the traditional recipes of european countries

Post on 31-Mar-2016






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A suggestion for your dining or just a friendly way to spread our culinary culture.




New Year Greetings!

A number of Worldcom EMEA partners are offering you their traditional

national recipes for this season greetings.

Each recipe represents a personal favourite of one of our partners and a

popular dish which is easy and fun to prepare.

We hope this booklet gives you a flavour of the cultural reach that

Worldcom EMEA provides as well as some brilliant recipes to share with

your friends and family. It shows you that Wordlcom partners expect to

add value well beyond our day-to-day professional services to include

rewarding relationships too.

On behalf of all our partners in EMEA, I would like to extend our very best

wishes for the holiday season and hope that you have fun and family

entertainment in the kitchen and around the dining room table.

Corinna Voss

Worldcom PR Group EMEA Chair

Our best wishes for an outstanding 2012 !

If you would like the right ingredients for your

communication mix in 2012, then conctact

Worldcom wherever you have a need.

National recipes from

Austria (L&W Communication)

Belgium (InstiCom)

Bulgaria (Janev&Janev)

Czech Republic (PRAM Consulting)

Denmark (PrimeTime Kommunikation)

Finland (Medita Communication)

France (Yucatan)

Germany (HBI)

Hungary (Probako Communications)

Italy (CBO)

Latvia-Lithuania-Estonia (PR Net Baltic)

Russia (Ya Corporation)

South Africa (Lange 360)

Spain (LF Channel)

Switzerland (L&W Communication)

The Netherlands (Wisse Kommunikatie)


UK (Kaizo)



Boiled Beef

L&W Communication


Zwiebeln halbieren, in Pfanne an der Schnittfläche sehr dunkel,

braten. Gemüse waschen, schälen. Tafelspitz und Knochen

warm waschen. Wasser zum Kochen bringen, Tafelspitz,

Knochen und Pfefferkörner in das Wasser geben, schwach

kochen. 2 Stunden kochen. Dann Gemüse Lauch, Zwiebeln bei-

geben und noch eine Stunde kochen. Fertig gegartes Fleisch

aus der Suppe hehen. Suppe würzen, Fleisch in scheiben

schneiden mit Suppe begießen. Mit Schnittlauch bestreuen.

Dazu schmecken Röstkartoffeln und Spinat.

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Österreich ist berühmt für seine Tradition des gekochten

Rindfleisches. Am bekanntesten ist der sogenannte Tafelspitz.

Kein Wunder, dass dieses Rezept so beliebt ist, bietet es doch

gleich zwei Vorteile: eine köstliche Suppe und eine hervorragen-

de Fleischspeise.


• 1 Tafelspitz ca. 2 kg

• 300 g Sellerie, gelbe Rüben, Karotten Petersilwurzel

• 200 g Zwiebeln

• 1 Lauch

• 15 Pfefferkörner

• Salz

• ca. 4,5 I Wasser

• 1 kg Rindsknochen

• 4 Schnittlauch, geschnitten




Cut the onions in half and roast them very dark with the cut

surface down in a pan. Prepare celery, carots and parsley.

Wash the beef and the bones. Boil the water and put the meat,

the bones and the peppercorns into it. Let it cook lightly.

The water should boil constantly. It takes 2 hours to cook the

meat. Then put celery, carrots, parsley, onions, field garlic into

the soup and let it boil as well for another hour.

When the beef is ready, take it out from the soup.

Then you have to flavour the soup with salt and pepper.

You can slice the beef in tranches of a finger`s size.

Enjoy the beef with roasted potatoes and spinach.

Austria is world famous for its tradition in boiling beef.

Best known is the so called "Tafelspitz".

No wonder this recipe is so well liked. it offers two major assets:

an excellent soup and perfect beef.


• 2 kilos aitchbone

• 300 g celery, carrots, parsley

(vegetables to prepare a light soup)

• 200 g onions

• field garlic

• 15 peppercorns

• salt

• 4,5 l water

• 1 kg beef bones

• chive

Boiled beef


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Stoverij – Carbonnades flamandes – Flemish Meat Stew



• Doe alle kruiden erbij en roer goed

• Smeer mosterd op het brood en plaats het met de besmeerde

kant naar beneden in de pot

• Smeer de peperkoek in met mosterd en plaats het met

de besmeerde kant naar beneden in de pot

• Doe het deksel op de pot

• Laat het geheel op een zacht vuurtje verder pruttelen voor

(ten minste) 120 minuten. Roer af en toe eens

• Dien op met frietjes/aardappelpuree en appelmoes

Recette pour 4 personnes

Temps de préparation: environ 2,5 heures

• 600g de carbonnades de boeuf coupées en morceaux de 3 cm

• beurre

• 1 grand oignon haché

• 2 bouteilles (0,33cl) de bière belge ou une grande bouteille

de bière de table– la saveur varie selon le choix de bière

• 2 tranches de pain (sans croûtes) et 2 tranches de pain


• moutarde

• sel et poivre

• 2 branches de thym et 3 feuilles de laurier


• Frites/purée de pommes de terre et compote de pommes

• Bière pour accompagner le plat


• Dans une casserole, faire revenir les morceaux de carbonnade

dans du beurre et les sortir quand ils sont bien colorés

• Faire fondre les oignons hachés

• Rajouter les carbonnades

• Verser la bière

• Ajouter toutes les épices

• Tartiner les tranches de pain de moutarde et les déposer

sur la préparation, côté moutardé vers le bas

• Tartiner le pain d’épices de moutarde et déposez-le par

dessus tout, côté moutardé également vers le bas

• Remettre le couvercle

• Laisser mijoter pendant 2 heures au moins en remuant


• Servir avec des frites/purée de pommes de terre et compote

de pomme

Recept voor 4 personen

Bereidingstijd: ongeveer 2,5 uur

• 600g stoofvlees in blokjes van 3cm gesneden

• bakboter

• 1 grote versneden ajuin

• 2 flessen (0,33cl) donker Belgisch bier of een grote

fles tafelbier – de smaak hangt af van de bierkeuze

• 2 sneden brood (zonder de korsten) en 2 sneden peperkoek

• mosterd

• peper en zout

• 2 takjes tijm en 3 (gedroogde) laurierblaadjes


• Frietjes/aardappelpuree en appelmoes

• Bier voor bij de maaltijd


• Bak het vlees totdat het bruin maar nog mals is; verwijder

het dan uit de pot.

• Voeg de uien toe en bak ze tot ze glazig zijn

• Voeg het vlees terug toe

• Giet het bier erbij

Stoverij – Carbonnades flamandes – Flemish Meat Stew


This recipe will serve 4

Preparation time: about 2,5 hours

• 600g stewing beef cut into bite-size chunks

• butter for frying

• 1 large chopped onion

• 2 bottles (0,33cl) of dark (preferably Belgian) beer – the recipe

actually differs according to the beer you choose.

• 2 slices of bread (without the crusts) and 2 slices of pain d’épi-

ces (ginger bread)

• mustard

• salt and pepper

• 2 sprigs of thyme and 3 bay leaves


• French fries/mashed potatoes and apple sauce

• Extra beer to accompany the meal


• In a deep pan or pot, bake the meat until it is brown and

still slightly tender; remove it from the pan

• Add onions and fry slowly until golden

• Return the meat to the pan

• Pour in the beer

• Add all of the spices and stir well

• Slather the bread slices with mustard and place it mustard

side down in the pan

• Slather the slices of pain d’épices with mustard and place

it mustard side down in the pan

• Turn down the heat and cover

• Cook on low heat for about 120 minutes or more,

while occasionally stirring

• Serve with Belgian Fries or mashed potatoes,

and the apple sauce

Belgium is a country known for its chocolate and its beers. Did

you know that if you should drink a different Belgian beer each

day of the year, it would take you about two years to complete?

Flemish Meat Stew is a traditional Belgian recipe, which is loved

because it is drunk with beer and incorporates beer in its sauce.

The dish has been around for decades and its ‘secret’ recipe is

traditionally passed on from mother to daughter.

Stoverij – Carbonnades flamandes – Flemish Meat Stew



�радиционна ългарска аница




�ачин на приготовление:�месете шест от яйцата с настъргано масло, надробено сирене,кашкавал нарязян на малки парчета и кисело мляко.�ложете един слой кори в предварително покрита с масло тава, следтова полейте корите със сместа.�родължете да поливате равномерно така че корите и сместа дасвършат едновременнно, като последния слой да е от кори.�месете и ръзбъркайте последното яйце с газираната вода.�лед което нарежете баницата на парчета и полейте равномерно без даостявяте сухи места.�ложете я да се пече в предварително нагрята фурна на 200 C иизчакайте 40 минути докато е готова или позлатее.

