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Valley Alliance of Worker Co-operatives

Supporting the Success of Worker Co-operation in the Valley & Beyond

Report from the Executive Director

for VAWC Member Meeting, November 30, 2016

Adam Trott

Executive Director


Cong ratu lat ions to VAWCMember Co-ops for an excitingNational Co-op Month! VAWCsponsored a "lm screening andeducational radio spots. We alsorepresented VAWC Members ona panel of co-ops and took part ina shared full page ad in twonewspapers.

New Political Context

It would be dif"cult to ignore therecent presidential election here inthe United States. The resultsrelate to us as a secondary co-op.Co-operatives of all stripes mightrecognize a continued invisibilityin political dialog yet this is anespecially mournful moment as ano r g a n i z a t i o n r e l i a n t o nincorporation and legislation.

We want our incorporationstatutes and current regulations tocontinue to protect our co-opidentities and co-op members.After all we recommend co-opincorporation for all co-ops. Ih o p e r e g i o n a l e c o n o m i cdevelopment recognizes the co-opadvantage of rooting jobs andwealth in communities over thelong term instead of models basedon pro"t extraction.

Donald Trump's campaign is seenby both support and opposition asone that blames communities ofcolor and immigrants anddenigrates women and workingpeople.

Stefano Zagmani, author of Co-operative Enterprise, Facing theChallenge of Globalization tells us

that lack of economic democracythreatens our political democracy.He cites the stated rationale of theEuropean Union re jec t ingd e m o c r a t i c p r o p o s a l s f o reconomic stability because theymight threaten t rad i t iona linvestment.

“Lack of economic democracythreatens political democracy.”

-Stefano Zagmani

Professor of Economics University of Bologna, Italy

It is more important than ever tos u p p o r t c o - o p s t r u c t u r e sthroughout our economy. We havean opportunity to vocalize oursupport for legislation sympatheticto co-ops, like incorporation law,and to build relationships withleg i s lator s to educate andcollaborate with them for furtheractivity.

Aggregate organizations andsecondary co-operatives likeVAWC have a unique ability to

advocate on behalf of all ourmembers, express our Concernfor Community and spread themessage about the co-operativeadvantage to decision makers.

Recognition of Co-op Month:Governors of Massachusetts

and Vermont

As members of the Valley Co-operative Business Association,VAWC was part of a successfulstrategy to have MassachusettsGovernor Charlie Baker recognizeCo-op Month 2016 as well as co-op incorporation statutes. Withthe Proclamation (pictured above)w e s e e k t o s e c u r e c o - o pincorporation to protect ourunique structure as well asestablish communication forfurther collaboration. “Whereasco-operatives are recognized inthe laws and statutes of theCommonwealth of Massachusettsas member-owned enterprises...”

Vermont legislature signed asimilar proclamation that citedtheir particular statutes, too, so allVAWC membership can celebrateour political engagement.

Visionaries Screening

Despite a storm laying snow andice throughout the valley the showwent on for our screening. Over40 people saw co-ops from aroundthe world featured, including RealPickles, in In the Spirit of Co-operation, the one-hour episode ofThe Visionaries produced for PBSin celebration of NCBA CLUSA’s100th anniversary. Thanks to theGarden Theater in Green"eld asw e l l a s VC B A , Fr a n k l i nCommunity Co-operative andN e i g h b o r i n g Fo o d C o - o pAssociation for their partnership.

11th Anniversary Celebration

and Visioning

Thanks to everyone for coming toour 11th Anniversary Meeting!The visioning exercise, awardsand trivia made for a productive,and enjoyable meeting.

