the use of numbered head together method to …

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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.)

English Education Department of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN)




113 11 044










“You can never quit, Winners never quit and quitters

never win”

~ Ted Turner (1938) ~



This graduating paper is sincerely dedicated for:

1. My Lord, Allah SWT. Thanks to Allah for giving me spirit and healthy in

my life, especially to finish this graduating paper.

2. My beloved parents Mr. Agung Wardono and Mrs. Enny Suharti. They are

my hero, thank all support, guidance, finance, encouragement and also

thanks for your love and everlasting prayer. Allah always bless you mom

and dad.

3. My beloved sister Meylita Nur Anggraeni. Thanks for your kindness,

support, guidance and support.

4. My beloved Friends and Partner Filla Fatmawati, Aslih, Soni, always

teaches me to be patient and wise person. They also always give me


5. All of friends in Boarding House (Layli, Isna and Ninik)

6. All of my beloved people who cannot be mentioned one by one.



All praise due to Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful. First

and foremost, I would like to express gratitude Allah because of great blessing the

writer could finish this graduating paper successfully. Our blessing and praises to

our prophet Muhammad SAW was great revolutionary and true educator who has

brought from the darkness to the lightness.

However, the success would not be achieved without the support,

guidance, advice, help and encouragement from institutions and individuals.

Therefore, the writer would thanks to:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd., as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic

Studies of Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M. Pd, as the Dean Teacher Training and Education Faculty

3. Noor Malihah, M. Hum, Ph. D., as the Head of English Education


4. Maslihatul Umami S. Pd. I, M. A, as consultant of this graduating paper.

Thanks for your suggestion, recommendation, guidance and support for

this graduating paper from beginning until the end.

5. All of the lecturers in English Education Department of Tarbiyah Faculty

who had given valuable knowledge.

6. All of official staff, who have helped the writer in processing of

graduating paper.

7. My beloved parents Mr. Agung Wardono and Mrs. Enny Suharti. They are

my hero, thank all support, guidance, finance, encouragement and also

thanks for your love and everlasting prayer. Allah always bless you mom

and dad.




Wardhani, Mentari Mega. 2016. The Use of Numbered Head Together

(NHT) to Improve Students’ Reading Skill (A classroom action research of ten

grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in the academic year of

2015/2016). A Graduating Paper. Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

English Education Departement. State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN).

Counselor: Maslihatul Umami S. Pd. I, M. A

Keywords: Reading Skill Numbered Head Together Method.

This study is aimed to improve the students’ reading skill through Numbered

Head Together. The research answers these main questions (1) How is the

implementation of Numbered Head Together (NHT) in improving students’

reading skill of the ten grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus in the

academic year of 2015/2016?, (2) Is Numbered Head Together (NHT) able to

improve students’ reading skill of ten grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah

Plus in the academic year of 2015/2016?, (3) How far is the improvement of

Numbered Head Together (NHT) in improving students’ reading skill of the ten

grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus in the academic year of 2015/2016?

The methodology of this research used Classroom Action Research (CAR). There

were two cycles. Each cycle consist of planning, action, observation and

reflecting. The techniques of collecting the data are observation, test and

documentation. The results show that the students’ reading skill improves

significantly. It can be seen the average of score students in post-test II is higher

than standardized score 59.80. The NHT method is able to improve students’

reading skill in each cycle which the T-calculation result show that T-calculation

of cycle I is 2.51 and cycle II is 3.43, the mean of pre-test I is 53.07 and post-test I

is 60.38. In cycle II, the mean of pre-test II, the mean of pre-test II is 54.42 and

posy-test II is 59.80. So, it can be concluded that there is significant improvement

of students’ reading skill by applying Numbered Head Together in X B Class of

SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in the academic year of 2015/2016.



TITLE.................................................................................................... ......... .i

DECLARATION.................................................................................... ........ ii

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES................................................... ........ iii

CERTIFICATION PAGE...................................................................... ........ iv

MOTTO................................................................................................. ......... v

DEDICATION....................................................................................... ........ vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT..................................................................... ......... vii

ABSTARCT.......................................................................................... ......... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................... ......... xi

LIST OF TABLE................................................................................. ........... xi


A. Background of the Study........................................................ .......... 1

B. Statements of the Study.......................................................... .......... 4

C. Objectives of the Study........................................................... ......... 5

D. Benefits of the Study.............................................................. .......... 5

E. Limitation of the Study.......................................................... .......... 7

F. Definition of Key Terms........................................................ .......... 7

G. Review of Previous Researches............................................. .......... 8

H. Graduating Paper Organization............................................. ....... .. 10



A. Numbered Head Together Method........................................ ........... 12

1. Purpose of NHT Method ................................................. ...... .... 14

2. Step of NHT Method........................................................ ...... .. 14

3. Strengths and Weaknesses of NHT Method.................... ...... .. 16

4. Procedure of NHT Method............................................... ...... .. 16

B. Reading............................................................................................. 17

1. Definition of Reading ..................................................... .......... 17

2. Technique of Reading...................................................... ......... 18

3. Purpose of Reading.......................................................... ......... 19

4. Principles of Reading....................................................... ......... 21

C. Reading Skill

1. Definition of Reading Skill…………………………..…. ......... 22

2. Factors Influence Students on Reading Skill………….... ......... 22

3. Indicators of Students’ Reading Skill………………........ ........ 23

4. Assessment Rubric of Reading Skill…………………..... ......... 24


A. Setting of Research…………………………………………........... 27

B. Subject of the Research……………………………………... ......... 33

C. Method of the Research……………………………………............ 34


D. Procedure of the Research………………………………….... ........ 37

E. Technique of Collecting Data……………………………....... ....... 39

F. Technique of Data Analysis………………………………...... ....... 40

CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS………………………………….... ..... 43

A. Research Findings…………………………………………….. ...... 43

B. Analysis and Discussion………………………………………....... 57

CHAPTER V CLOSURE…………………………………………….. ...... 60

A. Conclusion…………………………………………………….. ...... 60

B. Suggestions……………………………………………………....... 61





Table 2.1: Scoring Rubric of Reading…................................................24

Table 2.2: Criteria of Students’ Score……………………....................26

Table 3.1: Subject for Ten Grade Students….........................................29

Table 3.2: Number of the Teachers….....................................................30

Table 3.3: Number of the Staffs..............................................................30

Table 3.4: Number of the Students..........................................................31

Table 3.5: List of Facilities……………………………………….........32

Table 3.6: List of XB class students……………………………...........34

Table 4.1: Result of Pre-Test and Post-Test Cycle I……………..........48

Table 4.2: Result of Pre-test and Post-Test Cycle II……………..........54

Table 4.3: Mean of Students’ Score……………………………….......57

Figure 3.1: Procedures of Classroom Action Research…………….......39




A. Background of the Study

Language is a tool to communicate between one people to other person.

Every culture and country has a different language each other. English is an

important language that should be understood by everybody in the world.

Therefore, students should to learn English as an international language.

However, English lesson make them are worry and not ready to learn and

understand the material in the class. Thus, English teacher should create

appropriate method to attract students’ attention. They will learn English

more enjoyable and fun in the teaching and learning process.

English language has four skills namely listening, speaking, reading,

and writing. Reading is one of the important skills to be mastered. Students

can increase our knowledge and experience by reading. If readers get a lot of

knowledge, we will give our ideas and information with others. In addition,

they can explore and do more practice to learn reading. Deborah and Nancy

(2004: 5) say that reading is an active process that depends on both author’s

ability to convey meaning using words and your ability to create meaning of

them. To read successfully, the reader need to constantly connect what the

reader already knows about the information to the words the author has

written. In reading, the teacher has to have minimized reading difficulties and

maximize comprehension. The Problem often occurs to the students. They


feel difficult to understand the meaning of the text and lack of vocabulary. It

can impact in students’ reading skill. Thus, they get bad score in reading skill.

Reading is important for the students because the success of their study

depend on their ability to read. They have difficulty in making progress if

their reading competence is low. On the other hand, if they have a good

ability in reading, they have a better chance to succeed in their study. Reading

is one of the ways to know how well the students master the written form.

Being active readers, the students are able to receive information and

processing of information as well as they can.

In addition, many students have low motivation in reading. Most of

students are uninterested in reading a lot of the text, whereas they also lack of

vocabulary and grammar and these are one of obstacles which have been

faced by the English teacher. Based on the interview with English teacher of

second graders in SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga, it is found that the

students’ reading skill is not satisfactory yet. The difficulty of comprehending

the text is one of the factors that influence the students’ failure in the mastery

of reading.

