the use of joox application to improve students’...jurusan : pendidikan bahasa inggris fakultas :...

Post on 01-May-2021






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(A Pre-experimental Research at the Eleventh Grade of MA Assalam

Timbuseng in the Academic Year 2020/2021)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for Degree of Education in English Department


10535 6471 15









Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Nurul Fitra

NIM : 105 35 6471 15

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Use of Joox Application to Improve Students’ Listening

Ability by Applying Dictogloss Technique

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Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dan saya bersedia menerima sanksi

apabila pernyataan ini tidak benar.

Makassar, February 2021

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Nurul Fitra



Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Nurul Fitra

NIM : 105 35 6471 15

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas : Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Dengan ini menyatakan perjanjian sebagai berikut:

1. Mulai dari penyusunan proposal sampai selesai penyusunan skripsi ini, saya

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2. Dalam menyusun skripsi, saya akan selalu melakukan konsultasi dengan

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3. Saya tidak akan melakukan penjiplakan (plagiat) dalam penyusunan skripsi.

4. Apabila saya melanggar perjanjian seperti pada butir 1, 2, dan 3, saya

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Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, February 2021

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Nurul Fitra


I dedicated this thesis to:

My greatest parents, my

lovely sister, and all of my



“Don’t forget, beautiful sunsets needs cloudy

skies” – Paulo Coelho

“The roots of education are bitter, but the

fruit is sweet.” – Aristotle

"Always be positive even you are in the very

negative situation”-fitra



Nurul Fitra. 2020. The Use of Joox Application to Improve Students’ Listening

Ability by Applying Dictogloss Technique (A Pre-experimental Research at the

Eleventh Grade of MA Assalam Timbuseng in the Academic Year 2020/2021).

A Thesis of English Education Department. Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education. Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. Supervised by Ratna Dewi

and Wildhan Burhanuddin.

This research aimed at finding out the improvement of the students’

listening ability in listening skill by using JOOX Application as a tool and

Dictogloss as a technique that focused on Listening English song to identify the

students’ word meaning and word pronunciation.

The researcher applied pre-experimental research by Quantitative method

with one group pre-test - post-test design, and collected the data based on the test.

The sample of the research was the eleventh grade of MA Assalam Timbuseng

which consisted of 20 students from 47 students. The sample was taken by using

purposive sampling technique.

The research findings showed that the students’ score before and after using

JOOX application with Dictogloss technique was significantly different. The

students’ pre-test mean score in terms of meaning of the words was 43.8 to be

78.8 in post test with 79.90% improvement. Then, the mean score in terms of the

way to pronounce the words was 32.3 pre-test to be 58.75 in post test with 81.88%

improvement. The t-test analysis showed that Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.000 which is

smaller than α = 0.05. It means that there was a significant difference of students’

listening ability before and after using JOOX application with Dictogloss

technique. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that JOOX application and

Dictogloss technique was effective to improve students’ listening ability at the

Eleventh Grade of MA AssalamTimbuseng in the Academic Year 2020/2021.

Keywords: Listening, JOOX Application, Dictogloss Technique



Nurul Fitra. 2020. Penggunaan Aplikasi JOOX untuk Meningkatkan

Kemampuan Mendengar Siswa dengan Menerapkan Teknik Dictogloss

(Penelitian Pre-eksperimental terhadap Kelas Sebelas MA Assalam Timbuseng

Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021. Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Keguruan

dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Dibimbing oleh

Ratna Dewi dan Wildhan Burhanuddin.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mendengar siswa

menggunakan aplikasi JOOX dan teknik Dictogloss yang berfokus pada

mendengarkan lagu bahasa Inggris untuk mengidentifikasi arti dari kata dan

pengucapan kata.

Peneliti menggunakan penelitian pre-eksperimental dengan metode

kuantitatif dengan menggunakan satu kelompok pre-test dan post-test. Dalam

pengumpulan data, sample penelitian ini adalah kelas sebelas MA Assalam

Timbuseng yang terdiri dari 20 siswa dari 47 siswa. Pengambilan sampel

menggunakan teknik purposive sampling.

Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan nilai siswa sebelum

dan setelah menggunakan aplikasi JOOX dengan teknik Dictogloss berbeda

secara signifikan. Nilai rata-rata pre-test siswa dalam arti kata adalah 43.8 menjadi

78.8 pada post test dengan peningkatan 79.90%. Kemudian, nilai rata-rata dalam

cara penyebutan kata adalah 32.3 pada pre-test menjadi 58.75 pada post test

dengan peningkatan 81.88%. Analisis t-test menunjukkan bahwa Sig. (2-tailed) =

0.000 yang mana lebih kecil dari α = 0.05. Ini berarti bahwa terdapat perbedaan

yang signifikan dari kemampuan mendengar siswa sebelum dan setelah

menggunakan aplikasi JOOX dan teknik Dictogloss. Berdasarkan temuan

tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi JOOX dan teknik Dictogloss efektif

untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mendengar siswa kelas sebelas MA Assalam

Timbuseng Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021.

Kata Kunci: Mendengar, Aplikasi Joox, Teknik Dictogloss



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful

First of all, the researcher would like to express all praises to Allah Swt. for

the blessing, mercy, guidance, strength, and love during the study and the

completion this thesis. Secondly, peace and blessing be upon to the prophet

Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion, and his followers.

The researcher gives the special and deepest gratitude to beloved parents

Sukawati and Amma, who have always prayed, motivated, reminded, supported

the writer in finishing the thesis and have been so patient in waiting for my

graduations and for beloved sisters, who have always given a lot support in whole

time. In this occasion, the researcher also would like to express her gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Ambo Asse, M.Ag, the Rector of Muhammadiyah University of


2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D, the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd, the Head of English Education

Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar.

4. The greatest thanks to the first advisor Dr. Ratna Dewi, S.S., M.Hum and the

second advisor Wildhan Burhanuddin, S.Pd., M..Hum, who have given their


guide, advice, constructive and suggestion, support, and valuable time they

have given to the researcher during the completion of this thesis.

5. The greatest thanks to the lecturers and staff of English Education

Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar.

6. The greatest thanks also to MA Assalam Timbuseng, especially to the

Headmaster of MA Assalam Timbuseng and the English teacher, who have

given a chance and help to conduct this research, and the students of XI B in

the academic year 2020/2021 as the sample of the research which was

participated in the process of collecting the data.

7. The greatest thanks to friends in organization Massenrempulu Meeting of

English Student Association (MaMMesA) the place that her get more

knowledge about English, kindly friends and many knowledge out of English.

8. The greatest thanks to Greatness Class, who have given experiences, help,

support, experience in developing character and the great moments of

university life.

9. The Greatest thanks to Caddis Squad, her friends in crime and always give

support in every situation and every where.

10. The greatest thanks to Pattaya team, her professional team in working.

Thanks to understandable her in every situation

11. Finally, for everyone whose name cannot be mentioned one by one personally

always give suggestion, assistance, advice, and great help to complete this

thesis. May Allah SWT always be with us and bless us.


Finally, I expect that this thesis can give some improvements of the English

teaching and learning. The researcher believes that this thesis is far from being

complete and perfect. Therefore, any criticisms, ideas, and suggestions for the

improvement of this thesis are greatly appreciated.

Makassar, February 2021

The Researcher

Nurul Fitra



TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................... i

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN ............................................................................. ii

APPROVAL SHEET ..........………………………………………………….iii

LETTER OF STATEMENT ............................................................................ iv

LETTER OF AGREEMENT ........................................................................... v

MOTTO............................................................................................................ .vi

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. xii

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................... .xiii

LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................................... xiv

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. xv


A. Background ..................................................................... 1

B. Problem Statement .......................................................... 4

C. The Objective of the Research ........................................ 4

D. The Significance of the Research ................................... 4

E. Scope of the Research ..................................................... 5


A. Some Pertinent Ideas ...................................................... 6

B. Conceptual Framework ................................................... 26

C. Hypothesis ....................................................................... 27


A. Research Design.............................................................. 28

B. Population and Sample .................................................... 29

C. Variable ........................................................................... 29

D. Research Instrument........................................................ 29

E. Data Collection Technique .............................................. 30

F. Data Analysis Technique ................................................. 30

G. The Statistical Hypothesis……………………………….33


A. Findings........................................................................... 34

B. Discussion ....................................................................... 41


A. Conclusion ...................................................................... 44

B. Suggestion ....................................................................... 45

BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... .46






Table 3.1. Pre-experimental Design ............................................................... 28

Table 3.2. pronounciation Rubric Assessment ............................................... 31

Table 3.3 Students’ classifying score.............................................................. 32

Table 4.1. Students’ vocabulary Score ........................................................... 34

Table 4.2. Frequency of Students’ vocabulary Score ..................................... 35

Table 4.3. Students’ pronunciation Score ...................................................... 36

Table 4.4. Frequency of Students’ pronunciation Score ................................ 37

Table 4.5. The Significance of Students’ vocabulary Score .......................... 39

Table 4.6. The Significance of Students’ pronunciation Score ...................... 40




Figure 2.1. Conceptual Framework ................................................................. 25




Appendix I Listening Pre-Test ...................................................... 39

Appendix II Listening Post Test ..................................................... 41

Appendix III Lesson Plans .............................................................. 43

Appendix IV The Students’ Row of Pre-test ................................... 70

Appendix V The Students’ Row of Post test .................................. 71

Appendix VI The Students’ Classifications ..................................... 72

Appendix VII The Students’ Mean Score ......................................... 74

Appendix VIII The Percentages of Students’ Improvement ............... 75

Appendix IX Frequencies Variables ................................................ 75

Appendix X T-test Pairs

Appendix XI Documentation

Appendix XII Letters




A. Background

In learning English, there are four skills should be master in. Listening

is one of skill that have some complex problem when hearing a song in the

radio, audio, someone or native speaker because process in listening is not

running well or we cannot hear clearly what they say. Another aspect also why

listening skill is one of skill that little bit difficult because of the researcher

country, English is a foreign languages. It means, the society is not familiar

with English language because of societies’ habitual and less knowledge about

English itself. The popular way to enjoy hears the English language is with

song. Every people have their own favorite song that they can easy memorize

the words in song also the meaning. So listen the English song can be a media

to learn English language.

