the way of the neuro-ninja new headteacherbiology teacher academy consultant 21st century parent...

Post on 04-Jul-2020






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The Way Of The Neuro-Ninja New Headteacher

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It’s training Jim, but not as we know it

Who am I? SENDCO MA in education Biology teacher Academy consultant 21st century parent Acting headteacher Specialist leader in education (SLE) Parent of 20 and 18 yo, 20 yo has ASD Deputy head with 25 years experience Studying neuroscience & psychology for 20 yrs Used these strategies 1:1 as a SENDCO with families

We Support Professionals, Parents, Children & Young People to become Neuro-Ninjas

Person-Centred Development Work

Going from a brain slave…

…to a Neuro-Ninja

What’s A Neuro-Ninja?

Being a Neuro-Ninja means working with

the grain of your brain to action your potential every day.

Why would you put the brain at the centre of your passionate mission to raise achievement for all?

Because…the brain’s behind…all these activities which impact directly on progress

Learning Behaviour Attitudes

Well-Being Motivation Study skills

Self-Directed Study Development & Growth

Personal efficacy & self-esteem Pro-social and pro-learning norms Parental Engagement & Support

The progress gap for vulnerable learners

We’re driven by shared values of closing the gap for all learners and

administering social justice. We’re not closing the gap as a

country because the system isn’t thnking about the whole brain,

whole child

Social Injustice In The UK – Elitist Britain Report 2019

(39%) of the elite group were privately

educated, more than five times as many as the population at large, while a

quarter (24%) graduated from Oxbridge.

Politics, the media, and public service all show high proportions of privately

educated people, including:

65% of senior judges 59% of civil service permanent

secretaries 57% of the House of Lords.

Well-Being Is A Skill – Why Is It So Important For You…

8 Seminars. 1 Mission.

Helping students & parents go from brain slaves to Neuro-Ninjas.

1. Well-Being Is A Skill

2 & 3.Being Anxiety Aware 1 & 2 4. Through Anxiety & Beyond

5. Brain Science of Meh 6. Tuning Into Your Mental

7. Your Brain On Other People 8 Way Of The Neuro-Ninja

Amazing news…our brains are plastic…throughout our lives…

As our brains develop through childhood

and our teenage years they wire up and then prune excess wiring…

We get to keep what we use…

Building The Best You – 3 Processes Every Day

Processes of Deliberate Rest

Processes of Deliberate Practice

Processes of Deliberate Development – Looking Up & Out At What Next

Whole Brain Integration

Pre-Frontal Cortex


How? By building the skills of resilience, calm & courage in your amazing brains.

More connections between these regions, more thoughts can move between them

Behind the curtain…

Brain’s guess & simulate, they don’t process everything that’s happening to you live…they then update their guesses based on sensory input.

And here…

Our brains are amazing, an understanding of neuroscience is to learning as germ theory was to medicine.

Medicine before a germ theory of disease…

Give our brains new predictions & they can update their responses, beliefs & crucially their behaviours…

Brain As A Projector, The Mind As The Image

Let’s look at mental health…

“Apple a day keeps the doctor away…”

“Chin up, think positive, at least

you’re not…”

“Pull yourself together, it’s all in

your head…”

“You can’t build a positive life out of a

negative mind…”

600 million people worldwide suffer depression & anxiety…

Part Two - Well-Being Is A Skill And We’re Going To Teach You It Self-care is not an indulgence or laziness, it is the partner of productive, effective work.

Lots of us crave the latest kit…

If we don’t look after them they still work but…

Our 21st century world gives us so many ways to work ourselves silly and not take proper care


20% More…

Taking our well-being seriously and treating it as a skill means we experience more positive mood, motivation, productivity and resilience…

Deliberate Practice 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to become exceptional at something

Deliberate Rest Deep play Latent processing Mind wandering Reading Helping others Mindfulness 12,500 hours of deliberate rest

Sleep 30,000 hours of good sleep

Great lives are great work & require great rest.

What are the 12 Rocks of Well-Being?

