the virginia beach organization[1][1]

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 The Virginia Beach Organization[1][1]


    Virginia Beach Organizations Memoirs


    The application of the recovery process, to help heal from

    addiction (voluntarily so) would give you, the definitive

    approach to support and socialize with the misinformed, on the

    status of drug addiction, as a whole to its volunteers. What

    intrigues me about the recovery process is that, as a mental

    health client, implementing problem-solving solutions to infer

    for the practice of prevention and social intervention helps

    organize the issues of mental illness to the point of recovery.

    WRAP-Wellness Recovery Activity Plan ideally, is to write,

    memorize, and apply the moral, personal applications from the

    peer pressures, social ills of unhealthy idleness, the hiatuses

    of non-reforming factors that have not allowed us to recover

    from abusive behavior such as, illegal drug use, and its long-

    term symptoms, effects and addictive behavior. The recovery

    process expresses the chance to heal from these repressive acts

    of addiction.

    The mission, in the recovery process is to inform the

    public-sector of the psychological issues of today, the Mental

    Health Research. I am assured that mental illness will recover

    to progress mentally the serenity of fulfillment to the

    acknowledgement of the development of the mind, body, and soul

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    Virginia Beach Organizations Memoirs


    only to adapt, adjust, and educate the stimulus we call, The

    Brain.Hopefully, in the near future the recovery process will

    help us inform with the opportunity to cope, as the consumer.

    What would make me a good volunteer is the use of the

    method of communication the informative resource that helps cope

    with addiction and to provide only to prepare voluntarily, for a

    line of questioning. The research on the effects of Mental

    Illness and approaches of addiction, in the form of a question

    is to be explained in better detail. With help of my experience

    in helping the expertise of psychology-behavioral science and

    the neurological processes of the brain collectively helps with

    a practical approach-the comprehensive research-from a students

    educational background and experience. What guided me, as a

    student is the use of informative techniques to speak to others

    about the history of Mental Illness and the after-effects of the

    treatment. Experientially, I, as a mental health student,

    client, and knowledgeable of the symptoms, effects, and after-

    effects of treatment relate to the process of recovery,

    relatively. Since 2006, my recovery process has been at best,

    with importance, to mental health providers very helpful. These

    Mental Health Providers teach, coach, and support the acts of

    addiction, as the process recovers from the suffrage of knowing

    how it feels to be affected by a mental illness. As a patient-

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    the recovery process to the point of acceptance and to validate

    the need to be helped and to that necessity of treatment only to

    be part of the solution of recovery from addiction, has been

    very resourceful. Healthcare Providers, such as, Dr. Mehta of

    Columbia Presbyterian Hospital and Dr. Rahman of VOAC;

    Volunteers of America Chesapeake, Inc. and others; their staff

    and members of the mental health society, of which I learned

    from have taken the importance of healing to the point of

    recovery with patience and guidance. I, myself attended to

    similar social intervention groups-sessions of counsel with

    counselors to heal the group with the practice of medications,

    good hygiene, and addiction prevention strategies helping with

    the suffering of loneliness, co-dependence and occurring factors

    of habitual behaviors that are repetitive, non-conforming and as

    a benefactor, of the benefits, of such community programs with

    the conditions of treatment, concomitants and the preference of

    these commitments to the agreement of the cycles of life has put

    me, to act accordingly and refer to the concordance of the

    standards of assessment.

    What Ive learned from such factors, is that assessment is

    a role of importance but not limited to the role of support.

    Supporting others in the process of conforming to the ideals of

    assessment helps and as a person can keep you from taking the

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    fall of use. Thankfully, I have been clean for the past 7 years.

    The best thing to do at this point of recovery is to continue

    with treatment and assure the counselors of your commitment to

    better assure your mental health and refer you of their

    assurance, and any insecurity you may have had without

    treatment, such as, a complex. What can be learnt, from

    assessment, is that behavior changes- when the act of requesting

    occurs, a response to a question. For instance, asking a

    question to respond to a solution from a problem is puzzling.

    With such a response to what is referred to you, as a receiver

    givesthe impression, that your behavior is the cause of the

    problem. You feel approach, timid, and prossibly threatened.

    Receive it, as a message, not a threat and deliver yourself from

    such a perception, and you should be perceived, as ok. As a

    client, the daily activities written in a format well-received

    for the respondent-the client writes, dictates and refers before

    a question arises about any defect, or so-called /(sense of

    insecurity complex). The benefit to this behavioral approach is

    to understand how to assess the subject matter with the ability

    to not stay in complacency. Thinking patterns of acceptability

    social responses to the effect of the a priori first come-first

    serve e issues of acceptability patterns of my conflict and not

    to be received but, the matter at hand/ or what is at stake

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    might be an issue, resolved. Unresolving these matters at hand,

    on what is defined, the term, recovery is a day to day operation

    with a schedule. The schedule, is to pinpoint-to make a point on

    how to recover from addiction. The way to act or the behavior of

    choice-is chosen/youre not someone elses but, if not-then, a

    confusion between the two. The diagnosis is already given at

    this point so there is no need to press upon the issue of

    subjective acts of repression but, to stay in a continuum. In

    reference to, you the client to the indifference of the

    ordinance helps to inform what the issue is and to acknowledge

    it is not a problem. We resolve the issue if it occurs, as an

    issue. It is to think but not as an issuance act at any point,

    in time, do we know what the issue is until, you the client has

    been resolved. This way, is sad and defecating but, as the

    client are referred, and not reformed as the issue. The client

    trying to build a relationship with the people who personify the

    reasoning of my existence at the program relatively means, the

    intrinsic self, thinking patterns to develop-the present, past,

    future guidelines of ethical standards, of civility to know

    right from wrong, left to right, motives of discussion/ train of

    thought, as the client diversified by humanistic responses to

    learn how to listen and think with detail, to pertain to

    counsel, advice given to me, the client from counselors,

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    Etiquette from sloppy to neat or of the same but, with no

    relevance to the sloppy, with the intentions of expression for

    non-verbal communication in reform, in the path of meeting with

    a therapist.The effects of addiction, what are my addictions?

    Acts on addiction to take note of the act, and revert back

    to the course of where it had been designated. Read on this

    state of thinking-note taking, reading material, guidelines to

    help with behavior referring to the The Self on what, when,

    why, who, and how these forms of repression relate to the

    repressive of The Self to create a question, what is the

    question? Sampling the experience, events, to cope with

    loneliness, dependence from others, would to think

    indifferently. Personal beliefs, about atheism, agnosticism, or

    christianity...etc, or what theme, topic...? Is a formal request

    to have such an event push forward on the cause of any

    philosophical belief about God. Do you think you would sponsor,

    such an event to expose your analytical thoughts a barrier to

    strengthen the morality of such a cause, exposing yourself to a

    spectrum of, a forum of thoughts, where chosen you would debate,

    on topics of atheism, agnosticism, or the problems of today,

    whether it is racism, sexism, or stereotypes....? (to relieve

    the stress of having such a stereotype) A conversation began

    about a belief in Christianity, and so forth....I had beenan

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    inspiration to speak, on such themes with a couple about

    attending to such an event. She is a student and says is a

    follower of, Christianity and had given me a # (number) to call

    another student to have a fellowship gathering, for a Biblical

    Review of the Holy Bible, or a text of choice. It is my fault, I

    do agree to have asked the student after, being outspoken by the

    student before her. So I figured, the chance of a response to

    such a question, would not be a question but, a response to the

    question and not a question, to respond to the question, what is

    paganism? Do not let this altercation feel that I have shown

    value to me, or worthiness to have such a situation but, usually

    the students either take a liking, or do not feel threaten to be

    approached from such a request. Not all students at TCC have

    spent the effort in supporting, students at TCC but, as your new

    Senator of SGA obviously I am obligated, not to be a burden and

    offer the service that students would not want on a day to day

    basis, from their student body, SGA. And so on not to say that I

    am worthy of debating with every student on the Virginia Beach

    Campus but, to raise the level of a belief and to have not

    denied their belief entirely I am not taking the role, of a

    professor but a student being politicized on the beliefs of

    paganism, and what is a paganist? The student failed to define

    paganism, a paganist, and paganistic beliefs. So, why exploit

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    paganism? The student had been approached not because of

    paganism but, because their was an event on Health and Wellness.

