the weasley legacy|chapter 2

Post on 06-Dec-2014






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Chapter 2

The Weasley Legacy

This is hermione, Ron already wrote what happened in the last few weeks. I’m here to write some things he’s unaware of and also to share what happened next.

This is the local library it’s the only library around here.

For weeks now, I’ve been doing research about this place. I found out that aside from Desiderata there are 5 more towns, composing this country or planet, whatever. There are also 3 travel destinations, 3 Universities, a shopping disctrict, and a downtown area. Like earth they all have the four seasons, and everyone looked like a muggle to me. Except for the change our body took, I’d say I’m still on earth.

I’ve also searched their network thoroughly, but no mention of magic, earth, people or anything that might help me understand what the heck is happening. The biggest mystery of all though, where is the portkey that brought us here. It’s are only way out. I’ve checked the lot, but I haven’t seen it. I’m thinking that someone took it, but who could it be. No one around here knows about magic, let alone a portkey, I mean it’s just an old boot, with no pair, who would take interest in that. I’m supposed to be smart why can’t i figure this out. Ah, It hurts my head, just thinking about it. I haven’t told ron about me doing research, I mean there’s nothing to tell yet, plus he’s really working hard, I guess being a dad changed him, changed me too. Having ron, hugo and rose makes this place, feel a bit more like a home.

A few days after Rose was born, hugo had his birthday,

Hugo now is a child. I can’t believe how time flies here. It’s one thing that I’ve observed. I think time moves faster here than back home. But It feels normal, like it’s how it’s supposed to be. Anyway, enough of this guesswork..

Ron was promoted again, I was too, I’m now one of the regular teachers of the local elementary school. We had a few thousand simoleons saved now.

Thanks to that, we were able to afford Hugo’s bedroom. Nothing special though, just a bed, a desk and a chair. Hugo loved it, he complained about the matching colors though. I wonder why, It looks good to me, maybe it’s a boy thing, I gotta ask ron that sometime.

Now, that Hugo have he’s own room, it means that Rose has the old room by herself. Doesn’t the room look good in pink.

Hugo is really using he’s right brain, from music to painting, he’s so fascinated by art. We’ve already told him about magic and where we come from. I don’t know if he understood it completely, as kept asking if he can fly. We’ll make sure to tell him again when he’s a bit older.

I still urge him to take interest in other areas too though, like math, logic and reasoning. That doesn’t make me a bad mom, does it? I mean he doesn’t complain, so I guess it’s ok.

Anyway, even with our busy schedules, we still try to have an alone time together. I make sure though, that we’re always safe, I love kids, but I’ve always wanted two.

Ron told Hugo all about quidditch. His face lights up when he talks about it, I felt his sadness though. He told me once, how he would train their children to play quidditch, and that they’ll be the best quidditch player ever to walk earth. I think Hugo sensed it too, so instead of asking questions, he challenge his dad at a game of football.

Hugo is doing great at school, he even found a friend. I think her name is Bethany or was it Bathilda, I forgot. But i’m certain it starts with a B.

Soon it was Rose who had her birthday.

There she is. Aww, how adorable, she’s so cute.

Teaching Rose was easier, I guess because we’ve already done it. Ron thinks, she got my brains. But’s that just rubbish, I mean you don’t get your smarts from genes, It’s something you work on.

Here’s Hugo playing with her little sister. It makes me think of Ron and ginny. I wonder how ginny and harry are doing. I wish that they could see this. I wish that we could share this with them. They’ve always encourage us to have a baby, so james could have someone to play with. I so would like our children to have a playdate right now. Oh well...I’ll end it here for now. It’s Ron turn anyway.


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