JOOX derived from “jukebox”, is one of the licenses steaming music

application gives the listener access millions of songs and other content from

artist all over the world. JOOX application is launched by Shenzhen’s

Tenchent Holdings Ltd, China, which is company behind WeChat instan

messaging. JOOX application first time presenting in Hongkong and Malaysia

in early 2015 and go to Indonesia on 20 October 2015. JOOX is freemium app

means the user can hear music free. Some of the features of JOOX application

is hear the music with it lyric. Beside we hear the song, we also can read the

lyric and make it synchronizes between what we hear and the lyric. The user


can play their favorite song in that application. Besides that, JOOX application

provide us Karaoke feature as the way to inure our tongue speak English by

singing a song and Radio feature that allows us to be able to listen the song of

a professional editor’s choice in music.From that features, the researcher

decides to choose JOOX application as a way to improve listening ability.

JOOX application is flexible enough to use in learning because easy to use,

even it can be used in gadget and computer.

There are some previous of related findings about use of English song

in improving students’ ability in listening. Yuliyanto (2017) found that

teaching English used song, it would be better for using slow rhythm. Also the

song should be more various in terms of duration and the genre of music

because every students had different song that their like.

Kusyowo (2013), the researcher used grammar based listening in

reconstruct incomplete text. Also in applying song as a media, the teacher

gave a general idea about what the students going to hear. After that, teacher

gave question before play the cassette to make students know in advance what

they are listening for. And the last, teacher gave time for students to answer

the question.

Abdullah (2013) done the research by giving a list of song that would

choose by students and the students Listen to the song chosen. After that,

students analysis the lyric and gave an explanation by using their own word.

Hidayat (2013), in his research states that the use of song in teaching

listening should be selected appropriately. The song must be clear and the


rhythm intensity was not too fast so that the students could follow the material

based on what they heard from song.

The previous researches above have similarity with this research which

uses English song as a media in improving students listening ability. By

applying suitable song in learning process, it can make students enjoying the

material what they hear from song. On the other hand, in this research JOOX

application is used as a media that contains various English songs.

Besides employing JOOX as a media, the researcher uses Dictogloss

technique for the listening process. Dictogloss come from two words namely

dictation or dictate and gloss means interpretation. This technique is a

combination of two techniques, dictation and interpretation. Dictogloss is a

classroom dictation activity where students are required to reconstruct a short

text by listening and noting down key words, which are then used as a base for


In applying Dictogloss technique, teacher read a short text in normal

speed and students just listen without take a note. After teacher read the text,

students write a text as much they can remember. Teacher repeat read the text

and students make changes their previous text after teacher read the text again.

Teacher can repeat to read the text until three times. Other text uses in

Dictogloss technique are story and song. In use song, researcher should break

out the lyrics and not give the students full song. Teacher does not need to

speak; just need to play the song chunk by chunk.


For this research will use JOOX application as an interesting tool in

improving students’ ability in listening because students listen song while read

the lyric so the students’ know and understand what they are listen. And by

supporting with Dictogloss technique, the use of JOOX will more meaningful

to students because they free to use their own language based on their

understanding in the song.

Based on the description above, the researcher wants to conduct a

research entitle “The Use of JOOX Application to Improve Students’

Listening Ability by Applying Dictogloss Technique at Eleventh Grade of

MA Assalam Timbuseng”

B. Problem Statement

Based on the explanation above, the problem statement is formulated

as follow; Does JOOX Application improves students’ ability in Listening by

applying Dictogloss technique?

C. Objective of Study

As the formulation of the problem that have described, the objective in

this research is to find out the improvement of students’ listening ability

especially in Listening English Song through the use of JOOX Application

supported by applying Dictogloss technique.

D. Significance of the Research

1. Benefits for students

The benefits for students are to improve students ability in listening

because this research can find out how far the students’ improvement in


listening use JOOX application supported by applying Dictogloss


2. Benefit for teacher

The benefit for teachers can use JOOX Application as their teaching

media and supported by applying Dictogloss technique in improving the

students listening ability.

3. Benefits for researcher

The benefit for researcher is the researcher gets some information

related to students’ improvement in Listening by using JOOX Application

supported by applying Dictogloss technique and also adding the researcher

about Listening song using JOOX Application supported by applying

Dictogloss technique.

E. Scope of the Research

This research is restricted to the improvement of the students’ listening

ability through JOOX Application supported by applying Dictogloss technique

focusing on word meaning and word pronunciation.




A. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Theory or Concept Related to Listening

a. Definition of Listening

Listening is one of the most important language skills. Listening

is the part in communication; through listening we can share our ideas

with other people. Listening is the most frequently used language skill

in everyday life.

The importance of listening is acknowledged by Brown

(2001:247) who stated that “Listening is the major component in

language learning and teaching because in the classroom learners do

more listening than speaking.” It means that, listening is the important

thing in daily activities; through listening we can interpret the


Wipf (1984) says that listening is a mental process which

listeners have to distinguish between sounds and sound, understand

vocabulary and grammatical structures, interpret stress and intention,

retain and interpret this within the immediate as well as the larger

socio-cultural context of the utterance.

Steinburg (2007) define listening as a process that more

complex than merely hearing and consists of four stages, they are


sensing /attending, understanding/interpreting, remembering, and


Vandergrift (2012) argues listening as a complex process

playing the most important role in the development of language

competence. He says that in comprehending the text they are listen to,

they use bottom-up processes (linguistic knowledge) and top-down

processes (prior knowledge). He suggests to the teacher to help the

students develop their sound strategies for comprehension through a

process approach to teaching second language listening.

From those findings above, the researcher conclude that

listening is a process consisting of hearing something through the ears,

understanding the meaning, negotiating themeaning/message, and

finally responding of what have listened.

b. Different Kinds of Listening

Harmer (2007:10:134) divide listening into two kinds. They are

Intensive and extensive listening. He differentiate them specifically

base on the purpose of listening. Intensive listening is when the

students listen specifically in order to work on listening skills while

extensive listening specifically in order to study the way in which

English is spoken.

On the other hand, Cooper (2012) divides types of listening in

the classroom into 4 types. They are critical listening, dialogic

listening, informative listening, and appreciative listening. Critical


listening is also known as analytical listening of which purpose to form

an opinion or to judge. This type is essential but seldom seen in the

classroom. Dialogic listening also consider as emphatic or active

listening. This type is when the students doing the listening trough

conversation and the exchange of ideas. This type is often seen in the


Informative listening is type of listening which use to

understand or comprehend what the intend meaning of the speaker

said. This type is often used in the classroom. Appreciative listening is

the type of listening when the students enjoy or give appreciates what

lecturer or their teacher is talk about. This type is rarely use in the

classroom because it base on the individual student. Appreciative

listening is usually seen when people enjoy a concert or speech.

c. Element of Listening

According to Shockingawful, 2017: 1 in Wisra: 2018: 10, said

that there are four elements of listening, namely:

1) Ability to Focus

Ability to focus means the capability of students or listeners in

listening the material from the audio. Ability to focus define in

two, focus on ears for listen the audio and focus on eyes for read

and match the text with the audio. Such as eyes may not be

adapting well to the numerous distractions in a typical classroom

and some noisy sound from the outside of classroom.


2) General Understanding

General understanding means that the students or listeners can

understand about main idea of the content from the text. The

listener can imagine catching the general meaning of something

they hear.

3) Listening for Details

Listening for details is sometimes known as listening for the

specific information. It involves understanding the task and

focusing to catch information.

4) Accuracy of Answer

Accuracy of answer means the capability of students or listeners to

answer the task with the correct answer. It is involves

understanding the text and vocabulary to get the correct answer.

d. Listening Principles in Teaching

Harmer (2007:10:135) stated six principles of listening.

Principle 1: Encourage students to listen as often and as much as


This research applies this first principle because the researcher

plays the recording to the students at least two or three times in every

section. In addition, the researcher also encourages the students to

exercise their own self in listening by repeating some recording in their



Principle 2: Helps students to prepare to listen.

This research goes with this second principle. The researcher

prepare some questions refer to the recording will they listen to. The

researcher explains first what the questions mean in order to make the

students ready to listen to the recording. So, they engage with the topic

and the task and really want to listen.

Principle 3: Once may not be enough.

In this principle, the researcher will do this principle because at

the first principle is not work well. The students are still not

understood what the speaker says on the recording, so the researcher

play the recording again but not completely playing because the

researcher stop it at various points.

Principle 4: Encourage students to respond to the content of a

listening, not just to the language.

The researcher apply this principle by preparing some questions

refer to the recording but the kinds of questions here just wanting to

know the response of the students again the language or the styles of

the speakers.

Principle 5: Different listening stages demands different listening


The researcher deals with this principle because the

researcher set some questions that start from the general questions

till the detail questions. In this case, the researcher gives the general


questions in the first listening then the detail question in the

subsequent listening. Thus, the students had more focus and got

more sprits in listening.

Principle 6: Good teachers exploit listening text to the full.

The researcher goes with this principle. The researcher has

not just playing the audio or recording that the students can answer

for, but the researcher give some minutes for playing different audio

that made them been relax.

In the other hand, we need remember that merely listening is

not enough, the students need to remember, recognize later, and

finally be able to reproduce it as well.

According to Mary Finocchiaro and Michael Bonomo in

Listening, the learners must hear and identify:

a) The phonemic sound of the language and eventually the

personal or the dialectical variations of the phonemes as spoken

by some native speakers

b) The sequence of sounds and their groupings; the lengths of the

pauses; the pattern of the stresses; and intonations

c) The function words and their required sound changes depending

on their position before other words

d) The inflections for plurality, tense, possession, etc

e) The sound changes and function shifts (involving positional

shift) brought about derivation


f) The structural groupings (of verbal, of prepositional phrase, etc)

g) The word order clues of function and meaning

h) The meaning of words depending on the context or on the

situation being discussed

i) The formula, introductory words, and hesitation words which

occur in speech

j) The cultural meaning embedded in the message.

e. The Colleration of Listening with Vocabulary and Pronunciation

According to Nation (2009) state that listening is the original

pioneer to speaking; the early stage of language development in a

person’s mother tongue (and in the naturalistic acqusiation of other

language) are depend on listening. The students can absorb every

information through hearing something. Listening become the first and

foremost to acquire in learning the language.

Good vocabulary mastery is important for anyone who learns

the language used listening. Rivers (1993) states” a learner of foreign

language will understand much oral language or what the speakers said

by mastering the vocabulary’. It means that while listening, the students

should do both activities in one section. Those are to know the word

that they are already known and to define meaning for a new word to

enrich their vocabulary.