Miracle cure

Scientists have discovered a revolutionary new treatment that makes you live longer. It enhances

your memory and makes you more creative. It makes you look more attractive. It keeps you slim and lowers you food cravings. It

protects you from cancer and dementia. It wards off colds and flu. It lowers your risk of heart attacks, strokes and diabetes. You’ll even feel happier, less

depressed and anxious.


Rock 1: Sleep

Key Sleep Concepts

Which chronotype are you? Owl or lark or inbetween.

Circadian rhythm - Melatonin

Teenagers sleep onset drifts later through adolescence

Sleep Architecture

Sleep Hygiene

Protecting your sleep by making sure you have a regular bed and

get up time. You manage the sleep environment to maximise sleep

(dark., cool, no distractions).

The very Bad News About


Symptoms of sleep deprivation • moodiness

• fatigue

• irritability

• depressed mood

• difficulty learning new concepts

• forgetfulness

• inability to concentrate or a "fuzzy" head

• lack of motivation

• clumsiness

• increased appetite and carbohydrate cravings

• reduced sex drive

• heightened anxiety

How to maximize sleep.

• Have fixed go to bed & get up times everyday

• Don't lay-in at weekends, you don't payback sleep that way.

• Have a hot bath before bed.

• Avoid all caffeine at least 6 hours before bed.

• Avoid exercise at least 4 hours before bed.

• Leave technology out of the bedroom.

• Wind down before sleep.

How to maximize sleep.

• Turn your bedside clock away from you so if you wake up you don't start fretting about how much time you're awake.

• Keep the bedroom dark and cool.

• Avoid electric blankets and hot water bottles.

• Don't nap beyond 3pm, this reduces sleep pre Have fixed go to bed and get up times everyday.

• Sleep in bed, don't watch TV or your iPad.

Sleep (8-9 hours a night) • The neuroscience of why?

• Sleep restores memory.

• Sleep cleans the brain.

• Sleep builds the immune system.

• Sleep integrates our experience, fine-tunes our emotions.

Rock 1 – Self Review

Rock 2: Exercise

Why exercise?

Exercise helps memory and

thinking direct & indirectly

How to build more exercise into your life…

Take movement snacks every hr, move 5 - 10 mins Do core strength exercises x 3 a week

Exercise 10 mins every day Aim for 10,000 steps a day

Walk outside at least 15 mins every day

Rock 2 – Self Review

Rock 3: Eating the right food and drinking enough water

Why eating the right food?

Rock 3 – Self Review

Changing our behaviour – Tweak or Nudge it

Rock 4: Mindfulness

Rock 5. Mind Wandering.

Rock 6: Emotions, notice, accept & share.

Why? Because social rejection causes real pain.

Physical and emotional pain are the same for the brain…

We practice emotional hygiene. When it hurts we notice it.

Why notice, accept & share emotions?

Rock 7: Walk outside in nature

Why walk outside in nature?

Rock 8: Listen To Music

Playlists – Make It A Community Thing

Rock 9. Connect meaningfully with friends & family .

9. Why (deep) connection is so important, (less so shallow.)

Rock 10: Gratitude and Kindness everyday.

Way to build more kindness and gratitude into your life. Get a Joy Journal Record the things you’re grateful for Record kindnesses given, received and witnessed Record joyful experiences each day. Capture these experiences x 3 during the day.

10. Why kindness and how kindness.

Rock 11. Engage with your life’s purpose - Flow

Activity: Life Purpose


Why engage in your life’s purpose?

Rock 12: Learn. Play. Create.

The 12 Rocks of Well-Being

Sleep (8-9 hours for teenagers) Exercise – 20 minutes a day. Eat healthily (complex carbs, low refined sugar, keep hydrated. Mindfulness (practice being in the present moment everyday) Mind wandering (20 mins) Emotions (Notice them particular the difficult ones. Accept them, share your thoughts and feelings with someone you trust.).

The 12 Rocks of Well-Being Walk outside in nature (15 – 20 mins) Listen to music Gratitude & kindness. Express both each day. Connect meaningfully with friends and family. Engage in activities that are important to your life purpose. Learn something new.

Love your rocks. Love your life.

Reflections & Implications – It’s About You Right Now, Implications for You And Yor Familiy

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