the what, how, why, and where of writing: a personal reflection

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The what, how, why, and where of writing: A personal Reflection. How to write a blog, article, and book.


The ‘what’, ‘how’, ‘why’, and ‘where’ of writing

Some personal reflections

Murray HunterUniversity Malaysia Perlis

The beginning is easy; what happens next is much harder.- Anonymous



Fantasy Auto-Biography


Semi-AutobiographyHistorical Realistic



Political Thriller


Authorized Unauthorized


Specialist Subject Narrative Technical


Pictorial Reference Guide


Edited Collection Practical Guide




Secondary School University


Public literature

Newspaper Magazine

Self-Publishing: The Way of the FutureAmazon KDP and print-on-demand (POD) services like

CreateSpace (an Amazon subsidiary) and Lulu have democratized access to the means of production, and

even to the readers themselves – and services like KickStarter and IndieGoGo make it possible for you to

get paid for your writing.

Most New Authors Sell Fewer Than 100 Books

Has written 20 books not selling more than 1000 copies each

'The days of publishing an author, as opposed to publishing a book, seem to be over.'

The death of books has been greatly exaggerated

Lloyd Shepherd

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Internet – publishing

Need to use the correct style and content for specific websites

The process of writing a book is infinitely more important than the book that is completed as a result of the writing, let alone the success or failure that book may have after it is written . . . the book is merely a symbol of the writing. In writing the book, I am living. I am growing. I am tapping myself. I am changing. The process is the product.- Theodore Isaac Rubin

Cognition and Writing

Fantasy Novels Biography



"From Perception to Metaphor."

Perfumer Excellence

Knowledge (vocabulary) of

odorous substances

Knowledge of potential strengths,

weaknesses and applications of

odorous materials

Knowledge of outstanding

fragrance creations within the domain

Practical knowledge & experience

Olfactory sensitivity

Time, patience, perseverance

Interest and passion


Knowledge Base Emotion

Cognitive Skill Creativity Tool

Process & Product

Curiosity, enquiry and


Hunter, M. (2011) Opportunity, Strategy & Entrepreneurship, New York, Nova

Composition of Prior Knowledge

Hunter, M. (2011) Opportunity, Strategy & Entrepreneurship, New York, Nova

Short Term Memory (STM)

Stimulation from the environment through our

sensory systems

Prior Knowledge Coded Domain Imagery,

Semantics & Syntax

Long Term Memory


Self Organizing


Sub-conscious operation creating free associations from bits

of random information

Still following patterns from learning

Domains become more fluid and flexible allowing

for analogies



Hunter, M. (2011) Opportunity, Strategy & Entrepreneurship, New York, Nova


Preparation Period

Frustration Period

Incubation Period

The Creative


Verification Period

Elaboration Period

Solution, concept, idea and eventual


Puzzling situation, curiosity, questioning of something given or problem in the


Some parts of the elaboration process require further creativity like strategy


If flaws found with the insight, there may be a return to frustration,

preparation or incubation again. In some cases there may be a questioning of engagement.

Opportunity Insight

If no flaws in insight found there will be an advance to the elaboration

period where the insight is developed into a concept, idea and eventually

into a potential opportunity

This may be a process of creating a number of innovations so the idea

will be able to be exploited as an


Hunter, M. (2011) Opportunity, Strategy & Entrepreneurship, New York, Nova

Its amazing how much work can be done here…….

Most of my creativity develops here…sometimes faster than I can run


Creative Thinking Skills Creativity

Mental Maps

Prior Knowledge Expertise

Technical Knowledge Practical Knowledge

Intellectual Knowledge Tacit Knowledge

Experience Assumptions, Beliefs, Values






Unconscious Cognitive




The Environment

Motivational Trigger




Hunter, M. (2011) Opportunity, Strategy & Entrepreneurship, New York, Nova

Personal Mastery







New Skills

Confidence/ Self Esteem

Security & Purpose


Passion for the domain

Openness to Learning

Obsessive Persistence


Hunter, M. (2011) Opportunity, Strategy & Entrepreneurship, New York, Nova

Ego Concept

Sense and view of the world & reality

Inner drive - aggressive/destructive - sensitive/appreciative

Obtainment strategies Libidinal love for outside

world/internal world Self confidence Responsibility Accountability Drive/Courage

Influences Attention

Personality Situation/Life Experience

Capacity to Synthesize



Feelings & Emotions



External Stimuli

Filter Mechanism

Defense Mechanisms

Hunter, M. (2011) Opportunity, Strategy & Entrepreneurship, New York, Nova

Assumption of “worthlessness” Person’s “Vision” Where we are now

Increase of energy Positive Energy

Excitement Sense of Challenge


Negative Energy

Low self Esteem Anxiety

Feeling of Powerlessness

Moving forward towards success

“Belief in Success Gravity”

Things not going well

“Worthlessness Gravity”


Hunter, M. (2011) Opportunity, Strategy & Entrepreneurship, New York, Nova

If its for academic promotion

Write in some obscure

academic journal

so you can get brownie


If its to become an opinion leader

Then a blog might be right for you

Reader interest

The reason a writer writes a book is to forget a book and the reason a reader reads one is to remember it.- Thomas Wolfe

Stephen King

Will Self

Make your contribution to the


Totally Dedicated and Passionate

No tears and the writer, no tears and the reader. Robert Frost

Is there a magic



How to…..Seven secrets of

…….8 tracks to success…..