    A forum, "On Beliefs" is a suggestion. Would you take me up on

    this idea? This use of the free do it yourself submission had

    been a guiding tool in recovery, or an an astute of the process

    of addiction. And so I continue on with this manuscript, what I

    consider a manual, or tool to help cope with addiction and its

    recovery process. As far as, the proofreading, how to create, or

    the need to know what to market if, available, would be a

    necessity. Writing is a set of speeches, created for a classroom

    environment. This is a book, only to seek the reader, if there

    is an interest to volunteer. When it is proofread, approved, and

    marketable for promotional use only, then I would like to print.

    The book is to show the Mental Health Society, that the

    experience of attending school, performing live (in front of an

    audience), and completing the act of writing a manuscript is

    helpful in recovery. I'm ready, as of now, to take on

    responsibilities, I am not trained to do so under such levels of

    pressure until training is given to properly organize the daily

    routine of being a service associate for PVSA and The Virginia

    Beach Organization. I'm available to participate, in all

    activities that would allow me to experience the relief of

    helping others to do well, at The Virginia Beach Organization. I

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  • 8/12/2019 The Virginia Beach Organization[1][1]


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    "The common way people give up their power by thinking they

    don't have any." Alice Walker.

    (The Halls of the Women Studies Center, D Building at the

    Virginia Beach Campus of Tidewater Community College)

    What is Conflict?

    Usually we think low-level poverty stricken occupants with

    occupations that men will not take pride-in, mutual respect to

    attain (group advancement) These ideals ,"Raise the status of

    blacks in the egos of the dominant white culture." (Mary McLeod

    Bethune-Cookman & Black Women's Political Activism, p.52) When

    African American women rise, no African American man falls."

    (The Making of a Race Woman, Mary McLeod Bethune-Cookman & Black

    Women's Political Activism) Albertus Bethune, "Tried to prove to

    whites that African Americans are of the equal nuclear status,

    of white families."(Mary McLeod Bethune-Cookman & Black Women's

    Political Activism, p.52) "The development of talents a well-

    rounded education is the basis of the solution to interracial

    problems, education must identify the most gifted students and

    give their opportunity to a higher education."(Mary McLeod

    Bethune-Cookman & Black Women's Political Activism, p.52)

    Citizenship training must secure this right to teach our people

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    to pride their opportunity to learn, of what is their desire to

    learn. Should we not be more supportive to the actions of our

    women, today? Bethune teaches us: Good African American women

    are friends, of churchgoers, teachers, and supportive of the

    historical attributes, of our Black Political Leaders, who are

    from the Black Women of Today. Mary McLeod Bethune taught us, in

    1899 at a small missionary school in South Carolina the thought

    in my mind had been why not be a friend of a lady equal to our

    needs, as a male:

    The belief of social responsibility, sexual respectability, the

    modeling of decorum, and the studying of propriety alleviated

    the stress of negative sterotypes referred to about Black Women,

    and women in general. She believed that we deserved to develop

    abilities to improve the standards of living for us, as

    children, and for the women to be the acknowledgement of our

    respect, dignity, and pride publicly, privately, and


    Black Women Activists, like Charlotte Hawkins Brown, Nannie

    Helen Burroughs, Mary Church Terrell, Eugenia Burns Hope, left

    their husbands to pursue political careers. Bethune, Brown, and

    Jane Edna Hunter were separatists. These women separated

    themselves from their husbands to do race work. Dean Lucy Shore

    of Howard University had chosen to, or chose not to marry but to

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    spend their lives with other women preferably their colleagues

    at the University. These actions served to change the thoughts

    of women. Marital status, at the time had been, "a separation

    but, acceptable." If it not were for appearance , impeccable and

    rarely faltered, the status of women today would not be the

    same, respectable, with a degree of success known for dual

    responsibilities, variety of strategies and the ability to serve

    under Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Dubois, and a few other Black

    Political Leaders of Yesterday. African Americans, today suffer

    daily indignities, railroad tracks, canals that divide us, into

    black and white stereotypes. Racial relations become strain,

    misguided and abusive to the times of relief for if it were not

    for our forefathers' building churches as, the center of the

    community creating baptisms revivals, to be a major part of

    religious social life we would not be the need of psychological,

    physical, and material oppression of other women, today. "Dr.

    Texas Adams, his wife Ladosia had been the physician at McCleod

    Hospital from 1911 to 1975 and on the board of trustees for more

    than 50 years. Lack of money was not, a major obstacle." "Meager

    educational facilities, racial prejudices of the most violent

    type-crime and violence, are the real issues of the past, and

    not of the present. In 1899, wealthy white women of the Palmetto

    Club agreed to support black schools, believing it was in the

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    best interests of the city to help educate. White schools held

    nine-month terms and public education facilities were available

    through the twelfth grade.','The State of Florida, only had 3 or

    4 state supported public high schools for black students, 4 or 5

    month terms at the 6th and 7th grade level 1 public

    kindergarten, 1 public elementary school, and a few church-run

    schools." (Mary McCleod Bethune-Cookman & Black Political

    Activism, p.58)

    What are abolitionist strongholds?

    To be freed of slavery, the slavery mentality, and the mentality

    of enslavement to know that we are not slaves but, men, women,

    and children not of slaves by choice, but by force will not

    tamper with the provoked issue of conflict but resolve domestic

    violence among separatists, or the legal act of separation. This

    can only result for the movement of community solidarity for our

    women leaders to rise to political leadership, and the will to

    empower other women to serve, and help free us from not giving

    the respect to women, for of whom we came from and deserve, this

    is our, Revelation.

    Are we unworthy, or do we solidify the experience to model the

    interests of others?

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    We take part in the standards of today.

    What we now title, "Student African American Brotherhood" has a

    set of rules and regulations acquired by the students to obtain

    the goals and achievements necessary to fulfill the needs of the

    affiliation, S.A.A.B. A person, of such worth, value, and

    patience, has to be able to commit to "the body of the

    brotherhood". In order, to enable, the trust of the student body

    at a level of high learning. The fulfillment of this search

    creates urge to renounce our past flaw, mistakes, and

    misfortunes, to learn a better role in life. Our past history,

    has taught us to develop a lifestyle, improving those of others,

    sharing the lessons learned from our forefathers' of history who

    have taught us to respect " The Self", to value men, and women

    with dignity, pride, having the privilege to know each of us

    with the upmost aptitude. Not expecting, but delivering what was

    lost and now found, a new birth, the beginning of a livable,

    justifiable, and honest academia (our lives as, students of

    S.A.A.B. 2012)