�руги видове:

�паначена �аница�ецептата е същата като на традиционната баница, но замествате 3 отяйцата с ? кг прясно измит и леко запържен (за около 5 минути) спанак.

�аница със зелен лук�ецептата е същата като на традиционната баница, но замествате 3 отяйцата с 1 чаша нарязан и леко запържен зелен лук

"аницата е традиционно българско ястие, подходящо за всяка трапеза.

�родукти за приготовление:• 2 пакета замразени финни кори• 200 грама кашкавал• 500 грама сирене• 7 яйца• 100 грама масло• 1/2 чаша газирана вода• 1 чаша кисело мляко

�радиционна �ългарска �аница


How to make it:

Mix six of the eggs, the grated butter, the crumbled white chee-

se, the yellow cheese cut in small pieces, and the yogurt. In a

buttered pan, lay a layer of the phyllo dough, spread a layer of

the mixture, and continue alternating layers so that the phyllo

and the mixture are finished about the same time. Finish with a

layer of phyllo dough. Then cut the banitsa into serving pieces.

Mix the last egg with the soda water and stir. Pour the mixture

over the banitsa and make sure there are no pieces of the phyl-

lo dough left dry.

Bake in a preheated over at 200 C for 40 minutes, or till golden.



Spinach Banitsa

Same as the regular banitsa recipe, but substitute 3 eggs with

1/2 kilogram spinach, washed, cut and lightly fried (no more than

five minutes).

Green Onion Banitsa

Same as the regular banitsa recipe, but substitute 3 eggs with 5-

10 stalks of green onion (about 1 cup diced onion), lightly fried

(no more than ten minutes)..

Banitsa is a traditional Bulgarian dish consumed at any meal.

What you need:

• 2 packets of phyllo dough (Bulgarian "fini kori" or phyllo from

the frozen desserts section)

• 200 grams of yellow cheese (Bulgarian kashkaval or a

mixture of cheddar and mozzarelle)

• 500 grams of white cheese (Bulgarian sirene or feta cheese)

• 7 eggs

• 100 grams of butter

• 1/2 cup of soda water

• 1 cup yogurt





Kulajda soup


Pram Consulting

Postup:Z másla a mouky připravíme světlou jíšku, kterou za stáléhomíchání zalijeme vodou. Přidáme bobkový list, kmín, sůl apovaříme asi 15 minut. Potom zalijeme smetanou a nechámepřejít varem. Nakonec do polévky přidáme trochu octa a opatrněsázíme celá vejce, tak aby se „nerozeběhla". Necháme ji přiklo-penou pokličkou, dokud bílky neztuhnou. Před podáváním posy-peme jemně nasekanými bylinkami podle vlastní chuti a výběru.Polévku podáváme s vařenými bramborami nebo také s chle-bem.

Doba přípravy: 10 minDoba vaření: 15 minPočet porcí: 4

Na některých místech tohoto kraje se brambory nevaří přímo vpolévce, ale zvlášť a přelijí se tekutinou teprve na talíři. Způsobpřípravy se v jednotlivých rodinách lišil a dědil z matky na dceru.My vám nabízíme vynikající variantu se zakysanou smetanou asázenými vejci, která opravdu zasytí.

Suroviny:• 50 g másla• 40 g hladké mouky voda, ocet bobkový list kmín sůl, houby• 4 vejce• 200 ml zakysané smetany• 250 g vařených brambor čerstvé bylinky (pažitka, petrželka,

estragon, kopr, libeček…)




Make a roux from the butter and flour, then add the water, stir-

ring constantly. Add the bay leaf, caraway seeds and salt, and

simmer for around 15 minutes. Then pour in the cream and let

the mixture cool slightly. Then add a little vinegar and break 4

eggs into the soup in a way so as to stop them from running.

Leave with the lid on until the whites congeal. Before serving,

sprinkle with finely chopped herbs according to what you like.

Serve the soup with boiled potatoes and/or bread.

Preparation time: 10 min

Cooking time: 15 min

Number of portions: 4

In some parts of the region, the potatoes in this dish are not coo-

ked in the soup but separately, and are united with the liquid part

of the meal only in the bowl. The preparation method differs from

family to family and is passed down from mother to daughter.

Here we offer you an excellent and filling version containing sour

cream and eggs.


• 50 g butter

• 40 g plain flour water, vinegar bay leaf caraway seeds salt,


• 4 eggs

• 200 ml sour cream

• 250 g boiled potatoes fresh herbs (chives, parsley, estragon,

dill, lovage ...)

Kulajda soup




PrimeTime Kommunikation

Kylling i gryde med agurkesalat

og nye kartofler

Chicken Casserole

with marinated cucumber salad

and new potatoes


Begynd med at tilberede agurkesalaten, så den kan blive kold.

Skyl agurkerne og skær dem i tynde skiver. Læg dem i en skål,

drys med salt, og rod lidt rundt i det, så saltet fordeles. Lad det

trække i en halv time.

Skyl dilden og klip den fint. Hæld agurkerne op i en sigte, så

væden render fra. Skyl agurkeskiverne fri for salt og knug dem

let. Hæld sukker i en skål. Varm vandet og hæld det over sukke-

ret. Rør til sukkeret er opløst og hæld eddike på. Tilsæt dild og

peber. Put agurkerne i og rør rundt.

Rens og skyl kyllingen indvendigt for trevler og snask. Tør den

grundigt med køkkenrulle inde og ude. Skyl persillen, tør den og

stop den ind i kyllingen. Luk i begge ender med en kødnål. Gnid

kyllingen med salt og peber. Smelt smørret i en gryde til det bru-

ser op. Læg kyllingen i, skru ned for varmen, og brun kyllingen

godt på alle sider. Tilsæt vand og lad kyllingen stege ved svag

varme under låg i ca. 1 1/4 time. Læg evt. et rent viskestykke

mellem låg og gryde, så væden ikke koger helt fra.

Skyl de nye kartofler og læg dem i en gryde med saltet vand.

Lad dem koge i 10 minutter

Tag kyllingen op. Skum fedtet fra suppen med en spiseske. Kog

suppen op og hæld fløden ved. Lad den koge ved middelvarme

– hold øje med at den ikke koger over – til den har en passende

konsistens. Smag til med salt of peber og kom evt. kulør i.

Skær kyllingen ud i passende stykker og servér med kartofler,

sovs og agurkesalaten.

Opskrift: Fire personer


• 1 kylling a 1 1/2 kg

• 1 stort bundt persille

• 3 tsk. groft salt

• 5 vrid sort peber

• 30 g smør

• 2 1/2 dl vand

• 1/2 l piskefløde

• 2 agurker

• 4 tsk. groft salt

• 2 dl sukker

• 1 1/2 dl vand

• 2 dl eddike

• 3 vrid sort peber

• 2 spsk. dild

• 1 kg nye kartofler

• 4 tsk. salt

Kylling i gryde med agurkesalat og nye kartofler


Four persons


• 1 chicken (1 1/2 kg)

• 1 big bundle parsley

• 3 teaspoonful salt

• 1/2 teaspoonful black pepper

• 30 grams butter

• 2 1/2 dl water

• 1/2 liter heavy cream

• 2 cucumbers

• 4 teaspoonful salt

• 2 dl sugar

• 1 1/2 dl water

• 2 dl vinegar

• 1/2 teaspoonful black pepper

• 2 tablespoons of dill

• 1 kg new potatoes

• 4 teaspoonful salt


Begin by preparing the cucumber salad and put it in the fridge for

a couple of hours before dinner.

Rinse the cucumbers and cut them in thin slices. Place the sli-

ces in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and then stir them. Let it rest for

? hour. While the cucumbers rest, rinse and cut the dill.

Afterwards, place the cucumbers in a sieve to drain them and

rinse them afterwards to remove the salt. Pour sugar in a bowl,

heat the water and pour it over the sugar. Stir until the sugar is

dissolved and pour the vinegar on it. Add dill and pepper.

