the ugly ducklin1

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 The Ugly Ducklin1


    The Ugly Duckling

    It was summer in the country. An ugly duckling was hatched from one of the eggs

    of a mother duck.Thats a turkey chick, a country duck commented.But at the river inthe barnyard were cruel to the ugly duckling, so the ugly duckling decided to run

    away.The ugly duckling found himself in a marsh. He was invited by two wild ganders to

    fly away, but they were shot dead by a hunter.And because he was too ugly, even the

    hunters dog refused to bite him.The ugly duckling left the marsh. Soon he was inside

    the hut of an old woman who had a pet hen and pet cat.Because the hen wanted him to

    lay eggs and the cat wanted him to meow, the ugly duckling decided to leave.The ugly

    duckling returned to the marsh. He saw a flock of beautiful white birds. The birds spreadtheir wings and rose to fly. Winter arrived. The ugly duckling froze in the ice. A passing

    farmer saw him and brought him home.After the ugly duckling had recovered, the

    farmers children chased him around the house. Fearing the children would hurt him, the

    ugly duckling ran out of the door.The ugly duckling had nowhere else to go except the

    marsh and the terrible winter.In time, the sun shone. Spring arrived. The ugly duckling

    had grown. He spread his wings and realized he could fly!The ugly duckling landed on

    the lagoon of a magnificent garden. He saw again the beautiful birds with graceful

    necks. Swans! Because he was ugly, he knew the swans would bite him.But when he

    looked into the water he saw his reflection. He, too, was now a beautiful white swan!The

    once ugly duckling remembered how he had been persecuted. Had he not suffered so

    much misery, he would not be able to appreciate the beauty and good fortune he had



    1. Where did the ugly duckling came from?2. Why did the ugly duckling decided to run away?

    3. Who help to the ugly duckling froze in the ice?

    4. After all bad experience, what happen to the ugly duckling?

    5. What moral lessons in the story?

  • 8/12/2019 The Ugly Ducklin1


    The Crow and the Fox

    A hungry crow entered the house of a farmer. In the kitchen, she pecked at a

    large piece of cheese and then quickly flew out of the window.The crow rested on the

    low branch of a tree in the forest. She saw a fox looking up at her from below. The fox

    also looked hungry.The crow ignored the fox. But the fox spoke.

    Good Morning, Miss Crow. Of all the birds I often see in this forest, you are the

    prettiest.The crow held her head up high and ignored the fox. But the fox continued to

    tal k. Your feathers are very shiny, Miss Crow. No doubt you are m ore attractive than

    the peahen.The crow was overjoyed at the praise the fox gave her. She spread her

    wings but still refused to look at the fox.Miss Crow, the fox continued.Maybe your

    voice is as attractive as the way you look. Maybe you have singing voice sweeter than

    the canary s. Why dont you sing a song?The crow was so flattered by the foxs

    remarks that she opened her break to sing a song.As she did, the piece of cheese fell

    from her beak!The fox quickly dove for the piece of cheese and swiftly gulped it

    down.The crow was filled with regret. If only she did not listen to the foxs praises, she

    could have had the cheese to herself.

    Questions1. Where did the crow get a large piece of cheese?

    2. Who is at the low branch of a tree?

    3. What is the first greeting of the fox to the crow?

    4. What can you say about the fox?

    5. What moral lesson in the story?

  • 8/12/2019 The Ugly Ducklin1


    The Deer at the Pond

    One morning, a deer went to the pond to drink water. The water in the pond was

    so clear he vividly saw his reflection.The deer was awed by his antlers.

    Am I not too handsome because of my antlers? he said to himself.

    The deers gaze wandered to the reflection of his legs.

    Really now! My Legs are too thin and the y look weak and u gly! he complained

    to himself.

    The deer got really disappointed with his legs.Really, my legs are not as handsome as my antlers! he said to himself.

    Suddenly, the deer sensed danger. From somewhere, a fierce lion appeared.

    The lion looked hungry and ready to pounce a prey.

    The deer quickly ran away.

    The deer reached the safety of the forests. Thanks to his fast and sturdy legs!

    The deer continued running. But as he kept looking back at the pursuing lion, he

    rammed into a bush. His antlers got entangled with the branches and vines that

    adorned the bush.

    The deer tried in vain to free his antlers form the bush.

    Really! It looks like my handsome antlers instead of my ugly feet will get

    me into trouble! he cried in despair.


