the white legacy--generation 9, chapter 1

Post on 20-Jun-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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The end is nigh.


Is It Worth It?The White Legacy:Generation Nine, Chapter One

Welcome back to the White Legacy, where we have officially entered the home stretch!

Last time we met, Spike and Fen of generation nine were killed by Arc and the vampires; Sun was also killed by the vampires; Saffron started coming into her own as heiress; she met and got engaged to a fireman named Connor Rauscher; Bay and June got engaged; and everyone still remaining in the house graduated. I think that covers the highlights. Now everyone’s moved back into legacy estate with Lara, giving us four adults and one put-upon elder watching over them all. Let’s watch.

Bay: “Hey, Saffron. I’m allowed to see you before the wedding, right?”

Saffron: “Of course! I thought you’d want to be with June, though. You know, the one you’re getting married to.”

Bay: “I tried. She kicked me out. Something about ‘bad luck.’ Pshaw.”

Bay: “Hey, are you okay? You seem kind of pale.”

Saffron: “I’m fine. Just... a little nervous. That’s all.”

Bay: “Don’t be. Connor’s a great guy.”

Saffron: “Not just about that. Don’t be dense.”

Bay: “Really, Saffron, everything’s going to be okay. They’re not going to be able to touch us. After all, we’ve got werewolves and plantsims watching over us now.”

Jessica: “Ahem.”

Bay: “As they frequently like to remind us.”

Jessica: “Darn right.”

Saffron: “Hold on, you’ve got some lint on your suit.”

Bay: “Do I? That’s no good…”

Saffron: “Ready for this?”

Connor: “Absolutely. You?”

Saffron: “More than ready.”

June: “Remind me why we couldn’t go first?”

Bay: “Saffron is heir.”

June: “You all put way too much importance on this ‘heir’ thing.”

Clary: *sniff*

Lara: “Clary, are you crying?”

Clary: *sniff* “NO!” *sniffle*

Connor: “I promise to love and support you, in sickness and in health, in…”

Lara: “Everybody calm down!”


Plantsim: “Everyone! Outside! Now!”

*mass screaming*

Plantsim: “Come on bee friend, you don’t really want to chase us and sting us, do you? …do you?”

June: “AAARGH! They’re everywhere!! Get them off! Get them off!!”

Bay: “JUNE!! June. It’s okay, they’re gone, they’re gone!”

June: *shudder* “Why would she do that, anyway? Oh, ew, that was so gross…”

Lara: “Okay everyone, back inside! Let’s get this wedding back underway! Saffron?”

Lara: “Saffron!?”

Saffron: “Th-that ghost thing must be gone by now, right!?”

Saffron: “Belle’s Boutique…”

Saffron: “Oh… no... I didn’t know it was that close to nightfall…”

Priya: “HEY!!”

Priya: “COWARDS! Seven against one! How dare you!”

Contessa: “Hmph. Take care of this, Romi, Elizabeth.”

Jessica: “SAFFRON!?”

Saffron: “Dangit, where do they keep their weapons!? There must be something here! A knife, an alarm button! Anything!”

Jessica: “Saffron, what are you doing here!? Why did you leave the house!?”

Saffron: “It wasn’t by choice! I was chased by this ghost thing!”

Saffron: “They are not going to take me without a fight! I will not lay down and let them kill me! I won’t!”

Jessica: “Deep breaths, Saffron. I wasn’t expecting you to. But we’re not in your home; those doors aren’t going to keep them out. Priya won’t be able to distract them for long.”

Saffron: “So we fight back!”

Jessica: “Seven vengeful vampires against two werewolves and a human in a restricting wedding dress?”

Saffron: “We can do it! We don’t have to defeat them all, we just have to get to the door and run for it!”

Jessica: “They can fly.”

Saffron: “We’ll run faster!”

Jessica: “If only the rest of the pack was here!!”

Saffron: “Where are they, anyway?”

Jessica: “We didn’t know where you went! Your scent merged with all the others in the city, and we had to split up to find you!”

Saffron: “So maybe if we’re lucky, they’ll show up in the next five minutes… right?”


Jessica: “PRIYA!!”

Saffron: “…thanks, Jessica. You and the pack were always there when I was a kid, growing up without my parents. It was like I had eight parents instead of two. Thank you.”

Jessica: “You’re a good kid, Saffron. It’s been a pleasure.”

Julien: “Alpha! Here!”

Matthew: “It’s Priya! Inside! Jessica is already gone, but we don’t know about Saffron! We might still be able to save her! INSIDE!!”

Alexandra: “We MEAN it, you two! GO HOME!! It’s too dangerous out here! We need to make sure both of you are safe!!”

Bay: “Not until we find Saffron!!”


Clary: “SAFFRON!!”

Clary: “Alright, these doors are locked. No one is going in or out until we’ve reached a decision.”

Clary: “Stop crying, you pussy.”

Bay: “First things first. Connor. What are you planning on doing now?”