    What has been taught us can be shown to those of your choice, do

    we have a choice, to proportionally give people the gift of

    leadership, knowledge, honor, and the privilege of knowing our

    teachers, professors, and staff members of societal standards,

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    today? Our future without a shadow of doubt made on all levels

    should help us grow, levitate, and enhance our minds to a degree

    worthy of the pride and joy of society, today. With the

    gratitude given, the presence of the past, in the eyes of the

    future would you pledge, to have a partner in the Student

    African American Brotherhood, or do you think we should embed

    into the body of S.A.A.B? As a public advocate of the

    forefathers of the black struggle in America to have enhanced

    the senses and advance the creativity of what is known to be,

    "The love of African Americans and their sisters, brothers, and

    leaders of this nation" (Mary McLeod Bethune-Cookman & Black

    Women's Political Activism, by Joyce A. Hanson) This in turns

    pertains to the indifference of marital status with the interest

    to validate the need of what is valuable to us, to this day our


    Chapter 2

    Interests and Values

  • 8/12/2019 The Virginia Beach Organization[1][1]


    Virginia Beach Organizations Memoirs


    Title: Chapter 4 "Interests and Values",

    Textbook: College Success Skills, 2nd Edition

    Author of Textbook: Marsha Fralick

    Purpose of Presentation: To Persuade

    Public speaker: Wilhelm Ramos TCC ID: 6211944

    2nd Public Speaker: Milton of SDV 100 College Success Skills

    Taught by Instructor: Professor Michele Barnes

    Course: SDV 100 College Success Skills

    Attention-getter: Slide show (presentable to class)

    Relatable topic: Life's Value of Interests

    Speech Preview:'s (selected video, "Business


    Values, "The way of success, the success is the desire to value,

    or the belief of how you want to succeed, the value of your

    college success. The way you believe, is up to you. What gives

    you the value is how you succeed and succeeding in college, is

    having the value of college success. "(Written by: Wilhelm

    Ramos-SDV 100 College Success Skills)

    Procrastination: Exercise, mental stimulation and be positive,
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    of the application to critically think for a goal achievable, to

    attain reachable goals to succeed, in what you do not want to

    do, procrastinate.

    What is important to me, the value of the lifestyle chosen for

    me to lead, is the style of living preferred by most but, not

    for everyone to have led and that is the life of freedom,

    happiness and the pursuit of actualization.

    Many people do not intend to actualize their potential, the

    potentiality of living without the actualization of activating

    your potential is not of a becoming person. My thought, to

    order, is to organize a plan where day to day budgeting,

    financing, and the use of payroll, to account for what may have

    a need. The need to find what is today's value, whether it is

    face, or maturity. It usually comes, as an expenditure, but not

    only an expense for a day to day need rarely seen in the facts

    of life.

    The need to eat, sleep, and exercise. The right to live a

    healthy life without feeling the necessity to expose yourself,

    to overwhelm yourself with other people's problems. This type of

    condition can ease the mind to help think, critically and

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    analytically from time to time creating a stepping stone to a

    life of abundance.

    Interest can be defined to amount a simplicity of a formula,

    Interest equals Principal (Rate)Time. The use of the interest is

    to add onto a Principal, to total a Maturity Value of a loan to


    Borrowing a loan, so to speak is to payback the interests on a

    loan that may occur if, the loan inquires an interest of

    payment, made at the end of the month, on a monthly basis, at an

    annual rate of interest added onto the principal, equaling the

    total amount of the loan, for the purpose of, to pay back the

    loan, in a length of time.

    If, I were to borrow $5, and my interest is .05, 5% of the MV,

    the interest should be .25 cents and my Maturity Value is $5.25,

    five dollars and twenty five cents. This is the payment to have

    paid back on the loan of $5.

    An average wage of $60,000 over the span of 12 months with the

    minimum work hours of 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week 5 days a

    week, would be $250 a day.

    "If you are lucky, your parents will let you live with them for

    free. Of course, you will have to live by their rules."

    In Maslow's Theory of Self-Actualization : a man has a tendency

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    to actualize himself, to become his potentialities. The motive

    is to realize one's full potential and intend to actualize

    itself as fully as possible with a basic drive...the drive of

    self-actualization. elf-


    References referring to living expenses, daily expenses, and the

    expense of budgeting day to day costs can be thought of, as: "If

    you are lucky, your parents will let you live with them for

    free. Of course, you will have to live by their rules." There is

    a textbook titled, "College Career Success Skills"2nd Edition by

    Marsha Fralick "It can be used in conjunction with the Do What

    You Are personality type inventory to provide students with

    options for career decision making." /PowerPoint.htm

    Three reasons what to do and not to do amongst the issues of

    the problems of today.

    Principal "plus" Interests equals a Maturity Value

    "If, a student of interest, were to become a tutor, than an

    assistant to the professor, and then to have the title of

    professorial assistantship, to solidify mentorship, and to

    become a professor him/her "self" the interests adds on to the
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    face value of the worth, of which is the principal, so to be of

    interest, the worth of the principal matures at a rate of

    interest, a maturity value (MV)."



    Amount borrowed on the loan (a lesson learned is a life led, to

    have been taught to learn and not to be taught how not to, so

    that you would not have to is a lesson learned but, if the need

    of interest is a necessity than to have had is to have not had

    at all, so you do not owe at face value what you've learned.

    Value of the loan (Face)

    What you've learned, at maturity of life, the value of what has

    not been given to you but, what you do not want to owe.



    These interests, with what is not been given to you, but what is

    asked of you to not want, in a length of time shown to you what

    you might owe, if chosen to do so, will be a benefit not to have

    owed, but to let owed, is the interest of a student with the

    value of life's maturity.

    Maturity Value of the loan (Face)

    Similar to a face value (see definition), maturity value that

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    includes the compound interest annually; 1 year, semi-annually,

    every .5 annually, quarterly every 4 periods, or daily interest

    (360-365), compounding interest increases the value of the

    maturity, as the length of time, to pay the interest, having

    proven the worth of the interest, to its value, the lender.

    Three reasons what to do and not to do. If, a son or daughter

    given the chance at an opportune time, with no risk of change,

    influx, or rate of change would be of value, as a son/daughter,

    not to misuse time, this is life's maturity value of a student

    to have work without, no value of interest but, to have an

    interest added to the principal for its maturity. A value of

    maturity in my life, today.

    Representative of the Public

    Posted July 11

    Chapter 3

    The Value of College Education
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    Spouses what is the value of a college education to you?

    College helps you to develop your potential. College helps you

    to the door of many satisfying careers. College prepares you to

    prepare and fully participate in the democratic process. College

    increases your understanding and identifies your view of the

    world. College allures you to participate in a conversation with

    the great minds of all times and places For example, College

    helps to increases confidence, self-esteem, and self-respect. If

    you have a chosen a major, why is it the best major for you?

    If a major adapts to my personality type giving general ideas

    that will satisfy-to heavy styles that best work for me to

    identify (gifts, talents) of my interest to balance, work,

    leisure, and family. What concentration techniques can help you

    the more motivated and study more effectually? To not be

    distracted from studying minimize distractions, and study where

    these are no distractions. (External Environment)

    Internal Distractions

    Avoid talking about sorting, too melt. Learn to ignore

    distractions in order to pay attention to studying. Do not worry

    about so much that it interferes with concentrating

    Specify times. Time for worrying. Be here now. Have a cozy

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    appointment. Take steps to residue the things that cause you to

    worry. Refocus your attention on the task at hand.

    (Checkmarks decrease overtime.) Increase your activity-take a


    Stretch and More: Read and listen actively by asking questions.

    (Try to answer, as you read and listen.)

    Incentive is a reward: When you finish; there is something

    enjoyable, waiting for you.

    Change topics: study to help you to concentrate and avoid

    fatigue. These types of techniques help you concentrate in the

    long run, it is an instant motivation.

    What are your intrinsic motivations for going to college?