There are many factors that influence students to studyreading. The

First factor is teaching method, most of teachers usually just give an ordinary

method in reading text. They have difficulties to find the best method in

reading. There is no variation method that use teacher to teach reading.

Students just try to understand the text by themselves. It will make students

more difficult to understand the reading text. Sometime, they need a friend or


partner to ask and share about the text. Jack (2001: 99) in any institution,

teachers may vary according to the following dimension: language

proficiency, teaching experience, skill and expertise, training and

qualifications, morale and motivation, teaching style, beliefs and principles.

So, the teacher should master the dimension to get good communication with

the students and get result in teaching. Whereas children who are good

readers and have more positive attitudes toward reading often are found to

have parents who highly value education and the ability to read well (Samuels

and Farstrup, 1996: 24)

Second factor is lack of vocabulary, when the students read a lot of text.

It can make the students to be lazy to look up the meaning of difficult words

in the dictionary. This situation caused them bored and they will not want to

continue studying.

Based on the explanation above, the writer tries to use number head

together method to improve reading skill for Senior High School students.

Numbered head together is a cooperative learning strategy that holds each

student accountable for learning the material. While, cooperative learning

itself is part of learning that include kind of team work chosen or directed by

teacher, where the teacher define task, member question, provide materials

and information that are design to help student solve the problem. Students

are place in group and each person is given a number by the teacher. Then,

teacher gives the assignment contains some question and student put their

head to together to figure out the answer. After students have finished


answering that question, teacher will call the some number of each group to

show their answer. It is done until all of students get a chance. By giving this

method, student will be active in teaching learning process.

This cooperative learning promotes discussion and both individual and

group accountability. It is very beneficial for students because it can make

them more bravely to express them and it is also can increase their self

confidence to explore their discussion together. In this method, they have

prepared and provided the result of discussion together in every group and

they are ready to share with other.

From the explanation above, the writer would like to make research




YEAR OF 2015/2016.

B. Statement of The Problems

Based on the background of the study, there are many problems above,

the writer formulates the following:

1. How is the implementation of Numbered Head Together (NHT) method in

improving students’ reading skill of the ten grade students of SMA

Muhammadiyah Plus in the academic year of 2015/2016?

2. Is Numbered Head Together (NHT) method able to improve students’

reading skill of ten grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus in the

academic year of 2015/2016?


3. How far is the improvement of Numbered Head Together (NHT) method

in improving students’ reading skill of the ten grade students of SMA

Muhammadiyah Plus in the academic year of 2015/2016?

C. Objective of The Study

Based on the problem statements above the objectives of the study are:

1. To describe the implementation of Numbered Head Together (NHT)

method in improving students’ reading skill of first grade students of

SMA Muhammadiyah Plus in the academic year 2015/2016.

2. To find out whether Numbered Head Together (NHT) method is able

to improve students’ reading skill of first grade students of SMA

Muhammadiyah Plus in the academic year 2015/2016.

3. To find out how far the improvement of the students’ reading skill

after using Numbered Head Together (NHT) method of the students of

first grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in the

academic year of 2015/2016.

D. Benefits of The Study

1. Theoretical benefit:

a. This research can help the students to increase and develop

their reading skill.

b. The result of this research can contribute to apply what is read

by students.


2. Practical benefit:

a. For the writer

The finding of the interesting method that can use as a starting

point to improve and to increase the writer’s teaching ability so

she can make the best situation for the teaching learning


b. For the students

The students can know and understand about the new method

that given. They can add their knowledge by used this method,

so the English lesson to be interesting material.

c. For the teacher

This research can give contribution for English teacher to

develop their language teaching method theoretically and

practically. This study also can help the teacher to choose or

use the appropriate method for students. So, the learning

teaching process can be fun and enjoyable.

d. To the readers or other researchers

This research can support the institutions to increase and

improve their quality in the English teaching learning

process and give information to improve creativity in

learning process especially in reading skills.


E. Limitation of The Study

In this research, the researcher limits her research on teaching reading

through Numbered Head Together method to the first grade students of SMA

Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in the academic year 2015/2016. This research

is focused on understanding the important information from the text and

picture; drawing inferences from the content; following the structure of a

passage; recognizing the writer’s purpose; and vocabulary knowledge, and to

improve the students’ reading skill.

F. Definition of Key Terms

1. Numbered Head Together

Numbered head together method is a cooperative learning that can help

students to review and integrate the subject matter. It produced by Spencer

Kagan in 2009: this method can be training the students to share information

with others so the students can more productive in learning process.

2. Reading

Reading is one of skills in English. It is not just read, but the reader

should know or comprehend about the meaning in reading text. To read

successfully you need to know the information in reading text. According

to Dallmann (1982: 22) reading is a verbal process interrelated with

thinking and with all other communication abilities- listening, speaking,

and writing. Reading is the complement of writing.


3. Student

Student is a person who is studying at college or university or any

person interested in particular subject (Oxford University Press 2003:


G. Review of previous researches

In this study, the writer takes three of previous research to

emphasize and support her research. The first graduating paper is

written by Ririn Susilowati entitled “The Effectiveness of Numbered

Heads Together Method in Cooperative Learning to Improve the

Students’ Vocabulary Mastery on the Seventh Grade of SMPN 2

Tengaran in the Academic Year 2013/2014”. In her research, she

analyzed the effectiveness of Numbered Heads Together method toward

students’ vocabulary mastery in English teaching learning process. She

concluded that the using Numbered Head Together (NHT) Method in

teaching vocabulary to the students SMPN 2 Tengaran is able to

improve students’ vocabulary mastery. It can be seen from analysis data

between experiment and control group, the score of experiment group is

higher than control group in vocabulary learning (Susilowati: 2014).

The second review is written by Leni Nurhayati entitle “ A Study

of the Effectiveness of Using Picture Media to the Students Reading

Skill of the First Year Students of SLTP Pondok Modern Selamat Kendal

in the Academic Year of 2003/2004”. She analyzed the effectiveness of

Using Picture Media toward students’ reading skill. In this study, the


writer found out that there is significant improvement in reading skill

toward experimental group is taught using picture media in reading

activity (Nurhayati: 2004).

The third research is “The Use of Group Investigation Strategy

to Improve Students’ Reading Skill (A Classroom Action Research at the

ten grade of MAN Tengaran, Semarang in the Academic Year

2013/2014)”. It is done by Astri Rahmawati in 2014, students of Islamic

Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga. She analyzed that the using group

investigation strategy the students more increases in reading skill, they

became brave to give opinion, and they more active in the class

(Rahmawati: 2014).

And then, the research is “The Use of Numbered Heads Together

Method to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill (A Classroom Action

Research at second grade of MAN Tengaran, Semarang in the

Academic Year 2012/2013)”. It is done by Nur Ifka Elfiani in 2013,

student of Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga. She analyzed that

the using numbered heads together method students can improve their

speaking English actively thought they still produce ungrammatical

utterances (Elfiani: 2013).

The last, review related to this research, the title is “Improving

Students Reading Comprehension Using Numbered Heads Together (A

Classroom Action Research Conducted in the Eleventh Grade of SMA

Negeri Colomadu Karanganyar in the Academic Year 2010/2011)”. It is


done by Paji Irawan in 2011, the students of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty Sebelas Maret University. He analyzed if Numbered

Head Together can improve the students reading comprehension and the

classroom situation in teaching and learning narrative text. The

improvement of students’ comprehension includes, students can

understanding word meaning, students can recognize sentence meaning,

students can infer communicative purpose of the text (Irawan: 2011).

In conclusion, the writer would conduct research entitle “The

Use of Number Head Together to Improve Reading’ Skill for to Second

Grade Students’ of Sma Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in the Academic

Year 0f 2016/2017”.Meanwhile, previous research above will be helpful

the writer about the implementation of Number Head Together and

Picture to improve students’ reading skill.

H. Outline Graduating Paper

Chapter I is Introduction. It consists of background of the study,

statement of the problem, objective of study, the benefits of study, limitation

of the study, definition of key terms, literature review and the outline

graduating paper.

Chapter II is Review of Related Literature. It consists of underlying

theory about numbered head together, reading, and picture.

Chapter III is Methodology of research. It consist of the general

situation of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga, subject of study, method of


the research, procedure of research, technique of collecting data and

technique of analysis data.