Connor: “I… I don’t know… I was going to marry Saffron, and we were going to be happy…”

Clary: “Yeah, well, that’s not going to happen anymore.”

Connor: “How can you be so cold!?”

Clary: “We can mourn Saffron when the legacy is over. For now, we have to keep moving forward.”

Bay: “Is it worth it?”

Clary: “Is what worth it?”

Bay: “The legacy. Is it worth sacrificing people for?”

Clary: “No. But if we give up now, Saffron and Spike and Fen and Grandpa Sun and everyone will have died for nothing. Is that what you want?”

Bay: “No… you’re right. We’re so close now, we might as well finish it.”

Clary: “Exactly.”

Bay: “So, Connor? What are you going to do? You can stay with us if you want.”

Connor: “Thanks, but… if Saffron’s not here, there’s not really any reason for me to stay.”

Bay: “You sure?”

Connor: “…yeah.”

Connor: “I guess I’ll be going then.”

Bay: “You’re absolutely sure? You don’t have to leave the meeting, you know.”

Connor: “Yeah. No offense, but I want to know as little about all this as possible. Would someone mind unlocking the door for me?”

Bay: “Well, that’s that. Next. We need to decide who’s going to be heir now.”

Bay: “…”

Clary: “…”

Bay: “Clary, I know you want it. Take it.”

Clary: “…”

Clary: “You keep it, you jerk.”

Bay: “Why?”

Clary: “Don’t you ever make me say this ever again, but you’re just better at this kind of thing. Besides, you’re already engaged. You wouldn’t have to go find somebody on short notice and hope you fall in love with them.”

Bay: “I think you’re selling yourself short, Clary. I know you’re frustrated and upset and everything, but you’d be great at being heiress. …besides, I can’t be heir. June’s not an NPC. I’d have to dump her and marry someone else, and I’m not willing to do that.”

June: *cough*

Bay: “What’s that? Did you say something, June?”

June: “Er, no, nothing. Keep on going like you’re going. Yeah.”

Clary: “Speak up, June. No one likes a mumbler. If you’ve got something to say, spit it out.”

June: *SIGH*

June: “Alright. So I might be an NPC. Who cares? I still think Clary should be heir.”

Clary: “What!?”

Bay: “What kind?”

June: “I’m a secret society member. It’s kind of a loose definition of an NPC, but still. It counts.”

Bay: “Since when? Why didn’t you say anything?”

June: “It never came up. Besides, I ran away from them. I was slated to be fed to the cowplant. Who wants to be fed to a cowplant? So I left. It was awfully convenient that Arie offered me a place in the greek house, actually.”

Bay: “So what do you think? Willing to give being a legacy couple a try?”

June: “Why not? At this rate, we’re all dead anyway.”

Clary: “So?”

Bay: “Clary, I accept. I’ll be heir, if you want me to.”

Clary: “Good. You’d better throw on your formal clothes, then.”

June: “Um, why?”

Clary: “Because you two are getting married right this very minute. If we don’t tell anybody it’s happening, nobody is going to show up to interrupt, right? Right. Clary, you’re a genius.”

June: “You’re sure there isn’t time for me to do my hair up? Or at least thrown on my dominatrix crown?”

Bay: “Oh, probably.”

Clary: “No there is not. Get on with it.”

Bay: “Shouldn’t we at least wait for Aunt Lara?”

Clary: “No. I don’t want anyone knowing about this until it’s already happened, thank you very much. You have no choice in this matter. Get on with it.”

Bay: “Well, rushed though we may be, I love you, June. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

June: “Same here. For however long that may be.”

Bay: “I love you, June.”

June: “Yeah, yeah. Let’s get to the honeymoon already.”

Clary: “Sappy kids.”

Calcite: “…”

Jocelyn: “Cal, where are you going?”

Calcite: “Jocelyn, you’ve seen what’s been going on. I’m related to these people, however distantly. I have to do something.”

Jocelyn: “We’re neutral, Calcite. It’s the basic tenet of who we are. We don’t involve ourselves, remember?”

Calcite: “I don’t care. I’m tired of standing by and watching them get hurt.”

Jocelyn: “Well, they’ve hardly been having a hard time surviving, but maybe we can work something out here. What are you planning on doing? Maybe we can do it in a way that’s… neutral. Somehow. Yeah.”

Calcite: “I’m going to Chantelle. They’ve expressed interest in helping before, and now would be a really good time for them to do so again, war or no war.”

Jocelyn: “Go to Chantelle!? The head of the light order!? That is the exact opposite of neutral, Cal!”

Calcite: “Well, then.”

Calcite: “Maybe I don’t want to be neutral anymore!”

Jocelyn: “Aw, man…”

Jocelyn: “Alone again…”

Callie: “…someone just teleported behind me, didn’t they. It better not be a dark witch breaking through my wards, or I’m going to open up a can of—”

Calcite: “Callie, it’s me.”