    Remember, intrinsic motivators are things you do because you

    then feel it is personally meaningful. The nature of the

    activity, itself, develops a consequence and the activity

    motivates you. Learning the activity, actively motivates

    yourself for the activity. Say, "be here now." Is an intrinsic

    motivator. Itself to me, if its said, School activates me to be

    active, in college.

    Definitive Responsives to Styles of Intelligences

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    Questions for answers responding to: Look at the items you have

    checked above and summarize your musical intelligence. My

    intelligence in music is the ability to learn the skills to

    listen to music properly, or to help create a song.

    Interpersonal Intelligence: The ability to, or the capability of

    helping family, friends, and persons(people outside the family)

    to participate, in group activities, cooperatives, and

    initiatives for the students, of Today. Logical-Mathematical

    Intelligence: The intelligence, logical-mathematical

    intelligence helps the use of notes, quantifiable facts,

    exponential growth of problem-solving skills, to best experience

    things in order, as a student. Spatial Intelligence: These

    objects, diagrams, charts, maps, and drawings are used to

    explain the spatial intelligence; the ability to manipulate

    these objects help/assist to become a pilot, painter, sculptor,

    architect, inventor, and surgeon. Bodily-Kinesthetic

    Intelligence: Sports- A player; the ability to play sports is

    very attractive to manipulate and use the athleticism of the

    sport to play to excel at a level below, normal, and above

    average levels of the sport. Linguistic Intelligence: Writing,

    Reading, and listening helps linguistic intelligence (the

    knowledge of linguistics) to memorize, group discussions, and

    journalizing day to day operations. Intrapersonal Intelligence:

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    Making independently, self-directing feeling a sensitivity to

    others, appreciating their quiet time for concentration.

    Naturalist: The capability of understanding easily but,

    classifying and analyzing these things (plants, animals, and

    cultural artifacts) helpful, as a younger child. What did you

    discover as a result of taking a quiz? As a visual-

    kinesthetic/tactile learner the results, are the same. When the

    auditory learning style takes to affect the answers are less

    than the usual, visual and kinesthetic/tactile learning styles.

    You have just been assigned a 10-page term paper. Write (the

    notes for class) collaborate the notes with the assignment to

    turn in to a Professor, as preparation for the assignment. The

    10-page term paper helps the student become a tactile learner,

    with a learning style useful. You have to study for a

    challenging math test. Find a tutor. (study, review and prepare

    the process of answering the questions; problems) Study: 8-9

    hours, rest 2 hours to review for another 8-9 hours, study the

    next Ch.'s with the same interest. Study tools: Problem-

    solutions Read, to read the textbook. You have to write up a lab

    report for a biology class. What is included are drawings of a

    frog you have dissected. Use examples, of visual aids,

    supporting the parts of the frog (summarize; the parts of the

    frog and what is to be an auditory learner (to follow

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    instructions for the lab tutor); a visual learning style. You

    are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by

    only one professor. You dislike this professor. Report a work

    ethic to the professor for credit: Do extra work, to show

    improvement in your assignment and select with the intent of

    finishing difficult tasks to operate with the ease of

    explanation, the confidentiality of the your subject. You are

    taking a business class and have been assigned a group project

    to design a small business. It is worth 50 percent of your

    grade. Create a business report, with graphs, presentable to the

    professor and his/her students to best tell the needs of the

    project designable for the students, in the group and in the

    classroom. Tactile Learning Styles; where taking notes is the

    comparable/comparing to the students in the classrooms and the

    students for other classes. You have signed up for an economics

    course and find it difficult to stay awake during the lecture.

    Study- in places where waking up is a must. (After studying, use

    rest stops to sleep and take a rest from the classes) You signed

    up for a philosophy course to meet a humanities requirement. The

    vocabulary in this course is unfamiliar. Use references from the

    library enabling to ease and read better to memorize the

    vocabulary of the philosophy course. As part of the final exam,

    you have to prepare a five minute presentation for your art

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    history class. History, is not an easy subject to respond,

    answer, and find the solution to the problems (questions asked

    by the professor) What we could use is a reference book and/ or

    in the bookstores-AP History (Myer-Briggs; Prep course exams-

    History) Study, use the day to memorize some parts of the

    history topic, the topic of history (specifically-Art History)

    to find answers according to the professor's request.

    Crystallizers: Logical-Mathematical Intelligences; the use of

    the crystallizers-extraversion helps learn to best in action, to

    value physical activity. Encourage discussion to study and

    increase the score completely.

    Parazlyzers: Introversion-Do I have the value of reading? Is

    reading valuable to you? Would I, prefer to study individually

    or with a group? Should I, put other people to help increase a

    score? Are there some scores that you need to improve to

    accomplish your career and educational goals? Business- is a

    discipline to help observe others in their workplace-ethical

    methods, and find use of intelligences, as an employee.

    Cont. of Chapter 3

    Business Mathematics, learning to borrow money for books

    from people or personnel with the use of interests for the

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    purchase of a product/item or something of value. (Used to

    ignore on the goal of, exceeding Business Mathematics, with

    Applied Business Mathematics I) Based on the above analysis,

    write a discovery statement about what you have learned. I

    discovered that?An expansion of most learning styles that

    exceed the levels of understanding can help find the sources of

    the reference to where the information is helpful, relevant and

    procedural to develop the student's struggle of learning, for

    the betterment of his/her improvement.

    Applicable approaches to business in form of mathematics; the

    need for improvement with vision for the use of completing an

    exam did not help at all. Next term, would be a lot better, if

    studying and reviewing of the material improves create your

    success. Have you been displeased about anything that has

    happened to you recently?

    Think about the last several weeks and briefly describe some

    problem you have faced. If you cannot think of a problem,

    describe something that was a success in your life. No, just

    lack of necessities (on the use of daily living)

    Vision: the blindness of faith the progression of my studies

    in the future. Hunger-Eating without being able to account for

    meals; has not helped at all. Today, the only day that helped to

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    renew from the lack of attention to the needs of the household.

    This question is more difficult. It requires courage and honesty

    as well as looking at things a little differently. Whether you

    described a problem situation or a success above, ask yourself.

    How did I create this situation?" If you did not create it, how

    did you choose to react to it? The observation of the household-

    the result and its probability has not helped but, the measures

    of stress not being able to fend for the stress has left me in a

    helpless state of financial insecurity.

    What has helped is that school is a place to relieve the

    stress of living in this situation where the need for my

    immediate family is comforted, and taken care of so that, life

    does not feel helpless without the family while keeping me

    focused and in order. For example, money, in the next couple of

    days is to be sent to the spouse, and clothes; cleanlinessly for

    the child, will sufficiently help to comfort the needs of the


    Sugar-salt intake. Watch intake of ingredients. Read labels

    such as, regular grams of sugar. Are you obese? Eat a lb./a week

    How many calories in a lb.? Calories=lb. Vitamins, broccoli,

    green vegetables. What is my solution to the day to day episodic

    psycho-psychotic moments, of Today. What about a relapse

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    prevention plan. Symptoms: Confusion lack of focus toward the

    goals at hand, the achievable constraints of life, that allow

    you to skillfully advance in the ways of achievement and reap

    the benefits of success. The confusing meditation of not

    understanding, to the point of comprehension, the comprehensive

    daily intake of the nutrients valuable to the body, the mind,

    and the spirit to the use of its energy to adrenalize, the act

    of circulating systems of blood in order to rejuvenate the

    cause, to stay free from any pollutants detrimental to the body

    can help defeat the purpose of depression. Depression is the

    state of mind, where the sorrow of un livable occurrences,

    repress the thought patterns of memory, only to remind you of

    the reminiscent times of struggle, to elate the past of sorrow

    with the present, and presenting a false happiness to think of

    your present moment, as a positive state of being. Presence, she

    being of another, not having the chance to think of a more

    comfortable, feeling of thought and struggling with the emotions

    of the present, in the presence of somebody else. Remedies to

    the effects of these three burdensome moods of despair, to

    repair, or heal the mind, body, and spirit of confusion,

    depression, and uncomforting presence are in need of remedies to

    help with the moods of despair such remedies are to record

    exercise activities, such as, calisthenics, aerobic, or

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    weightlifting. Howabout,walking 30 minute a day, increase the

    level of activity in the stride, and do not differ in the

    reasoning while you walk. Keep from harm, and dangerous

    motivational factors that change your life span attention to a

    minimum and does not pay to the attentiveness of the presence.