Rinse the chicken internally. Thoroughly dry it with it a paper

towel on the inside and outside. Rinse the parsley, dry it, and

place it inside the chicken. Close the chicken in both ends with

needles. Rub the chicken with salt and pepper. Melt the butter in

a casserole. Place the chicken in the casserole, turn down the

heat, and brown the chicken on all sides. Add water and let the

chicken simmer with lit on.

Rinse the new potatoes and place them in a casserole with sal-

ted water. Boil them for 10 minutes.

Take the chicken out of the casserole. Foam the fat with a tea-

spoon. Bring it to the boiling point and pour the heavy cream in

the casserole. Let it boil at medium heat until it has a suitable

texture for a sauce. Add salt and pepper.

Cut the chicken in suitable pieces and serve with the potatoes,

sauce, and marinated cucumber salad.

National language: “Kylling i gryde med agurkesalat og nye kar-


Reason for proposing dish:

Chicken Casserole is a classical Danish dish. Back in the days,

the dish represented a fine meal on Sundays or during holidays.

Today the dish is still popular and it is now a daily eating among

all Danes. The typical accompaniments are marinated cucumber

salad, adding sourness to the dish, and boiled potatoes. The lat-

ter of the two is a key ingredient in close to all traditional Danish

meals – along with a brown sauce, as you see it in this recipe.

Velbekomme (Danish for bon appetite)!

Chicken Casserole with marinated cucumber salad

and new potatoes




Karelian Meat Stew


Medita Communication

Pilko liha kuutioiksi. Ruskista kuutiot pieni erä kerrallaan valu-

rautapadassa. Pilko sipulit ja porkkanat isoiksi lohkoiksi ja lisää

pataan. Lisää pataan vettä niin että lihat peittyvät juuri ja juuri.

Lisää mausteet.

Laita pata 150-asteisiin uuniin ainakin 2–3 tunniksi. Älä päästä

lihoja kuivumaan vaan lisää tarvittaessa vettä.

Tarjoile kokonaisena keitettyjen perunoiden tai perunamuusin

sekä suolakurkkujen ja säilykepunajuuren ja puolukkasoseen


Karjalanpaisti, hitaasti kypsytetty perinteinen lihapata, on peräi-

sin Karjalan alueelta itäisestä Suomesta Venäjän rajan tuntuma-

sta. Monilla suomalaisilla on juurensa Karjalassa. Perinteiset

karjalaiset ruuat ovat olleet suosittuja herkkuja aina 1940- ja

1950-luvuilta, jolloin siirtokarjalaiset asettuivat asumaan eri puo-

lille Suomea. Isoäitimme valmistivat sitä, ja myös äitimme osaa-

vat sen reseptin, ja yhä useammat isätkin näinä päivinä.

Aiemmin karjalanpaistia tehtiin vain juhlatilaisuuksiin, sillä lihaa

ei aina ollut saatavilla, mutta 1900-luvulla siitä on tullut yleinen

arkiruoka. Se on myös monissa äänestyksissä valittu Suomen



• 0,5 kg possua

• 0,5 kg nautaa

• (0,5 kg lammasta)

• voita

• 2 sipulia

• 2 porkkanaa

• 2 laakerinlehtä

• 10 kokonaista mustapippuria ja maustepippuria

• 2 rkl sulaa

• litra vettä



Karelian hot pot (slow roasted stew)


• 0.5 kg pork shoulder

• 0.5 kg beef (chuck steak)

• (0.5 gr stewing lamb or mutton)

• butter

• 2 onions

• 2 carrots

• 2 laurel leaves

• 10 whole black peppers + 10 whole allspice

• 2 tsp salt

• 1 litre water

Cut the meat evenly into cubes. Brown the meat cubes, a little

at a time, in butter on a hot iron pot (use the Sarpaneva Iron

Casserole made by Iittala). Roughly chop the onions and car-

rots. Add as much water as is needed to almost cover the meat.

Add laurel leaves, black peppers and allspice.

There is no need to remove small bones.

Place the dish into an oven (150 degrees Celsius, 300 degrees

Fahrenheit) . Allow the stew to simmer for at least 2–3 hours.

Make sure the meat does not dry and add some water when

needed. The stew is done when meat starts to fall apart.

Karjalanpaisti – slow roasted Karelian meat stew – is a traditio-

nal meat stew originating from the region of Karelia, eastern part

of Finland next to the Russian border.

Many Finns have their roots in Karelia. Traditional Karelian

dishes, such as Karelian Meat Stew, have been popular delica-

cies since 1940-50`s when evacuated Karelians moved around

Finland. Our grandmothers have cooked it, and our mothers

know the recipe as well as quite many fathers, too, in these

days. The Karelian Meat Stew was once only prepared for festi-

ve occasions, due to the poor availability of meat in some areas,

but during the 20th century it has become a common, everyday

food. The Karelian Meat Stew has been selected as the national

dish of Finland in many votings.

Karelian Meat Stew



Boeuf Bourguignon


Coupez la viande en morceaux de taille équivalente. Pelez les

carottes, les oignons et les échalotes et coupez-les en tran-


Dans une cocotte, mettez le beurre et l’huile et faites dorer les

lardons et la viande, puis ajoutez oignons, échalotes et carot-

tes. Lorsque la viande est dorée, saupoudrez de farine et

recouvrez avec le vin. Ajoutez les gousses d’ail et le bouquet

garni. Assaisonnez avec le sel et le poivre.

Couvrez puis maintenez à feu doux pendant 2 à 3 heures.

Piquez la viande et laissez cuire jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit tendre.

Si au moment de servir la sauce est trop liquide, ôtez la viande

et faite réduire.

Servez et régalez-vous !

Pour 4 personnes :

• 2 kg de viande pour bourguignon

(talon de collier, paleron, macreuse)

• 300 g de lard de poitrine fumée

• 1/2 dl d'huile

• 1 cuillère à soupe de farine

• 1 cuillère à soupe de beurre

• 1/2 l de vin rouge (Ici, de l'Irancy)

• 1 verre de bouillon de boeuf (frais ou préparé avec un cube)

• une vingtaine de petits oignons

• 1 gousse d'ail

• 2 échalotes

• 1 petit bouquet de persil (pas mis ici)

• 1 feuille de laurier

• 1 branche de thym

• sel et poivre

Préparation: 20 mn

Cuisson : 180 mn

Repos: 0 mn

Temps total: 200 mn

Boeuf Bourguignon


- Prepare and cut the meat in regular pieces; peel the carrots

and onions and cut the into thin slices.

- In a casserole, heat the butter and oil and brown the lardo-

ons, the meat pieces, then add the carrots and the onions.

When browned, spread with the flour and cover with the wine.

Add the crushed garlic and the bouquet garni; season with salt

& pepper.

- Cover and simmer for 2 to 3 hours (this time will depend on

the choice of the meat and the size of the pieces; prick the

meat with a fork to test if it is cooked enough).

- When cooked, if the sauce is too liquid, take the meat and

herbs out, then reduce it for a few minutes.


Four persons


• 1.5 kg [3.5 lbs] beef meet (silverside, chuck, neck...)

• 100 gr [3.5 oz] lardoons

• 2 onions

• 2 carrots

• 30 gr [1 oz] plain flour

• 50 gr [2 oz] butter

• 5 cl [2 fl oz] oil

• 2 peeled and crushed garlic cloves

• 1 1/2 bottle red wine (burgandy type)

• 1 bouquet garni (parsley, thyme / bayleaves...)

• salt & pepper.

Boeuf Bourguignon



Bayerischer Schweinebraten

mit Dunkelbier-Sauce,

Semmelknödel und Rotkohl

Bavarian roast pork with

dark beer sauce, bread dumplings

and red cabbage


der Schwarte nach oben in den Bräter geben. Übergießen Sie

das Fleisch mit ca. 0,5 Liter kochender Fleischbrühe und schie-

ben Sie den Bräter auf mittlerer Schiene in den Ofen. Dort 1

Stunde garen lassen.

In der Zwischenzeit die Zwiebeln achteln, die Karotten und den

Sellerie würfeln und den Lauch in feine Ringe schneiden. Alles

zum Braten geben. Anschließend 1 Liter kochende Brühe über

den Braten gießen und für weitere 2 Stunden in den Ofen schie-

ben. Immer mal wieder ein wenig Bratensaft nachgießen. Rund

eine halbe Stunde vor Garzeitende den Ofen auf 220 Grad

Oberhitze stellen und das Bier über den Braten leeren.