Harmer (2008) clime that listening is good for students’

pronunciation. The more students hear and understand English being


spoken, the more they absorb their spoken communication not just

ability to speak, but also on effectiveness of the way they listen. As

Gilbert (2008) believe that, the skill of listening and pronunciation are

linked together. If they cannot hear English well, they are cut off from

the language. If they cannot be understood easly, they are cit off from

conversation with another speaker.

2. The Concept of JOOX

JOOX is a one of famous music application in the world. JOOX

first launch in Hong Kong and Malaysia and be the most download

application in all category. And JOOX come in Indonesia on October 2015

and be a famous application especially for teenager and song lovers. These

some superiority of JOOX application: JOOX application has a complete

music collection from many artists and kinds of genre. JOOX can use in

offline mode, means we can download our favorite song and play it when

we are offline. Besides that, JOOX also can be a music player where our

music in storage can play in JOOX. And the best part of JOOX is provide

us a lyric of song, so we can sing along with our favorite song with its


JOOX lets the user discover diverse and complete collections of

music than other streaming music apps. The user can find all their

favorite artists, tracks, and genres. In JOOX, there are many features that

can uses and very useful for music lover because they will find more and

more songs around the world. The important thing of JOOX is the lyrics


are included in this application. The general function for user, lyrics is

useful for people who love karaoke and sometimes forgets the lyric of a

song they are listening to. But, in this research the researcher hoped that

by using the lyrics of this application the students’ can get new

vocabularies from a song which listen. Then, the way lyrics work is by

highlighting every phrase one by one. It is very useful for students’ when

they are listening. They will not feeling hard to remember the lyrics of

song. Moreover, if the songs are new automatically the lyrics also new,

the students’ are does not to worry about the lyrics. The lyrics are

available on their screen and enjoy the song. In addition, when the

students’ are often to listen the song, the new words that get from the

song will be easier to remember.

By the definition above, JOOX Music Application is a system

designed to listening music online by using smartphone that complete

with many kinds of genre song especially English and others. By using

this application, besides the students’ enjoy to listening music, they also

can read the lyrics which included. So, it can help them to adding their


In teaching listening using English song, there are some

considerations from researcher to make the song is appropriate for the


1. The song rhytm is not to fast to make the students easy to follow the

material based on the song.


2. The singer accent is the international accent such as american accent

and british accent who familiar for the students.

3. The song has a good meaning in general because it is for educated

4. The song is not familiar for the students to make the students know

more words from the song.

5. The pronunciation of the singer is clear to make the students easy to

analyse what the singer said.

In this study, listening skill relates on JOOX Application especially

listening song by using that application. Since song is a short piece of

music, listening has three types on it. According to Ayatika Adawia (2017)

on her research, there are the sensuous type, the expressive type, and the

Sheerly musical type. Those types spelled out by Copland, the eminent

American Composer, on The Understanding of Music by Hoffer. These

are the explanation:

a. The sensuous type means the music of the song affecting listeners’

physical and make listener pleasure on what they hear.

b. The expressive type is the agreement that when somebody listens to

the music it can stimulate the listener’s feeling. It could be sad, happy,

angry, etc.

c. Sheerly type. It requires the listener to be trained and to be having

more knowledge to listen. Usually, this type is having by people who

pay a lot of attention in music world.


3. JOOX Music Application as Media for Teach Vocabulary

Teaching media is important in teaching learning process not only

determined by teacher and students competence but also with in

appropriate media. Song is very effective especially when oneneeds to

memorize something. Often, when music is used learning a certain concept

or lesson is more easily to be understood by the students.

In Indonesia, most of English students’ have difficulties in learning

English because they are less motivation in studying English because they

believe that English is hard subject. In that case, an English teacher needs

to be responsive to the students’ condition, the teacher should make

students’ enthusiastic in learning English. Teacher also should consider

some factors in teaching and learning process, Brown states that teaching

is helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instruction,

guiding in study of something, providing with knowledge, and causing to

know or understand. So, teacher as facilitator in learning process should

keep looking for way to make learning vocabulary easier and more


There are many kinds of teaching media to teach English, one of

them is song. Song could be used to teach vocabulary because of its lyrics,

teacher could choose song which has appropriate vocabulary that would be

taught. And by using the song from JOOX, it easier to interest motivation

students for learns.


4. The Concept of Dictogloss Technique

In teaching listening, there are some techniques we can use. One

of the techniques is Dictogloss. Wajnryb (1990) defines Dictogloss as a

dictation activity where the students will hear the audio, make a key word

from the audio and from those words; students reconstruct the text by their

own words. According to Iwanaka (2010), states that Dictogloss is an

integrated skill for second language where the students reconstruct the text

that their hear in team work.

There are certain basic techniques in applying Dictogloss in a

listening classroom:

a) Preparing

Teacher prepare the students about what the material they will listen

and what the target will achieve and the procedure of Dictogloss


b) Dictation

Students will hear the dictation twice. First, students listen for get a

general feeling about the text. Second, students will take key words

about what they listen and get from the audio to reconstruct the text.

c) Reconstruction

Students produce their own text version from the key word by their

own words

d) Analysis and correction,


There are various ways of dealing with this stage, which the students

can present their text, or compare their version with the original.

In break the students bored, there several variation of Dictogloss that can


a) Dictogloss negotiation:

First, students sit with a partner face to face while the teacher reads the

text to facilitate understanding. Second, the facilitator reads the text

again and stops after each sentence or paragraph to provide an

opportunity to orally discuss but not to write. Third, one student is

chosen to write the reconstruction of each section of the text; and

finally, the whole group can compare their reconstructions with the

original reading

b) Student-controlled dictation:

Learners have the control of the dictation. It means that they can ask

the teacher when he/she should stop and go back to the reading.

Students can ask for repetition as many times as they consider

necessary. Moreover, pupils can bring to the class their own texts or

nominate topics they desire to read.

c) Student-student dictation:

This Dictogloss variation involves key elements of cooperative

learning, in particular equal participation from all group members.

These ideas are presented by Jacobs and Small to explain that learners

are more involved in their own learning process during all lessons


because they have to read the texts to their partners instead of the

teacher, taking turns to control the activity

d) Dictogloss summaries:

Learners are focused only on the key ideas of the original text without

writing them down. This activity of attention is used to summarize the

whole reading working with a partner. Summaries as a dictogloss

variation is clue because while students are working together, the

teacher can provide them visual clues about the activity such as

pictures, mind maps, among others; in order to facilitate understanding

for the reconstruction stage.

e) Scrambled Sentence Dictogloss:

During the lesson, teacher first jumbles the text before reading.

Secondly, the students have to organize it in a logical sequence, after

that facilitator checks up the structure and the sense of each one of the

sentences to analyze the students‟ listening comprehension.

f) Elaboration Dictogloss:

Learners go beyond of what they listen to not only recreate a text, but

also to improve it. In Elaboration Dictogloss, when students finish

taking notes about the reading exposed by the teacher, they reconstruct

it including elaborations, which could be based on what they know

about the topic, researched or invented.

g) Dictogloss opinion:


After students reconstruct the text, they give their opinion on the

writers‟ ideas. These opinions can be inserted at various points in the

text or can be written at the end of the reconstruction. If a student

commentary is inserted throughout the text, it promotes a sort of

dialogue with the original authors of the reading.

h) Picture dictation:

After some explanations about relevant content and concepts of the

drawings‟ descriptions, students listen to some information about a

picture to build their own illustration based on what they heard, and

compare drawings not only with their partners, but also with the

original version. It is important to clarify that students have the

opportunity to reconstruct firstly, the description text read by the

teacher to finally do a drawing.

5. The Concept of Pronounciation

Pronounce is the way to produce sound (a word/ part of word)

correctly and in particular way. There are some factors Affecting

Pronunciation. People in different state have their own native language. It

seems they can be recognized by people that they are non-native speakers.

The way we speak in a different language is affected by our mother

tongue. There are several factors that can affect pronunciation adapted

from Kenworthy 1987:4-8:

1) Native language


This is the most influential factor when a learner learns new language.

Teacher needs to diagnose their pronunciation difficulties so that they

can have better pronunciation.

2) Age

Generally speaking, children under the age of puberty stand an

excellent change of “sounding like a native” if they have continued

exposure in authentic contexts. Beyond the age of puberty, while

adults will almost surely maintain a “foreign accent”, there is no

particular advantage attributed to age. A fifty-yearold can be as

successful as an eighteen-year-old if all other factors are equal.

3) Exposure

It is difficult to define exposure. One can actually live in a foreign

country for some time but not take advantage of being “with the

people.” Since research seems to support that the more exposure that

one gets is important that the more length of time, the class time needs

to focus on pronunciation improvement in order that students can get

better pronunciation.

4) Innate phonetic ability

Often referred to as having an “ear” for language, some people

manifests a phonetic coding ability that others do not. In many cases, if

a person has had an exposure to a foreign language as a child, this

„knack‟ is present whether the early language is remembered or not.

Others are simply more attuned to phonetic discriminations.


5) Identity and language ego

Another influence is attitude toward speakers of the target language

and the extent to which the language ego identifies with those


6) Motivation and concern for good pronunciation

Some learners are not particularly concerned about their pronunciation,

while others are. The extent to which learners‟ intrinsic motivation

propels them toward improvement will be perhaps the strongest

influence of all six of the factors in this list.

In pronounce the words, one of the difficulties is hearing. Every

people have different hearing ability. It affects people to make a mistake

when pronouncing words. O‟Connor (1998: 1) gives a good illustration

related to how important our ears are. He says:

“Language starts with the ear. When a baby starts to talk he does it by

hearing the sounds his mother makes and imitating them. If a baby is

born deaf he cannot hear these sounds and therefore cannot imitate

them and will not speak.”

So does English. If one cannot listen to English pronunciation well,

he cannot produce it well too.

The possible correlation between listening ability and pronunciation

accuracy, listening skill has a big influence to one’s pronunciation. this is

abvious and reasonable, as it is difficult indeen for one to produce a good

pronunciation when she\he never hear it before. In addition, to ahieve such

fluency, it suggests that a student should listen to a certain specch many

times, repeatedly. It is said “to aid students in retaining increasingly longer


segments and later as a colorally in producing this longer segment, the

students should listen the same materials many times”.

6. The concept of Vocabulary

a. Defenition of Vocabulary

Hammam (1992) argued that vocabulary is total number of words

that make up of language. Vocabulary is a set of familiar words of

people’s language. Vocabulary is one of the important things in

listening. Without knowing the vocabulary, students get difficult to say

something or understanding what people say.