    Presently the trials of walkabouts, and the state of being can

    change dramatically if not, useful to the potentiality of the

    fullness of the body. Think of a topic, voluptuous vs. fragile,

    this type of questioning states a presence intimate but, not of

    uncertainty between friendships, but, as a partner to help build

    the romanticism of knowing each other in intimacy. Rather than,

    to stress with the fact of intimacy, let it be known the

    differences of the exercise and increase the validity of the

    exercise by working together, in working out real moments into

    memory. Remind the selves to let go of the past, remit the

    future, and present at all cost the emotions, of the past that

    led you to love one another in the present. Loving one another,

    as thy neighbor, friend, and not a foe helps deal with social

    image difference, that differ in the difference when it comes to

    image, in front, behind, or around people. The difference of the

    relationship, between both partners helps to deal with the

    pitch, opposites attractbut, indifferences are reconcilable.

    Why is that? A walk with each other, to know what is the

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    difference is compatibility, or non-compliance with the motives

    of the present, and/or the difference of the past, compare to

    the presence of the future. What is a walk going to do within

    the relationship, to build the present as the past, and hope for

    a better spirit to build in the moment of oneness, with the

    partner, in Christ. Draw movements that don't allow you to fall.

    Practice drawing techniques, to figure from each other, the

    practice serves well, with scientific principles, the

    principalities of the difference that differentiate in the

    present but, not of the past, only in the moment to differ in

    the presence of others, more worthy of the presence that you

    give in front of the other, in the present.Why is this so? The

    difference of the past has no bearing in the present, but, the

    past speaks for itself when there is a difference between

    partners in the present. If it is working, of the past why not

    stay in the past, if not of sorrow, and work on the present as,

    the past is in its present state of mind. The being does not

    change but, the technique to know the difference, does not

    differ when the figure, shape, or design of the project you and

    your partner are working with does not change, it stays the

    same, though the frame of mind that does not. The thought

    patterns of the memorization techniques of what is being learnt,

    can tell the difference between how you learn, why you were able

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    to learn, and the difference between the two, in the learning

    process of the procedure to organize your thoughts, in

    strategizing on how to design the project, its projectile, and

    the projections of the thought in the present moment. The object

    of concern is how do we finish what we started, and why does it

    end this way, if what we thought did not differ from the

    completion of the project. What is the finishing outcome, of the

    project in design? It is up to you as, the partner, in the

    partnership, building the essence of the foundation of the

    project, in its design to know as, the designee, to be the

    designer and to know the difference from each other to put your

    two cents in, in the partnership, and develop the science of

    knowing the difference between you partner and what you and your

    partner want to do, and are able to accomplish if not, for the

    product, itself. You know that an angered presence does not

    relieve the mood; and/or the motive to reconcile any difference

    you would have with someone? An angered presence does not

    relieve the mood of the project at all. If you and I, are

    angered, and it is not a frustration of the working together, or

    being around others, there is no doubt, but a doubtful thought

    of knowing that you and I, had a difference of opinion, and

    would to opiniate the difference in order to be heard with the

    point across you should hear the mood of difference if, you and

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    the partner do not know, the reason for the difference. What is

    your thought on that, if we are working on a project, and the

    designer is you, do you not think that you and I have the same

    feelings for the project, we are together as one? What do you

    feel about that?

    What is your mathematical equation, or technique in knowing

    how to reconcile the difference between what differs and what is

    not good to use in its difference? Do you and I differ at all?

    Or do we find a difference and do not share the difference

    between the two? This would make a lot of sense if we knew what

    the difference is, some couples try to find the originiality in

    the project, and not what made the product work, or its value to

    work in the first place. This value to work with the product,.

    The work experience, the learning process of working on the

    project, the design itself, and the designer, had no bearing in

    the project, but only if you felt the project can work for us.

    How did the project work, if their had been no oproject in the

    first place? Were angered, frustrated, mad and the stress caused

    by the pressure of working for the project? Do we know or are we

    learning how to control the issue of the project, to finish what

    we started? Personalize a difference; spouse-spouse

    relationship, irresponsibility vs. responsibility, in a business

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    environment. What are we responsible for, what roles do we play,

    or are we playing at all? The suggestion is don't play, finish

    what you started but, make sure you are within the reach of the

    goal, to achieve the benefits of what you sow. The King James

    Version of the Holy Bible help build the mind, to know the

    pattern of how you learn, in the process of learning, what is to

    be learned in the educating children, men and women. There is no

    problem, nor is it problematic, in the stress factors, of the

    relief of knowing you have responsibility, to be responsible and

    to have suitable responses to the problems so that there is no

    endless effect of unresolved issues, in a make believe world, of

    your own. "Honour thy father and thy mother so that your days

    prolongeth."Memorizing bibles text, verse of the Bible help to

    deal with the daily occurrences of the present, so that the

    moods of misbehavior, in the world of spouse-spouse

    relationships, irresponsible responses, and impartial

    differences, of incomfortability do not help or get in the way

    of the day-day living of life. Ask these questions: Tell me what

    you think? Build a chemical imbalance by excercising, the mind

    with new words, math problems, and solving techniques. Mediate

    help -where does it mediate? Does it cause fatigue? Natural vs.

    Artificial remedies Bipolar Disorder-schizophrenia Note things-

    make appointment What is mental health/not physical? What is

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    this? Psychosomatic medications? Symptomatic response to the

    solutions . Helplessness Defenseless/or defensive Selfish

    behavior, (Selfishness) Family Members-can but, refuse to be

    positive/emotional help -supportive to the cause of not

    relapsing into drug use Discussion Stigma-Illness;insanity-

    (sanity) Is it physical/emotional? Spiritual/non-emotional? What

    are the warning signs? Signs-neurological impairments Question-

    time-transmitters-change or "the same"

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    Chapter 4

    Perspectives, Initiatives, and Responses

    A novice, at organizing and gathering of people for the comfort

    of socializing amongst the best communities, neighbhorhoods, and

    sectors, whether public, private, or for the use of land,

    property in the pursuit of the strongholds of the community. I

    would like to offer the services, on the practicality,

    applicable to the needs of the service, to the SDA Church only

    to ask the question, of who would like to volunteer? With

    objectives, achievable goals, and community service

    opportunities that best utilize the need to serve, on the basis

    of public affairs to administrate communicatively, the skills to

    educate society on the needs of the public sector, in a way to

    preach the gospel, excercise activity, unpaid volunteership with

    Americorps, and promotable strengths to enhance the student

    resume for students who are in need to expose "The Self" to

    further prolong the lives of others on the basis of, research,

    experience, and advancement in attaining social skills w/ the

    public sector. Volunteer hours, can be logged on online, on

    paper sent to PVSA-Presidential Volunteer Service Award or

    Presidential Fitness Challenge Award "n" hopeful recipients can

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    take themselves to a level of understanding to the point of

    returning to their physical, spiritual, and mental social

    groups, with the confidence, to increase the morale of the

    public through their own personal growth, experiential learning,

    and the process of progression, with the probability of

    succeeding amongst the elite of the political realm of Political

    Activism, to support any cause. The use of the and not for

    profitable gains, currency. Terminology defined for political

    use to persuade the interest of the use of the event, in order

    to attract and not detach from the event. The validity of the

    interest, plus the interests worth: The value of the interest

    and the value to determine the interest, of a Presidential

    Fitness Challenge. Conventional Ideas, to the conservative mind,

    theoretical perspectives, style; imaginative

    Usual, established social behaviors in the use of a method to

    value a common interest.

