the unfair sales advantage: getting to "yes" ... without selling

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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The Empowered Bus iness ( tm)www.EmpoweredBusiness .com

denise@empoweredbus iness .com

The Unfair Sales Edge©:Getting to ‘Yes’ ... Without Selling

Den ise Corco ranL e a d i n g E x p e r t i n “ Yo u r B ra i n a n d Pe r f o r m a n c e ”


... This Presentation?

... Now?

Key Topics

Setting the Stage: Unlocking Your Prospect’s Brain

The Unfair Relationship Edge: Winning Trust ... Bypassing Resistance

The Unfair Process Edge: Creating Desire ... Advancing the Conversation

The Unfair Influence Edge: Inspiring the “Buy” ... Winning Agreement


Setting The Stage:How Your Prospect’s Brain Works

The Brain’s “Hardware Architecture:”Why It Is Important in Sales

• “85% of all buying decisions are made at the unconscious level.” (Harvard Business Professor)

• “90% of our perceptions are driven by memories and the meaning, feelings and thoughts associated with them. (Atul Gawande, Surgeon)

• “The reptilian always wins. I don’t care what you tell me intellectually. Why? Because the reptilian always wins.” (Clotaire Rapaille, Market Researcher)

Our “3 Layered” Brain

The Brain’s “Software System:”How It Drives Your Prospect’s Buying Behavior

The Brain’s “Gatekeepers” (aka Filters)

• Attitudes

• Values

• Beliefs/decisions

• Personality Structure (“Meta-programs”)

• Memories

• Language

“Your brain only processes .0001% of external (sensory) information.”(equivalent of 1 drop/per 32 ounces of water)

The Unfair Relationship Edge:Winning Trust ... Bypassing Resistance

Rapport The “Make or Break” Sales Skill

“Anything is possible in the presence of rapport. Nothing is possible without it.” Milton Erickson, M.D.

What is Rapport ... REALLY?

Your “map” Their “map”



• Bridging “maps”

• Being in their “shoes”

• Perceived similarities

• Speaking their “language”

• Warm fuzzies

• Small talk

• Similar interests

• “Old school” techniques

• No Rapport = No Sale

• Lack of Rapport => Resistance, Stalls, Objections

Why Rapport Is THE Most Important Skill In Selling

Conscious Mind Unconscious Mind

Know Like Trust

Marketing/Sales Continuum

Rapport builds trust, fuels motivation and ignites synergies.

The TellTale Signs:Are You In or Out of Rapport with Your Prospect?

• “Matching” physiology

• Ease and flow in conversation

• Respecting differences

• “We” feeling

• “Mismatch” physiology

• Resistance, tension, stalling

• Sales objections

• “You vs I” feeling




In Rapport

Out of Rapport

• Pre-call preparation (“Perceptual Selling”)

• Matching and mirroring

• Speak their language

- Key words

- Thinking style

- Values (“What’s important to you in ....?”)

• Rapport building (“bridging”) language

- “I appreciate ...”

- “I respect ...”

- “I agree ...”

- “... and ...” (eliminate “but”)

Mastering RapportTechniques and Language

The Unfair Relationship Edge:Selling to Your Prospect’s “Preferred Thinking Style”

Advanced Communications Mastery:Selling to Your Prospect’s “Innate” Thinking Style

• Builds deep rapport

• Bypasses conscious resistance

• Speeds up the sales conversation

• Increases probability of “YES”

• Decreases “no’s”

• “Sensory dominance” (Visual - Audio - Kinesthetic)

• Deep personality structure

Your Prospect’s “Preferred” Thinking Style



ISelling To Your Prospect’s Deep Personality:An Advanced Tool for High Velocity Selling

• Accelerates rapport and trust

• Bypasses conscious resistance

• Speeds up the sales conversation

• Increases probability of “YES”

• Motivation Direction: Toward vs Away

• Choice: Options vs Procedures

• Sorting: Sameness vs Differences

• Scope: Big Picture vs Details



How? Through questions

Do you know how your prospect thinks?

Precision Selling:Key Sample Questions To Uncover Your Prospect’s Deep Personality

‣ Motivation Direction Away From Toward

‣ Choice Procedures Options

‣ Sorting Sameness Differences

“Why is ____ important to you?”

“Do you prefer looking for alternatives or following procedures?”

“What’s the relationship between this year’s performance vs last year’s?”

The Unfair Influence Edge:Inspiring the “Buy” ... Winning Agreement

Advanced Influence Techniques:Secrets To Becoming A Master Sales Communicator

• Stories, archetypes and metaphors

• Conversational belief change techniques

• Emotional anchoring

• Power words and phrases

- “Because” ... “And”

- Repetition of key words (“Yes, we can!”)

- Tag questions (“..., isn’t it?”)

Creating Win/Win Sales Outcomes:Summarizing Key Points and Reminders

• Maintain continous rapport

• Use “bridging language” to deepen rapport, gain agreement and move past resistance/stalls

• Speak to your prospect’s “preferred thinking style”

• Utilize the 3 types of questions to uncover buying motivations, criteria, “real” needs and gain agreement

• Help your prospect create a vision of what’s possible with your solution (inspired buying)

• Use with integrity and for the highest good of your prospect

Denise CorcoranL e a d i n g E x p e r t o n “ Yo u r B r a i n a n d Pe r fo r m a n c e ”


‣ Additional Neuro-Based Resources, including a 32 Page Report, Buying 2.0

‣ One Burning Webinar Question

‣ Complimentary 30 min. Consultation - “Your Preferred Thinking Style” (1st 5 respondents)

‣ Special discount to our next World Class Sales Excellence Roundtable

Special Bonuses for Jigsaw Participants

Denise CorcoranOpening Your Door To A New Frontier of

Performance Possibilities and Competitive Advantages

‣ CEO, The Empowered Business (tm)

‣ Leading Expert in ...

- Peak Performance & Excellence

- Communication & Influence Mastery

- Human Behavior, Change & Accelerated Achievement

- Leadership & Organizational Transformation

To achieve your Unfair Sales Edge, contact:d e n i s e @ e m p o w e r e d b u s i n e s s . c o m

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