the white legacy--epilogue

Post on 20-Jun-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Loose ends are tied up, and the White Legacy officially ends.


ContentThe White Legacy:Epilogue


June: “Wynter White. It’s too early. Go to sleep.”

Wynn: “But Mom, I CAN’T sleep!! It’s my birthday!!”

June: “Go back to bed or you’re grounded.”

Bay: “Fine, fine. I’ll get up with her.”

Wynn: “YAY!! I’m gonna go get Aunt Arie on the phone and invite her to my party again, and I’m going to call the bakery and make sure my cake is gonna get here on time, and I’m gonna go find my presents, and—”

June: “You spoil that child.”

Bay: “I do not. She’s perfectly ripe.”

June: “Ha ha. Very funny. I’m going back to sleep.”

Bay: “Aunt Arie! Uncle Kevin! Welcome!”

Kevin: “’Uncle.’ That’s going to take some getting used to.”

Arie: “Suck it up. You signed up for it when you married me.”

Arie: “So where’s the squirt?”

Bay: “Wynn? Asleep.”

Arie: “Still? The little slugabed! On her birthday, too!”

Bay: “Oh, she’s no slug. She was up at midnight, bouncing off the walls. I barely headed her off on calling you.”

Arie: “Oh, that wouldn’tve been a problem, would it, Kev? We love Wynn.”

Kevin: “Not at midnight, we don’t. Sorry.”

Arie: “Seraphine and Baltic were right behind us, so we’ll just head inside and find the cake, shall we?”

Bay: “I’m not going to come back and find the frosting licked, am I?”

Arie: “I make no promises.”

Bay: “Whoa, it must be seven o’clock. Suddenly got dark.”

Seraphine: “Hey there, Bay. We’re coming. Slowly.”

Baltic: “Nice coat, by the way.”

Baltic: “Hey, we’re really sorry we’re not going to be able to stay for the whole party.”

Bay: “Hey, don’t worry about it. You’ll be here for cake, right?”

Baltic: “Absolutely!”

Seraphine: “We’ll be here for most of the party, actually; it’s just that my dad is also throwing a party, and invited me, and I don’t really want to miss it. It’s kind of a big deal.”

Bay: “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever met your dad, Seraphine. What’s he like?”

Seraphine: “I hope you never find out.”

Bay: “Hey, come to think of it, why isn’t Baltic going to this party?”

Baltic: “I can’t. It’s happening at a sort of… private club. Long story.”

Clary: “Out of my way. My niece is in there.”

Bay: “Nice to see you too, Clary.”

Phoenix: “We’re here!”

Bay: “Zircon, Spar, Neffy, Phoenix… yep, that’s everyone. Let me go wake up Wynn and then we’ll have cake, huh?”

Bay: “Wynn… oh, Wynn…”

Wynn: “zzzgoawayDadtiredzzz”

Bay: “Wynn, it’s your birthday, and everyone’s waiting on you to cut the cake. Though I guess we could just go on without you…”

Wynn: “CAAAAAKE!!”

Bay: “WAIT! You need to get dressed first!!”

Arie: *sniff* “A girl after my own heart.”

Wynn: “Is everybody looking at me? I don’t know if everyone is looking at me.”

Lara: “Yes, Wynn, I’m pretty sure everyone is looking at you.”

Wynn: “Okay. I need to think of a really good wish. Not just any wish will do. This is important.”

Wynn: “Ooh, ooh! I know, I know!”

Wynn: {I wish… for a happily ever after!}

Arie: “Alright, Wynn, what’s the big wish?”

Wynn: “Hehe, it’s a secret!”

Neffy: “The timing on this party isn’t the greatest, I must admit.”

Wynn: “Hey! HEY!! Attention on me! I’m transitioning over here!”

Neffy: “Sorry, Wynn. Continue.”

Wynn: *affronted sniff* “Thank you.”

Wynn: “Uh-oh. Here come the sparkles!”

Wynn: “Hey, wow.”

Zircon: “Look at that, you have a hand!”

Wynn: “Auntie Lara, you said you’d made clothes for me, right?”

Lara: “I sure did! They’re in your dresser!”

Wynn: “Sweet!”

Wynn: “See ya!”

Wynn: “So, Dad? What’s the verdict?”

Bay: “…”

Bay: *weep*

Wynn: “What’s his problem?”

Arie: “Oh, only that his baby girl has just become a beautiful teenager who’s going to drive the boys wild. Don’t mind him; it’s a father’s prerogative to cry on his daughter’s birthday.”

Wynn: “Psh. Whatever.”

Arie: “So? What’s the big aspiration? What’d you pick?”

Wynn: “Oh, definitely Family. I want kids.”

Wynn: “Lots of kids.”

Bay: *cries louder*

“A-ha! Told you she’d pick Family!”

Patrick: “Could it ever have really been in doubt that she would aspire to Family, ma cherie? You were a Family Sim, of course, and this legacy does seem to have reached a full circle.”

Snow: “No kidding. They even named my little legacy-winner after me.”

Patrick: “In a manner of speaking. ‘Wynter’ does seem rather suspiciously connected to ‘Snow.’”

Snow: “Darn right.”

Patrick: “So, what do you suppose is next, ma cherie? What happens now that your legacy is complete?”

Snow: “Hahaha… Wynn has some amazing plans. She is going to really freak out her father!”

Patrick: “…is this a good thing?”

Snow: “Oh, sure. June will definitely get a kick out of it, even if Bay has trouble wrapping his mind around it. And while she’s off doing that, all my surviving descendants are going to be able to live peacefully and safely, without threat, for the first time in literally forever. Grim said it, so it must be true.”

Snow: *sigh*

Patrick: “What was that for, ma cherie?”

Snow: “I dunno… I feel oddly…”

Snow: “…content.”

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