Chapter IV is Implementation and data analysis. It contains description

of data analysis and result of the research.

Chapter V is Closure. It consists of conclusion and suggestion.






A. Numbered Head Together (NHT)

1. Definition of NHT

Numbered Head Together is cooperative learning model which

emphasizes student activity in which students are expected to interact with

other students in the group so that they can increase their learning. Students

will be divided into small groups aimed to understand the material provided

by the teacher. Students have the opportunity to be active in the process of

thinking and learning activities, there is no separation between students who

have a high level of intelligence and a low. Students will provide information

about the material being studied, reviewed the material covered in the lesson,

check or examine their understanding of the lesson content. This method was

introduced by Spencer Kagan (1992).

The cooperative learning type of Numbered Head Together emphasizes

on a structure is designed to influence the interaction patterns of students, and

improving their academic mastery. It means that students share ideas or

opinion and work in the group.

According to Suprijono (20011: 92), Numbered Head Together method

begins with the numbering, then questioning, head together, and answering.

The numbering is the teacher formed small group and the number of each

group should consider the number of concepts to be learned. For example if a


class consist of 40 students and divided into 5 groups according to the

concepts that will be studied then each group consist of 7 students. Teacher

gives the students a number 1-7. After the teacher gave a number of questions

to be answered by the students referred to the questioning. Students with their

group think of the answers called the Numbered Head Together. After that the

teacher called students who have same number from different groups to

provide the answer. It is called the answering.

Numbering is the initial activities led by teachers. The teacher divides

the class into small groups. If a class consists of 40 students, the teacher will

divide it into five groups so that there are seven member of each group. Then

the teacher gives the numbers 1-7 in every member of group. Questioning is

asking the question by teachers to students. The teachers give opportunity for

each group to find answers from questions that are given. This step is done

after the group formed.

Head together is a process in which all members of the group think of

the answer by uniting mind. They discuss several possibilities answer to find

the right answers to these questions. Answering is a process where the

students with the same number from each group answer questions in turn

given by the teacher. This is done continuously from the number 1-7 so all

students have equal opportunities in reading.

Based on the definitions above, it can be concluded that numbered head

together method, students are expected to be able to gain thorough


understanding of the material being taught. In addition students are also

expected to use English to read in other to improve their reading skill.

2. Purposes and benefits of Numbered Head Together

According to Ibrahim (in Herdian, 2009: 1-2), the purposes of

numbered head together method are follows:

a. The academic study structural

It has purpose to increase students creativity and activity on

academic assignment.

b. Acknowledgment of the diversity so students can accept their friend

who has different background

c. Development of social appearance

The benefits of this method are able to grow the readiness of all

students, allow students to discuss earnest and positive interaction on

students through clever student can teach students who have less


3. Step of Numbered Head Together

According to Herdian (2009: 2) there are six steps in numbered head

together method they are:

a. Preparation

In this stage teachers prepare lesson plans to create a scenario of

learning and students worksheet.


b. Formation of groups

The teacher divides students into groups of 3-5 students. The

teachers give a number to every student in the group. Group formed by

a combination of different social background, race, ethnicity, gender

and learning ability.

c. Students should have a book

Each group should have books or guidance in order to facilitate

students in completing worksheets or solving problems given by the


d. Discussion of the problem

In group work, teachers distribute worksheets to each student as

material to be studied. Within each group work together to describe the

students’ thinking and make sure that everyone knows the answer to

that question is already in students’ worksheet or question that have

been given by the teacher.

e. Call the number

Call the number or members’ giving the answers in this stage, the

teacher calls a number and students from each group with the same

number raised their hands and prepare answers to the students in the


f. Gives the conclusion

Teachers and students conclude the final answer of all questions

relating to the material presented.


4. Strengths and Weaknesses of Numbered Head Together

Herdian (2009: 2) says that there are strengths and weaknesses when

applying Numbered Heads Together method to teaching learning process,

there are:

a. There are strength of numbered head together involve:

1) Train the students to improve communication skills through group


2) Give more time to think, to respond, and to help each other.

3) Improving student in thinking either individually or in groups.

b. The weakness of numbered head together include:

1) Students requiring more time to understand the material because

there is discussion group and class discussions.

5. Procedures of NHT of English

There are five procedures of NHT of English based on Wright (2015):

a. Create teams. The teacher divides the class into 4 person teams.

Ideally, each team includes a mix of high, average, and low-

achieving students. Students in each team assign themselves the

number 1 through 4.

b. State a question. The teacher poses separate queries to the class.

After each question, the instructor tells students to “put your heads

together, think of the best answer you can, and make sure that

everybody in your group knows that answer.


c. Allow think time. The teacher gives students 30 second to discuss an

answer in their groups.

d. Elicit student responses. The teacher randomly selects a number

from 1-4 and says, “All number (1, 2, 3, or 4) students who know the

answer, raise your hand.” The teacher then calls on one student with

hand raised and asks him or her to give the answer. The teacher next

says, “how many (1, 2, 3, or 4) students think that the answer is

correct? Raise your hand. (Optional: The teacher can call on

additional students with hand raised to elaborate on previous students


e. Give teacher feedback. Finally, the instructor gives feedback about

the answer (e.g. verifying that it is correct, elaborating on the answer,

providing corrective feedback for an incorrect response).



B. Reading

1. Definition of Reading

Carrel (1988: 12) Reading is a receptive language process in hat it

stars with linguistic surface representation encoded by a write and ends

with meaning which the reader constructs. There is thus an essential

interaction between language and thought in reading.


According to Daniel Hittlemen, (Dallmann, Rouch, Char,&Deboer,

1982:23) Reading is a verbal process interrelated with thinking and with

all other communication abilities-listening, speaking, and writing.

Specifically, reading is the process of reconstructing from the printed

patterns on the page the ideas and information intended by the author.

Dallman (1982:22) points out that reading are a verbal process

interrelated with thinking and with all other communication abilities such

as listening, speaking, and writing. Specifically, reading is the process of

reconstructing from the printed patterns on the page of the ideas and

information intended by the author.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that reading is

interaction between the reader and the author’s ideas. Besides that, reading

is an effort to understand the content of the texts. Reading is also use to get

an idea, pleasure, or feeling that is expressed by the writer.

2. Techniques of Reading

According to Wright (1989: 159) there are some techniques of reading,

such as:

a. Skimming

Skimming is glancing rapidly through a text to determine its

general context. Dechant (1982: 346) also state that skimming is

selective reading. In skimming, readers choose what they want to read.

They select those sentences, clauses, and phrases that best serve their

purpose, get a general impression of the selection, and decide on the


basis of the examination whether to read the selection more


b. Scanning

Scanning is reading to locate specific information. For example,

locating a telephone number in a directory, being able to search

through material rapidly with given purpose in mind in other to find a

specific fact or an answer to particular question plays a large role in

much of a youngster’s reading.

c. Intensive Reading

Intensive reading is reading shorter to extract specific information.

This is more an accuracy activity involving reading for detail. For

example, reading dosage instruction of medicine.

d. Extensive Reading

Extensive reading is reading longer text, usually for one’s own

pleasure. This is a fluent activity, mainly involving global

understanding. For example, reading novel, newspaper and short story.

3. Purpose of Reading

The purpose of reading described by Grabe (2009: 8-10) there are at

least six main purposes for reading. These purposes include:

a. Reading to information

The combination of scanning (identifying a specific graphic form)

and skimming (building a simple quick understanding of the text)

allows a reader to search information.


b. Reading for quick understanding (skimming)

Reading for quick understanding used for variety of other reasons

and so may be seen as a super ordinate purpose. The readers used

skimming when they want to determine what a text is about and

whether or not they want to spend more time reading it.

c. Reading to learn

Reading to learn is often carried out in academic and professional

settings. Reading to learn places more processing demands on the

reader because the reader is expected to remember the main ideas and

many supporting ideas and be able to recall this information as needed.

d. Reading to integrated information

This type of reading requires that the reader synthesize and learn

information from multiple texts or bring together information from

different parts of a long text.

e. Reading to evaluate, critique, and use information

It often also represents an increased level of demand and a more

complex interaction of reading processes.

f. Reading for general comprehension

Reading for general comprehension is the most common purpose

for reading among fluent readers, and it is the default assumption for

the term reading comprehension.


