the trusted companion of working women 2015 diet coke young lions competition media brief

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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The Trusted Companion of

Working Women2015 Diet Coke

Young Lions Competition

Media Brief

The ‘Attack’ on Diet Coke

• Diet coke positions itself away from the regular ‘soda drink’ opening it up to different categories

• Addictive nature and harmful substances like; Caffeine

• scrutiny to the point that even the ‘diet’ name can be debated

• ‘Coke Life’ and ‘Coke Zero’ essentially innovative brands set out to entice the ‘diet’ mindset (cannibalising)

Our Conscious Loyalist

• They are always on the go, and prefer products that match this lifestyle

• They frequent health blogs and dietary websites

• Methodical and planned in their day-to-day

• They par-take time saving activities that aid in their busy lifestyle; e.g. online shopping and researching products

What we also Know

‘They enjoy the balancing act of their lifestyle and wear many different hats’

• Enjoys the comfort and community of family and friends (relational)

• Enjoys activities that are for her; gym, online clothe shopping and enjoying time with friends

• Take pride in their families

• Enjoy family orientated activities

‘The Problem in Focus’

‘Healthy Choice’ Alternatives + Conscious Consumer = Loyalist decline

The Truth about Our Loyalists

‘Our working women love familiarity and companionship’

‘The Opportunity’

Remind this loyal consumer of the companionship that once was, the reason why they first picked up the drink , its time

to remind them why they choose diet coke.

Not about the liquid, more about the personality

The ‘Big’ Idea

‘The Trusted Companion of Working Women’

Diet Coke - the companion of the emotional and relational loyalist, instead of rational health food critic

Diet Coke – The companion on this fast-paced journey called life that is flexible and understanding

Diet Coke as the Companion ProductDesigned for Our Loyalist

• Design a bottle will be used after consumption and remind consumers of the brands commitment through their continued usage – A sports bottle feel and look

• Brand each bottle with a specific event in the day of the working women; gym session or office buddy.

• What if the bottle is used for other purpose after coke is consumed?• The brand idea is to convert thinking from the liquid to the product personality

• positive brand image of commitment!

Campaign 1 – The Journey

OOH media that will pop up on; convenience stores, adshels, office lobbies, and buses.

Consumer stories of companion

The idea is that the advertisements will follow the consumer on their way to work,

Ads will be in high traffic areas on the working woman's daily commute to work

Campaign 2 – My Companion

Using the mother of all communities – ‘Social Media’

• Facebook and Instagram accounts containing stories of working women with their buddies (Diet Coke Bottle)

• This will also build a sense of community around the ‘Diet Coke’

• The idea will be to create hype around the new brand image of ‘Diet Coke’ (Positive associations)

Measuring Success

The success will be measured by traffic to Social Media Websites

Engaged and commented

We will know from our Twitter and Facebook feeds, that if there is positive associations with the products new look

than there is a brand re-built

A Quick Summary

• Our ProblemHealth Choices + Conscious Consumer

• Insight• ‘Our working women love familiarity and companionship’

• Opportunity

• Remind this loyal consumer of the companionship that once was, the reason why they first picked up the drink , its time to remind them why they choose diet coke. Not about the liquid, more about the personality

• The Idea• ‘The Companion of the working women’

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