the tso forum in the global nuclear safety and security ... · iaea tso conf., beijing, 27-31...

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    The TSO Forum in the Global Nuclear Safety

    and Security Network (GNSSN)

    Matthias Heitsch1, Lingquan Guo2

    1Nuclear Reactor Safety Assessment Unit

    Institute for Energy and Transport, EC-DG Joint Research Centre 2Department of Nuclear Safety and Security


    IAEA TSO Conf., Beijing, 27-31 October 2014

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    • Background

    • How to find the TSO Forum (TSOF) in GNSSN

    • Tour through public and restricted webspaces

    • Summary

    IAEA TSO Conf., Beijing, 27-31 October 2014

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    • The TSO Conference 2010 in Tokyo concluded among others “The IAEA should continue to be a strong driving force for the development of TSO capability” and recommended:

    • “The IAEA should foster the establishment of a forum dedicated to nuclear safety infrastructure development issues related to scientific and technical support”.

    • In response to that recommendation and after some preparatory steps the TSO Forum was established in January 2012 and a Steering Committee was formed.

    IAEA TSO Conf., Beijing, 27-31 October 2014


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    • The Terms of Reference of the Forum define the objectives, working method and scope of the Forum.

    • Membership is open to all MS with groups of expert or organizations after official nomination.

    • Important is the technical support function and not the form in which it is organized.

    IAEA TSO Conf., Beijing, 27-31 October 2014


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    • GNSSN - The Global Nuclear Safety and Security Network of the IAEA is a key support element of the Global Nuclear Safety and Security Framework (GNSSF).

    • The web platform of GNSSN is host for many networks. One element of this “Network of Networks” is the Technical and Scientific Support Organization Forum or TSOF.

    • You can enter the website of TSOF through:

    IAEA TSO Conf., Beijing, 27-31 October 2014


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    • Select ‘Global Networks’ on the horizontal navigation bar:

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    • Then select from the list of ‘Global Networks’ TSOF:

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    • The welcome page of TSOF gives access to the public site.

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    • ‘Conferences’ holds documents from the three TSO Conferences including our recent meeting.

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    Public part of TSOF

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    • ‘Information on TSOs’ provides a short description and contact data of TSOF members

    IAEA TSO Conf., Beijing, 27-31 October 2014

    Public part of TSOF

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    • ‘Training & Tutoring Activities’ is information and offer of training opportunities by TSOs

    IAEA TSO Conf., Beijing, 27-31 October 2014

    Public part of TSOF

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    • ‘Meetings of Interest to TSOs’ contains a selection of meetings and international conferences

    IAEA TSO Conf., Beijing, 27-31 October 2014

    Public part of TSOF

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    • The collaboration space of TSOF requires registration

    IAEA TSO Conf., Beijing, 27-31 October 2014

    Public part of TSOF

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    • The collaboration space of TSOF requires registration through Nucleus (common access point to IAEA information resources)

    IAEA TSO Conf., Beijing, 27-31 October 2014

    Public part of TSOF

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    Restricted part of TSOF

    • Here you have access to SC meeting documents, Plenaries at GCs and shared documents

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    Restricted part of TSOF

    • Document libraries of all meetings are set up with the same basic structure

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    • Another source of information are ‘Shared Documents’

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    Restricted part of TSOF

    • ‘Fukushima Daiichi related Documents’ include research work, main conclusions and lessons to be learned

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    • ‘Fukushima Daiichi related Documents’ include research work, main conclusions and lessons to be learned;

    • The summaries are currently available in tables grouped by organizations;

    • An interesting additional step will be to analyze the activities if similar conclusions/lessons have been drawn by different research groups in different TSOs.

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    Restricted part of TSOF

    • ‘Safety assessments’ contains reports shared by ETSON with the expert community

  • 21 IAEA TSO Conf., Beijing, 27-31 October 2014


    • The TSO Forum and its website were created in response to the recommendations from the TSO Conference 2010 in Tokyo.

    • The Forum started its activities in 2012.

    • The Forum is open to experts from all MS after registration.

    • The Steering Committee meets twice per year to exchange new information, to review the working plan and to define new activities as appropriate.

    • The TSO Forum has turned out to provide an added value in the attempt to intensify international collaboration of technical and scientific experts.

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