Callie: “Oh, Calcite. Hey. Since when were you a light warlock?”

Calcite: “So, uh, I may have just left my order and changed sides so I could pursue a cause, and I may not know how to actually contact Chantelle to further my cause. Can you help me out?”

Callie: “I don’t know, Cal, we’re kind of busy. You know, in the middle of a war—”

Calcite: “Please? It’s just, the legacy…”

Callie: “What about the legacy?”

Lara: “You got married!? WITHOUT ME!?”

Bay: “We had to! Clary wasn’t giving us any choice!”

June: “…so tired…”

Lara: *sniff* “My own nephew doesn’t even want me at his wedding…” *sniff*

Bay: “Come on, Aunt Lara. It’s not like we eloped on purpose.”

Lara: “How do you elope on ACCIDENT!?”

Clary: “June, you look kind of seasick. Been tub pirating again?”

June: “Urk!”

Lara: “…hm. Well. You two don’t waste any time, do you?”

Bay: *beaming*

Clary: “Do you guys hear the phone?”

Bay: “No, Aunt Arie, I promise we didn’t elope on purpose. Yes, we meant for you to be there. Yes, we appreciate all your support…”

Lara: “Hm. Support. We need a whole lot more of it.”

Bay: “Really, Aunt Arie, it’s okay. We promise we won’t do it again. It was kind of spur of the moment…”

Lara: “I’ve got an idea.”

Lara: “Alright, I know you aliens are up there somewhere…”


June: “I hate this maternity wear.”


Bay: “What’s that? Did you see that?”

Julien: “See what?”

Alexandra: “Great. I smell a witch. As if we didn’t have enough problems already.”

Julien: “Make that three witches.”

Alexandra: “Perfect. What are all of you doing here?”

Callie: “We’re here to pledge the support of the light witch order for the current heir. Is he just going to hang back there?”

Julien: “Yes.”

Callie: “Oh. Okay.”

Chantelle: “By the way, we saw in our magic mirrors that June’s pregnant. Congratulations.”

Chantelle: “Now, we have a list of charms and wards we’d like to set up around the house, just in case, you know. Your enemies do tend to have a flair for the dramatic, and we’d like to be prepared.”

Callie: “Someone just walked up behind me, didn’t they?”

Kid: “Hi, there! We got your invite!”

Bay: “Invite? What invite?”

Julien: “BAY! Get back inside!”

Kid: “Um, the party invitation? You know, the one you beamed into space? There better be a party here, ‘cause I’m just the forward delegate. In about thirty seconds, there’s going to be—”

Kid: “—about eighteen different—”

Gabie: “Hey Phlox, how goes the introduction?”

Kid: “MOM!! You interrupted me!!”

Vis: “Hey, you look like you live here. Who’re you?”

Bay: “Um, I’m Bay.”

Vis: “Bay, huh? Any relation to Ella White?”

Bay: “I’m her great-grandson.”

Vis: “Great-grandson? I’ve been gone for that long? That’s so EVIL!”

Gabie: “Come on honey, no need to scare the poor boy.”

Alien: “So where’s the party room? Ooh! I hope you have party poppers!”

Vis: “We’re going to set up in the game room! See ya! We’re gonna raid the fridge too, ‘cause we’re evil like that, but don’t worry, we’ll leave your desserts alone. It would be cruel to steal your sugar.”

Bay: “…did I just invite a band of aliens to a party at my house?”

Alexandra: “And I can already hear the music starting up. Great. That’ll make it so much easier to guard you guys without distractions, let me tell you. Whose bright idea was it to call them, anyway?”

Callie: “Hold on. Do you feel that, Chantelle?”

Chantelle: “Yes…”

Chantelle: “Whoever it is, they aren’t here… behind the house. Quickly!”

Bay: “What the heck is going on tonight!?”

Julien: “You said it, man. Race to the backyard, Alex?”

Alexandra: “You got it. Bay, hole up in the kitchen.”

Bay: “Oh, come on…”

Callie: “Oh, look, it’s Hattie. Returned to the scene of the crime, have we?”

Hattie: “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Callie: “So you’re saying you didn’t infest a wedding chapel with bees and then chase Saffron into a trap that led to her death, mmm?”

Hattie: “Well, perhaps. It was a favor for one potential ally. I’m here now as a favor to a different ally.”

Hattie: “It would be… beneficial… for you and all involved if you visited Peachtree Valley tonight, and brought with you plenty of reagents and your entire order.”

Chantelle: “Are you suggesting a battle in the middle of a suburb full of legacy spares, Hattie?”

Hattie: “WOULD YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME!? I am not here as your enemy tonight! Get down there! IMMEDIATELY!”

Callie: “And she’s gone. Ha. She really is an idiot if she thinks we’re going to listen to her advice. Even if she didn’t cause Saffron’s death, which she did, we’re sort of AT WAR.”

Chantelle: “Do you smell smoke?”

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