The winners of the 2016 VAWCAwards are:

Jesse Owens Dues and FundPayment Award: Pioneer ValleyPhotovoltaics Co-op

Julie Graham Spirit of Co-operation Award: Pedal People Co-operative

Emilia Romagna Principle 6Cross Sector CollaborationA w a r d : Neighboring Food Co-operatives

Jose Arizmendi VAWC EconomyBui lder Award: Pioneer ValleyPhotovoltaics Co-op

Yes, we had our "rst double awardwinner! After the ceremony and around of co-op trivia everyattendee took a moment toexpress their needs and goalslooking ahead to the next elevenyears. It was inspiring to see

overwhelming excitement aboutgoals of development VAWCM e m b e r s h i p , e d u c a t i o n a lprogramming and communityrelations. See details pictured tothe right.

It is exciting to be part of asecondary co-operative to carryout non-revenue generating butcrucial work. Combining memberservice with long term education

and development has beensuccessful for VAWC MemberCo-ops on many fronts. Don't seeyour contribution in there? Haveother ideas? Contact me and I'llrevise this version.

Upcoming Events

Next VAWC Board Meeting

December 14, 2016,6:30pm.Location to be determined.

First time reading this Report?

VAWC is itself an expression of co-operative principles — a co-op of worker co-ops that have come together as a means of strengthening the efforts of our individual co-ops to develop their businesses, serve their members, and contribute to the wider co-operative economy. Our core goal is to provide ourselves with the resources and support we need to advance our co-operatives, empower our members, and bene"t more people in our communities. VAWC Representatives attend meetings, direct resources while de"ning the goals of our organization. Interested in being a Representative or on the Board? Contact Here's some of our core activities:

• Ad/PR campaign through area food co-op newsletters, local and movement media; • Maintain your VAWC Owners' Manual aimed at educating, training, and empowering current andespecially new members; • Measures of economic and environmental impact and a shared identity among VAWC members; and • Developing our co-operative economy especially with inter-VAWC purchasing and cross sectorcollaboration. • Education of many sorts including directing the UMass, Amherst Co-operative EnterpriseCollaborative (on Facebook) and the Certi"cate in Co-operative Enterprise we co-created.• Operating the VAWC Interco-operative Development Fund made from 5% of VAWC Member surplus, owned and controlled by VAWC Members.

Worker co-operatives and our movement are made stronger through sharedidentity, statutes and structural provisions that preserve our individualautonomy while clearly identifying our organizations as co-operatives unitedin the common cause of developing a co-operative economy.


A co-operative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily tomeet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirationsthrough a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.


Co-operatives are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility,democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. In the tradition of their founders,co-operative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness,social responsibility and caring for others.


The co-operative principles are guidelines by which co-operatives put theirvalues into practice.

Voluntary and Open Membership

Democratic Member Control

Member Economic Participation

Autonomy and Independence

Education, Information and Training

Co-operation among Co-operatives

Concern for Community

The worker co-operative identity is further detailed by the WorldDeclaration on Co-operative Worker Ownership established by CICOPA(The International Organisation of Industrial, Artisan and ServiceProducers’ Co-operatives) in 2004.

The Valley Alliance of Worker Co-operatives (VAWC) is rooted in the idealsof co-operation, mutuality and solidarity. VAWC is itself an expression ofco-operative principles — a “co-op of co-ops” that have come together as ameans of strengthening the efforts of our individual co-ops to develop theirbusinesses, serve their members, and contribute to the wider co-operativeeconomy. Our core goal is to provide ourselves with the resources andsupport we need to advance our co-operatives, empower our members, andbene"t more people in our communities.

VAWCMember Co-ops

Brattleboro Holistic Health Co-op

Broadfork Permaculture Co-op

Collective Copies

Co-op 108

Green Mountain Spinnery Co-op

Mindel and Morse Builders Co-op

Pedal People Co-operative

Pioneer Valley Photovoltaics

VAWCBoard of Directors

Randy Zucco

Collective Copies – Chair

Philippe Rigollaud

Pioneer Valley Photovoltaics (PV2) – Secretary

Anasuya Weil

Co-op 108 – Treasurer

Deirdre Kelley

Brattleboro Holistic Health Co-op - Director

Suzette Snow-Cobb

Franklin Community Co-op– Stakeholder Director

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