    An idea rang to mind, about an event, a local community

    sporting, and/or fitness depending on the reaction of the

    Challenge Committee....Do you think as, a coordinator with the

    right mindset, would be able in my experience, to

    volunteer/setup an event of this sort....? Example: An

    Intramural/Recreational Event, of any sport with the free
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    sponsorship, and the support of a volunteer group (here, in

    Washington, nearby a church, where community followers, of all

    religions, spend their worshipping, neighbhorhood supportive

    groups, groups w/ support from the local establishments, and

    student volunteers, as the group to support the event) would be

    the best case scenario to build a local basketball event, in the

    honour and presence of the Presidential Fitness Challenge logo,

    with a banner in front of the park, and relevant distribution of

    food to the neighbhorhood, in support of the event since it is

    said to say, "Presidential Fitness Challenge Basketball

    Tournament/Recreational League-Event...? Would I, myself, need a

    petition with a letter of intent to sponsor, financially,

    physically, and politically in support of the Presidential Logo,

    and all the legalities that determine the events initiative,

    and/or result of the events success...? These are the questions

    of mind, requested, in support of the event such as,

    1.Why is the event taking place?2.Is it cost effective to the coordinator? Will we need more

    volunteer support groups?

    3.Can we make it part of the Presidential Volunteer ServiceAward, based on the motto of PVSA and The Virginia Beach


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    4.Can their be a survey, during and/or afterwards by churchparty's, neighbhorhood watchmen, and local leaders?

    5.Would we have this event, again-in the near future? Whatwas your favorite moment of the event?

    6.Would you like to see this artist, again-anytime soon, orin the near future?

    7.Did you enjoy the food?

    My organization, The Virginia Beach Organization has a

    foundation that creates and promotes volunteership, for kids and

    adults, from the ages 5 and up. The youth of Today, have the

    opportunity to improve on their social values, the validity

    of the value, and the worth of what is of value...? With the

    improvement, our Presidents, of Today have made in the past,

    present, and to come the future: Would you have the space, and

    time to meet with me on a discussion for the betterment of all

    children to represent my organization online, with community

    service hours; to log-on, and a brief description of the day's

    activities to support, and be supportive of the cause to fight

    the effects of growing up, as a kid.

    The organization was based from Virginia Beach, VA, after

    submitting an application, with essay to find preference in the

    selection process, and the procedural strategies to reinforce

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    the positive outcome of the organization's implementation above

    the surface on the internet. From the Virginia Beach based

    location, at Tidewater Community College as a student,

    experimenting with political advocacy members of the

    constituents of the Student Government Association, Student

    African American Brotherhood, and experiential references from

    associates, of all kinds, affiliated with non-profit rallys,

    meetings, and demonstrations the learning process, to educate

    the organization's foundation, as the essential presence to the

    authentication of the value, validity, and vigilance of the

    community of Virginia Beach, in Virginia; the process to be

    selected as part of the PVSA online, had been quite a easy step

    towards the development of creating creatively, the opportunity

    to serve the community, as a representative of the U.S.

    President of the United States of America.

    As the becoming party, we now know today, to be of a political

    party advocating, the distribution, to attribute to: The Effect

    of Leadership, as a reward, gift, or prize, presenting our

    future leaders of Today, and now in the near future. As

    Americorps Member I, Wilhelm Ramos, have the opportunity to

    spread the issues, of community involvement, the strategies to

    organize our youth to be more involve, and to help in any which

    way, as the presence of the organization, as a role partner to

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    instill the progress of the volunteer, selectively only to

    increase the spirit, the positive outcome of all progress, and

    to enhance the productive nature of the process, to proceed with

    the gift of serving the community, publicly, privately, and

    politically. Whether, if we are out in the open, or in private

    our discussion of the tactics to best serve the community can be

    the admiration of choice, and the inspiration to take forth, and

    push forward on the effort to support, the efficacy of the

    implementation, and daily supplements, of the value of the

    energy placed forward to initiate, the initiative, of the

    support to service the community, the best way we know how,

    expose the effort of the cause to fight, such non-determinants,

    as procrastination, boredom, and unsociable experiences.

    We will elaborate, comment and talk on the things that pertain

    to the standards of civility on a new educational goal of the

    family.Completing the daysevent, and delegating the duties of

    the activities in the day to form the completedness of the

    responsibility placed upon the volunteer to deliver to well-

    respected patrons of the group there are as many students to

    faculty, in the organization than there are in other

    organizations. What we hear in this organization, "is

    indifferent" or "has no difference" on what is taught in the

    other organizations. My topic of choice is: the administrative

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    standards of the organization for us, the volunteers to delegate

    the tasks to orientate the hours accordingly to the vocational,

    learning and technical skills attributing to the use of a fast

    pace environment such as, corporations, law firms, and small

    businesses, to the study of delegation for the review of the

    community service world, in the diminutive sense of the

    discipline: Community Service.

    Supporting materials are but, not limited to: the discipline

    of the study, Community Service, our discipline of this time

    allotment has a colloquiem of guidelines with the intent to

    increase, and relinquish the volunteer from the worrisome realm

    of unachievable goals, and emotional distress as a child living

    in impoverish, poverty stricken environments w/ minute chance of

    survival. This new found obligation, with the motivation, and

    selfless upliftment to assist the low-income, strife life, of

    the competitors of the world to obtain the technical skills,

    informative techniques, and educational goals to position

    ourselves in a better environment to live, procreate, and

    volunteer our volunteers for a repudiable reputation. Research

    of recent views on institutional advancements, corporate

    integration, exponential growth of valuable employees to

    increase the level of excellence among the new talent of office

    staffing and the analytical progressions to insure the benefits

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    of volunteers to their guidance counselors, community leaders,

    and mentors for a better standard of ethics to work efficiently,

    effectively, and exponentially. These topics pertain to the

    realm of the PVSA (Presidential Volunteer Service Award) world

    but, not limited to the status of the college student life of

    local colleges and universities but, the use of the school's

    guidelines, rules and regulations from the sample of, TCC's

    website, is useful and will be used to refer to the frame of

    reference for this standard of the organization. The writer of

    the guidelines of the school chosen to counsel volunteers on how

    to interact with others in our environment.(Mainly, Tidewater

    Community College and the institutions' standard of civility)

    Issues on cases where volunteers had differed from the views of

    their volunteers and questionable counsel of volunteers for the

    advisement of a volunteers progress not given by the

    institution but, from the students of the college on

    questionable actions of, the volunteers outside of campus life

    for a clear outcome, today and what had not been accomplished,

    yesterday are not a source of reference but, the preference of

    reference are the standards of civility in the Princess Anne A

    Building. Introduction to the dutiful responsibility of being a

    volunteer of the United States of America will be shown with

    this example,

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    "This is no joke! Someone has sent me a death threat. A

    fragile scale clip into an ivy with thin skin popped veins, a

    bony roman nose, you would think my cartilage lifted weights.

