confident in

singing hymns and acclamations. We currently have two music choirs…

The Adult Choir that sings at the 8:00 a.m. Sunday Mass.

The Contemporary Choir that sings at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass.

Current members of these groups have faithfully provided musical support for many years and our

parish is very thankful for these members. Both groups would welcome new members. There are no

auditions. If you have sung in any type of music group before, we need your experience. If you like to

sing, even if you have never sung in a music group before, please consider joining our music ministry.

We need you.

Instrumentalists - The use of instruments such as trumpets, trombones, flutes, violins, etc. are

valuable enhancement to worship music, particularly the more festive celebrations of the liturgical

year. If you are a current or former member of a band or orchestra, you would be welcome to play your

instrument during some special celebrations.

Cantors - The Cantor is a leader of sung prayer. This leadership role is expressed by leading the

assembly’s singing of the Responsorial Psalm and Gospel Acclamation during the liturgy.

If you have any questions about the Music Ministry program at St. John’s,

please contact Joyce Kister at or 937-916-5012.

For questions about participating in the 10:30 am. Sunday Mass choir,

please contact Bill Griffin at or 937-698-5590.

An Invitation ... By: Joyce Kister, Music Director

WELCOME to our Parish Family

Scott and Terra Broering

Daniel and Kathleen Verrill and Family

Joel and Mariola Ortiz

and Family

William and Hope Nicely and Family

Beckett, son of Darrin and Julie Knapke

Grace, daughter of Keith and Jill Knippen

Evelyn, daughter

of Kyle and Rebecca Schmidlapp

Caselyn, daughter of Jeffrey and Stacey Mains

Blake, son of Brandon and Tara Gulker

Josephine, daughter

of Ryan and Susan Ranly

Jeffrey and Jackson , sons of John and Andrea Burns

Lucas, son of Justin and Jacquelyn Ray

Dorothy Compton Mary Lafferty Gerry Franck

James Giuliano Robert Schlosser

Virgil Caudy

Please continue to keep their families in your prayers. Jordan Loh and Elizabeth McCrillis

Mathias, son

of Patrick and Lesley Evans

PAPAL QUOTE "Let the Church always be a place of mercy and hope where everyone is welcomed, loved

and forgiven." -- Pope Francis @Pontifex, Jun. 2013 .

CARING FOR CREATION TIP: Winter offers a time to reflect on endings and even death...our own, our

loved ones. In caring for the earth and in wanting to give one last gift to those left behind, we might

consider a green burial. There are many options: Direct placement in the ground using a willow basket and a

shroud; cremation with a biodegradable urn; embalming with eco-friendly fluids; using coffins contructed of

wool; or other methods approved in a Catholic Cemetery in accord with Archdiocesan directives. All these

options have been endorsed by the Archdiocese. If you would like to learn more about these options, visit the Cincinnati Catholic

Cemetery Society at

P A G E 7

PRAYER: Most generous, most merciful God, help us to model our lives in your love and bounty to the benefit of others.

Open our eyes to the needs of the brothers and sisters who are struggling with life issues. Bless us in our endeavors. - AMEN


St. John the Baptist Parish – Tipp City, Ohio

HOLY HOUR: Monday, December 12 – 7:00-8:00 pm


Saturdays: 4:00-4:30 PM [except December 24 & 31]

Pastoral Region Advent Communal Penance Services:

St. Christopher, Vandalia: Tuesday, December 20 at 7:00 pm

Extra Confession times during Advent:

Monday, December 19: 12:00 Noon-1:00 pm & 7:00-8:00 pm

Thursday, December 22: 5:00-6:00 pm


Masses: Holy Day of Obligation to attend Mass

Saturday, December 31, 2016 at 5:00 pm

Sunday, January 1, 2017 at 10:30 am [No 8:00 am Mass on Sunday, January 1]

BLESSING OF COUPLES EXPECTING A CHILD [includes adopting parents]:

During the Masses for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 17-18

5:00 pm (Saturday); 8:00 & 10:30 am (Sunday)


Masses: Holy Day of Obligation to attend Mass

Saturday, December 24 at 5:00 pm & 10:00 pm [Carols 1/2 hour before Masses]

Sunday, December 25 at 10:30 am [Carols 1/2 hour before Mass]

[No 8:00 am Mass on Sunday, December 25 ]

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St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

753 S. Hyatt Street

Tipp City, Ohio 45371-1255

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