4. Principles of Reading

In accordance to Harmer (2001: 70), there are some principles

behind the teaching of reading:

a. Reading is not a passive skill. Reading is an incredibly active

occupation. To do it successfully, we have to understand what the

words mean.

b. Students need to be engaged with what they are reading. as with

everything else in lessons, students who are not engaged with the

reading text, actively, not interested in what they are doing, are less

likely to benefit.

c. Students should be encouraged to respond to the content of a

reading text, not just the language. It is important to study reading

texts for the way they use language, the number of paragraph they

contain and how many times they use relative clause.

d. Prediction is a major factor in reading. When we read text in our

own language, we frequently have a good idea of the context

before we actually read.

e. Match the task to the topic. Once a decision has been taken about

what reading text the students are going to read, we need to choose

good reading tasks, the right kind of question, engaging and useful

puzzle etc.

f. Good teacher exploit reading text to the full. They integrate the

reading text into interesting class sequences, using the topic for


discuss and further tasks, using the language for study and later


C. Reading Skills

1. Definition of Reading Skills

Reading skill is the ability to relate the textual material to one’s own

knowledge by comprehending the text (Fauziati, 2008: 133). The purpose

of reading activity is language ideas. In reading, the process of thinking is

very urgent and vital, because the students read the text and do not merely

move their eyes along the sentence they read. Instead the same time, their

minds work to get the message.

Based on the above explanation, the writer concludes that reading

skill is a process of understanding written text, integrate new ideas and

generalize from what is read.

2. Factors Influence Students on Reading Skill

According to Rahmawati (2014), the students reading skill will be

influenced by two kinds of factor. These factors come from students itself

or named as internal factor and from out of the students itself of named ad

external factor:

a. Internal Factors

1) Physical factor are everything about students body, such as eyes,

ears, mouth, hand etc.


2) Psychological factor consist of two element, there are:

a) Intellectual factors are factor which influence student’s ability

in receiving material, understanding the information or crate

the ideas, this factor consisting of talent, intelligent etc.

b) Non intelligence factors are factor which influence students

personality, this factor consisting of attitude, interest,

motivation, emotion, habit etc.

b. External Factors

1) Social factor consist of students family environment, school,

society, where student life and student group such as students

learning group, classmate and playmates.

2) Cultural factor such as customs and traditions, knowledge,

technology and art.

3) Equipment factor including student learning facilities in home

and school.

3. Indicators/ nature of students’ reading skills

According to Istikhayatun (2014: 26), there are some indicators of

students’ reading skill, they are:

a. The students are able to understand the vocabulary of analytical

exposition text.

b. The students are able to find the difficult words from the analytical

exposition text.


c. The students are able to answer the question about analytical

exposition text.

d. The students are able to identify the important information on the text.

e. The students are able to give opinions about the text that they have

been read.

4. Assessment Rubric of Reading Skill

In this research, the researcher prefers test made by teachers because

teacher can measure student’s difficulties in learning English, especially in

reading. The researcher uses pre-test and post test in order to get the data

and to find the differences of the students ability before and after the

teacher use the method.

Table 2.1.

The Scoring Rubric of Reading


Score Criteria

50 If there hesitation

60 Fluent but there is still hesitation

70 Fluent

80 Very fluent



Score Criteria

50 Every utterance cannot be understood

60 Some of the utterance can be understood

70 Most of the utterance can be understood

80 All of the utterance can be understood


Score Criteria

50 Most of the pronunciation is wrong

60 Some of the pronunciation are right

70 Most of the pronunciation are right

80 All of the pronunciation are right


Score Criteria

50 All of the intonation / rhythm are wrong

60 Some of the intonation / rhythm are right

70 Most of the intonation / rhythm are right

80 All of the words, phrase and sentence’s

intonation / rhythm are right



Score Criteria

50 Get score of the written test 3 until 4

60 Get score of the written test 5 until 6

70 Get score of the written test 7 until 8

80 Get score of the written test 9 until 10

The next step of analyzing is classifying the students’ score into

categories. The measurement of the students’ achievement is interpreted as


Table 2.2.

The Criteria of Students’ Score

No Score Criteria

1 91-100 Excellent

2 81-90 Very Good

3 71-80 Good

4 61-70 Fair

5 51-60 Poor

6 0-50 Very Poor




This chapter points out the place, time and research methodology.

This research was conducted in SMA Muhammadiyah (PLUS) Salatiga, it

consists of general information of SMA Muhammadiyah (PLUS) Salatiga

which deals with vision and mission, the situation of teaching and learning

activities, the teacher, students, staffs and the facilities of that school. The

research method contains the types of the research; population, sample,

data sources, technique of data collection and technique of data analyzes.

The explanation of each point is discussed further into detail explanation.

A. Setting of Research

Theresearch was conducted in SMA Muhammadiyah (PLUS)

Salatiga. The further explanation about this school described as follows:

1. General information of SMA Muhammadiyah (Plus) Salatiga

The location of Senior High School Muhammdiyah Plus

Salatiga at Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan street, No.1, Soka, RT 03/

RW 06, Sidorejo Lor, Salatiga. It was built on January 1 1977 and

on State-Own Area as wide 5.445m2and building area as wide


The total number of the students of SMA Muhammadiyah

Plus Salatiga in the academic year of 2015/2016 is 170 students.

They consist of 78 male students and 92 female students. The

identity of this school can be described below:


Name of School : SMA Muhammadiyah (Plus) Salatiga

Address : Jl. KHA Dahlan no. 1 Soka, Sidorejo,


Accreditation : A

Phone number : (0298) 322358/23540

Email :

Web :

School status : Private

Established : 1977

Head master : Dian Indrihartani, S. Sos, M. Pd

Committee : Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag

2. Vision and Mission

1) Vision

The vision of this school is “Characterize, Creative, and

Excellent Achievement”.

2) Mission

a) Developing potential of religious/ Islamic, character

and morality of learners and the school community.

b) Implementation of learning that encourages creativity

and the development of the totality of the learners.

c) Growing spirit of achievement the school community.

d) Growing joy full learning, familiar and participate



3. Situation of SMA Muhammadiyah (Plus) Salatiga

The following table is the list of subject taught in ten grade

students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga

Table 3.1.The List Subject for Ten Grade Students of SMA

Muhammadiyah (Plus) in the Academic Year of 2016/2017.

No Subject

1 Mathematic

2 Indonesian Language

3 English

4 Javanese

5 Physics

6 Chemist

7 Biology

8 Sociology

9 Economy

10 Geography

11 Penjaskes (Sport)

12 Art and Culture

13 Islamic Studies

14 Counseling

15 Japanese

16 Civic Education

17 Indonesian Literature

18 Anthropology

Source of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus

4. Teachers of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga

There are 20 teachers in this school. The teachers teach

different subject divided into 18 subjects. The list of the

teachers can be seen on table below:


Table 3.2 List of Teacher SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga

in the Academic Year of 2015/2016

No Name Education Subject

1 Dian Indrihartani, S.Sos, M.Pd S2 Sociology

2 Drs. Amin H, M.Pd S2 Indonesia Language

3 Dwi Swastiningsih S.Pd S1 Counseling

4 Dra. Suratilah S1 Civic Education

5 Nurhadi, S. Ag S1 Islamic Study

6 Farah Zakiah Anwar S.PdI S1 English

7 Drs. HeruSutopo S1 Counseling

8 Supto Rini H, S.Pd S1 Indonesian Language and


9 Dra. Siti Ruqoyah S1 Islamic Study

10 Sulasfiana A Raida S.Pd S1 Biology

11 Robachul Muslim S.Pd S1 Sport

12 Sugiyani , S.Pd S1 Art and Culture Civic Education

13 Dra. Handiyani Ratih S1 Counseling

14 Tugini S1 Physic

15 Andari Puji Astuti S.Pd S2 Chemist

16 Dra. Endry Naneforini S1 Mathematic

17 H. Djayadi, S.pd S1 Mathematic

18 Dewi Oktara, S.Pd S1 Economic

19 Dewi Ariyanti, A.Md S1 Japanese

20 Abidah, S.Pd S1 Geography and Anthropology

Source of SMA Muhammadiyah (Plus) Salatiga

5. Staff Member of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga

Table 3.3 List of Staff of SMA Muhammadiyah (Plus)