    1. What part of the body the deer was owed by himself?

    2. What part of his body complained to himself and got really disappointed him?3. Why the deer quickly ran away?

    4. What part of his body give thanks to himself? Why?

    5. What is the moral lessons in the story?

  • 8/12/2019 The Ugly Ducklin1


    The Frog and the Ox

    There was once a young frog who lived with his father in the pond.

    One time, the young frog happened into the meadow with his friend. They saw an oxgrazing.

    What a big, Big frog! the young frog said. It was his first time t o see an ox.

    Hes not a frog, his friend said. Dont mind him.

    But the young frog would not listen to his friend. He rushed back to the pond and

    told his father about the big frog.

    Father, hes the biggest frog Ive never ever seen! he said.

    No other frog could be bigger than me! the father frog said. He sucked in air tomake himself bigger. Is he this big?

    No, father. Bigger! the young frog said.

    The father frog could not accept the fact that another frog was bigger than him.

    Im the biggest frog in this place! he said.

    And so the father frog kept on inhaling

    And he grew bigger and bigger and bigger

    Until ___


    1. Where did the young frog and his father live?

    2. What did the young frog and his friend saw in the meadow?

    3. When the young frog go back at home, what he had told to his father?4. Why do his father kept on inhaling?

    5. What moral lesson in the story?

  • 8/12/2019 The Ugly Ducklin1


    The Monkey and the LeopardIn the old days, the monkey and the leopard were ordinary animals on the jungle.

    But fate brought them together into the circus.Many animals were in the circus.

    Everyone had s special way of attracting the interest of the audience.One day, themonkey and the leopard happened to be on the same show. Each one aimed to attract

    more audience than the other.The leopard stood on top of a big and colorful

    drum.Come here and look at me! the leopard shouted at the people. Look at my fur

    closely! Isnt it the color of royalty? Its golden with dazzling spots.The people were

    convinced to go near the leopard and listen to what he was saying.The leopard

    continued boasting about his spotted golden fur. The king himself came to me! He told

    me that if I die he would get my fur and turn it into the lapel of his cape! The people

    were awed and delighted at the colorful fur of the leopard. But after they had looked

    closely at the dazzling spots on the golden fur, they could not see anything more that

    was interesting in the leopard.Meanwhile, the monkey stepped onto a huge ball.Over

    here, my dear audience! the monkey called to the people. Its true there are dazzling

    spots on the golden fur. Of the leopard, but those are only on the surface!The people

    were lured to go to the monkey and watch him. I have intelligence which the leopard

    does not have! the monkey said. I have the ability to think. I can show you clever

    tricks!The people were amazed when the monkey rolled the ball and balanced himself

    on top of it.The monkey danced on top of the ball.The people were doubly amazed

    when the monkey started jumping and somersaulting on top of the rolling ball.In the

    end, the people left the leopard and transferred to the monkey to watch the monkeys

    entertaining tricks.


    1. What word did the leopard talking about to get the people interest?

    2. What make people convinced to go near the Leopard or listen to what he wassaying?

    3. Why do you people were lured to go to the monkey or watch him?

    4. What talent did the monkey show up to the people?

    5. What moral lesson in the story?

  • 8/12/2019 The Ugly Ducklin1


    The Swallow and the EagleOne time, a swallow perched on a branch of an oak in the forest. He noticed that

    the sky was getting dark. It looked like it was going to rain. Suddenly, an eagle

    perched on the opposite branch.The eagle spread his wings and challenged the swallow. Swallow, would y ou

    like to know who between us flies better and faster? Surely, a single flap of my wings is

    no match to your size.

    The swallow was turned off by the eagles boastfulness. He thought of teaching

    the eagle a lesson. If you are challenging me to race in f lying, t hen I accept, Eagle,

    he said.

    Well fly the distance between this tree and the tallest ebony tree on themountain across the ocean, the eagle said.Why dont we make the race more

    challenging? the swallow suggested. Ea ch of us will carry some thing.What would we

    carry?the eagle asked?You carry a buddle of cotton and I will carry a bundle of salt,

    the swallow said.

    The eagle readily agreed. He thought cotton was much lighter than salt. The two

    of them agreed to meet again on the oak after half an hour. The swallow and the eagle

    met again at the appointed time and place, each one carrying his buddle. They started

    the race at the given signal.