Montgomery (2007) explains listening vocabulary is the word

we hear and understand. Vocabulary divides into two kinds, receptive

and productive vocabulary. Receptive vocabulary is words that

students’ understood in the context but they cannot use or produce the

words. This is happened when the students found the vocabulary in

reading or listening activity but they cannot use the vocabulary in

speaking or writing activity. Productive vocabulary is words that

students understood and they can pronounce and use it in speaking or

writing skill. This also said as an active process because students can

directly produce and use it to express their feeling.

Moreover, Elfrieda and Michael (2005) stated that vocabulary

is a powerful carrier of meaning. A learner, recognizing the

communicative power of vocabulary, might reasonably aim to acquire


a working knowledge of a large number of words. The more words

students know well and can use, the more meaning they can

communicate in a wide variety of circumstances.

From the definitions above, it can be concluded that

vocabulary is the knowledge of words and word meanings. It is about

the words in language used to express meaning. Therefore, learning

vocabulary is a crucial matter in developing English for students.

Vocabulary is important in learning language because vocabulary

carries meaning which is use in communication.

b. Kinds of Vocabulary

Some experts have classified types of vocabulary. Shepherd

(1980) classifies vocabulary into two kinds: a receptive vocabulary and

expressive vocabulary (productive vocabulary). Further, he defines the

receptive vocabulary as the words known when the learner listens and

reads. The receptive vocabulary is also called a passive process

because the learner only receives thought from others. In language

application, the receptive vocabulary is considered as the basic

vocabulary. Later, expressive vocabulary is defined as the words used

when the learner speaks andwrites.

In the other hand, according to Harmer (1991: 159), there are

two kinds of vocabularies, active vocabulary and passive vocabulary.

To make clear the writer explains both of them as follows:


a. Active Vocabulary

The active vocabulary means stock of word that a person actually

uses in his own speech or writing. It is used in oral or written

expression by the students.

b. Passive Vocabulary

The passive vocabulary means the words that the students

recognize and understand them.

In addition, Haycraft quoted by Hatch & Brown (1995)

divides two kinds of vocabulary, namely receptive and


a. Receptive Vocabulary

Receptive vocabulary is words that the learners recognize and

understand when they are used in the context, but which they

cannot produce. ProductiveVocabulary

b. Productive Vocabulary is the words, which the learners

understand, can pronounce correctly, and use constructively in

speaking and writing. It involves what is needed for receptive

vocabulary plus the ability to speak or write the appropriate time.


B. The Conceptual Framework

Figure.2.1. Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.1 Is explain about learning process in increasing students’ listening

ability through English Song by using JOOX Application as a media and use

Dictogloss technique in applying which the students can searching the song

based on that they wanted to listening anywhere and anytime by using JOOX

Application. So, the researcher thinks that the process will help the students to

improve listening ability. In this conceptual framework, the researcher is

going to do treatment, the researcher give students a song to listening and

suggest students to choose the correct answer. After that, the researcher will

give treatment by using JOOX Application. And in applying JOOX




Teaching Listening by Using English Song in

JOOX Application and Dictogloss Technique








application, the researcher will use Dictogloss technique to make the learning

process more organize. And output of this method is expected to improve

students’ listening skill.

C. Hypothesis

Hypothesis of this research are as follows:

1. Null hypothesis (H0) There is no significant difference between the

students’ listening skill before and after the use JOOX Application and

Dictogloss technique.

2. Alternative hypothesis (H1) there is a significant difference between the

students’ listening skill before and after the use of JOOX Application and

Dictogloss technique.




A. Research Design

This research conducted in pre-experimental design using

quantitative approach. The researcher used Pre-Experimental design

because the researcher wanted to verify whether learning in Listening using

JOOX application and Dictogloss technique were able to improve the

students’ listening ability in pronuncing and understanding meaning of the

words. In this research the researcher took one group pretest and posttest

design to know whether the use of JOOX application and Dictogloss

technique in listening was able to improve students’ listening ability or not.

The design involves three steps: (1) measuring the students’ prior

ability in listening before treatment; (2) applying the experimental

treatment X to the subjects; (3) measuring the students’ listening ability

after following the treatment.

Table 3.1. Design of Pre-test and Post-test

O1 X O2

Adopted from Sugiono (2018:110)


: Pre-test (Before Treatment)

X : Treatment

: Post-test (After Treatment)


B. Population and Sample

1. Population.

The population of this research was the Eleventh grade students’

of MA Assalam Timbuseng in academic year 2020/2021 consisted of

one exact class (XI A) consisted of 27 students and one social class (XI

B) consisted of 20 students.

2. Sample

In this research, the researcher took one class of Social Eleventh

grade MA Assalam Timbuseng consisted of 20 students (12 female and 8


C. Research Variables

The researcher applied two kinds of variable in this research. They

were dependent and independent variable.

a. The dependent variables belonged to the students’ listening ability because

it took effect from the use JOOX Application as a tool and Dictogloss as a

Technique to improve students’ listening ability.

b. The independent variables belonged to the use of to JOOX Application and

Dictogloss technique because it gave effect on students’ listening ability.

D. Research Instrument

The instrument of this research was fill in the blank test, multiple

choice listening test and pronunciaton test. the students filled in the blank

while listen the song and choose the correct answer in multiple choices

based on the song. In pronunciation test, the students’ read the song lyric.


The tests were used by the researcher to collect the data. In this research,

tests were used as instrument. Tests were a set of question use to measure

the achievement or capability of individual in class.

E. Technique of Data Collection

In collecting data, in this experimental research, the researcher

provided Pre-test and Post-test.

1. The data of the students’ previous listening were taken from the result of


2. The data of the students’ listening were taken from the result of post-test

after the treatment.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The data related to the students’ listening ability, express through being

able to understand the meaning of the words in the song. It was taken from the

research of filled in the blank and multiple choice test. The data also related to

the students’ listening ability, express through being able to pronounce the

words in the song. It was taken from the research by asking the students’ to

read the song lyric.

After getting the data from the test, the researcher focused on analysis

the significant difference of students’ ability in listening before used JOOX

application combine with Dictogloss technique and after used it in learning

process. The researcher used statistical analysis. Statistic was the way in

getting the data, processing the data, interesting conclusion, and made decision

based on the data collected (Husaini, 2008). In measuring the data, the


researcher used Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS 22) as a

statistic program application which had high ability in statistic calculation.

Used SPSS 22 application gave information more accurate so the missing data

could avoid.

The data was collected and analyzed as follows:

a. Scoring the students’ correct answer in vocabulary and meaning of the

words (in fill in the blank and multiple choice test),the formula was:

Score =


(Pusat Kurikulum, 2006:32 in Julita 2011)

b. Scoring the students’ pronunciation ability

Table 3.2. Pronunciation Rubric

Aspect Score Description




The pronunciation is very good and no

serious mistakes can be heard



The pronunciation is good and only

occational words are pronunced




The pronunciatian is not very good but can

be understood



The pronunciation is very bad and the

exposition can not be understood.

(AnaArias Castro ,2017)

c. Scoring the total score of the students, the formula was:

Score =

x 100

(Pusat Kurikulum, 2006:32 in Julita 2011)


d. Scoring the result of the students’ listening ability

Table 3.3.Classifying the score of the students

Score Classifications

96 – 100 Excellent

86 – 95 Very Good

76 – 85 Good

66 – 75 Fairly Good

56 – 65 Fair

36 – 55 Poor

00 – 35 Very Poor

(Depikbud, 2010)

e. Calculating the percentage of the students’skill in listening with the

following formula :

P = Percentage

X2 = Post test mean score

X1 = Pre-test mean score


f. After that, the researcher calculated the mean score of the students’ skill to

ask and gave information orally by using SPSS 22.

g. Calculates the standard deviation of students' pretest and post-test by using

SPSS 22.


h. Calculates the value of t-test to find out the significant difference of mean

score in pre-test and post-test by using SPSS 22.

G. The Statistical Hypotheses

A hypothesis was a tentative statement about the relationship between

two or more variables. This research was designed to find out whether there

was a significant progress of the use of JOOX Application and Dictogloss

Technique in improve students’ ability in word pronounciation and meaning

of words. In order to get the answer of that hypothesis, the researcher

proposed Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) and the Null Hypothesis (H0) which

described to the following statistical hypothesis:

a. If sig (2-tailed) < α (0.05), the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted

and the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected.

b. If sig (2-tailed > α (0.05), the alternative hypothesis (H1) was rejected and

the null hypothesis (H0) was accepted.




A. Findings

Findings present the data related to the students listening ability and

implementation of JOOX application and Dictogloss technique.

1. Students’ Listening Ability in Terms of Word Meaning (vocabulary)

The students’ listening ability in terms of word meaning are

students’ capable to know the words and the meaning of the words that

they hear in song.

a. Mean Score of Students’ Listening Ability in Terms of Word

Meaning (Vocabulary) in Pre-test and Post-test.

Mean score refers to the students listening ability in terms of

word meaning in the songs. The mean score of the word meaning is the

score of the students that they obtain from the total value of the word

meaning of the total students divided by the total number of students. It

can be seen clearly in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Mean Score of Students’ Listening Ability in Terms of

Word Meaning (Vocabulary) in Pre-test and Post-test.

Category Students’ Score Improvement

(%) Pre-test Post test


Meaning 43.8 78.8 79.90%


Table 4.1 shows that the students’ mean score in pre-test was 43.8, it

shown that students’ vocabulary was low. The students got difficult in

knowing what the singer said in song because most of the words in song

were unfamiliar for the students.The students mean score in post-test was

78.8, it reflective that the students could know more words and added

their vocabulary after got treatment using JOOX application and

Dictogloss technique. The research indicated that the students showed an

improvement of their listening ability in terms of word meaning

(vocabulary). It was shown by the students’ score improved until


b. Frequency of the Students’ Listening Ability in Terms of Word

Meaning (Vocabulary).

Frequency score of students’ word meaning in pre-test before get

treatment and in post-test after get treatment using JOOX application

and Dictogloss technique shows the spread of the studens’ score and

their percentage in each category. The data description can be seen in

Table 4.2.

Table 4.2 Frequency of the Students’ Listening Ability in Terms of

Word Meaning (Vocabulary).