Salatiga in the academic year of 2015/2016

No Name Education Position

1 Eni Prastiwi, S.E S1 Admnistrator

2 Sudaryanto Senior High School Librarian

3 Sari Utami Senior High School Admnistrator

4 Uni Baroroh Senior High School Admnistrator

5 Widodo Elementary High School Cleaning Service

6 Edi Suratno Senior High School Security

7 Rachmadi Junior High School Cleaning Service

Source of SmaMuhammadiyah Plus Salatiga


6. Students of SMA Muhammadiyah (Plus) Salatiga

The division of the class of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus

Salatiga can be seen in the table below:

Table 3.4 List of Students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus

Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2015/2016




X XI XII Total

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

MIA 10 18 4 19 7 11 21 48

IIS 10 13 22 34 9 13 41 60

IBB 3 5



SUM 20 31 26 53 19 29 62 108

7. Students’ Activity of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga

To increase the students’ achievement, SMA

Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga provide the extracurricular involve:

a. Futsal

b. Badminton

c. Choral Singing Group

d. Scientific Group Youth (KIR)

e. Self Defense Art

f. Theater

g. Free Day

h. English Club


8. Facilities and Tools of SMA Muhammadiyah (Plus) Salatiga

Facilities are all building, things are needed by the teachers,

students and other educators in which are provided by school to

support successful teaching learning process. The list of facilities

in SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga can be seen in the table


Table 3.5 List of Facilities in SMA Muhammadiyah Plus


No Room/ Equipment Total Condition

Good Broken

1 Classes 8 V

2 Laboratorium

a. Science

1 V

3 b. Language 1 V

4 Library 1 V

5 Sport 1 V

6 Auditorium 1 V

7 Mosque 1 V

8 Principal Office 1 V

9 Teacher Office 1 V

10 Administration office 1 V

11 OSIS Office 1 V

12 Vice principal Office 1 V

13 School Health Unit 1 V

Source of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga


B. Subject of the Research

The researcher chooses SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga as

subject of the study in the research. The subject of the study is the ten

grade students which consist of two class group involve XA and XB.

The writer took one of class group is XB. The number of the

participant is 26 students. They are 11 boys and 15 girls.

1. Population

According to Arikunto (2002: 108), the population is all

members of the research subject. So, the population is all

individuals that involve in that research. The researcher takes

population in the ten grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus

Salatiga in the academic year of 2015/2016. The total number of

population is 26. They are 11 male students and 15 female


2. Sample

Sample is a part of population representative which is

researched Arikunto (2002: 109). The researcher takes one class of

the sample on the ten grades of students SMA Muhammadiyah

Plus Salatiga. From the total population of 26 students, the

researcher takes XB class as the sample of this research. They

consist of 26 students; they are 11 male sudents and 15 female

students. The reason is the students of XB Class are low in reding

skill. The students’ list is presented in detail below:


Table 3.6 List of Sampel of XB Class of SMA

Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in the academic year of


No Nis Name

1 4532 Afrist Linda Sulviana

2 4533 Alfina Damaiyanti

3 4534 Ayu Faradilla

4 4561 Dewi Nurcahya Putri

5 4535 Dimas Sigit

6 4536 Eka Satrio Prabowo

7 4537 Fahruri

8 4538 Guntur Martha Baya

9 4539 Irfan Maula

10 4540 Kholifah Apriliani

11 4541 Muhammad Abdul Karim

12 4542 Muhammad Munib Aditya

13 4543 Marshelina Dwi Nugraheni

14 4544 Mosley Muhammad Reza

15 4545 Muhamad Sani Ramadan

16 4546 Muntadhiroh

17 4564 Novellyta Puspa Ayu Maha


18 4547 Oktafiana Nabila Ayuningtyas

19 4548 Purnawadi

20 4559 Putri Listiani

21 4549 Sabilla Safa Saphira

22 4550 Sania Rizka Nuzulia Amimi

23 4551 Suryani

24 4552 Uswatun Khasanah

25 4553 Wahyu Nur’aini

26 4554 Yusuf Akbar Sanjaya

C. Method of Research

1. Definition of Classroom Action Research

The type of this research is classroom action research (CAR).

According to Kemmis as quoted by Hopkins (1993: 44) that action

research is a form of self reflective inquiry undertaken by

participant in a social (including educational) situation in order to


improve the rationality and justice of: (1) their own social or

educational practice, (2) their understanding of these practice, and

(3) the situation in which practices are carried out.

Classroom Action Research is a kind of research having

function to improve educational quality, especially in learning

condition and situation in order to make better than before. The

researcher will carry out this research to know whether Numbered

Head Together method has positive influence on students’ reading

skill or not.

2. Characteristics of Classroom Action Research

Syamsudin and Damaianti (2007:197) outline the following

characteristics of the classroom action research:

a. It examines problem which are deemed problematic by

researcher in teaching learning process.

b. The researcher can give treatment which planned actions to

solvethe problem and improve the quality, so the subject can

get the implication.

c. The steps ofthe research in the form of cycle.

d. Such reflective thinking from researcher both after and before


e. Contextual situation, which related to diagnosing and solving

the problem

f. Classroom action research use collaborative approach.


g. Participatory, which each team member accompany in the


h. Self evaluative, which the researcher evaluates by self

continually toimprove the performance.

i. The procedure of the research is on- the- spot which designed

to handle the real problem in that area.

j. The result applied immediately, long – range in perspective,

measuring up to supple and adaptive.

3. Principles of Classroom Action Research

According to Hopkins (1993; 57-61) there are six principle

of classroomaction research by teachers. Some of them are

followed as:

a. The teacher’s primary job is to teach. And any research method

should not interfere with or disrupt the teaching commitement.

b. The method of data collection must not be to demanding on

theteachers time.

c. The metodology employed must be reliable enough to

allowteachers to formulate hypotheses convidently and

developstrategies applicable to their classroom.

d. The research problem under taken by the teacher should be one

towhich he or she is committed.

e. The need for teacher researchers to pay close attention to the

athicalprosedures surrounding the work.


f. That as far as possible classroom research should adopt a

classroomaxceeding perspective. This is that all members of

schoolcommunity actively build and share a common vision of

their mainpurpose.

In accordance with the principles that classroom action

research have to consentrated with the matters of happened in the

class. A class is one unity of the concerning element and to reach

the spesific aim. The component from the class are the students,

teachers, which is teaching lesson item, medium of used, result of

the study and the management that conducted by head of the

school. The object of the perceived in classroom action research

not have always when process of the study underway because class

is not room, but it is group of students (Arikunto, 2006: 24).

D. Procedure of Research.

The research will apply classroom action research in her study.

It consists of two cycles, each cycle consists of 4 steps, and they are:

1. Planning

According Arikunto (2010: 139) in action planning, the

researcher determined point or event to get special attention to be

observed, and then make the observation instrument to help

researcher record the class condition when the learning teaching

occurs. The researcher will do some activities, they are:


a. Preparing material, media, making lesson plan, and design of

teaching in the class.

b. Preparing list of students name scoring.

c. Preparing sheet for observation in the class.

d. Preparing a pre-test and post test each cycle.

2. Action

a. Giving pre-test

b. Teaching reading using Numbered Head Together method

c. Giving occasion to the students to ask any problem.

d. Giving post-test for students.

3. Observation

Observation is an instrument in collection data. The

researcher as the teacher and helped by a collaborator, researcher’s

partner, she observes the learners’ activity in teaching learning

activity by using observation sheet. The researcher knows students’

activities and something occurs during the teaching learning

process through observation sheet. Besides using observation

sheet, the observer also take pictures as the image of documented

students during teaching learning process.

4. Reflection

In this stage, the researcher analyzed the result of the test,

uses the observation sheet. That will be used to revise the steps in

Cycle 1 in order to be better than before.


The researcher as a teacher also does self evaluation; it is

expected to reform next cycle.

Figure 3.1Procedure of Classroom Action Research

The Figure of CAR by Kemmis and Mctaggart, quoted by Burns (2010: 8)

E. Technique of Collecting data

The researcher collected the data accurately of the research using

some techniques, they are:

1. Observation

Observe is look at an occurrence, movement and process.

Observing is not an easy task since people are influenced a lot

by interests and tendencies they have. In observation the most

effective method is by fulfilling an observation blank form as a

tool. The arranged form consists of items about occurrences or

behaviors that drawn will be happened (Arikunto, 2010:272).


2. Test

According to Arikunto (2002: 198) Test is a set of

question or exercise or other instrument used to measure

knowledge, intelligence, ability or attitude of groups or

individual. The writer uses pre-test and post-test. pre-test is

given before implementation of Numbered Head Together

method in teaching learning process and post-test is conducted

after the method in implemented. Pre-test and post-test used to

know the differences of students’ improvement.