Wenn der Braten fertig ist, nehmen Sie den Bräter aus dem

Ofen. Die knusprige Kruste mit einem Messer vorsichtig lösen

und in kleine Stücke schneiden. Dann den Braten tranchieren

und die einzelnen Stücke neben die Kruste legen.

Füllen Sie das Gemüse und die Sauce in eine Sauciere.

Für die Semmelknödel:500 g Brot (Semmelknödel)

3 Eier

250 ml lauwarme Milch

1 mittelgroße Zwiebel, fein gehackt

Petersilie, gehackt

Salz und Pfeffer


Zubereitung der Semmelknödel:

Lauwarme Milch über das Knödelbrot gießen und den Teig mit

den Händen mischen. Fügen Sie Petersilie, Zwiebeln und Eier

hinzu. Anschließend alles zusammen gründlich vermischen. Mit

Salz, Pfeffer, Muskat würzen und den Teig kurz ruhen lassen.

Aus dem Teig mit nassen Händen ungefähr 8 runde Kugeln bil-

den und in kochendem Salzwasser (Knödel müssen schwim-

men) ca. 20 Minuten garen. Nehmen Sie die Knödel mit einem

Schaumlöffel heraus und servieren Sie diese mit dem


Für den Rotkohl:

1 mittelgroßer Rotkohl (Blaukraut)

2 Äpfel (Kochäpfel), geschält geviertelt oder ersatzweise

1 Glas Apfelmus

1 Zwiebel, geschält

8 Gewürznelken

1 Zimtstange 1 Lorbeerblatt

3 Esslöffel Zucker

2 Esslöffel Schmalz (Gänseschmalz

oder Schweineschmalz)

2 Esslöffel Essig (Rotweinessig)

500 Milliliter Fleischbrühe

4 Esslöffel Mehl, oder mehr

500 Milliliter Rotwein

Salz Wenn gewünscht, ein paar Kastanien

Zubereitung von dem Rotkohl:

Hobeln Sie das Kraut fein. Anschließend Schmalz in einen

Kochtopf geben. Zucker nachgeben und darin karamellisieren

lassen. Fügen Sie das Kraut und den Essig hinzu. Das Ganze

mit den Äpfeln (oder ersatzweise dem Apfelmus) gut vermi-

schen. Spicken Sie anschließend die Zwiebel mit den Nelken.

Anschließend die Zwiebel gemeinsam mit den Gewürzen dem

Kraut hinzufügen. Füllen Sie den Topf mit etwas Fleischbrühe

und lassen Sie das Ganze unter mehrmaligem Rühren für ca.

30-45 Minuten köcheln.

Salz hinzufügen, mit Mehl bestäuben, gut umrühren und den

Rotwein begießen. Kochen Sie das Kraut, bis dieses weich wird.

Seien Sie nicht enttäuscht, wenn das Kraut noch nicht schmeckt.

Es entfaltet sein volles Aroma beim Aufwärmen. Wenn

gewünscht, vor dem Essen noch ein paar Kastanien hinzufügen.

Zum Lagern: Füllen Sie das kochend heiße Rotkraut bis an den

Rand (dies ist notwendig, um den Sauerstoff zu entfernen) in

Gläser mit Schraubverschluss und verschließen Sie die Gläser

fest. Ideal für diesen Zweck geeignet sind Gurkengläser.

Zutaten für 6 Portionen

Insgesamt: 3 Stunden 30 Minuten

Schwierigkeitsgrad: Normal

Für den Braten:

2 Kilogramm Schweinefleisch, mit Schwarte


grobes Salz


3 mittelgroße Zwiebeln

2 große Karotten

Eine halbe Sellerieknolle

1 Stange Lauch

1 Liter dunkles Bier, z. B. König Ludwig

1 Liter Fleischbrühe


Den Backofen auf 195 Grad (175 Grad bei Umluft-Öfen) vorhei-


Zubereitung von dem Schweinebraten:

Die Schwarte mit einem scharfen Messer in Rauten einschnei-

den oder bereits vom Metzger vorschneiden lassen.

Anschließend die Schwarte und das Fleisch mit ganz viel gro-

bem Salz, Kümmel und etwas Pfeffer einreiben. Das Fleisch mit

Bayerischer Schweinebraten mit Dunkelbier-Sauce,

Semmelknödel und Rotkohl


Preparation of the roast pork:

Score the pork rind into diamond shapes with a sharp knife or

buy the pork already pre-cut by the butcher. Rub the pork rind

and the meat with a lot of coarse salt, cumin and a bit of pepper.

Place the meat into the roasting tray with the pork rind facing up.

Baste the meat with around 0.5 liters of boiling meat broth and

roast it in the preheated oven in the middle rack for approxima-

tely 1 hour. Cut the onion into eighths, dice the carrots and cele-

ry and cut leek into fine rings. Add everything to the roast, baste

with around 1 liter and place the roasting tray again in the oven

and roast for 2 hours. Now and then pour gravy over the roast

pork. Around 30 minutes before end of cooking time turn the

oven to 220 degrees top heat. Then pour the beer over the roast


When the roast pork is ready, take the roasting tray out of the

oven. Carefully lift the crust with a knife and divide it into small

pieces. Then carve the roast and place it beside the crust. Fill the

vegetables and sauce into a gravy boat.

For the bread dumplings:

• 500 g bread (bread dumplings)

• 3 eggs

• 250 ml lukewarm milk

• 1 medium sized onion, chopped finely parsley

• salt and pepper

• nutmeg

Preparation of the bread dumplings:

Pour lukewarm milk over the bread dumplings and mix with your

hands. Add parsley, onions and eggs and mix it all together tho-

roughly. Season with salt, pepper, nutmeg and allow the dough

to rest briefly.

With wet hands form about 8 round balls from the dough and

cook in boiling salted water (dumplings have to swim) about 20

minutes. Remove dumplings with a slotted spoon and serve with

the roast pork.

For the red cabbage::

• 1 medium-sized red cabbage

• 2 apples (cooking apples), peeled and quartered or as

a substitute1 glass of apple sauce

• 1 onion, peeled

• 8 cloves

• 1 cinnamon stick

• 1 bay leaf

• 3 tablespoons sugar

• 2 tablespoons lard or goose fat

• 2 tablespoons vinegar (red wine vinegar)

• 500 ml of broth

• 4 tablespoons flour or more

• 500 ml of red wine

• salt

If desired, a few chestnuts

Preparation of the red cabbage:

Chop the herb finely. Put the lard (or goose fat) into a saucepan.

Add sugar and let it caramelize. Add the cabbage and vinegar.

Mix in the apples (or applesauce). Lard the onion with cloves and

add all spices. Fill up the saucepan with a bit of meat broth and

let it simmer for about 30-45 minutes, while stirring several


Add salt, dust with flour, stir well and add the red wine. Boil eve-

rything thoroughly until the cabbage is soft. Do not be disappoin-

ted if the herb does not taste yet. It unfolds its full aroma while

warming up.

If desired, before eating add a few chestnuts.

To store: Fill the boiling hot red cabbage to the edge (this is

important in order to remove the present oxygen) in screw-cap

jars and seal immediately.

Ideally suited for this purpose are pickle jars.

Ingredients for 6 portions

Total time: 3 hours 30 minutes

Difficulty: Normal

For the roast pork:

• 2 kg of pork, with pork rind

• cumin

• coarse salt

• pepper

• 3 medium sized onions

• 2 large carrots

• A half celeriac

• 1 leek

• 1 liter of dark beer, e.g. König Ludwig

• 1 1/2 liters of meat broth


Preheat the oven to 195 degrees (175 degrees for fan-assisted



Bavarian roast pork with dark beer sauce, bread

dumplings and red cabbage


Mákos Guba


Probako Communications

Elkészítés:1. Egy 26X17 cm-es, magas peremű tepsit kivajazunk, elkezdjükelőmelegíteni a sütőt. A kifliket felkarikázzuk, és egy nagy tálbatesszük.

2. A vajat, tejet, vaníliarúd belsejét, héját, valamint a mézet egyedénybe tesszük, és felforraljuk.

3. Ha felforrt, kivesszük belőle a vaníliarudat, majd leforrázzukvele a kifliket, jól átforgatjuk (óvatosan, össze ne törjön a kifli!),hogy a kiflik mindenütt átnedvesedjenek.