No. Category Score Pre-test Post test

F P (%) F P (%)

1. Excellent 96-100 0 0 0 0

2. Very Good 86-95 0 0 5 25

3. Good 76-85 0 0 8 40

4. Fairly Good 66-75 0 0 6 30

5. Fair 56-65 5 25 1 5


6. Poor 36-55 10 50 0 0

7. Very Poor 0-35 5 25 0 0

Total 20 100 20 100

Table 4.2 shows the students’ score frequency in terms of word

meaning. In pre-test, it can be seen that there are 5 (25%) students got

fair, 10 (50%) students got poor and 5 (25%) student got very poor.

Then, the students showed the improvement in post-test than pre-test

which is 5 (25%) students got very good, 8 (40%) students got good, 6

(30%) students got fairly good, and 1 (5%) student got fair.

2. Students’ Listening Ability in Terms of Word Pronunciation

The students’ listening ability in terms of word pronunciation are

students’ capable to pronounce the words that they hear in song.

a. Mean Score of Students’ Listening Ability in Terms of Words


Mean score refers to the students listening ability in terms of

word pronunciation in the songs. The mean score of the word

pronunciation is the score of the students that they obtain from the total

value of the word pronunciation of the total students divided by the total

number of students. It can be seen clearly in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 Mean Score of Students’ Listening Ability in Terms of

Words Pronunciation.

Category Students’ Score Improvement

(%) Pre-test Post test


Pronunciation 32.3 58.75 81.88%


Table 4.3 shows that the students’ mean score in pre-test was

32.3. It showed that students’ word pronunciation was lack. The

students got difficult in pronunciation because they listened English

language and practice use English infrequently. The students mean

score in post-test was 58.75, it showed that beside enjoy listen the

English song the students also learnt how to pronounce the words

correctly. The students’ pronunciation could be obtained because when

listen English song, the singer usually was a native speaker of English

and they would pronunce English well. The research findings indicated

that the students also show an improvement in terms of word

pronunciation. The students’ pre-test mean score before applying JOOX

application is lower than in post-test. The students score after giving a

treatment using JOOX application had improved until 81.88%.

b. Frequency of the Students’ Listening Ability in Terms of Words


Frequency score of students’ word pronunciation in pre-test

before get treatment and in post-test after get treatment using JOOX

application and Dictogloss technique shows the spread of the studens’

score and their percentage in each category. The data description can be

seen in Table 4.4.

Table 4.4 Frequency of the Students’ Listening Ability in Terms of

Words Pronunciation

No. Category Score Pre-test Post test

F P (%) F P (%)

1. Excellent 96-100 0 0 0 0


2. Very Good 86-95 0 0 0 0

3. Good 76-85 0 0 0 0

4. Fairly Good 66-75 0 0 7 35

5. Fair 56-65 0 0 0 0

6. Poor 36-55 6 30 13 65

7. Very Poor 0-35 14 70 0 0

Total 20 100 20 100

Table 4.4 shows the students’ score frequency in terms of word

pronunciations. In pre-test, it can be seen that there are 6 (30%) student

got poor, and 14 (70%) students got very poor. Then, the students show

the improvement in post-test than pre-test which are 7 (35%) students

got fairly good, and 13 (65%) students got poor.

3. Hypothesis Testing

The hypothesis is tested by using inferential analysis. In this case, the

researcher uses t-test (test of significance) for independent sample test,

that is a test to know the significant difference between the result of

students’ mean scores in pre-test and post-test the researcher uses t-test

analysis on the level of significant (α) = 0.05 with the degree of freedom

(df) = N – 1, where N = Number of subject (20 students), the hypotheses

are as follows.

H1 is accepted if sig <α = 0.05

H0 is accepted if sig >α = 0.05


a) Paired Samples Test of Students’ Words Meaning (Vocabulary)

Paired samples test shows the significant differences between

students’ word meaning mean score in pre-test and post-test by using

JOOX application and Dictogloss technique. The data were

calculated by using SPSS. The students’ result score in terms of

word meaning is presented as follows:

Table 4.5 Paired Samples Test of Students’ Words Meaning


Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

T Df




) Mean









Interval of the


Lower Upper














7 1,15622










19 ,000

Paired Samples Test

From the Table 4.5, it can be seen that the students’ vocabulary

score between pre-test and post-test are significantly different. The

alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted whereas null hypothesis (H0)

is rejected with showing the Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.000 which is smaller

than α = 0.05.


b) Paired Samples Test of Students’ Word Pronunciation

Paired samples test shows the significant differences between

students’ word pronunciation mean score in pre-test and post-test by

using JOOX application and Dictogloss technique. The data were

calculated by using SPSS. The students’ result score in terms of

word pronunciation is presented as follows:

Table 4.6 Paired Samples Test of Students’ Word Pronunciation

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

T Df




) Mean







95% Confidence

Interval of the


Lower Upper








n –







7 1,24705










19 ,000

Paired Samples Test

From the Table 4.6, it can be seen that the students’ pronounce

the words score between pre-test and post-test are significantly

different. The alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted whereas null

hypothesis (H0) is rejected with showing the Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.000

which is smaller than α = 0.05.


B. Discussion

Discussion presents the analysis of findings which consists of students’

understanding toward word meaning and word pronunciation.

1. Students’ Listening Ability in Terms Word Meaning (Vocabulary)

The students’ vocabulary before being treated by using English

song in JOOX application and being taught using Dictogloss technique

were shown through pre-test score that was 43.8 This score was

categorized as poor. The score is described that the students’ vocabulary

was low where the students’ could answer 11questions correctly from 25

questions. Getting this score, the students’ got difficult in knowing what

the singer said in the song because only half of the words in song were

unfamiliar for the students. Then after giving treatment, the students

mean score was 78.8. This score was categorized as good where the

students’ could answer 20 questions correctly from 25 questions. This

score showed that the students’ vocabulary was improved after being

treatment using English song in JOOX application and being taught using

Dictogloss technique.

Using SPSS 22, the sig (2-tailed) was 0.00 at the level of sig < α

(0.05). Based on this result, the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and

alternative hypoothesis (H1) is accepted. This can be concluded that there

is a significant different between the score got in pre-test and post-test.

The significant indicator defines that the use of English song in JOOX


application and taught by Dictogloss technique in improving students’

word meaning is effective.

The result found was in line with the research done by Sari (2019)

on her research said the use of song especially from JOOX Music

Application was successful to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.

Song provides many opportunities for students’ to add their vocabulary

because the application was complete with lyrics so the students’ can

listening while read the lyrics. By using this application, the students’

would be easy to learn. The activities also increased the students’

motivation and create a relax atmosphere, so the students’ did not get


Based on the statement above, the researcher believed that using

JOOX application can help students to interest doing listening activity

because it support that every students can installed the JOOX application

in their smartphone so it can make them easy to doing practice every day.

In the end, vocabularies can be obtained because people will usual to

listen the English word and it can add new vocabularies.

2. Students’ Listening Ability in Terms of Word Pronunciation

The students’ word pronunciation before being treated by using

English song in JOOX application and being taught using Dictogloss

technique were shown through pre-test score that 32.3. This score was

categorized as very poor. Getting this score, the students’ pronunciation is

not very good but can be understood. The students got difficult in


pronunciation because they listened English language and practice use

English infrequently. Therefore, the students only read the text without

pay attention with the correct pronunciation.

After giving the treatment, the students mean score was 58.75. This

score was categorized as fair where the students’ pronunciation is good

and only occasional words were pronounced incorrectly. It showed that

beside enjoy listen the English song the students also learnt how to

pronounce the words correctly. The students’ pronunciation could be

obtained because when listen English song, the singer usually was native

speaker of English and they would pronunce English well. So that people

could use the English song to improve their pronunciation.

Using SPSS 22, the sig (2-tailed) was 0.00 at the level of sig < α

(0.05). Based on this result, the null hyphotesis (H0) is rejected and

alternative hyphotesis (H1) is accepted. It can be concluded that there is a

significant difference betweem the score got in pre-test and post-test. The

significant indicator defines that the use of English song in JOOX

application and taught by Dictogloss technique in improving students’

word pronunciation is effective.

The result found was in line with the research done by Astutik

(2019) on his research said, in teaching English pronunciation by using

JOOX application was able to motivates the students to learn

pronunciation and it could help them in memorizing and understanding

words and make them easier in pronouncing them.




A. Conclusion

Based on the findings and discussion in the previous chapter, the

researcher concludes that the use of JOOX application and Dictogloss

technique is effective to improve students’ listening ability in terms of word

meaning (vocabulary). The students’ mean score before being treated using

English song in JOOX application and being taught using Dictogloss

technique was 43.8. This score categorized as poor. And after giving a

treatment, the students’ mean score was 78.8. This score was categorized as

good. After the students’ score analysed using SPSS 22, both pre-test and

post-test were significantly different. It was proved by the Sig. (2-tailed)

(0.000) which is lower than α = 0.05. Thus, it can be meant that H1 is

accepted whereas H0 is rejected. So, it can be concluded that there is a

significant difference of using JOOX application and Dictogloss technique in

improving students’ listening ability in terms of word meaning at the eleventh

grade of MA Assalam Timbuseng.

The use of JOOX application and Dictogloss technique is effective to

improve students’ listening ability in terms of word pronunciation. The

students’ mean score before being treated using JOOX application and being

taught using Dictogloss technique was 32.3. This score shows that the

students’ pronunciation is not very good but can be understood. And after


giving a treatment, the students’ mean score was 58.75. This score shows that

the students’ pronunciation was good and only occational words pronounced

incorrectly. After the students’ score analyses using SPSS 22, both pre-test

and post-test were significantly different. Thus, it can be meant that H1 is

accepted where as H0 is rejected. So, it can be concluded that there is a

significant different of using JOOX application and Dictogloss technique in

improving students’ listening ability in terms of word pronunciation at the

eleventh grade of MA Assalam Timbuseng.

B. Suggestion

The researcher presents some suggestions, it is suggested to the English

teachers at the eleventh grade of MA Assalam Timbuseng use JOOX as

alternative way that can be used as a media in teaching the materials and

Dictogloss as a technique to improve students’ word meaning and word’

pronunciation by listening a song and also it is effective to improve the

students’ ability in listening. The students also can take a lot of learning,

experience, and knowledge

It is suggested to the next researcher who has similar research with this

research to conduct more perfect research with different framework and

contexts that could enrich knowledge by giving contribution to develop

English teaching and learning process.



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Students’ Pronunciation. Retrieved on October, 10, 2020 from


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of the Vacational School of Semen Gresik. Surabaya

Harmer, J.2007.How to Teach English. London: Longman Group

Harmer, Jeremy. (1991). The Practice of English Language Teaching. England:


Hidayat, Apin. 2013. The Use of Songs in Teaching Students’ Listening

Ability.Indonesia University.