3. Documentation

Arikunto (2010: 274) stated that documentation methods

is an activity to look for variable like notes, transcribes, books,

newspapers, magazines, etc. The documentary data are book,

transcript and history book of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus


F. Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the next step of this study is

analyzing the data. In analyzing data, the researcher used two ways:

1. Descriptive Qualitative Technique

Lodico (2006:12) stated that quantitative techniques

summarize data using numbers. Hypotheses and methods of

data collection are created before the research begins. It


describes the process and the result of students’ improvement

in reading skill using Numbered Head Together method.

2. Statistical Technique

Beside descriptive technique, the writer uses a statistical

technique. In scoring the test, the students score is counted with

the following formula:

a. Mean Calculation

Mean is formula to know the average of the students’ score.

The formula is:


M = Mean of the student’s score

∑X = The sum of student’s score

N = the total number of students

b. Standard Deviation Calculation

The formula is:

√ D2

N (





SD = Standard Deviation

D = Difference between pre-test and post-test

N = The number of observation


c. T- test Calculation

After calculating the SD, the researcher will

calculate t-test to know is there any significant differences

or no between pre-test and post-test. The formula is:

( D



√N 1)


To = T- test for different of pre-test and post-test

SD = Standards deviation for one sample t-test

D = Difference between pre-test and post-test

N =The number of observation in one sample




In this chapter, the writer would like to analyze the data gathered

from the action research activities. The data was obtained from teaching

learning process and evaluation. The findings consist of the results of the

cycle I, cycle II. The cycles are treatments of the implementation of the

Numbered Head Together Method in the reading skill.

A. Research Findings

In this research, the researcher acts as the teacher and

learning process is observed by her collaborator, Dewi Nur Waryani.

The writer arranged two cycles. The steps were: planning, acting,

observing, and reflecting.

1. Cycle I

a. Planning

Before entered in the class, the writer prepared

instrument of the research to support the teaching and

learning process in the following:

1) Preparing the schedule of the research

2) Preparing material and making lesson plan

3) Designing the steps doing the action

4) Preparing list of the students’ name and scoring

5) Preparing sheet for observation in the class


6) Preparing a test (to know student’s improvement in

reading skill is there any change or not).

b. Implementation of the action

On Tuesday, 09 February 2016, the writer began the

class with Miss Farah who helped the writer to introduce

herself in front of the class. Before the lesson, she began the

lesson by introduction herself and checking students’

attendance. In the first meeting, it was followed by 26

students in the class.

Before the lesson, the teacher gave the pre-test for

students in 15 minutes about narrative before present. She

divided the sheets and walked around the class in order to

check the students along doing the test. Many students were

confused about the test. Some of them asked about

vocabulary with their friends and the teacher. After the

students had finished the pre-test, she collected and began the

teaching learning process.

Based on the field note from the collaborator, during the

teaching learning process, as follows:

Teacher : “assalamu’alaikumwr. wb?”(Peace be

with you)

Students : “wa’alaikumsalamwr.wb” (peace be with

you too)


Teacher : “Before we began our study today, say

Basmallah(let’s pray) together!”

Students : “Bismillahirohmanirohim” (in the name of


Teacher : “Good afternoon class?”

Students : “Good afternoon Miss!”

Teacher : “How are you today?”

Students : “I’m fine thank you, and you?”

Teacher : “I’m very well, thank you. Ok firstly, I

want to introduced myself, my name is

Mentari Mega W, and you can call me Miss.

Mega. I’m come from Tangerang. And

today, we will study aboutnarrative text.

Anyone know about it?”

Students : “Yes, Miss!”

After the writer said “anyone knows about narrative

text?” many students said “Yes, miss”. They have different

responses about narrative text. Some of them said

“(ceritalegenda) story about legend, (ceritahewansikancil)

story about mouse deer, etc”. But also, any other students

forgot about it. To make them have good memorized, the

teacher explained about what is narrative text clearly. She

used treatment in her teaching process. Her treatment is


used numbered head together. In the first meeting, the

teacher gave material about legend of Sura and Baya in

narrative text.

In the first treatment, she used numbered head together

method. In learning process, the students were made group.

There are five groups, and each group are consists of five

students. In this learning process, she trained the students in

reading ability through narrative text. She asked the

students to make narrative text grouply. She added the

picture as a media to stimulate them in organizing the ideas

and thought. The writer said “Do you know what the

picture above?” then they answered together “that

Surabaya, miss”. “Yes, right” said the writer. From the

picture, the writer asked them to make jumble paragraph be

grouply. The students were very enthusiastic and excited

about it.

In the end of meeting, the writer gave the post-test to

the students after she apply the treatment in her teaching

process. The post-test was done around 15 minutes. The

writer said “before the class will be over, I will give post-

test, are you ready class?” They answered together “yes,

miss”. After the students had finished the post-test, the


research asked them to submit it and she closed the


Teacher : “Ok class, the time is over; please submit

your test and we will close our meeting


Students : “Yes, miss!”

Teacher : “Ok, before we close our lesson today, let’s

say Hamdallah (thanks to Allah) together”

Students : “Alhamdulillahirobbilaalamiin” (Allah be


Teacher : “Wassalamualaikumwr.wb” (peace be with


Students : “Waalaikumsalamwr.wb” (peace be with


c. Observation

In the first cycle, the researcher observed the learning

process by asking the observer to help her in monitoring the

students’ activity in this action; the teacher could see that the

students were not ready yet when the teacher (the writer)

came to class. It can be seen for the students’ attitude. The

class situation was rather noisy, because it was the first time

for them in English class using Numbered Head Together

Method and was monitored by observer.


d. Reflection

After analyzing the result of cycle I, the writer

inferred that there was little bit improvement in students’

reading skill. It could be seen from the average of post-test

was better than the average of pre-test. The researcher has to

encourage the students to do the task by themselves. The

researcher will use the same method to teach reading with the

different topic for the next meeting to get better result.

Table 4. 1

The Students’ Score of Pre Test And Post Test in Cycle 1

No. Name Of Students Pre-test I


Post test I



(D) D


1 Afrist Linda Sulviana 65 85 20 400

2 AlfinaDamaiyanti 75 80 5 25

3 AyuFaradilla 55 75 20 400

4 DewiNurcahyaPutri 65 55 -10 100

5 Dimas Sigit 65 80 15 225

6 EkaSatrioPrabowo 60 75 15 225

7 Fahruri 80 90 10 100

8 Guntur Martha Baya 90 80 -10 100

9 IrfanMaula 0 0 0 0

10 KholifahApriliani 45 65 20 400

11 Muhammad Abdul Karim 45 65 20 400

12 Muhammad MunibAditya 0 65 65 4225

13 MarshelinaDwiNugraheni 75 80 5 25

14 Mosley Muhammad Reza 40 75 35 1225

15 MuhamadSani Ramadan 0 0 0 0

16 Muntadhiroh 55 45 -10 100

17 NovellytaPuspaAyuMahaD


40 50 10 100

18 Oktafiana Nabila


60 80 20 400

19 Purnawadi 75 60 -15 225


20 PutriListiani 50 75 25 400

21 SabillaSafaSaphira 65 80 15 225

22 SaniaRizkaNuzuliaAmimi 75 60 -15 225

23 Suryani 60 75 15 225

24 UswatunKhasanah 60 75 15 225

25 WahyuNur’aini 0 0 0 0

26 Yusuf Akbar Sanjaya 80 0 -80 6400

1380 1570 190 16375

1) Calculating mean of pre-test I and post-test I

a) Mean of Pre-test




b) Mean of Post-Test

M= F

M= 1570


M= 60.38

c) Mean of Pre-Test = 53.07

d) Mean of Post-Test = 60.38

e) Mean of Pre-Test than Post-Test


f) There is an improvement of reading skill trough

Numbered Head Together Method between pre-test and


2) Calculating of Standard Deviation

SD = √ 2




SD = √



SD = √629 80 7 307 2

SD = √629 80 53.39

SD = √576 41

SD = 24.08

3) T-test calculation

T = (



√ 1)

T= (190


(24 08

√26 1)

T= 7 30

(24 08√25


T 7 30

(24 08


T= 7 30

4 816


T = 1.51

T calculation is 1.51

T-table > t-calculation = 20.60 > 1.51

2. Cycle II

Based on the research of cycle I, it necessary for the

researcher to continue the next level:

a. Planning

Before the research, the instrument of the research was

prepared as follow:

1) Preparing lesson plan

2) Preparing material

3) Preparing list of students’ name and scoring

4) Preparing observation sheet (to know the situation of

teaching learning process when method is implemented)

5) Preparing a test (to know whether students’ reading skill is

improve or not when the method is applied)

b. Implementation of the action

On Wednesday, 10 February 2016, the research entered

the class with her observer to continue the previous meeting.