4. Egy tálban összekeverjük a darált mákot, a porcukrot, areszelt citromhéjat. Ezután a keveréket a kiflikre szórjuk, és jólátkeverjük vele (még mindig nagyon óvatosan).

5. A kész gubát a tepsibe tesszük, és előmelegített 180 C-ossütőben megpirítjuk a tetejét (hőlégkeverés nélkül kb. 15 perc).

6. A kész gubát melegen tálaljuk.

A mákos guba vagy más néven bobajka egy jellegzetes magyarédesség. Eredetileg karácsonyi ünnepi étel volt, és abban ahiszemben sütötték, hogy a sokszemű mák sok szerencsét, sokpénzt hoz az újesztendőben. Napjainkban már egész évbenkészítik ezt a desszertet, a legtöbb háztartásban. Az éttermekétlapjain is állandó szereplő. Elkészítése egyszerű, ennek elle-nére egy ínyenc, tápláló desszert. A recept kulcsa a mák, miutánez Európában nem mindenhol kapható, így bátran ajánlom aszintén bevált dióval való elkészítését. Leginkább szikkadt vizeskiflit használnak az elkészítése során, tejben áztatva. A század-forduló idején még a kemence földjén a kenyerek mellett sütöt-ték, később már sütőben, tepsiben. Gyakran tálalják vaníliaön-tettel.

Hozzávalók: • 8 db szikkadt vizes kifli • 650 ml tej• 20 g vaj• 150 g darált mák• 1 db citrom reszelt héja• 1 db rúd vanília belseje és héja• 75 g porcukor• 4 evőkanál méz

Mákos Guba







• 1.5 loaves of French stick bread (slightly stale and dry is best)

• 650 ml milk

• 20 g butter

• 150 g poppy seeds

• grated zest of one lemon

• a few drops of vanilla extract

• 150 g icing sugar

• liquid honey (approx. 4 tbsp)


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C on Bake or Fan Bake. Grease a

deep baking pan or glass baking tray with half the butter.

2. Melt the other half of the butter in a saucepan, and then add

the milk, icing sugar, a few drops of vanilla extract and the gra-

ted lemon zest. Warm it up on a medium heat, stirring often.

3. In the meantime, slice up the French stick bread (approx. 1.5

cm thick slices). Arrange the slices in a flat container and pour

the hot milk over them. Soak the bread until the slices are soft,

but not mushy. If necessary, turn the slices over to ensure they

are evenly soaked through.

4. Remove the slices and arrange them in the baking pan. Bake

in the oven for around 10 minutes, or until the bread becomes

slightly drier.

5. While the bread is in the oven, grind the poppy seeds in a cof-

fee grinder.

6. Remove the bread from the oven, sprinkle the poppy seed

mixture on top, drizzle with about half of the honey, and then put

it back to bake for another 5 minutes or so. Serve warm, drizzled

generously with honey or a dusting of icing sugar.

The Mákos Guba (Pronounced:”MAH-kosh GOO-bah”), also

known as bobojka, is a typical Hungarian sweet. Originally it was

a Christmas festive dish, and baked in the belief that the poppy

seeds bring good luck and a lot of money for the New Year. (This

no-fuss Christmas dessert combines simplicity with Hungarians’

love of consuming poppy seeds in quantities that would be con-

sidered bordering on the illegal in some other countries… but the

powerful taste of these tiny black seeds is nicely offset by the

lightness and sweetness of milk and honey.) Nowadays, most

households prepare this dessert throughout the year. Great if

you want a foolproof dessert that feeds a lot and requires no

complicated techniques or fancy ingredients. The key point is to

have poppy, but people abroad sometimes replace it with nuts.

At the preparation they use arid (toasted) crescent rolls soaked

in milk. At the turn of the century, they baked in the furnace while

the bread, later in the oven roasted in pan. It’s often served with

vanilla sauce.

Mákos Guba









CBO – Communication by Objectives


Cominciate quindi ad aggiungere il brodo in modo da coprire

bene il riso e mescolate.

Continuate a mescolare e ad aggiungere il brodo che man mano

viene assorbito dal riso fino a fine cottura, circa 15 minuti.

Provate il riso per vedere se è cotto bene e se è sufficientemen-

te salato, altrimenti continuate la cottura con aggiunta di altro

brodo e eventualmente un altro pizzico di sale.

Quando il riso è cotto, aggiungete del burro e del formaggio grat-

tugiato, mescolate bene e spegnete il fuoco, coprite la pentola e

lasciate riposare per qualche minuto, poi servite.

Invece del burro, potete utilizzare della panna da cucina per que-

sta fase finale.

Preparate in una pentola del brodo di verdura o di carne secon-

do il vostro gusto e tenetelo in caldo.

In un’altra pentola preparate un soffritto a fuoco basso con una

cipolla tritata molto fine e del burro.

Quando il soffritto è imbiondito, aggiungete il riso della miglior

qualità – possibilmente Arborio – dosando un mestolo raso per

persona e mescolate bene per condire bene il riso con il soffrit-

to, quindi aggiungete un po’ di vino bianco secco e lasciate eva-

porare l’alcol sempre mescolando bene.



Prepare in a saucepan some (2/3 liters) broth made with vege-

tables or meat or with both according to your taste and keep it


In another saucepan prepare an onion very finely chopped and

herbs fried in some butter.

Once this has become brownish, add the rice of the best quality

– possibly Arborio – dosing a level ladle per person, mix well,

then add some dry white wine and let the alcohol evaporate stir-

ring in continuously very well.

Then start adding broth to cover well the rice and stir in well.

Continue to stir and to add broth as soon as it is absorbed by the

rice until when it is fully cooked, in approximately 15 minutes.

Taste the rice and see whether it is fully cooked and whether it

is salty enough, otherwise continue cooking by adding more

broth and some salt.

When the rice is fully cooked, add butter and parmisan, or gra-

ted cheese, stir well and turn off the fire, cover the saucepan and

leave it for a few minutes, then serve.

For this final phase you may use cream instead of butter.

Il Risotto is a special national dish. It should be prepared when

all the family is around ready for lunch or dinner, because it takes

at least 15 minutes to prepare and must be eaten as soon as


A very good quality of rice is requested for this dish and the best

Italian rice is produced in Lombardia, the region where Milan and

our agency is located.





PR Net Baltic

Kartupeļu pankūkas

Potato Pancakes

Nomizojiet kartupeļus un sīpolu. Sarīvējiet tos ar elektrisko vai parasto kartupeļu rīvi. Jūs iegūsietbiezeni no sarīvētajiem kartupeļiem un sīpola. Pievienojiet sakultu olu, nedaudz sāls un melnos piparus. Visas sastāvdaļas rūpīgi sajauciet. Pannā ielejiet nedaudz olīveļļas. Pankūku formu veidojiet arēdamkarotes palīdzību, cepiet pankūkas sakarsētā eļļā.Sagrieziet sīpolu un ielieciet to pannā ar izkausētu sviestu.Sīpolus nedaudz apcepiet, tad pievienojiet vārītas baravikas.Visu vēl nedaudz apcepiet un tad pievienojiet krējumu. Atsevišķā traukā baraviku buljonam, kas palicis pāri no sēņuvārīšanas, pievienojiet miltus. Abas sastāvdaļas sajauciet unielejiet pannā ar apceptajām sēnēm. Visu sajauciet, pēc garšaspievienojot sāli un piparus.Ņemiet vērā, ka mērce ir jāpagatavo pirms pankūkupagatavošanas, lai uzkarsēto mērci varētu pārliet svaigi ceptāmpankūkām. Izrotājiet pankūkas ar svaigām dillēm un izbaudietēdienu!Kartupeļu ēdieni Baltijas valstīs ir ļoti populāri. Šo sātīgo ēdienuieteicams izgaršot aukstajos gadalaikos.

Sastāvdaļas kartupeļu pankūku pagatavošanai: • 1 kg kartupeļu• 1 sīpols• 1 ola• nedaudz sāls• nedaudz melno piparu• nedaudz olīveļļas

Sastāvdaļas baraviku mērces pagatavošanai: • 300 g svaigi vārītu baraviku• 1 liels sīpols• 1 ēdamkarote sviesta • 100 g krējuma• 100 ml baraviku buljona• 1 karote miltu• nedaudz sāls• nedaudz melno piparu• nedaudz diļļu (rotāšanai)

Kartupeļu pankūkas


Peel potatoes and onion. Than grate them with electric potato

grater or with manual grater.