“Sexy Title”


How can I know what I think till I see what I say?- E. M. Forster

I work every day - or at least I force myself into office or room. I may get nothing done, but you don't earn bonuses without putting in time. Nothing may come for three months, but you don't earn the fourth without it.- Mordecai Richler

The first thing to do ……………………………

See the big picture of what you want to do

As for my next book, I am going to hold myself from writing it till I have it impending in me: grown heavy in my mind like a ripe pear, pendant, gravid, asking to be cut or it will fall.- Virginia Woolf


Don’t feel personal about it.Henry Mintzberg thought he could never get his first

book published

Chapter 1Introduction

Chapter 2The Industry Chapter 3

Essential oil Production

Chapter 4 Phytochemistry

Chapter 5 ExtractionChapters 6-8Planning

Chapter 9Agriculture


Chapter 11 ApplicationBook


Chapter 3Production in S.E.

Asian Region


New Zealand










Introduction Summary

Eucalyptus Oil

Tea tree Oil

Citrus Oils

Lavender Oil

Lemon Myrtle Oil

Lemon Tea tree

The Tasmanian Oils



Paragraph No:


Sentence No:









Every human being has hundreds of separate people living under his skin. The talent of a writer is his ability to give them their separate names, identities, personalities and have them relate to other characters living with him.- Mel Brooks

Plagiarism is defined as: the use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of

them as one’s own original work.

Anything new in this world is a

contribution of known elements

Our thinking is dominated by our prior knowledge

PlagiarismI quote others in order to better express my own self.- Michel de Montaigne

“Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind so much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking”

Albert Einstein

The most original thing a writer can do is write like himself. It is also his most difficult task.- Robertson Davies

We are as much informed of a writer's genius by what he selects as by what he originates.- Ralph Waldo Emerson

DraftsWrite the first draft with your

heart and subsequent

drafts with your head

The First Draft

Just get it down on paper, and then we'll see what to do with it.- Maxwell Perkins

If a man means his writing seriously, he must mean to write well. But how can he write well until he learns to see what he has written badly. His progress toward good writing and his recognition of bad writing are bound to unfold at something like the same rate.- John Ciardi

The most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in, shockproof shit detector. This is the writer's radar and all great writers have had it.- Ernest Hemingway

Writing: I certainly do rewrite my central myth in every book, and would never read or trust any writer who did not also do so.- Northrop Frye

Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all his sentences short, or that he avoid all detail and treat his subjects only in outline, but that every word tell.- William Strunk

Type of Writing No. Drafts

A letter at work 1-3

An essay at University 2-4

A Journal Article 4-6

A Technical Book 6-12

A Novel 8-16

James Michener “Hawaii” 25

* A Book especially technical book may require 1 or 2 revisions

Peer Review and Editing

“This morning I took out a comma and this afternoon I put it back again.”- Oscar Wilde

1. ReviewNot someone who wants to please you

Someone who knows the area2. Editing

Someone who knows the languageSomeone who is willing to give the time and extensive


The before and aft er you can expect

Before and after peer review and editing is the difference between

suffering and bliss…….

What I like in a good author is not what he says, but what he whispers.- Logan Pearsall Smith

Murray Hunter has meticulously written a very useful work, examining the influences on entrepreneurial strategy from a number of different paradigms. He argues that opportunity is as much a product of our mental schema as it is from the external commercial and social environment. He concludes that strategy should be opportunity, rather than firm-based and presents a relevant opportunity meta-theory to the socio-economic conditions of this new millennium.

--Amar BhidéThomas Schmidheiny ProfessorFletcher School of Law and DiplomacyTufts University

Murray Hunter's book has put opportunity at the centre of strategy. He has been able to blend contemporary strategic theory with the wisdom of the east in a meta-theory that extends our understanding of opportunity. Murray stresses the perceptive and interpretive issues around understanding the environment and forming strategy, which is a timely reminder for firms facing the turbulent markets of today.

--Hermawan Kartajaya,Founder and CEO of MarkPlus Inc.Co-author with ProfessorPhilip Kotler of five books, including:Think ASEAN & Marketing 3.0President of World Marketing Association.

Making the book Sell: Getting Reviews

Book Review: Essential Oils: Art, Agriculture, Science, Industry and Entrepreneurship: Focus on the Asia-pacific Region by Murray Hunter by Anya McCoy Published on 15th July 2010 09:55 AM

Life cannot defeat a writer who is in love with writing - for life itself is a writer's love until death.- Edna Ferber

What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure.- Samuel Johnson

5 Reasons why you don’t need to write a book

1. People who have a lot of ideas need a blog, not a book.2. A book is an outdated way to gain authority.

3. Books lead to speaking careers, but speaking careers often lead nowhere.4. You’ll make more money per hour flipping burgers than writing a book.

5. When you’re feeling lost, a book won’t save you.

While others are about passing on knowledge and imagination

Some are even about therapy

and justification

Thank You

The life of a writer is tragic: the more we advance, the farther there is to go and the more there is to say, the less time there is to say it.- Gabrielle Roy

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