Husaini, Usman. 2008. Pengantar Statistika. Yogyakarta: Sinar Grafika Offset

Jannah. 2015. The Effectiveness of Using Dictogloss Technique to Improve

Students’ Listening Ability. IAIN Tulung Agung

Juwita, Sari. 2013. The Use of Dictogloss Method in Teching Listening A

Hortatory Exposition Text.

Kenworthy, Joanne. 1987. Teaching English Pronunciation. Longman


Kuswoyo, Heri. 2013.The Effectiveness of Song Technique in Teaching Paper Based TOEFL (PBT)’S Listening Comprehension Section. Higher School of Foreign Language Teknokrat. Lampung, Indonesia.

Mofareh. 2015. The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning and How to Be Taught. Retrieved on August 13, 2019 from

Montgomery, Douglas C. 2007. Design and Analysis of Experiments, 5th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc

O’Connor, R.E. 1998. Teaching Word Recognation. Effective Strategies for students with learning Difficulties. London: The Guilford Press

Qian, Mei Zhang. 2009. Affecting Factors of Native like Pronunciation. Retrieved on August 13, 2019 From list/Vol27-2/CAKE027-002-4.pdf

Saputra, M. Wisra. 2018. Improving Students’ Listening Comprehension Using

Cloze Dictation Technique. FKIP Muhammadiyah University ofMakassar.

Sari, Fika. 2019. The Effectiveness of Song from Joox Music Application on

Students Vocabulary Mastery of Second Grade at MTS Darul Falah.

Tulung Agung. IAIN Tulung Agung.

Steinburg, S. 2007. An Introduction to Communication Studies. Retrieved on

August 13, 2019 from

Sugiono. 2018. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan (Pendekatan Kuantitative,

Kualitative dan R&D). Bandung: Penerbit Alfabeta.

Vandergrift, L. 2012. Listening: Theory and Practice in Modern Foreign

LanguageCompetence.Retrieved on August 13 2019 from

Wikipedia. 2015. JOOX-Wikipedia. Retrieved on February 14, 2019 from

Wipf, J. 1984. Strategies for Teaching Second Language Listening

Comprehension.Retrieved on August 13, 2019 from

Yuliyanto, Yusuf. 2017. The Use of Song to Increase Students’ Interest in

Listening Class. Tidar University.












Listening Pre-Test

A. Listen the song carefully and complete the lyric based on the song audio!

Queen of My Heart

So here we stand in our secret place

Where the sound of the crowd is so far away

You take my hand, and it _____ (1) like home

We both understand, it where we belong

So how do I say, do I say______(2)

We both have our dreams we both ______(3)fly

So lets take tonight, to carry us through the lonely times

I'll always look back as I walk away

Memories will last for_______(4)

And all of our tears will be lost in the rain

When I found my way back to your ______(5) again

But until that day, you know you are

The Queen of my heart

She’s The One

when you get to where you wanna go

and you know the things you wanna know

you’re ________(6)

when you said what you wanna say

and you _____(7) the way you want to play

you’ll be so high, you’ll be ______(8)

throgh the sea will be strong

i know we’ll carry on

cause if there’s somebody _____(9) me on

she’s the one

if there’s _______(10) calling me on

she’s the one

I Have A Dream

I have a dream, a ______(11) to sing

To help me ______(12) with anything

If you see the wonder of a _____(13) tale

You can take _____(14)even if you fail

I believe in angels

Something ______(15)everything I see

B. Multiple Choices

1. You take my hand, and it feels like home

We both understand, it where we belong

What the meaning of italic words?

a. ambil tanganku c. ambil pertolongan

b.genggam tanganku d. ambil kesempatan

2. And you know the things you wanna know you’re smiling

What the meaning of italic words?

a. termenung c. tersanjung

b. terbahak d. tersenyum

3. I have a dream

A song to sing

To help me cope

With anything

What the meaning of italic words?

a.menghadapi c. melawan

b.membatasi d. menguatkan

4. I believe in angels

When I know the time is right for me

I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

What the meaning of italic words?

a. terus c. arus

b. jalan d. tantangan

5. I'll always look back as I walk away

Memories will last for eternity

What the meaning of italic words?

a. berlalu c. masalalu

b. berlari d. jalan lalu

6. When you said what you wanna say

What the meaning of italic words?

a. menggambarkan c. menceritakan

b. mengatakan d. menyebutkan

7. You’ll be so high , you’ll be flying

What the meaning of italic words?

a. panjang c.tinggi

b. jauh d. rendah

8. Though the sea will be strong

What the meaning of italic words?

a. pantai c. sinar

b. pulau d. laut

9. Cause if there’s somebody calling me on

She’s the one

What the meaning of italic words?

a. membangkang c. membantu

b. memanggil d. menghubungi

10. And all off our tears will be lost in the rain

When I find my way back to your arms again

What the meaning of italic words?

a. sirna c. lepas

b. basah d. terjebak

C. Pronounce the song in fill in the blank test (point A) based on what you



Listeing Post-Test

A. Listen the song carefully and complete the lyric based on the song audio!

Flying Without Wings

Everybody's looking for that something

One thing that _____(1) it all complete

You find it in the strangest places

_____(2) you never knew it could be

Some find it in the face of their ____(3)

Some find it in their lover's eyes

Who can ____(4) the joy it brings

When you found that special thing

____(5) flying without wings

A Million Dreams

I close my eyes and I can ______(6)

The world that's waiting up for me

That I call my own

Through the ______(7), through the door

Through where no one's been before

But it feels like home

'Cause every night I lie in ______(8)

The brightest colors fill my head

A million______(9) are keeping me awake

I think of what the world could be

A vision of the one I see

A million dreams is all it's gonna ______(10)

A million dreams for the world we're gonna make


And then a hero comes along

With the ______(11) to carry on

And you cast your fears aside

And you know you can ______(12)

So when you feel like hope is gone

Look inside you and be strong

And you'll _______(13) see the truth

That a hero lies in you

It's a long road

When you face the world ______(14)

No one reaches out a hand

For you to hold

You can find love

If you search within yourself

And that ________(15) you felt

Will disappear

B. Multiple Choices

1. Everybody's looking for that something

One thing that makes it all

What the meaning of italic words?

a. melihat c. mencari

b. mendengar d. membawa

2. I close my eyes and I can see

What the meaning of italic words?

a. Didepan mataku c. Tutup mataku

b. Mengedipkan mata ku d. Buka mataku

3. With the strenght to carry on

What the meaning of italic words?

a. kelakuan c. kelemahan

b. kekuatan d. kelebihan

4. Places you never knew it could be

The italic word means?

a.kamu tidak pernah c. kamu tidak tahu

b.kamu pernah d. kamu tidak bisa

5. But it fells like home

The italic word means?

a. suka rumah c. seperti di rumah

b. cinta rumah d. tinggal dirumah

6. And you know you can survive

What the meaning of italic words?

a.menahan c. bertahan

b. menantang d. berlalu

7. Some find it in their lover's eyes

Who can deny the joy it brings

What the meaning of italic words?

a. mengharapkan c. menyangkal

b.menginginkan d. membayangkan

8. The brightest colors fill my head

What the meaning of italic word?

a. pundakku c. lututku

b. dahiku d. kepalaku

9. Look inside you and be strong

What the meaning of italic word?

a. lihat kedalam c. lihat keatas

b. lihat sekutar d. lihat kamu

10. For you to hold

You can find love

What the meaning of italic word?

a. pegang c. menjaga

b. genggam d. terjaga

C. Pronounce the song in fill in the blank test (point A) based on what you


Key Answer


1. Feels 11. song

2. Goodbye 12. cope

3. wanna 13. fairy

4. Eternity 14. The future

5. Arms 15. Good in

6. smiling

7. know

8. flying

9. calling

10. somebody


1. B 6. B

2. D 7.C

3. D 8. D

4. C 9. B

5. A 10. A



1. Makes 11. strength

2. Places 12.survive

3. Children 13. finally

4. Deny 14. alone

5. You’re 15. emptiness

6. See

7. dark

8. bed

9. dreams

10. take


1. C 6. C

2. C 7. C

3. B 8. D

4. A 9. A

5. C 10. B




Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar

Materi Pembelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas/Semester : XI/Ganjil

Materi Pokok : English song

Skill : Listening

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 45 menit


KI. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

K2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli

(gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif

dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai

permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan

alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam

pergaulan dunia.

K3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada

bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk

memecahkan masalah

K4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajari di sekolahsecara mandiri,

dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.



1. 3.12 Menyebutkan fungsi sosial

dan kebahassaan dalam lagu

3.12.2 Mengidentifikasi unsure

meaning of words and pronunciation


Setelah mengikuti serangkaian pembelajaran, peserta didik:

1. Mampu mendengar dengan seksama dan mengucapkan kata atau kalimat

dengan baik dan benar berdasarkan lagu yang didengar

2. Mampu menemukan dan mengetahui arti kata baru dalam lagu


Fungsi Sosial

Menghibur, mengungkapkan perasaan, mengajarkan pesan moral

Unsur kebahasaan

1. Meaning and pronunciation of words


Keteladanan tentang perilaku yang menginspirasi.