In this action, the research explained more about fable in

narrative text. Then teacher opened the lesson.

Teacher : “assalamu’alaikumwr. wb?”

Students : “wa’alaikumsalamwr.wb”


Teacher : “Good morning class?”

Students : “Good morning, Miss!”

Teacher : “How are you today?”

Students : “I’m fine thank you, and you?”

Teacher : “I’m very well, thank you. Ok, I meet you

all again class, and before the lesson, I will

give you pre-test. Are you ready?”

Students : “Ready, miss!”

Before the lesson, she gave the pre-test for the students

and walked around the class in order to check the students for

doing the test. Then, the research told to the students about

the topic on that day. The research asked the students to

explain about narrative text and the function.

Then, the writer discussed fable in narrative text. In this

section, the research explained story about mouse deer. In

this action, the writer just gave a little explanation which had

not been understood by the students until they understood

well. She explained about generic structure. And she gave

conclusion about the material. Then, the research gave them

post-test about 15 minutes. After that the research asked them

to submit their post-test.


Teacher : “Ok, any question, before we close our

lesson today?”

Students : “No, Miss.”

Teacher : “Let’s say Hamdallah (thanks to Allah)


Students : “Alhamdulillahhirobbilalamin.” (Allah be


Teacher : “Thanks for your attention, and keep on


be with you)

Students : “Wa’alaikumsalamwr.wb.” (Peace be with

you too)

c. Observation

In the cycle II, the researcher and her partner observed

teaching learning process by monitoring the students’ activity

and their attention during teaching learning process. The

teacher watched the students enjoy this method and they are

not afraid to speak up and active in cycle II. They gave more

attention to the teacher’s explanation and asked some

question when they did not understand about the material.


d. Reflection

After analyzing the result of this cycle I and cycle II, the

researcher concluded that using Numbered Head Together

method can improve students’ reading skill. It can be seen by

comparing the result of test between cycle I and cycle II.

As the result of this cycle, the researcher observed the

students’ score that was gained after the scoring the students’

pre and post test in cycle II. The following table is the final

result score of the students in cycle II.

Table 4. 2

The Result of Pre Test and Post Test in Cycle 1I

No. Name Of Students Pre-test II


Post test II



(D) D


1 Afrist Linda Sulviana 65 75 10 100

2 AlfinaDamaiyanti 55 60 5 25

3 AyuFaradilla 55 75 20 400

4 DewiNurcahyaPutri 75 60 -15 225

5 Dimas Sigit 50 65 15 225

6 EkaSatrioPrabowo 50 75 25 625

7 Fahruri 70 80 10 100

8 Guntur Martha Baya 85 90 5 25

9 IrfanMaula 0 0 0 0

10 KholifahApriliani 70 55 -15 225

11 Muhammad Abdul Karim 65 80 15 225

12 Muhammad MunibAditya 60 70 10 100

13 MarshelinaDwiNugraheni 80 75 -5 25

14 Mosley Muhammad Reza 75 65 -10 100

15 MuhamadSani Ramadan 0 0 0 0

16 Muntadhiroh 70 65 -5 25

17 NovellytaPuspaAyuMahaD


55 75 20 400

18 Oktafiana Nabila


60 75 15 225


19 Purnawadi 70 65 -5 25

20 PutriListiani 60 70 10 100

21 SabillaSafaSaphira 60 75 15 225

22 SaniaRizkaNuzuliaAmimi 70 60 -10 100

23 Suryani 60 75 15 225

24 UswatunKhasanah 55 70 15 225

25 WahyuNur’aini 0 0 0 0

26 Yusuf Akbar Sanjaya 0 0 0 0

∑ = 1415 1555 140 3950

1) Calculating mean of pre-test

a) Mean of Pre Test II




M= 54.42

b) Mean of Post-Test





c) Mean of Pre Test = 54.42

d) Mean of Post Test = 59.80

e) Mean of Pre Test ≤ than Post Test

2) Calculating of Standard Deviation


From the calculate data above, the teacher calculate SD pre-

test and post test:

SD = √ 2




SD = √3950

26 (




SD = √151 92 5 38 2

SD =√151 92 28 94

SD= √122 98

SD= 11.08

3) T-test calculation

T =(



√ 1)

T= (140


(11 08

√26 1)

T= 5 38

(11 08√25


T= 5 38

(11 08


T= 5 38

2 21

T = 2.43


B. Description of Reading Mastery Improvement

1. Analysis

Based on the result of analyze in cycle I and cycle II.

There is significant improvement on the students’ ability. It can

be explained below:

Table. 4.3

Mean and T-calculation of Students’ Scores

No Analyze Cycle I Cycle II

1 Mean

Pre test

Post test





2 t-table N=26 20.60 20.60

3 t-calculation 2.51 3.43

From the table above, the writer inferred that T-

calculation is higher than T-table. It means that there is good

improvement on students reading skill in cycle I is 1.51 and

cycle II is 2.43 by using Numbered Head Together method.

Moreover, the finding research above shows the

implementation of Numbered Head Together method can

improve students’ reading skill because this learning model

encourages students to learn more than sensory.

In addition, there is improvement significantly from

the mean of pre-test and post of each cycle. It can be seen

pre-test 1 is 53.07 and post test I is 60.38. In cycle II, the

mean of pre-test and post is 54.42 and 59.80.


The result shows that the finding in cycle I and

cycle II are lower than the standardized score (kreteria

ketuntasan minimal) in score 75. By analyzed the mean of

cycle II, the writer succeed to reach the standardized score. In

this case, the different result could happen because there are

some problems occurred. In cycle I, the students are not

familiar with the vocabulary in the text. However, the result

of test in cycle I and cycle II improved.

2. Discussion

Numbered Head Together is one of method which the

students have to work in group. They can discuss with their

member in group when they cannot understand a question.

By discussion, teaching learning process is more fun. In

NHT, the teacher has to give reward for the group who get

the highest score, and it proved that the students do the best

for their group.

Related to the research finding in the previous research,

NHT method helps students to achieve the team goal and

encourage students to help another. However, students take

final test without teammate’s help and teacher gives the score

to the students based on their personal achievement (Slavin,

2005: 191). By using this method, the students can achieve

the major goal of reading, which is to understand the printed


language (Heilman, Blair, &Rupley 1981: 2). They can

explore their prior knowledge, and they can find the answer

to question answered paraphrasing.




A. Conclusions

Based on the analysis of the data in pre-cycle test, cycle I test

and cycle II test. It can be concluded as follows:

1. The implementation of Numbered Head Together Method in

reading skill of ten grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Plus

Salatiga in the academic year of 2015/2016 runs successfully. The

students can improve their vocabulary knowledge, following the

structure of a passage, recognizing a writer’s purpose and finding

the answers of important information.

2. Numbered Head Together Method is able to improve students’

reading skill, it can be seen from the percentage of students who

reach the standardized score (kriteria ketuntasan minimal) in score

75. The students who reach standardized score in cycle I, the

percentage for pre-test is 11.1 % and post-test is 22.2%. In cycle II,

the percentage for pre-test is 27.7% and post-test is 41.1%. It

means that the students’ reading skill increase significantly.

3. There is an improvement of students’ reading skill after used

Numbered Head Together method students’ reading skill of ten

grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah plus Salatiga in the

academic year of 2015/2016. It can be seen the progression of the


result of the research. The mean of post test in cycle I is 60.38 and

cycle II is 59.80. However, the result of test in cycle I and II


B. Suggestions

At the end of this chapter, the writer would like to propose some

suggestions, which hopefully would be useful for all subjects.

1. For the English teachers

a. The teachers are suggested to apply Numbered Head

Together Method in teaching learning process. They have to

be more creative and avoid the traditional method.

b. The teachers have to use appropriate media to facilitate

students in teaching and learning process. It can attract

students’ motivation.

c. The English teachers should motivate the students to interest

in reading, so reading becomes interesting to learn.