    The distance was vast between the oak and the tallest ebony tree on the

    mountain across the ocean. The surroundings all the more darkened. The rain would fall

    anytime soon. The swallow and the eagle flew nonstop, each one struggling with his

    own bundle.

    On the last stretch of the race, the eagle gained advantage over the swallow. But

    the rain suddenly fell. The bundle of cotton which the eagle carried got wet and became

    heavier. The eagle had a hard time carrying his load and slowed down his pace.Meanwhile, the bundle of salt which the swallow carried also got wet and slowly

    melted. Because his load got lighter, his flight became faster. The swallow reached the

    ebony tree first. He won the race and proved to the eagle that no matter how small a

    creature he was, he could out fly a powerful bird like the eagle.

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    1. What kind of challenging did the swallow accept w/ the eagle?

    2. What more challenging did the swallow suggested?

    3. Why do an eagle became slowed down his pace.

    4. Why do the swallows flight became faster?

    5. What moral lesson in the story?

  • 8/12/2019 The Ugly Ducklin1


    The Frog and the Toad

    A frog met a toad one morning. Youre very ugly, said the frog to the toad.

    The toad disagreed. I think Im more beautiful than you are, replied the toad. The frog and the toad started to argue. Just then, Mr. Rabbit passed by.

    The frog asked Mr. Rabbit, Am I not more beautiful than this toad? then the

    toad asked, Dont you think Im more beautiful than this ugly frog?

    Mr. Rabbit laughed and laughed. Finally he told them that they were both very


    Mr. Rabbit took them to a pond. Look at yourselves in the pond, he said to both

    of them.Looking into the pond, the frog and the toad felt very embarrassed. Indeed, they

    looked ugly.


    1. Who were quarrelling?

    2. Where did Mr. Rabbit take the frog and toad to?

    3. Are the frog or the toad both beautiful?

    4. What is toad?

    5. What phrase of advice in the story?

  • 8/12/2019 The Ugly Ducklin1


    United we stand divided we fall

    An old farmer had ten sons. They were always quarrelling among themselves.

    One day, the farmer fell sick. He was very sad with his sons behavior.

    He called all his sons together. Each of them had to bring along a stick.

    The old farmer tied all the ten sticks together. Then he told each of his sons to

    break the bundle of sticks with their hands.

    They tried very hard to break the bundle of sticks.

    None of them could break it.

    Then, the farmer untied the bundle and gave each one a stick. They could break the

    stick easily.

    They realized what their father was trying to tell them. The old farmer reminded them

    United you are strong but divided you are weak.


    1. Why was the farmer sad?

    2. What did farmer tell his sons to do?

    3. Did any of the farmers sons manage to break the bundle of sticks?

    4. Define the words united, divide.5. What phrase of advice in the story?

  • 8/12/2019 The Ugly Ducklin1


    The Three Billy Goats

    There were three Billy Goats that lived in the grasslands. One day, they decided

    to eat the grass on the mountain near the grassland. However, they need to cross abridge to reach there.

    There was an ogre who lived under the bridge. He always ate the animals

    passing through. So, when the first Billy goat stepped on the bridged, the ogre jumped

    out and was ready to eat him.

    The goat piteously entreat, Please let me go! My Elder brother is more tasty and

    he will be here soon. So, the ogre let him go and waited right there.

    Soon, the second Billy goat reached the bridge. He said to the ogre, Pleasedont eat me! My eldest brother tastes much better than me!

    So, the ogre freed him and waited there again. He was very hungry now. When

    he saw the third billy goat, he roared, I must eat you right now!

    However, the third billy goat was not afraid. He lowered his head and ran towards

    the ogre.

    Finally, the ogre fell into the river and drowned.


    1. Where did the three Billy goats live?

    2. Does the Ogre have eaten the first Billy goat?

    3. What is the meaning of Ogre?

    4. How do the ogre fell into the river and drowned

    5. What moral lesson in the story?

  • 8/12/2019 The Ugly Ducklin1


    The Sly Fox and the Little Red Hen

    Once upon a time, there was a sly fox who wanted so much to catch a little redhen. Each time he tried, the red hen got away. One day Ill catch you! said the angry


    One day, when the red hen went out for a walk the fox sneaked into her house.

    He waited quietly for the hen inside the house.

    When the red hen came home, the sly fox tried to catch her. Quickly, the smart

    red hen flew up high on top of a branch.