You should get a thick porridge like mixture of grated potato and

onion. Add beaten egg, some salt and some black pepper. Mix

all ingredients. Put some olive oil into pan.

Form your pancakes with tablespoon and fry in hot oil.

Cut onion put into pan with melted butter.

Roast a little bit onion, add boiled boletus. Fry everything for a

moment and after add cream. In a cup mix bouillon (reserve

water in which you boiled boletus) with flour and add this two

ingredients into pan with boletus. Salt and pepper your sauce.

You should make your sauce before pancakes, so heated sauce

will go directly on hot pancakes.

Put a lot of sauce on one portion of pancakes.

Sprinkle some dill over the dish. Enjoy!!!

Dishes from potatoes are very popular in Baltic states.

It is recommended to taste this rich dish during cold season.

Ingredients for potato pancakes:

• 1 kg potatoes

• 1 onion

• 1 egg

• some salt

• some black pepper

• some olive oil

Ingredients for boletus (porcini)

mushrooms sauce:

• 300 g. fresh boiled boletus (porcini)

• 1 big onion

• 1 tablespoon of butter

• 100 g. cream

• 100 ml.bouillon of boletus (porcini)

• 1 spoon of flour

• some black pepper

• some dill

Potato Pancakes



�усские пельмени

Russian Pelmeni


YA Corporation

�ачинка• 0,5 (ок. 225 г) фунта говяжьего фарша• 0,5 (ок. 225 г) фунта свиного фарша• 1 головка лука�оль, перец, специи на вкус�ачинка пельменей состоит из смеси говяжьего и свиного фарша,тертого лука, соли и перца. �ожно также добавить головкумелкорубленого чеснока. �мешайте эти ингредиенты, и начинка готова!

�епка пельменей#азделите тесто на две части, одну из которых накройте чем-нибудь(полотенцем, миской), чтобы тесто не засохло. %торую часть раскатайтев длинную «змею» диаметром в 1 дюйм (2,5 см). #азрежьте тесто накусочки, также с интервалом в 1 дюйм, после чего раскатайте кусочкискалкой до тоненьких лепешек. 'айной ложкой положите начинку вцентр и заверните тесто, крепко сдавливая края. *аждый пельменьдолжен представлять из себя маленький пакет без дырок и щелей,чтобы сохранить вкус мясной начинки. /ридайте пальцами итоговуюформу пельменю.

�а последнем этапе пельмени нужно сварить3оведите до кипения большое количество воды с 1-2 чайными ложкамисоли. /оложите пельмени в кипящую воду. Они будут готовы через 3-4минуты после того, как всплывут. 3останьте пельмени с помощьюдуршлага, добавьте 1-2 ложки масла. 3обавьте сметаны. 8сли вы всесделали правильно, каждый пельмень должен выглядеть как нафотографии, без дырочек и щелей, с каплей вкусного бульона внутри.

�отовые пельмени9з предложенного количества ингредиентов должно получиться 30-40пельменей, то есть на 3-4 порции. Однако традиционно мы готовим по100-150 пельменей и храним их замороженными. 8сли вы хотитезаготовить много пельменей, замораживайте их сырыми.

�ецепт приготовления русских пельменей %ключает несколько этапов. �ачинаем с подготовки теста и начинки.:епка пельменей – еще один большой этап. �е верьте никому, ктоскажет, что это скучно, это самый увлекательный, самый веселыйпроцесс. %ековая традиция лепки пельменей собирает всю семью застолом, церемония часто сопровождается песнями и душевнымиразговорами!

;отовые пельмени можно купить в любом российском супермаркете. Онивысокого качества, и приготовить их можно очень быстро. �обольшинство русских все еще предпочитают традицию самостоятельнойручной лепки пельменей, причем для многих домохозяек это вопросчести. *стати, пельмени домашнего приготовления очень различаютсяпо вкусу. �о это всегда вкусно, и это всегда настоящий вкус #оссии.

�ецепт пельменей:�есто'тобы приготовить тесто, нам нужно:• 210 мл холодной воды• 1 яйцо• 1 чайная ложка соли• 400 г муки

�усские пельмени



Dough in section

Step two. Filling.

• 0.5 lb beef ground

• 0.5 lb pork ground

• 1 middle onion

Salt, pepper, spices by taste

Pelmeni filling consists of ground beef and pork mixed with

ground or grated onion, salt and pepper. You may also add 1

chopped clove of garlic. Combine all ingredients and filling is


making filling

filling is ready

Assembling pelmeni.

Cut the dough into 2 pieces, one piece cover with something (kit-

chen towel, bowl) or wrap in a plastic bag otherwise the dough

will dry up. Roll the dough into a long “snake” one inch in dia-

meter. Cut the dough at one-inch intervals and roll the pieces out

into circles using floured rolling pin 1/16 to 1/32 of an inch thick.

Place a teaspoon of the meat filling in the center and fold the

dough over, pinching edges firmly to completely seal each pel-

men into a small packet. There should be no holes in the dough

to preserve the flavor and consistency of the meat inside. Than

pinch 2 sides of pelmen to get the final shape.

The final step is boiling.

Boil a generous amount of water with 1-2 tsp. salt. Drop enough

pelmeni into the boiling water. They are ready to eat when they

floating to the top for 3-4 minutes and stay there. Take pelmeni

out using skimmer. Add 1-2 teaspoon butter. Serve with a sour

cream. If you did everything right each pelmen should look as

shown in the picture, without holes and with a drop of delicious

broth inside.

From this amount of ingredients there should be 30-40 pelmeni,

3-4 servings. But traditionally we make 100-150 pelmeni and

keep them frozen over time so if you plan to store your pelmeni,

freeze them uncooked.

Russian pelmeni recipe

involves only 2 steps: making the dough and making the filling.

Well, assembling pelmeni is also a big step, but very interesting.

Do not believe if anyone says that molding pelmeni is a pretty

tedious business! It’s all about to having fun! Time-honored tra-

dition of making pelmeni gathers all family members around the

table and makes the process cooperative and interesting often

accompanied by hours of songs and stories. Pelmeni can be

bought pre-made in the freezer section of any Russian super-

market. They are a hearty meal that cooks quickly and easily, but

most Russians still prefer the tradition of making them by hand,

and Russian housewives consider it a question of honor to do

so. Moreover the taste of home-made pelmeni is absolutely dif-

ferent. Anyway pelmeni are tasty and a true taste of Russia.

Russian pelmeni recipe

Step one. Dough

To make dough we need

• 210 ml cold water

• 1 egg

• 1 teaspoon salt

• 400 gram flour

Making a dough is very simple. Sift the flour into a table. Make

a dimple in the top and crack the egg into that. Add 1 teaspoon

salt. Adding the cold water gradually, knead the dough vigorou-

sly 15-20 minutes.

Russian Pelmeni


South Africa

African Ostrich meatballs

– served with pap (polenta mash)

and Chakalaka


Lange 360


Preheat the oven to a moderate 180 ºC (350 ºF/Gas 4). Lightly

grease two baking trays. Place the ostrich mince, onion, garlic,

herbs and spices in a bowl and mix together well. Season with

salt and pepper.

Roll tablespoons of the mixture into balls and place on the pre-

pared trays. Bake for 18 – 20 minutes, or until browned.

Meanwhile, to make the sauce, heat the oil in a large saucepan,

add the onion and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes, or until

soft. Add the garlic, cumin, cinnamon and paprika, and cook for

1 minute, or until fragrant.

Stir in the tomato, harissa and apricot jam and bring to the boil.

Reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes, then add the meat-

balls and simmer for 10 minutes, or until cooked through. Stir in

the coriander, season well and serve.


Chakalaka is very “South African”. Chakalaka is served as a

sauce or as a relish and often as a cold salad with other greens.

Chakalaka is not only served in shebeens but also in 5 star

game lodges and fine city hotels.


• 45 ml oil

• 1 onion, grated

• 2 garlic cloves, crushed

• 1 green pepper, chopped

• 3 green chillies, deseeded and chopped

• 10 ml curry powder

• 3 medium carrots, grated

• 1 medium cauliflower or broccoli, divided into florets

• 1 x 410 g can baked beans in tomato sauce

• salt and pepper to taste


1. Heat oil and sauté onions, garlic, ginger and green pepper

with the chillies and curry powder for five minutes.

2. Add the carrots and cauliflower.

3. Cook gently for about 15 minutes, or until all vegetables

are cooked.