1) Pertemuan 1

I Have A Dream


I have a dream

A song to sing

To help me cope

With anything

If you see the wonder

Of a fairy tale

You can take the future

Even if you fail

I believe in angels

Something good in everything I see

I believe in angels

When I know the time is right for me

I'll cross the stream

I have a dream, oh yeah

I have a dream (I have a dream)

A fantasy (fantasy)

To help me through (help me through)

Reality (reality)

And my destination (destination)

Makes it worth the while (worth the while)

Pushing through the darkness (through the darkness)

Still another mile (another mile)

I believe in angels

Something good in everything I see

I believe in angels

When I know the time is right for me

I'll cross the stream (cross the stream)

I have a dream

I have a dream (oh yeah)

A song to sing (song to sing)

To help me cope

With anything

If you see the wonder (if you see the wonder)

Of a fairy tale (of a fairy tale)

You can take the future

Even if you fail

I believe in angels

Something good in everything I see

I believe in angels

When I know this time is right for me (right for me)

I'll cross the stream (cross the stream)

I have a dream (have a dream)

I'll cross the stream (cross the stream)

I have a dream

2) Pertemuan 2

A Million Dreams

I close my eyes and I can see

The world that's waiting up for me

That I call my own

Through the dark, through the door

Through where no one's been before

But it feels like home

They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy

They can say, they can say I've lost my mind

I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy

We can live in a world that we design

'Cause every night I lie in bed

The brightest colors fill my head

A million dreams are keeping me awake

I think of what the world could be

A vision of the one I see

A million dreams is all it's gonna take

A million dreams for the world we're gonna make

There's a house we can build

Every room inside is filled

With things from far away

The special things I compile

Each one there to make you smile

On a rainy day

They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy

They can say, they can say we've lost our minds

I don't care, I don't care if they call us crazy

Runaway to a world that we design

Every night I lie in bed

The brightest colors fill my head

A million dreams are keeping me awake

I think of what the world could be

A vision of the one I see

A million dreams is all it's gonna take

A million dreams for the world we're gonna make

However big, however small

Let me be part of it all

Share your dreams with me

You may be right, you may be wrong

But say that you'll bring me along

To the world you see

To the world I close my eyes to see

I close my eyes to see

Every night I lie in bed

The brightest colors fill my head

A million dreams are keeping me awake

A million dreams, a million dreams

I think of what the world could be

A vision of the one I see

A million dreams is all it's gonna take

A million dreams for the world we're gonna make

For the world we're gonna make

3) Pertemuan 3


There's a hero

If you look inside your heart

You don't have to be afraid

Of what you are

There's an answer

If you reach into your soul

And the sorrow that you know

Will melt away

And then a hero comes along

With the strength to carry on

And you cast your fears aside

And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is gone

Look inside you and be strong

And you'll finally see the truth

That a hero lies in you

It's a long road

When you face the world alone

No one reaches out a hand

For you to hold

You can find love

If you search within yourself

And that emptiness you felt

Will disappear

And then a hero comes along

With the strength to carry on

And you cast your fears aside

And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is gone

Look inside you and be strong

And you'll finally see the truth

That a hero lies in you, oh, oh

Lord knows

Dreams are hard to follow

But don't let anyone

Tear them away, hey yeah

Hold on

There will be tomorrow

In time you'll find the way

And then a hero comes along

With the strength to carry on

And you cast your fears aside

And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is gone

Look inside you and be strong

And you'll finally see the truth

That a hero lies in you

That a hero lies in you

Mmm, that a hero lies in you

4) Pertemuan ke 4

Number One For Me

(Maher Zain)

I was a foolish little child

Crazy things I used to do

And all the pain I put you through

Mama now I'm here for you

For all the times I made you cry

The days I told you lies

Now it's time for you to rise

For all the things you sacrificed oh

If I could turn back time rewind If I could

Make it undone, I swear that I would

I would make it up to you

Mum I'm all grown up now

It's a brand new day

I'd like to put a smile on your face every day

Mum I'm all grown up now

And it's not too late

I'd like to put a smile on your face every day

And now I finally understand

Your famous line

About the day I'd face in time

'Cause now I've got a child of mine

And even though I was so bad

I've learned so much from you

Now I'm trying to do it too

Love my kid the way you do oh

If I could turn back time rewind If I could

Make it undone, I swear that I would

I would make it up to you oh

If I could turn back time rewind If I could

Make it undone, I swear that I would

I would make it up to you

Mum I'm all grown up now

It's a brand new day

I'd like to put a smile on your face every day

Mum I'm all grown up now

And it's not too late

I'd like to put a smile on your face every day

You know you are the number one for me

You know you are the number one for me

You know you are the number one for me

Oh, oh, number one for me

You know you are the number one for me

You know you are the number one for me

You know you are the number one for me

Oh, oh, number one

There's no one in this world that can take your place

Oh, I'm sorry for ever taking you for granted, ooh

I will use every chance I get to make you smile,

Whenever I'm around you

Now I will try to love you like you love me

Only God knows how much you mean to me

Oh, if I could turn back time rewind

If I could make it undone I swear that I would

I would make it up to you

Mum I'm all grown up now

It's a brand new day

I'd like to put a smile on your face every day

Mum I'm all grown up now

And it's not too late

I'd like to put a smile on your face every day

Mum I'm all grown up now

It's a brand new day

I'd like to put a smile on your face every day

Mum I'm all grown up now

And it's not too late

I'd like to put a smile on your face every day

The number one for me

The number one for me

The number one for me

Oh, oh, number one for me

5) Pertemuan 5

Flying Without Wings

Everybody's looking for that something

One thing that makes it all complete

You find it in the strangest places

Places you never knew it could be

Some find it in the face of their children

Some find it in their lover's eyes

Who can deny the joy it brings

When you found that special thing

You're flying without wings

Some find it sharing every morning

Some in their solitary lives

You find it in the words of others

A simple line can make you laugh or cry

You find it in the deepest friendship

The kind you cherish all your life

And when you know how much that means

You've found that special thing

You're flying without wings

So impossible as they may seem

You've got to fight for every dream

'Cause who's to know

Which one you let go

Would have made you complete

Well, for me it's waking up beside you

To watch the sunrise on your face

To know that I can say I love you

In any given time or place

It's little things that only I know

Those are the things that make you mine

And it's like flying without wings

'Cause you're my special thing

I'm flying without wings

And you're the place my life begins

And you'll be where it ends

I'm flying without wings

And that's the joy you bring

I'm flying without wings

6) Pertemuan 6


Here's to the ones that we got

Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not

'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories

Of everything we've been through

Toast to the ones here today

Toast to the ones that we lost on the way

'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories

And the memories bring back, memories bring back you

There's a time that I remember, when I did not know no pain

When I believed in forever, and everything would stay the same

Now my heart feel like December when somebody say your name

'Cause I can't reach out to call you, but I know I will one day, yeah

Everybody hurts sometimes

Everybody hurts someday, aye aye

But everything gon' be alright

Go and raise a glass and say, aye

Here's to the ones that we got

Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not

'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories

Of everything we've been through

Toast to the ones here today

Toast to the ones that we lost on the way

'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories

And the memories bring back, memories bring back you

Doo doo, doo doo, doo doo

Doo doo, doo doo, doo doo, doo doo

Doo doo, doo doo, doo doo doo

Memories bring back, memories bring back you

There's a time that I remember when I never felt so lost

When I felt all of the hatred was too powerful to stop (ooh, yeah)

Now my heart feel like an ember and it's lighting up the dark

I'll carry these torches for ya that you know I'll never drop, yeah

Everybody hurts sometimes

Everybody hurts someday, aye aye

But everything gon' be alright

Go and raise a glass and say, aye

Here's to the ones that we got (oh oh)

Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not

'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories

Of everything we've been through (no, no)

Toast to the ones here today (aye)

Toast to the ones that we lost on the way

'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories (aye)

And the memories bring back, memories bring back you

Doo doo, doo doo, doo doo

Doo doo, doo doo, doo doo, doo doo

Doo doo, doo doo, doo doo doo

Memories bring back, memories bring back you

Doo doo, doo doo doo doo

Doo doo, doo doo, doo doo, doo doo

Doo doo, doo doo, doo doo doo (ooh, yeah)

Memories bring back, memories bring back you

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no

Memories bring back, memories bring back you


Dictogloss technique


Media : lagu dari aplikasi JOOX


• Buku SMA kelas XI yang relavan

• JOOX Application


1. Pertemuan 1

Pendahuluan Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa

Guru menanyakan pengalaman siswa dalam

belajar bahasa inggris (social chat)

Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan

5 menit

dipelajari dan menjelaskan kegiatan yang

akan dilakukan




Siswa menyimak lagu yang diperdengarkan

Siswa mengungkapkan kata-kata baru yang


Siswa mengungkapkan kata-kata sulit dari



Siswa menanyakan kata-kata yang sulit

Siswa menanyakan pengucapan dari kata

yang sulit

Mengumpulkan Informasi

Siswa membuat list kata kata yang terkair

dengan lagu

Siswa menjawab pertanyaan tentang lagu

yang dinyanyikan

35 menit

Penutup Siswa melatih mengucapkan dan

menyebutkan makna kata

Siswa dan guru menyimpulkan hasil


5 menit

2. Pertemuan 2

Pendahuluan Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa

Guru menanyakan pengalaman siswa dalam

belajar bahasa inggris (social chat)

Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan

dipelajari dan menjelaskan kegiatan yang

akan dilakukan

5 menit




Siswa dibagi dalam beberapa kelompok

Setiap kelompok mendengarkan lagu yang

telah disiapkan

Setiap kelompok mengumpulkan kalimat

yang tidak familiar

Setiap kelompok menemukan pesan dari lagu

yang didengar


Setiap kelompok memaparkan lagu yang

telah didengar

35 menit

Penutup Siswa latihan mengucapkan dan

menyebutkan makna kata

5 menit

Siswa dan guru menyimpulkan hasil


3. Pertemuan 3

Pendahuluan Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa

Guru menanyakan pengalaman siswa dalam

belajar bahasa inggris (social chat)

Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan

dipelajari dan menjelaskan kegiatan yang

akan dilakukan

5 menit




Siswa mendengarkan lagu yang diberikan

Siswa menuliskan kata kata yang sulit untuk


Menirukan penyebutan sulit berulang ulang

dari lagu yang didengar

Siswa menemukan arti dari setiap kata atau

kalimat yang belum diketahui

35 menit

Penutup Siswa latihan dalam mengucapkan dan

menyebutkan makna kata

Siswa dan guru menyimpulkan hasil

5 menit


4. Pertemuan ke 4

Pendahuluan Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa

Guru menanyakan pengalaman siswa dalam

belajar bahasa inggris (social chat)

Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan

dipelajari dan menjelaskan kegiatan yang

akan dilakukan

5 menit




Siswa dalam beberapa kelompok

mendengarkan lagu dengan seksama

Setiap siswa menuliskan minimal 5 kalimat

baru beserta pengucapannya secara benar

Siswa mempraktekkan penyebutan setiap

kalimat sulit yang ditemukan


Setiap kelompok membandingkan dan

mendiskusikan hasil kerjanya.