    Go away! said the hen but the sly fox did not give up. Then he sta rted to run incircles in the house.

    The red hen became dizzy as she watched the fox ran in circles and fell down to

    the ground.

    The Fox put her into the sack and started the journey home happily. On the way,

    he felt tired and slept under a tree.

    Quietly, the hen slipped out, put a big rock into the sack and ran away quickly.

    When the fox reached home he boiled some water. Thinking that the rock was

    the hen, he opened the sack and dropped it into the boiling water. The hot water

    splashed all over and hurt the fox. Help! Help! cried the fox in pain.


    1. Why the sly fox do sneaks into the red hens house?

    2. Why the red hens do became dizzy?3. Do the sly fox eat the red hen? Why?

    4. What can you say about the red hen?

    5. What moral lesson in the story?

  • 8/12/2019 The Ugly Ducklin1



    The three billy goats

    1. The three billy goats lived in the grassland.

    2. No, the Ogre did not eat the first billy goat

    3. An ogre is a giant monster4. The third billy goat was not afraid. He lowered his head and ran towards the ogre.

    5. When you have a problem try to get help from your parents or teacher

    The Sly fox and the little red hen

    1. The sly fox try to tried to catch the red hen.

    2. Because the red hen watch the fox ran in circles in the house,

    3. No, because when the fox slept, quietly the hen slipped out, put a big rock into sack and ran away


    4. The red hen is smart

    5. We decide for ourselves whether to be good or bad. So, think wisely before we make anydecision.

    The Ugly Duckling

    1. An ugly duckling was hatched from one of the eggs of a mother chick.

    2. The other animals in the barnyard were cruel to the duckling, so the ugly duckling decided to run


    3. Winter arrived. The ugly duckling froze in the ice. A passing farmer saw him and brought him


    4. He too, was now a beautiful white swan.

    5. Good rewards awaits those who are patient with Hardships and suffering.

    The Crow and the Fox

    1. The crow pecked a large piece of cheese in the kitchen house of a farmer.

    2. The crow saw a fox looking up at her from below.

    3. Good morning, Miss Crow of all the birds I often see in this forest, you are the prettiest.

    4. Fox has a sweet tongue with praises.

    5. There is a price to pay from taking Flattery to heart.

    The Deer at the Pond

    1. The deer was owed by his antlers.

    2. His legs are too thin and they look weak and ugly.

    3. The deer saw a lion.

    4. The deer reached the safety of the forest. Thanks to his fast and sturdy legs.

    5. More often than not, what is valued the least turns out to be worth the most.

    The frog and the Ox

    1. The young frog and his father lived in a pond.

  • 8/12/2019 The Ugly Ducklin1


    2. The young frog and his friend saw an ox grazing.

    3. He rushed go back to the pond and told his father about the big frog

    4. The father frog could not accept the fact that the another frog was bigger than him. Im the

    biggest frog in this place. He said

    5. Do not let pride take the better of you The Monkey and the Leopard

    1. Its golden with dazzling spots.

    2. The Leopard boasting about his spotted golden fur. The King himself came to me! He told me

    that If I die, he would get my fur and turn it into the lapel of his cape!

    3. The monkey called the people and said ,Its true there are dazzling spots on the golden fur of the

    leopard, but those are only in the surface.

    4. The monkey shows clever tricks, danced on top of the ball and also jumping and somersaulting

    on top of the rolling ball.

    5. Talent is more important than external appearance The Swallow and the Eagle

    1. Challenging to race flying, the swallow accept.

    2. The swallow suggested carrying something.

    3. The bundle of cotton w/c the eagle carried got what and became heavier.

    4. The bundle of salt which the swallow carried also got wet and slowly melted, because his load

    gets lighter.

    5. Do not underestimate your opponents.

    The frog and the Toad

    1. The frog and the toad were quarrelling

    2. Mr. Rabbit took the frog and the toad to a pond.

    3. No, they were both very ugly.

    4. Toad an animal like a frog that lives on land.

    5. Look at oneself first before talking about others.

    United we stand divided we fall

    1. The farmer was very sad with his sons behavior.

    2. He told of his sons to break the bundle of sticks with their hands.

    3. None of them could break it.

    4. United means joined together as one

    Divided means separated into parts

    5. Unity is Strength.

  • 8/12/2019 The Ugly Ducklin1


  • 8/12/2019 The Ugly Ducklin1


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