4. Add beans and seasoning, heat through and allow to cool.

5. Serve cold.

Ostrich meatballs


• 1kg Ostrich Mince

• 1 onion, finely chopped

• 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

• 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh flat leaf parsley

• 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh coriander leaves

• 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

• 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper

• 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

• 1/2teaspoon ground cardamom

• 1 teaspoon ground cumin

• 1 teaspoon paprika


• 2 tablespoons olive oil

• 1 onion, finely chopped

• 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

• 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

• 1 teaspoon paprika

• 2 x 425 g cans chopped tomatoes

• 2 teaspoons harissa

• 4 tablespoons chopped fresh coriander leaves

• 2 tablespoons apricot jam

African Ostrich meatballs – served with pap (polenta

mash) and Chakalaka



14LF Channel

Suquet de rape y gambas

Monkfish and prawns “Suquet”

Ingredientes para seis personas:

• 1 kilo de rape

• 12 gambas medianas

• 12 mejillones

• 3 tomates maduros

• 1 cebolla

• 2 dientes de ajo

• 1/2 kilo de patatas

• 1 copa de vino blanco

• 1l de caldo de pescado

• “Picada”

50 gramos de almendras y avellanas

2 cabezas de ajo

1 rebanada de pan frito





Para hacer la picada ponemos todos los ingredientes en un sar-

tén y los sofreímos durante 2 – 3 minutos. Luego los ponemos

en un mortero y los trituramos hasta obtener una pasta fina.

La reservamos.

Empezamos preparando un sofrito en una cazuela con tres

cucharadas de aceite de oliva. Primero doramos el ajo bien pica-

do y después añadimos la cebolla.

Una vez dorados añadimos el tomate cortado a dados.

Lo sofreímos durante un par de minutos y luego añadimos una

copa de vino blanco.

Dejamos que se evapore el alcohol durante un minuto o dos y

añadimos las patatas cortadas a dados y el caldo de pescado.

Lo dejamos cocer a fuego lento unos 20 minutos. Añadimos el

rape, las gambas y los mejillones y lo dejamos cocinar durante

5 minutos.

En el último minuto ponemos la picada y la mezclamos bien.

El plato ya está listo.

El “Suquet” es un plato tradicional catalán, sencillo, que solían

hacer los pescadores con el pescado que no habían podido ven-

der en la plaza. “Suquet” proviene de la palabra en catalán “suc”,

que quiere decir “jugo”.

Es un plato que admite muchas variaciones y puede usarse

pescado fresco del día; en esta receta se indican los ingredien-

tes más habituales.

“Suquet” de rape y gambas



Ingredients for six people

• 1 kilo of monkfish

• 12 medium-size shrimps

• 12 mussels

• 3 ripe tomatoes

• 1 onion

• 2 garlic cloves

• 1/2 kilo of potatoes

• 1 glass of white wine

• 1 liter of fish stock

• For the “Picada”

50 grams of almonds and hazelnuts

2 garlic cloves

1 small slice of bread



A pinch of saffron


First, we prepare the “picada”: put all its ingredients in a pan and

cook them for 2 or 3 minutes.

Then put them in a mortar and grind them until we obtain a fine

paste; set it apart.

In an iron casserole, put 3 tablespoons of olive oil and the chopped

garlic. Once it’s a bit golden, we add the sliced onion and cook it for

2 or 3 minutes or until it gets a golden color. Then we add the

chopped tomatoes and the glass of white wine. We let evapora-

te the wine for 1 or 2 minutes and add the diced potatoes and

the fish stock. We let the mix simmer for about 20 minutes.

We add then the monkfish, the mussels and the prawns, salt,

and let it cook for an additional five minutes.

During the last minute we add the “Picada”, and the dish will be


The “Suquet” (pronounced “sooket”) is a traditional Catalan dish,

very simple, done by the fisherman with the catch of the day they

couldn’t sell in the market. “Suquet” comes from the Catalan

word “suc” which means “juice”.

It is a dish that supports many variations and can be done with

almost any catch of the day, but in here we list the ingredients

most commonly used, for a “suquet” with monkfish and prawns.

Monkfish and prawns “Suquet”


Zürcher Geschnätzeltes

15L&W Communication

1. Ofen auf 60 Grad vorheizen, Platte und Teller vorwärmen.

2. Bratbutter in einer Bratpfanne heiss werden lassen. Fleisch

und Nierli portionenweise beigeben, mit Mehl bestäuben, ca. 3

Min. braten, herausnehmen, würzen, warm stellen. Hitze redu-

zieren, Bratfett auftupfen.

3. Bratbutter in derselben Pfanne warm werden lassen. Zwiebel

an dämpfen, Champignons mit Zitronensaft mischen, beigeben,

ca. 2 Min. mit dämpfen.

4. Wein dazugeben, bei mittlerer Hitze einkochen. Bouillon und

Maizena gut verrühren, dazu giessen, aufkochen. Hitze reduzie-

ren, ca. 3 Min. köcheln, bis die Sauce sämig ist, würzen.

5. Am Schluss den geschlagenen Rahm darunterziehen.

Fleisch und die Hälfte der Petersilie beigeben, nur noch heiss

werden lassen. Geschnetzeltes auf Platte anrichten, mit restli-

cher Petersilie sowie einem Rahmtupfer bestreuen.


750 g fest kochende Kartoffeln am Vortag in der Schale weich

kochen, noch warm schälen, auskühlen lassen und zugedeckt

im Kühlschrank aufbewahren. Am nächsten Tag die Kartoffeln an

der Bircher Raffel reiben und etwas salzen – sofern notwendig.

2 Esslöffel Bratbutter in einer Bratpfanne heiss werden lassen,

die Kartoffeln beigeben, mit einer Bratschaufel zu einem Kuchen

zusammenschieben 2 Esslöffel kalte Milch darüber verteilen,

Hitze reduzieren. Bratpfanne mit einem flachen, gut sitzenden

Deckel oder einem grossen Teller zudecken. Die Kartoffeln 30

Minuten leise brutzeln lassen, bis eine braune, knusprige Kruste

entsteht. Den Röstikuchen auf den Deckel oder den Teller stür-

zen, mit der noch ungebratenen Seite nach unten in die Pfanne

zurückgleiten lassen und weitere 10 Minuten unbedeckt braten.

Dann auf eine Röstiplatte gleiten lassen oder wiederum mit Hilfe

des Deckels oder des Tellers stürzen und auf die vorgewärmte

Platte geben

Wichtig: diese Rösti nie mit der Bratschaufel wenden, damit ein

schöner Kuchen entsteht.

Vor- und zubereiten

• Bratbutter zum Braten

• 400g Kalbfleisch (z. B. Nuss oder Filet), vom

• Metzger in ca. 1 cm breite

• Streifen geschnitten

• 200g Kalbsnierli (siehe Hinweis),

• vom Metzger in ca. 1 cm

• breite Streifen geschnitten

• wenig Mehl zum Bestäuben

• 1/2 Teelöffel Salz

• wenig Pfeffer aus der Mühle

• Bratbutter zum Braten

• 1 kleine Zwiebel, fein gehackt

• 200g Champignons, in feinen Scheiben

• 1 Teelöffel Zitronensaft

• 1dl Weisswein

• 2dl Rahm

• 1dl Fleischbouillon

Zürcher Geschnätzeltes


1. Heat oven to 60 ºCelsius, warm the platter and plates.

2. Heat the butter in a frying pan and slowly add veal,

dust with flour; fry for approx. 2-3 minutes; remove from heat and

season with salt and pepper and keep the dish warm. Reduce

the heat and dab pan to remove.

3. Warm a little clarified butter in the same pan, heat onions. Mix

mushrooms with lemon juice and add to the onions, braise for

approx. 2 minutes.

4. Add wine, cook on medium heat. Stir the beef bouillon and

cornstarch well and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cook for

approx. 3 minutes until the sauce is slightly thickened, season to

taste, add the wipped cream. Add the meat and half of the par-

sley; heat but do not boil.

5. Arrange the Geschnetzeltes on the platter and garnish with

the rest of the parsley and a spoon of the wipped cream.


• Butter (clarified) for frying

• 400 g Veal (e.g. veal nut or tenderloin) cut by the butcher


750 g firm-cooking potatoes boil the previous day.

Peel when still warm. Cool and keep covered in the refrigerator.