35 menit

Penutup Siswa belajar mengucapkan dan

menyebutkan makna kata

5 menit

Siswa dan guru menyimpulkan hasil


5. Pertemuan 5

Pendahuluan Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa

Guru menanyakan pengalaman siswa dalam

belajar bahasa inggris (social chat)

Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan

dipelajari dan menjelaskan kegiatan yang

akan dilakukan

5 menit




Siswa diperdengarkan lagu yang akan


Siswa bernyanyi bersama dalam rangka

merefresh semangat sekaligus tahap awal


Dari proses mendengarkan lagu, siswa

menulis kata atau kalimat yang mereka

dengar dari lagu


Siswa menuliskan di papan tulis apa saja

35 menit

yang mereka dengar

Siswa dan guru mencocokkan apa yang

siswa dengar dengan lyric yang benar

Siswa menyebutkan kata dengan benar dan

menemukan arti dari kata baru

Penutup Siswa belajar mengucapkan dan

menyebutkan makna kata

Siswa dan guru menyimpulkan hasil


5 menit

6. Pertemuan 6

Pendahuluan Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa

Guru menanyakan pengalaman siswa dalam

belajar bahasa inggris (social chat)

Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan

dipelajari dan menjelaskan kegiatan yang

akan dilakukan

5 menit




Siswa mendengarkan lagu dengan seksama

Setiap siswa menuliskan minimal 5 kata

pada sticky note beserta artinya

Siswa mempraktekkan penyebutan setiap

35 menit

kalimat yang telah ditulis

Setiap siswa menempelkan sticky note pada

kertas karton yang telah disediakan setelah

mempraktekkan penyebutannya beserta


Penutup Siswa belajar mengucapkan dan

menyebutkan makna kata

Siswa dan guru menyimpulkan hasil


5 menit


1. Teknik Penilaian

Penilaian sikap

a) Penilaian diri dan penilaian teman sejawat

b) Menggunakan daftar cek atau skala penilaian (rating scale) yang

disertai rubric

Penilaian Pengetahuan

a) Penilaian lisan/tulisan

b) Penugasan

2. Instrument Penilaian

Instrument penilaian Sikap

NO. Sikap Yang Diamati



4 3 2 1

1. Serius dalam menerima pelajaran


Bertanggung jawab dan teliti dalam

menjalankan tugas

3. Santun terhadap guru/ menghargai

4. Menghargai teman


Aktif berperan serta dalam proses


Kriteria: 4= sangat baik 2= cukup

3= baik 1= kurang

3. Pembelajaran Remedial dan Pengayaan

Materi: English song

Ketuntasan personal

1) Peserta didik yang memperoleh nilai sama atau diatas standar KKM

dinyatakan TUNTAS

2) Peserta didik yang memperoleh nilai dibawah standar KKM harus

mengikuti kegiatan remedial

3) Nilai remedial: jika nilai remedial berada sama atau diatas rata-rata

KKM, maka nilai yang dimasukkan adalah nilai standar KKM.

Sedangkan jika nilai remedial berada dibawah standar KKM, maka

nilai yang dimasukkan adalah nilai apa adanya.

4. Ketentuan Kolektif

1) Jika skor soal yang dicapai ≥65% materi pelajaran bisa dilanjutkan

2) Jika skor yang dicapai <65% materi pelajaran harus diulang terutama

soal yang ketuntasannya <65%

Takalar, 2020




The students’ row of pre-test

No. Respondents vocabulary pronunciation

1. M 56 50

2. NA 52 50

3. NH 32 25

4. RA 40 25

5. RE 28 25

6. RH 48 50

7. RB 60 50

8. SA 36 25

9. SU 44 25

10. SY 40 25

11. U 40 25

12. WOS 52 25

13. HM 40 25

14. RU 32 25

15. F 44 25

16. YS 64 50

17. S 28 25

18. NAN 56 50

19. NL 56 25

20. NS 28 25

Total ∑ = 876 ∑ = 646

Mean Score (X) 43.8 32.3


The students’ row of post test

No. Respondents vocabulary pronunciation

1. M 92 75

2. NA 84 75

3. NH 68 50

4. RA 72 50

5. RE 76 50

6. RH 80 75

7. RB 92 75

8. SA 72 50

9. SU 80 50

10. SY 76 50

11. U 80 50

12. WOS 80 50

13. HM 72 50

14. RU 64 50

15. F 84 50

16. YS 88 75

17. S 68 75

18. NAN 92 75

19. NL 88 50

20. NS 68 50

Total ∑ = 1576 ∑ = 1175

Mean Score (X) 78.8 58.75


The students’ classifications of pre-test and post test score

1. Word Meaning

No. Respondents Pre-test Classifications Post

Test Classifications

1. M 56 Fair 92 Very Good

2. NA 52 Poor 84 Good

3. NH 32 Very Poor 68 Fairly Good

4. RA 40 Poor 72 Fairly Good

5. RE 28 Very Poor 76 Good

6. RH 48 Poor 80 Good

7. RB 60 Fair 92 Very Good

8. SA 36 Poor 72 Fairly Good

9. SU 44 Poor 80 Good

10. SY 40 Poor 76 Good

11. U 40 Poor 80 Good

12. WOS 52 Poor 80 Good

13. HM 40 Poor 72 Fairly Good

14. RU 32 Very Poor 64 Fair

15. F 44 Poor 84 Good

16. YS 64 Fair 88 Very Good

17. S 28 Very Poor 68 Fairly Good

18. NAN 56 Fair 92 Very Good

19. NL 56 Fair 88 Very Good

20. NS 28 Very Poor 68 Fairly Good

2. Word Pronunciation

No. Respondents Pre-test Classifications Post

Test Classifications

1. M 50 Poor 75 Fairly Good

2. NA 50 Poor 75 Fairly Good

3. NH 25 Very poor 50 Poor

4. RA 25 Very poor 50 Poor

5. RE 25 Very poor 50 Poor

6. RH 50 Poor 75 Fairly Good

7. RB 50 Poor 75 Fairly Good

8. SA 25 Very Poor 50 Poor

9. SU 25 Very Poor 50 Poor

10. SY 25 Very Poor 50 Poor

11. U 25 Very Poor 50 Poor

12. WOS 25 Very Poor 50 Poor

13. HM 25 Very Poor 50 Poor

14. RU 25 Very Poor 50 Poor

15. F 25 Very Poor 50 Poor

16. YS 50 Poor 75 Fairly Good

17. S 25 Very Poor 75 Fairly good

18. NAN 50 Poor 75 Fairly good

19. NL 25 Very Poor 50 Poor

20. NS 25 Very Poor 50 Poor


The students’ mean score of pre-test and post test

1. Mean score of pre-test and post-test in terms of word meaning

a. Pre-test

b. Post test

2. Mean score of pre-test and post-test in terms of word pronunciation

a. Pre-test

b. Post test


The percentages of students’ improvement

1. Word Meaning

2. Word Pronunciation


Frequencies Variables

1. Word Meaning

a. Pre-test



N Valid 20

Missing 0

Mean 43,80

Median 42,67a

Mode 40

Std. Deviation 11,275

Variance 127,116

Range 36

Minimum 28

Maximum 64

Sum 876

a. Calculated from grouped data.


Frequency Percent





Valid 28 3 15,0 15,0 15,0

32 2 10,0 10,0 25,0

36 1 5,0 5,0 30,0

40 4 20,0 20,0 50,0

44 2 10,0 10,0 60,0

48 1 5,0 5,0 65,0

52 2 10,0 10,0 75,0

56 3 15,0 15,0 90,0

60 1 5,0 5,0 95,0

64 1 5,0 5,0 100,0

Total 20 100,0 100,0

b. Post test



N Valid 20

Missing 0

Mean 78,80

Median 78,67a

Mode 80

Std. Deviation 8,811

Variance 77,642

Range 28

Minimum 64

Maximum 92

Sum 1576

a. Calculated from grouped data.


Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid 64 1 5,0 5,0 5,0

68 3 15,0 15,0 20,0

72 3 15,0 15,0 35,0

76 2 10,0 10,0 45,0

80 4 20,0 20,0 65,0

84 2 10,0 10,0 75,0

88 2 10,0 10,0 85,0

92 3 15,0 15,0 100,0

Total 20 100,0 100,0

2. Word Pronunciation

a. Pre-test



N Valid 20

Missing 0

Mean 32,30

Median 30,56a

Mode 25

Std. Deviation 11,904

Variance 141,695

Range 27

Minimum 23

Maximum 50

Sum 646

a. Calculated from grouped data.


Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid 23 2 10,0 10,0 10,0

25 12 60,0 60,0 70,0

50 6 30,0 30,0 100,0

Total 20 100,0 100,0

b. Post test



N Valid 20

Missing 0

Mean 58,75

Median 58,75a

Mode 50

Std. Deviation 12,234

Variance 149,671

Range 25

Minimum 50

Maximum 75

Sum 1175

a. Calculated from grouped data.


Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid 23 2 10,0 10,0 10,0

25 12 60,0 60,0 70,0

50 6 30,0 30,0 100,0

Total 20 100,0 100,0


T-test Pairs

1. T-test Word Meaning (vocabulary)

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Pair 1 Pretestofvocabulary 43,8000 20 11,27456 2,52107

Posttestofvocabulary 78,8000 20 8,81148 1,97031

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.

Pair 1 Pretestofvocabulary &

Posttestogvocabulary 20 ,896 ,000

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

t df

Sig. (2-

tailed) Mean



Std. Error


95% Confidence Interval of

the Difference

Lower Upper







abulary –




35,00000 5,17077 1,15622 -37,41999 -32,58001


30,271 19 ,000

2. T-test Word Pronunciation

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Pair 1 Pretestofpron

unciation 32,3000 20 11,90356 2,66172


nunciation 58,7500 20 12,23401 2,73561

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.

Pair 1 Pretestofpronunciation&

Posttestofpronunciation 20 ,894 ,000

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

t df

Sig. (2-

tailed) Mean




Std. Error


95% Confidence

Interval of the


Lower Upper







pronunciation –






5,57697 1,24705 -29,06010 -23,83990




19 ,000














Nurul Fitra was born on January 23th

, 1998 in Loka,

Enrekang. She is the fourth child of five daughters from the

marriage of Sukawati and Amma. She began her study at TK

ABA Loka and graduated in 2003. She continued her study at

SDN 88 Loka, Enrekangand graduated in 2009. Then, she

continued her education at SMP Negeri 4 Baraka, Enrekang and graduated in

2012. Afterwards, she continued her study at MA Negeri 1 Enrekang and

graduated in 2015. In the same year (2015), she was registered as a student of

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. At the end of her study, she could finish

her thesis by the title The Use of JOOX Application to Improve Students’

Listening Ability by Applying Dictogloss Technique (A Pre-experimental Research

at the Eleventh Grade of MA Assalam Timbuseng in the Academic Year


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