    Wait a secondMy chest did not feel right. Although, this had

    been the case for me, the thought of my mother suffering from

    mistaken blood transfusions caused me to feel nervousness,

    worrisome, and restlessness.

    A few years ago, I had been 127 lbs. Before my mother died,

    I was 183lbs. Unhealthy habits, rehabilitation, and

    therapeutic clinics of psychiatric group sessions helped to

    motivate different ways of thinking to change the status of my

    actions into more resolvable resolutions of completion.

    Supportive groups, gatherings of other mental health patients

    help deal with the stress of not being relieved/ from the

    habitual attitudes of my habits. Not of good, but badly

    influential to street drugs, remedial aptitudes, and self-

    disrespect. The morale of the changes to a more diversified

    analytical, belief of self-esteem, patriarchal times of

    defense, were not insensitive to friendly discussions with

    friends, acquaintances, and their friendly strangers to whom

    we did not know of but, to engage in conversational styles

    only to: resolves unsettling needs of sorrow, despair and

    loneliness. The advice of counsel to meet the standards of

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    civility, with the experiential day to day learning tools,

    used in the daily operations of studious regimens, and review

    of many more subject matters of topics, disciplines to have

    infinite solutions paved the path to a valid code of ethics;

    "A Speaker's Resource", written by Liz O'Brien, our guidelines

    of the Virginia Beach Organizations manuscript. These ethical

    standards of the manuscript, or the code of ethic standards to

    help resolve the issues of the volunteers in the facilities,

    is used to what is right, and not what is known to be wrong.

    Examples of what our professors use to help us decide the mode

    of today's tasks are the guidelines of the choice of counsel,

    their mentors, of the campus to which the volunteers have

    chosen to serve: These guidelines can be found in the Princess

    Anne Building next to the registrar office; the volunteers

    goals are the foundation of the educational planning process,

    requiring cooperation and collaboration among the Volunteer

    Services and Instruction to result in consistent information

    for all stakeholders. Accurate information is power, and the

    sharing of information in a timely manner is critical in the

    decision-making process. The learning volunteer should be a

    model for the lifelong learning construct of assisting the

    needy, or the need to achieve successfully our primary focus,

    (From the Counseling Office of the Student Counseling Center

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    in the A Building-Prince Anne) An expected requirement of the

    guidelines of the terms of the service to best serve the

    community involvement for the advancement, and enhancement of

    both partys but, in the selection of the process of

    volunteering, for workshops available to volunteers, on all

    levels of respectability are and are shown respectively, with

    this example:

    "Now, I eat a meal a day. Drink liquids and workout 20 minutes

    to an hour. Hopefully I can get back to a regular everyday

    routine." (Wilhelm Ramos TCC ID: 6211944 3/15/12)

    Let us review. The idea of quarrel, debates, and argumentative

    topics are not the ideals of the volunteer, there is no

    comment on the reflection of what our volunteers teach today.

    Retrospectively, "To successfully live with whites, blacks,

    and latinos in sharing resources and not animosity amongst

    each other, reaching the advanced stage of living together on

    the basis of absolute equality and to be competitive with the

    next social class", "the ecological balance of the

    accumulation of wealth without aggravating conditions of

    poverty stricken solutions useful to organize the unity of

    progression, the doctrine of training an identity of

    interests."(A Century of Negro Migration, Preface", p.x)

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    These ideologies delegate to the facts of definition and the

    meaning of the term, delegation. Delegation, "The effective

    utilization of authority-to assign to one or more people in an

    effort to accomplish a large goal", "you are in a position to

    distribute duties to others." ("Today", Wood Butler Jr. p. 26)

    What are my daily activities, as a volunteer of the environment,

    with the knowledgeable process of the procedural strategy to

    energize, elate, and effectuate the validity of the struggle of

    a volunteers life, to the betterment of the psychological

    interaction, workforce initiatives, and analytical facts, of

    motivation, mood manipulation, and communication-oriented,

    disarray from the disturbance of performance, to mingle, blend

    with others of the organization and outside the group in a

    listener-oriented mechanism, the thought, listening to

    objectives, messages of the sender/encoder, receiver/decoder,

    and interpersonal-verbal, nonverbal, body movements, to the fact

    of comprehension, determining the meanings of the interpretation

    of what is being said, heard, and spoken with the point of ;

    What is meant by what has been said? ", with the help of my

    honourable patrons, partners of society, and party members of

    the role of political activism should be, to ask the

    renouncement of the question, "What we can do to build ourselves

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    up so that we can be an asset to ourselves and in the lives of

    others." (Today, Wood Butler Jr. p.26):

    With the thought of an audience, Presidential Volunteers, not

    to exclude our astute Mentor; Wilhelm Ramos my personal career

    path and/or educational goal to continue the readings of such

    books, where we would find in our local bookstore in the

    financial department of the D-Building at Tidewater Community

    College Virginia Beach Campus and to be obtainable in our local

    venues, surrounding the populous of Virginia and throughout the

    United States of America such as; A Century of Negro Migration,

    Carter G. Woodson, The 24-Hour Self Empowerment Handbook,

    written by Wood Butler Jr. of Norfolk State University, Today

    and the supportive facts of communication to me, as the

    representative of the organization to present the world of

    volunteering with a simple but, complex analyticism of the

    working environment, the men and women of yesterday, with the

    new labor of today, the elementary, high school, college, and

    university volunteer. Persons, with a struggle too unbearable

    but, if not forgiven suits the audience of whom a movement, as

    such, is seen.

    Simple format of the psychological complex, inspired deep-

    rooted material, and has deepen the ideals of organization-to a

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    best where the volunteer no longer fears but, is trusting the

    mood/or mode of behavior to act. Client transference examples of

    men to whom we might be influenced by from artists like, Jay-z,

    but limited to, Rakim, and only no effort to show references to

    the struggle of helping others like, Kunta Kintay and the movie,

    "The Roots". These are sure fire examples of our worth as,

    Presidential Volunteers, in this organization, The Virginia

    Beach Organization from We have learned, and

    are to develop partnerships to create a better path of the world

    today, to become stockholders of the conglomerate, outspoken

    moguls, artistic scientists, analytically known to blend with

    our U.S. Representatives, Congressmen, and local government

    officials, as outsiders looking in to believe in the need, to

    help politically, with the helpful task, to acknowledge our

    service and role models to the learning communities, online,

    and/or from the school experience to promote civility, and

    ethical issues, of todays morale, of whom we speak of, the

    United States of America as Presidential Volunteers of the

    Virginia Beach Organization from the As volunteers, of

    many issues artists into their craft of trade, recognizable as

    artists, to the respect of their music, culture, and genre, the
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    and women with dignity, pride, and the right to know the upmost

    aptitude. Not expecting, but delivering the beginning of a

    livable, justifiable, and honest academia. These are our duties,

    responsibilities, and requirements expected of us, as

    expectants, with the expectancy to serve with the reward of

    improving the morale of the need, the public good, the role of a

    volunteer to the astute apprenticeship of mentors, leaders, and

    what are known today, the goals of, volunteering, as

    Presidential Volunteers, are at unknown levels of probability to

    procreate new leaders of today, and not of tomorrow. So, let us

    be careful, cautious, and proceed with trust to innately forbade

    all manners of misrepresentation, and not to be miseducate any

    longer, on the need for future constituents.

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    Chapter 5

    Personal Growth

    First question is about family background, what was it like whenyou were growing up?