2. For the students

a. The students have to pay more attention to the teacher’s

explanation in teaching and learning process.

b. The students should study and read the material before they

enter the class.

c. The students should attend the reading class seriously and

should not be afraid to give opinion or asking question in the



3. To the other researchers

Based on the finding research, the writer would like to

suggest the other researcher; the result of the study can be used

as additional reference to further research with the different

sample and skill.



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Nama Sekolah : SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : XI IPA I/ I

Materi Pokok : Narrative text (Fabel)

Aspek Skill : Reading

Waktu : 2x 45 Menit

A. Standar Kompetensi:

Membaca : Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek esei sederhana

berbentuk report narrative dan analytical exposition dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan

B. Kompetensi Dasar

Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat, lancar dan

berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu

pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: narrative

C. Indikator

1. Peserta didik mampu menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitan

dengan teks narrative.

2. Peserta didik mampu menemukana kata yang sulit narrative yang dibaca

3. Peserta didik mampu menceritakan kembali isi teks yang dibaca

D. Nilai PBKB

1. Religius

2. Rasa ingin tahu

3. Bertanggung jawab

4. Komunikatif

5. kreatif

6. Kerja sama

E. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran:


1. Peserta didik mampu menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitan

dengan teks narrative

2. Peserta didik mampu menemukana kata yang sulit narrative yang dibaca

3. Peserta didik mampu menceritakan kembali isi teks yang dibaca

F. Materi Pembelajaran

Narrative text

1. Definition of Fable

Fable is a story tells about animal. The examples of fable involve

the crocodile and the monkey, the rats and the elephants, the bear and the

rabbit etc.

2. The Purpose of Narrative Text: to entertain or inform the reader with a


3. The Generic Structure

a) Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time and

the place

b) Complication: Tells the beginning of the problems which leads to the

crisis (climax) of the main participants.

c) Resolution: The problem (the crisis) is resolved, for a better or worse


d) Reorientation: it’s optional, the moral value or coda.

4. Language features

a) Using past tense

b) Focus on participant

c) Using conjunction: then, although, later, however.

d) Using adverbs: once upon a time/ dahulu kala , one day/ pada suatu

hari, long time ago.

e) Use of material for action processes: took, found, returned, said

5. The example of Narrative text

The Rats and Elephants

Once upon a time there lived a group of mice under a tree in peace.

However, a group of elephants crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed


the homes of all the rats. Many of them were even crushed to death.

Then taking of rats decided to approach the elephant's chief and

request him to guide his herd through another route. On hearing the sad

story, the elephant's king apologized and agreed to take another route. And

so the lives of the rats were saved.

One day elephant-hunters came to the jungle and trapped a group of

elephants in huge nets. Then the elephant king suddenly remembered the

king of the rats. He summoned one of the elephants of his herd, which had

not been trapped, to go seek help from the king and told him about the

trapped elephants.

The rat's king immediately took his entire group of rats and they cut

open the nets which had trapped the elephant's herd. The elephant herd

was totally set free. They danced with joy and thank the rats


Unknowingly : tidak mengetahui

Destroyed : merusak

Decided : menentukan

Approch : mengangkat

Chief : pemimpin

Guide : penunjuk jalan

Hunters : pemburu

Summon : mengundang

Trapped : perangkap

G. Metode/ Teknik Pembelajaran

Model Pembelajaran Numbered Head Together Method


Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

Alokasi Waktu

A. Pendahuluan 10 menit

1. Guru memberikan salam dan menunjuk salah satu peserta didik untuk

memimpin do’a bersama sebelum pelajaran dimulai sebagai wujud

sikap Religiusitas.

2. Guru mengabsen peserta didik sebagai wujud dari kepedulian social.

3. Guru memberi motivasi peserta didik secara komunikatif dan

kreatif dengan beberapa pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan teks.

B. Kegiatan Inti

1. Eksplorasi 10 menit

a. Guru menjelaskan materi teks narrative

b. Guru menjelaskan kata-kata sulit dalam teks narrative tersebut.

c. Guru memberikan pre-test pada siswa

2. Elaborasi 60 menit

Pelaksanaan Model Numbered Head Together

a. Peserta didik membentuk kelompok yang terdiri atas 4-5 siswa.

Dimana. Masing- masing anggota kelompok bertanggung jawab

sesuai bagian masing-masing sebagai wujud kerjasama dan tanggung


b. Guru memperlihatkan gambar pada siswa pada layar power point.

c. Guru memberikan soal/ gambar kepada tiap-tiap kelompok.

d. Peserta didik bekerja sama dengan masing-masing kelompok

membuat ringkasan sebagai wujud dari kerja sama. Dalam diskusi

memudahkan pembelajar Numbered Head Together dalam menyerap


e. Salah satu dari kelompok diberi kesempatan untuk menjawab soal

yang telah diberikan.

f. Peserta didik membaca teks tertulis yang di berikan guru secara

individual sebagai wujud dari kemandirian peserta didik.


5 menit

a. Guru mengoreksi hasil diskusi secara komunikatif bersama

peserta didik.

b.Guru memberiakan post-test pada siswa.

a. Kegiatan Penutup 5 menit

1. Peserta didik dengan guru membuat kesimpulan dan rifleski

tentang teks yang telah dipelajari bersama.

H. Sumber dan Media Pembelajaran

1. Media

Power Point and Picture

2. Sumber Belajar


Internet, dictionary dan Buku Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK Kelas X

I. Penilian

1. Instrumen Penilian

Indikator Teknik Bentuk Instrumen Skor Peserta




isi teks










the words

with the


A. Answer the question below based on the

text that you have read

1. What did the bear ask for the rabbit?

2. What was the problem that the rabbit


3. Why did the rabbit accept with the bear’s request?

4. How was the problem solved?

5. “He would take it outside with him and

pretended to play ball with the meat” in

the third paragraph the word “he” refers


B. Match the words in column A with the

suitable meanings in column B!

1. Consented

2. Clumsy

3. Prentended

4. Bow

5. Arouse

a. Membungkuk

a. Menimbulkan

b. Berpura-pura

c. Menyetujui

d. Canggung

2. Rubrik Penilaian


Fluency 50 If there hesitation

60 Fluent but there is still hesitation

70 Fluent

80 Very fluent

Accuracy 50 Every utterance cannot be understood

60 Some of the utterance can be understood

70 Most of the utterance can be understood

80 All of the utterance can be understood

Pronunciation 50 Most of the pronunciation is wrong


60 Some of the pronunciation are right

70 Most of the pronunciation are right

80 All of the pronunciation are right

Intonation 50 All of the intonation / rhythm are wrong

60 Some of the intonation / rhythm are right

70 Most of the intonation / rhythm are right

80 All of the words, phrase and sentence’s intonation

/ rhythm are right

Comprehension 50 Get score of the written test 3 until 4

60 Get score of the written test 5 until 6

70 Get score of the written test 7 until 8

80 Get score of the written test 9 until 10

3. Skor maksimal keseluruhan = 100


Criteria of Assessment Grade

91-100 Excellent

81-90 Very good

71-80 Good

61-70 Fair

51-60 Poor

0-50 Very poor

Salatiga, 9 Februari 2016

Guru Pamong Praktikan

Farah Zakiyah Anwar S. Pdi. Mentari Mega W

Mengetahui Kepala Sekolah

Dian Indrihartani, S.Sos, M.Pd


Meeting I


The Observation Sheet

No Behavioral Types Observation Guidance Yes No

1 The activeness of Students to

listen teacher’ explanation

Students pay attention

of teacher’ explanation

Students asks the

question related to the


Students comment

about the lesson

Students take a note √

2 The activeness of students’

learning in group in

Numbered Head Together


All Students have spirit

in learning by using


All students become

active in teaching

learning process

Students memorize the

vocabulary related to

the material

3 The activeness of the

students do the exercises that

was given by teacher

All students do the

exercise of reading skill

Meeting II


The Observation Sheet

No Behavioral Types Observation Guidance Yes No

1 The activeness of Students to

listen teacher’ explanation

Students pay attention

of teacher’ explanation

Students asks the

question related to the


Students comment

about the lesson

Students take a note √

2 The activeness of students’

learning in group in

Numbered Head Together


All Students have spirit

in learning by using


All students become

active in teaching

learning process

Students memorize the

vocabulary related to

the material

3 The activeness of the

students do the exercises that

was given by teacher

All students do the

exercise of reading skill







top related