Slice finely the next day. Approx. 1 1/2 teaspoon salt the potato-

es – if necessary.

2 tablespoons of butter heat in a frying pan, add the potatoes,

turn and push with a spatula to form a cake 2 tablespoons of cold

milk spread milk over potatoes and reduce heat. Cover frying

pan with a well-fitting lid or a large plate.

Fry for 30 minutes until a crisp brown crust has formed. Invert the

Rösti cake on the lid or plate; slide the unbaked side of the cake

into the frying pan.

Bake uncovered for another 10 minutes. Slide it onto a Rösti

platter or invert it with the help of the lid and place on the war-

med plate.


• Butter (clarified) for frying

• 400 g Veal (e.g. veal nut or tenderloin) cut by the butcher

into approx. 1 cm wide strips

• A little flour for dusting

• 1/2 teaspoon salt

• Some pepper, freshly ground

• Butter (clarified)

• 1 small onion, minced

• 200 g White mushrooms cut into fine slices

• 1 teaspoon lemon juice

• 1 dl white wine

• 2 dl heavy cream, wipped

• 1 dl beef bouillon

• 1 tablespoon cornstarc

• Salt, pepper to taste

• 1 bunch flat-leaf parsley, finely cut

Zürcher Geschnätzeltes



16Wisse Kommunikatie

Hollandse erwtensoep

Dutch Pea Soup

Voor 4 personen


• 500 g spliterwten

• 300 g hamlappen

• 1 schouderkarbonade

• 1 speklapje

• 1 dunne prei, fijngesneden

• 1/2 struik bleekselderij, fijngesneden

• Bleekselderijblaadjes, grof gesneden

• 1 winterpeen, in kleine blokjes

• 1 grote aardappel kruimig, geschild en in blokjes

• 2 laurierblaadjes

• 2 uien, gesnipperd

• 1 rookworst


Was de spliterwten in een pan. Breng de erwten met 2 liter koud

water, zout naar smaak, de hamlappen, de karbonade en het

speklapje aan de kook. Laat het geheel 30 minuten op laag vuur


Schep het schuim regelmatig van de soep af en roer af en toe

goed door. Schraap dan ook even over de bodem van de pan;

zo voorkomt u dat de soep gaat aanbranden.

Voeg de prei, de bleekselderij (bewaar wat van het groene blad),

de winterpeen, de aardappel, de laurier en de ui toe en laat de

soep nog 30 minuten zachtjes koken. Roer ook nu weer regel-

matig om aanbranden te voorkomen.

Dreigt de soep toch aan te branden, voeg dan een beetje warm

water uit de kraan toe (100 ml om te beginnen). Voeg zout en

(versgemalen) peper naar smaak toe.

Haal de laurierblaadjes, hamlappen, de karbonade en het spek

uit de pan. Snijd het vlees in kleine blokjes of reepjes. Snijd de

worst in plakjes en roer deze met het vlees door de soep. Laat

de soep nog ongeveer 15 minuten zachtjes koken.

Schep de soep in vier (voorverwarmde) kommen. Strooi de ble-

ekselderijblaadjes erover. Serveer met roggebrood, eventueel

belegd met kaas of gebakken bacon.

Typisch Nederlandse gerechten zijn vooral wintergerechten,

zoals stamppotten en soepen. Ook de traditionele erwtensoep –

ook wel snert genoemd – wordt veel gegeten in het winterseizo-

en. Het is een dikke maaltijdsoep gemaakt van spliterwten en

wintergroenten, die meestal wordt gegeten met rookworst en

roggebrood. De soep smaakt het beste als deze in een grote

hoeveelheid wordt bereid en daarna voor consumptie nog een

dag blijft staan. De soep kan ook ingevroren worden.

Hollandse erwtensoep


Serves 4


• 500 g split peas (or dried green peas)

• 300 g pork steak or shank

• 1 pork chine

• 1 lard cutlet

• 1 leek, sliced

• 1/2 celery, peeled and cut into cubes

• Green celery leaves, roughly chopped

• 1 carrot, sliced

• 1 large potato, peeled and cut into cubes

• 2 bay leaves

• 2 onions, chopped

• 1 smoked sausage, sliced


Place the dried green peas and/or split peas in water and soak

them as directed on the packet. Put the peas, pork steak, pork

chine, lard cutlet in a large pan, add salt and 2 liters of cold water

and bring to the boil. Simmer gently for 30 minutes.

Skim any froth from the surface of the soup and stir regularly. When

stirring, also scrape the bottom of the pan to prevent burning.

Add the leek, celery (keep some of the green leaves aside), car-

rot, potato, bay leaves and onion. Leave to simmer for another

30 minutes. Keep stirring to prevent burning.

When the soup still looks like it will burn, add a little lukewarm

water (start with 100 ml). Season with salt and freshly ground

black pepper.

Remove the bay leaves, steak, chine and lard cutlet. Cut the

meat into small cubes. Put it back in the soup together with the

sliced sausage. Simmer for another 15 minutes.

Pour the soup in four (preheated) bowls. Sprinkle the celery lea-

ves on top and serve with dark rye bread with cheese or slices

of fried streaky bacon.

Typical Dutch dishes include winter meals such as stews and

soups. Traditional pea soup – also called ‘snert’ – is a national

favorite in cold winters. Dutch pea soup is a thick and warming

soup that can be served as a meal in itself. It is made with split

peas and season’s vegetables and is traditionally served with

smoked sausage and dark rye bread. This soup tastes best

when prepared in large quantities and then left to set for a day

before eating. Pea soup can also be preserved frozen.

Dutch Pea Soup



Shepherd’s Pie


1. Cut the potatoes into quarters so they’re all a fairly even size.

Cook in a pan of boiling, salted water for 15 to 20 minutes, or

until cooked through. Drain in a colander and leave to steam dry.

2. Dissolve the stock cube in 400ml of boiling water.

3. Melt the butter in a pan. On a medium heat add the onion, car-

rot, celery, garlic, thyme and bay leaf and fry for 10 minutes or

until soft. Add the beef mince and cook for a further 10 min, or

until brown.

4. Add the tomato purée, Worcestershire sauce and Tabasco,

then stir and cook for 2 minutes. Turn the heat to high and add

the red wine. Let it bubble away and reduce for 5 minutes then

add the stock and reduce to a medium heat. Simmer for a further

20 minutes, stirring often.

3. Mash the potatoes with the butter, milk and a pinch of salt and


5. Preheat the oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5.

6. Taste the mince and season accordingly with salt and pepper.

Transfer to an ovenproof dish.

7. Spread the mash over the top of the mince. Finely grate a lit-

tle Parmesan cheese over the top then cook for 45 minutes, or

until golden and bubbling.


Ingredients (serves 6)

• 1 beef stock

• 50 g butter

• 2 onions, peeled and finely chopped

• 2 carrots, peeled and finely diced

• 2 celery, trimmed and finely diced

• 3 cloves garlic

• 1 sprig of fresh thyme

• 1 bay leaf

• 1 kg good quality minced beef

• 2 tbsp tomato purée

• 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce

• 4 drops tabasco

• 175 ml red wine

For the mash topping

• 1 kg white potatoes

• 75 g butter

• A splash of milk

• Parmesan, for grating

• *For an added twist add a teaspoon of grated nutmeg

Shepherd’s Pie



Blackberry and Apple Crumble



Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas 4.

Wash the blackberries and remove any leaves and stalks – place

to one side. Peel, core and cut the apples into quarters, then

halve again. Put the apples in a large, ovenproof dish and driz-

zle with the lemon juice. Bake for 15–20 minutes until they are


Meanwhile, make the topping. Place flour and butter in a mixing

bowl and rub together until it is well mixed and crumbly.

Add the sugar and mix well.

Next, gently mix the blackberries and the sugar in with the apple.

Then sprinkle the crumble topping all over the fruit with the top-


Place the dish on a high shelf in the oven and bake for 30-40

minutes at 180°C/gas 4 until golden brown.

Serve warm with lashings of English custard or ice cream.

Preparation time: 25 minutes

Cooking time: 60 minutes

Total time: 1 hour 25 minutes

Serves: 6



• 500g Blackberries

• 700g Cooking apples

• 25g of soft brown sugar

• Juice of half a lemon


• 225g plain flour

• 150g soft brown sugar

• 75g Unsalted butter at room temperature – cubed to make

easier to handle

Blackberry and Apple Crumble


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