    When I was growing up, it had been hard on my mother. We

    were the only two, in the family without a place to stay,

    independently from others in the family. Not to say, my mother

    had not been able to provide for us, both child and parent but,

    what helped in the long run, through the cycles of life,

    livelihood, as the recipients of the community, more than

    willing to help and receive what we could, at the time of need,

    for the sake of our health. An aunt of, her sister had a few

    traumatic experiences that led to return to the Dominican

    Republic. Her state of, thinking had been weary of the men she

    had chosen to be within New Jersey. Rough and lonesome, the

    times spent looking for her, trying to help her in the time of

    need, necessitating the fact of, gathering together, as a

    family. Heartbroken, despair, anguish, tiresome, weariness, all

    these emotions were how we related, and had stayed relatively,

    in reach of her state to be, as helpful as possible, not to be

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    involved in her love for the man but, to let her know we are of

    her care. I thank my mother for bringing me up the way she did,

    to come from where she had once lived, to a place with a

    newborn, and not have the assistance that is provided today for

    people in need of shelter, food supplies, and cash flow. In my

    lifetime, I would not have praised anyone but, The God, she

    served, as a christian lady. Her manner, how she treated her

    sisters, and her giftedness had been with her brothers, my

    mother groomed me to be a person, with a personality, and not a

    person that does not personify his own well-being but, a man who

    came to be a son. Rather than to change his mothers plans and

    to carry out all that she had asked for, in Him, to love,

    honour, and obey the Teachings of Jesus Christ. I thank my

    mother, for how she had helped her sister, in the time of need,

    and no matter what had happened, she would have been the person

    to count on.

    If it not been for my mother, would I be in the predicament led

    to me, til this day? I dont think so, of course not, what would

    be the difference? The difference would have been, stringent,

    defecating ordeals, not allowing me to change my ways but, to

    settle for myself, and not another. Who am I, to judge facts,

    figures, and statements, to have not appreciated, or to be

    appreciative of the norms, the misuse of information, guiding

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    paths of unforgiveness, and not leading but, misleading others

    into depths of no return. Do I, calculate and respond to

    answers, as a person of greath worth without morals, conviction,

    and prayer...? Or do I, tell the tale of two paths, with the

    guidance, and long-term success of my mothers help? I do, in

    fact do unto others as you would have them do unto you. So, let

    me not say, No, I do, and not have loved. But, let me continue

    to love my Christ, The Way, The Truth and The Light, to have

    shown and proven that I had a mother, and she taught what is

    best, and not that we are thrown into the worst outcomes.

    Thankfully, I love how Christ, was able to distinguish between

    the two, and not be torn apart, or have things fall apart on His

    path to heaven. Salvation, the way of believing that Jesus

    Christ is Our Personal Saviour, and that praying, believing in

    His forgiveness, will lead us to the act of being saved. Is

    fearful, yes, I do believe that why we have parents, parental

    counsel, to speak, and communicate with the other, to know that

    you are not alone, He Is with you. Love thy neighbor, as you

    would love thyself. These biblical texts, verse of the Bible,

    help to forgive, and she attributes to these facts of life. How

    I grew up, is by Honouring thy mother and thy father, so that

    thy days be prolongeth.

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    What are some examples, ordinances, to have proven worthy of

    acceptance, to help guide you into the path of Christ, with the

    help of, submissive guidance of your mother in the past, a

    priori, to cope with life, afterwards.

    Matrimonial Confidentiality vs. The Insecurity Complexes of


    At this time of attendance had been to this day to exceed the

    levels, of which, Standards of Academic Progress help meet the

    expectations of the present objective, inclusively at its

    beginning-The introduction of raising GPA to a 2.0. The

    registration of a class, is given a courses outline, explaining

    its intent to enhance and provide learning tools, in succession

    upon completion, of such an enrollment. Each attempt, to return

    to the level, of the Standards of Academic Progress, gives way

    to pertinence, with resources; guidelines upon request of the

    Professor, to help meet the requirements in order to be graded

    with a C or better. Due to the prevalence measured, the nature

    of the class, and the iextenuating circumstances..a failure grade

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    had occurred at a preceding term. The ethical principles of

    right or wrong, options of irrefutable, adversive and displays

    of affectuate roles, with outcomes that end, in argumentative

    effects of emotion were it not for, instrinsic views of and its

    totality to form, a way to a path of Truth, I have not exceeded,

    to the next course of enrollment.

    2012: The realization of, changing such factors that led to the


    The course of action-what led to believe that failing marks of

    F, and withdrawals Ws, on the record has not been of failing

    marks of the past but, of the intension to advance in the

    program of study, Business Administration. Each course, took its

    course B, After A, tests-exams, instruction from the instructor

    quizzes, tests, and final exams, these course completives,

    complacencies with an ordinance, conjugate unattended effects

    of, the students of the class, complacents of the reticence,

    subjectives; having dealt with the extenuation of the


    Rose to a growth, to this day, as the accordance of all, that

    entails to help with the facts of, The Plan of Success.

    Relevance, paves the way of the intent, factors of preference,

    what is preferred to help promote, the need to the immediate, a

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    spouse, a newborn child,-and to end the doubt of Fatherhood.

    Here is a funny letter written in the need of assistance due to

    the fact of differences in the immediate family, between spouse

    and husband. Spouse:

    I need the letter to increase foodstamp amount, I only have

    $18/per mth. I'm not supposed to ask you any more questions.

    I've seen what you've done with Aniah. Until you write and send

    me the letter, what more can I do. You are cutting my benefits

    because we are still married and you don't live with me. You do

    not want a divorce and now you don't want to help. You are

    either greedy, selfish, or insecure about sending me a letter.

    The Department of Human Services, my Single Step counselor and

    the Access Program is waiting on this letter, if you do not

    comply you are instigating action and your behaviour is not

    going to be tolerated. I need a letter stating, "How much

    support per month do you receive from me, to help with the needs

    of the child." I've allocated $300/per month for the past 11

    months and SSDI Payments are going to be sent to the shelter;

    Chapman Partnershp 1550 N. Miami Ave. Miami, FL 33136. You have

    to make a move on this letter, ask Kathia or Marie. I hope they

    will understand. It is very hot in Miami and I do not want to

    starve sending you money to support Aniah. I am able to do so

    but, it is not the way to live. I need your signature, you may

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    go to a Fed Ex, Kinkos or an Internet Cafe and have an

    electronic signature labeled onto the letter. The letter becomes

    a document of proof and I may increase foodstamp amount. If, you

    were living with me and Aniah we would have more than what we

    had at Alfredo's. Since, you don't want to bother with the

    struggle I best leave it up to you to decide what you want to

    do. I am in Miami, due to homelessness. I have no other support,

    only my Aunt who is my representative payee and she liable to

    change her mind. So, what can you expect? Their things in Miami,

    that are affordable for Aniah. I saw a Dell computer for

    $500.00, an XBox for $99.00, and so on. I can have these things

    delivered to Aniah. I had purchased elementary books from

    Moravian College Bookstore in Bethlehem, where my Aunt lives.

    This bookstore is the oldest bookstore in the United States. It

    is dear to me that she receives these books, shortly. I can't

    send the gifts w/o help from the Social Welfare office. This is

    very easy. It is not hard to have this letter sent. Pls, be

    informed of, such request in the near future. If, you would like

    support I can provide but, if you think living without is easy,

    you are mistaken. I am not the one. You know my finances, you

    were my rep payee, an LPN, it is not too difficult to get things

    in order. I am doing the best I can to help with Aniah. You are

    lying to me that you think I have not called. You know I do, I

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    don't want to argue. This is not a game. Aniah's support is all

    that I have, if you misuse it or misguide her with it. Do you

    not think I am not the one to blame? Their too many things going


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